[Sweetsong] Teachin', Preachin' an' a lil bit of Reachin'

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The home to the Induk Sweetwine and populated by fairies, this enchanted forest has many secrets

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[Sweetsong] Teachin', Preachin' an' a lil bit of Reachin'

Teachin', Preachin' an' a lil bit o' Reachin'

There were about to be people in Sweetsong.

More precisely, there were about to be military people in Sweetsong.

Vega had agreed with Kura that she was going to train some of the Elements. She'd also told Kura that it needed to be here, in Sweetsong. She'd done that for a number of reasons that she considered now as she looked at the full-time settlers in Sweetsong.

"I'm trainin' them," she said to the folks all gathered around the central fire pit. "Some things I'm trainin' them in are things like .. well, bein' useful an' reactin' in a crisis. Also, some field craft, because honestly that's about usin' resources the best you can an' they need to do that an' finally, I'm goin' to teach them a bit about fightin' an' tactics. Anyone that feels like any of those would help, or that wants to sit in on a class is more than welcome." She explained the times and so on that she'd arranged. She'd purposely given the Elements who were coming here a full itinerary. It made sense to her to maximise their time here.

It had to be said, she didn't really expect anyone to want to and so, when Vega went to meet the bunch of Elements who were coming, she expected that she'd be teaching them and only them. Looking at them as they arrived, Vega knew the way that they were feeling. They were thinking that they were failures, that they'd been sent here as some sort of remedial thing. That was fine, she could work with that. So, she greeted them cheerily. "Wotcha. I'm Vega an' I'm goin' to be teachin' you. First, we need to get you set up with somewhere to sleep. The people here, we've set up a communal area for you an' I'll take you there now. We eat round the campfire each evenin' an' while you're here, you're one of us."

They didn't argue, which was good, but they also didn't say anything more. Vega gestured and led them to where they were set up and she watched them. They moved slowly, no sense of urgency or enthusiasm sped them up and there was a general sense of lethargy.

"Righteo! Lets move then, we're gettin' started right away. Follow me an' we'll go into the clearin' an' start."

As she led the Elements into the clearing she'd prepared, Vega had to admit to a level of surprise. She hadn't expected any of the settlers to want to be bothered with this but, there they were. "Who're they?" One of the Elements asked and Vega smiled. "They're the residents of Sweetsong."

"Have they come to witness us being taught by a non-soldier or do they just enjoy watching drills?" That was a different one of them and Vega started just as she meant to go on. "Well, if I were feelin' as belligerent as you're soundin' I'd wonder if they've come to watch people feelin' sorry for themselves, or maybe they just enjoy watchin' folks be rude." Vega met his gaze and he started to speak again. She ignored that and spoke over him. "But jus' maybe they're still reelin' from the attacks what happened here jus' days ago. Maybe they recognise that any learnin' is good learnin' an' they're not such rampant egos on legs. Maybe, jus' maybe, they took the time to know that I were a soldier for a year an' jus' perhaps they've got sense enough to realise that whether I'm a soldier or not don't matter. What matters is whether I've got somethin' to teach them an' whether they're prepared to learn."

The man who had spoken closed his mouth and looked at her half-shamefaced, half-defiant. "An' jus' maybe they've got better sense than to grumble at me because they know I won't have none of that nonsense. So, save it for someone what cares that you're feelin' hard done by an' lets start workin' together, shall we?" There were smiles from the settlers; those who knew her well were unsurprised at her reaction but Vega was pleased that there were also a few smiles hidden behind hands from the Elements. The one who'd spoken was, she surmised, a whinger who got on the nerves of his fellow Elements.

That was alright, she figured. He'd shape up in the next few trials.

