Chest Pains!

101st of Ashan 722

The home to the Induk Sweetwine and populated by fairies, this enchanted forest has many secrets

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Chest Pains!

Chest Pains!...
Captivated was most certainly what Winston was by the Chest. His urge not to show anything even vaguely resembling a lack of gratitude forced him, not unwillingly, as such, but distractedly to use the towel he had been serviced with by the chest to clean up the mess he had made with the tea.

Winston's curiosity, over the next short while, until the meal began, was insatiable. "Wat es inside de chest? ... 'ow often do yuh speak wid Saiore? Me tinks she wus at da Black's wedding yesterday ... Yuh 'ome is lovely ... Me es sooo sarry about da tea ... 'ow lang yuh been livin' 'ere?"

He would lavish attention upon the chest, if it was not unwilling to receive it. It might be that it needed some time to 'come around', but it would not find Winston an unreceptive companion either way.

He held out the towel, having finished with it, in the hope that the chest might take it again. "Me 'ave some lovely people far yuh ta meet in Sweetwine. Et is a beautiful place, full af so many wonderful tings." He tilted his head to one side. "Et is OK if yuh nat like carrying tings. My no like carrying tings neither. Yuh don't 'ave ta carry anyting yuh don't want to." He offered, reassuringly. After all, if the chest really were an independent entity, trying to force it to do anything would not likely lead to a fruitful relationship. "But ... Um, ef dare es anything yuh likes tuh eat, yuh just let me know."

Winston would turn to Millicent at an appropriate moment to offer ... "Es deh anyting me cud 'elp yah wid? Me wud be 'appy to 'elp any way me cun." He didn't actually expect his host to take him up on the offer, but if she did, he'd be delighted to have the opportunity to show his gratitude in any small way he could.
word count: 333


When standing at his full height, Winston towers a full 1 foot and one blueberry tall. A fact he will happily demonstrate before flicking said blue orb into the air with his nose and then eating it with a snappy grin.

His eyes are dark and sharp, ringed by dark brown fur upon the bright white fur that sets off across the rest of his face.


Winston usually carries the following on his person:
  • Cassion's Locket hangs snugly around his neck.
  • Winston's Fairy Bell hangs from his tool-belt attached to his hip. It's 'ringer' is often bound by a small piece of cloth to prevent it giving away his position while in the wilderness.

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Re: Chest Pains!

In the run up to the meal, Winston would discover a few things, quite quickly. They were possibly important things, some of them. But mostly, he would discover that Millicent Thunderbussel, wife to Horatio, was a truly lovely woman who adored her husband as much (if not more) than he adored her. She reassured Winston that "any friend of my Horatio is a true friend of mine" She would explain to him that Horatio was "Saoire's right hand man, he really is. She knows that she can rely on him absolutely, you see and he's so clever. He's quite the cleverest cadouri I've ever met." At that point she looked rather like she might pop with pride. "And he's the handsomest, too. And the kindest. The only thing he isn't, you know, is the luckiest, because that's me! So you are most welcome here, Winston, please, please have a seat."

And such was his introduction to Millicent Thunderbussell.

"Don't you worry about the tea, old chap, it's fine totally fine," Horatio reassured him and he utterly ignored any mess. Not because it didn't bother him, or because he was waiting for someone else to clean it. But both he and Millicent would get it cleaned up when Winston wasn't there - their focus was on him and, if they were telling him it didn't matter then they had to act like it didn't matter. Of course, the only time that they would descend, swoop in, and make a fuss was if there was anything which was making Winston uncomfortable. Then, they'd deal with it.

Another thing that he discovered was that Horatio liked what might be considered the finer things in life. Winston was offered a cigar and what Horatio called a "sniffler" - which turned out to be a glass of very good brandy in a beautiful cut-glass tumbler. Millicent brought in some "nibbles" as she called them, for the two men-folk to have snacks. Horatio answered Winston's questions, as best he could. "I'm not entirely sure, old chap, I think it's more or less a 'what you need'... oh, I see her most trials - often a few times .... you were at the Blacks' wedding? Oh, I say how nice," Millicent interjected there. "We weren't invited," she said with a slight sniff. Horatio patted her hand and didn't stop answering. "Oh, we love it here, yes, Millicent is so wonderful at making it a warm and comfortable place to be," Millicent beamed. "Oh, um, well we came here with Saoire, so since the cadouri came to Idalos, really."

