• Completed • -‡- Leather Tormentings -‡- (Graded)

Chapter 3 of his leatherworking this season.

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-‡- Leather Tormentings -‡- (Graded)

Vhalar 9th 719

-‡-It was another day, the sun glamorously filled the lands surrounding the behemoth of rock and stone with a brilliance of light that drew out the favored tones and shadings of green along the landscape. There was of course the more prominent presence of brown in their aged states of turmoil that they were afflicted with through their lengthening's of growth. Similar to that of many who walked upon two feet. Some grew hardened and uglier. Whilst others found themselves women of the greater beauty to share their lives with, and in so doing, grew handsomer as such beauty had a way of reflecting upon their mates.

Coroth was still young to notice if his weave would become corrupted by his life's lessons, or grow into a magnificent structure that would rise from his founding years. Nor was he aware in truth, just how prosperous he could become in his distant future. A future which he might not reach if he died in even the coming weeks. For he was a warrior, wielding blade and bow alike against obstacles that were to be killed if he was to continue to sprout further into the weavings of his life's' story.

Today though, he was of a mind to work further with his crafting of leather. His awry hands were drawn away from the thin barrier of stone that rose up along the cliff side. The expanse of the earthen floor was walked upon with an agile nature that was becoming practiced during his nightly excursions with the shadow faction, and his handful of brethren whom were becoming truer kin to him. He loosely wore an overture of fur around his shoulders that hung about his wings behind him before it'd overlap and fall over the youthful spanning of his chest. Keeping his lungs warm, and the air that flowed through them to blither through the rest of his anatomy. For the winds were still bearing the crispiness of the seasons weather. Yet the magnificent orb high within the skies beyond any avriels reach poured down its' rays of heat that seared through any embracier of cold that loitered in the air.

He made his way over to a platform of wood that he had roughly constructed from fallen tree branches. There were apparent lengths of vines and roughly braided lengths of bark that had been woven into short lengths of rope that were keeping it together. It wobbled if pressed upon, but served its' purpose for the time being. Upon it was his shield, for he had a mind to work on it.

Ravenous orbs of ochroid hues passed over a pile of leather that had been obtained upon a recent hunt. The leather had been doused in oils and dried in a stretched out state for the sun to have its way with. Another rack of such leather was further along the wall of the spire of rock nearby. It's poorly cut skin was still stretched out and kept taught by a framework of wooden branches. The scent of the raw flesh was still in the air, tainted with the drying of oils that would sink into the under-flesh that he was told was part of the process of curing it.

The shield was grasped by it's edge, his palm meeting the rougher edge of it that had been stripped of the poorly fashioned strips of canvas that had been glued to it's edging by its' prior wielder, or creator. He eyed it one more time, noting the scrapes his blade had put into the edgings surface that echoed the work he had done before his little break to remove anything along the shields edging. It was lowered back onto the table so he could take up a length of leather. The length of it he set upon the bottom of the shield, and led the uncurling end along one side of it's heightening length till it reached the top. Measurements were stared at for a moment. For he knew little about being precise, or if it was even important.

A shrug of his shoulders shifted the layer of furs upon his shoulders before he picked up a cutting knife from amongst the pile of tools in their kits case also on the table, but out of the way. He began cutting at a length of it beyond the corners. Figuring that too much was better than not enough*. Diminuating eyes narrowed to the judgement call of logic, as if perhaps he had heard such a saying from some older mans lips at some point in his history

The length was then fitted over the shields edge, wrapping the length of it along the side to determine, or see if he could figure out how much would be needed on both sides, front and back. He figured he'd have to make a hole through the shield, and the leathers to keep them together along the length of it, and figured an inch from the edge at least would be needed for that. Then, perhaps another two along the inside would suffice. He though, was no geometrical mathematician, and picked up a piece of chalk to mark lines upon the surface. Then, remembered to flip the leather over to expose the underside instead. After spending moments realigning the leather to how he had it on the other side, he began marking away at where he chose to cut away at the pelt of leather. For it was not bought off of someone else, and weaved in and out with numerous natural angles from being on the rack for so long.

After several moments of cutting, the length of it was put on the shield, fitting it into place. A movement of his lips criticized his own work before he figured it would do. He was no perfectionist he reminded himself. He then took up something of a drill with a handle on the end, and began drilling holes into the leather, then further into the wood of the shield beneath. Waiting for the slow process of the end of it to pop out of leather, then grate through wood. There was a brief moment of satisfaction each time the drill came through the other end of each. For it began to weigh upon the strength of his arms, and wrists to keep it up continuously.

Before he'd finish even half of it, he needed another short break. His arms were shaken out of their grind of work. The taint of warmed wood was scenting the air as well as the discreeter scent of leather that was cut away. Eyes of a dormant mood shifted about before they'd fall upon the quiet entrance of Lola. An apple was in her hand, a small one that she was favoringly biting into. The juices were eyed in how they glistened at her clutching fingers. He fed her as best be could he thought. He was no cook, but knew enough from others that she favored the sugars in fruits and the taste of a particular few that he obtained for her from the markets every so often.

"Hail lola, apple, good?" Coroth was still working on his common with her, for he still only knew a handful of words it seemed. For there was the vastness of thousands to learn and identify still. It seemed a vast void to figure out and understand. So for now, he kept to the basics. His tongue sought the favor of a water skin that was taken up for his own thirst to be quenched. Recessive eyes kept his attention upon her though, not arguing with the plight of looking upon a young woman in her epitome of beautifully young years in her life.

