Anguish of the Forest

52nd of Vhalar 716

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Anguish of the Forest

52nd of Vhalar, Arc 716

He could hear the hooting of an owl from outside of the window, and the howling of wolves in the distant woods. Alistair had made his way to an abandoned cabin in the forest, invited here by a briefly worded letter. It listed the location of the cabin alone, ending with the letter "E", written in a deep shade of black. From that alone, he'd known who had taken the time to invite him. It was . . . mother dearest.

And as a black-hooded woman converged on the location, her mere steps enough to tarnish the fertile soil that she walked on, he knew he was correct. "Hello, Ali," she said from outside the window, her voice muffled by the thick glass. He looked out and slightly waved, his lips spelling 'hello'. The woman moved along the side of the cabin and opened the door, a blow of chilling wind running through as she did so. It was coming to the middle of Vhalar, and soon enough Ne'haer would be cold. All the better reason to do these things now - whatever it was she required of Alistair.

"You're probably wondering why I invited you here," she said. The man nodded. "Well, it has nothing to do with Seraas, which I hope will lay your fears to rest. Instead - I have a curiosity that I'd like to entertain. There is a breed of creature that lives in the Willow Woods, here. Not that many of them left - they're hunted for sport by ambitious mages, or they die trying to break through the gates of Ne'haer, or they run into an unlucky amount of Sylvithia in the woods. Even despite their recent failings, they're one of the most dangerous breed of monster in Idalos, and I'm curious to see the reanimation process around them. I thought we might hunt one and find out," she said with a slight smirk.

If they were indeed one of the most deadly monster races in Idalos, then that was . . . at least remotely terrifying. Then again, he did have Ellasin with him, who would probably make short work of them.

"They're called the Lurkers of the Cliffs," she said. "A breed of man-looking beasts that tower to twenty feet tall. Intelligent enough to craft armor and weapons, and understand human speech. They even build their own homes out of wood. Brilliant beasts. It's unfortunate that they're so savage and hostile. I'd repopulate the Coven with them if they weren't."

He didn't quite understand that one, considering the Coven was already filled with savage and hostile people, but he allowed her to carry on. She intruded on his personal space, investigating his belongings to ensure he maintained his conduit. He had indeed - he'd recovered it from the Sundial after his practice with throwing nels across the planet. He and Ellasin did it together - it was quite fun. There was nothing more likely to fool a commoner into thinking the Immortals cared about them than a golden coin flying at them from a hundred meters away, with no one else in sight.

"I have mine with me," she whispered, and reached into her pouch. Out of it she pulled a brilliant amber stone - a glowing magical font. It was the Sunstone, Aelothar. The All-Nexus. Alistair couldn't help but envy the thing, as it radiated before his eyes. She came prepared. Aelothar alone was enough to make a mage into a massive threat, and it was Ellasin who was wielding it. He could be calm. There was no reason to fear the Lurkers, not with her by his side.

Though he wasn't sure why she wanted him here in the first place.
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Anguish of the Forest

As they continued forward, the sun began to set. The shadows of the trees almost seemed to broaden, before eventually they dispersed, with the light of the sun no longer revealing them. The woods were endless, with an unholy amount of morbid looking animals and critters surrounding them. Spiders with faces he could swear resembled humans, wolves with howls that sounded demonic; the sound demoralizing him with pitch alone. Then, there were humans. Or things that looked like them, pale with torn clothes. They stood in corners, facing trees. Some of them stared Ellasin and Alistair down. Some of them even tried to hide from them, the thought alone mortifying the young mage.

"Those are Sylvithia," the Lich explained. "They're like wraiths. Creatures whose souls cannot pass on - once man. I do not know where they came from, but I know that they are many in these woods." And many they were, he noted - in fact, how common they were was absolutely astounding. But why? He'd gone to the Willow Woods before, and hadn't seen a one. Why were there so many this night?

Continuing on, he began to see horrors. There were pikes sticking from the ground, with the heads of recently-dead individuals mounted on their top. This was . . . not normal. In fact, it was so abnormal that he'd wondered if this was even authentic. It seemed like a false reality, just how violent and macabre this section of the woods was. There was nothing like it anywhere else.

And why were the Sylvithia gathering, even closer than before?

Not long after the man's anxiety began to rise, he saw a clearing before them, where the trees stopped and all that he could see was grass and twigs scattered about. The line of heads had ended by now, and the Sylvithia pulled back, totally away from view. His feelings of angst diminished, and he calmed himself to silence as they entered the clearing.