And then, there was the chest.

It sighed, deeply, when Horatio offered Winston a cigar.

When Horatio spoke of having a "sniffler", it let out a low-pitched whine of sadness.

As Millicent assured Winston that he was always welcome, it whimpered.

Somehow, it looked sad. All the time. It was a chest, but it had a hang-dog expression and somehow you knew that, even though it had no shoulders - if it did have shoulders, they'd be drooping, sadly.

When Winston held out the towel, the chest took it apparently eagerly. Not in a 'bit yer finger off' sort of way, but eager enough. The towel disappeared into the receptacle and then the chest gave a loud and deep belch. Somehow, however, it managed to angle itself at a sufficiently sceptical angle for Winston to be in no doubt that it was deeply unsure of the people he was introducing it to in Sweetwine. However, when Winston reassured it that, in fact, it did not have to carry anything, the chest paused, seemed to think about it for a moment and then suddenly darted forward and, placing itself behind her, it lifted Millicent off her feet and swirled her around, then deposited her back on the ground and stomped (yes, stroppy teen stomp) back over to Winston. "I say!" Millicent declared.

However Winston saved the day with an offer of help. Millicent smiled, beaming at him. " I think you'd like to see the kitchen, wouldn't you? You like to cook?" She smiled at him. "I have a recipe book or two that I think you might like."

Horatio beamed. "That's my Millicent's super power, you know," he said. "She always seems to know just what someone would like. Shall we all pop down to the kitchens and have an impromptu cooking discussion?" He beamed and Millicent beamed with him.

And the chest? Well, there was no doubt what it did.

It rolled its eyes.
word count: 778
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Re: Chest Pains!

A sing and a song...
As Millicent gushed over Horatio, he would nod in agreement. In the short time he'd know Horatio, he had already done more to help Winston then he could ever have asked for and there was no doubting the kindness of them both.

Winston was not convinced on the whole 'high-velocity tea not mattering' front, but he was not going to argue with his hosts. He would certainly do what he could to salvage what decorum he could.

He declined the cigar... "Nor tanks, dat's very kind." But was quite happy to try some brandy. He was relieved that the sniffer did not turn out to be snuff and welcomed the drink to warm his cockles, swirling it in the glass and inhaling gently from the brim to clear his nostrils and warm his throat.

He listened avidly, his empathy broadcast upon his face openly as they told him all about themselves. When Millicent mentioned that they were not invited, Winston tilted his head apologetically toward her as Horatio carried on.

Winston looked at the chest, then the cigar and the brandy and then back at the chest...

The Devil on My Shoulder
Curiosity: Does that thing eat?
Winston: Don't call it a 'ting'.
Curiosity: Perhaps it eats people?!
Winston: Me no tink so. Dat does nat sound like someting Saiore wud make.
Curiosity: It has a mouth, it must have a belly too right?
Winston: Dat towel came out dry dough.
Curiosity: Look inside... But don't like... Stick your head in...
Winston: Nat reet now. It's look a little grumpy.

"Would yuh like som af mine?" He asked, a little unsure of whether even offering was a wise idea. If the chest suggested it did, he would tentatively poor a little into its... mouth?

As the chest danced around with Millicent atop of it, Winston just watched with some considerable surprise, a lite wonder and quite a bit of confusion. "Yuh certainly are a lively one. Now, do be puttin' par Millicent down, now." He spoke kindly but firmly, after all, it was quite amusing, but not entirely appropriate.

Winston would pat the chest, hoping to treasure it.

When Millicent spoke of a recipe book Winston's eyes became like pealed grapes, wide and bulging. He gasped. "AAAahhhhhhhh! Really? Dat wud be awazin'. Me love a gud recipe book. Dough, yuh absolutely must let me write down me Honey Cake recipe in exchange. Me don't proclaim noting much about et, but it's dat least me cud do and it would be a pleasure to share it wid yuh, if yuh would like." Winston hopped up off his seat with excitement. "Oh yeh mun, let's do. Cummon chest ..." He beckoned affectionately. "... Mey-haps dem 'ave someting in da kitchen yuh might like. Come see wat us cun find."