"Yes Master, it is…delicious!" The word was spoken with the residue of the fruits flavor still upon her tongue and announced in the way she spoke the syllables adding a perking up of mood as if it was being most enjoyed and wanted to greet him with her gratitude for bringing them to her. She lowered onto her knees upon a pile of fur near the entryway to the cavernous abode he shared with her. The softness of the few layers were nestled in with particular edgings nearing the word grace in her movements. Movements the avriel eyed as such flesh was something to view and mesmerize himself with. There was little else to entertain his eyes with if he did not create something himself.

A roll of his eyes drew his attentions elsewhere as she merrily smiled at him with a hidden taunt. Knowing full well what he was gazing upon as she thought upon the same linings of his visage. She though, spoke not further as she munched further upon the snack that would be her lunch. Coroth meanwhile took another sip from the water skin in his clutches before he set it down upon a stone outcropping nearby. He then headed back to the table, a sigh of reluctant breath coming from the depth of his lungs to be sent forth from parted lips as he looked at the work ahead of him that day. And set about returning to its completion. -‡-

Last edited by Coroth on Mon Jan 06, 2020 3:55 am, edited 2 times in total. word count: 1557
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Re: -‡- Leather Tormentings -‡-

-‡- The sun was a little lower in the sky, but only by a small margin. A margin he had not taken the time to configure or resolve the identity of. He though, knew that cutting away at the leathers and measuring the pieces out had consumed some length of time since he'd begun. Strips of the material had been set aside. Then, he finally realized that it might have been better to complete at least one side of the process, incase he had been wrong somewhere, and would not ruin the other pieces of leather with the same process. Or would find a way to improve the process as he continued, and could use the learned knowledge on the additional pieces when it was their turn. It was too late for that part of learning now though.

None the less, he stood over the make-shift table where the shield still rested. He decided to glue a weave of leather cord through the holes with pieces of bone he had chiseled into rivulet like pieces earlier. Even now, he had a few of such pieces nearby. A few had broken away at his fingertips. The pieces too weak to be used as the chisel had cracked the pieces apart instead of searing a hole through them. Holes that a leather cord were being sewn through. The end of which was tied into a rough knot that lithe digits pulled tightly into a fused combination. Then he reached for a small tube of glue which he poured onto the knot to seal it from aging. The longer end of the cord was pushed through the first hole that led through the layers of leather, through wood, then through the other side where the folded piece of leathers would be threaded through in turn. The glue began molding onto the first tier of leather as he tugged the leather cord through the partitions of the shield. Watching the leather dimple inwards from his strength.

Another piece of bone was used to press against the outer surface of the backside of the shield. Another knot made to keep it tightly in place and the leather sealed against the wood of the shield within. The remaining piece of leather was cut away with a small blade. Then more glue was added to the knot to seal it up. This process was continued along the length of the shield. He found it to be a simple way to keep the leather addition to the shields sides. This, or he could weave a length of the leather cord like sewing a cloth together. But if it was led from hole to hole and allowed to weave around the edge of the shield and leather, then in battle, it could be cut away, and become a distraction that could lead to his death.

So more time was spent in this process. A feint movement of the wind came upon his ears to whisper its' breath for his attentions to listen to and recall that it was still around. Though recently, it had grown silent, as if it had something else to do. Or he himself had his mind elsewhere besides seeking to spend time with the elemental spirit. It seemed disheartened if not saddened that it had lost his attention. But his mind was stalwart and stern about something else of importance. And for some reason, he had to give it a cold shoulder whilst he tended to other matters of mind and matter.

A few times, he had to redo the threading process as part of the leather cord here and there became too weak, and broke on him. Causing him to reglue that particular hole, and dig out the substance that had dried too quickly on him before he could remake a replacement. For some reason, he could not figure out what more could be used to tie leather to the wood of the shield. But he was still a novice, and had no teacher of the craft.

Perhaps, he would seek to spend time in the markets, and seek armorers who sold shields, and take a look at their makings, and determine how they were made. Research was an important way to acquire knowledge of the unknown. All one really had to do was look in the right places. If he was unlucky, there wouldn't be any traders around who had such shields for display to learn such a skill from. That would cause him to have to wait, till such a shield was found. Or, another idea would sprout into his mind from ingenuity. If neither arose, he feared shield making with such an additive would not be something he would get rich from.

After the task was complete. He stood the shield up, and set it against the balconies inner wall. The reptilian leather addition gave the outer lining of the shield a few inches of added strength. And a weave of surface that was chiseled away by the growth of the creatures flesh through its' lifetime. Now his, and used to idle his eyes upon the way the natural course of the many miniscule lines ran along its surface, intersecting with the several other miniscule scale like portions of flesh in their own manner. It was a mesmerizing addition. As an avriel, he was short in thoughts, and did not take too long to stare upon it or lose himself to thoughts solely of it. Instead, he drew his features away from it. Letting the glue dry as it would and set about seeking something to eat. The scent of an apple in the air from when lola had been nearby earlier had already left the air. Perhaps something of meat would satiate his dormant hunger. -‡-
word count: 967
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Re: -‡- Leather Tormentings -‡-




Knowledges: 4x Leatherworking
2x Strength

Loot: A basic quality shield, at novice level that is all you're capable of creating
Injuries: Fingers sore and rubbed raw from the leather working, they hurt to use for 10 trials, getting better as the trials go on, but are stiff and bleed if used too much.
*As a grader I am giving you a more substantial injury.
Wealth: n/a
Renown: n/a

EXP: 10 XP not for use with magic


Yes and no, see your injuries above. That is your penalty.


Very interesting thread. I can see in my minds eye the really cool reptile leather shield. It's only basic quality as at novice that's all your able to create. Make sure you post this thread to the WP thread submission if you haven't already done one thread for the season. Here is a bit about renown, you can only get renown in increments of 5.

word count: 165

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