[Broiling Lagoon] Catch a Dragon by the Tail

120th of Ashan 723

A small island with an active volcano, Faldrass is the home to Saoire's school and to the Faldrass Induk.

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Re: [Broiling Lagoon] Catch a Dragon by the Tail

Vü-erik & Ban Azîr

The gifts that Faldrun has seen fit to deliver to Vü-erik were in large part responsible for his effectiveness in this situation, with Vega's trinket and story eliminating the ability for him to use magic actively. Heavy Burns coursed through his body, allowing him to move with fluidity that matched their own, even as they were sped up by Ralaith's blessing, and he was hindered. It more or less equalized their speed. But even then, for the most part it was Vü-erik against seven, one against seven.

Unbeknown to Vega, before Vü-erik leapt over her, he summoned a spirit of Turmoil from the depths of the dead realms of Faldrun. It emerged in the Broiling Lagoon from the shallow waters and rock, and began crawling its way upward, towards the dais they now fought upon. But then, Vü-erik made a critical miscalculation. He'd been timing and planning his leap around the idea that Vega would use her sword and continue to do so. He didn't expect her to come forward and knee him in the groin, but at that point he leapt over her, he fell to the ground, and wasn't able to make it toward the mice.

The lich bar fell from his hand, toward the edge of the rocky platform. Vega didn't hesitate, but began pummeling his face without any regard for the pain of her knuckles as they collided with admittedly strong bone, nearly hard as stones. She pummeled and pummeled, pouring every ounce of anger into it. The Spirit felt her anger and spite, and felt strengthened by the general chaos pervading the melee.

Even the Cub's reaction to Varlum, fed into the spirits growing strength.

He looked up at the Ithecal, and tears formed in his eyes as he realized he'd been on the wrong side all along. Yet... "I cannot hurt him, he was my friend." Ban rose to his feet, hefting a large hammer. "But I can put an end to his mad designs..."

And with that, with more quickness than perhaps Varlum was expecting, he rushed forward. As he was now flipped his allegiences, he took part in their aura of awareness of what he was doing. He intended to destroy the Miracle Stone, and by revelation through their bond, everyone of them knew he was
more than capable of it
. He closed on the Miracle stone, and with a great heave of the hammer, crushed the well that was at the Heart of the Fracture, as it stood unyielding in the middle of the air, not giving way even for his hammer.

Yet a piercing sound cracked the air as he did it. Glowing fissures began to form over the orb-like physical object. It seemed to be disintegrating in slow motion almost, until the cracks broke in fractal patterns until it glowed like a little sun.

Then as Vega was pounding into Vü-erik's skull, having already caved his face in by that point though she did not relent even then, the Spirit of Turmoil rose from the edge of the rocky dais, near where Praetorum stood, and took up the lichbar. The spirit of turmoil was shaped like a baboon, and around the size of Praetorum at this point. It snarled with sulphurous anger as it watched its master beaten into meaty chunks in the ground.

There, it brandished its lichbar, threatening anyone who would so much as approach. It took only one look at the back of Praetorum, before it darted past him, and toward Arlo and the Mice, feeling the malicious intent of its master was mostly centered there.
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Re: [Broiling Lagoon] Catch a Dragon by the Tail

Sometimes, in battle especially, a plan would come to pass. Often it would be thought up in advance, on occasion it would happen as the fight went on. But there was a moment. Seconds before the plan, or just as it was set into motion, a second of fear came. The entire world seemed to pause as a hitched breath met Varlum's throat, waiting for the reaction of the man before him. Many things could rely on this. Vega had made a vow to keep this man safe and alive, to try and persuade him to our side, and Varlum could make that vow come to fruition - or just as easily break it.

So when the first tear fell Varlum let the breath out, nodding to the man as he spoke. "Do what you must" he spoke in acceptance that fighting ones own friend would be difficult for anyone, even himself. Yet it seemed apparent that the cub had been brought to their side as the two felt their thoughts become one and Varlum felt his intent, watching as he rushed away to shatter the artifact. However he did it, whatever strength it was he possessed, Varlum was glad to have him fighting beside them now.

Then his attention turned to Vega, pummelling her fists directly into the mage. The children of Faldrun were far from their father, Vega and Vivian much more so than Varlum, but this blood ran true in them. Their anger, the rage they were capable of, terrified many. In some ways it terrified them themselves. Only their discipline and morals stopped them from tearing people apart. But when a man this horrific, treacherous and vile came along those morals were put aside. He didn't deserve death. He deserved more deaths than anyone could give him.