Or, she'd punch him.

word count: 784

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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[Sweetsong] Teachin', Preachin' an' a lil bit of Reachin'


Kisaik had received an invitation to join the Elements, after his staunch defense of Sweetsong along with the multitude of other villagers who also contributed to its defense. In fairness, it wasn't even mostly due to Kisaik's contribution that the defense was successful. It was a team effort. Kisaik, for all that he founded a knightly order on Faldrass, and had fought alongside some stout companions in his day, wasn't used to operating as part of a team. More often, those who followed him, blesss Alaiwa, were often enough rushing to keep up.

But here he'd finally found people, a group, a tribe and a clan that could keep pace with him even. The village was growing season after season, and he liked to see the new faces that came, drawn by the reputation of its collection of excellent misfits. Kisaik felt it a home, more than he had even since leaving Desnind.

He knew of the training session that Vega would be hosting, and so sat astride the shoulder of the Pirate King, like a different kind of parrot he supposed. Althouogh Kisaik could chirp, he could do one better and talk in full sentences, understood by all who heard him thanks to his necklace of reflection. So he did that in passing as the King arrived at the training ground, alongside some of his former crew.

There, they watched, and listened as Vega went through the paces with the soldiers.

Kisaik didn't know if he had it in him to be a soldier. Something about the regimented and rigid flow of a soldier's routine seemed an anathema to him. He imagined many of the soldiers who signed onto become military men and women did so with thoughts of adventure and daring and action. He could identify with that. So when they found out that much of the early life of a soldier was taking orders, doing chores, and running routine patrols, he could imagine many of them ended up surly. Kisaik didn't know that there was a better way of running a military. However, he felt a certain sympathy for those who signed on with those intentions, only for them to be upset.

"You know," Kisaik remarked to nobody in particular, although the Pirate King was closest at hand to hear him, "I've often wondered what the difference between a knight and a soldier are. Seems to me soldiers defining trait is to take orders, and do as they're told. While a knight is subject only to his own conscious. A soldier may have a good or bad commander and thus bear noo responsibility for following orders. While a knight bears responsibility for his own code and how he follows it."

Kisaik scratched his chin. "How do pirates fit into the spectrum, there, your Majesty?" Kisaik asked the Pirate King. "Are they beholden to their own code of conduct, or do they merely follow orders of their captain without question? I'd heard that pirates may overthrow their captain if they're displeased..."

The King grunted, gruff one he was. Perhaps he'd been too forward auditioning to be his pirate. However, he did respond, "Yeah, mutiny. The Pirate Lords like myself had ways of dealing with that. Best not to mention the details, though, little sprite."

Kisaik nodded, and then suddenly felt a little discomforted. He found the King Gruff, but perhaps he'd offended him somehow, and didn't wish the 'sprite's company afterall. He'd try him later on.

Instead, he popped across to Vega, and landed on her shoulder after a swift blink. "Hullo Lady Vega." He whispered, as she got to setting the soldiers to train. "Mind if I tag along? I'd like to learn a bit about fighting myself! And maybe about what it really means to be a soldier."

"Maybe I can teach them how to ride? I know a lot about getting on with animals!"

Some of the soldiers looked at him, a little dumbstruck, other snickered beneath their breath and swapped half-whispered comments that drew sardonic smiles.

Kisaik saw them, and furrowed his brow. However, he held his tongue.
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Re: [Sweetsong] Teachin', Preachin' an' a lil bit of Reachin'

Teachin', Preachin' an' a lil bit o' Reachin'


Vega found very little more irritating that dweebs.

They were, she believed, the very worst kind of people. The sort of whinging bunch that she saw in front of her were the worst kind of dweebs. She'd met more than a few of them in her time, often they smiled sweetly but were poisonous - claiming to be one thing but then being quite another. She had no time for this nonsense, and she really just wanted to thump them.

But, the arrival of Sir Chip cheered her a little. "Hey, Sir Chip, how're you doin'?" She smiled at him as he said he wanted to be involved and that he might just train these people in something, maybe animal riding or some such. "That sounds good to me," she said and meant it.

