[Haven] Death, Sadness, Remembrance & Love

A small island with an active volcano, Faldrass is the home to Saoire's school and to the Faldrass Induk.

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Elisabeth Black
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[Haven] Death, Sadness, Remembrance & Love

Arc 721, 54 Zi'da

“What’s wrong now?”
Elisabeth knew as soon as she heard the question who was asking it - It could only be Ronan. Settlement meetings weren’t uncommon, but they also didn’t happen frequently enough to keep a bit of anxiety from creeping into the minds of some. While the young mage and those in Haven were on excellent terms with each other, and light joking was typical, Haven’s guard had a flair all his own.

Elisabeth and the guards were busily getting the common room of Haven House ready for the gathering. Chairs were dropped in various places with Silk counting to ensure everyone would have a place to sit should they want one. A few never sat, like Bran and Edward, but it was the thought that counted.

In response to Ronan’s question, the young mage lifted an eyebrow, peering across the room curiously at him. “Nothing’s wrong. Why do you always think something’s wrong?” Chuckling a bit as he met her gaze, the guard shrugged his shoulders lightly. “Because something is always going on with you and Balthazar. If it's significant enough, you always feel the need to talk to the settlers about it. And talk…and talk…and talk. Maybe talk some more.”

There was something to be said for Elisabeth's relationship with each of the settlers of Haven. All those connections had been carefully cultivated over time and working together – something she was incredibly proud of because it was those ties that would make or break a settlement. Ronan, Silk, and Balder each had a unique relationship with the young woman who became settlement leader, and their forging had started long before her appointment by Kura.

The relationship between Balder and Elisabeth had been, admittedly, the most straightforward bond to forge. The burly guard had a close connection with Balthazar and had watched over Elisabeth during the early trials of settlement life. Once the Albarech made the leadership change, his role morphed into advising. He still watched over her – all the guards did – but he was much more aware of who she was and how to best work with her.

Silk had been the more surprising one. The two women had chaffed a bit when Elisabeth arrived and throughout Balthazar’s time as settlement leader, but that changed once Elisabeth took the reins of Haven. The relationship shaped after that time had been hard-won, with the pair developing mutual respect for each other’s abilities and what their skills brought to the settlement. Now, Silk accompanied Elisabeth often when Haven’s leader left the settlement on business.

Ronan. On the one hand, he kept Elisabeth grounded and on her toes. He was quick-witted and thought swiftly on his feet, but his mouth got him into trouble more often than not. She didn’t doubt his loyalty to her and Haven, but it was a much more complex relationship than the other two. He was, obviously, in a foul mood and it was a matter she would need to look into further after the meeting, but for the moment there wasn't time.

Remaining quiet for a moment, Elisabeth let her hand trace over the lines of Balthazar's faldrunium spear. Propped up in the common room, she had been meaning to mount it to the wall but hadn't gotten that far yet. The weapon's size made it difficult for him to travel with, so he left it with her in their home unless there was a need. There were trials she wished, more than others, that the mage was home. It helped to have things of his around and reminded her that they were building a life together, even if their jobs and responsibilities kept them apart more often than either would like.

Silk and Balder exchanged worried expressions, with the former going as far to reach out and smack Ronan’s shoulder firmly. “Too far. That wasn’t called for, and you know it.” Balder nodded his agreement but continued setting out chairs and keeping his own counsel on the matter.

“That’s enough, Ronan. I agree with Silk. Teasing is fine, but communication is important. I’m sorry if you don’t like all the talking, but it’s necessary for running a settlement and making sure everyone is on the same page.” Elisabeth’s words were firm, accented by the sharp gaze she gave him as she turned. It wasn’t often she resorted to such a tone, but people tended to pay attention when she did. Balder once had likened it to a mother scolding her child, and while the analogy had made them all laugh, it was rather apt. There was a line of appropriateness, and Ronan was usually the one to cross it.

Sighing, Ronan relented. “Sorry. I guess I’m more a man of action.” It was Elisabeth’s turn to shrug shoulders, arching an eyebrow. “Action is all well and good, and necessary, but in this case, I think it’s important that people know and agree upon what action they are committing to. When you work with a group of people, that communication becomes even more important.” As much as Ronan, apparently, didn't enjoy all the talking, it was a teaching moment for Elisabeth. The more she could make others understand why she did the things she did, the more effective she became - at least in her opinion.

Before long, people started arriving. Elisabeth listened to the chatter, and beyond Ronan's earlier misgivings about the purpose of the meeting, it didn't seem that anyone else was concerned about being called to Haven House. Good. There was a balance to leading people, she had discovered. Worry about being summoned for a meeting wasn't healthy. Curiosity was different, and the young woman expected it from the settlers.

