City Map & Location List

Information regarding the city and shops.

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Zuroni's Animal Care and Training Sanctuary
Artwork created by Unknown artist.

Developed by Niv
On the outskirts of the city just before the Willow Woods begins, Lies a large animal sanctuary that bustles with life. It was originally the Home of Zuroni, a veterinarian who often took in injured animals and brought them back to health. The mans good will attracted the attention of local Tunawa who began bringing him even more creatures in need of his care. Space became limited quickly and together with the Tunawa, Zuroni was able to build a space that could house quite a bit of different creatures and Tunawa alike.

It is now a small town where Tunawa and animals live, and a place where residence of Ne'hear can come to adopt or learn to train their animals. The animal fences in the sanctuary are actually made of stacked up Tunawa houses and buildings, and the massive cages are littered with tiny stairways and bridges for the tunawa to easily travel about. large trees filled with various birds and vibrant plant life decorate the landscape to make the animals and tunawa feel more at home.

The tunawa are most proud of the assortment of obstacle courses they constructed to aid in training and rehabilitation. They put a great deal of effort into making elevating by levels of difficulty so that every animal could feel challenged but comfortable.

The money Zuroni makes from selling the animals goes directly into keeping the sanctuary alive and towards building new additions. It is advised that you take care of the pets you adopt because the Tunawa are know to keep tabs on customers from time to time.


Name: Zuroni
Created by: Niv
Race: Biqaj
Age: 30
Born: 14th of Ashan, Arc 686
Title: Owner
Skills: Medicine (Competent), Surgery (Competent), Animal Training (Competent), Animal Husbandry (Competent)
Other Information:
A kind and generous man of great patience and compassion. He can be a bit stand offish and quiet however, and prefers the company of animals and Tunawa over the people of the city.


Name: Alarin
Created by: Niv
Race: Tunawa
Age: 17
Born:7th of Ymiden, Arc 699
Skills: Animal Husbandry (Expert), Animal Training (Competent), Leadership (Competent)
Other Information:
Alarin has always had a way with Animals, even when he was small all manner of creatures would be calm in his presence. This ability also helped him organize the Tunawa that live with Zuroni, and ensure they they all did their part to help the sanctuary.
He was never a slave but chose to travel along with his sister Lyssae and see the animals the world had to offer. He set up root in Ne'hear not long after after meeting his romantic partner Jenberon who convinced him to stay.


Name: Jenberon
Created by: Niv
Race: Tunawa
Age: 18
Born: 7th of Ymiden, Arc 697
Skills: Carpentry (Competent), Construction (expert), Sculpting (Competent)
Other Information:
Obsessed with building and making object and buildings, Jenberon was the Tunawa that organizes most of the ongoing construction for the Sanctuary. Unlike his Partner Alarin, he can be a bit abrasive and stubborn especially when he has a lot of work to do. His personality switches when Alarin's calming presence is around and he becomes more friendly.

He was a slave in the past but he doesn't like to talk about it.


Name: Lyssae
Created by: Niv
Race: Tunawa
Age: 10
Born: 25th of Ymiden, Arc 706
Skills: Animal Husbandry (Competent), Stealth (Competent), Intelligence (Competent), Investigation (Competent)
Other Information:
Lyssae is the best at finding injured animals and strange goings on. She's less trusting than her brother Alarin and is usually the one to follow new pet owners to see if they are taking care of their pets properly. She's weary of most strangers after hearing so many horror stories from local Tunawa.


Small Dog - 15gn
Medium Dog - 40gn
Large Dog - 75gn
Cat - 5gn
Lamb - 5gn
Kid (Goat) - 5gn
Lizard - 3gn
Turtle - 1gn
Garden Snake - 1sn
Duckling - 5sn
Duck - 1gn
Drake - 5gn
Goosling - 1gn
Goose - 2gn
Gander - 10gn
Pigeon - 10gn
Dove - 15gn
Owl - 20gn

Note: The above prices are for untrained Animals. To obtain the price of a trained Animal or Mount, double the listed cost.