So they best make this one count.

Immediately, Varlum glanced as a Spirit of Turmoil appeared. In an instant, Varlum let out a loud primal roar, drawing as much hostile attention to himself as he could. As he did so his own Spirit of Turmoil manifested near Arlo and the Mice, back turned to them in hopes of stopping any charge the hostile spirit would give. The beast took the form of a shifting hellhound, flesh seeming warped and a sulphurous look to the beast. If Varlum could help it, he would draw the Spirit away with his roar. But if he got it's attention that was all he needed. He stood there, snarling as wisps of smoke came from his mouth, and stared at the beast.

"Enough!" he boomed as loud as he could, with as much primal ferocity as his snarling voice could muster. "I am the son of Faldrun, Champion of his blessing. You will do NO harm to them. No harm to ANYONE" he roared once more, trying to wrestle control from the creature while his own Spirit stood guard. Both would be feeding on the same turmoil, making them evenly matched if all went as planned. Varlum would take those odds. But there was still a risk of harm to others. If this could end without a fight he would take that chance. The last thing they needed now was to watch a friend die.

As he spoke, in an attempt to weaken the beast and try and quell any resistance it could have, Varlum ensured that Inspire was reaching all of his friends. A power to quell their fears and doubts, breaking as much fear from his allies as he could. Then came the moment. The second of pause. What would the beast do? What would his friends do? There was no telling. But all would know his plan. Strip the place of turmoil, dissuade the beast from attacking. And, for just a moment, another intention was apparent in his head.

Save Vega from her own anger. The same anger that had plagued him for his entire life. The feeling that came after, knowing that an emotion one usually hid below the surface had rose to the top for all to see. Perhaps she did not share that regret. But the man was dead as far as the Ithecal could tell. All she did now was bruise her knuckles to spite a man that would not live to see it. And of all the people in Idalos Varlum had met, she deserved no bruises. Not one.
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Re: [Broiling Lagoon] Catch a Dragon by the Tail

Watching Vega leap after the assassin, sensing her feelings as she began to smash her fist into his face over and over and over again, Praetorum could not help but wonder if this feralness was common to all Faldrunborn, or if it was simply Vega (and Varlum, he recalled) being them.

Still, Prae would happily accept whatever worked, and Vega’s technique worked. The pair dropped to the ground entwined, and Vega seemed to have the upper hand—so he left her to it, eyes sweeping the battlefield in a rapid assessment of the situation.

Arlo had the mice, guarding them from all sides. Vega had the assassin, and surely some bloody knuckles by now. Varlum had had the cub, but the man was now charging towards the miracle stone with destructive intent. Not what Prae would have chosen, but an acceptable outcome if it came to pass, so long as the assassin didn’t get his hands on it.

For a moment, it seemed like everyone else had the situation well in hand, and Prae thought to position himself to reinforce anyone who might need it.

Then something rose from the waters behind him, and Praetorum’s hide crawled in some instinctive recognition of danger, twisting to look with his shield already raised. A spirit, shaped like some great ape, picking up the dreaded lichbar, already beginning to set its sights on Arlo and the mice. Praetorum’s eyes flashed as he called on his powers as an Iceforged, using his connection to the spirit world to recognize this one as one of turmoil, and he readied himself for a fight.

But then the spirit made a fatal mistake, surging into action

It turned its back on Praetorum, dashing past him towards the fight in the center of the chamber.

And Praetorum lunged, taking advantage of the opening that gave him. As he did so, he activated first inspire, to calm his companions and deny the spirit its fuel, then calm mind, to erase all lingering turmoil in himself so the spirit would have nothing to latch onto, then protective ward, to deflect one attack, no matter how potent.

He had meant, at first, to cleave its head from its shoulder. But as he closed the distance between them, Varlum let out a roar, attempting to compell the creature, and Prae changed tack, not wanting to work at cross purposes with him.

