• Solo • The Book of L

56th of Ymiden 721

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The Book of L

56th of Ymiden 721

There were precious many perks to belonging to the Academy as a paying student. One could enjoy some regular exercise at the Fitness Center, which in his time Zemos had afforded himself a trip or two. There was the classroom setting and learning opportunities, arguably the best perk. But lesser mentioned, but not at any rate least among them was access to the third ward of the Prime Atheneum. Let the lesser worms crawl through texts of basic instruction in the matters of history and humanity. On the third level, the divine was exposed to compound eyes.

It was at this level that Zemos found himself wandering in mid-afternoon on the sixth trial of Ymiden. He was browsing, on the urging of Mervani that he take a more active role in independent learning. So he took it seriously, this task. Not only for the sake of uncovering old secret arcana regarding Necromancy, and the other arts. No, he also wished to uncover hidden connections between all of the aspects of nature that interested him. Between Pestilence, toxin, necromancy, the dead, the living, and the Divine. The Egg hummed contentedly as he picked through the tomes that most interested him.

He'd found a particularly fruitful 'vein' of knowledge in the back corner of the library. Not far from where those two guardsmen stood watch over a restricted area of the library. Zemos had often cast his eyes in that direction, jealousy curious at what wonders lie beyond it. Yet for now, he was content to exhaust his search for knowledge in the tomes he had access to in the third level. His fingers traced the spines of books. Curiously, he traced them, wondering how many had been eaten by bookworms and other such maggots and unchrysalized insects. He almost thought to volunteer his services as a poisoner of these bugs, to help preserve the knowledge. However, when he worked up the nerve to ask, the Egg shut down that impulse with a sharp pain in his insides. He hadn't thought to ask them since, if they'd require his services in that regard.

His finger hopped and trailed along the leatherbound spines of the books. Until they met with one book that was turned inward. In a fit of serendipitous appeal, Zemos decided this was one book that he would read, whatever happened to be inside of it. He pulled it carefully from the shelf, replacing the other books to make sure they didn't come dislodged. Then, he turned it around to read the spine. It began with the letter L, imprinted upon its leatherbound jacket. But the rest of the letters were either too obscure, or in a different script that he wasn't familiar with. Furrowing his brow, he opened the book, reading the first few passages to hit his eyes. Much to his chagrin, it was in a different language. Not in Common, nor Xanthean, nor even the Ancient script that he sometimes caught Sophia studying. He scratched his head, and flipped through the pages, trying to find anything that might pop out as legible. Nothing, so far.

He sighed, and clapped the book shut. Yet there was a part of him which wished to investigate it further. Unconsciously, he kept the book by his side, and carried it over toward where he knew Sophia to be pursuing her studies of blood magic. On the other side of the third tier of the Atheneum.
word count: 584


Nzi'Fuma is going by the name Zemos until further notice


Yithnai: Nzi'Fuma has glowing green eyes.
Witchmarks and Mutations:
  • Dread Warpaint: Zemos' upper face has a darkened discoloration, like sticky tar to the touch. It resembles warpaint.
  • Flies and other insects tend to crawl over his body intermittently. Sometimes a maggot can be seen crawling over his skin.
  • He has a slight slowness to his speech, as if he struggles to keep his tongue low in his mandible.

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Yithnain Suggestions
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Re: The Book of L


"I have a mystery for you!" Zemos announced, as he laid the book down in front of Sophia, where she was studying some obscure science text. He smiled friendly at her, waiting for her to take a look at the tome. With a sigh of reluctance, she set aside what she'd been studying, and slid the book over to her reach. Once it was in hand she opened it, and began reading, or trying to read.

"You know this language!?" Zemos asked, hopefully. Ever since his lesson with professor Aeodan, he had a new appreciation for the science of linguistics. There was something in that science, an aspect that called to the part of him that was fascinated by disease vectors and toxins. Language was a lot like poison, in the way it spread! Or so he thought. He wondered, idly, if there was some small communication between toxins and the life forms they affected, which resulted in the effects you saw on the surface. He tucked that idea away for the moment, however, as he was saving it for his first major paper when he advanced his education.

Sophia sighed, and went through the pages of the book, furrowing her brow. "It looks familiar, but I don't know the language... The script is remarkably similar to Xanthean though, see here?" She showed him certain letters that resembled it. "I have a hunch... this is from the Western Continent."

Zemos slid into the seat next to her, and watched as she thumbed through the text. Indeed, it did seem to be written in a script reminiscent of Xanthean. Perhaps related? Was this another language spoken by Sev'ryn, his people?

After a few moments more consideration, Sophia said with some authority to her voice, "Xanevic." She said. "The language is spoken primarily in Rhakros. I think... That must be it."

Zemos' eyes widened at that. Akoko had spoken about the city-state of Rhakros. That was where he'd escaped from, as an Auri. They were native to that area, he remembered him saying. "What do you know about Rhakros?..." Zemos asked her, hopefully. Akoko had been all too reticent on the details, but it seemed important to Zemos in particular. Something, a memory that called to him from beyond the blank void that obscured his past. He wanted to know!

"Not much. It's ruled by Lisirra, or was. We don't get much news around here from abroad, but even I know about the war Etzos waged against the Plague Mother."

Plague Mother? What as this? "Who is Lisirra, Sophia?"

The Egg, which had grown more reticent over the trials that wore on, spoke it's voice to Zemos' mind.

