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Faith and Vivian

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101 Ship Biscuits

3rd of ZI'Da 719 12th break.

Ice storms had been plaguing Ne'haer and its territories since late Vhalar, and hadn't let up today of all days.

The pitter-patter of so much sleet and hail against his tin roof were starting to grate on Woe's nerves. He sat, reading his book of Webspinner nursery rhymes, still trying to decipher their deeper meaning which currently and perennially eluded him. It might've struck one as absurd, to see a mature adult human sat at his desk reading what was essentially a children's book. But this was serious business. He must know more about the Webspinners. At times, it occurred to him that Brigantia may have been playing mind games with him when she said it was encrypted. And perhaps relished the idea of manipulating the son of Sintra into reading mindless children stories. He set the book aside for a time, tucking it into his desk when that thought occurred to him. Later, he'd find out. He'd ask Sywena to put her expertise at Cryptography to work on it... And of course she'd laugh at him. However, Woe was not a proud man. He was determined to know if Brigantia had indeed played a prank on him.

A throat cleared at the doorway to his study, alerting Woe to the presence of his Etzori peasant butler, Fargis 'Fleaface' Cutler. A strange collection of modifiers, but such was the contradiction in terms, Fleaface. He stared uncertainly at Woe, as he often did. Like he expected the mortalborn to lash out at him at any moment.

"Er... Sir? There's a couple of women down there, askin' to see you."

Woe's eyes landed on the Etzori, coolly staring at him for a moment, "Well... Did you let them in? Or did you not notice the hail coming down from above?"

"Aye, they're in the recept... err Kitchen. Should I fetch them?"

Woe tapped his desk a few times, wondering who it could be. Fargis of course knew a little of Woe's Ne'haer acquaintances, but no one besides as far as he knew. Perhaps it was the council come calling, about a foreigner buying land in the Treth area. He sighed. "Fine, I'll see them. Leave us once they're here."

Having been dismissed, Fleaface went down to fetch the women. He said to them, "Mister Rand will see ye now."
word count: 410
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Re: 101 Ship Biscuits

3rd Zi'da
"It's incredibly handy," Faith agreed to Vivian as the pair of them walked towards the area where the building site was. With coats and cloaks and hoods pulled up over their heads as the icy conditions hit them full force. "It means we can get to Ne'haer, and be home in time for tea. Padraig was in the expedition which found them, you know," Faith had this immense sense of pride whenever she discussed her husband and never more obviously than when she talked about his achievements. "There were a group of them, they found the portals. They're called Eclipse Portals because one of their number died. A man called Jackson Eclipse." It really was hammering it down and Faith wondered how long this had been going on for. "So, he's needing help." Faith said, with a smile, "he's known as Wolston Rand. His Almhouse is where we're headed." Faith had the letter, but she glanced at the distance between her and Vivian and determined that, in the current weather conditions it would be mush before it got half way between them.

"People here are starving," Faith said, softly. "It's far enough out of Ne'haer itself that there isn't an Order outpost, so I've written to the Order in the main city, asking them to do that, and we are here with the hope of getting this charity off the ground and people fed." Faith smiled at Vivian. This was far more what she did on a trial-by-trial basis. She helped people. "The city is quarantined, they need food. So, he wrote to me." He had ship's biscuits, and Faith had brought supplies with her, as much as she could.

They got to where they were going and there were people working, even in this weather. They got led into a sparse, still being built inside, room while they waited. Faith looked around at the building, at the room, at the people. Then, when the man came in and said they could see Mr Rand now, she smiled and nodded, glancing at Vivian with a half-smile and slightly raised eyebrow.

He led them through into a study and there, he knocked the door, showed them in and then departed. He hadn't taken their names so he couldn't introduce them. Faith stepped forward towards the man who was sitting behind the desk. She offered her hand. "Wolston Rand?" Her nails, of course, were black and her wrists bore the tattoos of Famula ~ evidence of her marks and blessings was all over her body. "My name is Faith Augustin, this is my companion, bodyguard, and friend, Vivian Shiryu. You wrote to me, so I thought I'd pop over and help out if I could." Faith gave a slight smile. "I've brought a few things which may be helpful but, from the point of view of what you've told me. From my point of view, information about the situation and what you're facing would be good. I imagine Vivian would like to know other things?" Faith figured that things like security and so on would be the Rharnian's concern.
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Re: 101 Ship Biscuits

"You know, while they probably give whoever is in charger of security a proper fit, those Portals are incredibly useful." Vivian said as they walked through the rain and the hail. The Eclipse Portals were a new thing to Vivian, but she could immediately appreciate both their use for travel and the strategic weak point they presented. As Faith explained the story of how they Portals had become a thing, and Padraig's involvement with them, Vivian listened quietly then nodded at the end. "You know, the two of you really are well matched. You both do amazing things." she said, before grinning slightly. "Plus, it's gotta help having someone tall enough to reach things on the top shelves." she said, giving Faith a slightly teasing smile. Faith was, after all, very short and practically everyone around the little healer was nearly a foot taller than her, if not more.