Instead, he set himself between the spirit and the others, and swung his glaive, not at the spirit, but at the weapon it held in its hand. It was a risky move, he knew. Praetorum had perfected his technique of using his glaive to strike a weapon from an enemy’s hand, but he’d only ever tested it on fighters far less skilled than this assassin. If this spirit took on the martial abilities of its master…

Still, it was worth a shot. Anything to get that damn blade away from them.

word count: 496
Let's play 'What's Weird About Prae'


  • A fiery rune shines under his right eye
  • A firey glow in the back of his mouth


  • A ring of blue runes floats over each of Prae's wrists
  • A silver shield marks the back of his right hand
  • A ring of light around his left forearm


  • His tail is about eight feet long, usually knotted around his waist
  • His body temperature is uncomfortably high


  • Wind gusts with every step he takes
  • The area around him is slightly more static-y than normal
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Re: [Broiling Lagoon] Catch a Dragon by the Tail

Turmoil vs Turmoil

The baboon-like spirit growled at Varlum as he claimed authority by dint of his bloodright. "The steaming husk of coal flesh you call a father has no authority over me, over this place. We serve another now, and you have no credit with them." Snarling as he did, he brandished the lichbar, only to be intercepted by Varlum's own turmoil spirit, which helped hold the line of defense of the mice. They struggled, as Varlum did everything he could to try and weaken the concept of Turmoil. Unfortunately his efforts were limited by the fact that he was struggling with another turmoil spirit, and thus ineffective.

Meanwhile, The Cub was still pounding away at the miracle stone, as it continued to fracture and crack, until it's brilliance shone through the entire chamber, like a small sun. The turmoil spirtis wrestled, and the ambient energy flowing from the powerful MIracle Stone began seeping into the thirsty lichbar, taking in the ether in lieu of the glut of souls that truly nourished its existence.

As the ether soaked the lichbar, it seemed to empower the struggles central in the chamber. The two turmoil spirits fought each other with epic clash, as the others stood aways back. Only Praetorum dared to intercede on behalf of that struggle, and his contribution was critical. His glaive knocked away the lichbar, sending it flying away.

However, though he may have meant to deflect it in another direction, and in spite of his great skill and technique, the lichbar had a will of its own. As the last of the miracle stone's energies filled the lichbar, it drove itself through the two turmoil spirits, absorbing their essence. The lichbar glowed white hot for a moment as the turmoil spirits met their demise and then a great explosion rocked the chamber.

Before they all knew it, the three mice, Arlo, Vega, Praetorum, Varlum, and the Cub found themselves waking on the field where the Broiling Lagoon had opened. Nearby, the Immortals that had greeted them there, as well as Vindecaldra.

Vindecaldra nodded to them, satisfied that they'd accomplished their task. "Well done! You seem to have succeeded."

"My cub!" Daia exclaimed, but stopped short of embracing Ben Azir as he seemed sullen and morose at the moment.

Then, a rumbling arose from the ground beneath them, deep within the earth, the fracture roiled and revolted against the arcane and ephemeral explosions that had rocked it to its very Heart. Faldrass began spewing steam and ash up its opening, and small streams of lava began flowing down to the valley below.

Vindecaldra turned toward them, and used her power to mitigate what damage she could, preventing the badlands from reappearing by encouraging a great growth of lushness and life.

Several of her dragonlings alighted to the ground, and joined her, making sure that none were harmed by the splattering lava balls falling in small specks from the sky.

Eventually the rumbling abated, and the eruption petered out, although it would serve as a stern warning to those who would meddle in Faldrass' bowels, even in the fracture that had formed there.

Vindecaldra turned to the heroes, and spoke, "You've done a hero's work today, mortals. I would offer my effigy to Praetorum, and Arlo, if you would have it. And to you three very wise mice."

"What say you?"

The three mice knelt before the dragon, humbled. "We will accept the honor of your effigy. What would you have us do, great dragon?" Rollo spoke for them all.

Vindecaldra smiled at them, "Should Praetorum wish to carry my effigy, I suspect he may have use of your services in the west. That is, supposing he's ready to pursue his ambitions there?"

She turned to Praetorum fondly, and then toward Vega and Varlum. "You both should be proud of the accomplishment you've made today. I suspect your patrons will reward you.... but Varlum, should you grow strong enough to receive my Effigy, you need only call on me through your sister's Dragonling, and I will grant it freely, should you prove worthy."

Ralaith cleared his throat, and came forward to Varlum. "There's little more I can offer you, but to make you my champion. In spite of expectations, I've found you very worthy, and wise beyond your years. I have to admit to some surprise, that you have risen so far in my favor, but few could persuade me that any other of my followers is more deserving of Championship."

