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Alchemy with Kisaik and Doran

3rd of Ymiden 721

A small island with an active volcano, Faldrass is the home to Saoire's school and to the Faldrass Induk.

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Re: [Hopetoun] I'm Your Huckleberry

“Some knowledge of medicine is entirely sufficient”, Doran assured Vega when she told him that she didn’t know anything about chemistry, but that she could do medicine alright. He didn’t mind her comment about ‘Boffins an’ Big-Brains’ at all, although he supposed that he belonged in the aforementioned group due to his position as Dean of the Institute of Sciences in Viden, among other things. On the contrary, he smiled slightly. He had to admit, he found her directness and her honesty refreshing - and far preferable to the somewhat stiff attitude that some of his fellow academics unfortunately exhibited.

“Attunement is a domain of magic”, he explained in a calm tone of voice when she asked him about it. He was rather ambivalent when it came to magic, especially his own magic – he had decided to never progress it any further – but at the same time, he acknowledged that most domains of magic could be useful, and that they did have their good sides. “It constitutes a form of magical focus. Every person, every object and every power in Idalos has a frequency, and every frequency consists of Notes that Attuners can examine”, he continued.

“Attuners can also learn to be aware of their surroundings and see without eyes though”, he added, remembering his meetings with Balthazar Black and the blindfold that he had imbued with Omnivision. Their last meeting had been a disaster – his old acquaintance had exhibited an overwhelmingly reckless attitude and a lack of common sense and spoken positively of necromancy, among other things so that he had been forced to throw him out of his office – but some of their earlier meetings had been quite interesting.

He momentarily wondered how the man fared nowadays – he had heard that he had been removed as leader of Hopetoun before he turned to look at Kisaik who had just drawn the shadow sword that he had used to free himself from his potato prison with obvious curiosity. When the Tunawa wanted to know if he’d be able to imbue it with something, he furrowed his brow for a moment before he replied, “I can’t tell for sure as I don’t know which material it is made of and what kind of power it contains, but I would say that it’s not impossible. Have you ever had it analyzed?” he asked.

“Effects that have been created with natural reagents are permanent”, he replied when Kisaik wanted to know if the effects of alchemy treated items faded. “Unless you are dealing with potions. Potions are always temporary – as are the effects of Blood Magic. Ether is fleeting. A Blood Magic item can be recharged by treating it with more mage blood though, for example”, he explained – Vega would know that already since they had talked about it when he had alchemificated the Beacon the season before.

Having said that, he listened to what Vega had to say. She wanted to make a blouse that was always cool – which sounded useful, especially considering the curse that her father had put on her. “We can definitely do that”, he told her. “We could use green sand from Scalvoris, for example, and create an alchemical solution with it that we submerge the blouse in so that it absorbs it. If you bring me one of your blouses, or another kind of top, we can alchemificate it right now”, he offered, smiling slightly when she raised her hand, much like a child in school before her answered her question regarding triggers.

“Pretty much everything can be a trigger. In order to make an item whose effect is triggered by a certain amount of light or darkness, I would use a photosensitive material, for example – a material that is sensitive to light”, he explained as Vega might not be familiar with the word ‘photosensitive’. “In order to make an item whose effect activates when it comes in contact with blood, I would make it react to one of the components of blood – or simply wetness. You could even make it react to the presence of ether, if you wanted to. As I said, almost everything is possible with alchemy”, he remarked, smiling slightly once more. That was one of the things that he enjoyed so much about alchemy – the nearly unlimited creative potential.

“I can write the title of a book – or a couple of books – down for you”, he offered when Vega asked him if he knew of any good books on chemistry. He truly appreciated that she didn’t want to take any risks and was willing to go slow and make it as safe as possible.

That was not something that should be taken for granted in his opinion.

Finally, Vega called him a peach. He looked at her – and at Kisaik – for a moment before he smirked, inclined his head and replied, “Thank you, Vega.”

Once she brought him a blouse, or a similar article of clothing, he produced a small bag that was filled with green Scalvoris sand and handed it to her. “Green sand will make your blouse always cool, as I said”, he explained to her, and to Kisaik, in a calm tone of voice. “I would not recommend using the sand as is though, but purify it with a sieve and remove possible particles. Since we’ll be working with very simple and natural reagents, there is no risk of injury, but if the sand is contaminated, there might be gaps in the effect, or your blouse won’t be as cool as it should be.”

“Would you do that?”
he asked her – sifting sand was a somewhat boring and monotonous activity, but it was an important part of the process – before he produced a small metal sieve and ultimately turned to Kisaik. “You can make a piece of clothing that is cool as well, if you like. I have enough material for both of you”, he offered. It would be better than making Kisaik watch and wait until it was his turn; besides, he might yet learn something useful.