"We're here," the woman stated. Her young apprentice looked around, eyes circling the treeline to search for any twenty-foot men lurking about. If they were 'here', where were 'they'? His face looked perplexed. The woman turned to him and smiled faintly, holding out her palms. The clearing itself began to dissipate; his eyes were fooled. Trees surrounded them in the same thick proximity as before, soaked with blood. A man sat in the center, arms tied together, kneeling down. His head was low.

He looked like someone Alistair knew.

"This is Galador, Ali," she informed him. "You met him a few days prior to now. You spoke in these very woods. In fact, this was the exact location," she stated. Looking around - he could see it. She was right. But there was a difference . . . yes. The trees were soaked with blood, and entangled in their branches were the flayed corpses of men and women. Dozens of them, all around them. Too many to imagine. Was this real? Was it an illusion?

"Galador has been trying to turn members of the Coven against me," she said. Alistair immediately felt tension around his heart; like he couldn't breathe. But he tried to keep himself normal. His eyes calculating. His expression typically somber.

"I see," he replied. The woman looked to him, placing her hand on his shoulder.

"He tried to turn you against me, too, didn't he?"
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Anguish of the Forest

"Yes," he said. He admitted it - without a moment of hesitation. The sad truth was that he was ready and willing to sell the man out if it would save his own skin. That was who Alistair was. He never cared about the lives of others. It was always him alone. He remembered something from before, a few months prior. Damien told him that a time would come where Ellasin would ask Alistair to sell out his comrades. To sacrifice the lives of others to prove his loyalty. He told Damien in response that he would never surrender him to the Necromantress - that he'd die if need be. But this man was not Damien, he was Galador. Someone Alistair scarcely knew. Someone who meant nothing to him. He couldn't surrender it all for this one man's life.

"Did you give in?" she asked, her voice deep. Intimidating.

"No," he said. "I informed him that turning against you was pointless, and likely to result in needless death. That despite our bond, you would never forgive me if I fell into such bold machinations." He spoke honestly. The Lich could see that, her eyes almost twinkling; she was, perhaps, overjoyed by his . . . loyalty. Even if it was only due to his immense fear of her response, one surely clouded and wroth.

"He threatened me, furthermore, stating that he would remember my terror in the face of 'evil'. Those were the last words we shared." And it was the full truth. He could see the man's face rising, staring at Alistair in pure anger - that he'd give him away, that he'd not only not work with him in the downfall of the Coven, but that he'd work against him. It was an unbelievable cruelty he'd just been done, but he'd known for a while that the results would be grave if he were caught.

He just . . . didn't know how the truth had come out.

"I'm glad you told me the truth," the woman said. "But why did you not tell me earlier? Surely I should be made aware of such a threat to my rule." He paused. That was a difficult question to answer - and this answer, he would have to obscure. He would have to lie. There was no way he could tell her 'I hoped he would succeed'. It wasn't even just that he was afraid of the retribution he'd experience afterwards - his death - but that it somehow hurt to admit to betraying her. Since his initiation at her hands, they'd had a bond. One that he loathed, one that he didn't understand. But one that was there.

And in truth, if it came down to Ellasin's dying moment, he would have to turn his head away in sadness and shame.

"I didn't say anything because I thought it would be for the best if he'd continued to do what he was doing. Rooting out traitors until he was discovered. These corpses here, and the heads lining the path to the clearing - those were the ones he convinced, right? I knew I recognized some of them." He turned back to look. He known he'd seen the face of the red-headed woman, the one who'd always taken the time to ask a trivial question in class. And the stumpy young man that promised to be the best Alchemist of the Coven.

He remembered now. He should've seen this coming.

But, she believed him. Or she acted like she did. The woman smiled and patted him on the back.
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Anguish of the Forest

"You did well, Alistair," she whispered. "But the traitor must be dealt with." The woman stepped forward, then circled behind Galador, freeing him of his bindings. Around her neck, she'd converted Aelothar into a pendant, looking up to Alistair as the dissident Seeker rose to his feet.

She pushed him forward, her lips parting to speak. "Here in the Coven, we have a rule, love. If you have a problem with how I perform my duties as a ruler, or want me gone, you can challenge me to a duel to the death to see if your ideology was the correct one between us two. After all, the only true power is tangible power, and correctness and justice can only be doled out by those with strength." She continued to goad him forward, lagging shortly behind, as he was pressed toward Alistair on the opposite end of the clearing.

"However, in this particular case... I will do you a favor, young Galador. To gain freedom from the shackles I have given you, you must only prove your integrity to the one who sold you out. You chose to plant the seeds of rebellion within the Coven, and Alistair chose not to participate; to leave things as they are, acknowledging my strength. For while Alistair seeks change, as I know he does, he seeks it slowly. Methodically. He seeks to change the Coven by gaining the strength necessary to have a voice, rather than tampering with espionage and treachery. I know who Alistair is. You did not."