Daia likewise, stepped away from her Cub to give him space for the moment, and approached Vega. "I'd grant you status among my exalted. You've proven yourself a greater friend than I could ever have hoped. I would be honored if you would accept my offer to join my closest followers."

Thus the offers were made, by Vindecaldra, Daia, and Ralaith to their questing heroes. It was up to them how they would respond to them.

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Re: [Broiling Lagoon] Catch a Dragon by the Tail

It was done.

Closing his eyes, Prae felt a wave of exhaustion wash over him as he slung both shield and glaive onto his back. It had been a long few hours.

When he opened his eyes once more, they were back outside the fracture, surrounded by the immortals they’d initially met with, as well as Vindecaldra.

Vindecaldra greeted them, and Daia…

Praetorum sighed softly at the downcast look on the cub’s face. It was a victory, undeniably. The assassin had needed to die, and no one else had been slain with him. It was an overwhleming victory for them.

But Ben Azir might know that. But he was unlikely to feel it.

As Vindecaldra controlled the erruption of lava, as the earth rumbled beneath them, Praetorum made his way over to Ben Azir, and silently offered him a hand, knowing that the man would sense through the bond that Praetorum wished to show him something.

Should he accept, Praetorum would slowly show him flashes of his own pain at the loss of his brother, pain laced through with confusion and betrayal at the revelation that his brother had betrayed the empire they’d been born to, and become a spy for their fiercest rivals.

It wasn’t the same situation, not exactly. His brother had never tried to kill him, never revealed that his affection had always been false. To turn away from the empire… Praetorum would never do the same, but he understood it, with great reluctance. But it had been a betrayal all the same, and it had been so difficult, so very difficult for Prae to grapple that. Because death and grief had made his brother into a martyr in his heart.

All of this and more, he showed to Ben Azir, careful not to overwhelm him. “I don’t know I can say I understand exactly what you’re going through,” he said quietly to the cub. “But you’re not alone. And if you ever want to talk about it, or if you ever want to just spend a moment with someone who feels the same, even just a little… I would like to help you.”

Pulling away with a quiet nod, Prae turned his attention back to the now finished Vindecaldra as she addressed him.

“I would be honored to accept your effigy,” he told her with a smile. He was not surprised that Vindecaldra knew of his plans, though he hadn’t exactly expected it. “If you’re willing, I would welcome any advice or insight on the situation on the western continent.”

He turned to the mice then, and smiled at them. “And if you three are willing, I would gladly welcome your aid and advice as well,” he said, using the bond to quickly send them a summary of his plans for a settlement to free slaves from Sirothelle.
word count: 481
Let's play 'What's Weird About Prae'


  • A fiery rune shines under his right eye
  • A firey glow in the back of his mouth


  • A ring of blue runes floats over each of Prae's wrists
  • A silver shield marks the back of his right hand
  • A ring of light around his left forearm


  • His tail is about eight feet long, usually knotted around his waist
  • His body temperature is uncomfortably high


  • Wind gusts with every step he takes
  • The area around him is slightly more static-y than normal
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Re: [Broiling Lagoon] Catch a Dragon by the Tail

Catch A Dragon By The Tail ....
It was done.

It wasn't done well, and it certainly wasn't done elegantly, not on her part - but it was done.

This man - this man who had stabbed Daia, who had tried here to become something so powerful that it was enough of a danger that Immortals and Dragons (well, dragon) stood together to stop him - was dead. She looked at him a moment, just a split second and then Vega remembered hearing Varlum's words. She glanced up at her brother - fear still danced at the edge of her psyche, but it was hard to be truly afraid of someone whose face you had just pounded in.

And then, things happened with the spirits. Turmoil, by all accounts. It all happened so fast that it was there and done by the time she had stood up and flexed her sore knuckles. The world turned white as the lichbar did something unexpected and Vega blinked as she realised that they were once more outside. Balls of fire fell as Faldrass burped out lava and Vega went where she was ushered and did what she was told. Her mind was reeling as she tried to make sense of the very thing which had threatened to overwhelm her much more than the fear.

Arlo was here.

As they moved, she moved over to him and it didn't occur to her that she was still sharing her emotions. Relief, delight and overwhelming love were forefront of her mind. Her hand - not the one she'd been pummelling the Dweeb of Salamander Gutting with - slipped into his and relief coursed through her like a wave. Vindecaldra spoke, offering her Effigy to both Praetorum and Arlo and Vega smiled.
"Thanks for callin',"
she said - to Vindecaldra, to the other Immortals.
"I'm pleased we could help."
Then, Daia spoke to her and Vega looked at the Immortal and she spoke very genuinely.
"I'm so honoured to be marked by you, I really am."
She spoke - as always - her truth.
"An' I'm righ' grateful to you an' all you do."