Exotic Pets

Hawk - 30gn
Falcon - 80gn
Eagle - 300gn
Ocelot - 50gn
Feather paw Necromancer - 400gn

Note: For the safety of the citizenry, the above Pets can only be purchased fully trained. The listed prices reflect the cost of training these spirited mounts!


1 Hour Training Session 10gn
Animal Check Up 20gn
Players are free to self Moderate this location.
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Star Stone Bath House

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Ne'haer's City Square

Place Holder.

Jovira Qau'fnaj

Development credit goes to Ilied

Name: Jovira Qau'fnaj
Created by: Ilied Loraeva
Race: Biqaj
Age: 18
Born: 1st Trial of 1 Ymiden, 698
Title: Unknown
Languages: knows Rakahi, Common
Occupation/Location: Fishmonger, frequents the Sea Port Docks and City Square
Skills: Seafaring: Competent, Swimming: Expert, Fishing: Expert, Negotiation: Novice, Etiquette: Novice
Other Information:
Jovira "Jovi" Qau'fnaj is one of the more familiar Biqaj faces around Ne'Haer. This bright eyed, ever-smiling fishmonger can often be found along the ports selling her crew's daily catch. Rumors have it she might even haggle a bit, if someone can pique her interests. When not selling fish, Jovira can be found wandering the city, though she's mostly likely to be found around the City Square and nearby locations. A seeming inhabitant of Ne'Haer (though merely a Biqaj making business in the city with her Clan), it's not unlike Jovira to be found at other locations or to tag along to cultural events throughout the city. Outgoing, friendly, and a bit on the wild side, she seems to be a wonderful person to befriend. There's no telling what she might know having so many acquaintances…
Notes: If encountering Jovira on the market, please see a Narrator or appropriate Staff Member if your character desires to haggle for prices or information. When encountered outside of work, Jovira is less comfortable engaging in business relations, but more open to friendship. Feel free to befriend the NPC and take her on a date in the great city of Ne'Haer!
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Brujo's Shipyard
Cameron struggled for years to start a boat building business in one of the toughest industries to get into within Ne’haer. His hard work and determination paid off eventually and over the years Cameron has managed to build two workshops and employ up to four staff. The difficulties of working away from a prime location like the dock, or lake is that Cameron has often had trouble keeping workers, who are usually poached by bigger, more successful companies who often entice his staff away from him with higher pay-packets and bigger projects after he has poured years of training into them.

The two workshops on site are big enough to build long ships in and keep all of the timber and tools locked away safely. Set back from the shore, Cameron isn’t able to build anything bigger than what his team is able to move with simple technology, and sometimes the journey to the shore is strainful enough on the vessels to undo many seasons of work before the boats has even touched the water. It takes a patient, trustworthy, hardworking person to accept work here, where most would warn you not to bother.

Brujo Shipyard NPC List

Moderator's Note: Players are welcome to use these NPCs if they're writing about this location.

Berlion Brujo

Race: Biqaj
Age: 67 arcs
Title: Master Shipwright
Skills: Ship Building: 60, Woodworking: 45, Business Management: 35, Teaching: 40, Storytelling: 30

Cameron has owned and run this small business for the last forty-eight years. He is a proud, stubborn man with a good sense of humour and amazing work ethic, letting nothing slow him down, even old age. However, Berlion is a sensible man and realises that he isn’t getting any younger, and with two daughters and no sons, he is looking to train up a handful of apprentices in the hopes that they might help his granddaughter Coral keep the small business going in future. He values loyalty above all else.

