[Broiling Lagoon] Catch a Dragon by the Tail

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A small island with an active volcano, Faldrass is the home to Saoire's school and to the Faldrass Induk.

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Re: [Broiling Lagoon] Catch a Dragon by the Tail

Vü-erik & Ban Azîr

As Praetorum gave over himself, pledged his mortal essence to the mercies of the Miracle Stone, it accepted him, as well as the other mortals and mortalborn gathered there, into the field that had previously hedged them off to the sides. Martha however was not able to penetrate it, and so any attempt to hand off the miracle stone, or indeed handle the stone at all would've been fruitless. The Miracle Stone did not want to budge from its central position in the Heart of the Fracture.

Martha meanwhile was stuck behind the field that hemmed them off. Perhaps owing to the dragonish essence that had yet to be infused into the miracle stone.

The stone resisted all attempts to pass it around or take control. It was a neutral party in this coming conflict, and would adhere to whoever fulfilled its purpose, which was to trap the essence of a dragon inside.

Speaking of which, Lyova's scouting had revealed that the assassin becomer had shifted back into his aukari self-totem. And that was the source of the reptilian screams. The Cub followed close behind, hefting a large maul, while Vü-erik brandished a lichbar dagger. "Soon we will arrive. And then I'll set the plate for the final..."

The Cub interjected from Vü-erik's speech, "What are you actually hoping to find here?"

Vü-erik smiled at the cub, "The means to become a dragon, to end the cycle of rebirth and renewal through endless totems. The Harlot who killed my final prospect is here. She took Uriel from me, but now I will take her precious dragon, Vindecaldra from her."

Eventually the two made it to where the four awaited them. As they did so, Vü-erik arrived inside the protective circle of the Miracle Stone, and with a deftness that demonstrated his hard earned dexterity and speed, he turned upon the Cub, "A dragon needs a spiritual base as an essence, if I'm to make a totem. And that means, You must die."

So seeing his old friend had not been a friend at all, but a user, the Cub came to the realization that he was only a pawn in Vü-erik's game, and now thanks to Vega's locket he remembered. Moments before the lichbar would've pierced his heart. The four had only moments to react before the cub was skewered by the lichbar, and his spirit, such as it was, siphoned into the miracle stone.

As the battle commenced, the companions would find themselves suddenly imbued with awareness of the situation, thanks to linking in Rollo, who had an amazing tactical mind and could envision actions that others would take before they did. It was this that tipped off the Four to Vü-erik's intent to harm the Cub before he had a chance to surprise them.

Rollo sent the warning to all of them through the link, a few moments before Vü-erik turned on the Cub, but Vü-erik was fast, and it'd take a really swift action to intercede.

word count: 523

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Re: [Broiling Lagoon] Catch a Dragon by the Tail

Catch A Dragon By The Tail ....
Varlum spoke of the Becomer needing to die and - as much as she disliked realising that it was the only viable option, because it removed all hope - Vega nodded once. The grim reality of what they faced was in front of them,

"Ten points,"
Vega said softly,
"For apparently casual use o'the word 'nitwit',"
that was said to Arlo of course. But still, it was an unusual word and she did wonder where he picked up such a strange way of speaking. It was a good job she was there for perfect clarity and diction, she considered.

They had no more time than that, though, before the situation hit the fan and the two of them walked in. The Dweeb and the Cub. Vega looked at the man who had sought to kill Daia, the one whose hand had held the knife which stabbed the Immortal. Vega didn't understand what he'd done, because it was Daia, but she understood the desire and drive to kill an Immortal. For her part, she had wanted to kill Faldrun, and she'd tried to kill Syroa, too. But that was because of specifics, very specific specificis. Faldrun had forced himself on her mother and the resultant birth - her birth - had killed her mother. The life that Faldrun had taken from her mother - and the pain that he had caused her father had been reason enough, in Vega's eyes.

Syroa had just been irritating and harmful and in the way.

And that's what this one was, Vega knew. This bloke was irritating and harmful and in the way.

He wanted to be a dragon? Vega heard what he said and how he said it. Her mind reeled for a moment, but it made sense. It made sense that he was a power-hungry idjit who didn't realise where power - true power - came from. And it was most certainly not from stabbing your friends, which is what this idiot was planning to do.

