• Event • [Global Event] The Great Meeting

19th of Vhalar 716

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[Global Event] The Great Meeting

Xiur bit back the urge to rise to his feet again. He knew he would only begin pacing anew in frustration and anxiety; and there was already too much of those emotions souring the mood of the hall. His recall of the last two trials did nothing to improve his demeanor. 'Hope' was one of his domains, yet his best efforts outside the hall had barely registered any lasting impact on the scattered defenders still facing off against the shadow beasts' depredations.

He had done what he could to support their efforts and would not suffer the suggestion that he'd made no difference. But while lifting heavy masonry to get to trapped citizens, and filling them with hope while they were rejoicing in rescue was gratifying, the way their faces fell when they looked about the smoke and rubble of the remains nearly stripped himself of their newfound hope along with them.

Ne'haer had not been one of Xuir's common destinations throughout the arcs. Were it not for the element of Treid's heart being the focus of the three conspirator's intent, he might not have gotten involved at all. And where his old friend's future was involved, Audrae must surely be mixed up in it as well. At first, this had not appeared to be the case. But now news had come that clearly showed her involvement. Whether it was willing or not was still uncertain.

Equally uncertain was Faldrun's place in this whole ordeal. Every indication was that his minions would have a superior resistance to the shadow beasts; their very blood being a disintegrating element to the creatures' cohesion. But the ambush he'd staged on the Etzos contingent's route had come off as very ill-prepared. Xiur knew many ways that the Fire Lord could have ensured victory over the heroes en route to Ne'haer. But the attack had clearly been rushed and uncoordinated. And while Xiur was thankful for that, it put Faldrun's complicity with the conspiracy in doubt. Had the Fire Lord been in on Lisirra's plan from the start, the riverside ambush would have shown far more preparation and been a devastating success.

Perhaps some detail would come out in the meeting to account for it. He knew that Faldrun and Lisirra were not on good terms. Yet, where the lives of mortals were concerned, they seemed quite compatible. Xiur had plainly heard what the Marshall of Etzos had said; that they were already "dealing with those responsible" for the shadow attacks. These creatures had apparently beset that city in advance of most others on Idalos. And with Lisirra gone from Rhakros, it looked like Etzos was mustering for retribution against her city.

Part of him wished them well. Another part wondered if this was perhaps Faldrun's part in the conspiracy; to wait for Etzos to march south, so he could do the same against Etzos. He sighed heavily. This was shaping up to be a grimly interesting cycle.

He had been waiting for one of his Immortal siblings to make some speech, whereupon he would spread the aura of hope throughout the room. It struck him as manipulative though somehow. Even as this thought struck him, a mortal woman made a worthy attempt to fill that same role among the others present, stating that they were not afraid. Reactions of several of those present suggested mixed reactions, or even outright scorn for the brave words.

Xiur was inspired by it though, and now felt a measure of shame for his gloom. Of course there was fear. There would always be fear on Idalos. But he stood in support of the young woman. "No, it is not that we are not afraid. Do not show disdain for brave words misspoken. I do not believe that this soldier meant that no fear is present here. What we have seen should give any rational being cause to fear. What she meant is that we will not surrender to fear. We will not cower and await these fiends to finish us, uncontested, at their leisure. Such treacherous beings as these are surely already scheming their betrayals of each other. It is ever their way. They will not trust each other enough to wait until they have achieved complete victory before they begin undermining each other."

As he spoke, he allowed an aura of hope to spread throughout the assemblage.
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[Global Event] The Great Meeting

Tristan didn’t know about the others, but he was absolutely terrified the moment that he left the ship, and he felt sick inside. Most of Ne’haer was already lying in ruins, and the shadow creatures still refused to give up. Had they come too late? What was the point of hauling a ship full of would-be adventurers across the ocean if their destination was already gone? He looked at his slave as if he were hoping that she would be able to tell him, even though it was unlikely that she knew more than him. And then he abruptly drew his blade. He had barely survived the fight on the ship due to his lack of proper combat experience, and his face still hurt, but the illusion of safety and protection was better than nothing.

While they waited for the great meeting to begin, he stayed close to the others. He was occasionally arrogant and a narcissist, but he didn’t have a death wish, and he knew that he wouldn’t last long if he went somewhere on his own. He didn’t have any skill in medicine, and he also couldn’t cook (some of the people that he passed by really looked as if they needed something to eat), but he had money which was one of the best things about being a Venora. So he gave the poor inhabitants of Ne’haer that had lost everything nels. He had too many nels anyway. He also tried to acquire a few supplies for them which was quite a challenge since a lot of shops didn’t exist anymore.

