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Jon enters Ne'haer

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Jonathan Burr
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Going to the Coast

"Hey! Give me half a goddamn second." Jon growled when Alistair kicked dirt at him. He slowly stood up. Alistair. Of course Daeva had to lead him to an asshole to be his introduction into the world of magic. He began picking dirt and leaves out of his hair, ruffling it up to free the bright red locks from dirt. "Jonathan. That's Daeva." he gestured to the Harvester, who was content to stand next to him. If she worked carefully this could be a good relationship for Jon. Alistair was powerful, that much he'd proved by summoning the apparitions. Jon was at least alert enough to look properly sheepish at his reaction.

"I don't...usually go around doing shit like that." he explained. Everything he'd read told him ether was addictive and dangerous. Getting a taste of it, he could see exactly how such a thing could grow wildly out of control. He cleared his throat. "Sorry." he apologized. "Look, I'm not...really sure where I'm supposed to be going or what I'm doing. I spent years trying to get to this thing and now that I've gotten it I'm not sure what to actually do. I know this can be strong but... I know I need help."

Daeva nodded approvingly and looked to Alistair. 'Then know that he is to be your master in all things, Jon. I can help you, but he knows more about magic. Your journals and writings, all the things you collected were rumor and superstition. This one has lived it. Submit to him and be glad about it. He'll make you into a good mage.' she told him, and disappeared. The Harvester had a strange way of manifesting and leaving. Her back end lifted up and started to twist into nothing, like flesh being sucked down a drain. It almost looked like a gigantic swath of furry cloth that consumed her limbs and head, then twisted away into smaller and smaller size until nothing remained. Jon shuddered a bit.

"I'm never going to get used to that." he mumbled.
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            Going to the Coast

            He really did calm down, and now spoke like a rational human being. Quaint. Alistair would certainly miss their wild vulgarity, and of course all of the thrashing, but he had to admit it was certainly better for both of their well-being to not go around contemplating the massacre of townships. Besides, Alistair had spent all of his trial previously trying to help war-torn towns. Now was not the time to start killing them.

            He'd save that for enemy towns, something considered perfectly moral and justifiable, including by his own metrics.

            "Jonathan," he said, nodding. "Daeva," he added. "Your familiar has a name? Oh lord. I thought we were supposed to treat them as soulless ether repositories - Immortals be praised, how wrong I've been," he rolled his eyes. That was Ellasin's way of doing it, anyhow. But her spirits were different - they weren't Harvesters, but other things. Skinwalkers, similar entities. She hollowed out their mind and took control, and used them as naught more than second and third sets of eyes.

            Well, Jon was sweet enough when he wasn't swapping emotional states every three trills. Alistair supposed he could take him on as a student, particularly considering it had been a while since he'd had one, and most of his apprenticeships didn't last long. They always scurried off once it was clear that he was only teaching them magic so that he could utilize them as a pawn against the Coven.

            Before he said anything, though, Daeva spoke. She referred to Alistair as his 'master in all things,' and tasked Jonathan with 'submitting to him'. The mage nearly burst out in laughter; this was absurd. This whole trial was. But he felt great, better than in nearly a whole arc. He felt confident, and worthy, and like he was finally being acknowledged - respected. He wasn't being bossed around by Damien, or cleaning up Kleine's shit, or lamenting Fridgar. He was Alistair, a master mage. He'd almost forgotten how far he'd come.

            "Don't call me master," he said sternly, as the Harvester swirled into dissipated... nothingness. "You can call me Ser. That's more knightly than... slave-y, and I'd like to consider myself a mage for the common good," he half-teased, half confessed. "Anyhow, just because that spirit bitch started yapping about me being your instructor, doesn't mean it's going to happen. You have worse than zero qualifications at the moment, considering our only encounter has been me saving you from immediate self-destruction," the man continued to demean him, likely because he continued to be satisfied by doing so.

            "Pop in by Kaelserad in two trials, it's in the town of Ki'eiran. I have something to prepare for on the twenty sixth. Until then, clean up your fucking act," the mage demanded, before flapping his pinky playfully to initiate a blink, as he disappeared entirely from the scene.
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                      Going to the Coast

                      My, my, this was an interesting thread. I have to say that both of you were displaying multiple personalities. It was quite astounding to see Alistair's brutal side. He is a frightening character who seems very aware of his power. I wonder how that affects the perception of others around him? I look forward to reading more of your writing. Jonathan was also showcasing extreme ambition. This could lead him down a dark road, which would be a great story to tell. I'm sure his Harvester is delighted by this aspect of his personality. Regardless of his path, it will be an excellent story in the future. By the way, I love Davea, she oozes sensuality and wisdom at the same time. The story of this thread was well constructed, although more could have been done to give a clearer picture of your setting, but you focused more on the interaction between your characters, which is perfectly fine. ;) It was fascinating watching the exchange between them. Anyway, enjoy your rewards!

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