However, in that moment there was some grumbling and even a few laughs. Vega looked around and her eyes - which glowed molten at the best of times - swirled in shades which Arlo or her children would have recognised as Trouble Brewing. She walked up to one of the soldiers who was laughing, walking up to him until she was standing right in front of him - practically nose to nose. Her gaze on him was unwavering and obviously disgusted

"Do you wanna laugh now?" Vega asked, her voice showing just how irritated she was. He looked at her and she was pleased to note that his face paled, just a little. He shook his head. "Let me introduce Sir...." she was about to say 'Sir Chip' but then she decided that this wasn't the time for nicknames. "Mädärä Kisaik Ciuruọrun sọ Kufuata Karo Kashe Däuä, Tìfmi Härumtä sọ anou Faewun Samuwar, ọbavi sọ tẹlẹ, igbaradi sọ anou tabi ọludïbọ, Saoire's chieja kẹmïkälï kukïrï, Kuzïngätïä Kore, Akoko Nọọsi, qy’akot o'Creede, ar Yeztlik'o' Nïtọsï Ẹrẹkẹ."

They looked in some surprise at that, and Vega continued. "Or, in the Common Tongue, Sir Kisaik Dark Bark, Orange Knight of the Fairy Court, Hand killer, Warden of the First Tree, Saoire's Brave Story speaker, Freer of Flame, family of Creede, and Father of Sweet Stone. He's blessed by Ethelyna, Qylios, Cassion, Ashan an' Ilaren. He's also a Song-Forged, chosen for his bravery an' wisdom an' he saved us from an attack from behind when the Pirates came. Oh, an' he's a tunawa, so he's little." She was speaking loudly enough that they all heard, but her gaze was not moving from the one she'd walked up to. "He's a member o' my clan, an' guardian o' this place. So you laugh it up, an' let me tell you that it isn't him what's small. It's all of you what laughed."

She turned away, the look on her face very clear that this man - and the others - had major ground to cover. However, Vega had a job to do here and so she took the opportunity. After all, she was a much better teacher these trials than she had been when she'd tried to teach Darius. So, she turned the situation around into a learning experience for them.

"An' that's a good place to start. Usin' every resource an' knowin' your people." Vega looked at them. "When the attacks came, I knew that Winston would be the best person to shelter those who weren't fightin', an' I knew that Jasper an' Sir Chip as I call him, they'd be best suited to defendin' with me. But it's also about your place, an' the environment. It's important, to know what your resources are an' that starts in one place. Where?" She looked around and for a moment, she thought that no one was going to answer, but Vega was good with silence. It was time when they considered things. Then, the man that she had just glared down and told off spoke. "It starts with knowing what you can do." He said that in a voice which was slightly more humble, a little subdued and Vega grinned and nodded. He'd been an ass, she'd told him off. It was done. She didn't hold on to stuff like that.

"Exactly. An' knowin' yourself is important. So I want you to think about that, for a moment, an' then come up with three or four strengths you have. Not stuff like 'I'm good with a sword', but stuff like 'I won't back down when I'm defendin' somethin' or someone I care about,' or 'I'm really hard workin' ' - stuff like that. In a moment or two, I'm goin' to split you into groups an' then you're goin' to use those strengths for your task. I'll be leadin' one group, an' Sir Chip will be leadin' the other. So, take a moment."

She looked at Sir Chip and she gave a smile. "I'm thinkin' that I'm goin' to start them with goin' to a spot in Sweetsong an' tellin' them that they have half a break to prepare to defend it, then talkin' through with them what they'd do, how they'd use that strength o' theirs. What you think, Sir Chip? An' would you be ok with leadin' one group? We'll be close enough that we can swap in an' out between groups an' stuff, but it would be right helpful, if you don't mind."

word count: 943

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: [Sweetsong] Teachin', Preachin' an' a lil bit of Reachin'


Given her preference for shorter names and nicknames, and just generally calling a thing whatever it seemed to her, Kisaik felt a bit blown back (in a good way) when Vega recited all of his titles both in Xanthean and then in common so those there understood. Kisaik blinked a few times, as he sat perched on her shoulder, but eventually piped up, "Thank you Lady Vega! It all sounds like quite a lot when you put it like that!" Kisaik didn't want it to get him with a big head, however, he just did what he did and announced it after the fact in his list of titles.

