[Broiling Lagoon] Catch a Dragon by the Tail

120th of Ashan 723

A small island with an active volcano, Faldrass is the home to Saoire's school and to the Faldrass Induk.

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[Broiling Lagoon] Catch a Dragon by the Tail

Vindecaldra's Gambit

Vindecaldra appeared to Faldrass, like a shining red ball of flames and jets of hot air, landing in the midst of the ruins of the former Resort, far to the west of Haven. There, she looked into the Broiling Lagoon, which had opened only a few trials hence, and would soon close again in another couple of trials. She sent out a call from that spot, roaring with furious concern across the islands.

The first to hear it, was her very own Effigy bearer, Vega, who would experience it as a feverish warmth in late Ashan, calling her back to Faldrass. She would know it was her friend, Vindecaldra calling her, and that it concerned the child that Vindecaldra had bequeathed to her as a daughter. Little more information was given than that, other than a vague feeling.

Next, Praetorum would feel a terrible pain behind the once mutation that had formed on his eye, in the form of a rune. The one that had formed after his first flaying of fire. The one that the lackies of Faldrun's Spire had branded once again. If he looked, he wouldn't find it glowing or anything like that, but the pain was real. Should he look to the west of Haven he would see a beacon of fiery energy in the distance, shooting mist into the sky like a geyser.

It was theirs to determine whether they would heed these signs. In the meantime, Vindecaldra stood by the entrance to the Broiling Lagoon, waiting and watching with worry.
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Re: [Broiling Lagoon] Catch a Dragon by the Tail

Catch A Dragon By The Tail ....
Vega heard the call and, immediately, she came.

Of course, 'immediate' was relative when you were a single parent currently parenting five people. However, her cousins were happy to look after the children and so Vega took to her dragonling as soon as she'd made sure she had all her supplies and she took to the skies to answer Vindecaldra's call.

She'd tried to explain it to her cousin, but frankly, Huw wasn't too bright and he looked at her with genuine concern when she said that a dragon was calling her. "Are you gettin' more stupid or have you been takin' classes?" Vega asked, crossly. She didn't like leaving the children suddenly - as much as she knew they were fine, she liked to prepare them. "Now, listen to me an' I mean it. You don't let Akor out of your sight. You an' Fi an' Shon an' Reese. You hear me?" Huw nodded, ignoring the insult as simply Vega's way of speaking. "She'll be safe," he said. "You have my word."

Vega smiled a brief, tense smile and she put her hand on Huw's arm. "I'm sorry," she said. "I shouldn't call you stupid." Huw shrugged slightly and smiled. "I've never known you to lie, Eva. I'm not bright." Vega grinned. "Well, I'm not arguin'. But I gotta go. Look after them all, Huw, an' yourself too yeah?"

She turned then and climbed on to Martha.

As she flew into the skies above Scalvoris, Vega went through the internal checklist that she had. She had her sword, her fiddle and her Domain Bag. Her Diris were with her, she had her armour and her shoes on her feet. Vega could feel that her anxiety was passing to Martha and so she forced herself to calm down.. The journey helped - she enjoyed flying and it was beautiful. As she flew over Faldrass, she spotted a hard-to-miss sight . Vega saw her brother - Varlum - and she waved to him. Then, she pointed to where she was going and she hoped that he came along.

If he wanted it - she'd stop and pick him up. He could fly on Martha and she'd use her wings. If he indicated that he wanted to join her, she'd do just that. But, at the end of the day, that was up to him. She knew that there was something up as far as Vindecaldra was concerned and Vega was nothing if she was no loyal. So, stopping for Varlum only if needed, Vega flew to the place where Vindecaldra was waiting. There, she moved over and she looked up (and up and up) at the dragon whose Effigy she bore.

"I came as fast as I could," she said. "How can I help?".

word count: 482

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: [Broiling Lagoon] Catch a Dragon by the Tail

Praetorum had come back to Haven for peace, for reflection, for safety. For once, he wasn't out looking for someone to save to sate his own need to be a hero. For once, he wasn't looking for trouble.

Still, it didn't matter. Trouble had come right up to him. 

He'd been trying his hand at whittling a piece of wood into an image of Storm when the pain hit. Jerking upright, Praetorum nearly dropped the knife in his surprise, shoulders tensing as the brand under his eye flared up as he hadn't felt in ages. Immediately, his eyes locked on the fire in the hearth, and Praetorum searched for the sound of whispering, the feeling of the fire beginning to—

But he could hear nothing out of the ordinary, no matter how he strained his ears. And he could feel nothing from the fire, not anymore. Not without his flow spark. 