When the time for the meeting came and they all made their way to the Judgement Halls, he was relieved. All the suffering on the streets of Ne’haer had gotten to him, and he didn’t like how it made him feel. He had, perhaps for the first time in his life, realized how truly privileged his life had been so far. Even during the civil war and the shadow creature attack on Andaris he had been relatively safe and able to rely on his friends and his family.

It surprised him that the building was still intact – for all of a trill before he came to the conclusion that it probably had something to do with the presence of all those Immortals. The Immortals! He looked at the dais open mouthed. His eyes were as big as saucers, so big that they seemed to drop out of their sockets. She was here! Ilaren was here! His secret immortal crush! He had dreamed of almost sleeping with her once – or a woman that looked like her, and he always drank his alcohol in her honor! He wished that she would look in his direction just once, but she was probably too busy trying to save Idalos to even notice him. He let out a deep sigh. It was kind of understandable, but still …

And then U’frek and Xiur spoke, and he momentarily pulled his gaze away from the Immortal of Alcohol. I wouldn’t mind a bit of comfort, he thought to himself as he heard Rafael’s words. Preferably by a certain redhead. But I suppose that’s unlikely to ever happen.

He didn’t know about the others, but he had constantly been very close to surrendering to his fear since the shadow creatures had first attacked. Reading about heroes, he had come to realize, was fun, but playing the part of the hero yourself was mostly unpleasant and dangerous. Somebody needed to take care of Faith though and make sure that his brother got his boyfriend back alive and in one piece, and so he was still there, trying to act as if his recruitment for the mission had not been a total mistake.

For a moment, after Xiur had ended his little speech, he even managed to feel hopeful.
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[Global Event] The Great Meeting

If she had been embarrassed the moment Xiur spoke her embarrassment vanished and it was replaced with beaming pride, she'd just had an immortal take notice of her, it was... well she didn't have anything to compare it too, but it was totally stupendously exuberantly and any other adjectives she could find... it was Awesome, her fatigue while still present melted, she felt like when the doors again opened she'd be ready to fight as many legions of monsters as it took to free her city.

The feeling of hope the seemed to pervade the room was... unique, the emotion didn't feel quite natural, if anything when Xiur spoke it reminded her of her father patting her head when something went wrong, it was comforting and it made her feel like she was ready to fight for tomorrow, a feeling tat she'd been trying to instill in others without ever feeling herself smiles and pats on the back for her fellow soldiers were good, but she;d been doing them dishonestly. for once she believed her own words, and she felt gratitude to the immortal who'd spoken, he'd done her a favor in more ways than, one. It the immortal woman in armor was somebody she wanted to be like, the Immortal who'd spoken, he was someone she wanted to be around. Like some great commander she pretended to be, that man really was, he'd inspired the people in the room when she'd merely irked them, he was doing what she only wished she could do.

Standing straighter Symbri thumped a fist against her chest, if she had to simplify, she was honored, it was enough for her she felt to fight and die unknown if it meant that Ne'haer would survive, she wasn't even a soldier, she hadn't realy considered herself, she was just a citizen forced into a war. In a coty beseiged she'd tried to be the light, the torch bearer, and she'd just seen what it meant to truly be a beacon. For some perhaps such a momnet was trivial, so few here seemed awed by the immortals, weary and tired they were unable to expereince the passion in this room. Xiur had just blown on the kindling in Symbri's heart igniting the spark she bore in the form of love for her city. Truth was, she had been afraid, and she'd been lying, but now... now she was ablaze, the darkness that threatened to consume her very heart now fled her soul. Standing tall Symbri grinned.

"I won't speak for my brothers and sisters, but I'm willing to lay down my life but for a future were the shadows flee the light, not threaten to consume it."