“Sometimes, it’s necessary to treat an item with a primer beforehand – a reagent that will prepare the item for receiving the enhancement. Since we’ll be alchemificating clothing, a liquid primer that the clothing can be submerged it works best in my opinion. I have a primer here that contains a hint of resin”, he explained and held up a bottle. “I’d like you to do that next – and let your item dry afterwards”, he added.

“In the meantime, we’ll make the actual alchemical solution. Since we’ll only be using a single reagent, a binder – which is a substance that ensures that the different reagents don’t negate each other – won’t be necessary. First, we need a base. Water will be sufficient in our case as the density of green sand is lower than that of water. I’d like you to add that much sand to the water”, he told them, stating the correct amount – Vega and Kisaik could see that he had removed a scale from his alchemy kit. “And stir it carefully before you add your item that is hopefully dry now, and leave it in there until it has absorbed the alchemical mixture completely.”

“With a little more experience”,
he continued and glanced at Kisaik. “You could modify the process, add a binder, such as ground seashells, to the mixture of green sand and water and then add a metabolizer in order to render the alchemical effect more powerful. You could actually give it a try now, Kisaik”, he offered – the Tunawa was more experienced than Vega and thus there was no reason why he shouldn’t give him an additional challenge, especially since the reagents were safe and very simple.

“Let me know if you have any questions, please”, he finished. “Otherwise, you can begin alchemificating. I’ll watch you and correct you if it turns out to be necessary.”
word count: 1339





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Re: [Hopetoun] I'm Your Huckleberry

3rd Ymiden, 721
She listened carefully to both Doran and Sir Chip. Doran had all the know-how in the world, she knew, but there was a lot to be learned from both of them and she really did her best to focus. Vega did not enjoy learning as a rule but this kind of collaborative learning where there was less formality and no writing was exactly up her street. When Doran spoke about Attunement, though, Vega's interest piqued and she nodded. "That sounds amazin'," she said softly. "I often experience the world through sound. But if it's a magic, then it's like this defiance thing inside me. It wants to control me, to change me, to shape my behaviour. So, I jus' listen to the sound that the elements make, an' I never use it. Because I'm not bein' controlled by anyone or anythin'." She smiled slightly. They probably wouldn't be surprised to know that, she thought.

But, Doran was clear in his answer to Sir Chip. If something was alchemificated with natural things, it was permanent, but potions weren't. Well, she figured, that made sense. There was so much to learn and she had so many questions. Doran was patient, though, he answered her and his answer about triggers, especially, was helpful. So, anything which could be measured or could be transferred, she figured, could be a trigger. There was just so much potential, it was almost unbelievable to her. Doran was right when he said almost anything could be achieved. "Could it be one person's voice? Or a word? Or a particular note or pitch? Those are more ... I dunno - abstract things, I guess?" How did you put a sound into an alchemification?

She looked forward to finding out. "Oh! I've got a spare blouse with me, hang on," she said and she rummaged in her bag. "I'm a right messy eater, an' I always have a spare change of clothes with me. You never know." Reaching in, she pulled out a white shirt with a laced up front. "Here we go!"

Doran asked her to sift the green sand and she nodded and started to get on with it. As she did, she moved the sifter with the rhythm of the sand, hearing it whispering as she strained it and she smiled in pleasure at that. They dipped the blouse - in the primer and Doran said that they were going to make the alchemical solution. It was something that needed measuring and Vega frowned slightly as she slowly added the green sand and began to stir. "How do you know how much of what goes in which thing?" She asked that without looking at anything except what she was doing.

"Doran?" Vega asked, focused on the task in hand. "How does it know? I mean, I've added stuff to water loads of times an' it weren't alchemy. Was it?" Or could it have been, she supposed. Once she'd done that, she asked Doran to check what she did before she put her blouse into the water and sand mixture and she waited to hear what he had to say.

Boxcode: Thank you, Rose!
word count: 538

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: [Hopetoun] I'm Your Huckleberry

Kisaik listened quietly, as Doran mostly focused on Vega for now, as was proper. There were things he could learn anyway from what he was telling her. Kisaik mostly had a different approach to alchemy, which often involved strange rituals and choosing sites for alchemy. His way was a lot more mystical, for lack of a better word, although he still used certain scientific principles. That and his special tunawa equipment, like the solar dish that was used for heating fluids, set him apart from the methods of academic types like Doran. Or so he thought. But certain principles carried through to his own way.

When Doran asked about his Shadow Shivvy, his shadow sword, Kisaik nodded and pulled it from his shadow. Once he did so, his shadow disappeared as it usually did. "I don't know what it's made of... shadow? Maybe it's not alchemificatible, because it's only temporary? When I'm done with it, I shove it back in my shadow, or ditch it. A few trills after it leaves my hand, it tends to disappear and reforms as my shadow again..." Kisaik shrugged, and then looked to Vega, who seemed very excited to begin alchemifying her blouse with a solution developed from green sand.