For a moment, he stared at the fire intently, waiting... But the fire simply crackled, lifeless and unthreatening. 

Still, it was clear something was happening. "Elisa," he said, standing. "There might be trouble coming, of the fiery kind." Striding to the door, he pushed it open, intending to go and check on any large fires in the town. But the moment he stepped outside, it became abundantly clear that whatever was happening? It wasn't happening here.

"Serpent save us," Praetorum muttered, eyes narrowing as he stared at the pillar of misty flame to the west. "What is that?"

There was only one way to find out. 

"I'm going to take Erasmus and see what's going on," Prae said, turning to Elisabeth. He smiled briefly. "I won't ask you to come, but I have a feeling you might insist anyways." Prae would be happy to have her help if there was trouble afoot. But he couldn't blame her if she decided she needed to keep her people safe first and foremost. 

Either ways, Prae would quickly make his way to his ill tempered Zahkron, saddling the Dragonling and urging him towards the geyser of flame. Along the way, he took stock of what he had with him. This was not an ideal position, Praetorum having been caught unawares. He was in plain clothes, not even leather armor—but he had the Silk Scabbard on him, which gave him weapons, and the Noble Serpent's blessings meant he could have a shield at a moment's notice, and take on her scales as protection. He had his domain bag too, and could make use of all that was in that.

If Elisabeth came with him, Prae would pass his Celarion companionship to her, bonding them together so they could better face whatever was to come. And so with all his preparations made, Praetorum flew like a moth towards the flames, hoping to avoid getting burned.
Last edited by Praetorum on Fri Jun 09, 2023 3:55 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 484
Let's play 'What's Weird About Prae'


  • A fiery rune shines under his right eye
  • A firey glow in the back of his mouth


  • A ring of blue runes floats over each of Prae's wrists
  • A silver shield marks the back of his right hand
  • A ring of light around his left forearm


  • His tail is about eight feet long, usually knotted around his waist
  • His body temperature is uncomfortably high


  • Wind gusts with every step he takes
  • The area around him is slightly more static-y than normal
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Re: [Broiling Lagoon] Catch a Dragon by the Tail

With a deep inhale, Varlum continued his walk, ensuring he got his daily exercise in where possible. Walking as much as he could was usually enough, especially with how much fighting he did. Besides, when he was in Scalvoris he might as well appreciate the scenery. It was a change of pace from Rharne - and certainly one from the warzones he'd grown used to. This was his chance to rest for a while, spend time with his sister and see his family for a while. After this he'd be sure to stop by and find Vivian. But until then he had things to do. It wasn't as if Viv was going anywhere, not even Faldrun could tear her from Rharne. She was strong, she'd be fine.

From above came the sound of wingbeats, the Ithecal glancing upwards as his hand instinctively tightened on his axe. Yet it became quickly apparent his alarm was for nothing as he noticed Vega, watching as she landed before him. He'd come to Scalvoris to spend as much time with her as he could - but he didn't imagine they'd cross paths on a walk like this. Much less while she flew on top of a creature like this. She invited Varlum to come with her, saying she had been called by a Dragon. Varlum had little hesitation with his nod. "I'm in. Let's go."

Vega sprouted wings, a power that both siblings seemed to have now, and allowed him to ride on the back of a mount she called 'Martha'. Then they moved out. As soon as they arrived at their location Varlum would dismount, eyes taking in an unfamiliar Dragon. He was one of the first to discover Dragons alongside Faith and Padraig, crossing the barrier to meet one. But it was always an honor to meet a new one - especially with the knowledge he bore. These were his ancestors. They shared a soul with one another. It gave Varlum a swelling of pride every time he thought of it, sharing a soul with Dragons like this. Such powerful beings. Creatures of legend, discovered in front of his own eyes.

If Vindecaldra would look his way he would bow his head in respect, placing his arm across his chest. "I'm Varlum, brother of Vega. It's an honor" he spoke to the Dragon, wondering if Vindecaldra knew the connection the two bore. From what he had learned only Ethelynda and a select few others knew of the fact. But it didn't matter now. He trusted Vega with his life. If Vindecaldra needed help and Vega swore loyalty to her, Varlum would be there with no hesitation. Besides, what better time spent with his sister than helping? The two were hardly the type to sit in for a meal and catch up. Almost every meeting the pair had was in battle.

