• Completed • Character History Initiation thread (graded)

Character History. it'll be so long I'm making a thread out of it. Initiation for magic requirement write-up for CS

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Character History Initiation thread (graded)

16th trial of Rebirth cycle, 711

-‡- It was nearing dusk. The skies that wove a background of silhouettes were turning from that deft shade of blue and white where clouds mixed their greying hues within the far reaches of the air. Jutting behemoth of stones rose from the dark green depths below where canopies of trees were a mangle of jungle and sparse openings where one could fly to the earthen ground below. The winds were easier to feel at the heights above those lower earthen reaches.

Coroth could feel the wind upon his face, he could feel it weaving it's cooling carress against his still young features that had not the need of a razor as older humans were inclined to use. He though, had barely reached his point of adolescence at this age, but it was coming soon. The inclinations of the wilder side within him were already budding, and growing in degrees that his youth inclined teachers knew of too well, and began to shy away from as they came loose. A tussle of wings behind him unfurled partially, as if itching a nerve within the aching boundaries that they were inherently made to surpass. Their subtly dark blues were similar to the ones in the skies above, with linings of sable threading through their lengths before they were topped with ends of pure white like the clouds.

An exuming sigh was released through his still lithe and agile chest where muscles were yet to begin to grow as they would in adulthood. He yearned for those years, his blood even now was felt turmoilingly beginning to boil at the occurrence he was awaiting for. Even as ochroid depths rose up as he heard the flapping of another's wings foretelling of a second youngling who was still learning to fly. His wings unpracticedly fluttered instead of holding tight at that downwards 25 degree angle that would slow one down. He had to take several steps as he landed nearby upon the roughened packed dirt of the ground that the plateau offered for them to stand upon.

They were a distance away from any other spires of rock. The one who they were to meet chose the location because it was a distance away from the spires used for homes by other avriels. So the witnesses would be at a minimum to say the least. Yet even as an acknowledging nod was sent from the still boiling soul to greet the barely known newcomer more wings drew his attention from the direction that the pit of reflection was at.

"Hail Corro, nows the day…lets' do this..and be the best! I'm ready, I am, I know I'll make it!"
The chiming of the second lads voice rang up with enthusiasm. Yet, he was overly confident, like many avriel. He paced about, anxious, excited at what they were about to undergo. What would enhance their abilities and make them even better than the others, or so they secretly believed. Already, he was showing the lack of discipline of himself, unruly, and unable to control himself even with his excitement and greed for something other avriels were not able to control.

Before an answer was given to the nervous avriel, three others landed. Larger avriel, adult ones. One of them wore light metal pieces of armor upon his pauldrons. A large hilt of a sword harnessed upon his back that jutted above the stiffening softness of his whitened wings. A helmet was also worn, nose piece hanging from the brow dividing the opening of face that also darkened his features. Little was discerned of him except that he was probably one of the guards from the pit.

The second avriel was easily recognized. He was their teacher. They met him at the pit of reflection where they at times spent time at for fun and fascination. As well as a place to throw jokes and ridiculing remarks at the prisoners within. The elder one kept a hood upon his head to conceal himself, or perhaps mutations from wanting to learn too much from the human prisoners who knew of the arcane arts. Between the two adult avriels was a human. They brought him to the site, letting him stand upon his own feet as they landed. His arms were manacled behind his back. Yet he seemed content with his situation. A proud look was upon the humans features. As if he knew of something they did not, and it made him the better, or at least someone of importance that they would not kill or treat as badly as they did with the others. His features were unshaven, his beard had grown out towards the heights of his neck since he'd been discovered and put away. For clothing he wore a long robe that had gained dirt, sweat and the smearing's of stains upon it.

"It is good to see you both have what it takes to show up, and take the test. I distinctly told you that there is a chance you will not make it. The choice is still yours to make, before you are bound." The words were wisened with knowledge, until the last few words, words that were spoken with the elasticity of one who wielded whips on many occasions upon unruly slaves.