She looked at the Cub then and, being who she was, Vega spoke to him.
"I'm sorry that you got pulled into all that. It weren't your fault an' you weren't to know. An' I'm right glad that you didn't have the same fate as the D.S.G blokie you were knockin' around with."
Formality, formal speech, proper annunciation? These were, as always, lost on her.
"An' I'm righ' glad that you're reunited with your mother. If you need anythin', you feel free to drop in to us in Sweetsong or wherever I'm knockin' aroun' an' I'll be happy to help."
She figured that he needed friends right about now and as much as he'd been an idiot and was now being a sulky idiot, she figured that he'd had a difficult morning.

Looking at Arlo then, once she had thanked Daia and made her thanks to Vindecaldra and the Immortals (which sounded like a singer with a backing group, Vega considered) and she looked at him with eyes which swirled in colours.
"You're late,"
she said with a smile. Emotion filled her voice, her eyes and everything about her and so, she did what she would always do and the only thing she could in that moment.

She thumped him on the shoulder.
word count: 582

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: [Broiling Lagoon] Catch a Dragon by the Tail

There were times to charge in, blades flashing or courtesy a well aimed bolt fired from a short bow; or even fists flying, which was an approach that his Immortal father was fond of. But then there were those rare times when it made far more sense to remain well out of the way of other blades, bolts and fists flying all about. This was one of those moments, since Arlo had chosen to set himself up in front of the three cadouri mages as their last line of defense should their adversary have gotten past all others that stood in its way.

While Vega had dispatched one of those threats with blunt and lethal, fearful and angry force, and the cub became focused on what he perceived as the most obvious threat, another baboon shaped appeared, determined to finish what it's predecessor had started. And again, Varlum and Prae were there in it's path. It would have been foolish and dangerous for Arlo to have even used the ring worn on his finger to try and encase the new menace in a crumbled prison of stone. The risk of inadvertently targeting Varlum or Prae instead was too great. So instead, he'd remained at the ready until all was done.

Including the destruction of the miracle stone. It was some time before Arlo was willing to relax his stance against any more oncoming surprises, lower his blade and return it back to his side. He did so, only after Vindecaldra, and several Immortals appeared in order to offer words and gestures of their appreciation. To be honest, Arlo felt he remained at a bit of a disadvantage in this regard. Vega, Prae and Varlum had come along apparently after hearing a plea from the Immortals to do so. As for him? Well, his presence here, how he'd gotten here, where he'd been, how long, and above all, why, still remained a mystery to him for the most part.

He was grateful for all of it, however, because no matter how long he'd been gone, at last he appeared he was reunited with Vega. He guessed he had the three cadouri to thank for that after all. When Vindecaldra offered an effigy, Arlo smiled and dipped his head as a sign of gratitude and respect. "I would be honored to bear your effigy. Thank you," he said. And then, he had eyes only for Vega. Still concerned about her state after witnessing her so recently in action, he met her eyes as she approached him and took his hand. And then he couldn't help but smile. Late? "Fashionably, I hope?"
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Re: [Broiling Lagoon] Catch a Dragon by the Tail

'We serve another now'.

The look on Varlum's face warped the moment those words were spoken. He had been barking a command at the spirit one moment and, upon it's words, the look of ferocity had faded away. It took a lot to break Varlum from his focus. He was a soldier, first and foremost. When it came time for a mission there was no time for distractions. Ferocity and fury was all he made room for. But this was different. If what this Spirit said was true then something far more dangerous was on the horizon than he could have ever known.

"What the hell are you talking about?" the Ithecal roared, yet the sound of combat overshadowed his cry. Before he could ask, before he could begin to get his answer, came the bright light. A wave of energy that blasted through everything as Varlum shut his eyes. Then opened them as the light faded. They stood before their immortals and dragons respectively again as the wave of relief washed over everyone. Varlum didn't need a magic bond to see as all of his friends and family around him lost a weight on their shoulder.

All but him.