"I'm here to help. What can we do?"
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Re: [Broiling Lagoon] Catch a Dragon by the Tail


Cherishing the moments between chaos was something of a favored pastime. Elisabeth and the people she knew – many of whom she considered family – were people the universe often called upon for various things. Various dangerous things, actually. Sometimes together, but usually each on a mission of their own. It was an exciting life for sure, but each new experience always left the young woman longing for respite.

With said time, Balthazar was the priority. With responsibilities to other people and their work, the pair often were flung to different parts of Scalvoris. Elisabeth ensured he had her attention when he was home, making full use of their downtime to be with each other.

Right then, her husband was off someplace for work, but another member of her family had come home for a visit– Praetorum. Something was bothering him but knowing better, she left him to his own thoughts until he decided it was the right time to speak his mind. He would, of course, sooner or later, but it was never good to force that of another – to each in their own time.

Elisabeth wasn't far away from the ithecal when the geyser of energy showed itself, accompanied by a roar. "Well, that's new," she muttered, glancing around to find Praetorum. It was, of course, Faldrass' island, and oddness tended to happen, but even then, the show prompted an arched eyebrow.

The display caught the settlers' attention as well. Within moments, the guards, Silk, Lore, and Nia, had found their way to Elisabeth, catching her as she strode to find the ithecal.

"Elisabeth," Lore's voice started.

"I know, I know," she said. "You all stay here. Praetorum and I will go investigate." Undoubtedly, he would wish to go with her, so she didn't even entertain the idea that he wouldn't.

Once she found Praetorum and realized he was thinking the same thing, the pair prepared to depart. Grabbing her weapon and domain bag, she allowed him to help her mount his Zahkron – a beast she had ridden on previously. Before she could suggest their sharing a Celarion bond – a mark gifted to both – he beat her to it.

Accepting it, they made final preparations to depart and swiftly made their way to the source of the geyser. Once there, Elisabeth slid down and found what she knew in her heart to be a dragon, looking up at the creature and touching her necklace. Faith had told her it had something to do with dragons – long story short – but that mystery hadn't been solved yet.

"My name is Elisabeth. I'm here to help."

What more was there to say? The young woman braced herself for the answer.

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Re: [Broiling Lagoon] Catch a Dragon by the Tail

Vindecaldra's Questions

When the four companions arrived at Vindecaldra's landing on Faldrass, near the former resort's ruins, atop the fissure that led into the Broiling lagoon, they noticed that she was not alone. In fact, when they thought they'd arrived in front of her, as she was quite large, they'd keep walking and come over the crest of the broiling Lagoon to see four figures with her, standing at her feet.

There lined up in front of her, from left to right, in a neat sort of row, were no other than four Immortals. First, Ralaith, in his human guise, bespectacled and grim of countenance. Next, Daia, looking far from her usual cheeriness. To those who have a keen eye for subtle moods she would appear almost shaken. Next to her, Empress of Ivorian, Ethelynda, who bowed her head respectfully to the people entering their midst. Otherwise, she looked up adoringly at Vindecaldra from time to time, sharing in the warmth under her wing. Finally, on the farmost right, there appeared Xiur, who nodded with a cheerful smile toward Vega and Elisabeth, his champion and marked respectively.

Ralaith spoke to Varlum first, "You've been using what I taught you I trust." He said, and then shrugged.

Xiur smiled broadly, and peered over at Ralaith, after taking in the measure of the very tall Ithecal mortalborn, "He doesn't strike me as the typical Shirvain!"

Ralaith scoffed, "And what is that supposed to mean? Wisdom comes in all shapes and sizes."

Xiur responded with a chuckle.

Ralaith shook his head, grumbling, "Anyway, Daia? You don't mind?"

Daia turned to Ralaith, her expression silent and withdrawn. "Yes, tell them. It's important."

"It would be wise to inform our champions of what they're dealing with, exactly what they're dealing with." Ralaith admitted, as sensitive an issue as it might've seemed to one of their number. "We believe, and Vindecaldra has all but confirmed through her observations in her part of the world, that Vü-erik has been located."

If the heroes had blank or bemused stares on their faces, it was to be expected. None of them would know who that was. "Vü-erik is the Blade-Bearer, the murderer of Daia. A powerful Becomer and assassin that has an unbroken chain of lineage, of totems dating back to the Immortal War."