"Look out!"
she said, to the Cub as she stepped - dancing apparently casually - and Vega demonstrated just how good with a sword she was. As she movedVega is so in tune with the sword in her hand, and the rhythm of combat that she blocks a blow before it begins. She is able to defend herself - and those around her - from up to four opponents (one for each element) effortlessly. They must be close enough to her that they can hit her, but if they could reach her, even if they are attacking someone right next to her, Vega can defend, flawlessly. This is effortless and her sword is in place seemingly before they move, be it with hand to hand or weapon., her movements were effortless - casual. She danced in defence and she defended the Cub. As the lichbar dagger began to move, she placed her sword in a sweeping arc, knocking the blow to the side and up - away from the Cub.

Of course, while she concentrated on defence - on defending them all - she didn't attack. But she didn't need to. There was her brother, there was her husband and there was Praetorum. Those three could deal with the would-be slayer of Daia. Vega's movements were beyond fluid, far past graceful and were beyond what any mortal could doI'm just emphasising her Tier 2-ness here, don't mind me :D . It was sophistication and skill and grace in movement. Coupled, of course, with something equally striking spoken by her.

"Oh, shove off, you plonker,"
Vega said as she defended.
"Murderin' yer only friend for your own power? Sad little sausage, aren't ya?"

Vega understood the way that people fought was often determined by the way they thought and, as such, she tested both.

Invisible armour
+ 1 level to a skill (Vega's is flying so Competent -> Expert)
Bound together a-la Qylios.
word count: 661

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: [Broiling Lagoon] Catch a Dragon by the Tail

Each adventure Varlum had been on had taught him a lot. As he prepared to defend this place he was reminded of Storm's Edge, defending a fort and barricading off breaches. Ruin's Dawn had taught him more lessons than most would learn in a lifetime. Even his failures, perhaps especially so, had taught him to become the man he was this trial. In his experience men like this assassin were the most dangerous kind. They were willing to do whatever it would take to survive at the cost of anyone else. Just as Kata had been willing to kill her fellow immortals in a desperate grasp at power, as many others had tried to be, all stopped by those that worked against evil.

As the two men arrived Varlum's spirits were ready at his side, each of them serving their own purpose in the battle to come. But despite being surrounded by various beasts and creatures, the most primal and feral expression was on Varlum, watching the man walk forward before he finally announced his plan. To kill his fellow companion in order to ascend to dragonhood. The notion did more than offend or anger Varlum. It enraged him. Not only because he was a descendant of Dragons, not only because this man was another pathetic soul trying to ascend to power in order to feel better about themselves. But because for all Ruin's Dawn had taught him there was one lesson that stood out above all others.

Varlum hated traitors.

Those that would stab people in the back, turn on trusted allies in order to reap the gain for themselves. Like the treacherous Cad, who stabbed his father in the back right as Faldrun showed some signs of redemption. Valtharn, who took the opportunity to take her own place as an Immortal after all the work put in by the heroes to prevent such a fate. Kata, who lay as a scorched crisp in some forgotten hole in the ground thanks to Varlum. Now this man. All of them seemed different on the surface, but all of them were the same. The same speeches, the same treachery - and if Varlum had any say in it the same death.

WIthout a moment of hesitation Vega lunged forward, faster than Varlum could blink. But the speed of the Becomer was far from sloppy either. Faster than he could imagine going, at least unassisted. Varlum was no sloppy fighter, but he was far from this level. Axe to blade, Varlum would lose this fight. What scared him more than anything, however, was a feeling in his gut. A sharp, shooting feeling he recognized all too well. The Judge had felt the same. Even he had the same energy. The mark of Faldrun. It was hard to know just how powerful he was with the blessing - but he shared the same mark Varlum did.

With the opening Vega left for them, as she played the defense, Varlum knew it was time for the offense. The way he'd fought Kata wouldn't work against this man, but that was alright. There were other ways to beat a man like this. Starting now. As Varlum lunged forward an aura of time wrapped around his comrades and himself, as well as a different variety wrapped around the assassin. His friends would find their speed and reflexes doubled for the next half a bit, as if time itself sped up for only them. Vü-erik would find the opposite effect, moving at only half the speed. Perhaps it wouldn't be enough. But all Varlum needed was a moment, one slip in his defense.