Last edited by Coroth on Sat Nov 13, 2021 3:11 pm, edited 9 times in total. word count: 894
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Re: Character History Initiation thread

-‡- Coroths' eyes widened to the reminder that they could face death in the coming moments. But not by anothers hand or weapon, but by the choice of the elementals that they were about to offer themselves to. It was explained to them already. Enough time had been spent with the elder, one who spent time with the raiders who aided in communicating with the slaves below in their Dahisin language. It was in these times that some words were learned by the elder. And when he spent time with the two young avriel, they began picking up parts of the language as well.

The human slave who was with them now upon the cliffs' top was one who was well acquainted with the elementals. So they had discovered in his past. His full story had not been told to the lads, but he was necessary for the initiation. Even now the elder began speaking with the slave in a more lowered tone. Strict and serious as the lives of the two avriels were to him. He wanted them to be alive when the initiation was over, and was persuading the human to do what he could to assure they would be granted the blessings they were here to receive.

Meanwhile, the second adult avriel approached the youngsters. He reached to his war-belt where an arsenal of smaller weapons were sheathed along with an assortment of pouches bearing coins and other necessities. Thongs were removed from his belt, thongs he motioned for Coroth to be bound with as he waited for him to turn around so his wrists could be bound. Then his ankles. He would be a dead-weight in coming moments. A true test that they would sacrifice themselves to achieve. Most of the youths didn't make it back to the city to reach adult hood. This was just another test, to see if these two willing avriel would be able to begin harnessing the discipline it would take to handle the magic that avriel had not the ability to fully concieve.

Coroth hesitated, unsure if he was going to get it up the butt before he'd die, but he knew better than to fear such, and was quick with a ferocity and fight against his instincts and fear. He turned around, his lithe forearms crossing to be bound. Slavers knots were tied about them in a matter of moments with practiced ease. Then he felt his ankles being tied together as he shuffled them closer. Cheap leathered boots were worn upon his otherwise bare feet. The stench of sweat vapored from within their openings that his unwashed ankles rose up from. When he was through, a rope was unslnug from the warriors chest. Lengths of it were measured out before he began knotting it with the young ones arms, and wings together. Binding those sky blue wings to his back so they could not be used during the approaching test. The feel of the lads heart no doubt was able to be seen through his figure as it beat so strongly. His very chest began heaving from fear and intrigue. Yet, he controlled himself. His breathings coming through sealed teeth as he fought to control himself.

Next, the second youngster was tied up as well. He though, began freaking out, blurting out his fears, and begging towards the winds that began to pick up to listen to his cries. He was still very young, and unsure of the matter, but it was too much to change his mind, he was willing to go through with it. Yet, he fought against the ropes, unable to control himself when he felt his wings being gathered and pinned to the skeletal figure of his back where no strength was grown to really use their spanns prowress. It took the guard a huffing of patience if not more of a deeper growl of a breath to silence the lad to a whimpering so he could complete the task.

When the matter was through, the elder was already done speaking with the human slave. The human then turned around, and lifted his manacled arms into the air. The sounds of the iron links clinking and emitting their own metallic sounds. Affecting his beseeching of the attention of the winds. Winds that the sky was full of and he was perhaps able to see as avriels with his own bestowed skills with magic. For even as Corothius was able to naturally see some of the currents forming, and growing stronger, the human seemed to see the same ones. His arms beckoning them as he waved them this way and the other to mimic their directional course above. His language was not fully understood, barely so, yet it rose up louder, and louder as the winds increased, and began bellowing against the clothing of everyone in the group. Causing the warrior to look down and shield his eyes with his calloused hand and turn his head elsewhere. His own wings were pulled inwards to conceal himself from the menace that the winds were being drawn to blow upon everyone on the cliffs face.

Before them the plateau came to an end. A cliff dropped downwards for a very long length, a length no human could climb unless he spent the entirety of the day doing so. Maybe longer. It was high enough that they would plummet to their deaths if someone fell from it's precipice. As the winds continued to blow, they could hear the winds voice, the deeper resonance of the elemental as it made itself known, as it harrassed them with it's warnings, with its' hidden powers that could bring about the gale of a storm. It seemed threatening, not soothing in the least, angered perhaps that one of it's followers had summoned it, and was in chains. To the prospect that two new ones were to be gained to hear and a tune to it seemed to please it in following moments, and it began to calm, an lurk with a lingering breeze. Luring them to test themselves.

