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5th of Ymiden 719

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5th of Ymiden, Arc 719

It had taken an embarrassingly long time for Prae to notice the book on his bedside. In complete fairness to himself though, he’d been out of the house pretty much every trial since the turn of the season, and it was a fairly small, unassuming looking book. At least by Ithecal standards

Praetorum turned it over in his hands, his fingers tracing the words on the title. He knew this book, of course; knew where it had come from. He remembered pulling it from dreams that night, though… he didn’t recall the memory he had taken it from. Which had been the whole point of that sacrifice, he supposed. He had given up his memories of those lessons, and what he gave in dreams, he had given in the waking world.

But it seemed that something had been given back to him. He traced a claw gently over the title, then turned to the first page. The book was written in two languages, Common and Atvian, the language that he had given up along with his memories. He remembered… he’d never been much good at it, but he’d known a few words here and there, a couple of grammatical differences from common.

All gone now.

There was a soft, quiet grief in him, but he no longer knew what he was grieving. Still… he flipped through the pages, skimming over the contents. If this book contained everything he had lost… then perhaps… he could regain it again?

It looked like a small book, but it was longer than he had expected, though clearly meant to be read to a child. And it was written in two languages simultaneously, Common on the left page, and Atvian on the right. So perhaps with time, he might be able to relearn some of the language.

His claws slid over a few words he couldn’t figure out how to pronounce. This tongue, Atvian, seemed to be a very consonant heavy language; he thought he recalled having heard a few conversations in the language, though the meaning now eluded him. But it was something of a guttural language, well suited for the deeper voices of Ithecal. 

Perhaps some of the other Ithecal in Yaralon would be able to teach him a bit. Surely—

Praetorum started, his musings interrupted by a knock on the door. Slipping the book into his domain bag, Prae stood, and stepped out of the house. Edyn waited there, looking a little more composed than she had the previous evening. “Morning, Prae. Ready to meet the most un-yari like yari I’ve ever known?”
word count: 443
Let's play 'What's Weird About Prae'


  • A fiery rune shines under his right eye
  • A firey glow in the back of his mouth


  • A ring of blue runes floats over each of Prae's wrists
  • A silver shield marks the back of his right hand
  • A ring of light around his left forearm


  • His tail is about eight feet long, usually knotted around his waist
  • His body temperature is uncomfortably high


  • Wind gusts with every step he takes
  • The area around him is slightly more static-y than normal
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Re: Answers


5th of Ymiden, Arc 719

Marken Jamison was indeed, a very un-yari like yari. Prae’s eyebrows rose continually upwards as he walked though the man’s fairly sizeble house, barely able to believe there were this many books in Yaralon. The last time he’d seen a library of this size, he’d been in Korlasir, of that he was fairly certain.

“We really don’t speak as often as we should, you know?” The man was saying, his cane clacking against the wooden floorboards as he limped through the hallways of his house. “I swear, we corresponded more when we were off traveling in different directions than we do now that we live in the same city.”

“Ah, well, you know me, Marken. I can’t stay still for long, and now that we’ve both put away our echo scrolls…” Edyn flashed the man a smile that Prae recognized as her “pretending to be sheepish for comedic effect” grin.

“Perhaps we should dust those off.” The man said wryly, showing them into a study. “I’m afraid I don’t have a chair sized for your apprentice here; to be honest I figured you’d never settle on a mercenary to initiate.”

“It’s alright, I’ll kneel.” Prae told him, cutting off Edyn’s indignant response.

The man nodded thoughtfully, and gestured to a nearby closet. “I have several blankets you can use as padding, if you wish. This floor can be hard on the knees.”

Marken settled into a well worn armchair, and Edyn pulled up a nearby stool to settle on, while Prae took the offer of a blanket, and settled on his knees besides Edyn.

“So, what was it that you wanted to speak to me about?” Marken asked. The man sat with perfect posture, Prae noted, his head angled slightly upwards, and his fingers laced over the head of his cane. It was a commanding position, but the human folded into it so easily, Prae couldn’t help but feel that it was simply second nature to him. How curious.

“Have you ever heard of people flaying things other than souls?” Edyn asked, leaning forwards with a serious expression on her face.

The man’s eyes narrowed in response. “Not until two trials ago.” He responded, a little sharply. “Tell me what happened.”

“Prae lit a fire last night, and we found we could… flay it, somehow. It wasn’t like normal flaying, though. I don’t know how to explain it other than that, but it was different, somehow.”

So, Edyn had flayed a person before? Somehow, Prae hadn’t expected that of her. Still, this revelation didn’t seem to bother Marken, who seemed to Prae to relax slightly at her words.

“I see. A perfectly normal fire?” Prae and Edyn both nodded. “That’s… somewhat reassuring.”

“Why?” Prae couldn’t help but ask, and Marken grimaced.