Vindecaldra found it in her to speak then, lowly, which was still a very brassy and voluminous voice, "We believe he's seeking what he thinks is a Miracle stone, or else the means to create one, in this very Fracture. We do not know, and cannot confirm if this is indeed something that lies in the Broiling Lagoon. But the presence of Vü-erik alone is enough to warrant concern and immediate action."

Ralaith cleared his throat, "There's no way to confirm if it is a Miracle Stone, if this is a ruse to lure us in, or anything else. Vü-erik is cunning, but his single-mindedness can lead to tunnel vision, to where it's possible he hasn't considered that he's been discovered, or that his own intelligence-gathering may be flawed. That part of your errand could very well be a wild goose chase, but it's of the utmost importance that we neutralize the threat he poses."

Ethelynda took a turn to speak, "He is a base coward, and will avoid confrontation, but he is a formiddable opponent when cornered."

Daia softly spoke, this time directing her words to Vega, "There is one with him, a man named Ban Azîr. If you find him, he is utterly loyal to Vü-erik. He would stop at nothing to protect him, believing him to be his brother. But he is not, though he has the appearance of an aukari. He is one of my own, my lions."

"It was he who informed Vü-erik of the potential to find or else trigger the creation of a Miracle Stone." Daia said.

Ralaith's mouth tightened into a grimace, as he interjected. "We cannot risk such a powerful well falling into the hands of an elusive mage of such power. He could very well unmake the world with the consequences wrought from such a thing. Your lion's welfare being important as it is, it cannot be set above the prevention of that stone falling to Vü-erik!"

Daia sighed, and shook her head. Yet she couldn't but agree. "Yes, of course. The greater good of mortalkind hangs in the balance."

Vindecaldra sighed, a bracing warm and comforting breeze over the assembled individuals. "Immortals... always squabbling about this or that, hung up on details. Where are my manners, I haven't introduced myself to the better portion of you!"

"I am Vindecaldra. From the Heart of the World. And a Dragon, as you can see. With a capital D." She winked. And then looked at each of them in turn.

"I hope you'll forgive my curiousity. I have questions, so I hope you'll indulge me with an answer before you venture into this very important mission. If indeed you still wish to." She smiled gently down at the mortalborns and mortals assembled. First she turned to Praetorum, "Well met, Praetorum?"

"You know, you remind me of someone I once knew. I could swear we've already met." Shaking her head gently, she asked her question of him, "If you could have a single wish, what would it be?"

She waited for him to answer, and then turned to the next in line, which happened to be Elisabeth. "Hello Elisabeth Black. It's a pleasure to meet a Forged whose acquaintance I've yet to make. You all seem to get around, don't you? But that's not my question." She hummed mirthfully.

"What is your deepest and most abiding desire, Elisabeth, that you want for yourself?" Vindecaldra would listen to her answer, and then nod thoughtfully, turning to the next in line, which was Vega.

"Lady Vega! How wonderful you would come. I do hope your children are doing well." The utterance was pregnant with meaning, specifically for Akor, but Vindecaldra was reticent to say more in present company. "You're always looking forward, always pushing for the next horizon, never stopping. A force of nature is my effigy-bearer. But I do wonder, if there was one part of your present or past you could cling to, and keep on yourself and to yourself in perpetuity, what or who would it be?"

Vindecaldra waited for her to respond, and listened. She would address the answer privately later if it required more discussion, but then her attention was turned to Varlum, the very large ithecal mortalborn by Vega's side.

"Well met, Varlum Onormus. I have heard much of your exploits, mixed with mingling curses and praise. But none can deny that you are a valorous, strong, and indeed a man with a large destiny."

She winked at Vega, and then turned back to Varlum, "Now, my final question I reserve for you. Why do you continue to fight, to bear the weapons of war? What is your cause?"

This final question posed, the way through to the Broiling Lagoon fracture was open for them, a large cavernous opening that steamed with unearthly heat.

Ralaith spoke then, "Time is short, as too often it is for mortals. They already have a head start on you, so the longer you tarry here the less time there is to catch up to those inside. If you need anything, ask for it now and enter. Just be wary of weighing yourselves down unnecessarily. This Fracture is unlike many others."

Xiur nodded, "Ask for what you need, but I'm afraid we're fresh out of rope, torches, and tarps."
Hello everyone, thanks for joining this quest.

Okay three can-and-probably-should-do objectives:

1. Answer Vindecaldra's question to your PC.
2. Prepare whatever extras you need.
3. Get in there.

You all have 5-7 days to post. If nobody posts, the plot will resume anyway as it does with the bad guys and the other group getting closer to their goal, and a post from me detailing their progress. Every round will operate this way, until one of the groups reaches the Heart of the Broiling Lagoon.

