• Graded • [The Forging] Songs

The home to the Induk Sweetwine and populated by fairies, this enchanted forest has many secrets

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[The Forging] Songs

And so, fully equipped and with riders who controlled them, the sohr kahlImage took to the skies. These flying creatures were beautiful and, alongside the member of the Elements who held on to the reins, they took two individuals each. It wasn't after all, a long journey. They flew over Scalvoris Town and they turned, then, to the Sweetwine Woods. The air was freezing and, from their vantage point they could see.

Scalvoris was frozen. Even the water in the docks was freezing.

The majestic Sohr Kahl had to circle over the Sweetwine Woods to find a place to land and, as it did they saw all sorts of strange things. Creatures which simply did not belong there seemed to be walking in the Sweetwine. They spotted all sorts of strangeness. The rivers which ran through the Sweetwine were frozen and so, the Sohr Kahl landed in the clearing of Ol'Tucks Run. Ice crunched underfoot and the rapids were frozen solid. There were all sorts of animals here. Predators and prey - and all of them mingling together in a manner most unusual.

As for why the riders landed there? Well, that was easy. They'd seen it when they were in the sky. There was one part of the Sweetwine which was not covered in ice. Instead, this one was covered in fog and mist. Multi-coloured, swirling mist which twisted up towards the sky. For any who knew (and even if they did not, maps were part of their equipment), the mist was swirling from the Emerald Isle.

When they landed, and the riders looked to them helping them down and supporting with equipment etc, they could see where the mist was coming from, more specifically.

And maybe they recalled. Kura had told them of a tree. A massive tree which towered above all else on this strange little islet. A tree which seemed to be all four seasons simultaneously - and from that tree arose mist in four colours - white, blue, green and red, which swirled into the sky.

There was no snow or ice on the ground of the Emerald Isle. Yet, all around it was frozen.

"Our orders are to drop you off and then circle" One of the two Elements who had flown them there said. "We'll be watching. Keep safe."

And with that, they would make sure that the group had everything they needed, and would take off.

Info & Rules

  • This thread is for those who have gone to Sweetwine Woods in direct response to this thread
  • There are two Elements with you. They will do as you ask - but they will follow Kura's instructions first.
  • Please be aware that it is freezing. Like really really cold. If any of you have been to Ishallr, it's that cold everywhere.
  • Due to the time-sensitive nature of this, I can not hold out for people to post. If you miss a round, there will (I'm afraid) be consequences.
  • This style of event moderation - with objectives etc - was taught to me by a dear friend and one of the most talented Storytellers I've ever known. With thanks to Crimson / Straylor.
 ! Message from: Reminder
There are no required skill levels for this.
It is - undoubtedly - dangerous. It's a war.
What will get you hurt is NOT if you are low skilled. What will get you hurt is doing something foolish. There's plenty for everyone to do.
Equally, being highly skilled is not a guarantee of anything. This will need teamwork and smarts.


 ! Message from: Must-Do Objectives
  • Include any additional equipment you are carrying. Magic stuff etc. This is important and please remember that you were pulled here.
  • Include information about your journey on the Sahr Kohl here AND your landing.
  • Make up an animal that you see (you don't need to dev it) - it should be either a) an existing animal but with unusual colourings etc or b) a hybrid of existing creatures. The theme for this is "Snowsong"
 ! Message from: Can-Do Objectives
  • Use the words Sail, Princess and Infection in your post.
  • Start a sentence with the words "Suddenly beset by an almost overwhelming urge to ...."
  • Fail at something you'd expect to succeed at (IC)
  • Succeed at something you'd expect to fail at (IC)
Next Post: Sunday 2nd May
word count: 728
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

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Re: [The Forging] Songs


On the road from Gunvorton to Scalvoristown, Kalortah was traveling among a group of caravaners, who were sending lumber from Darbyton into Scalvoris Proper for some construction or another. Kalortah felt it was as good an opportunity as he could hope for, to make his way to Scalvoris and bury the hatchet with his family. The sensation of wanting to make peace with them had come over him in the recent days, and he thought it might be a good time for it.

There was a chill in the air, a terrible chill that froze the ground beneath him. So on leaving Gunvorton, he put on his cold-weather wear, that he’d purchased from the clothier in Melrath.

The outfit consisted of a shirt of black wool, and fine leather breeches of the same color. Over the shirt, a vest of shiny cloth of bronze in silk, fastened with bronze buttons. Over that, the thick long jacket of burgundy velvet. It was lined with cloth of bronze, silk trim, and trimmed at the collar and shoulders with a mantle of bronze sable fur. For his feet, he wore a pair of fine black leather boots, etched and molded with various bird-inspired designs. These too were lined with the bronze sable, to keep his feet warm. Over his wing limbs, he wore a light valance that was nevertheless lined with bronze sable fur, covering his wings to keep the joints from freezing in the cold of flight.