Then, the teacher turned about to face the two young avriels shivering and boiling in their readiness. A curl of amusement flighting upon his features and raising a grin to his aged face. "It is time…" =‡=
Last edited by Coroth on Tue Aug 13, 2019 5:38 pm, edited 3 times in total. word count: 1058
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Re: Character History Initiation thread

‡- The words were like dreaded scourings of water upon the boys' senses. Their eyes widened all the more in unison. The more anxious of the two began trying to move his feet from within the bindings of the rope. Testing them, and perhaps seeking some way to get out of them in the approaching moments. He continued to lightly groan and whimper as his fears begat the better of him. Young Coroth meanwhile felt his heart hammering within the ribcage of his chest. The adornment of feathers that naturally grew along his chest were felt within his flesh all the more strictly. His very flesh siezing their smaller quills as if naturally assuring himself they would remain intact for the upcoming flight and whatever aid they would provide in flight. Even if he had to remind himself he was tied and would not be able to fly whatsoever regardless.

The warrior suddenly spoke up. His wings unraveling smoothly from encovering of his features now that the winds had died down once more. The elemental patiently awaited the initiation to begin on their part, lurking beyond in the air, unvisible or seen by any. Perhaps the warrior felt it was necessary to say somehting in case someone was secretly watching, or even from a distance able to watch the on goings. Or to assure others at a later time that he lied to them not if he had to. His arse would be covered.

"You boys know it is against our ways to practice magic. We are far above the need to use such. We are better than even the immortals, yet you seek to garner their tricks along with these mettlesome humans! For this, you will exact your punishment, you will now die as you deserve to for lowering the superiority of an avriel to such a level!" His voice thundered forth through the broadened boon of his muscled chest. All the more so with it enamored in armor of steel and leathers.

The warrior suddenly grabbed the smaller of the two boys by his bound wings. Tugging him towards the cliff side. The ropes were handled till a firm grip was had on the small youths weight, then he was hurled off of the ledge like a bag of refuse. The lads' voice could be heard in utterably loud despair as his fate was ruined. His mind stuck on what he was just told and expecting to die. Completely forgetting about relying on magic altogether as he dropped through the fogging partitions of the air beyond. His echoing cries and wailings began to echo down along the face of the rocky spire. The sounds of his frantic efforts to get out of the rope a mangle of bound movements before he fell out of sight below. There was no sound of the wind picking up to aid the little one.

"Ah..damn..he doesn't seem to be getting any help yet.." The teacher was leaning over the cliff-side watching with a bemused, disheartened look upon his hooded countenance. After a few more moments, when the boy could be seen no longer, he turned about to eye the other one, Coroth, then the human slave. The slave merely stood there, already having assured them that he had nothing to do with the boys fate if they sought to put him to such a test. It was told before hand that such an incident was possible to happen. Not everyone would survive the initiation. It was something avriels were used to. For not even half of the youths who left to go on their adolescent wanderings didn't make it back.

"Looks like its' your turn. Let's hope you have better…luck."

The teacher was a hardened one, perhaps he wanted to get this over with and clean his hands of the matter that the boys were so eager to undergo. A gesture was nodded to the awaiting warrior, and in another moment, those calloused hands were upon the remaining avriel youth. Coroth didn't even murmur anything as he kept his tongue bitten upon. Disciplining himself as he was taught to do before the encounter. He felt the coppery warm taste of blood as his teeth pierced that inner muscle suddenly as he was jerked from his feet. The ropes were felt tightening upon his arms before he too would be hurled over the cliffs perilous edge.

He had learned to fly to a certain extent at this age, and knew nothing would appear before him he needed to see. His eyes thus sealed to a close, concentrating on the sound of the wind as it passed over his ears and along the pointy ends of such. The feathers behind him bound and unable to be put to use were a rigid state of tension against the ropes. Ropes that needed to become unbound if they were to be put into use. The whisperings of the winds began to toy with his thoughts. A voice, the same tone began to whisper to him with the rushing descent. The words though were passing, and made little sense to him. He though, made himself listen through the fight he was having over his fears and panic that the other boy had shouted out so loudly.