I leave it to you all how you deal with anyone falling off the posting schedule, although there will be IC consequences. Posting does not guarantee success either, but you are encouraged to play to your character's best judgment as failure may have big consequences.

I say 5-7 days because I may feel like posting sooner rather than later. For that reason, I'd advise you to prioritize this thread. If you back out now or fail to post in time, having heard of these limitations, there's no shame and no penalty in particular for your character. But there won't be an opportunity to leave unscathed once inside nor will you be able to enter after the others from this round onwards if you miss this next one. Assume this is a big reward/big risk type deal. It's part of an Effigy plot request that triggered it, so that's pretty major in terms of rewards. Ok that out of the way....

If you're worried about the timeline, Ralaith is isolating and casting forward this moment in time for the benefit of the group, so you can proceed without timelocks. If anyone dies, their death will be thrown to the last three trials of next cycle. Your characters are unaware (both in the event and afterward) of this phenomenon, so proceed to next cycle as normal without acknowledging the events here. When the event concludes, events, meetings, and such will have a way of reoccuring to you. It might feel a bit hazy but this is how it has to be for the sake of playability.

Due to the fast nature of this thread, I'm not going to hold you to any specific posting order, but work out among yourselves the posting order from round to round. Teamwork is important so feel free to coordinate OOC.

There are three groups whose progress will be tracked via this method:

Three Wise Mice & Arlo: 1 turn behind.
Praetorum/Vega/Elisabeth/Varlum's Group: 0 turns ahead.
Vü-erik & Ban Azîr: more than 2 turns ahead.

The method of tracking will include more precise proximity to the Heart than in how many turns ahead they are as we go along. What I have there is just an example. But it reflects how far behind/ahead you are, relatively.

Now, each of you have at least 5 points of action you can take.

0 Points for narrative and thinking things through.
0 Points for Praetorum and Elisabeth to communicate at any length with each other, due to Qylios bond.
0 Points for quick/brief personal reactions to others in the group.
1 Point for anyone else to confer with any other.
1 Point to ask one question and answer one from any or all of the Immortals/Dragon assembled.
1 Point to ask one question and, or otherwise confer/converse with them any statement complex that demands a response.
2 Points to gather what is needed.
2 Points to take an action.
2 Points to take an action and movement.
2 Points to examine your environment lightly.
3 Points to examine your surroundings in detail.

Please include 3-5 knowledge tags for knowledges in each post written. I will not assign any knowledges at the end of the thread that you didn't tag yourself in a post. These can include tier 2 skills if you have any.

Please include the point-cost actions you take in a summary offtopic at the end of your post, and the tally-cost of them. You can go over 5 points, and there will be consequences for doing so unless there's a good reason to extend the amount of actions you can reasonably take (abilities, capstones, magic, marks, etc.).
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Re: [Broiling Lagoon] Catch a Dragon by the Tail

Three Wise Mice

There was a loud pop, and then a squeezing sound. Arlo might've felt like he was wrapped up in a tarp or something, as three furry bodies rolled around with him end over end, squeezing through a tunnel and down into a wide open and steamy space. Then he'd land and awaken with a thud on the rocky ground.

Arlo's consciousness came and went in waves, but breaks or perhaps bits after the fall, something was stirring him to wakefulness. It was a scent, like the scent of... lavender tea with honey? A dainty teacup was propped beneath his nose, as he lay in repose against a smooth boulder, half upright against it. He would recognize one of the three visiting mice cadouri that has visited on the birth of his son. His son, what was his name again?

If he tried to feel for Vega's presence, to speak to her through the distances across Emea and Idalos, he would find the connection severed inexplicably. Yet here he was, so much time might've passed, or none at all. It was hard to say since he'd drifted in and out of consciousness for much of that time, spending much of it dreaming. His muscles felt stiff, but as the tea vapours entered his nostrils, he felt very much reinvigorated. Much more alert and awake.

Onnie cooed to Cassion's son, "There there, just a sip of tea, and you'll be right as elderberry dew on an early Vhalar morning."

It was perhaps unclear to the other mice present, Ruby and Rollo, whether Arlo was yet awakened, as they spoke freely still before he gave any indictation that he was awake.

"Snap to it Onnie! We need him up and about, if we want to find the wishing star." Ruby yapped at her sibling.