“Because two trials ago, I witnessed a duel of the spear. It was supposed to be to unconsciousness, but the victor, well, lost control of his thirst. I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it myself, but he… flayed his opponent’s life from her. Not her soul, not the way one would normally flay, but her life-force, or so I believe. She was a young woman when she initiated the duel, but she was older than even I was by the time she died.”

Prae blinked at that, uncertain if that was different from normal flaying, but Edyn’s jaw dropped at that, so he assumed that it must be.

“And just this morning, I heard rumors of someone—Silas, I believe from the description I heard—draining their own horse to a withered corpse.”

“Horses don’t have souls.” Edyn said, somewhat faintly.

“Hence, my supposition that it is life-force that is being drained.” Marken let out a soft huff. “I suppose I should be relieved that you’ve found another source of energy to flay from. I was starting to wonder… May I see a demonstration?” He gestured at his own fireplace, and stood. Praetorum followed his lead, making his way over to the fireplace. ”I’d try myself, but I work best as a passive observer.”

“You sure you have enough ether to do… whatever it is that you do?” Edyn asked, squeezing past him to occupy the newly vacated armchair.

“Well, I must admit to a bit of experimentation of my own. The idea of flaying life force is not one I take lightly, you know?”

Edyn snorted, sprawling out over his chair. “Emptied out your dove cote, have you?”

“It’s hardly emptied.” Marken sniffed as Prae settled by the fire. “Besides, I had a couple to spare.” He turned back to Praetorum, and stood at his shoulder as Prae closed his eyes to try and find that hunger within himself.

word count: 821
Let's play 'What's Weird About Prae'


  • A fiery rune shines under his right eye
  • A firey glow in the back of his mouth


  • A ring of blue runes floats over each of Prae's wrists
  • A silver shield marks the back of his right hand
  • A ring of light around his left forearm


  • His tail is about eight feet long, usually knotted around his waist
  • His body temperature is uncomfortably high


  • Wind gusts with every step he takes
  • The area around him is slightly more static-y than normal
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Re: Answers


5th of Ymiden, Arc 719

The desire, the thirst came easily to his lips this time, and Prae let out a soft noise of pleasure as he inhaled the flames greedily, this time feeding the energy of it to his defiance spark. The feel, the taste, the rush of it was heavenly, and when the last of the flames flickered and died, the pang of disappointment in his chest was sharper than before.

“Fascinating.” The man breathed beside him. “Do you think you could reignite the fireplace?”

Prae’s eyes narrowed in puzzlement, then widened when he finally realized what Marken was suggesting. If a defier could flay the flame, then reignite it for less ether than they’d gained…

Prae focused on the fireplace, finding it unnaturally cold when there had only just been a flame burning within it. But the wood was still charred, still receptive to an ember, if he would only call one into being. So he did, igniting the wood once again, and fanning the flames back to their previous intensity.

“I’ve still got a little bit of ether left.” Prae reported. “Only a little though, and the thirst…”

“Yes,” Marken agreed with a frown, “it doesn’t quite seem worth the effort. Still, the fact that you can flay other types of energy at all, the fact that your spark can, quite tangibly, convert energy into ether, that’s quite the discovery.”

“So…” Edyn called, still sprawled out over Marken’s chair. “More experiments?”

“Yes.” The human nodded firmly. “More experiments.”
word count: 258
Let's play 'What's Weird About Prae'


  • A fiery rune shines under his right eye
  • A firey glow in the back of his mouth


  • A ring of blue runes floats over each of Prae's wrists
  • A silver shield marks the back of his right hand
  • A ring of light around his left forearm


  • His tail is about eight feet long, usually knotted around his waist
  • His body temperature is uncomfortably high


  • Wind gusts with every step he takes
  • The area around him is slightly more static-y than normal
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Prophet of Old
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Re: Answers

Thread Review


Skill Points: +10 (can be used for Defiance)
Magic XP: Yes.

Renown: None.

Injuries/Overstepping: None.
Wealth Points: None.
Loot: None.

Skill Knowledge:
  • Defiance: Flaying Specialization - Fire
  • Defiance: Reigniting a fire that has just gone out
  • Leadership: Sitting in a commanding way
  • Linguistics: Language: Atvian
  • Linguistics: Atvian is a very guttural language
  • Logistics: Weighing the pros and cons of repeated flaying
Non-Skill Knowledge:
  • none requested.
Notes: n/a.

The concept of an unyari-like yari is an amusing one.

As always, you quickly give life to the NPCs around Prae in a way that is enjoyable to read. I got the feeling that Marken and Edyn have a lot of history together. Prae is a great and patient student/apprentice, like usual. He is very consistent as a character.

This was a great way to introduce the issues of Emea being cut off and mages resorting to flaying to continue feeding their sparks. Hopefully they share their discovery with other Yaris to help stem mages flaying other people... hopefully.

On a side-note; I have to wonder.... do Ithecal make their books larger than human-made books?

Great job and enjoy your rewards!

PM me if you have any questions, issues or concerns.

Total Word Count: 1570 words.
Review Request Link: viewtopic.php?p=122641#p122641

word count: 222
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