As they lead the way, Winston would already begin sharing some of the trick to his recipe. "It wuz da reason me came ear today in fact. Me been bakin' all day. Me love et. He beamed. It would not seem for a moment that the fact he'd already been baking all day was anything but the best way he could have spent the day. "Da honey is al' impartant, yussee. Gud honey makes gud Honey cakes, af cars. Me get's mine frame de farm me work an. Me will send yah some, wen me get 'ome. Sarry me used all me had wid meh."

Winston would go out of his way to be polite despite his delight, but would not try to hide his excitement over sharing some recipes with them both.

As they reached the kitchen, he was about to ask for something to write with when he paused and looked at Chest. "Do yuh 'ave something tuh write wid and some paper? Please? Whether the chest did or not, he'd seek some out and write down his recipe as they chatted, taking care to keep a clear list of ingredients, clear step-by-step instructions and then 'tips' for making the finishing touches.
word count: 690


When standing at his full height, Winston towers a full 1 foot and one blueberry tall. A fact he will happily demonstrate before flicking said blue orb into the air with his nose and then eating it with a snappy grin.

His eyes are dark and sharp, ringed by dark brown fur upon the bright white fur that sets off across the rest of his face.


Winston usually carries the following on his person:
  • Cassion's Locket hangs snugly around his neck.
  • Winston's Fairy Bell hangs from his tool-belt attached to his hip. It's 'ringer' is often bound by a small piece of cloth to prevent it giving away his position while in the wilderness.
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Re: Chest Pains!


When Winston offered the chest some brandy, a strange metamorphosis came over it. It stood up, scampered to him (knocking a vase over as it did ~ Horatio caught it with lightning reflexes) and bounced a little on it's legs, opening it's "mouth". As the brandy was poured in, there was a low moaning sound from the chest, the sort of sigh of a contented person, and then a loud gulping swallow before, finally, the loudest belch possibly ever heard on Idalos.

And then, the chest got the hiccups. That didn't help in the swirling ride which Milicent was subjected to but she was good-natured about it and seemed more amused than anything else. The chest (which was obviously a lightweight and couldn't hold it's drink) weaved back to where it was sitting and settled into a sort of snooze. At least, one could assume it was snoozing since gentle snores were punctuated by the occasional belch and hiccup.

It let out a slight purr, though, when Winston patted it.

The invitation to come to the kitchen, though, met with delight from Winston and the three of them (and the chest) made their way. This brief journey afforded Winston the opportunity to know that Horatio and Millicent had a beautiful home but what they were focused on was comfort. There were paintings and portraits on almost all the walls, and in frames on small tables. Horatio featured most prominently, but Millicent and Saoire and other cadouri and folks Winston didn't recognise were here.

As they neared the kitchen and Winston asked the chest, it responded immediately. Suddenly it stood to "attention" and from it's mouth dropped an empty note-book and some quills and ink and then a few bits of loose parchment. It then sauntered along with an air of smug self-satisfaction.

The kitchen was - without a doubt - the kitchen of a baker. Millicent was delighted to show Winston around; there was a bread-oven, a pickling and preserving area, all sorts of things. There were three or more shelves of cook books, too. "I make bread and cakes, jams and desserts," Millicent said. "I'd be happy for you to borrow any of the books here, if you want to, so you can take them home and copy them." She had a naturally giving nature and she was very happy to discuss anything he wanted. But it was important to her that they did just that - discuss what Winston wanted and so, she waited for him to decide the topic while Horatio stood with a puffed-out chest, pride in his wife on his face, and the chest looked around with an air of interest.
word count: 455
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Re: Chest Pains!

One for the road
"Likes brandy... Noted." He said cheerfully. Lightweight or not, it was simply intriguing to think that it could even do it... A drinking chest. "Dat's betta. Purring is a big improvement." He praised merrily.