Coral Brujo

Race: Biqaj
Age: 23 arcs
Title: Apprentice Shipwright
Skills: Ship Building: 35, Woodworking: 30, Business Management: 25, Singing: 45, Fishing: 40

Loyal, meticulous, and full of life, Coral has helped her grandfather build boats since she was a little girl and hopes to one day follow in his footsteps, becoming a master shipwright herself. She is dedicated to the success of Cameron's small business, and stops in at work even on her days off to make sure everything's running smoothly. Friendly but guarded, Coral doesn’t let anyone get too close, but appreciates people who work hard and often gravitates towards genuine souls.
Created by Bronik
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Seacres Hospital

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Auminah's Stables & Mount Gear
Developed by Inali

Anuminah’s Stables and Mount Gear can be found just outside the town gates on a large plot of pastured land. The facility is well maintained - sturdy white fences surround the training yard, stables, and grazing pastures. Large wooden statues of animals grace the opening gates and many more can be found throughout the stables and pasture land. Massive oak trees provide a measure of shade as visitors enter through the main gates. The stables and small shop are the focal point of Anuminah’s business and she proudly maintains a large selection of horse tack, armor, and feed.

The shop and stables are both made of study pine boards and a thick tin roofs. The smell of hay, oats, and horses permeates the air surrounding the stables, while the sounds of neighing horses and braying donkeys complements the melody of swaying oak branches. Anuminah’s is never without motion - stable hands are constantly mucking out stalls and can often be seen leading the horses to and from the grazing pasture.

The interior of the shop is meticulously organized - feed and general tack are lined up along pegs on the western wall. Mount armor is displayed on wooden mannequins along the eastern wall. In the middle of all the chaos, Anuminah’s husband, Leadorel, can be seen tallying purchases and writing down the current stock of mounts that the business has for sale. Leadorel is more than happy to help any confused customers by explaining the function of each piece of equipment.

Anuminah spends most of her time in the stables overlooking the health and training of the mounts within her care. She wears a large apron with pockets filled to the brim with apples, carrots, and sugar cubes. She is equally helpful to customers, though she often asks them a series of questions to ensure that her precious horses will be going to a good owner.


Name: Anuminah
Created by: Inali
Race: Sev’ryn
Age: 40 arcs
Born: Vhalar 18,
Title: None
Blessings/Curses: Loshova (Adored), Sevrath (Favored)

Animal Husbandry - 25
Animal Training - 50
Business Management - 10
Endurance - 15
Other Information: Anuminah is the proud owner of the stable and gear shop that shares her name. The majority of her life thus far has been spent travelling across Idalos with caravans. Her love of horses is apparent by the sheer joy that radiates from whenever she is near them. While she works from the time the sun rises until it sets, no one has ever heard her complain about the burden, and many Ne’haerians refuse to purchase their tack from any other merchant.


Name: Leadorel
Created by: Inali
Race: Human
Age: 45 arcs
Born: Zi’da 30, 671
Title: None

Business Management - 40
Woodcarving - 40
Teaching - 20

Other Information: Leadorel met Anuminah while he was travelling central Idalos. His first love is woodcarving, and many small animals decorate the fences and pastures around Anuminah’s land. Leadorel is the first to joke around about the hectic nature of managing a stable, but he maintains a jovial attitude throughout the stress and strain. He endeavors to spend more time with his daughter, Si’kail, though she is often out pursuing her own dreams.


Name: Si’kail
Created by: Inali
Race: Mixed Blood
Age: 20 arcs
Born: Zi’da 15, 696
Title: None
Blessings/Curses:Loshova (Favored)
Animal Training - 30
Storytelling - 25
Painting - 15
Woodcarving - 25
Other Information: Si’kail is the passionate only child of Anuminah and Leadorel. While Anuminah tried to share her love of animal training and husbandry with her daughter, Si’kail was far more likely to spend her days in the streets of Ne’haer. She fancies herself an artist and a bard and promises her family (and all those who would listen) that she will travel to Rynmere to make entertain the nobility. While her family does their best to calm her ambitions, Si’kail’s passionate arguments and independent streak often still their arguments.


Foal (Donkey) - 10gn
Horse - 50gn
Thorned Horse - 150gn

Note: The above prices are for untrained mounts. To obtain the price of a trained mount, double the listed cost.

