[Sweetsong] The Eternal Flame

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The home to the Induk Sweetwine and populated by fairies, this enchanted forest has many secrets

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[Sweetsong] The Eternal Flame


Consequence from here...

Anak felt itchy all the time, since the onset of Vhalar. At first, many among his tribe suggested it might be the late autumn restlessness, shared by most tunawa as they were compelled to shake the leaves from the branches of various trees. But Kisaik knew something they didn't. He knew of the fire anak that had taken residence in his soul, and now having been denied his prize for so long, was becoming restless itself. Before long, and before the cold set over the land, it would begin to burn him up.

He had to deal with it, and fulfill his end of the bargain, with which he'd salvaged the fate of the First Tree.

So he'd commissioned a burning brazier from Winston, to house the fuel and the flame. It was to be of the utmost resistance to heat and conduction, and also have a high melting point of course, to withstand the great heat of the flames. There was another thing that Winston said he had in store for Kisaik, so a note of extra excitement entered into the equation for the tunawa knight.

He'd worked with several villagers of Sweetsong to raise a stone and earthen housing for the brazier, making sure it would fit the specifications of which he'd set for Winston to follow. It would be a large brazier, to allow a lot of fuel to be provided at a time.

Kisaik's own preparations had included the raising of a Yellow Dragon Tree, which had the properties of phoenix wood spliced into its wood and bark, so that it would burn and not burn up, and act as permanent fuel. Although he of course would provide more in time.

The idea for the 'Eternal Flame' as Kisaik was deeming to call it, was to be a place to offer up offerings to one's immortals or spirits or worshipped ancestors of choice. Whatever someone wanted to give up an offering to, that would go into the flames and the Anak would consume it on their behalf.

So that was the idea. Kisaik only hoped it would placate the restless Anak spirit.

So there, he waited, with Lalia seated on a nearby tree branch. The seating for the brazier had been completed by the villagers, with the stones and raised earth and mortar. All that was needed now, was to add the brazier, and light the fuel that Kisaik had gathered himself.

He stood with a cheerful demeanor, albiet with a sense of urgency, as he itched his chin. It felt oddly warm when he did so.

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Re: [Sweetsong] The Eternal Flame

Ignore THAT, see THIS!

Singing Shield notes for Mod
This shield which I'm giving Kisaik is fully approved and created using PSFs and IC threads. See this tracker for any details you might want to see.

No approval is required at this stage, I'm just providing these links to ensure it's clear I've not just manifest this super-item out of nowhere :-)

I have included the weapon's complete stat-block at the bottom of this post for Kisaik to then take on for himself :-)
Winston had been working on Kisaik's brazier now for many trials, gathering the properties of the various things he wanted into its design with great care and deliberation. The design was elegant and in fact, the many seasons of practice he had put into creating shields, transferred very transparently across to the requirements of a large domed brazier. The masterwork brazier had three legs to provide optimal stability and was made of a good quality
to ensure it was able to withstand whatever the Ankh threw at it. The Faldrunium however got extremely hot, which needed to be dealt with, so to ensure that no one approaching the brazier got burnt, the stand and outer rim of it was imbued with a plethora of fire resistance properties from
Phoenix Wood
and the natural ability to remain cool that is offered by
Green sand

As he arrived, pulling the large brazier on a cheap wagon, anyone with a sharp eye would notice that it was with far greater reverence that it was that he carried a small spherical package. This contained the Singing Shield that he had made for Kisaik. It was, without a doubt, quite genuinely a work of true mastery and for him, something he considered to be the pinnacle of his life's effort to date.

The shield was wrapped in something a little special to. Paper infused with the properties of rainbow sand and Wikon Tree's leaves. The paper hugged around the shield that had been placed into it, holding it snugly inside its grasp. Further to this, the hugging affect was triggered by being touched by a specifically design clasp, which sat on the 'top' of the dome like a little crest.

When the crest was removed, the paper would relax and open and thanks to a little fun and a Peganot from the Sweetsong supply, the paper would
give off a puff of rainbow coloured glitter that floated down in all the shimmering colours of the rainbow
. It was with this and a little theatrics that he hoped to give the shield a grand reveal.

This of course was all a surprise for his friend and was something he had held with great secrecy... and giggles.

As he approached he gave a bright smile. "Kiiiisaaaik! 'ow yuh doin'?" He wondered over and found a place to carefully put the shield down that would provide for optimal impact when it was opened and the fairfair triggered.