Winston openly attempted to take in as many of the pictures as he could as they went. Looking for their family groups. He was absolutely certain that every single one of them had a story that Horatio could, and would, tell in length. "Ef yuh could only pick one picture, which one would yuh pic." He expected this to be an impossible choice, but it was certain to trigger story of some kind.

"Me don't 'ave many pictures of me own family. Me really should take da time to put some up."

As the Chest offered up the paper and quill, Winston doted on it a little in gratitude. "Tank yuh. Yuh es so gud."

Winston's immediate reaction to the offer from Millicent was met with a gasp. He looked over them, trying to absorb them with the power of his mind alone. Suddenly he remembered himself. "I could never. One's cook-books are a sacred thing. It's one thing to share them, but I could not 'take them away'." In the politest way possible, his tone suggested that the very idea seemed blasphemous. This did not stop him picking up a book, somewhat at random and skim-reading a recipe at random.

He took up his pad and quill and wrote down his honey-cake recipe, determined not to forget to share in kind. "Oh, if you had any suggestions for improving my Honey Cake, I'd be very interested to hear them." He wrote down the ingredients. There was quite the emphasis on using good quality honey. Also of course the method. He handed it over. "Me wud be very 'appy tuh mix up one now ef yuh wanted to?"

Assuming there was no objection, Winston would measure, mix and work one final cake for the day, under Millicent's supervision. "Does da chest need... Uh. Feedin'?" He asked Horatio as they baked.
word count: 358


When standing at his full height, Winston towers a full 1 foot and one blueberry tall. A fact he will happily demonstrate before flicking said blue orb into the air with his nose and then eating it with a snappy grin.

His eyes are dark and sharp, ringed by dark brown fur upon the bright white fur that sets off across the rest of his face.


Winston usually carries the following on his person:
  • Cassion's Locket hangs snugly around his neck.
  • Winston's Fairy Bell hangs from his tool-belt attached to his hip. It's 'ringer' is often bound by a small piece of cloth to prevent it giving away his position while in the wilderness.
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Re: Chest Pains!


Over the coming trials and seasons and cycles, Winston would learn that the chest was a fickle creature, prone to mood swings and rather melodramatic huffs. However, it was also an affectionate and fun-loving creature and, perhaps most importantly, it was loyal. So, lightweight that it was, the chest stumbled about a bit as they made their way through the hall. Winston had a question and it was obviously a good one as it stopped Horatio and Millicent in their tracks.

"Which one?" The pair looked at each other and considered it, genuinely considered it. Then, they both moved to retrieve a picture and, for a moment it looked like it was the same one but it turned out that Millicent picked a picture with Horatio in the middle, Milicent standing next to him, three other adult cadouri, and a gaggle of four children around them. Horatio picked the picture of Millicent, with Horatio standing beside her, the same other adults and three, younger children, around them - the one Horatio picked was right next to the one Millicent did. The pair of them smiled.

Horatio gesture for Milicent to speak first and she handed Winston the picture. "That's a picture given to us by Saoire when Horatio was first appointed as her second-in-command," Milicent said. She near to popped with pride. Horatio, meanwhile had that sort of 'humble, yet delighted' look that he was so good at. "That's our sons and daughter by marriage. Those are our grandchildren," Millicent added. Horatio then showed his picture and he nodded. "One more grandchild than in this one. This was when Millicent was awarded 'Baker of the Arc' by Saoire, and we were invited to a celebration to honour her."

As they were all cadouri, it would not be surprising that Saoire did things like that; but the pride with which the two of them spoke of each other was quite tangible. Putting the pictures back they made their way to the kitchen and Milicent offered for Winston to borrow books. His explanation of why not, though, made her smile and she nodded. "Oh, I'd love for you to!" Millicent exclaimed when Winston said he'd whip up some honey cake. She watched him carefully, and slid over a small spice pot. "Would a sprinkle of nutmeg help bring out the contrast to the flavour?" Milicent wondered. If Winston tried it, it really did ~ evidently, Milicent was an excellent baker.

