• Solo • Birthday Gift

Woe is Traded

4th of Cylus 718

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Birthday Gift

4th Trial of Cylus Arc 718
It had taken some time for Woe to unravel the psychology of the Naerrik women of Augiery. It didn't take long for him to realize that his options weren't great.

He could either make himself useful, and gain a position fitting to his talents. It was a route that was fraught with risks and rewards. It would also ensure that his renewed freedom would become an unattainable dream.

Woe could've feigned incompetence with ease. That came with its own sest of pitfalls and potential rewards. On one hand, he could find himself traded to a slaver and sent out of the city. On the other, he could find himself to be meat for the meat-loving shadows who inhabited this city.

In the end, he plied a perilous middle-ground. He exploited his inside knowledge of the slave trade. He'd of course been a former slave, as well as one who'd herded and even traded in flesh. If anyone was up to the task of navigating this precarious plan with any success, it was Woe.

So when the time came for preparations of Odessa's Champion, Woe was ready to enact his plans.

He was a mediocre fighter. In the Sand Pits and lower fighting rings of the city of Augiery, he'd won some, and lost many. He wagered that his shrewd overseer wasn't apt to risk the value of Woe against the chance to profit. He'd not spoken direct to his overseers, but had talks with his fellow slaves within earshot of them. There, he'd sewn the seeds of doubt that he was up to the challenge of Odessa's Championship.

Other times, while his overseers busied themselves, he planted more seeds of doubt. Woe confided that he had more value in trade than in death or in his meat.

This, he was sure, would peak the curious greed of some shadow woman. One did materialize soon enough, who showed interest in purchasing Woe. He made more specific overtures to her greed, and how any owner who acquired him would for certain profit. That is, if they traded him while undercutting his price beneath his true worth.

This woman did end up buying him, and put up appearances of preparing him for the Championship in Cylus. Meanwhile, he learned that she did indeed intent to pursue his strategy of buffing his value.

This was the perilous red line that he tread. Between uselessness and value, between ugliness and beauty, on the cusp of young and old. He made himself useful, but not too much. He made himself appear attractive, but not beautiful. He accentuated his youthful energy, while squelching grunts and groans of exertion.

All the while, he was nothing more than troubling mediocre. Whenever his mistress seemed to expect more of him, he would disappoint her. Yet, he came through when it was important, with only a few notable failures.

He sought to disappoint her only in small ways, never reliable in any way. Yet he never dispelled the illusion of potential value.

Then the day came, a ship arrived in port, and his mistress took him down to it, along with a handful of other slaves. He expected that she would trade him to the slaver from a foreign land.
word count: 558
Words Like Violence, Break the Silence


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Re: Birthday Gift


For the first time in many seasons, Woe saw natural light. His pale blue eyes squinted at those rays, blinded at first by their intensity. His eyelids opened slow, gradual, until the pain of seeing the sun again dulled. At that point, stood in front the light source, he saw a shadowed figure. They were tall, with wings that spanned greater than any eagle he'd caught sight of. His mistress pushed him along the way, raising her beaded scourge over her shoulder as a threat. Woe complied, ever acting the fearful mouse before her, without ever feeling the dread she meant him to.

"You're still my slave, Woe. You will make a good impression upon this Athartian dealer."

"Yes, Mistress. Of course. I live to serve."

"Do not presume to instruct me, worm. Now go forth. I've more useless flesh to part with than you."

The slave bowed his head, hurrying out of striking range of her scourge. The light intensified with every step he took, and he had to close his eyes once more, before his pupils would dilate. When they did adjust, he opened them once more, to see a white and red feathered Avriel before him. He'd heard of the creatures before, but never saw one in person. Woe only knew they were forbidden from residing in his native Andaris.

