• Graded • -‡-Arachnial Revenge -‡- (Mature) (Graded)

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-‡-Arachnial Revenge -‡- (Mature) (Graded)

Day 11, First days of Zi'da 719

-‡- It was morning, the sun had risen up enough to layer the land with enough light to see through the haze the dessimating remainders of a fog that hung within the air, misting it white and clouding the view of any distance that the eye would be want to behold. There were sounds of birds chirping their egglings awake, bellowings of beasts who treaded on four hooves that echoed beneath the dense green canopy of various aged trees below. Farther in the distance, the light echoes of Athart could be seen in dismal projections through the air waves as the abundance of life there resonated into the skies above it, visible only to the Avriel eye.

Coroth had completed another patrol with the shadow wing he ventured out with during the nights, sometimes days at a time. The passing of winter had neared to a point where it had become hot days throughout the week, only for winter to come again with another week of dampening rains that perhaps, were once blizzards or heavy storms of snow from the northern ice lands. He was somewhat fatigued, all the flying from the patrols weighed upon his endurance and kept him in shape when it came to being an avriel who flew within the darkness of night, and hunted others from the heights of the trees.

Yet, on that morning as he approached his home spire, the jutting rise of rock and mountain whose curves and angles of stone had become known to him from varying angles of approach, was his to lay amber eyes upon once more. The denseness of the fog began to give way the closer and closer he drew near it. The flapping of his arduent wings a deep continual sound as they pressed upon the air and sent quakings tides of driftings winds behind him with every beat that kept him afloat. Wings that were stretched outwards, their light weight of feathers and persuading bones within flesh drawing him into a glide that let him soar onwards with an ease that defied gravity.

As the spire drew closer and closer, he began to notice something different about it. Along the base of it was an entanglement of webbing. Coroths eyes instantly widened in alarm, the thudding in his heart suddenly leaping alive as its beating was overheard from within to his very ears. A strain of worry flittered over his young stoic features. More and more as the webbing had been weaved along the contours of the spire in paths that led upwards, interlacing paths of shimmering dewy silk.

A growl overtook his worries, reminating within his jaws from within the cavity of his chest. Armor was still worn, his shield was unslung from behind him with a release of it's strap at his shoulder. A spear melancholodically was unweaved from its harness by his mirroring hand that brought it to bear and readiness. A stern, aggravated expression took over his thoughts. Thoughts that drew quiet from worrying briefly of the meaning, of the trespassing upon his home, and that of the other avriels who lived on lower levels of the spire elsewhere, and whether they were home..or even alive.

He would have called upon the elemental of the air to hasten his flight, but such aid was not his to beckon. The winds though, did embellish him with it's chaotic sense of humor, toying with him with a bellowing whisper that told him he had lost, that he was out of time.

A struggle of his wits overpassed his thoughts as he listened to such tormentful chidings that blew over the length of braided tendrils above his eyes. The beating of his wings pushed against the emptiness of the sky around him, plummeting him downwards and to the spire. In moments, he would finally arrive. The scratch of his talons etching against the stones of his balcony sounding with a distancing echo against the wall of stone that held the orifice leading into his home.

The sound of movement within was overheard, the feint, whimper of a female voice barely audible whispered through the air with a feint remnant of warmth that he breathed in, that he recognized and knew too well.

In a rush, Coroth sprinted through the entrance, within was the main chamber of his home. Within, were a half dozen arachnids of a size larger than that of a mere dog. Within, was a bundled body enwrapped in silk, and blood.

Last edited by Coroth on Fri Jan 31, 2020 5:27 am, edited 3 times in total. word count: 759
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Re: -‡-Arachnial Revenge -‡-

-‡- The hurtling length of a spear was sent lunging through the chamber from an arm that uncoiled with an exasperating tension of strength. The squelching sound of its sleek metal end came to his ears from across the chamber as it tore through one of the spiders and erupted over the chittering of their mandibles and devouring of a young womans bleeding flesh. The chamber was not large, he was no one special of Athart, and only needed a minimal amount of space to live in after all.

It was his home, and he had his weapons mounted upon the wall, the ones he did not take with him. His second spear was one of these, it was taken from the wall, and sent into a second of the creatures as it's lengthy limbs swiveled it about in a rush of quick little creepy movements. It's body spurt forth a short fountain of blood as it tumbled backwards. The sound of the spear clattered against the echoing stone of a wall as it was lodged loose from its impalement.

The remaining spiders came at him in a familiar rush of aggression that piqued his senses into a rush of adrenalin that rushed through his blood, and thrummed through his temples with a hating rage. The length of a sheathed blade was taken out of it's sheath. A weapon more useful in such an enclosure for combat. The sound of metal erupted from its leather scabbard was felt beyond his ears as its light weight was taken into his fierce grip.

A bellow of rage and anger devoured the air within his home in the following moment. His battle rage over took him, he charged forwards, the lower end of his shield was used to skewer into the first of the creatures, breaking through the thin length of its legs to bludgeon at the body below. His arm pulling the shield outwards, away from him, sending the spider, still alive, skidding elsewhere within the chamber and into a conjumble of its unbalanced limbs.