Below, farther below, the sound of the trees at the earthen floor suddenly could be heard cracking as a body thudded into their limbs, breaking a few as branches and leaves shook and fell away from their rooted outreach. Accepting the fallen avriel that had no such aid from the winds. Suddenly, a surge of wind struck Coroth, as if a spirit had been fed into the earth with the splatterings of blood and the essence of life. As if some sudden burst of magic was drawn from the "Sacrifice" of another that fed the earth with such blood. Or maybe, the elemental was done paying attention to the first, and was now able to give it to the second in full.

Coroth felt a sudden gale of wind assault him, it sent him powerfully against the wall of rock nearby. The descent still causing him to skid and scrape against it. The ropes were felt dragging against the rugged surface until the spire itself angled inwards, and away from him, leaving him to freefall again. Coroth felt the ropes loosened at that point. The pressure of the rock against it having worn away the fibers. Muscles of his lithe figurine began to pull his will to fight back into a strain now that he had a source to use such a rage upon. The sting and bite of wounds that sudden jarring against rock had conjured upon his flesh an all the more invigorating boost to his senses. Pain. Below, the lush green canopy of the trees came into view, drawing closer and closer. Even more pain, and death.

More incomprehensible whisperings passed over his features, soothing him with assurance as it tested him, to see what he would do. Goading him on to keep up his fight to live. Whispering of the powers he could have if he listened to the air's presence in coming days. Whispering with the continual passing of the winds, of the aid that he would receive, and that all he had to do was side with the elemental…and do as it told. It told him to use his wings.

Coroths eyes pulled open, as if to seek some visage of the elemental that was speaking to him, a cloud, a hidden spiritual form that only avriels could see as they saw the currents of the wind. And perhaps he did, though it remained not before him, as it weaved behind him to remain out of sight. He did as he was told, his wings being used to flex outwards against the ropes. And in that same instant, something was felt at the ropes as they fell away. Was it the rope at the knots being unfastened by the unseen? Or was it the rocks friction tearing the ropes apart earlier. The fiber lengths finally breaking away from the strength he put into his wings?

Coroth knew not, nor would he find out. Yet he felt his wings unfolding suddenly. The ropes binding them falling away into the air around him as the span of his wings elongated to each side of him. The sudden rush of the wind ceasing with his descent as he righted himself. And put the air beneath his wings to send him into an angle that would allow him to regain altitude. The canopy of leaves and branches below were close, too close for him to feel the throes of luck in the air. There was an opening in the trees below, where splotches of blood could be seen further within, glistening where it had been torn from flesh. The body though, was further within, unseen in that mere glimpsing of a moment that he passed over the canopy.

The winds grew silent then, dousing him with final whisperings to remind him of a new path in his life before it would whisper no more. He felt the sting of blood upon his torso where he had been dragged down the side of the cliffs face. The loss of flesh here and there stinging with the need to be cleansed and bandaged. A boon of pride began to fill him, he was still alive. And had passed the initiation. =‡=

word count: 1588
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Re: Character History Initiation thread (graded)


Player Name: Coroth

Points awarded: 10 xp
Magic xp: none


Disicipline - Even when in pain, you must find a way to survive.

Renown: 5
Loot: none
Injuries/Overstepping: A few tentrials after the date this thread was set, Coroth will need healing. Scratches and some sprained muscles.
Wealth Points: none

Skill Review: All Skills used appropriately to PC's level
Notes: This was a nicely written initiation thread, and it's of course good to see a setting like Athart getting some attention from players.

I have to raise a concern however, that you use a lot of purple prose, that sometimes engenders a loss of focus on the details as I read it. It didn't detract from my enjoyment of this thread, but it might make it hard to read and follow what's going on at some times.

The initiation itself was in keeping with the lore of how Avriel tend to learn magic, from broken mage slaves from the Pit of Reflection. I like that you used that bit of lore here for your story.

Anyway, good writing!

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding this review, feel free to PM. Enjoy your rewards!
word count: 201
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