Rollo rolled his eyes at them both, "It's a miracle stone, not a wishing star. And shut it, we don't know who or what might be listening in on us."

"Shhhh, he's coming to, I think?..." Onnie said, as Arlo's eyes fluttered open, the three mice magi coming into focus.

Ruby smirked sideways, "Besides, nobody outside our immediate area will see us coming. My magic will conceal us, pretty well."

Onnie looked on Arlo with concern, "Are you alright Cassion-son? Is there... something we can do to make you more comfortable?" Try as Arlo might, unless he had an utterly implacable will he would find himself far less inclined to complain... about anything.

"Hmph..." Rollo snorted, "Do we even need this one?"

"Well," Ruby started, "I heard he's got the effigy of that museum dragon. And he is marked by Cassion, probably has all kinds of tricks that can help him find ways through obstacles. Besides, Cassion was sure that would make it easier for him to find the treasure, whatever it might be. "

"The Miracle Stone."

"Yes that."

"Quiet you two! You'll upset our poor ward." Onnie said, bringing a soft, warm wet rag to Arlo's head. "I'm sure you have many questions, dear, do ask, and we'll answer if we can."

As more of Arlo's faculties recovered, among them was the awareness that these three mice cadouri were marked by his father.
Hello Arlo,

Please treat Arlo's memory has being very very hazy over the last arc or so, since his son was born (that would be his last clear memory). He's vaguely aware he was held prisoner somewhere for a while and that it wasn't pleasant, but apart from that, would remember no other details.

You have 5-7 days to post a reply. It doesn't have to and probably shouldn't be coordinated with the other groups involved. You're on your own for the moment with these three cadouri and your progress backwards sideways or forwards will be tracked separately.

Now, you have at least 5 points of action you can take.

0 Points for narrative and thinking things through.
0 Points for quick/brief personal reactions to others in the group.
1 Point to ask one question and, or otherwise confer/converse with them any statement complex that demands a response.
2 Points to take an action.
2 Points to take an action and movement.
2 Points to examine your environment lightly.
3 Points to examine your surroundings in detail.

Please include 3-5 knowledge tags for knowledges in each post. I will not assign any knowledges you didn't tag yourself for in this event. These knowledges can include Tier 2 skills if you have them.

Please include the point-cost actions you take in a summary offtopic at the end of your post, and the tally-cost of them. You can go over 5 points, and there will be consequences for doing so unless there's a good reason to extend the amount of actions you can reasonably take (abilities, capstones, magic, marks, etc.).
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Re: [Broiling Lagoon] Catch a Dragon by the Tail

Catch A Dragon By The Tail ....
People irritated her and, in this instance, disappointed her.

Before the Immortals appeared, both Elisabeth and Praetorum turned up and, without a word of acknowledgement, spoke to the dragon. No hello, no nod, nothing. Vega's eyes swirled and she looked - and felt - irritated. "Hello to you too," she said, pointedly. Then, Vega turned and nodded her head to the Immortals. "It's an honour to meet you," she said to Ethelynda and Ralaith, "an' to see you again," she said to both Daia and XIur.

And then, the Immortals and the Dragon spoke. Vega listened and she looked. Daia was sad but it was more than that, Vega thought. It quickly became clear why and Vega listened to the explanation with care and attention. The situation that they described was clear and Vega's expression darkened. The blokie who'd murdered Daia was below in this broiling lagoon fracture and with him was someone who was both unerringly, unwaveringly loyal to him and, also, one of Daia's lion cubs. Ralaith spoke of what they needed to do and Vega spoke clearly. "If the only two options are kill him or we all die, then I'll find the third option," she said. "Or I'll die tryin'". It was a simple truth to her. Saving the world for the cost of an innocent wasn't saving the world at all. Her daughter, Joy, was living proof of it. She hoped that her words gave Daia some hope. There was a question which came from that. "Do you have any hints or ideas for how we might awaken him?" After all, that might be key.

Vindecaldra cut through that, though, and she spoke. Vega smiled at the dragon. She understood what Vindecaldra was asking and Vega nodded. "My children are well an' well protected in my absence," Vega said, hoping that this was sufficient for clarity. Then, Vindecaldra had a question for her - as she had a question for each of the four of them - and Vega considered it. But she didn't consider it long, because she knew the answer. What would she keep, what would she hold on to? What or who? That was something that Vega had learned - in the last year and a half since Arlo had gone, in the time since her father died, in her childhood, Vega knew one thing that she wanted to keep. "I'd keep me,'" she said. "Flaws an' foibles, every bit of me what makes me who I am. That's what I'd keep.'". That said there was a question to ask. "An' in the hope that you wanna keep me, too, is there anythin' you can tell us about this fracture an' how to make our way through it?"'"