The ENORMOUS brazier trailing along behind them was almost not acknowledged by the ferret in any way, creating quite the juxtaposition as he obviously failed to contain his own anticipation as the comparatively small shield sat on the table, unmoving. "Dis es et... Hehe... Open-et-open-eeeet! EEEeeee....."

Winston's Works ~ The Singing Shield

The Singing Shield is a magical throwing shield, of buckler design.
Domed and designed for throwing, its balance is such that it can fly true through the air when thrown
with skill, allowing it to be a very effective range attacking weapon if so desired. Its edges are blunt and not in any way designed for decapitation, but it would be very well placed for utilitarian and non-lethal blows to an opponent or object.

Crafted of an Alloy of Grave Gold and Scalvoris Blue-glass
, the shield has the ability to enhance sound, songs and other air vibrations that pass over it. As a result, the shield often rings with a gentle hum as it travels through the air when thrown. Despite its Grave Gold/Blue-glass Alloy construction,
it is unusually light
, working to aid in its gliding capabilities.

Due to the use of Gold Grave, it typically has a light green hue (combined with the Blue-Sand Glass), however as it become more heavily exposed to magical energies, this turns a deep and vibrant emerald. This colour change fades over time as the shield 'mends' itself using said energy.

The buckler shield can channel some of the magical energy thrown at it into wells it holds, allowing it to withstand extended exposure to magical attacks from fire, water, wind and lightning, thanks to the Territe used in its construction. In combination with its mending ability, this can result in the more energy you throw at it, the more resilient it becomes to the attack.

Located precisely in the centre of the shield, is a small, spring-loaded aperture. This is about the size of the end of a Tunawan thumb and deep enough to securely contain three small balls. While any small, thumbnail sized balls could be placed in here (without detrimentally affecting the balance of the shield), the intention is for these to be used to hold alchemical chews. It is possible, with a moment’s effort, to remove a ball from the aperture, with your thumb and have it drop into your palm. The typical use of this is for alchemical combat stimulants.
Quick Facts

  • Is a Masterwork quality shield.
  • Is almost completely unaffected by fire.
  • Absorbs magical energies directed at it, having an affect that:
    • Negates magical Fire, Water, Wind and Lightening magics aimed at it up to and including Competent.
    • Reduces the effectivity of magics aimed at it higher than Competent by two levels.
    • Heals damage done to it as magic is absorbed from attacks aimed at it.
  • If 'fed' magical energies, it will mend itself from even very serious damage and broken parts.
  • Works as a perfectly balanced throwing discus/frisbee.
  • Despite being built for strength, it is very light and does not affect the wielders agility.
  • Enhances sound/music and 'hums' when thrown.
  • Has a dispenser that can issue the wielder small round (bubble-gum sized) snacks on demand.
Approved here, development tracked here, built here, reclaimed here.
All template credit, love and admiration goes to Pyrre Ej'qy
word count: 1065


When standing at his full height, Winston towers a full 1 foot and one blueberry tall. A fact he will happily demonstrate before flicking said blue orb into the air with his nose and then eating it with a snappy grin.

His eyes are dark and sharp, ringed by dark brown fur upon the bright white fur that sets off across the rest of his face.


Winston usually carries the following on his person:
  • Cassion's Locket hangs snugly around his neck.
  • Winston's Fairy Bell hangs from his tool-belt attached to his hip. It's 'ringer' is often bound by a small piece of cloth to prevent it giving away his position while in the wilderness.
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Re: [Sweetsong] The Eternal Flame

The Eternal Flame.
“Life is full of grief, to exactly the degree we allow ourselves to love other people."
~~ Orson Scott Card ~~

It was an important trial, Vega knew. She understood that Sir Chip was creating an eternal flame and that he was doing it for complicated reasons which boiled down to something very simple for Vega. He was doing it, he was her friend and so she supported him.

In the discussions she'd had with him, and from what she'd gathered, she knew that she needed to bring something with her. Something to ... let go of. Not a sacrifice, as such, but something to give up. It had been something which she had considered, carefully. Sitting outside their tent in the darkest pitch of the night, she had realised that the answer was simple and obvious. Sitting, darkness wrapped around her like a familiar cloak, she had smiled and lifted her then-pale eyes to the sky, seeking out sight of the stars which always twinkled. The smile had been rather sad because it was something that she knew she would miss, but she also understood that it was time, in fact it was long past time, to let it go.