Perhaps it was out of place to speak among dieties as a mortal, but what did she care, living on borrowed time already she figured, why not see how brightly she could burn before fate snuffed her out.
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[Global Event] The Great Meeting

In the Hall
It was chaos. It was absolutely hellish chaos and Faith had spent the trials since they got here trying to help. Her medical knowledge was much better than it had ever been and so she had spent the trials elbow deep in those who needed it. She could go without sleep for a few trials, there was no worry there, none at all and so the young slave had done everything she could in order to try and help. She had checked with her owner first, of course, and he had told her to carry a weapon and not get killed. She had assured him that she would do both to the best of her ability. It had been a hellish few trials and she was tired and hungry; she had stopped to sleep when she had to, and had eaten when she absolutely needed to, but other than that, the young slave had worked. The trials whilst she had been working she had spent in constant prayer to Famula, in devotion to her Immortal who must surely walk this place. She had repeated the prayers over the corpses, whispered them into the ears of the dying even as she had fought to keep each person that she could alive.

She was exhausted.

So, when they met again in the hall, Faith had her long black hair tied back, her pale face was paler than even was usual for her and she wore her armour and the long gladius with an ease which might have been surprising once upon a time. Her silver eyes watched what was happening, looked around and listened to each one who spoke. It had been said, the promises of bravery, the assurance of being willing to lay down lives and all sorts. Cynicism from a young Lord Warrick that she recognised, bravery or bravado from the woman who she did not recognise, arrogance and superiority from some and just plain uncertainty from most.

She stood, next to Tristan and she looked at her owner for a moment. He had changed, in a way which he would never change back from, she knew, and she briefly mourned the man he had been. But the man he had been had lived in a world which did not exist. It was difficult for him and she slipped her hand into his and squeezed, just once, then let it go again and stepped forward.

"The time for talking is not now, as I see it. Whilst we talk, horrors happen. You brought us here because you need us to act. What do you need us to do?" she asked, her voice carrying clear. The rest of it was just rhetoric and bluster, be it hopeful bravery or cynical bravado. Why were they here, what did they need from them? Now was not the time for anything other than clarity. Maybe they would all live long enough to ask why them, specifically, or how it had come about. But right now people were dying, shadow monsters were growing stronger and they didn't have time for faffing about.
word count: 521
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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[Global Event] The Great Meeting

Jachiel made sure that his hands were deep in the pockets of his leather coat before he climbed stiffly off the boat into the ruined city, so that his bad arm didn't flap and give him away. The crowd around him flowed toward the Judgment Halls and, lacking any better option, he followed them. Smoke filled the air and rasped a bitter finger across his tongue and throat. His eyes darted, taking in the sights and trying to lay down mental markers to find his way back. This was not a city he'd ever seen before, nor one he'd ever intended to visit, and it was clearly not looking its best at present.

The Halls were intact, in stark contrast to the rest of the city, and he grimaced at that indication of the immortals' priorities. Inside he set his back against a wall, sharpened his alertness as best he could to deal with surprise attacks, and settled to watching the others present. The Immortals were obvious by their commanding presence and the power they radiated and he flinched involuntarily as they locked the doors. Was this just a trap? He looked quickly round for an alternative exit, unaware that his movements betrayed his military experience, but saw none. He pressed his back more firmly against the wall, loosened the gladii in their sheaths, and listened.

The immortals had things to say did they? And it wouldn't be good news? Someone called out that they weren't afraid, and Jachiel barely suppressed a snort. Only a fool wasn't afraid going into battle. One of the immortals picked up on that and expanded on it, filling the air with unnatural hope that choked as much as the smoke did. Jachiel refrained from spitting to clear his mouth of the taste. It probably wouldn't do much good anyway. He was no hero, didn't want to be. When heroes bought the farm, it was six feet of sod and no seed but a rotting corpse.
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[Global Event] The Great Meeting

And so he was right. The old man was in fact an Immortal, and not just a coincidence. The boat trip had been long and painful, but judging from the ruined city, the people here had it no easier. The young sergeant had finally decided to put on the silver wings granted to him by the king, only to show, well, to show something, and even Aeon had no clue what he was going for with it. At least they were making a contrast against the pure black cloak with their silver shine. And they were worn on the other side from the embroidered dragon, for obvious aesthetic reasons.

The two trials were not brief for him, not in the slightest, considering he was one of the few remaining fighters within the city, well, fighters that actually decided to fight. There were many more fighters that decided it was best to tend the wounded, or simply lie in the shadows waiting, and thinking. Aeon had killed enough of these shadows for it to become a routine, and so, one by one, he was slashing at the never ending horde. There was no time for sleep, or food, and the skyrider had only managed to take a few sips of water, only after seeing a tall, dark figure come and inspire both the fighters and those helping the poor souls. He had that aura, much like U'frek, except his one was an aura of hope, an aura that inspired some to keep going.