A second arachnid skittered at him to his right, blood seeping from its mandibles that chittered against another with their piercing tips. He lunged his sword forwards, yet his aim was off with the weapon he rarely used. And missed it as it scampered out of its reach. Only to attempt to sneak below it as he pulled the blade backwards. The second was more well aimed as it drew even closer, a slash this time was drawn to merely get it away from him, barely nicking it yet sending it away from him as it felt the sting of pain.

In another moment, a third spider joined in, and leapt onto his shield, weighing it down against his body as it crawled towards its top. It's weave of many legs scraping against wood and leather before it squealed upon seeing him. His sword had just enough left from his swing to riposte, and come from his right to the left and over his shield. The blade thudded into the lightweight of its body, sending a release of its darker blood and gore onto his shield as his sword arm hacked it away from him. Some of the now detached limbs remained clinging upon his shield with a residue of silk as it thudded onto the floor nearby.

Then one of them regained its balance, and came at him again, from his left, where his shield blocked his sight of it until the very moment when he was safe to lower it from protecting his head. It came from below, aiming to get beneath his raised shield at his then exposed legs. He saw a mere portion of it from where his shield did not block his view, then it was at his feet. He bashed at it again, and again with the angled bottom of his shield. Sometimes missing its body the first few times. With the rush of fear, and lack of timing, hitting and bending its many legs a began to become noticeable. Till finally his aim struck true, and the shield tore through its body like a bludgeon, revealing its fluids and gore within that spilled free as it stilled.

In its own anger, the spider at his right gathered itself together seemingly in due time to wreak revenge for its brethren. It leapt onto Coroths sword wielding arm. It's mandibles striking into his arm with a sudden jolt of pain that sent an outcry of pain from his stretching lips. His head wrenching backwards, wondering if exposing his neck would lead it to bite him there as he entered a state of shock, and denial that he might now die. The echo reverberating through his home, through the air within to the winds beyond that reached the tops of the trees further below.

Then suddenly he swung his passive shield at the creature, the weight of it bearing against his endurance, and the use of his left arm entirely as his strength was still evolving. He bashed the leathered side of it into the spider, knocking it off of him to save his own life. It's body was felt ripping the straps of his bracer from his very arm. Exposing arms flesh and the boiling of venom that sizzled into muscles within, and the rivulets of blood that began to loosen and seep out to staunch its opening.

Grating breaths tore from his lungs, on the edge of losing his consciousness from the assault. His sword arm could not be felt able to be used. His sword nearly clattering to the ground below as his fingers lost the ability to bear it, or feel it in his fingers grasp. Desperately, the spider chittered at him again, wounded, and seeking to escape as its others were already dead. Perhaps it could escape whilst Coroth was wounded, and was losing himself to his own loss of blood and pain.

Stumbling about with his first step, and into his third, his eyes grew delirious as he eyed it, aimed for it, and chased it till he was able to do little more than fall on top of it. A meager tackle, but more of a squash as he put his shield between his body, and the spider on the ground below. He had enough strength within him to push himself up and crush it with his body a few desperate times, till he felt it stop moving beneath. Till the length of the legs snared at the edges of his shield ceased their movements from beneath the edgings of his shield.

Till he would allow himself to lose consciousness as well..and seep his own blood onto his floor. At least..he was home now. To his ears..the fretting sound of a femininely soft voice whispered, barely audibly to his still barely conscious ears.
"Corro ...I ...love....you...."

Then, before his drying lips could feel the utterance from his throat. The poison in his arm began to overtake him, his sight blackenening into a void of white and black dots continually fuzzy and eternally moving. Sharp, interlacing pains began shooting into his heart with the approachings of blood tainted with venom. Unvoiced pain began tearing through his soul that his voice lungs could no longer exhale to reach the ears of others with.
word count: 1234
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Re: -‡-Arachnial Revenge -‡-


Experience: 10 no magic xp


Combat: Polearm:Spear: Spears are useful for throwing too.
Combat: Sword: Use the blade to dislodge a creature as well as cut it.
Combat: Shield: The bottom angle of the shield can be used to bash.
Combat: Shield: Use the shield to keep enemies from reaching you.
Combat: Shield: Wait till something comes into reach at the top of the shield before attacking
Combat: Shield: You can use a shield to squish things with your body weight.

Renown: none

Skill Usage: none

Loot/Losses: none

Injuries/Conditions: Flesh dissolved in the arm, you will need 20 trials of rest to recover.

Consequences: You really overplayed your skills here, so I'm going to hand down a bit of a penalty. Fighting with such skill at novice level is kinda pushing it... So the venom in your arm seeps into your wings, which will will be paralyzed for the same amount of time it takes for the venomous bite to run its course, 20 trials. During that time you won't be able to fly well if at all. Please play to your skill levels in future threads.

Comments: A grisly scene, with spiders munching on some of the locals, and Corroth visiting justice on them. As I said he was a bit more effective than he ought to be, given his skill levels. Please be more mindful of that in the future.

Otherwise, the writing is fairly good.

If you have any concerns about this review, please PM me about them.
word count: 258
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