It wasn't hard to find, the small folded piece of cloth was on the top of her memory chest. It sat there and made her smile and feel a wrenching pull of grief all at the same time and, as she'd lifted it up, ready to bring it to the clearing, Vega had lifted it to her nose and breathed in the smell of it. Closing her eyes she savoured that memory and then, she tied the cloth around her hand and let people know where she was going and what she was doing and then, she made her way.

So, Vega arrived just on time and a little behind Winston. She was wearing a blue dress and she gave the two men-folk, Kisaik and Winston, a smile and a wave. The hand she lifted to wave to them was wrapped in what seemed to be a small white 'kerchief with delicate gold embroidery on it. "Mornin' boys," she said with a grin. She looked at the brazier Winston had pulled along here and she saw that Winston was ignoring that and gesturing for Sir Chip to open what seemed like a very small item instead. However, it was obviously something of importance to Winston and that probably meant, Vega figured, that Sir Chip was going to be very pleased with it.

"Come on then, Sir Chip," she said with a smile. "The suspense is killin' us."
word count: 444

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: [Sweetsong] The Eternal Flame

Oh Look! Kindling!!

Kisaik heard Winston approaching with his wagon-drawn brazier that Kisaik had asked him to make for the Anak's home., before he saw him. He jumped in excitement as he saw one of his bestest friends on Idalos, coming to join this very special and spiritual ceremony. Once they came to a stop, Kisaik opened a large portal over the brazier , with the force of a hashwind, it was pulled into the portal, and then deposited beneath the egress, set just over its place, of stacked stones and rainbow wood bricks. There, it would remain, secure for the most part until the final touches were made probably later. In any event, one would be foolish to try and meddle with such a powerful anak as resided in Kisaik's spirit cloak.

Within moments of Winston's arrival, he could sense Vega's approach through his rupture gleam. His eyes spotted her through the treelines, and he waved energetically at her, with his free hand. "Welcome Vega! Good that you could make it."

However, he could sense, somewhat, although he was no master of psychology, that there was something solemn about her mood. Perhaps it was his imagination. He had told everyone to bring a little something to sacrifice to the Anak, as part of his promised oath with the spirit.

"What have you got there Vega?" He asked gently. Whether she answered or not, Kisaik cleared his throat, at her insistence that he get on with things.

Kisaik nodded to her and then tilted his head as the Ferret brought another box, this one smaller, but filled with what looked like colorful paper. "Oh Winston! Perfect and thoughtful! We will certainly want for kindlinig to get the Anak appetized. Great idea!"

He almost didn't notice the shield, until the glint of the metal hit his eye. Then he spun around, and after placing the paper onto the brazier, he took up the shield. "Oh my! You've finished it! it's marvelous! Look! There's even a tree motif. Beautiful work, my friend..."

But then, it was past time they got to business of the day. There wouldl be time to show off the shield afterward.

"Right, under the auspices of great Oath Keeper Vhalar, during his own season, I hold my compact with the great fire anak from Yaralon, complete!" Kisaik said, by way of summoning the anak to the material realm of Idalos from the depths of his spirit cloak. The fiery anak blazed to glory into the brazier, eating through the precious paper Winston had contributed. While Kisaik held his shield up instinctively, to block off some of he heat.

"With Vhalar as witness to our oath, and Ashan as custodian to the great spirits, we welcome you Eternal Flame, anak of Yaralon, to Sweetsong!" So saying, Kisaik took his Ojogbon staff, that he'd kept from a very young age. It was an heirloom of sorts, but felt the sentimental value would please the Anak. So he tossed it into the fire, so that he would get a taste of his lineage.

"Well, that's that. What have you all brought the Anak for this ritual?" Kisaik asked his two friends, as they gathered around the brazier.

The Anak appeared to be getting a little restless, even as Kisaik made his contribution...
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Re: [Sweetsong] The Eternal Flame

Combustibles for the combustion
When Vega prompted Kisaik to open the gift, Winston grinned at her, his eyes bulging with cheeky excitement.

He cocked an eyebrow at the apparent suggestion that the shield would be kindling. He was fairly sure the Ank would have a hard time consuming it, but that certainly was one way to test its limits. "Noh-noh! Dere es someting enside far yuh!" He protested, playfully, not entirely sure if his friend was teasing him or not.

He beamed as Kisaik appreciated the shield, before quickly moving on with his ceremony. He considered that perhaps Kisaik would 'have a play' with it later. Totrial was important to him and he didn't want to divert attention from the proceedings.