Of course, fighting a never ending horde of monsters that could not feel pain wasn't exactly an easy task, and as good as they fought, the monsters still kept making their way onto the ruined walls, some even going inside the city. But there was just not enough time, and not enough men, to keep everyone safe, and so Aeon made his way to the one safe building in the entirety of the once-great city. The Judgement Halls. The young one found he was just in time, as a tall woman of a strong and confident stature walked by him to bar the doors he had just passed through. A thought crossed his mind, what if there are people outside, still trying to get in? But it was gone quickly as his eyes crossed the bright eyes of the woman. There was no questioning it, she was one of them. An Immortal. Much like the other eight which stood on the dias. What was going to happen now, since they were all so neatly locked up in one single building? It would be a great time to kill all of those Immortals, along with their Summons, if there were divine beings behind the shadow beasts.

And as Aeon grew sceptical of what was going to happen next, U'frek's words began echoing through the Halls, striking each and every one of the mortals within them. It gave him no explanation. No explanation for the monsters, for why they were here, nor for the future. Just what was the God hoping to accomplish with such a poor introduction? We are not afraid and so it went, yet another foolish introduction, now made by a girl that should not be here, that most definitely did not deserve this fate. How many of them? How many innocents were the Immortals ready to sacrifice just to further their own goals? They had a good couple of hundred of them right here, at their disposal. Only in fear, a man can show bravery Ryqos once told his airman. If the girl truly had no fear, she had no bravery either, and yet it was hard for Aeon to believe that.

Some of the faces in the room were quite familiar to the young one, while most of them were not, but he could see there were most of the Biqaj, Sev'ryn, and Humans, probably because of Ne'haer's population, he presumed. Many of them actually spoke something to themselves in response to the foolish words of a little girl, many of them in their own languages, but Aeon kept quiet, it was best to keep quiet, at least until he knew who was even on their side. Just as Rafael's voice was heard in the Halls, the skyrider pulled down the hood of his long cloak, revealing a small part of the divine armor he was granted. The Seven be damned.. Finally, yet another skilled fighter, which would surely come in handy. Except Aeon didn't see the Warrick kid on the ship, how could have he gotten here from Andaris if not with U'frek on the ship? Still, once more, like any other time, his thought process was interrupted by another man speaking, but this time, it was not a simple mortal willing to express their opinion. It was the man of the aura of hope that helped with defending from the beasts. The aura he spread with his speech was utterly unnecessary on the young skyrider, seeing how he was the embodiment of hope, at least somewhat. Aeon, whether or not he was influenced by Xiur's aura, hadn't given up on saving each of them, and he wasn't going to, not now, not ever. Even if he had to pay the ultimate price, as the girl said.

A voice of reason finally echoed through the Halls, and the young one's only eye grew with slight pride in it as he spotted the woman talking. It was Velma, Faith. For some reason, her words were nearly as inspiring as Xiur's, perhaps because of the point behind her words. Xiur's words were inspiring for sure, but they served no purpose but to bring courage into the men and women's hearts, while Velma's words had a strict point which was made just perfectly.

Aeon decided not to trouble himself with it, but only to await the Immortals' response silently, and behind his armor and cloak, with his hand still on the handle of his blade. If the Immortals didn't, or even worse, couldn't, protect the rest of the city, it was only a matter of time before the Halls fell into ruin as well, and when that happened, the sergeant needed to be ready.
word count: 1058
"A hero is someone who steps up when everyone else backs down"
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[Global Event] The Great Meeting

Ti'niva observed a girl walk by him as he examined the others in the room. He looked at her and she seemed oddly familiar, he was sure he had never met her before. He recognised her yet he could not place his finger on where from, it was as if they had met in a past life or something. It began to frustrate him that he could not remember where he knew her from. He considered asking her yet he decided against it, for the time being at least. If he was to talk to her he would wait until after the meeting and until after he was out of this crowd. He was beginning to wish the meeting would be over quicker, his anxiety about crowds was beginning to kick in. He felt enclosed and as if he was going to be trampled by the many beings who stood around him. He swallowed as he forced himself to bring his attention back to the meeting.