When Faith got to talking about why they were here, Vivian nodded. "Looks like they could use more than just food. Warm blankets probably wouldn't go amiss. Or perhaps a roof big enough to cover the whole village." she said, risking a glance up at the sky above. When Faith got to talking about the quarantine and such, Vivian gave her a sideways look. "You run Isonomia, yeah?" she said, before sighing slightly. "So how are you planning to sneak food supplies around the quarantine, doctor?" she said, giving an amused smile. Faith was as bad with her chronic heroism as Vivian herself was sometimes accused of being, though in a different way.

When they got to the house, Vivian let Faith handle the introductions and start the conversation, bowing her head when Faith introduced her. "There are a few things I'd like to know, yes. Mostly in regards as to how secure this place is. There was a drought, yeah? Once you get your food kitchen running, there are people from outside your village who will want some. The ones who are genuinely desperate may try asking first, they may not, but they'll be easy to talk down. The ones who'll want to take it to deny others having it or because they want to make a profit off it, those will be more problematic. It's a sad truth, but you'll likely need to be ready to defend your village once you get the food supply going." she said, before shaking her head. "And for that matter, do you guys need anything besides food and, I would guess, medicine?" she asked, her tone a mixture of genuine concern and a sort of semi-cold professionalism.
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Re: 101 Ship Biscuits

Wolstan’s house was adjoining the larger building that would become the Almshouse and it’s various bare facilities. Facilities that would include a kitchen, a mess hall, and a huge dormitory for the residents. Wolstan’s house by comparison was just a small two-story, with one master bedroom at the top and an office and kitchen on the bottom floor. Not much to speak of, really, but Woe had never needed much to be satisfied.

Woe wore a silken, dark sapphire blouse beneath a black tweed doublet, fastened by silver buttons. Cloth of silver cravat around his neck was tucked into the neckline of his vest. Tweed trousers of black color with diamond-quilted stitching. Shoes of black, polished leather. Wrist-length gloves of black tweed. Over it all, he had a black velvet cloak, lined with royal blue and cloth of silver brocade.

He was perhaps overdressed for the occasion, but he’d only sent the letter yesterday. Woe hadn’t expected a reply, much less a visit from the woman on the very next day! Faith was nothing if not decisive.

When it became clear who they were, Woe visibly relaxed, fearing it was someone from the Council come to bully him for more resources, in the idea that he was holding out on them. While he’d done what he could to curry favor with those people, politicians were rarely satisfied with their lot, and councilors least of all, their position being as precarious as the mood of those who propped them up.

Woe rose from his chair, and extended a hand, that Faith would see as covered in filth and caked blood, toward her. Behind him, the ghosts of two individuals, one a portly middle-aged man and the other a young woman with a blood stain on her face and a livid expression. Next to both of them, were the shadow of Woe himself, and that of a small child.

”Pleased to meet you, both.” Woe said, trying his best tight-lipped smile on them. ”I, I am very surprised to see you’ve received my letter so quickly, much less respond within a day! Were you in Ne’haer already then?”

”Yes, anyway, unless you have a city’s worth of rations, I’m afraid there’s little to be done. I did mention the 100 or some odd ship biscuits, and we’ve only a small amount of food, enough for one family really. Not nearly enough to prepare chowder.” Woe shrugged apologetically.

To Vivian, he nodded, ”Yes, Treth is in a uniquely precarious position, being the one place where food might still be found. Many desperate men have tried, but the Blades have been a tremendous help there, as have the fortifications they’re placing up…” Woe’s mouth twisted at the mention of fortifications. The walls nearly cut his acreage in half, but such was a problem he had to contend with as a proprietor.

”I can defend myself if need be, to a point. And Fargis, who you’ve met, isn’t entirely without his uses in a fight.”

A raspy cough sounded from the next room, as Fargis snorted and spat, then muttered curses.