He nevertheless walked along with the rest of the caravaners, for safety if nothing else, as they trod the chilled roads from Gunvorton. Kalortah suffered from a nagging boredom at the moment, it almost nagged at his senses like a bad infection. He realized soon that he was getting bored of the other caravaners’ company. Thus, by chance, he looked skyward for something, anything interesting. Something other than the very plain daughter that the caravan captain and master called ‘Princess’.

It was then, on the sky, he spotted a large flying creature sailing in the direction of East, toward Sweetwine Woods. Suddenly beset by an almost overwhelming urge to follow, that’s just what he did. Curious, and compelled by the sudden boredom that had fallen on him, Kalortah decided to leave his caravaners on a whim. Although he’d paid the master for the privilege of traveling with them, he couldn’t abide their company anymore, and leapt to sail into the air, catching the wind on his wings easily. The biting cold was bad, but not as much as it would’ve been had his wings been entirely naked, without valance.

So he followed after those large creatures, trailing slightly for his lack of speed in comparison to them, but still keeping them in sight. As he flew over the Sweetwine Woods, he noticed some turtles in Old Tuck’s run, that were somewhat out of the ordinary. The turtles were blue and white, with a snow-flake pattern on their shell. Interested in that sight, yet not enough to land just there, he continued following behind the large fliers he was trailing.

He kept his eyes skyward and all around, sighting the air currents on the wind in order to make navigating them easier. Soon enough, he saw them alighting to a ground that was free of snow, yet ensconced in mist.

He alighted to the ground, a safe distance from the large creatures that he now saw bore a few people along their backs. Kalortah strode up to them, holding his hands up to signal his peaceful intentions. ”So… What are you all doing in this neck of the woods?” he said, his voice breaking uncharacteristically in the cold air. He nearly hiccuped, in shock that his voice had done something he hadn't intended. At that, he took a swig of a skin of honey water, that was in his satchel. Equally surprisingly, he was able to maintain his discipline in the wake of that failure.
Failed & Succeeded & Objectives

Used Princess, Sail, and Infection.
Used the phrase Suddenly beset by an almost overwhelming urge to...
Voice cracked: Singing Fail
Kept his composure: Discipline Success in the wake of failure and embarassing himself.
Described Journey
Saw a snowflake turtle?
Notable equipment and stuff.
The described cold weather outfit.

(Worn over his clothing) Bardic Light Plate: On his feet, he wore brown cobalt sabatons, fashioned in the shape of a hawk’s talons. A pair of gauntlets were fixed around his gloved hands, the same material as the sabatons. Around his chest, he wore an elaborately decorated cuirass of the same bronze cobalt, with feathered detailing on its surface, mimicking the breast of a grand hawk. A skirt of fauld, made from brown cobalt hung from the cuirass' girdle, hanging as low as his knees. Wrapped around his neck was a gorget, detailed with a feathered sculpted look to it. His arms were protected by strapped, padded sleeves, as were his legs.

(Hung from a string around his neck) Whistle-Wood Ocarina: A small whistle-wood ocarina. It has a low-level ability to influence a crowd, but is linked to the musician’s intent. It promotes a general feeling of upbeat-ness in those who hear it. This can be easily resisted but, if gone with allows for a feel-good sensation to stay with one who has listened to this instrument for the remainder of the day.

(In his satchel) Minstrel's Songbook: This book exists as one that may store an infinite amount of knowledge of songs, stories, and music for the wielder to explore. While the pages feel as if merely a high-quality parchment, all of the contents of the book are a little bit magical, and may be experienced in various ways. Kalortah may turn a page and find that there are no words, but instead an image. This image can tap into a well spring of inspiration and imagination, and play fanciful sounds and visions into the reader's mind. Kalortah may guide his fingertip over a mere word, and entire paragraphs will consume the page of the book, retracting when he is done with them.

(Sheathed in his belt) An average steel long saber.