As the Ithecal charged forward, reflexes massively increased, two things happened. The first was bright golden scales appearing over Varlum's body, as well as his allies, forming a barrier that would eat one hit and leave no damage to them. It was only good for one single blow, but that was all he needed if his plan were to work now. If the Becomer were to swing at him Varlum would simply take it, all so he could land contact to the becomer for one single second.

If that contact landed, Touch of Infirmity would activate, instantly aging the becomer to an elderly state, weakening his physical health. If the ability worked as intended it would leave the man too weak to fight for the entire trial, unable to continue with his plan - and weak enough to be put down like the rabid animal he was.
word count: 759
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Re: [Broiling Lagoon] Catch a Dragon by the Tail

Arlo didn't care for killing any more than anyone else did, although he wouldn't exactly have called himself a pacifist either. Unless it was absolutely necessary, he tended to view it as a waste that left a stain on the soul of the one who'd done it. On the other hand, he was also a realist that understood that not all souls, hearts and minds were pure ones; some really were beyond redemption; and in instances like that, one life to preserve others in the short or the long term was justified.

And this one, the one who'd betray those who'd naively placed their trust in him, the one who'd destroy them for his own selfish ends...this one needed to die. Still, before that time came, Arlo grinned briefly in response to Vega's praise for his colorful turn of a phrase, before turning back to the matter at hand. Or matters. The stone could not be allowed to fall into the traitor's hands, not even for a second before he died. There were four of them here, ready to make sure that one thing didn't happen, and one did.

So the man wanted to be a dragon, and thought that the stone would allow him to do it. Enough to be willing to kill for it, apparently. If Arlo had anything to say about it, that wouldn't happen. None of it would. Naturally Vega moved quickly, gracefully and decisively in an effort to block an otherwise fatal blow to the cub. As Arlo saw it, the first thing that needed to happen would be to put space between the cub and his assailant, so that he wouldn't get caught up in the fray. A split second before Arlo moved, with the intention of using Vega's defensive maneuver to advantage, he took note that his reflexes had suddenly sped up, Didn't matter the reason. What mattered was that when it came to acrobatic maneuvers, timing, combined with balance was everything.

And so he recalculated the timing of his attack and it's parts broken down, and then moved. While Vega blocked what would otherwise have been a killing blow, Arlo swept in, turning his body full circle towards the aggressor before lowering himself into a crouch that would see his extended leg sweep into a wide arch, intended to collide with the man's leg joints at the back of the knee. Throw him off balance while he struggled to land a killing blow, hopefully send him stumbling back and crashing to the ground, allowing the cub time to escape his clutches, and giving others an opening to strike a decisively killing blow.
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Re: [Broiling Lagoon] Catch a Dragon by the Tail

Praetorum respected Vega. He did, truly.

But gods, sometimes he wondered how someone could be so well rounded, and yet so inflexible. Praetorum was an ithecal, raised among his kind, and somehow Vega was the exemplar of the most exhausting qualities of his race. Stubborn to a fault, and utterly convinced of her own correctness.

Still, Prae decided, shaking his head in mild exasperation, it was a moot point, in the end. The stone would not move, and so Prae’s plans became much simpler. They would simply have to defend it here. Shaking his head, Prae drew a shield and glaive to his hand as their foes drew closer, bolstering the Taithir shield with
he had

Then the assassin revealed his hand, and Praetorum went cold.

You bastard, he thought, in the instant before the assassin turned to the cub. He called you brother, and you...

There was no mercy in Praetorum for this man. Not for one who would betray the bonds of brotherhood that the shieldbearer held so sacred.

So the battle commenced, and Praetorum’s mind ticked, rewriting their plans on the fly even as his body moved on its own, charging into position.

Vega leaped forwards to take defense, covering the three of them and the cub. She would need no support there, certainly none that Prae could offer. Arlo struck out at the assassin, seeking to unbalance him, and Varlum began what seemed like it was meant to be a finishing blow, if not a killing one.

No magic meant this becomer was limited to his aukari shape, for now. No need to worry he would fly up or scurry downwards, then. Which meant his escape routes were…
“Block him off,”
called to the mice
, mentally shooting them his assessment of where the assassin might try to escape from these attacks.