There was nothing else that she needed, as far as Vega was concerned. But there was something that needed saying. "If we're goin' in there we need to be a team," Vega said. She looked directly at Praetorum, then. She knew - because she'd seen - the way that he'd put Arlo's life in danger because he was so busy trying to help Elisabeth who hadn't needed it. "An' that means no nonsense like you did on Ishallr. We work as a whole group, together an' we don't have any nonsense like you puttin' everyone else in danger to try an' protect Elisabeth who is perfectly capable of protectin' herself. We agree that, or we go separately now. Your choice." Assuming that Praetorum agreed - and frankly even if he didn't, Vega knew one thing. "Because we're a team. All of us," she said.

And then, Vega lifted her hands into the air, like she was playing an invisible fiddle and she played the song of the moment. The melody was haunting, hopeful and beautiful. She played for all of them, - Immortals, Dragons, Ithecal and Humans - she put all her positive emotions and hope and determination into the song. The song of Daia's Cub, and in doing so she bound them all togetherFollowing on from her capstone, this ability allows Vega to effective 'buff' a group who hear her play. So inspiring is her music that, when she is attempting to instill any emotion linked with the Domains of Xiur or Qylios, she gives them the ability to fight together, as though they are bonded as per the Qylios mark. Whole groups can function together, fighting as one with each individual having full knowledge of what is going on in the battle. All of the people who are bonded in this way must have heard Vega play at the same time, and within the last trial. This applies to herself, as well., all of them. It was the only way to go forward, as far as she was concerned.

"Come on then, lets get goin' an' quit lollygaggin'"
1 point for answering Ralaith / Daia re: Lion Cub and asking if Daia has any hints for helping them to "awaken" this cub.
1 point for answering Vindecaldra and asking for any hints on navigating the Fracture.
1 point for berating Prae.
2 points to take an action (Play the fiddle to bond them all together) and movement (and then get going)
word count: 886

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: [Broiling Lagoon] Catch a Dragon by the Tail

As reinforcements seemed to arrive Varlum couldn't help but let a small grin spread across his face, subtle but present. Seeing Elizabeth and Prae had been one thing, they were both friends as far as the Ithecal was concerned, even if it was quickly apparent that they annoyed Vega by making no introductions or acknowledgements. But seeing Ethelynda and Ralaith was another honor entirely. They were the Immortals he placed the most trust in, perhaps more than he trusted himself. So when Ralaith addressed him first the Ithecal bowed his head politely for a moment. "The Tome of your blessing could tell enough stories to make Cassion proud, and your abilities have helped me save lives time and again" he assured the Immortal. Truth be told, Ralaith's mark had been of great use to the Ithecal - allowing him an insight into the world that he wouldn't have had once.

When Xiur commented that Varlum was far from the typical Shirvain the Mortalborn returned a pleasant smile. "I fear the stone scales make me far from typical in anything I do" he confessed, not taking the comment as any sort of insult. Typical was boring, after all.

He acknowledged each Immortal one by one with a nod before landing his gaze on Ethelynda. There was a special place in his heart for her. When Ruin's Dawn had broken apart and Varlum had collapsed to his knees, accused her of leaving him to fight her battles, she had simply placed a hand on him and promised him it would be okay. Reassured him of who he was and why she trusted him so. She had saved him from himself. "My Protector" he smiled softly at her. Just his expression alone was enough to see he had healed since slaying Kata. "Thank you. I'm happy to see you here."

Varlum trusted she knew exactly what he was thanking her for.

It was then that he listened to what the Immortals and Vindecaldra had to say. Their story had him paused for a moment. Varlum had been in the Rharne ball when the tale of Daia had been told and her resurrection uncovered. He knew what had happened to her. But to hear the man that had done it was alive and proving a threat was another thing entirely. He knew little to nothing of Becoming and the power it had, nor did he know what to expect from an assassin as an opponent. After all, how could someone fight what they couldn't see?

Vega swore to find a way to protect the Cub of Daia, the Ithecal nodding his head in agreement. Yet he didn't share her certainty. If this man was truly loyal to the Becomer it would be difficult to keep him alive. But now wasn't the time to discuss those kind of details. They would do what they could to the best of their abilities. What came next was unpredictable. Besides, if anyone could find a way Vega could. He trusted her completely. So he would trust her now too.