(In his satchel) A small harp which accompanies Kal when he sings, if he wishes it. It plays exactly what he wishes in order to maximise his performance - never more beautiful than his voice, but a perfect accompaniment to I
Last edited by Kalortah on Sat May 01, 2021 12:35 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 1083
~ Image ~ Image
Kalortah is always under the effect of the Tarouz ability,

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Re: [The Forging] Songs

Xander wasn't sure he liked flying, every time that the great Sohr Kahl dove or banked to one side the nobleman felt his stomach lurch and he'd had to fight off waves of nausea that followed. It made his respect for the Jacadon riders of Rynmere that much greater and the same for these flyers who he had managed to gather were part of the Scalvoris military, The Elements. He was not sure if he would ever be able to sail the skies like these people did. He spent most of the journey trying to keep warm and trying not to throw up as the Sohr Kahl transported them to their location.

Xander was glad when they approched the ground, heading for a clearing in a large forest which he knew must have been the Sweetwine woods. As they glided and circled their way down towards the ground Xander noticed a peculiar creature perched in the top of a nearby tree. Xander would have assumed it to be a Raven except for the fact that its feathers were an icy blue and its beak a brilliant white. He watched it as they descended, wondering what it was and where it had come from. Though he suspected perhaps it had come from that strange colourful mist that he had seen as they flew over the forest. He could imagine such an unusual creature might have come from such a odd looking phenomenon. As if maybe the Raven had gotten some sort of magical infection form the mists.

When finally the Sohr Kahl touched down on solid ground Xander with the assistance of the rider passed down his pack to them and then slid down off the creature himself. He expected his legs to hold his weight just fine and that he would continue to walk away from the beast that had brought him here but it seemed to not be the case. His usually strong muscles seemed to give way and his legs buckled sending him into a heap on the floor. Grunting he pushed himself back up onto his knees.

That was strange, was it the cold or maybe the flying had thrown off his balance? He did not know but brushing himself off his pushed himself back to his feet and walked forward, collecting up his pack with his rations, extra clothes and blanket and slung it over his shoulders. Rubbing his knee where it hurt from hitting the hard frozen ground he sighed and looked around them murmuring to himself. "Come on Xander, don't be such a princess." He straightened his clothes and his sword that hung on his belt and then wrapped his cloak close around him to shield from the cold.

Suddenly beset by an almost overwhelming urge to sing Xander surprised himself as he began to softly sing an old lullaby. Rather unexpectedly he wasn't half bad, which was certainly unusual as the shieldbearer was definitely not known for his musical abilities. Alas his unexpected singing did not last long as his attention was drawn by the sound of approaching footsteps. The father whirled around on his heels his hand moving to the hilt of his sword as his eyes came upon the man approaching them. He wondered if maybe he had startled the man who approached with his hands raised due to the voice crack that came in the middle of his greeting.

Xander eyed him somewhat suspiciously. "I could ask you the same question." Xander stated cautiously although he did remove his hand from his ornate longsword as the man did not seem to pose a threat at this moment. "Who are you?" Xander asked before glancing back over his shoulder to see whether any of his companions would be joining them in this rather impromptu meeting.
Include any additional equipment you are carrying. Magic stuff etc. This is important and please remember that you were pulled here. (Completed)
Include information about your journey on the Sahr Kohl here AND your landing. (Completed)
Make up an animal that you see (you don't need to dev it) - it should be either a) an existing animal but with unusual colourings etc or b) a hybrid of existing creatures. The theme for this is "Snowsong" (Completed)
Use the words Sail, Princess and Infection in your post. (Completed)
Start a sentence with the words "Suddenly beset by an almost overwhelming urge to ...." (Completed)
Fail at something you'd expect to succeed at (IC) (Completed)
Succeed at something you'd expect to fail at (IC) (Completed)
word count: 768
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Re: [The Forging] Songs

Zoro was awestruck by the way this peculiar situation was developing. In fairness, nothing like this had ever happened to him. Feeling overwhelmed, he made his way forward to the group bound for Sweetwine. Suddenly beset by an almost overwhelming urge to make a good impression Zoro stepped forward to introduce himself.

“Hello, I’m Zeb. No, sorry. No. I’m Zoro. Zeb’s dead.”[/b]

His eyes swirled pink with embarrassment. He had at least expected to be able to remember his own name! As he had been travelling he was at least a little prepared for the journey ahead. He had a pack with some very basic provisions, his bow and cutlass and his grandfather’s sextant. He also had a warm cloak which was now sodden and felt nowhere near adequate for this intense cold. He told himself firmly that that he was not some ethereal princess and would sail through this experience. It occurred to him then that it was his father’s voice saying this rather than his own. He’d found himself walking into this whole thing almost as if it were an out of body experience. Perhaps, he thought, he had some strange infection!