But that wouldn’t be enough. A fighter this experienced might be able to still evade on the spot. The assassin was better than Varlum, better than Praetorum. But was he better than the both of them together?

It was time to find out.

Charging in, shoulder to shoulder with Varlum, Praetorum struck three blows in quick succession.

The first, to obfuscate his plan, and disguise his intent.

The second, to pave the way for Varlum, forcing out an opening that the other ithecal could make use of.

And the third, to end this bastard once and for all, a swift, powerful,
venom coated
killing blow, timed to perfectly match Varlum’s own attack. Made side by side, it might be possible for the assassin to dodge both. But the instant before his blow landed, Praetorum—


And then he was at the assassin’s back instead of his front, his adamantine glaive striking true towards the heart, matching Varlum's timing so the man might dodge one... but not both.

Pick your poison, Prae thought fiercely. And let us be done.
word count: 492
Let's play 'What's Weird About Prae'


  • A fiery rune shines under his right eye
  • A firey glow in the back of his mouth


  • A ring of blue runes floats over each of Prae's wrists
  • A silver shield marks the back of his right hand
  • A ring of light around his left forearm


  • His tail is about eight feet long, usually knotted around his waist
  • His body temperature is uncomfortably high


  • Wind gusts with every step he takes
  • The area around him is slightly more static-y than normal
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Re: [Broiling Lagoon] Catch a Dragon by the Tail

Vü-erik & Ban Azîr

Vü-erik snarled as Vega intercepted his attack against the Cub. "You're not half as good as you think you are... And you will watch each of your friends die before I gut you like a salamander." He spat the insult with such conviction and almost supernatural wrath and power, that Vega for a moment was given pause to wonder if maybe he was speaking the truth.
He spat the insult at her with venom that stung, genuinely stung.

Then he slid the lichbar down the blade of her sword, locking with the crossguard as he began grappling with the other hand, as his leg shot out to kick out her feet from under her. She was strong though, and sturdy, and was able to keep her feet in spite of his forceful attacks. But the lichbar was dangerously close to her hand.

The Cub was shocked into inaction for a few moments, whether for or against the heroes, at least he wasn't against them for the time being. A look of confusion on his face.

Vü-erik shot at Ben Azir, "Lend me a hand will you! IT's a trick I tell you, those mice have magi among them! Don't believe them!"

The Cub didn't do anything still, but dumbly stood aside with his maul in his hand.

Meanwhile, Varlum closed the distance, and engaged in his speed-bolstering effects, while slowin down Vü-erik into the bargain. Problem was Vü-erik was a quick defender, and like even any competent fighter knows, the best defense is to not occupy the space where your enemy is attacing. So he shot up, leaping into the air in slowish motion while Praetorum, Arlo, and Varlum closed the distance. Of course, it was hard not to occupy a space that a twelve or so foot ithecal could reach, but somehow Vü-erik managed it as he disengaged.

As the party converged on the empty space he'd occupied, they were helped by their link with Rollo, in that he shared the tactical predictions of Vü-erik's actions. Giving them forewarning that he'd be giving them the avoidance, and making his way toward the mice to dispatch them.

word count: 377
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Re: [Broiling Lagoon] Catch a Dragon by the Tail

 ! Message from: Pig Boy
Hello Players. It's been a while since I received any response here. I'm going to set a deadline of 7 days. After then, should I receive no response, I will review as is and eject all pcs in the fracture, you'll regain all your memories after the end of Vhalar, but otherwise the adventure will end.

Please have some posts in before 7 days are up! Thank you!
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Re: [Broiling Lagoon] Catch a Dragon by the Tail

Catch A Dragon By The Tail ....
The thing about Vega was, simply put, that she didn't really focus on her own skills.

She was good with a blade. She knew she was. She was equally good with a fiddle and to her that was as important. But they were skills. Things that could get better or she could lose the ability to do. She knew, after all, because she had died and been brought back shattered and broken. She knew how transient and temporary anything physical was.

But stupid people were, it seemed, eternal. Marvellous.

This idiot was skilled, there was no doubting it. They were sped up, but he was faster and that was annoying. She was good with a sword but he was better, and that was irritating. But there was something that he was that was much, much more significant to Vega. Much more significant than anything else.