When he asked about the chest, though, Horatio shook his head. "No, old chap, he doesn't need feeding. Lots of attention and affection, but he will taste things for you, if you want." Meanwhile, Milicent had chosen what she obviously thought was the "best" cook book. "Why don't you choose a recipe out of there," she said, "and we'll make it together?"

She seemed - she was - perfectly happy and, while she and Winston worked, Horatio sat and got himself busy writing. He copied down recipes for Winston to take with him. The pair of them chatted and involved Winston in the pleasant and entirely friendly conversation.

word count: 522
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Re: Chest Pains!

Awwwwww... Dem's in luuuuuurve.
As the two of them took their pictures and paused, Winston could not help it. He let out a little "Awwwwwwwww...." His eye were wide and doleful as he admired their mutual feelings for one another. There was so much to aspire to in these two and it was obvious for why Saoire had chosen this particular cadouri for her right hand.

"*gasp* 'Baker af de Arc' by Saoire 'erself? Af course yuh were! Wow! Me tought et was an 'onar tuh meet Saoire's second-in-command, but me didn't even imagine me wud meet a Baker af de Arc." He took Millicent's hand and shook it. "It's such an 'onar'. Yuh must be a master-chef, me mean, af course yuh are." The difference in Winston's reaction to Heratio as to Millicent was akin to the difference between someone meeting a world leader vs some kind of personal hero. Both were something to write home about, but the latter was going to have a lot more 'gushing'.

When Millicent spoke of nutmeg, it was received as a testament from Immortals. "Oh! Yuh are so RIGHT! Of course yuh are, I mean, me 'ope yuh like et. Me mean, me shaw et's gat a lat af room far improvement." He said pragmatically as he folded in the nutmeg. It had to be said, that while still very much a source of admiration, right now, Heratio was second-in-command but Millicent was the chief and commander here and Winston happily baked his little tushy off in order to try and impress the master.

He nodded when Heratio answered about Chest's diet. He was eager to take good care of the chest.

When Millicent offered for him to pick a recipe Winston nearly melted. "Oh ... Me now realise 'ow unfair et es to just pick ONE." He said with a giggle as he started to flick through the book with an 'Oh', 'MMmmm' and 'Awww' every other page. Eventually he pawed his way back to a page that read ...


The mushrooms cook down in a gorgeous, creamy sauce and are topped with crunchy cornichons and capers to give the dish extra bursts of zingy flavour.

  • Get all the prep done before you start cooking: trim the mushrooms, tearing up any larger ones and leaving any smaller ones whole, peel and finely slice the red onion and garlic, and finely slice the pickled onions and cornichons. Pick and roughly chop the parsley leaves, finely chopping the stalks.
  • Place a large non-stick frying pan over a high heat, throw in the mushrooms and red onions, shake into one layer, then dry-fry for 5 minutes (this will bring out the nutty flavour), stirring regularly.
  • Drizzle in 1 tablespoon of oil, then add the garlic, pickled onions, cornichons, parsley stalks and capers.
  • After 3 minutes, pour in the whisky, tilt the pan to carefully flame, or light with a long match (watch your eyebrows!), and, once the flames subside, add ¼ of a teaspoon of paprika, the crème fraîche and parsley, then toss together.
  • Loosen with a splash of boiling water to a saucy consistency, and season to taste with sea salt and black pepper.
  • Divide between plates, sprinkle over a little paprika, and serve with fluffy rice.
Look out for seasonal wild mushrooms in local markets – they're absolutely extraordinary and will add so much bonus flavour to this dish. Never pick mushrooms from the wilderness unless you know they are safe!

As they cooked, Winston was a thief. A thief of knowledge, tips and tricks. Everything Millicent did, he would take note. He tried to absorb everything, from timing to seasoning. As she added little pinches of 'this' or 'that' he would make note and be sure to ask what each thing will offer to the dish. When it came time to flame the whisky, he carefully held the pan and observed any advice she offered.

When the time came to serve the meal, Winston insisted on playing waiter to the two of them as best he could. Unless either of them suggested they should do otherwise, he'd feel perfectly at home to eat settled on stools or chairs in the kitchen itself while the cake finished baking.