Thankfully they were supplied with clean, warm clothes, and cold-weather gear and Zoro didn’t hesitate to take full advantage of this. Once he was dressed and ready, the journey on the Sohr Kahl was amazing. It thrilled Zori to his fingertips! He seemed to have natural balance and didn’t have to cling to the saddle with his eyes shut, but in fact was more able to enjoy the ride than he had thought possible. This greatly surprised him as he’d never travelled in this fashion before.

Upon coming to land, Zoro was surprised to see a silver golden eagle – his mouth was slightly agape as he realised that it was properly silver – almost metallic and it was swooping to take a blue raven with a brilliant white beak. “You don’t see that every day!” Zoro thought to himself as he slid gracefully – and rather surprisingly, as he’d thought he might fall - off the Sohr Kahl’s back and on to firm ground.

word count: 369
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Re: [The Forging] Songs

I put the word “Infection” here, so technically it’s in the post. So there.

What could be more joyful, more exhilarating than to sail through the skies high over Scalvoris on the back of a majestic Sohr Kahl? As the frigid wind battered his face numb, Oram could think of three things: spending “quality time” with his sister-in-law, suffering a severe stomach infection, and everything else.

He did, at least, have dry, warm clothes. To his astonishment, the equipment that the Elements had brought included not only things like cloaks and scarves, but even a gambeson, boots, socks, dry, warm undergarments. The boots fit reasonably well, though they were not broken in to the hunter’s feet and he did not relish the prospect of having to hike any distance in them. The Troops had even been able to spare him a spear, atop which he now sat straddled in a manner that might provoke all sorts of jokes that he was in no mood to listen to. Fortunately, the only thing he could hear was the howling, icy wind.

Oram’s wet things were stuffed in the satchel in which their dry replacements had come, no doubt freezing solid, along with his lantern with the lightstone, and whatever other provisions and equipment the Troops had thought to include. The trapper had fortunately had the presence of mind to extract a couple items from the pockets of those clothes: the small wooden token Vhalar had given him, the True North Gem, and the strange whistle he had found not half a break before, in the stables in Egilrun. These he had on his person. Also on his person was the rope harness he had put on before going out to face the storm earlier, trusting that it would weigh down his cloak and keep the wind from tearing it away. He was trusting it to perform that role now. Unfortunately, the rope harness had still been damp, and it was now freezing stiff. That harness currently only had a hatchet and a knife attached to it. After they landed, if they landed, he would also attach the lantern.

Oram had clutched tightly to the back of the giant beast as it left the ground, and he stared resolutely at that back for a good while. He had never flown before, and it scared him as few things did. It was only some time after the Sohr Kahl leveled off to something like a smooth flight that the trapper dared to raise his head and brave the icy, whistling assault on his eyes to look around. From so high up, the vista was almost serene. Remembering where they were going, he scanned for landmarks, trying to visualize the maps he had seen; to his surprise and dismay he could hardly recognize anything. Everything was too different, too small, to uniformly white.

He found he could see all the way to the edge of the island, to the one set of landmarks he found he could recognize from his earlier study of maps: the colored beaches that ringed Scalvoris. Against the suddenly-whitened ground, these were quite a sight, even more stunning than on Smooglenuff’s beautifully-drawn map. Most striking were the magenta and purple sands along the southern edge of the island, beyond the Sweetwine where the ‘Run and other waterways through it emptied out into the sea. It was an unforgettable view, but one that Oram could only look at so long before his tears started to freeze at the edge of his eyes.

He did not get a good look at where they were going down, as he once more lowered his head when he made the sickening realization that they were starting to decend. The hunter would just have to trust the troops flying the Sohr Kahl that they knew what they were doing, and that their landing would be a safe one. When he saw treetops in the corners of his vision, he closed his eyes and waited.

The lurch was hard to miss, and even if he had, the Troops’ called out a clear announcement once it was safe to dismount. Oram opened his eyes and looked around. Everything in the immediate vicinity was green. Somehow, the winter that Zi’ell had brought to the rest of the island had not taken hold here. Wonderstruck, Oram clambered down from the back of the Sohr Kahl and gathered his things. He was on solid ground. On green ground. And on very strange ground.

Maybe it was the relief that the flight was finally over, maybe it was his amazement at where he found himself, but Oram suddenly felt cheerful. He smiled. He turned towards the Troop that had flown them and said: ”Thank you for getting us here safely. That was…memorable.” He turned around, dazed. Had he just said something nice, even cheerful and appreciative? He was sure that would be the point, were he telling this story to his brother, that Osric would stop believing it. And thinking that just made him smile more somehow.