He was intimidating.

Now, Vega had a way of being. She was brash, she was obnoxious, she was difficult. And she met fear in a very specific way - namely head-on and fist first. It was how she'd always been - from the bandits in the woods which were the first people she'd ever killed to charging off after Wilma the Wonder Weed and then the ridiculous naming conventions of the Pumpernickels and her tendency to punch first, ask questions later, Vega dealt with being afraid by pummelling what made her so.

So, he swore that he would kill her friends and she would watch before he gutted her like a salamander, and Vega laughed.
"You're so scary, oh so scary, you're a scary boy....."
Vega sang. It was mocking, it was taunting and it was also very usefulUnlike her father, the Immortal of Turmoil, Vega is able to see the rhythm in a given situation. In combat, in her innate musical talent, in dancing or even in her worship, Vega is able to see the patterns and sense the rhythm in any circumstance. However, in order to do that, she needs to step back and take a clear look at the situation. With this ability, Vega is able to slow the tempo of a situation down, so long as she is playing an instrument or singing. When she is doing this, she is able to manipulate the tempo of a combat. This impacts up to three people and allows Vega to either speed up the tempo, for them (thus making them faster moving) or slowing it down (thus, slower). In practical terms, it allows her to speed up or slow down up to three individuals in a combat by a factor of 50%. This must be either speeding up, or slowing down and can not be both at once. She used the ability to slow down this irritant, this Salamander-gutter.

Vega continued, for a brief while, to defend. She did it to stay in the rhythm. The rhythm was what was important, after all. So, she twisted her blade and continued the rhythm. The guy not only pushed against her, but he also easily - simply, even - defended against Varlum This guy was good, there was no doubting it. But Vega knew and didn't care. Rollo thought that the Salamander Gutter was going for the mice but Vega was watching Salamander-Gutter, not believing anyone else The guy jumped and that was the moment, Vega knew.

As he jumped, she jumped with himVega's athletics has developed largely from the navigation of difficult and changing terrain. Balancing, jumping from one place to another, all those sorts of things have really built up Vega's flexibility. With this capstone, she effectively capstones her ability to jump. She doubles the distance she can jump - be that straight up, horizontally, or in whatever direction and she is able to land from these double-distance jumps without hurting herself and she used his natural momentum as he jumped to - she hoped - her advantage.

Jumping higher than it was possible for her to, Vega used her fear-enhanced strengthIn moments of pressure or concern - Vega's nature kicks in and she becomes impassioned. This adds to her strength, effectively doubling it for the duration of her panic or fury. However, during this time she is very focused on the task she is doing / whatever is causing her to feel that way. Her ability to focus on anything else is lost to her, and effectively she works tirelessly until the situation is resolved. If this lasts for more than one hour in any 24-hour period, when the second hour wears off, Vega will get exhausted and need to rest for at least 12 hours. , brought about by his successful attempt to intimidate her, and so she jumped and wrapped herself around him in an attempt to pull him to the floor.

Should she do that, Vega's plan was simple. She was going to cave his face in. He intimidated her, which made her stronger and he annoyed her. So, with her enhanced strength - but continuing to sing her taunting song - if she pulled off the jump Vega would wrap her arms around his, hopefully pinning his arms to his side and - whether she did that or not , she would knee him squarely between the legs before they landed on the ground.

And once they were on the ground - if it worked - then she would begin the process of punching him repeatedly in the face with the aim of doing so until her fist his the inside of the back of his head.

They were bound together and, as such, her companions would know what Arlo would recognise by the swirling colours in her eyes and by everything about her. This man was a bad man and she knew she had to kill him.

But he also scared her. THAT meant she was going to do it with her bare hands.
Invisible armour
+ 1 level to a skill (Vega's is flying so Competent -> Expert)
Bound together a-la Qylios.
word count: 1013

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: [Broiling Lagoon] Catch a Dragon by the Tail

As the battle broke forth Varlum had many thoughts in his mind, many ideas and tactics that he hoped to fill. They were all basic, many involved tearing the man in half with his jaw, but he contemplated them. One issue seemed to arise from each of them, however. Varlum had fought stronger fighters, bigger beasts and Mortals and Immortals alike with better knowledge of magic or stronger use of powers. None of that seemed to be the problem.