”But yes, you being here, is so much of an encouragement that I cannot begin to thank you.”
word count: 555
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Re: 101 Ship Biscuits

3rd Zi'da
"Sneak?!" Faiths's face showed that she was teasing as she reacted to Vivian's statement. "I will have you know, I do not sneak. I am more than happy to answer any and all questions regarding the contents of my Domain Bag should anyone in authority ask." They hadn't, of course, and Faith knew that they were unlikely to. But that wasn't the point. Anyhow, she considered, this place was in dire enough straights that she knew she needed to help them. It was grim and the weather was vile, but it gave her hope that there were people who were helping - and asking for outside help.

One of whom they went to meet. When Vivian had teased her about her height, Faith had chortled. When she'd said that Faith and Padraig were well matched, the young healer had responded rather shyly. However, as the pair of them went in to meet Wolston Rand, Faith moved into "work" mode, and that was that. Her face was serious and she listened both to Wolston's words and to Vivian's questions and his response. The man had two ghosts attached to him, and blood on his hands. But then, in Faith's eyes the hand she extended to him had more blood on it. She responded to his question with a shake of her head. "No, Mr Rand, we came via Eclipse Portal - I'm not sure if you've heard of them." If he had, then she continued on, if not, she explained. Either way, she listened to what he had to say and she smiled, shaking her head slightly. "I think we can do a lot, Mister Rand. I have here," she lifted her Domain Bag "All the ingredients we'd need to make a chowder. I've also brought with me a hundred ship's biscuits.noted in pb ledger in my CS" They'd been all she could get her hand on at short notice, she explained.

"What I suggest we do is the following," Faith said, with a smile. She wasn't prepared to do anything except save every individual she could, frankly. "We use the largest kitchen you have, we make the chowder, I have enough ingredients to feed five hundred with the base chowder. All fresh. The addition of the ship's biscuits will make it last a lot longer, and you will need to give smaller portions, so we can stretch that. Also, I'd like you to tell me, if you would, about what resources you do have here?" Faith's eyebrow quirked slightly and she admitted, with a shrug. "I can use things usually inedible. Things which have gone over into rotten and I can, if you'll allow me to work with you, very much stretch your larder to the point where I think ... well, we can work on getting enough to tide you over. In the meantime, we need to look at your crops and how we'll work with that. With your permission, I can make it so that I can return here regularly throughout the cycle." She considered and then looked at the pair of them.

"Treth will need defending, then, no doubt. And, Mr Rand, this may seem like an odd question, but possibly not since you've heard of me. Are you aware that there are two ghosts attached to you? I'd be remiss in my duties if I didn't tell you. Hello," she said, to the ghosts in question. "I can see you, quite clearly. Is there anything I can do to help?"

Faith was, as always, a tiny little whirlwind of change and straight-talking. She smiled at Mr Rand and nodded her head at his last words. "You're very kind. We can bring hope and tools and determination to work. I've always found that's enough to solve most things. Where would you like to begin?"

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Re: 101 Ship Biscuits

Woe listened to her suggestions. His eyes widened a bit when she told him she had enough ingredients in her magic domain bag to feed five hundred, as well as a large shipment of ships biscuits. When it came to the issue of his resources, he shook his head.

"I wasn't able to scrounge up much meat or any other foodstuffs, admittedly. I had expected that if you would come back, it would be much much later in the cycle. Not that I'm ungrateful, but I... Well, I didn't expect any response at all, to be frank." Woe spoke with a suppressed lowtown accent. He listened to her mention her capabilities, how she could work with ingredients that were rotten or inedible. Idly he wondered if shoe leather would suffice because he had very little else to offer.

When she mentioned the ghosts behind him, Woe went nearly as white as a ghost. His eyes widened even further, when she addressed them, as she could see them. He'd gotten used to them in recent days, and managed to resist their attempts at possession. But this was an entirely different situation. There were things that the ghosts could tell Faith Augustin, things that may disincline her to trust or help him!

Emma was the first to step forward out of his shadow. Her face was livid, and half-covered by her own blood. Yet Faith could see she'd been pretty in life. "I'm Emma Heen. And this..." She gestured toward Woe, "Is our murderer."

She'd spoken too quickly for Woe to interject. Yet he added afterward, "Only in self-defense... Well mostly. And I didn't kill Erastus, dearest Emma. That was entirely your doing."

Erastus spoke next, smirking, He appeared in good health, a portly man but with a large gash in his abdomen, where he'd bled out from back to front. "Ahh, the poor confused boy... Like the son I never had he was! And yet he came to me in treachery, intent on murder! All for jealousy of an Immortal mark!"

Woe lowered his head, shaking it. "Well... There's that." After a few trills, he looked up at Faith with an expression of defeat on his features. "I suppose that'll be enough to drive you off my property, if not have me arrested..."