"And you'd all best listen to Lady Vega, there's no greater fighter in all the land, and can help teach you to keep yourselves alive in dangerous situations." Kisaik said, Then frowned in thougth, "But if I may, I'd offer that the best way to fight evil, when all seems bent toward foul purpose, is to never give up!"

That said, Kisaik gave the floor to Vega's instruction, and watched with rapt attention as she went through the motions of bringing the soldiers back on her side.

When the instruction seemed to come to a close, and Vega asked Kisaik's opinion on a next activity, of dividing them into teams, Kisaik nodded emphatically, "Yes I will certainly help in that way. There are real dangers in these woods, however, that even we haven't reckoned with fully in Sweetsong. There's a necromancer still on the loose, for instance, and her quarry, a great golem of bone and flesh that contains something she craves..."

Kisaik knew of it through his scrying efforts, that she was hoarding wells, and would naturally be drawn to one of the most potent wells installed in that very undead creature.

"But I will endeavor to take them along a safer route, away from the norther edges of the forest? I will certainly do as you say!"

This said, Kisaik blinked down from Vega's shoulder, landing onto Slate and then began bounding off to select his group. He chose one of the ones that had laughed at his appearance. It'd be a good character building exercise, for that one, Kisaik thought. Then he chose a few others, and some even volunteered. "Alright, we're going to set out, and find a place that's defensible and defend it. You're all going to tell me as you prepare, what you're doing to fortify your position..."

This said, Kisaik bounded off into the forest, followed by the elements. He slowed his mount's gait just enough to keep just ahead of the others who were on foot, and eventually came to a large hillock, that was half dug out, the roots of a great tree poking out of the soil. It looked like a good place to set an ambush, or else find cover. "What do you think, my good folk? Shall we make this our kingdom?"

He grinned, and then watched as the elements got to work, starting to scout out the immediate area to discover approaches and other environmental advantages to making a stand here. Kisak was looking forward to whatever Vega had planned.

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Re: [Sweetsong] Teachin', Preachin' an' a lil bit of Reachin'

Teachin', Preachin' an' a lil bit o' Reachin'

Once a point had been made, Vega saw no reason to make it again. She smiled though, at Sir Chip and his words. He was kind to suggest that she was the best fighter in the land. Vega often told Arlo she was, because she enjoyed showing off to her husband - but was she? She really didn't know. What she did know, however, was that she was better than this lot - as was Sir Chip - and so they needed to get With The Programme.

"Thanks, Sir Chip," she said with a smile, and then she and he got a whispered message from
- he could see and hear the small Diri, but no one else could. "Will you find a place, defend it and then we will come and try and break in to those defences? Get your team thinking about how to use the area to defend most effectively, and Vega will get her team thinking about strategy. Then - we swap!"

Assuming that Kisaik said yes, Vega waited for them to go, then spoke to her team. "Right, we're gonna follow them an' then try an' infiltrate the area they set up an' defend," she said. "So, what I want you to do is to start to talk about your own strengths, what you see, what we can do, stuff like that. An' ask me any questions you've got."

Thanks to the fact that they were both Forged, Vega sent Snuffle (the most might dwagon woar) with Sir Chip - so Sir Chip was aware of the answers Vega gave to questions, or could provide answers she couldn't.

The Elements looked at her rather perplexed for a few moments and then started - slowly - to talk. That was fine, Vega figured that speed would come with confidence. But there were questions about the scenario (they were infiltrating the clearing where Sir Chip and his team were. They were to act as though they were arresting people, and the more arrests they could make (determined by touching someone on the shoulder) the better. However, the other side could also touch them on the shoulder, and at that point they were out of the game.