He expressed great pleasure when eating the main, but really, it was the desert he was most interested in hearing about. He was desperate to see what Millicent and Heratio ... perhaps mainly Millicent ... thought of it before it was time to leave and perhaps never know!
word count: 771


When standing at his full height, Winston towers a full 1 foot and one blueberry tall. A fact he will happily demonstrate before flicking said blue orb into the air with his nose and then eating it with a snappy grin.

His eyes are dark and sharp, ringed by dark brown fur upon the bright white fur that sets off across the rest of his face.


Winston usually carries the following on his person:
  • Cassion's Locket hangs snugly around his neck.
  • Winston's Fairy Bell hangs from his tool-belt attached to his hip. It's 'ringer' is often bound by a small piece of cloth to prevent it giving away his position while in the wilderness.
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Re: Chest Pains!

Horatio Thunderbussel was a well-known figure and most people knew that he was something of a limelight-lover. He was immensely proud of what he did with and for Saoire and he spoke with passion and eloquence regarding that feeling. However, he would have entirely agreed with Winston, had Winston voiced his thought process regarding Millicent. It would be obvious to Winston as the three of them sat in the kitchen together that, whatever pride he felt in his own achievements, Horatio was much, much more proud of his wife. They discussed, they chatted, and the pair of them were entirely genuine and pleasant with Winston.

They chatted, they cooked together and they ate. While Millicent and Winston cooked, Horatio copied recipes from Millicent's cook book. When Winston left, he did so with a small sheaf of papers, on which Horatio had neatly copied the how-to for a number of dishes. But before Winston left there was the food to eat. It was delicious, what she put in front of him and the main meal was passed in friendly chatter and delicious food. Then, came dessert and both Millicent and Horatio tried the honey cake.

As Winston took a bite, he would have to admit that the addition of a touch of nutmeg had been the crowning glory of that recipe. It was amazing the difference it made and Millicent gave a squeak of pleasure at the taste as Horatio let out a low moaning sound which told of his delight. "This is the best honey cake I have ever tasted!" Milicent declared. "It may be the best cake I've ever had, come to that," she was delighted with it - they both were and both assured him that it would become a firm favourite in the Thunderbussell household.

Throughout it, Chest was very happy to be involved. Milicent - not wanting Chest to feel left out - offered some of the cake to try and, having taken some, Chest jumped in the air in delight. It seemed that Winston's honey cake was a success - even with the furniture.

When it came, finally, time to leave, Millicent and Horatio were quick to offer for him to have some food to go with him, to offer to get him a ride on their carriage somewhere he needed to go or, generally, anything he needed. There was a firm and friendly handshake from Horatio and a hug from Millicent and, most of all, there was the apparently very genuine request that he come back again soon.

Your Review


Forum: Sweetwine Woods



This thread was so much fun! I adore Winston and how he reacts - Millicent has found a kindred spirit, for sure!! Chest is a fantastic NPC and I love Winston's reaction to Chest and the whole situation. I think the thing that I am most impressed with is how you manage to play a PC who is both light-hearted and yet deeply emotional - your writing is comedic at times and yet it's never anything other than heartfelt and, even when Winston is funny, he's a honest and well-played PC. I love how sincerely he wanted to learn and how grateful he was for the opportunity. Beautifully played - enjoy your rewards!!


  • Renown: 10
  • XP: 15
  • Language: Scalveen


  • Tactics: Negotiating
  • Socialization: Not getting carried away
  • Cooking: Writing Recopies
  • Detection: Familial similarities
  • Field Craft: Foraging: Mushrooms
  • Cooking: Flambe
  • Cooking: x3
  • Etiquette: x3


  • A small sheaf of recipes, carefully transcribed by Horatio.
  • +1 Chest, as per PSF ticket.


  • Ten days later, Winston receives a parcel. It is from Millicent Thunderbussell. The card reads "To Winston, with enormous gratitude for the best cake recipe we've ever tasted! Much love to you, from Millicent and Horatio". The parcel contains ten books - each one of them a copy of one of Millicent's cookbooks.
Your RPG rewards are in your UCP - please check and make sure I didn't forget anything.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this review - drop me a PM.
word count: 682
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