And she was right. He was astounded by how well she knew him, despite what little he'd shown her. He could hardly imagine how she'd even gained this information, of him seeking change. But that was a conversation for a later time. For now, he had to understand what she sought of him, and he thought he had some ideas.

In all likelihood, she would want for he and Galador to engage in a duel. If Galador won, he would be released to the Seekers. If Alistair won, he would be forgiven by the matron for his silence, and he would prove his skill as a mage.

But - he didn't even know what sort of magic Galador used, and so the trickiness of the situation presented itself. He could not use Abrogation to preemptively ward off a certain type of magic if he didn't know what that magic was, and his necromantic soldiers were not presently with him, which lost him a large advantage. Alistair could only prepare himself by tying his conduit around his neck and carefully examining his foe.

"You will be free if you can slay the man who wronged you, Galador," the woman declared. He was right to assume her decision. "I'll even give you a prize - an artifact to thank you for your time. Begin!" she exclaimed. It was on.

The man immediately responded by taking a leap back, whispering a silent incantation as a ball of flame manifested from his hands, zipping towards Alistair. The man held his hand outward, and from behind Galador, a portal formed; a black, blazing doorway. Without the man being given proper time to respond, the ball of flame was zipped back, as the man too began to be pulled into the portal. He managed to gain his ground and hold onto the grass, but the flames fell into him, charring his skin as he huddled into a ball to minimize the damage.

Alistair was not yet done, however. The intensity of the pull increased, and he began to dash for the other mage to put pressure onto him. A single misstep would result in the man being pulled into the portal, and considering he did not know where it led, he could only attempt to ensure that such a thing did not happen. As the Venora came at him with his fists, he responded in turn with a knife, cutting at the man's arm as he tried to punch him and stagger him back. Alistair reeled back in pain, though the dagger's cut was shallow and didn't puncture any veins. The man was visibly phased, and even as he tried to maintain his balance, he was pulled further back into the doorway that had opened behind him.

All of this was a technique Alistair had only recently learned of, within Rupturing: Pushing and Pulling, using the portal as a center of gravity and kinetic force. He hadn't realized just how effective it could be, though as it continued on it would slowly drain him of his ether. It was a technique he'd only learned recently, after all. He needed to close out this fight quickly.

The man flung his dagger at Alistair, going for the neck. The man held out his hand towards the dagger's trajectory, his corrosive energies flowing into his palm. As the dagger flung forward, it was degraded and dulled tremendously. Not even lodging into his hand, it merely fell onto the floor after bashing against his skin, which did cause pain and minor damage from the kinetic force but not enough to phase him.

The mage could only further strategize. Galador's feet stomped against the ground, and earthen shackles kept him grounded. The portal - he thought - was no longer a threat.

But Alistair, as the man locked his feet against the ground, ran at him and rammed into his chest. The top half of the man's head was within the portal, now.

And Alistair closed it. In an instant, his skull was ripped into, and portions of his brain were sent flying from the sky - where Alistair had placed the "exit" of the portal - onto the grass below. The man's head was ripped apart, as the portal's closing left his body no option to reconnect.

It was done quickly. There was no fear and no real danger. The man was an inferior mage, with little experience in fighting Rupturers, as he'd demonstrated. Alistair bowed to Ellasin, then looked down to the man he'd just slain. It was a shame.

"The Seekers are so weak," the woman laughed. "They send this man into our midst as if he's some sort of . . . elite agent. And look at that - murdered within moments by a Sotrosei. Unbelievable." She shook her head, a smile evident on her lips. Ellasin was delighted. And, honestly - Alistair was too.

The thrill of killing another mage was one he could never fully express. It was a thing of intensity. A time to prove one's self as a mage, a warrior, a man. And he had demonstrated his skill indeed. Their demented forest game closed off with Ellasin and Alistair returning to the Crypt, with the man's charred corpse and split head still lain out in the forest clearing.
word count: 1152
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Anguish of the Forest

Alistair Venora

Peer Review

Story: 5/5
Collaboration: 0/5
Structure: 5/5

Awarded Knowledge

Creature: Lurkers of the Cliffs
Creature: Sylvithia
Galador: Betraying Ellasin
Justice: Given by Those with Strength
Location: Willow Woods
Coven Rule: Challenging Ellasin
The Seekers: Weak

Loot & Losses [/color]xxxxxx Injuries
None [/color]xxxxxx None[/color]


This is a magic thread but it doesn't feel magicky! I love it! Very good :) thank you for so beautifully incorporating magic with making fun storytelling.

As you can see, I have provided feedback and reasoning behind my review. If you have any questions, comments or criticism about your review, feel free to send me a PM and we can discuss it.
Thank ye.
word count: 118
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