To her group, she spoke in a clear tone - she knew that she had to make it theirs, give them ownership, but equally she didn't want to leave them stranded. However, when one of them - one of those who had laughed, in fact, asked "what would you do first?" Vega grinned.

"I'd take some time, because we've got time, to choose a leader an' come up with a plan. In this early bit, I'd have the sort of meltin' pot thinkin' where no idea is too daft. But I'd give that a timeline, too, an' move to sensible ideas only an' then to final ideas. But sometimes, those out of there apparently daft ideas are the best ones when you put your heads together, so it's worth the time."

They nodded and started that - they quickly voted in a leader and then started talking. Vega smiled and wondered what was happening in the other campOOC I thought it might be fun if you control the NPCs I'm with and I control the NPCs you are ? So in your next post, determine how successful Vega's team are, and I'll reply determining how successful Sir Chip's team are?

word count: 580

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: [Sweetsong] Teachin', Preachin' an' a lil bit of Reachin'


“Right! I’ll lead the others. And best of luck. I’m quite good at mounting a defense, Vega!” Kisaik said, and then departed. Shortly afterward Snuffle appeared to him, and accompanied him. He would’ve playfully accused her of spying, but he knew this was just an exercise. Vega may have wanted to assess Kisaik’s abilities as much as she might the rest of the Element recruits.

Kisaik took the individuals selected for defense, hopped on his steed, Slake, and started stalking off into the clearing where they were to make a stand.

Along the way, Kisaik chatted up the element troops that were with them. They appeared to be made up of Earth troopers and Rangers. Which Kisaik took to be perfect for the task at hand. “Now, you all consider me your flame trooper. Among a group of soldiers, you’ll often find one or two with extraordinary abilities that can help with just about any mission even when the power would seem purposeless in a given situation, I guarantee that you are only not looking at it hard enough.”

“Consider me then, your own personal flame trooper.” Kisaik said, as they arrived at the clearing, having taken looping tracks rather than a straight line, doubling back at times to confuse any tracking attempts. Kisaik knew realistically Vega wouldn’t be fooled by any such trickery, but this was more a test of her troops abilities than her own.

“Now, they’ll be expecting to find a clearing to attack. It just so happens I have a trinket that can grow a wall on demand, made of tough and woody vines! We’ll have a palisade in no time!” Kisaik looked around at his troopers, “Now, have any of you skills apart from fighting?”

One of the former rangers, now element, came forward, wringing his hands a little, “Well, my ma taught me to weave baskets…”

There was snickering among the group, and Kisaik gave them a glowing stare, trying to shut them down as he drew the shade blade. That shut up their snickering.

“That’s perfect!” Kisaik exclaimed, “You can help me weave the vines in such a way that it is sturdy and held upright!”

“Now what shall we have the rest of you do?” Kisaik said, scratching his chin. “I suppose…”

He thought about it for a few moments, and then lit up. “I know, you can all place little boulders and rocks along the back of the vine walls we erect. That way, if any get over the wall, they’ll trip and be easy pickings for apprehension!”

Kisaik nodded at his plan, pretty pleased with it.

“Now, we two flame troopers shall use our special skills to do what you all can’t, and the rest will help shore up the rest of the defenses with tripping stones.” This said, Kisaik clapped loudly and then went toward the perimeter. There, he began growing the vines, using the Element ranger’s basket weaving knowledge to weave them in such a way as to present a sturdy wall. Of course, at the rear he left a point open, for them to retreat if necessary. This was guarded from outside and inside, to watch for anyone who would sneak through their exit.

“Alright soldiers.” Kisaik said, hunkering down in front of a tower basket that they’d woven to the top of the front pallisade. “Let’s give our enemy a good welcome when they come!”