"And you are quite wrong, I'm not very kind. I'm only an opportunist, trying to grasp at the gratitude of the council in order to advance myself. Such is the way of living I suppose, we all use each other as a stepping ladder to get to the next milestone."

He lowered himself into the seat and waited for the two to respond to what he'd told them.
word count: 466
Words Like Violence, Break the Silence


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Re: 101 Ship Biscuits

3rd Zi'da

Resources were an issue. Ok, well, they were going to have to get inventive then, that was all. "Meat comes from many sources, most of which people don't eat because they have some strange ideas about what's edible and what is not. Well, needs must and all that and so we're going to be creative." Faith looked at him and smiled. "Insects. Birds. Fish. Horses. You name it, I can make it taste good. Grass, flowers, leaves. Get your people out and foraging, Mr Rand, and we'll work a miracle or two." She could and would, Faith had no doubt about it. There were people here who could collect up insects and grass and so on. There were nutrients to be found everywhere in nature and Faith could make them into meals which were both delicious and good for those eating them. She'd need to make sure that they were hearty, but she could do that. "Also, animal corpses. Bones make stock." She really was a nose-to-tail type of chef and so, she believed, they would all need to be in order for Ne'haer to survive this.

But then, she asked about the ghosts and Mr Rand went white. Then, the young woman spoke, and Faith knelt down in front of her and listened. First to her, then to Mr Rand who Emma named as her killer and then, to the ghostly man. She listened to the three of them and she sighed, slightly. Then, Mr Rand seemed to decide that she was going to behave a certain way and so, Faith spoke softly. Lifting her hand to move her hair away from her forehead, she revealed the Gwelliph mark. "Truth is something I can see, Mr Rand. It's as tactile to me as the desk. So. I'd like you to tell me, please, factually, exactly what happened. When you are done, I'm going to ask you some questions, which will mainly consist of whether you lied, or lied by omitting the truth." She smiled slightly. "I understand that something has happened, but I will not judge without the facts." When she had those, she had every intention of following up, one way or another, but that said. "And I will not be leaving, no. We have a job to do here. And Mr Rand?"

Faith's voice was gentle and calm, but equally, the diminutive young woman was as determined as determined could be. "I do not believe, not for one bit, that 'such is the way of living' nonsense. Using other living souls as a stepping ladder is detrimental to all concerned. Plus, it's a ridiculous notion. Wherever you are in your self-perceived climb, you can't trust those below you and need to oust those above you, despite them knowing that they can't trust you." She smiled at him, her tone the one she used when teaching. "I have never seen the world that way and believe that doing so leads to unhappiness and isolation. I gain nothing from coming here, from helping. Not by your measurement. By mine?" Faith shrugged, just slightly. "By mine, I gain the knowledge that I did my best and helped where I could."

That said, she sat down and gestured to him. "So. Just the facts please, as you recall them. If there's something you don't recall, please feel free to say so." Faith smiled encouragingly and waited for him to speak.


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Re: 101 Ship Biscuits

Date here....
Vivian nodded when Rand said that there some defensive fortifications going up, then thought for a moment. "If there's a map with the fortifications on it, I'd like to have a look at them, please. It helps to have the lay of the land in view when coming up with plans. You see, if word gets out of what we're doing here, you can probably expect some clever fellow to gather together a group and attack in force. It helps to have a response to such things worked out in advance, and that's why the good doctor brought me along." Vivian said, grinning slightly.

As the discussion turned to food, Vivian largely remained quiet, but she did speak up at one point. "They're riskier to get, but don't forget that predators can be a source of meat as well." she said, when Faith and Rand were talking about sources of food. "Also plant roots. I have a cousin who's a farmer, and apparently carrots and potatoes are a root, so there may be more roots that are not only edible, but delicious." she said, shrugging slightly. When the conversation turned to ghosts, however, Vivian moved over to a window and looked out over the town, looking to see what could be learned about defenses from that viewpoint.

When Faith started on her speech, however, Vivian turned back to face her friend and the man who appeared to be wrestling with his own guilt. "Don't forget, that just because you've done something bad, redemption isn't necessarily out of reach. Frankly, if anyone in the world can help you back onto the right path, it's Faith." Vivian said, her tone sincere. "She really can do the impossible, after all, and saving someone's soul isn't impossible, so even if you think you're beyond saving, you're not, not if she's willing to help." she said. Of course, if Faith decided that Rand was beyond saving, then it would be down to Vivian to deal with things, but she kept that to herself. No need to make things look grimmer than they already were, and she preferred to save people where it was possible, whether it was their life or their soul. Even if all that meant was standing back and watching Faith work.
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Re: 101 Ship Biscuits


Woe visibly gulped when she relayed all the information. And Faith Augustin, with all her fame, renown, and influence, could be believed. It was an incredible power, to say that she could tell truth from lies. Whether by skill or Immortal mark. Woe thought he was a good reader of people, yet by all accounts this Faith most likely put his skills to shame.