"She is the Queen Bee.
Mother Malady.
The Toxic Monarch."

Zemos furrowed his brow at the Egg's words. What did they mean? Was Lisirra some greater entity that embodied disease and toxin?

His questions were answered in time by Sophia herself, who gave him a twisted, incredulous look. "You seriously have never heard of Lisirra?"

Zemos dipped his head, feeling slightlyl self-conscious. "I know... but I may have forgotten?"

Sophia fixed him with a thoughtful glance, before going into an explanation of who and what Lisirra was. "She's the Immortal with the domains of disease, insects, and toxins. She ruled in Rhakros, before disappearing, presumably having died in the conflict. Although nobody really knows what happened to her for true."

"Not dead not dead, say it isn't so father!"

Zemos scratched his head, and shrugged. "Hmm... Do you think we can translate this book? I think it's important somehow... and I've nothing better to do."

Sophia smirked at him, and nodded. "It shouldn't be hard to find a manual on Xanevic to Common or Xanthean. Let me go fetch something from the linguistics section. I'll be back before the break is done."

This said, she slid out of her chair and went off to fetch the manual she'd promised him. Meanwhile, Zemos' eyes combed through the inscrutable contents of the book he'd chosen. The Book of L.
word count: 691


Nzi'Fuma is going by the name Zemos until further notice


Yithnai: Nzi'Fuma has glowing green eyes.
Witchmarks and Mutations:
  • Dread Warpaint: Zemos' upper face has a darkened discoloration, like sticky tar to the touch. It resembles warpaint.
  • Flies and other insects tend to crawl over his body intermittently. Sometimes a maggot can be seen crawling over his skin.
  • He has a slight slowness to his speech, as if he struggles to keep his tongue low in his mandible.

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Yithnain Suggestions
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Re: The Book of L


In time she found her way back toward their study area. In tow, several books. He presumed they would help them to translate, or begin to understand the book he'd found. She sat down by him, and laid out the books. One was emblazoned with common lettering on the spine, another was written in Xanthean, and yet another was written in a vaguely familiar script, similar to the Book of L, as he'd taken to calling his find.

So they went ahead and cracked the books open. They poured over them for a few bits, matching words to several phrases found in the Book of L. In time, they made some headway, but not enough to discern just what the book was about. They mostly caught prepositional phrases and conjunctions, common words that were as the building blocks of a larger text, that would lead to greater meaning.

"It's good though, to build an understanding of those blocks of language before you look into specific words." Sophia said, "They can help reveal the context of the statements written. Sometimes in translating a text it can be tempting to let a significant word stand out, and draw all manner of inferences from that. But no. Starting with the glue that binds those statements and phrases together is probably best."

That said, as Zemos went over their translation so far, he was horribly vexed by the incompleteness of it all. They were on the cusp of revealing something far more meaningful and interesting, but all they got were the small, common words and marks.

Still, he piled on more, reading through the Xanthean to Xanevic comparisons she'd found. She hadn't lucked out in finding a direct glossary from one language to the other, but what she did find was useful. They could piece together references from it, and soon enough Zemos was uncovering intriguing words like 'breath', 'blood', and 'heat'. It was small progress but he was eager about it.

Sophia, meanwhile, stammered as she read on, and stopped writing her translations abruptly part of the way through. Zemos looked at her, then at the text, then back again. "What? What is wrong? Keep translating!"

Her cheeks grew darker as he insisted, and she couldn't help but stifle a cough. "Zemos... This is... erotic fiction."

Zemos' eyes grew wide, as he looked at the book, then at the translation, then back to her. "Erotic?"

"Yes, apparently."

Zemos thought about it a moment, then, "Oh."

Then another pause, "Is it any good?"

"Love Bugs!" The Egg chortled in his head.
word count: 433


Nzi'Fuma is going by the name Zemos until further notice


Yithnai: Nzi'Fuma has glowing green eyes.
Witchmarks and Mutations:
  • Dread Warpaint: Zemos' upper face has a darkened discoloration, like sticky tar to the touch. It resembles warpaint.
  • Flies and other insects tend to crawl over his body intermittently. Sometimes a maggot can be seen crawling over his skin.
  • He has a slight slowness to his speech, as if he struggles to keep his tongue low in his mandible.

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Yithnain Suggestions
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Re: The Book of L


Linguistics: x5
Research: x1

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Skill Review: Appropriate to level.
Points: 10
- - -
Comments: Zemos gives me the impression of being a very studious man. I love how you you showed us the library through his eyes and added a unique touch to it by mentioning such things as bookworms (and had Zemos think about volunteering his services as a poisoner of such bugs).

I'm also glad that his friend Sophia made another appearance. Zemos asking her about the mysterious book was a great way for him to learn about Lisirra.

I'm quite fond of the Egg. It is both insightful and entertaining at the same time, and I'm amused by how confused Zemos seems to be by its clever comments at times.

I wonder if he'll ever think about them in more detail ...

I was absolutely convinced that the mysterious Book of L would be a treatise on Lisirra and/or her followers, so imagine my surprise when I reached the last post where Zemos and Sophia tried to translate it, and it turned out to be erotic fiction instead. Oh my!

I grinned at the Egg's comment about "Love Bugs!".

Hopefully, Sophia and Zemos enjoyed the book!

And you enjoy your rewards!
word count: 216





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