The creature drew in a sharp breath, and then clicked its tongue. It spoke in a strange language then that Woe didn't understand, but sounded somewhat familiar. After a few moments, he recognized it as Dehasin, or the language of slaves. He'd only heard it spoken a few times, while employed by Erastus. Once when he'd ordered some slaves form Athart. They hadn't suited his purposes then. They were far too docile, and while that might suit the typical purchaser of slave, Erastus preferred his own indoctrination process.

After a moment, Woe shook his head to indicate that he did not understand. After a moment, the avriel gave him a harsh scowl, "Must I speak this primitive tongue of yours? So be it. I am your new master. My slaves call me Rooster. I will only spare you three words now, my Slave. Obey, or die."

This said, he cracked his scourge against the rail of the ship, that was moored in the harbor. Woe scurried aboard, and was aided along his way by the other captives, that mostlly comprised of Biqaj types on the deck. They took him aside to divest him of his old shackles, fixing a new, less restrictive set. Woe questioned them with a look. One of them answered his curious expression, "You will be in the galley. Rowing with the bulk of the slaves and prisoners."

They said more to him then, but he angled his attention behind himself. He wanted to see if he could overhear snatches of conversation between Rooster and his former mistress.

He only heard some of it. "He's a very reliable one. Drags his feet some, but nothing a good scourging won't fix." They spoke more on mundane details, before he caught another piece of interest.

".... be going to reinforce in Athart, then from there onto Viden. Made a deal with the Academy Infirmiry... fresh batch of subjects and slaves. Don't understand the demand."

Rooster appeared far friendlier with the Naerikk than Woe anticipated. They seemed to have a good trade relationship.

More slaves lined up to pour into the ship behind his old mistress, their chains clinking in the motion of the gangplank. The ship's hull creaked as the tide came in.

"We'd... be going. Back in Saun... exchange more cargo."

Woe was shook out of his eavesdropping by the slaves attending to him, "Where did you go? Are you listening to us? You must get below deck now."

The words had no sooner fallen from the lips of that slave than Rooster cracked his scourge in the air with a cry. His shout peirced the air in a lanaguage that sounded both haunting and terrible. All of the flesh aboard stood at attention. Woe didn't have the chance to get under deck before Rooster spotted him.

"My partner warned me against you, Slave. Didn't I tell you to obey? Get into the gallery, slave! Pick an oar, and row!" So saying, he whipped the scourge down Woe's face, leaving a nasty cut on the skin around his right eye.

Woe obeyed as swift as he could, dropping into the trap door and ladder that led into the galleries. Once there, he evaded the notice of the masters urging the rest of the galley slaves on, insinuating himself into one of the seats.

He pushed over a slave that had perished from exhaustion, into the aisle, and took up his place.

Next to him, was hardy looking slave, who looked like he was months away from withering into the specimen to Woe's right.

So began the third instance of enslavement for Woe. He wondered, idly, how many more times he'd have to serve before he was free for true.

word count: 861
Words Like Violence, Break the Silence


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Yrmellyn Cole
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Re: Birthday Gift

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An avriel who don’t really want to stoop to speaking the primitive language of lesser beings proudly announces that their slaves call them Rooster. I laugh out loud when I read it, but Woe doesn’t react. He behaves like an experienced slave and doesn’t show any emotion at all while being sold as galley slave. Being a slave he can clearly just shut up, obey or die. The thread is on the shorter side, but it serves it purpose. You made a nice job of it. Woe is an interesting PC and I’m happy to see that you are continuing with him.

One thing: I can't find this thread in the thread list of your CS. Perhaps it's just me, but otherwise please update the CS.



Loot, Renown, Injuries

A scar on the skin around his rigth eye, healed long ago.


Deception: Pretending to be afraid.
Detection: Eavesdropping while someone else is talking to you.
Linguistics: Dehasin, a slave's langauge.
Linguistics: Lorien, a slaver's language.
Negotiation: Offering just enough value for trade. Not enough to keep.
Psychology: Unraveling the motivations of one's superiors.

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