As Vindecaldra spoke to the others Varlum felt his heart racing in his chest, adrenaline still firing on all cylinders. Chances were, everybody present felt it. Even more likely was that everyone present knew why. Vega and Arlo had seen Varlum after Ruin's Dawn. After fighting Kata, tearing her apart with whatever he could and nearly dying as a result. After years of hunting down Faldrun being left with a choice he never hoped to make. Siding with him for the greater good of the world, or killing him at last but fuelling Kata's plans even further. Every moment of the situation had been agony, and at the end of it all Varlum had stood with his body torn apart, ready to die.

Faldrun had taken a step to redemption, but nothing he could do would have been enough to redeem him truly. Varlum forgave him in his death. But he did not forget. If someone or something new had taken his place, taken control of the Spirits that Faldrun once controlled - it could all begin again. The attacks on Rharne, the hatred to the Aukari in the street, the same turn of events that led to Auya dying. Constant war. But this time Varlum knew better. He was stronger, smarter. But more importantly, he'd seen more. He knew what to expect and he knew exactly how to stop it.

When Ralaith spoke Varlum snapped back to reality, realizing he had been entirely locked in his own thoughts, thoughts that all of his companions would have felt and understood. It wasn't fear. It was dread. The dread of a soldier that had fought a hundred battles and saw the threat of a hundred more on the horizon. At the Immortal's words, Varlum mustered what little of a smile he could and nodded his head. "I am honored to accept such a title" he spoke to his immortal. Truthfully, Ralaith had not been an Immortal he had expected to work alongside either. But it had been an honor to do so.

Varlum them turned to Vindecaldra and realized he had been addressed beforehand. "Some day, I hope I am strong enough to take you up on that offer" he bowed his head in respect. Then, he took a moment to look to his sister. She and Arlo had been reunited now. If any good thing had come from this battle it had been that. Meanwhile, Prae bonded with the mice and the cub. A happy ending for all. Soon enough they would return to their lives, to whatever missions and goals they had set out. Truthfully, Varlum had been unsure what he would do until now.

Now he knew. He would prepare for whatever came next.
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Re: [Broiling Lagoon] Catch a Dragon by the Tail

So great job all! It was wonderful to mod you people on this little adventure. I'm very grateful for you putting up with my zany chase of a plot :D

That said, I'm going to drop the info on the NPCs that I used in this thread. Just so you have an idea that I had them written up before we got underway. I had to in order to keep myself on the rails with four such powerful pcs, and ensure fairness. But also maybe you're curious what their capabilities are?

Anyway, here is the info, thanks for the thread!
NPC Info
Ban Azîr

Name: Ban Azîr
Race: Aukari by appearance (Daia's Cub)
Biometrics: 5/11" tall, skinny, brown eyes, red hair.
Marks: N/A

Personal Strengths: Loyal, Courageous, Self-effacing
Personal Weaknesses: Gullible, self-destructive.


Strength: Tier 2
Endurance: Tier 2
Combat: Axes & Bludgeons: Tier 2
Discipline: Master
Medicine: Master
Caregiving: Expert
Athletics: Expert
Mount: Expert
Psychology: Expert

Strength Capabilities: Bulk has no bearing on his ability to lift or struggle against things.
Endurance Capabilities: Has healing factor, that can bring him bouncing back from any wound that isn't immediately fatal.
Combat: Axes & Bludgeons Capabilties: Can cleave through any material, no matter how hard or enchanted.


Name: Vü-erik Nickname: Sid
Race: Aukari mage
Biometrics: 6'2 tall, muscular, brown eyes, red hair.
Marks: Faldrun Exalted

Personal Strengths: Single-minded, creative, motivated.
Personal Weaknesses: Cowardly, Identity crisis, conflicted.


Becoming: Revealed
Combat: Unarmed: Tier 2
Intimidation: Tier 2
Endurance: Master
Strength: Master
Combat: Blades: Master
Deception: Expert
Athletics: Expert
Swimming: Expert
Detection: Expert

Becoming Capabilities: Protean abilities. Permanent Echos: Stoneskin of jacadon, steam breath of a jacadon, fire/heat resistance of a golden salamander.
Combat: Unarmed Capabilities: He can escape any holds put upon him. He's slippery like an eel.
Intimidation: Capabilities: He can directly threaten one person, and bring one of their skills down by two levels.