Exotic Mounts

Mergala Equestor - 400gn
Bruxen - 600gn

Note: For the safety of the citizenry, the above mounts can only be purchased fully trained. The listed prices reflect the cost of training these spirited mounts!

Mount Armor

Chanfron (face) - 10gn
Criniere (neck) - 10gn
Croupiere (hind quarters) - 15gn
Flanchard (flank) - 20gn
Petral (chest) - 20gn
Caparisons (body) - 10gn
Full normal set of horse armor (includes all of the above) - 85gn
Full good set of horse armor (includes all of the above) - 170gn

Note: Please consult the price list for modifiers to buy single pieces of armor. Due to their rarity, extravagant and masterwork horse armor requests must be made to a local prophet.

Riding Gear

Lead Rope - 2gn
Bit - 4gn
Halter - 6gn
Leather/Chain Reins - 8/10gn
Harness - 20gn
Crop - 3gn
Saddle - 25gn
Horned Saddle - 35gn
Two seated Camel Saddle - 50gn
Rope Bridle - 5gn
Rope Halter - 3gn
Saddle Blanket: Small/large - 10/15gn
Saddle Bag: Small/large - 6/12gn
Spurs - 4gn

Note: Brushes, hoof picks, and other ‘mount care/maintenance’ items can be purchased at Zuroni’s Animal Care and Sanctuary


Hay (small square bale) - 5sn
Hay (large round bale) - 1gn, 5sn
Concentrate, five pounds (pre-mixed barley, oats, corn) - 2gn
Salt block (small, 16 oz) - 1gn, 6sn
Salt block (large, 5 lbs) - 3gn
Sugar cubes (5 lb sack) - 3gn
Apples (bag of 15) 4sn
Carrots (bag of 15) 6sn
This location can be self-moderated. Any requests to purchase rare mounts that are native to other regions of Idalos must be run by a prophet.
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Doracre's Delicacies

Nestled before the docks stands Isabella Doracre's Bakery; stonewalled with a slated roof and doors trimmed with gold and bright pink colors tend to attract much attention. But it's the candies and cakes on display in her window that really pulls the crowds into her shop. From the moment she opens till the moment she closes, baked goods are flying off the shelves in numbers.

The interior of the shop is decorated in brilliant gold and light green trimming with newly painted floral patterns that press the appearance of elegance and royalty. Porcelain dishes support an array of sweets, cookies, and breads while colored fabrics with thin ribbons house sugary pieces of happiness.
Please direct all inquires to the shop keeper.

Isabella Doracre

Race: Human
Baking - Expert
Cooking - Expert
Business Management - Competent
Socialization - Competent
Observation - Expert
Gwelliph: Exalted
Details: Isabelle is the owner of Doracre's Delicacies and tends to the shop and its customers along with her daughter, Elleth. Before opening the bakery many arcs ago, Isabelle was married to a biqaj soldier of the city. Unfortunately, he lost his life though his death was quite a mystery. Rumors drift around the streets of Ne'haer with questions as to how exactly Isabelle's husband died, though no one is too sure. After opening the shop, Isabelle found comfort in the daily musings of cuteness and finery when it comes to designing an excellent cake. She is sweet and personable, sometimes even flirtatious, however, her daughter is always there to keep her level headed and straight.

Elleth Doracre

Race: Mixed Blood
Baking - Competent
Socialization - Novice
Running - Competent
Investigation - Novice
Observation - Competent
Personality: Elleth is a quiet child, though do not get this confused with shy and/or soft spoken because she is neither. Surprisingly, Elleth has a keen eye for detail at her age, and is quite the observant child. She hovers around her mother like a hawk but allows distances between them so as not to cause too much trouble for her mother. However, Elleth is an adventurer and when she isn't assisting her mother with bakery orders, cakes, and cooking, she is wandering around the streets and alleyways of Ne'haer. At first it was merely a game to keep her mind off of the sad state her family has dissolved into, but now it's a job for the young girl and sooner or later, she's bound to get herself into trouble.