They spoke of hope and taking the fight to the enemy, not allowing them to slowly take down all of the mortals because we did not unite. He agreed to an extent they did need to come together and fight the shadow creatures as a unit, alone they would not be able to combat the onslaught of hordes. Together they could bring this attack on the mortals of Idalos to an end and the people could return to living a life not completely full of death. By working together the mortals would stand a better chance at getting to the bottom of the issue and eventually defeating this new enemy. With the guidance of these few immortals Ti thought it may be possible to bring the enemy to their knees and win. Ti'niva, however, kept these thoughts to himself like he normally would. He was not one for bringing unwanted attention to himself in places like this.

Ti'niva kept listening waiting for more information to be revealed and paying attention to the views of the other ones present to understand what they wished to achieve and if they believed in the cause. Personally he was unsure if he truly believed he was here for that cause, in all honesty he didn't really know what he was doing there. He was sure it was for the defense of Desnind and the Makubwa Lori but here in Ne'haer he could not quite see his true help. He knew he could fight and he knew he could kill the beasts he had succeeded in that already but here he couldn't see how he was defending his people in the immediate time. Instead he tried to look at the long goal eradicating the abominations so that Desnind would be safe in future and not need to be protected all the time. He did want to help the other people but his main aim was those closest to him. He knew this sounded cruel but it was the truth and he couldn't help feeling that way. It wasn't a lack of caring because he cared for all living things, but the prioritisation of one.
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[Global Event] The Great Meeting

Another of the Immortals spoke; a dark skinned man wearing armor. He spoke seemingly to clarify the words of the woman who had said that they were not afraid; saying that fear existed...and that any rational person would fear what was happening. Then he told them that they shouldn't surrender to that fear. Lei'lira agreed with the Immortal's words...in theory. Giving in to fear wouldn't accomplish anything. In fact, it would only make things even worse if people gave in to panic. And yet...agreeing with the Immortal's words, and obeying them were two very different things. It was hard not to give in to terror in the face of the shadow creatures. Lei'lira was no warrior. She had no training to deal with such things. No skill in using a weapon to defend herself, or those around her. Surely she would be more of a liability than a help to whatever the Immortals wanted them to do.
On the other hand...the Immortals were greater than mere mortals. Far greater. If they saw something in her that made them feel that they wanted her help in this, then who was she to argue? Maybe the fighting they had done so far wasn't all that would be required of them. Perhaps there was need of others skills as well. As the Immortal spoke, Lei'lira felt hope fill her. Perhaps they would survive this after all. Maybe...maybe even succeed in doing what the Immortals wanted of them? It seemed impossible, and yet...maybe they could pull it off. The Immortals had to know what they were doing when they chose the people who were gathered here...didn't they?
Lei'lira realized that the hope she was suddenly feeling came from the Immortal who was speaking to the group. She frowned thoughtfully. Hope was one of the domains of the Immortals...but which one was it? She had learned the names of the Immortals in her first year of school. But that was a long time ago. After thinking about it for several bits, she remembered; Xiur. Xiur was the Immortal of hope, clouds, dusk, and stars. Lei'lira tried to remember anything else she might have learned about him in school, but she couldn't think of anything. After a while, she gave up, and waited to see what else would be said during the meeting.
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[Global Event] The Great Meeting

One of the people --the immortals-- on the dais spoke, a dark-skinned man of great height and intimidation, and with his words came a brush of hope, feather-light but true. Quio felt perhaps the first ease he had in days; the first ease since he had lost himself to the shadows on the ship. For a moment, he felt like he could actually breathe. His hand, unbidden, went to the sword at his hip, a weapon he had not dared touch for the last two trials, not since he had used it to cut and slash at people who should have been friends.

Maybe we'll make it through this, a tiny hope whispered, and he gripped the sword's hilt harder, letting it reassure him.

Faith spoke out with typical pragmatism that he agreed with completely. He wanted to do what they had been called for and have this whole mess over with. But there was something else that nagged at him, something the intimidating immortal had said, and he called out quietly now in a voice somewhat hoarser than usual, "What beings do you speak of?" The immortal had said beings were scheming betrayals of each other. Not the shadowbeasts; there was no intelligence in those. No planning, no true cunning. He knew. There was only rage.

For the first time he realized the shadows weren't a natural occurrence, some sort of strange wicked magic brewed up by the land. There was something --someone-- behind the attacks. "Who do we oppose?" A thought struck him low in the gut. "Not-- not some of your brethren?" He struggled to hold onto the hope he had felt when the immortal had spoken before. Focused on breathing. Focused on thinking.