Notable Gear: Lich Bar Dagger (totem of his obsidian panther)

Onnie Rollo and Ruby

Name: Onnie
Race: Cadouri (Mouse Phenotype)
Biometrics: 3' tall, light of build, green eyes and brown fur.
Marks: Cassion: Adored

Personal Strengths: Charming, soft-hearted, and sympathetic.
Personal Weaknesses: Squeamish, sensitive, and irresolute.


Meditation: Master
Empathy: Master
Discipline: Competent
Athletics: Expert
Socialization: Master
Psychology: Expert
Caregiving: Tier 2
Storytelling: Master

Caregiving capabilities: Can ensure that every and all needs are met, to the point where one couldn't possibly find it in them to complain. Can even cover for a companion's poor behavior. It would take master to tier 2 discipline to even find it in one to complain.

Name: Rollo
Race: Cadouri (Mouse Phenotype)
Biometrics: 3' Tall, modest of build, blue eyes, black fur.
Marks: Cassion Adored

Personal Strengths: Resolute, determined, intelligent.
Personal Weaknesses: Stubborn, inflexible, pedantic.


Discipline: Master
Sovereign: Master
Strength: Expert
Athletics: Competent
Combat: Polearms & Staves: Master
Tactics: Tier 2
Endurance: Expert
Storytelling: Master

Tactics capabilities: Can focus on the possible actions of a rival in a competition or race or mission, to the point where they have full-on predictive abilities. Knowing what the other group is doing in real time. Only a tier 2 tactician or deceiver could thwart their tracking.

Name: Ruby
Race: Cadouri (Mouse Phenotype)
Biometrics: 3' Tall, overweight of build, brown eyes, ginger fur.
Marks: Cassion Adored

Personal Strengths: Jovial, flexible, artistic.
Personal Weaknesses: Unserious, untrustworthy, air-headed.


Stealth: Master
Glamour: Master
Meditation: Competent
Athletics: Expert
Deception: Tier 2
Art: Master
Socialization: Expert
Storytelling: Master

Deception capabilities: Immutable belief: Can present absurd ideas and images that are so convincing, they cannot be disbelieved. Some synergy with Glamour magic, but not fully proven if thrown against one with tier 2 investigation or observational skills.



  • Points Bank: +15 - Finish Collaborative Thread with 4 other PCs (not including your PC)
  • Renown: 30
  • XP: 20
  • Combat: Blades (T2) XP: 3


  • Caregiving: Protect children in your absence
  • Caregiving: Children like to be informed of what's happening
  • Mount: When flying an intelligent creature, your sense of urgency can be passed on
  • Psychology: Observing an Immortal's emotion.
  • Leadership T2: Say it how it is, take no prisoners.
  • Musical Instrument: String (Bow) T2: Playing for Immortals and Dragons is easier than it seems
  • Tactics: Know everything you can about your opponent, in order to prepare
  • Leadership T2: Communication can be the difference between life and death in dangerous situations.
  • Tactics: Watch your back - it's always vulnerable
  • Animal Husbandry: Make sure that the dragonling isn't irritated
  • Discipline: There's no time for fretting in the middle of a situation
  • Flying: Emotions make flight difficult
  • Tactics: Turning weaknesses into strengths
  • Flying: Concentrate on your surroundings to ensure a safe flight
  • Detection: Sniffing for Sulphur
  • Discipline: Feeling an overwhelming emotion and carrying on anyway
  • Discipline: Make a joke to stop yourself over-feeling
  • Tactics: use advantages where you can
  • Detection: consider your environment and notice small things
  • Tactics: Understand the psychology behind a trap to outsmart the trap
  • Discipline: Fear is only powerful if you let it be
  • Tactics: Working together both strengthens us, and weakens our enemies
  • Combat: Blades T2: Twisting the angle of a blade to continue a cut
  • Flying: Navigating small, shared spaces required manouvering and small wing movements
  • Tactics: The single best commodity in any tactical situation is time
  • Storytelling: Modulating your voice to match the part of the tale
  • Tactics: Battles are as much about psychology as they are about skill with a sword.
  • Tactics: Not relying on what you see or what others tell you
  • Combat: Unarmed: Air wrestling


  • 1 Cub Bomb from Ben Azir. After the dust settles, he gives you a small token of his former life, a handkerchief of golden salamander hide. Should you rip it with purpose, you may summon Ben Azir for aid in any one task, so long as that task is only requiring an immediate action from him.
  • Next two powers of Daianaya
  • This counts as a Tactics Tier 2 Gateway plot for Vega.