A glance around the room told her what she needed to know. It was the same cast of characters that always attended. Having informed the settlers of the meeting, Haven's guards had indicated – per Elisabeth's wishes – that it would be a voting meeting, so near everyone in the settlement was present, with lots of eyes on her, waiting to see her what would transpire.

In typical Storm fashion, Elisabeth's cat was delighted at the gathering of his servants. It had been an arduous ordeal, but finally, he had attained a level of training with them where they all understood the expectations - pets, scratches, and treats. Delilah had sent her father with fish bits for the feline, which made the whole evening that much better. In Storm's opinion, at least, and really, his was the only opinion that mattered.

Best to get right to it then. "Good evening all. Thank you for being here. There's a matter that I need to fill you all in on, and it will take a bit of explaining." Elisabeth settled into a chair at the end of the long table that filled one side of the common room. Sometimes she walked when she spoke, and sometimes not. It wasn't a conscious thing on her part, but there was a sense that sitting was best for that moment.

Gazing at each settler in turn, Elisabeth continued, explaining why they were all there. "As you all know, Balthazar is a marked of Vri, the Immortal of Death, Sadness, Remembrance, and Love. What you don't know is that Balthazar and I attended Vri's wedding back in Ymiden." That part was only partially true. The guards had been aware of the pair's absence before they departed – Elisabeth's decision – as she was sensitive to the fact that the settlers tended to get uneasy when she just up and vanished.

The inevitable whispering began, and Elisabeth was experienced enough now in speaking to them about Immortals that the mage waited for a beat for them to settle before continuing. "After the ceremony, I had the opportunity to talk to Vri briefly, and he conveyed his wishes that a chapel be built here in Haven and dedicated to him. A place that we, as a community, can celebrate, mourn and remember. I favor this idea, but as I see it, this needs to be a settlement decision." They had debated and voted on things in the past, so the process was old hat for Haven. "I will explain why I believe this to be a good thing for the settlement and settlers, and then there will be time for questions. After that, a vote."

Elisabeth waited again as the whispering pipped up, but she didn't mind. It gave her a chance to pull together the most persuasive case in favor of the chapel that she could. Vri wasn't an Immortal that Scalvorians knew much about, as evidenced by some of her earlier conversations with people. From what she had gathered, he wasn't disliked, but death was a complex topic for most, and his association with it hindered most people's desire to learn more. Because of that, she felt that hitting that point head-on was a wise course of action.

"In speaking to some of you, I am aware that Vri is not well known here in Scalvoris. His domains, as I said, are Death, Sadness, Remembrance, and Love. I am still learning about him and other Immortals, such as Famula, Saoire, Ethelynda, Qylios, Xiur, and more. The more I think about a chapel, the more I realize that such a place would help us understand his Domains a bit more."

Pausing briefly, she considered speaking of her time in jail and associated feelings of that time. It had been the moment in time that ignited her journey of faith. Still, she ultimately decided to keep those to herself, focusing on how the settlers could connect to Vri.

"Something I've learned in my experience with Immortals is that their Domains are wide and vast. The Domain of death encompasses all the faucets and unique perspectives contained within. People look at death differently, and the Domain accounts for that. Same for the others. All the Immortal Domains. They allow for each person to connect to them in their own way." Elisabeth realized that she was beginning to drift further away from the topic than she wished, but it was important for the settlers to understand why she felt faith was important.

"The chapel will allow Haven a place to celebrate the beautiful births that are to come. And the joining of lives together in marriage. It will provide solace when we need to grieve and remember the lives that touched ours. Most importantly, though, it will provide us a place to do all of that together." Perhaps a bit of a dramatic end, but she felt every word in her soul, and they felt right and true.

Standing up, she stretched her legs and smiled at those assembled. "Alright. I've had my say. Questions?" There would be many, she was sure.

Bran started with a few Elisabeth expected. His deep voice conveyed a sense of confusion that she was sure was echoed by many. "So, Vri. If we have a chapel dedicated to him, does that mean we need to follow him? Also, who will pay for the chapel, and how will it be built?" As Haven's builder, she had anticipated the 'who' and 'how' from him.

Shaking her head immediately, Elisabeth explained her answer to the first question. "The chapel itself would be dedicated to him. Free will is an important concept to the Immortals."

Elisabeth held out her arm and tried to give the settlers a sensible visual. "You all know I'm marked by two Immortals – Qylios and Xiur." Pointing to each mark, the three glowing white bands on her wrist and the cluster of white freckles starting at her hand, she continued. "Some people are marked by more than one Immortal. I know a few that are marked by four or five."

It was a bit tricky explaining what she knew to be true. "Faith is personal. The chapel being dedicated to Vri is important, as it encompasses all of his Domains in one way or another, but no. The chapel would be for reflection and contemplation of his Domains."