Dalis Ikan

Race: Sev'ryn
Cooking - Expert
Meditation - Expert
Observation - Competent
Unarmed Combats - Expert
Stealth - Competent
Sevrath: Adored
Personality: Dalis is a joyous woman hailing from the mysterious lands of Desnind. She set out on a quest to find her familiar counterpart some arcs ago and just recently discovered her spiritual companion within the dark forests beyond the northeastern gates. Finding the city comfortable, Dalis decided to stay and obtain citizenship with Ne'haer while working for Isabelle and sometimes babysitting Elleth. Though, don't be fooled by her warm smiles for Dalis is more than capable of handling her own in a fight. She is often the one who retrieves Elleth from her day or night long adventures.

Eryn Hemles

Race: Human
Cooking - Competent
Socialization - Competent
Winemaking - Competent
Observation - Competent
Baking - Novice
Cursed: Elithem
Personality:It is hard for anyone to know Eyrn, let alone trust him due to the color of his eyes. Though they aren't completely pitch black, the whites of his eyes are tinged with black, a sign that he is marked by an Immortal in some way. Aside from his eyes, Eyrn is an up-and-coming chef who was hired by Isabelle as an apprentice of sorts. He is a personable gentleman with the customers and a good enough assistant to work with. It is noticeable that he refrains from any contact with another person, something that may be related to the mark he wears.

Cecie Leisen

Race: Human
Gardening - Competent
Observation - Competent
Baking - Novice
Linguistics - Expert
Negotiation - Competent
Nalos: Favored
Personality:Cecie is a slave turned citizen due to Ne'haer's laws on slavery. Failing to establish her permits when arriving in the city, she was taken from her owner and escorted immediately to the Judgement Halls whereupon she met Isabelle. While she went through the process of obtaining citizenship, Cecie lived with and worked for Isabelle at the bakery. Once she was granted full citizenship, Cecie was able to afford a small cottage of her own. She is a quiet girl, though she is full of hope and dreams.
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The Golden Flask

The inn is a two story stonewalled building with a slate roof. It was once a manor owned by the infamous scholar, Ter Syh who mysteriously vanished during a voyage to the southern islands. The attic is home to her legacy now, which contains a vast amount of artwork, journals, maps, and old statues hardly worth anything. Accommodations consist of several small rooms with beds and woolen mattresses with few larger rooms. It is expected that all weapons are given to the server, Toben Jyers, upon entrance to Inn where they will be kept in a secure location till you exit the inn. If you refuse to give over your weapons, you will be escorted from the Inn.

Please ask your server or the Innkeeper for inquiries regarding the house special. The house special changes day to day. Entertainers, performers, and faction leaders can consult the Innkeeper for entertainment jobs.

Stewed Goose5snTanker of Ale3sn
Boiled Sausage and Beetroot5snTanker of Beer3sn
Pickled Mutton and Oat Biscuits7snTanker of Cider2sn
Poached Oxen with Cinnamon9sn
Braised Oxen and Pecan Bread10sn
Smoked Sausage and Radish7sn
Braised Catfish and Apricot Pie10sn
First Floor
Second Floor
Room Details

The Golden Flask offers many rooms to travelers and city folk. Ranging from a room with a single bed, nightstand with a water basin, and a dresser to lavishly decorated rooms that have tubs for bathing, fireplaces for warmth, and larger beds. The rooms are cleaned daily unless declined ahead of time and customers may request food until the midnight hour. Depending on what you would like to pay, and so long as you do pay, the Inn will not discriminate you based on appearances. The staff has been trained to treat each and every customer with respect so long as they receive it. Furthermore, there is opportunity for employment at the Inn.