That was, until, the avriel showed up. As unexplained as he was unwelcome, Kalortah stood there, smirking at them like some sort of entitled princess. Suddenly beset by an almost overwhelming urge to say something rude, Oram took a step towards the bird-bard but then stopped. He clenched back the choice words that came to mind behind grit teeth. The annoyance dissipated almost as soon as it had flared up. There were too many wondrous things going on right now to be mad about petty things. Also, they had a job to do.

Deciding to ignore the interloper, Oram instead focused on the tree that towered before them. Its branches varied in appearance, some barren as if in Zi’da, some in full foliage, others budding, others with leaves turning orange as they would in Vhalar. One didn’t have to be a mage or a scholar to realize that this place was magical.

A sound caught Oram’s attention, a sound that wasn’t the chatter of an uninvited and irritating avriel.


The hunter recognized that strident, whirring call; most people would having heard it once: a red-winged blackbird. Oram searched the branches of the enormous tree to see if he could spot the bird. Wharkle-WHEEEEE! it came again. At length he saw, not the expected black silhouette, but a flash of white amongst the budding branches. The white bird flexed its wings, and Oram saw the unmistakable red and yellow epaulettes. He stared in surprise. A *white* blackbird? It was the right size and shape, and had those markings. The bird peered in his direction with a large, icy blue eye, seeming to guess the curious human’s thoughts. Wharkle-WHEEEEE! it called, while Oram watched, as if to remove any doubt that it was the author of those calls.
word count: 1161
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Re: [The Forging] Songs

It had been a long trial so far.

As they flew through the air to their destination in Sweetwine Bao realized just how much he had been through in the past trial alone. Meeting Ziell, joining up with a group of people, and quickly leaving them to take the place of Ru. Finding and comforting Hart. It almost made the small man wonder what the other Cadouri were doing now, where they were and how interesting their adventures had been through Idalos. Maybe some of them were sailors and had taken up a crew on the seas, exploring waters and meeting new people. Perhaps some worked in labor jobs and helped build new buildings, carried resources, and provided help for those that needed it. For all Bao knew, some were on the other side of Idalos by now.

As he thought about it there was almost a pain, glancing out at the area around them as they grew closer to Sweetwine. Bao had been so busy and determined to help Scalvoris, enjoyment felt scarce. It wasn't that he was sad or angry, or any of the emotions he was unfamiliar with. It was that there were so few things in some cases to be overjoyed about. It was a harsh, sad reality that Saoire couldn't have prepared them for. It was overpowering and scary, especially when Cadouri were first feeling it.

But Bao knew what Ziell had told him, the advice he had been given. To sing and dance wherever he went and to spread the love and joy. That was all he could do when the time came down to it. Spread what love he had, all that Saoire had taught him.

Landing on the ground snapped him out of that thought, the small Cadouri sliding off the Sohr Kahl and hitting the ground despite his ability to climb, stumbling forward and almost falling flat into the snow. Thankfully he managed to avoid a hard fall. "Thanks for the flight" Bao said to both the riders and the creature, smiling wide and ignoring the close-call he'd had with the snow. Wrapped around him was his blanket, the gift from Saoire, and a cloak to keep him warm. Otherwise, the small Cadouri felt no need to bring anything. Weapons weren't going to be needed and weren't anything Bao felt a need for even before the days of peace Ziell had offered them. While it might one day be important to defend himself this wasn't one of them.

Turning to Oram, he smiled brightly. "It's been a while" he said, glad he could at least see a familiar face on this expedition. While Bao always loved meeting new people it was certainly a nice surprise to be alongside a friend, let alone the first Idalosian that Bao had ever talked to. So much had changed since the two had met for the first time. So much to talk about once this was all over. As he thought about it, however, Bao glanced out to the woods and saw a critter. What looked like a squirrel at first, larger than most would be. Perhaps a Cadouri?

Any idea that it was a Cadouri faded fast, however, as the creature drifted in the wind alongside the snow - as if it weighed as much as a feather in a strong breeze. Floating back into the trees, the squirrel drew in the attention of Bao, who stared in awe. Was that normal? "Wow" he said, forgetting all the responsibility on their shoulders for a second as he stared out into the trees, eyes wide. Whatever had happened in these places was magical, albeit uncomfortable.

Once he was done admiring the creature Bao turned to the Avriel that had just landed and smiled, as friendly as Bao was to everyone he met. Xander stepped forward and spoke to the man, Bao simply listening and waiting to see what the group wanted to do now that they arrived.
word count: 669
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Re: [The Forging] Songs


They arrived.