When it came to Vindecaldra's introduction the Ithecal remained silent until he was spoken to and addressed. Evidently, the Dragon knew of him, using his surname and describing him fairly aptly. "It's an honor" he gave a warm look to the Dragon, before being presented with her question. There was a moment of quiet from the Ithecal, eyes glancing forward, before looking to Ethelynda. Of all the people in this room she had seen him fight more battles than any other. Perhaps even she could answer this question better than he could. But after a second of looking at his Immortal? He knew his answer.

"Because as far as I am concerned, I have no choice. Or at least, no other choice is worth taking" he admitted, speaking matter of factly. "I was born with abilities that make me harder to kill, raised by soldiers, fled to Ivorian when I was young and joined the military. I am beyond capable of fighting. Which means I must. Because when I don't, the times I was too weak, people have died. People I loved and strangers alike. Which means they died because of me. That is why I fight, and why I will fight until my last breath."

Once that answer was out the way, Varlum nodded his head to the Dragon. "I hope that answer is sufficient" he spoke, knowing it had been a rather heavy answer to the question. Truth be told, he rarely talked about such things so openly, especially in front of his friends and sister. But he wasn't afraid to tell the truth. They might think it depressing, they might even worry for the Ithecal. But as far as he was concerned all he had said was a fact of life. People that were capable sat by and let evil thrive, too scared to fight. But not him. Varlum would rather die fighting than live hiding.

Once his answer was out the way it was time to work. Which meant he had questions of his own to ask. More than anything they needed information. "I have two questions" he told the Immortals and Vindecaldra. "The first being about magic. What happens to magic in a fracture? Our blessings, magic, Mortalborn powers - anything we should know about them?" he asked, waiting for an answer before asking the other. "And what about the layout? A map of the Fracture, something. How will we know our way around?"

Vega spoke to the group then, telling them all they had to work together. He knew nothing of the history between this group but he knew she was right. "Agreed" he glanced to all of his companions. "What happened before means nothing to me. But what happens now is important. We have to be a team. Trust me to protect your back so I can trust you to protect mine. We act together, we fight together - and we survive together."

With that out the way Varlum could only agree with his sister. It was time to go. He accepted the gift of her music, listening and feeling the bond grow between himself and anyone else that would listen. It was a powerful feeling. Keeping them bonded together would make their lives far easier. But now it was time. With a reassuring look to his two Immortals, Ralaith and Ethelynda, he turned to the group and clutched his axe in his hands. "Let's go."
Off Topic
Action list:

Answering Vindy and asking about magic in the fracture (one action)
Asking about the layout of the fracture (one action)
Answering Vega/talking to the group (one action)
Act and move - Following Vega and heading for the fracture! (two actions)
Total points used: Five
word count: 1141
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Re: [Broiling Lagoon] Catch a Dragon by the Tail

Vü-erik & Ban Azîr

"And how long until then?" Ban Azîr's voice reverberated off the walls, carrying across the lagoon that they now waded through.

"Eighteen years I suppose... Perhaps too long." Vü-erik remarked bitterly. "I should have acted, but the harlot had to make her move. She was overconfident. I built her up too fast, and then... You know the rest."

The two waded for a few more bits through the water, before Vü-erik was asked by his companion, "Saved by her own folly, one might say?" Ban Azîr murmured, thoughtfully. The other aukari spat into the lagoon.

"Be quiet, will you? I need to hear myself think, and take a look around..." This said, Vü-erik took a careful look around, observing their environment, and listening for the tell-tale whistling that he'd been warned of.
His eyes alighted to the lefthand passage, the tunnel leading into a narrow slide of sorts. "There... I can just about smell the ether on the air."

Ban Azîr squinted, and shrugged, hefting his luscerne hammer over his shoulder as he went along. "I think... Yeah okay."
Not expecting an answer from his slight reaction to his companion.

Vü-erik stalked off into the passage, and as he did so began transforming into a golden salamander. "Get on my back, ride. It'll be safer."

Ban Azîr
followed him, and slid onto the golden salamander's back as he did so.
As they went down the tunnel, the lion cub
looked over his shoulder to check their retreat, and watch for anything coming. He felt strangely just as he did that, receiving the strangest feeling that he was being followed. However, for now he shrugged it off, and told his brother nothing.

He wouldn't soon forget that feeling, however.
Vü-erik 6 action points.
Ban Azîr 5 actioh points.
word count: 319
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