The shadows had always reminded him of the nulliem, those dark, hopeless creatures in the Uleuda good only for destruction. Now the Yludih rubbed at his eyes, wishing he could think more clearly, wishing he could speak openly to these people of that other world-- there was something there, some sort of connection, something more than coincidence?

The shadowbeasts and the nulliem.

They were different, the shadowbeasts didn't destroy by touch alone and didn't seem to infect their sickness onto others-- well, or at least hadn't yet infected anyone other than himself. The one he thought was called Doran had said something that suggested that might have been a failing --a weakness-- on Quio's own part.

So, putting that outlier aside, he thought-- yes, the two types of creatures, despite their differences, seemed to be of the same ilk. They both were made of darkness; both destroyed by light. But what did it mean?

And what did it mean for the mortals gathered here? If it had been immortals that had cast this terror unto the people of Idalos, unto the cities...

He knew little of the gods. He didn't know how to stop them. He didn't know how mere mortals might be strong enough to resist.
"Speaking in Rakahi"
"Speaking in Common"
"Speaking in Ulehi"
word count: 514
Ruq, Iaan, Korim
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[Global Event] The Great Meeting

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19 Vhalar, 716

The Hall of Judgement
Rita stayed near the back of the group as they made their way from the ship to this 'Hall of Judgment' that Quio suggested they go to. He seemed to be more connected to what was going on, having talked to the captain of the ship, been possessed and formed into a shadow beast and now he was telling the party exactly where to go. Perhaps he was special to whatever was happening, and some dark force had tried to destroy him and any hope of these shadow beast being disposed of. Hope was something the Ithecal lacked. If she was, to be frank, Rita didn't care whether she survived this calamity. The loss and pain were bearable but the nightmares were too much. Yet she kept a false smile for those around her and continued on as normal.
"Oh great it's on fire." She said to no one as they came up to within view of the city. "Good first impression." The fortifications were practically falling apart, half the city was raised to the ground and the other half was on fire or severely damaged. Some sort of warrior guild made up a parameter doing all they cold to keep the shadow beast from entering the city but with little successes. There was something strange about some of the defenders, however, Rita didn't have much time to investigate. They continued on into the city and towards their destination.
The other members had a mix of emotions, from fear and anxiety to excitement and confidence, Rita felt nothing. Void of emotion and feeling. She didn't like it. As for when they arrived, they found nothing. No grand meeting, no gathering of power, just a destroyed city and the halls quiet. Rita stayed with the group for a while but moved to assist at a medical area doing all she could even with the damaged arm.


Two starless nights followed. These saddened the Ithecal as she could take no comfort in the endless dark. The meeting was finally called; Quio was correct if a little early. When Rita arrived other people were filtering into the grand hall. So many different people. Why do the immortals need us? She stopped in the doorway, amazed. The hall was grand, ornate in gold and jewels unlike anything she had ever seen but that was not what had stopped her. Eight immortals in full battle armour were at the front of the hall, six seated, one choosing to stand and one at the dais with her hand on her sword. Rita did not know any of their names or what the represented. The Ithecal was not one to take an interest in the immortals and was fully aware of how strange that was for one of her kind. Frankly, there were more important things than sucking up to supernatural beings. They gave off an intense aura of strength and none would dare touch them. Rita moved out the way, finding a spot near the back, as the warrior Immortal moved through the gathering and closed the doors as the last vestiges of the crowd filtered in.
Finally one of the immortals spoke bringing a hush to the idle chatter“Greetings Mortals... It is by unfortunate events that we gather here today and I fear the news we share will do little to provide comfort for you all..." Well I don't think any of us were expecting you to say 'hey sorry, been a crazy few arcs, here is the sunshine and sparkles to make everything better' The Ithecal shivered involuntarily and could have sworn one of them was looking at her. A woman spoke from the crowd, stating they were not afraid even though her voice broke, Rita liked her gusto. Something spread through the hall, Rita went quiet as the Aura spread over her. She looked up to the Immortal that had caused it, watching unsure. It was as if a new fire was burning inside her, something that was long ago lost had been partially restored. Xiur. The name came as if from a distant memory. Immortal of hope I am sick, I need help. Causing as little disturbance as possible Rita moved forward, observing what had happened but with the intent of getting close to the immortal and his power.
Template made by Aelius for Rita
word count: 780
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