Kalortah was there as a happenstance. He was unaware of what was happening elsewhere, but he knew that there was something very odd occurring here. As he landed, he saw the group and he spoke to them.
Fully Equipped! ~ You included your equipment, the journey and landing.
Snowsong~ Your animals met the objective! This will have positive consequence at the end of the thread.
Secret Objective: Hunting In Packs ~ You described a group of animals. This will have positive consequence at the end of the thread.
Xander felt the impact of the flight in a lingering nausea, even after he had dismounted from the Sohr Kahl and then, his leg gave way and he fell. This caused him an issue - landing in the snow meant that his legs were wet and, in this weather, ice and cold could kill. He was not sure of the new arrival, this strange winged fellow who none of them were expecting. He was quick to question, to protect. The cold wind blew around him.
Fully Equipped! ~ You included your equipment, the journey and landing.
Icefire! ~ Your animal met the objective! This will have positive consequence at the end of the thread.

Meanwhile, Zoro was rather wide eyed at everything going on. He allowed himself to enjoy the ride there but, when he landed he realised just how cold it was. Despite the warm weather gear and all that went with it, he was freezing. Fully Equipped! ~ You included your equipment, the journey and landing.
Icefire! ~ Your animal met the objective! This will have positive consequence at the end of the thread.

Oram didn't like flying, but he endured the flight, even thanking the pilot with a smile, and he was focused on the job at hand. He, alone, moved to examine the tree, the place around them. As they'd travelled, he'd received a message about FeiDoran is concerned that people are clear. You should approach any places that are related to the Original Being Fei with the utmost caution and respect. Chrien’s anger about her mother’s death and the fact that people are desecrating graves play an important part in the current conflict. But now, once they landed, he got the message that someone called ChucklesImage was talking about the ScalvFlameThe Scalv Flame is the burning, beating heart of Scalvoris. There are four Induks but it is the fifth, the soul which binds together the body. It is what gives life to the island, and allows the island to serve its purpose. It is connected to each Induk, by tunnels of ice and lava and water and air. The men in masks, they sacrificed to the ScalvFlame, believing they could harness it. Sought to strengthen the chains around the Induks, but The Hat-Man Arlo killed the Death Forged Rose and they did not succeed in their foolish quest. It is a great responsibility, to maintain the balance of Scalvoris. It is the gravestone which holds the pike.. And how important it was that they release the induks in orderTo release those which are trapped, you must break the seals. They are the chains, which hold them in place. Chainstones. Three for each Induk, break them together or it will burst out and destroy without reason. Ishallr must be freed first, or Faldrass will fall into the water. With only one Induk free, Scalvoris is in danger! You must free Ishallr, and then Scaltoth and Sweetwine together.
Fully Equipped! ~ You included your equipment, the journey and landing.
Icefire! ~ Your animal met the objective! This will have positive consequence at the end of the thread.

And, of course, Bao was polite to all, trying to make sure that the group were comfortable and knew each other. He was a peacemaker - in a time of peace.
Fully Equipped! ~ You included your equipment, the journey and landing.
Icefire! ~ Your animal met the objective! This will have positive consequence at the end of the thread.

And so they stood, three of them talking and one of them examining the tree.
There, in front of Oram was the Tree. It was huge. Much bigger than seemed possible. He couldn't make out a lot - because they'd landed in Ol'Tucks run and the tree was on the Emerald Isle. But he could see that it was enormous.

Truly enormous. Impossibly so.

From one of the trees next to him, the one he'd spotted the bird in, there was a sound. And there, in the corner of his eye, Oram saw a squirrel. It was looking at him, accusingly. Then, without warning or apparent reason, it lobbed the nut in its hand at him.

The nut bounced off his nose.

The squirrel chittered angrily at him. It shook a small fist - first at him, and then at the others. Then, it ran away.

Kal, Zoro, Oram, Xander: Objectives Met!
Words!~ You included the appropriate words! This will have positive consequence at the end of the thread.
Urges!~ You included the phrase!! This will have positive consequence at the end of the thread.
Success & Failure~ You surprised yourself, twice! This will have positive consequence at the end of the thread.

And in front of them, was Emerald Isle. The multi-coloured mist swirled around them and, where they had walked their footprints had frozen back over. If they were going to get to Emerald Isle they would have to cross the frozen water.

Would they do so?