The second and third questions were a bit easier to handle. "I would be paying for the chapel to be built. I hope to contract the same people that helped us build the farmhouse and build the chapel together with them." Having briefly considered paying for the chapel to be built by others outright, Elisabeth had quickly dismissed the idea. To her, the process was as important as the end product. If a chapel were to be, she, the settlers, and hopefully Balthazar would be involved as much as they could.

It was a lot of information to take in, and the young leader hoped she had explained it well enough. The settlers were quiet for a moment, but then Osian spoke up. Something of a calm soul, he didn't take the initiative in meetings often, so it was a surprise to hear his voice. "Would we be expected to learn about Vri if we do this thing?" The question was slightly more complex than Bran's, but Elisabeth was prepared for it.

"I've been open and transparent with all of you regarding my relationships with various Immortals. I grew up believing in the power of information and being informed. I believe you all know this about me. I have a personal goal to learn more about Immortals, especially those that have blessed me, Balthazar and Haven. For example, Saoire. She has personally helped me a great deal as a mentor and moved us here to a place where Haven could thrive. I want to continue to grow in that relationship, and I would be happy to share what I know with others, but only if they desire to learn. Free will is important to me too."

The settlers looked around at each other and seemed to agree with that sentiment. It was new territory for all of them, so Elisabeth wasn't beyond admitting that there were a few minor details she hadn't worked out yet. Several more questions were asked, and she answered them as honestly as possible.

Having settled on the long table in the center of the room, Storm perked up at the mention of Saoire's name. He loved Saoire, and whenever someone mentioned her in his presence, he would look around for her - an act that made Elisabeth smile. It had been a while since she and the feline had spoken to the kind Immortal, prompting her to make a mental note that she should write Saoire soon.

Elisabeth wasn't seeing anything that looked like concern or worries, at least until Edward spoke. The lead farmer for Munny Farm, she valued his opinion greatly and intently listened to his question. “Faldrass is here – the Induk. How does it work with Induks and Immortals? Will Faldrass be upset if we dedicate a chapel to an Immortal?" Leave it to Edward to ask a question she hadn't prepared for.

Thinking quickly, Elisabeth found an appropriate answer. "During the Forging, the Induks and Immortals 'forged' a new connection. I understand that they influence the world in different but complementary ways. Hopetoun's Beacon is dedicated to Xiur, for example. Some people are Forged and marked by Immortals." There was enough evidence around for Elisabeth to be confident that there wasn't an issue.

"So, the answer would be no, Edward. Besides, I truly believe Vri would not have suggested such a thing if he thought it would upset Faldrass."

His question brought up something Elisabeth felt the need to say to all of them. Smiling at Edward, she turned her attention to the entire group. "I appreciate the questions asked. They are very telling that Haven is comprised of compassionate and inquisitive people. People whom I'm proud to work with every trial."

Questions ceased, and it seemed like everyone had the answers they needed. The guards handed out slips of paper and set the voting box in the middle of the table. People took their time, and the settlers voted and placed their ballots in the box one by one. As usual, Elisabeth and the guards would count the votes and then pass word through the settlement regarding the outcome.

As she tallied the final votes, Storm jumped up into Elisabeth's lap, clearly feeling the need for attention. The young woman passed over the ballots to Balder and scratched the feline's head while noting the decision recorded for the settlement archives.

Nodding a bit, the guard looked up and slid the paper over to her for her to see. "So, how do you and Balthazar feel about a chapel setting for your wedding?"

word count: 2840
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Re: [Haven] Death, Sadness, Remembrance & Love


Leadership x 2

Loot: A settlement vote to approve Elisabeth's plan to build and dedicate a chapel to Vri in Haven.
Lost: -
Wealth: -
Injuries: -
Renown: -
Magic XP: -
Skill Review: Appropriate to level.
Points: 10
- - -
Comments: First of all, the link in the review request didn’t lead where it was supposed. It led to my subscribed threads rather than your solo. I found it easily enough by using the search function though!

With that being said, this thread provided an interesting insight into how Elisabeth leads Haven. I didn’t know that there were settlement meetings, for example.

The NPCs’ reactions to the meeting and the topic thereof, were described well in my opinion.

I appreciate that you described what Elisabeth’s relationship with each of the guards is like. I enjoy reading about a PC’s relationship with the NPCs around them; such things add a lot to a thread in my opinion.

I like that Elisabeth doesn’t just have a chapel built in Haven, but informs the settlers, gives them the opportunity to ask questions and lets them vote.

What Elisabeth said about faith and free will sounded wonderful in my opinion.

Storm was a delight, as always. I couldn’t help but grin when I read that he had finally attained a level of training with the settlers where they all understood the expectations – pets, scratches and treats.

I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of that cat!

I look forward to reading about the finished chapel – and the wedding in it!

Enjoy your rewards!
word count: 264





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