As best Winston could tell, the ank was of fire only
and so while it seemed important to his friend that the offering be 'meaningful' he was more sure the ank would simply appreciate 'combustible'. Nonetheless, it was important to Kasaik and so important to him. He had brought a log of Yellow Drago Wood for it to 'chew on'. It was wrapped in in a story. A story of home, of Dream. Every trial that passed, he compared Idalos to Dream, to the things he saw there with the things he saw here... If it meant anything at all, it meant something as he made this promis to move forward, here, in his new home.

"Et's a pramiss tuh stap looin' back. A stary af a young Cadaouri, last en them's own dreams af odda worlds..." He told the story, the moral being not to invest your life in dreams, at the cost of your life. "An' me infused de wood wid some 'ealin' prapaties, like yuh shield. Me nat shar 'ow lang et will burn, bot per'aps dem will enjoy et... Like a gab stappa." He smiled at the other two warmly. "Me tried tuh infuse a littal fire cancept intuh et, but me struggled tuh get de wood tuh 'old an tuh dat."
Log Imbuement
Despite being a fairly inconsequential offering, it is something he can do and has done before with other things. The shield being offered to kisaik today in fact can absorb magic to heal itself. This wood will absorb a little fire to regenerate itself, hopefully making it burn for a very long time indeed. I don't really care if it lasts an extra day, wekk, arc or not at all. It's just a gesture Winston would make to try and appease the ank with something it can 'chew on' for a while.
All template credit, love and admiration goes to Pyrre Ej'qy
word count: 448


When standing at his full height, Winston towers a full 1 foot and one blueberry tall. A fact he will happily demonstrate before flicking said blue orb into the air with his nose and then eating it with a snappy grin.

His eyes are dark and sharp, ringed by dark brown fur upon the bright white fur that sets off across the rest of his face.


Winston usually carries the following on his person:
  • Cassion's Locket hangs snugly around his neck.
  • Winston's Fairy Bell hangs from his tool-belt attached to his hip. It's 'ringer' is often bound by a small piece of cloth to prevent it giving away his position while in the wilderness.
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Re: [Sweetsong] The Eternal Flame

The Eternal Flame.
“Life is full of grief, to exactly the degree we allow ourselves to love other people."
~~ Orson Scott Card ~~

Sir Chip asked her what it was that she had brought and Vega smiled at him. Waving her hello to Winston, she held up a piece of fabric, the small 'kerchief and she opened it out. "It were my father's" Vega said quietly. "The last gift given to him by my mother. She died birthin' me an' when I were a child, he used to wrap it round any hurts I had." She smiled at it, looking at it fondly. "If I scraped a knee, once he'd cleaned it an' bandaged it, he wrapped this around it. If I were upset about somethin', he put it in my pocket an' said that it's magic would work because it were close to my heart." Her voice had a faraway quality to it, like she was remembering which, of course, she was.

"When I was leavin' the clan, settin' out on my own, he gave it to me an' told me that it should remind me that he's always with me." She waved it in the air, like she was surrendering, then she looked at Sir Chip and she gave him a genuine, and genuinely bright, smile. "So, I'm happy to let it go now, because I don't need it to remind me o'that. I know he is."

Then, Kisaik did some pretty wild spirit-stuff. Now, Vega was able to more and more understand that and she watched with interest. She also observed what Kisaik's and Winston's sacrifices were. She couldn'thelp but smile as Winston put in yellow dragon wood, with a twist. That was very typically him. She felt very relaxed and simply watched her two friends as they spoke and did and - as her turn came - she put forward the kerchief. "It's a symbol of love an' blood an' kindship," she said, "an' I welcome the chance to share that. It's the fire of a father's love an' a daughter's respect. It's the importance of the past an' the sure knowledge that those we love are always flames in our heart." She didn't seem - because she wasn't - bothered by the heat, but that was irrelevant here.

She dropped the kerchief in and she watched it burn with an expression of calmness that she rarely wore. Vega had spent so long being unsure of her place but now she had found it and her past had led her here. Her father had held her hand on every troubled road and looking at the 'kerchief made her sad that she died. In truth, more than anything, she was just grateful that he lived.