Info & Rules

  • This thread is for those who have gone to Sweetwine Woods in direct response to this thread
  • The Elements have flown up and are circling.
  • Ok, lovelies! Please remember that this is as cold as Ishallr normally is.
  • Due to the time-sensitive nature of this, I can not hold out for people to post. If you miss a round, there will (I'm afraid) be consequences.
  • This style of event moderation - with objectives etc - was taught to me by a dear friend and one of the most talented Storytellers I've ever known. With thanks to Crimson / Straylor.
 ! Message from: Reminder
There are no required skill levels for this.
It is - undoubtedly - dangerous. It's a war.
What will get you hurt is NOT if you are low skilled. What will get you hurt is doing something foolish. There's plenty for everyone to do.
Equally, being highly skilled is not a guarantee of anything. This will need teamwork and smarts.

Current State

 ! Message from: Current State
  • Arrived at destination
  • Kal You are managing against the cold, but you're feeling it. You are not yet tired. You are not hungry.
  • Xander You are managing against the cold, but you're feeling it. You are wet and this poses a serious inconvenience to you. You are not yet tired. You are not hungry.
  • Zoro You are managing against the cold, but you're feeling it. You are not yet tired. You are not hungry.
  • Oram You are managing against the cold, your FireForged nature mitigates it. You are not yet tired. You are not hungry.
  • Bao You are managing against the cold, but you're feeling it. You are not yet tired. You are not hungry.


 ! Message from: Must-Do Objectives
  • Whisper something under your breath.
  • Use a piece of your listed equipment.
 ! Message from: Can-Do Objectives
  • Use a malapropism in your next post.
  • Start every sentence with a vowel.
  • Face a fear (IC)


Between leaving and arriving, you get the following information:
  1. Magic has gone haywire. Don't use it unless absolutely necessary.
  2. The strange animals are happening all over the place. None of them seem to be violent
Next Post: Sunday 9th May
word count: 1288
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

Focusing on my PCs. Replies will be slow!
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Re: [The Forging] Songs


Immediately, Kalortah was put off by the aggression the group was showing him, and presumed their errand in the Sweetwine must be a dangerous one as the Rynmerish humans hand drifted to the hilt of his sword. In response to that, Kalortah rattled the hilt of his saber, but didn't draw it, not wanting to raise the human's hackles too much. Afterward, he offered his palms with hands raised, Kalortah couldn’t do much more to indicate that his intentions were anything other than peaceful, curiosity had brought him here more than any ill-intent.

”I am Kalortah Satravial, a bard by trade and former Foreign Affairs Councilor of Scalvoris. Are you here to investigate the strange happenings lately?” Another moment later, and Kalortah whispered under his breath, "Of course they would be..."

Oram appeared no more pleased to see Kalortah than Xander was, and looked about ready to dig into him before he was distracted by a sudden bird call. Upon hearing the birdcall, Kalortah quirked a brow at Oram, ”Alright, listen, I’m sorry I flew from Faldrass when it was in trouble, I really am. It looks like you need help here, and if I can be of any service at all, I submit to your direction…”

Apology out of the way, Kalortah turned to look at the cadouri that was present, and smirked again at the tiny creature, then turned back to Oram. ”If I can help, please tell me what to do and I promise to make myself useful. And if you wish, I can fly anyplace where you cannot reach. Owning a pair of wings comes with its share of perks, you will note. Amazingly useful appendages, wings are.”

A bit more Kalortah would’ve said, yet he was interrupted by a squirrel chittering and tossing nuts at Oram. ”As a start, I can fry your little Cadouri companion in my arms or another of you over the frozen waters? Afraid I can only carry one though, as my strength is only so great.”
ooc objectives
Use a malapropism in your next post. As a start, I can fry your little Cadouri companion in my arms or another of you over the frozen waters?
Start every sentence with a vowel. Yep, and unique words.
Face a fear (IC) Humbled himself before Oram.

Whisper something under your breath. "Of course they would be..."
Use a piece of your listed equipment. rattled the hilt of his saber?
word count: 413
~ Image ~ Image
Kalortah is always under the effect of the Tarouz ability,

Eldyn Morose
Larza Impre
Flavius Erythrian
Milian Le Moigne
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Re: [The Forging] Songs

Other members of the group quickly joined the nobleman on the solid ground and in adressing the appearance of Kalortah. As requested the winged man identified himself and Xander continued to relax, although he remained cautious of the stranger. Apparently he was a travelling Bard and the former Foreign Affairs Councilor of Scalvoris, Xander had no clue if this was true or not so he contiued to listen as the man went on. Although the Shieldbearer was not sure whether the man was trying to win their trust or not as he seemed to apologise for some act of cowardice before offering his assistance. It might not be the wisest decision to trust someone with a history of running away but also he had been honest about it for whatever reason and Xander could respect that.