  • Points Bank: +25 - Receive a Dragon's Effigy IRP
  • Renown: 30
  • XP: 20


  • Woodworking: Whittling wood
  • Detection: Listening for danger
  • Mount: Riding towards danger
  • Logistics: Taking stock of what you have
  • Tactics: Being caught unawares gives you fewer options
  • Tactics: Figuring out what questions to ask
  • Tactics: Know your enemy
  • Tactics: Know your surroundings
  • Tactics: Know your priorities
  • Tactics: Summarizing a bad situation
  • Detection: Using taithir to detect heat
  • Mount: Riding a Scaripteil
  • Tactics: Staying wary of unknown people
  • Tactics: Using a Diri to scout
  • Tactics: Make sure you know the path
  • Tactics: The advantages of sharing a Celarion Bond
  • Detection: Listening for deadly whistling
  • Tactics: Keeping a proper distance
  • Meditation: Filtering out other's emotions
  • Hunting: Using magic paper to track someone
  • Tactics: Weighting pros and cons of a plan
  • Ensorcelling: Identifying something as a well
  • Tactics: Sometimes better to be wrong than to dither
  • Tactics: Best to Preplan
  • Tactics: Knowing where you're best placed
  • Tactics: Arranging Good matchups
  • Tactics: A picture can be worth a thousand words in planning
  • Tactics: Use up a tool to keep it from enemy hands
  • Tactics: Blocking off retreat


  • This counts for a Detection Tier 2 Gateway plot.
  • Effigy of Vindecaldra
  • 1 Dragonling of Vindecaldra to take as a companion
  • 1 Dragonet of Vindecaldra to take as a companion
  • 3 Mouse Bombs of Ruby, Rollo, and Onnie.

    They each give you a small book, each one detailing a famous adventure that one or the other had. By reading the first verse, you can summon one of them to your side for a one-off favor in an immediate task or as a helper.
  • 1 Cub Bomb from Ben Azir. After the dust settles, he gives you a small token of his former life, a replica lichbar (none of the power but looks the same as the basalt blade). Should you break it with purpose (it's fairly brittle), you may call upon Ben Azir for aid in any one task, so long as that task is only requiring an immediate action from him.



  • Points Bank: +20 - Made a Champion for an Immortal
  • Renown: 30
  • XP: 20


  • Leadership: Keeping a team together
  • Discipline: Pushing fear aside
  • Caregiving: present for her comfort
  • Tactics: Knowing your strengths
  • Tactics: If our plan is to make friends with the cub, I'm not the guy for it. I fight to kill, and I'm not exactly a friendly face to look at
  • Tactics: They were all basic


  • Champion of Ralaith with both powers.
  • 1 Dragonling of Vindecaldra to be your companion
  • 1 Dragonet of Vindecaldra to be your companion.
  • 1 Cub Bomb from Ben Azir. After the dust settles, he gives you a small token of his former life, an obsidian arrowhead. Should you break it with purpose, you may call upon Ben Azir for aid in any one task, so long as that task is only requiring an immediate action from him.

Elisabeth Black


  • Renown: 15
  • XP: 15

Arlo Creede


  • Points Bank: +25 - Receive a Dragon's Effigy IRP
  • Renown: 30
  • XP: 20


  • Cooking: I know stuff
  • Detection: I know stuff
  • Detection: He took real stock of just how he was feeling.
  • Investigation: I know stuff
  • Detection: I know stuff
  • Cooking: I know stuff
  • Investigation: the use of flattery to tease out information
  • Athletics: Finding the best route for climbing
  • Investigation: Diversion used to tease out honest answers or expose lies
  • Detection: vigilance regarding a changing landscape
  • Investigation: repeating the question in search of new information
  • Detection: good listening skills
  • Athletics: athletic finesse in battle
  • Combat: Blades: combing grace, athletic ability and swordsmanship


  • Effigy of Vindecaldra
  • 1 Dragonling of Vindecaldra as a companion
  • 1 Dragonet of Vindecaldra as a companion
  • 3 Mouse Bombs of Ruby, Rollo, and Onnie.

    They each give you a small book, each one detailing a famous adventure that one or the other had. By reading the first verse, you can summon one of them to your side for a one-off favor in an immediate task or as a helper.
  • This counts as an Endurance Gateway Plot for Arlo. PSF the Tier 2 Gateway ability plz when you can.
word count: 1707
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