Still, he thought it was time to stop playing games, at least with the woman in front of him. Besides, the way she was perfectly candid about her abilities, when she could have simply left him in ignorance engendered a sense of trust.

Woe could learn a lot from her.

"It's a horribly long story..." Woe said... "First, you probably have discerned by now that my name is not Wolstan Rand. I suppose it's silly to keep it from you, but I'd ask you not share it with others, lest it get back to the hands of my enemies in Etzos."

"I was named Woe by my master Erastus. The man behind me is he. He raised me from a slave, and after a period of service, freed me. He is a Webspinner, and raised me as one."

"The woman next to him is Emma Heen. A fugitive that I sought the bounty on. during my hunt, I came across her. While on the way back to Andaris, we ran into a gang of rival hunters, who tried to kill both of us. I freed her, and we fought the hunters, killing them. But I was wounded."

"She pulled me aside as I lay unconscious, off the road and built a camp and fire, and treated my wounds with a firebrand. I felt indebted to her for sparing me, and so I let her stay with me in my little shack in Andaris. I did what I could to conceal her from the guards."

"I don't remember all the details of what happened afterward, but sooner to later, I came to find that Emma was responsible for an ambush that had me taken by Naer slavers, who shipped me blindfolded to their hidden city. There I lived a dark hell for several seasons, until I was sold to wandering slavers at the harbor near Augiery."

"From there, I went back to Andaris, intent on finding closure, finding Erastus to make him tell me who my parents are, so I might come into my own as a Webspinner. I don't know if I would have killed them if he told me where they were, or if they were alive."

"But he told me he killed my parents, thus robbing me of the chance to become a true servant of Sintra. I fought with Erastus, until he held me to a standstill. Before he could strike a final blow, he was stabbed in the back by Emma, who'd been living in his employ, or as his mistress, I'm not sure."

"She tried to seduce me then, to tell me that this was her plan all along. But how could she be believed? She sent me to Augiery. Nobody escapes the shadow women, once you're in their clutches. Such a thing is unheard of. Yet I did find my freedom. She could never have expected that I would have made it out."

"So as she embraced me, I took a knife and killed her."

"I was about to turn the knife on myself. I was in disarray. I would have ended my own life, but Labrae appeared, and held me from that act. I forget what she said exactly, but if it hadn't been for her I'd be dead. Then Sintra appeared, and I can only assume out of pity marked me with Lethroda.

Woe took a deep sigh, after relating his unlikely tale. And unlikely it must've seen, yet it was truthful, as far as his own recollection and understanding went. "There's more that's happened since then, and more I've discovered about myself, but it's another long few years of wandering and searching for purpose that would take breaks for me to relate in full."

Woe turned to Vivian and shrugged, "Truth be told, I'm not sure if redemption is what I'm after, so much as understanding. But this may be too tall an order."

For a while there was silent, until a spectral voice cleared its throat pointedly. It was the older, affluent looking man. Erastus. "Oh fine show Woe, but did you remember to tell them how you helped to convince poor famies in lowtown sell their children into indentured servitude, for my tannery? Did you tell them how you whispered this lie into so many ears, to fill the Webspinner hatcheries? No? Oh how conveniently you have forgotten..."
word count: 810
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Re: 101 Ship Biscuits


[*]Logistics: 101 Ships Biscuits 1/4
[*]Logistics: 101 Ships Biscuits 2/4
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[*]Logistics: 101 Ships Biscuits 4/4
[*]Politics: 101 Ships Biscuits 1/4
[*]Politics: 101 Ships Biscuits 2/4
[*]Politics: 101 Ships Biscuits 3/4
[*]Politics: 101 Ships Biscuits 4/4

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Renown: 10, for meeting the famous Faith.
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Points: 15


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Points: 15

- - -
Comments: Making chowder out of ship biscuits is definitely an interesting way to deal with the famine in Ne’haer. It’s unfortunate that this thread was abandoned – I really wanted to see where this would go – but I understand that such things happen sometimes.

Enjoy your rewards!
word count: 141





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