It was simply that the man was too fast.

Despite slowing the very time around him down significantly, the Becomer seemed to be faster than anyone should be able to be. Perhaps he had some combination of marks and magic Varlum knew nothing about, or perhaps this was the combination of years of training. After all, many would akin Varlum's strength to unnatural levels, many of it coming from his blessings. Whatever the source, however, it didn't matter. As of now they simply had to deal with it, counter his speed as it came and ensure that the man was kept restrained as long as possible. It was a challenge. But this bastard had to pay. Threatening his sister, trying to fill the cub with turmoil.

Vega made her move to leap after the man as Varlum stood beneath them, having been evaded with ease. Even Prae, seeming to flash around in the blink of an eye, had been dodged. It was seemingly impossible. At least for Varlum. His role as the aggressor wouldn't work if he was against a man of this speed. But perhaps that was his answer. His usual role wouldn't work. This was not a fight he could win, not easily, not without being in the way of his team. He was giant, unrefined in many ways and much of his firepower came from massive destruction - the kind he would never use around his friends. It would be too risky, and if the man was a powerful blessed of Faldrun then he would be resistant to all of it regardless.

So Varlum would simply change his role.

All of his friends, due to their mind being linked, would feel as Varlum disconnected from the fight. As he did so he shouted with a loud, bellowing roar. "Do not back down!" his voice boomed, granting a buff to the endurance of all his allies thanks to Nobility's Endurance. Then, using his time boosted speed, Varlum turned and lunged a hand forward - for the cub. He didn't have time to talk, words would not help him now and they had no time for a conversation. So instead, should he manage to lay a hand on the cub for even half a second, the cub would start to see flashes of images. Time around them would almost freeze, their moment of touch lasting half a second at most.

But in that half a second, thanks to Great Minds, the cub would see many things. Vega saving a child during Storm's Edge. Prae fighting side by side with Varlum against the beasts that assaulted Rharne. Arlo and Vega sat with him, comforting him in his time of weakness. Varlum stood before mighty, peaceful Dragons. Every memory he had of the adventurers together - before one final one. Daia. The Mummer's Ball. Vega dashing for Syroa in a moment of anger, Daia's lions stood on the stage as many prepared to battle for them. Each memory showed the love and care the group had for Idalos, each showing the warm world that awaited should the cub come with them.

As soon as their touch broke and the memories had been shared, Varlum simply looked to the cub, still on edge in case the cub decided to attack. "Do not fight for a man who would not fight for you" he spoke simply. "Fight alongside the people that are fighting for you, instead."
word count: 658
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Re: [Broiling Lagoon] Catch a Dragon by the Tail

As soon as Vü-erik opened his mouth to hurl a taunting threat at Vega, every fiber of Arlo's being compelled him to put a fist through their opponent's face. As it turned out, Vega had felt a similar compulsion and beat him to it.

Due to some of what he'd inherited as Cassion's own son, Arlo might be physically stronger, by quite a lot, than your average human male. But apart from being quick and light on his feet as a natural course, in this instance Vega was much quicker. She'd need to be. In spite of measures taken to speed them all up while attempting to slow their adversary down, it hadn't been enough. The bastard was just too quick and Arlo's attempt at a roundhouse kick to the back of the knee had met with little to nothing more than empty air.

Due to their connection, and his experience at reading her eyes, Arlo knew all too well that Vega was both frightened, and very, very angry. He also knew, from experience, that where his beloved and her temper were concerned, that was a powerful combination indeed! He wasn't about to get in between Vü-erik and the force of her fist. Varlum meanwhile stepped in and had the cub covered, sure to defend him if necessary.

Due to all the connections between them, Arlo knew that the mice were in danger and so protecting them best he could, was where he'd put his most immediate energies. He moved to where the three mages were huddled, and sword and shield drawn, prepared himself to defend them should Vü-erik or the cub either one managed to get around the others attempting to stop them. If it was Vü-erik who did it, Arlo wouldn't hesitate to kill him. If the cub on the other hand, he'd do his best to take only what measures were necessary, hopefully without being forced to kill the cub.
word count: 338
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