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Re: [Sweetsong] Teachin', Preachin' an' a lil bit of Reachin'

Teachin', Preachin' an' a lil bit o' Reachin'

Once the exercise itself was over, Vega grinned and nodded slightly. "Good work," she said, genuinely. "You all worked together an' every step were hard fought," she said. "Let's have a break, then we'll get into some practice. So, get into pairs, an' we'll do some fightin' practice. "

Vega moved around and got people into pairs, made sure that everyone had a partner. She made her way around them and chatted with each one. Vega was constantly relaxed and even when there were people who were boarding on aggressive or churlish or just plain put out, she reined in her tendency to bash heads and instead just ignored the grumpiness and acted like it wasn't happening. She was a straight-talking woman, but she was also an excellent leader and she focused, right now, on being the latter.

When they were all paired up, she looked at Sir Chip. "Shall we practice, Sir Chip?" There were a couple of snorts, looking at the difference between the two and that made Vega sigh. "Feel free to stop practicin' an' watch," she said, generally, "We can give you some instruction."

Looking around at the Elements, she explained. "Once, when I were in the Scaltoth with my 'usban', we got attacked by a giant snake. I mean a GIANT snake. If I'd never practiced against anyone other than people the same size as me, how would I know how to fight it? If I never practice with a Tunawa, like Sir Chip here, how will I ever learn?". She shook her head and looked at them. "Don't you lot realise that if all you ever do is what you've always done, an' if you only prepare for what you know an' understand, then at most you're doin' half a job.".

She gestured to Sir Chip. "When an' if I'm fightin' a Tunawa, I need to use my size to my advantage. Things like havin' a bigger surface area, an' stuff like that. Equally, though, I need to minimise his advantages. So, in a sword fight, Sir Chip, I'm going to try an' stop you from usin' your size an' speed against me."

She wasn't teaching Sir Chip, but explaining to the others who were looking - of course, it might help Sir Chip anyhow. "So, if you know that you can't knock me out in one go, lets say - even though I know you could - but if you couldn't, an' you look at how I hold my sword, Sir Chip - what would you do to make me drop my sword an' lose one big bit of my size advantage?"

She knew that he didn't necessarily fight that way - but equally, they were both teaching here and so she hoped that he would demonstrate, showing how he could use his size to full effect. Which meant, of course, that they were both teaching and - hopefully - both learning from each other.
word count: 507

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: [Sweetsong] Teachin', Preachin' an' a lil bit of Reachin'


The exercise began as Vega led her troops into the midst of Kisaik's conjured fortress of vines and brambles. He had to admit, he was eager to see the look on Vega's face when she saw what he was able to do with a little bit of magic from his bracelet, and the basket weaving knowhow of his flame trooper. "Alright soldiers! Ready yourselves to face the enemy. Anyone of them comes up top the bramble wall, bop them on the shoulder to signal they're out. All the rest, start flinging dirt!"

So having instructed his soldiers, they began flinging dirt balls at the encroaching soldiers who showed themselves. Unfortunately for Kisaik, Vega was very wiley and brought up several of her more promising fighters along the rear. Kisaik remembered how when they'd defended Sweetsong Kisaik had been the one to defend their flanks from on shore enemies. She likely knew this and was testing his readiness to defend against such rear assaults. "Clever Vega, but I'm way ahead of you!"

In truth, he'd not remembered to guard his flank, expecting a more straightforward frontal assault, but Vega's plan made sense. Several of her own troops got into the circular bramble fort, and managed to tap several of their soldiers.

The rest of the exercise was rather fun, devolving into a mudslinging and stick waving contest. By then, Kisaik supposed they'd learned enough of battlefield preparations, and using unorthodox methods to assemble defenses. Whatever it took, whatever one had to bring, it was important that they consider all their options. Even in lieu of magic or artifacts such as Kisaik had. You never knew when an article could be very useful!

So the exercise ended, and they found their way to a clearing, where they could train their combat skills. Each paired up, and some assembled to watch the bout between Kisaik and Vega. "Right! This will be interesting. I'm not much of one to train, I usually only fight when there's a need to, but practice is important for fighting professionals. Of course."