Rooms & Cost
Simple Room (13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18)4sn x number of days
Spacious Room (4, 5, 8, 9)6sn x number of days
Simple Suite (3, 6, 7, 10)8sn x number of days
Extravagant Suite (1, 2, 11, 12)10sn x number of days

Innkeeper Aunic Kensmith

Race: Human
Business Management - Competent
Brawling - Expert
Socialization - Competent
Intimidation - Competent
Armed Combats (Sword) - Expert
Elithem: Favored
Vaelus: Adored
Details: Once a soldier for the city, Aunic resides at his home and business, The Golden Flask. He's as stubborn as they come but he knows how to run a tight ship. Aunic is not one who tolerates disrespect, especially from the inebriated. Though he comes across as a disgruntled pessimist, he's very perceptive to those around him and can be quite the charmer when he's interested in something he sees. However, his temper can and has often gotten the better of him. He is a good sparring partner and while the Inn tends to stay quite busy, in his down time, he enjoys teaching his staff a thing or two about sword fighting.

Bar Keeper Awọ Zánma

Race: Sev'ryn
Storytelling - Expert
Unarmed Combat - Expert
Socialization - Competent
Cooking - Expert
Intimidation - Competent
Sevrath: Adored
Details: Awọ Zánma is a very boisterous man that enjoys telling tales of the journeys he's taken across the world. He has a way of entrancing those who pause to listen to him while he goes about preparing drinks with ease. Most don't believe his tales, and they can continue to believe that for all he cares, but he does attempt to teach lessons every time he recites a story. Awọ can be seen speaking his native tongue to no one in particular. He explains that it is his spirit companion who doesn't wish to be name but only to those whom are worth of it. He can be a bit odd at times but Awọ is mostly a very entertaining man, if you stay on his good side. He can be very fearsome and intimidating to those who cross the line at the Golden Flask.

Ingrid Yavura

Race: Human
Etiquette - Competent
Dancing - Competent
Singing - Competent
Cooking - Competent
Gambling - Expert
Details: Ingrid is an eloquent, graceful woman that appears to dance around on the balls of her feet half the time. Though she's not the best performer, she loves to dance, sing, and provide joyful entertainment to those who request it. However, she's never consistent with her moods and can flip at the toss of a coin to an individual who is much more introverted. Memories, that's what happens to her. Random, vivid, and powerful. They take her from the world and return her shaken. It's something she isn't able to hide nor is she able to recover from quickly. Because of this, the regular customers call her moody and often blame her womanly nature for her behavior. Overall, Ingrid is an enchanting individual to be around.

Toben Jyers

Race: Human
Unarmed Combats - Competent
Intimidating - Expert
Persuasion - Competent
Armed Combats (Short Sword) - Competent
Tracking - Competent
Details:With a history as a fighter in the arena, Toben was hired by Auric as a server at the Golden Flask. He does well taking orders from customers, cleaning tables, and participating in the events that are held there but mostly, he's the first confrontation any visitor meets coming into the Golden Flask. His main task is removing weapons from the customers. While he is a natural charmer, his experience with warriors in the arena comes in handy when customers don't comply with his requests. Because of Toben, trouble rarely ever comes into the Golden Flask and he is thanked for that everyday. Toben is still a boy at heart and can be quite easily caught off guard by blunt flirtation, even though he's worked there for some time.
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Sifrea's Winery

Place Holder.
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Harbor View Village

Harbor View Village is a section of housing found in the western half of the city. Though it is not as upscale as the more pricier, eastern side of Ne'haer, the Village is a quiet and quaint place with spacious, affordable apartments. Each apartment space comes with a bathroom, counters, cabinets, and a hearth for cooking and heating. There is an office within the Village that citizens and travelers may visit for inquiries about renting space.
Room Style 1

A 600 square foot studio apartment that is priced at 60gn a season

Room Style 2
A 600 square foot studio apartment that is priced at 60gn a season

Room Style 3

A 900 square foot one bedroom apartment that is priced at 90gn a season

Room Style 4
A 900 square foot one bedroom apartment that is priced at 90gn a season


Race: Avriel
Personality: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
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