Looking to Sir Chip and to Winston she smiled slightly and raised an eyebrow in a "what now" expression. She was very much the interloper here, so she waited for direction from them.
ooc: so sorry for horrible delays!
word count: 510

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: [Sweetsong] The Eternal Flame

Up in Smoke

Kisaik was so engrossed in the idea of finally fulfilling his bargain to the Yari Anak of Inferno, that he almost forgot his manners! He took out the shield from all the coverings and wrappings, and marveled at its craftsmanship. It was absolutely perfect, with a tree resembling the Sweetstone Tree, and all the right colors complimenting its outline. Truly a shield worthy of a hero, Kisaik only hoped… “I hope I prove worthy of such a shield! Thank you Winston, it’s brilliant and amazing and I can’t wait to USE IT.”

“Ahem…” Kisaik would’ve blushed, as it was some of the sap rising to his head brought a ephemeral glow to those around him, of being very well enthused about everything going on around.

“Thank you so much, Winston! Now…” Kisaik inspected the work Winston had done on the ever-burning log he’d constructed. “That should work! To keep the fire going I mean. Amazing, although I am proud to have taught you a little, you may just have surpassed me in the alchemy department, my friend.” Indeed, Winston had crafted some things that went far beyond anything he’d imagined possible, and Kisaik had a very good imagination, so that was saying something.

“I’m sure it’ll work! If not we can always make more of them.” Kisaik assured Winston.

Then Vega explained what she was bringing. Kisaik at first worried that he might’ve broken etiquette to have asked, as some of the things they were contributing were of very intense personal significance or value, or else marvels of alchemical engineering like Winston’s offering.

In the case of Vega, it was a deeply personal thing. All Kisaik could say to her was, “Thank you for bringing it, and giving us the story behind it. I miss your papa too. He was a good sort.”

He would’ve hugged Vega, but as it was he reached up with his stretchy arm to squeeze her hand briefly, before retracting it. And then it was time to turn toward the brazier that Winston had crafted, and all their collected fuel for the fire.

They’d all gathered things they were willing to let go, to support the flame, to discard material things that had become more things of the spirit, things that were indefatigable because they meant more than the objects they were invested in. They were their memories, parts of their soul that were now inextricably linked to who they were as people.

Yet it wasn’t a time for holding hands and singing ‘Hey Nonny or Kumbaya’, like the planting and establishment of the Sweetstone had been. The Anak of Inferno from Yari was a powerful spirit of consumption and in part of destruction. It would serve as a place to discard things, both trash and other things that had long outlasted their material use. Perhaps a blunt assessment of what the Eternal Flame would mean for Sweetsong, but it was accurate.

And so, Kisaik concentrated, and brought forth the Anak from his spirit cloak. At first, it resisted a bit, as it found Kisaik’s woody flesh very appetizing, and had begun to grow very attached to it as it began to consume him from inside out.

However, with a force of will Kisaik expelled the Anak onto the brazier.

At first, there was a confluence of anger from the Anak that was so rudely interrupted from its feast. For the first time that day, perhaps Vega and Winston would notice how tired and worn down Kisaik was as he let go of the spirit. That was in part what the Anak had been both propping up as it inhabited the Tunawa, and also what it had consumed of him.

But now it was at an end, and the healing would begin. But not before a reckoning with the Anak of Inferno.

”These trifles are my fuel?” The Anak rudely interjected as it gravitated toward the brazier. ”They are… Sufficient.”

Kisaik’s eyes flashed orange with irritation. “They are our treasures, but now they are mere matter to be consumed by you, Great Anak. We will feed you from time to time, with a variety of things. Some of it will be ‘trifles’ but it hardly would matter to you. So long as you get to destroy something, no?”

“You are not incorrect, Kindling.” The Anak stated through its crackling flames. “I will bide here, for as long as you maintain this compact.”

“Are we all in agreement then?” Kisaik asked, looking to Winston and Vega. And others of the village who’d gathered to watch the ritual. Kisaik meanwhile held up his shield, in case the Anak had second thoughts…

“Then by the power invested in me by my friend Ashan, through Loshova, Under the watchful sight of Vhalar the Oath Keeper,I hereby commit you to this place, so long as the people of Sweetsong hold up our end of the bargain struck so far to the south.” Kisaik bowed his head.

And then, the Etenral Flame began consuming its offerings, and just as Winston had intended, the alchemically treated wood healed with every lick of flame, although at the same time feeding it. It was a remarkable invention, one that Kisaik may well have to pick his friend’s brain on later.

But for now, he just stared into the flames with his friends, watching as the materials so significant to them went up in smoke, while the spirit they represented remained firmly in their hearts.