That said, Kisaik squared away with Vega. She asked him how he'd deal with getting her to drop or lower her sword, or move it in a way that created an opening, he presumed. So he supposed she wasn't expecting him to actually talk and tell her, but wanted a demonstration. He considered it, and then ignited his ephemeral blade. He used Lalia's ephemera to charge the blade with the softness of wind, so that it wouldn't hurt if it made contact. He was certain that Vega was skilled enough that she needn't hurt him if she wanted to avoid it. But Kisaik wasn't as confident of his own ability to pull his 'punches'.

So it began, and Kisaik darted inward, waiting for her to move her sword in any way that would intercept his own. The advantage to being small and on the ground, meant the feet and legs were always a good target, but danger always came from above. So Kisaik had to learn to be acrobatic, and leap over such swinging obstacles. Yet Vega was fast, and he found he had to rely on his acrobatic skills to leap over the low cut, he reached out with his arm, stretching it ever so slightly to tap her on the hand as her sword passed by.

He knew she was lowering her skill level for the purposes of training him. If she'd been serious about this, she'd have him diced and sliced like a carrot.

word count: 609
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Re: [Sweetsong] Teachin', Preachin' an' a lil bit of Reachin'

Teachin', Preachin' an' a lil bit o' Reachin'

Practicing with Sir Chip was good for all of them, Vega thought. It was good for her, because it was practice. She had fallen into the trap, for example, of not expecting him to use abilities and powers he had. That had not been something that they had discussed and she mentally kicked herself for not even considering it. It made, after all, perfect sense to use non-lethal abilities. It taught her, it helped him and - hopefully - it taught this bunch of dweebs.

Of course, it ended up more as a scrum than a training session, but Vega didn't mind that. They were learning - and they were building up as a team too. She grinned at Sir Chip when they were finished. "That were right helpful, thank you," There were no more snorts, the Elements had seen her and Kisaik practicing and had seen just how skilled they both were. "It made me realise that I were makin' assumptions about what you'd do because of the difference in our size," she said, "so you've helped me rectify my sloppy thinkin'."

That said, once things were done - and before they descended into a mud-fight, Vega pulled the Elements together once more. "Over your time here, you're goin' to go huntin', an' go out on patrol with the Sweetsong folk an' us.". She looked around at them and spoke - as always - honestly. "If you are prepared to take it in, you'll learn a lot. We work with nature here, an' that's about keepin' balance - but it also means that when things are out of balance, they're obvious.".

After all, spotting when things weren't quite right was a very important skill. Vega considered it and then explained. "In the Pirate Attacks, they got past a lot of our defences because we was like frogs in a slow-boilin' pan. We jus' sat there an' didn't check, didn't look - didn't question. We need to be always doin' those things."

So, Vega handed out the 'assignments' for their time in Sweetsong. Daily combat training, teamwork training in the afternoons. In the morning and evening there was a rotating programme of hunting, lookout, patrolling and working in the medical tent, cooking tent or admin tent. They worked individually, in pairs and in groups, but who they worked with changed often. With a bit of luck, Vega thought, they'd at least do a bit better by the end of it.

Or, she figured, there'd be thumpin'.

word count: 432

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: [Sweetsong] Teachin', Preachin' an' a lil bit of Reachin'

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Notes/Warnings: some mock violence and sparring

Thread: [Sweetsong] Teachin', Preachin' an' a lil bit of Reachin'
City/Area: Sweetwine Woods

Renown: Yes, Kisaik and Vega showing leadership to a bunch of Elements might get some attention.
Do you want this to be considered for Mark Progression? Yes for Kisaik and Vega
If so - which mark. Celarion
Peer Reviewers: Please give feedback as to whether you feel this is appropriate for Mark Progression.
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If any PC in this thread is in a faction, please list them: Song-Forged Kisaik and Vega
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Local Language Thread? No
word count: 233

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