Experience told Xander that he could be useful though and his point was a good one, wings were useful and considering the fact they would have to cross a river he did not doubt they would come in handy. "I am Xander Andaris and you would be correct we are here on governmental business but your offer is one that would seem fair to me, your wings may be needed." Ignoring the feeling that welcoming a stranger at this time was dangerous the nobleman gestured that it was okay for the man to come closer to them. Under his breath he whsipered to himself. "I hope I don't come to regret that."

After the conversation Xander rubbed his cold legs with gloved hands as he looked back over at Oram, the man who had been so brash earlier had not confronted the unexpected avriel which had surprised him somewhat. It appeared, however, that he had looked round just in time to see the squirrel throw the nut at Oram before it shook a fist at them and scurried away. Unsure how best to proceed the Shieldbearer approached the waters edge. Expertly he drew his sword in a fluid motion before lowering himself into a squat and carefully resting the sword against the frozen water to test if it had any strength in the ice at all. Over a small area next to he bank he pressed the flat of the sword carefully and gently against the ice to see if it would shift or crack with only a small amount of force against it.

"I do think finding a way other than on the ice would be wise, it would be risky to try and cross it and I don't think that any of us want to freeze to deaf." Already feeling some of the affects of the cold on his legs he stood up straight and returned to the main group. Uncomfortably cold he once again wrapped his cloak close around him to shield him from the bitter icy chill as he stood among them and examined the emerald isle that lay on the other side of the ice.

"I will offer myself as a possible test subject to be flown over to the other side if we want to try that." Although he offered the idea of flying again filled him with dread, it seemed that he had found a new fear, he still felt unwell from the flight on the Sohr Kahl. Either way, he offered himself to make the first flight if no one else wanted toand if that was what they chose to do as much as he hated the idea.
word count: 584
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Re: [The Forging] Songs

Are thread titles included in the vowel challenge?

Uneasily, Oram looked about, at the multi-colored mist, and then at the standoff between Xander and Kalortah. ”Interloper,” he whispered under his breath, glaring resentfully at the avriel as he did. After the bird-man spoke, however, the traveler relented in his annoyance, and he even went so far as to pat Xander reassuringly on the shoulder. ”Our bard here is many things,” he told the wary warrior, ”but an enemy is not one of them.”

”Apology accepted,” he said then to Kalortah, ”but time is short and there is too much to explain. Any help you can offer getting us across the ‘Run so that we can reach that enormous tree yonder would be great. Explanations of our errand beyond that will have to wait.”

Indeed, the traveler had received, via his diri connection, much information that he would need to convey to all of his other companions. Upon consideration, however, he decided not to share it right away, as none of it changed nor even informed their most immediate task. One thing stood out as an exception. ”I have intelligence that magic has gone haywire all over the island” he announced to the group. ”Avoid using it.”

Assuming that Kal was satisfied with the explanation he had offered, Oram turned next to figuring out how best to use what they had to get across. A companion who could fly might very well come in handy; however, carrying people across, even a diminuitive one such as Bao, seemed too taxing. Another approach might be better.

Examining the equipment the Elements had issued them, he pulled out a coil of rope, showed it to the rest. ”All these lengths of rope could be sliced together to make one long enough to stretch across the ice. Even though the ‘Run looks frozen solid, I would prefer to take some precautions as we cross. As to using your flight,” he said now, turning to Kal, ”it would help a lot if you could take one end of the rope once we’ve spliced it, fly across, and tie it to a tree on the far side. Are you good with knots?” Absent that, Oram would give Kal a quick lesson in tying a taut-line hitch.

Inspiration struck as he noticed Xander’s shield. Indicating it with his spear-point, he asked: ”If we could use that as a toboggan to sit in and pull our way across along the rope, that might both spread our weight and eliminate the danger of somebody slipping on the ice and hurting himself trying to walk across. Any objection to trying that?”

Apprehensively, he leaned over to watch the man poke at the ice with his sword. Ice would freeze over quickly in this weather. Anyone who fell through might soon find themselves frozen beneath. It was a terrifying thing to consider: drowning while trapped under ice. Ignoring that fear as best he could, Oram cautiously put a foot down on the icy surface, then slowly put more and more weight on it. Although not the most dangerous place for it to happen, the edge of the run was the place where the ice was likely to be thinnest.

Oram addressed one last request to Kalortah: ”Each time someone pulls across, if we use the toboggan idea, we will need a way to ferry the shield back across to the next person. Easier to do that than try to carry Bao across, don’t you think?”

Eyebrow cocked inquistively, he awaited the avriel’s response to his proposal.

OOC: Example of malapropism would be "slice" instead of "splice"
word count: 612
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