Last edited by Kisaik on Tue Oct 15, 2024 1:49 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 931
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Re: [Sweetsong] The Eternal Flame

A burning heart
The ferret liked seeing Vega getting involved in 'other peoples' stuff around camp. He always considered that it might be nice for her, to be seeing her camp, her people, taking on lives and bodies of their own, outside her, but inside her... He shared a warm and heartfelt smile with her as the events unfolded, his excitement over the shield withstanding, of course.

Kisaik seemed happy with the shield, a fact that made Winston himself very happy indeed. "De wielder makes de shield." He said with a smile. "So dis shield is now de most hanarable shield me know and ef et 'elp ar protects yuh even only once, et wus worth every trill." He proclaimed joyfully as Kisaik continued to appraise the item.

He waved a hand as if to deflect the compliment when his wooden friend spoke well of his alchemy. "Yuh planted de seed, my friend. Me will never stap learnin'."

When prompted to answer, the ferret nodded in agreement. It would be a nice place to cook the occasional marshmallow as well, he was sure, and others seemed to agree.

As the fire grew in vigor and the brazier held it like a nest for a phoenix, he mused over the possibilities. It was a destructive thing. A natural thing. For growth cannot come without destruction, right? He was sure there would be good, helpful ways to use the Ank's presence outside it's destructive nature... Whether he could find them or not... Well, that would be a challenged for another trial.
All template credit, love and admiration goes to Pyrre Ej'qy
word count: 272


When standing at his full height, Winston towers a full 1 foot and one blueberry tall. A fact he will happily demonstrate before flicking said blue orb into the air with his nose and then eating it with a snappy grin.

His eyes are dark and sharp, ringed by dark brown fur upon the bright white fur that sets off across the rest of his face.


Winston usually carries the following on his person:
  • Cassion's Locket hangs snugly around his neck.
  • Winston's Fairy Bell hangs from his tool-belt attached to his hip. It's 'ringer' is often bound by a small piece of cloth to prevent it giving away his position while in the wilderness.
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Re: [Sweetsong] The Eternal Flame

The Eternal Flame.
“Life is full of grief, to exactly the degree we allow ourselves to love other people."
~~ Orson Scott Card ~~

If Vega had known that Sir Chip was bringing an Anak of Destruction, she would have punched him into next Cycle. However, she didn't know that - and she trusted Sir Chip to have spoken to her about such had he done so. As such, Vega relied on what she saw and what she heard from Sir Chip. But then, she heard the Anak speak to Sir Chip and she frowned. This was not what she had thought it to be - an 'eternal flame' was not an Anak of Destruction sitting on your lawn.

She would have glared at Sir Chip, but the truth was that he looked exhausted. Vega could not - in that moment - be annoyed at him as she realised just what a toll that Anak had been taking and so she simply watched and was ready to act if action was needed. Thankfully, it wasn't, and so she allowed herself the time to simply be part of it.

But once it was done, Vega turned to Sir Chip and she spoke softly, but clearly. "I understand, Sir Chip, that somethin' else has happened here. You look exhausted. But what you've jus' done there isn't somethin' to jus' do to the people of Sweetsong or to me. If you'd spoken about it before hand, then I'd be find with discussin' it. But don't be puttin' a responsibility on the people here without discussin' it first."

Vega gave a slight shrug then, a lift of her shoulders that said all was right between them. "I understand that it must be the case that - for whatever reason - you couldn't in this circumstance. But I don't wanna see that happenin', unless it's extreme." And, frankly, even then. "An' if it is, then bring it to me."

That was the bottom line for Vega. This was a community but they were leaders of that community, they had responsibilities. Putting an onus on the people of Sweetsong wasn't something she was prepared to do and, as sure as Karem liked wolves, she wasn't going to let others do it either. No matter who they were.

Still, it was said, it was sorted and so, it was on to the next thing. "I'm starvin'," Vega said with a grin. "Anyone fancy somethin' to eat?"
word count: 414

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: [Sweetsong] The Eternal Flame

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Notes/Warnings: Fire Anak is given a home in Sweetsong, for how long? Who knows!

Thread: [Sweetsong] The Eternal Flame
City/Area: Sweetwine Woods

Renown: Probably
If any PC in this thread is in a faction, please list them: Song-Forged, Vega, Winston, and Kisaik
Faction Points: Yes please.
Collaboration: Yes
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word count: 130

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