When it was time for Kisaik to ask a question, he did ask, "Do you think there's a way to replenish tunawa sap? Or could we explore the properties of tunawa sap? I'm very interested in stretching the healing properties of tunawa sap! Did you know that my sap can heal wounds? And that leaves and greens from my body can be used to cure the common cold? There's much about tunawa that's a little magical, you know. Except most of us can't learn magic. I'm the only one other than my special flower, Rabu, who have ever possessed a magical talent."

Kisaik sighed to think of his lost flower Rabu. He missed his special buddy sometimes, but spending time with good friends like Doran and Vega helped ease the burden. Kisaik would help Vega with her alchemical doings if she needed, otherwise if she didn't want his interference, he'd step aside and let her learn on her own. He didn't want to step on toes afterall!

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Re: [Hopetoun] I'm Your Huckleberry

When Vega mentioned her defiance spark and that she never used it, Doran inclined his head. There had been a time when he had been more enthusiastic about his magic and used it regularly – probably in no small part due to his mentor – but he was much the same nowadays. He had not used his magic in seasons, and he had no desire to change that, especially not after he had witnessed what excessive magic use could do to a person.

His thoughts on magic were left unspoken though. Instead, he turned to answer Vega’s next question about triggers – another one that was quite clever in his opinion. “I’m not sure about the possibility of a trigger that reacts to a particular person’s voice”, he admitted – he had no problem saying that he didn’t know something or wasn’t sure about something. “But a trigger that is activated by sound – or even a particular note or pitch – yes, that’s something that is definitely possible”, he decided and nodded.

“One could likely also make a trigger that reacts to wind. There are plants that make a sound when the wind touches them. They could serve as a base for the trigger”, he mused and stroke his chin thoughtfully for a moment before he watched Vega pull a blouse out of her bag. When she explained that she was a right messy eater, he smirked.

“By using scales”, he replied and pointed at the object in question when Vega wanted to know how you knew how much of what went into which thing. “Or from experience. Not all alchemists practice their craft the way I do. I was a chemist first which seems to have had an impact on me”, he remarked with a light smile and shrugged his shoulders, thus explain why his kind of alchemy involved carefully measured amounts of reagents and standardized procedures rather than mystical and almost magical rituals.

“As for your second question”, he continued and furrowed his brow for a moment because that was something that people asked him surprisingly rarely.

“The order in which you mix reagents and the specific amounts thereof make a difference”, he explained before he turned to watch her – and eventually nodded approvingly.

Kisaik had questions as well though. When he asked about his Shadow Shivvy – and subsequently pulled it out from his shadow – the Mortalborn raised an eyebrow in surprise before he shook his head. “I don’t think it’s possible to alchemificate an item that is not permanent and that just disappears sometimes”, he admitted. “But studying Tunawa sap?” he continued, and his eyes abruptly lit up – he was excited about that particular prospect, he had to admit. “I’d love to do that. And it should be possible to make a potion that replenishes Tunawa sap in my opinion. There are substances that help replenish one’s blood. Those could be modified to affect Tunawa sap.”

he said in a serious tone of voice. “Would you be willing to work with me in that regard?”

Doran had more or less given Kisaik the choice to alchemificate a piece of clothing as well so that he didn’t have to sit there, wait and watch while Vega worked on her blouse. He had given him a more challenging task than Vega as he was a more experienced alchemist – he had suggested that he could make his piece of clothing cool and add a metabolizer in order to strengthen the effect on top of it. So, when the Tunawa did not start to make a similar item as Vega, he raised an eyebrow slightly before he asked him,

“Would you like to make the fire-ward we mentioned? I propose that we use Charwood sap for that as it is a relatively common resource here on Faldrass – and far cheaper than Golden Salamander hide which used to be my reagent of choice in that regard the past. If you can think of other substances that are resistant to fire, let me know though”, he added. Kisaik was already relatively experienced; he might have some sort of idea as to what else could be used to make a fire-ward.

“The process is pretty much the same that Vega followed to alchemificate her blouse – except that you replace the sifted sand with ten drops of Charwood sap”, he explained.

“As for you, Vega”, he remarked and turned to the red-headed daughter of Faldrun once more. “Once the blouse has dried, you can see if it works and give the ward a try as well if you want and alchemificate a simple item of your choice”, he suggested. Both Vega and Kisaik would notice that Doran seemed to be quite relaxed and in a good mood. He enjoyed working with two students that were enthusiastic and creative, and what more, there was something about the entire setting that appealed to him.

There was something special about teaching outside, under the sky, in a settlement that was not far from the ocean. A part of him found it almost more appealing than the ancient halls of the Academy, although the experiments that one could do in a place like this was somewhat limited – some of the alchemical apparatuses were big, and rather heavy.

Still, he thought, perhaps he should move some of his normal lessons outside and let his students gather the reagents themselves – and implement regular field trips. Some of the more senior members of the Academy were rather set in their ways, but some others might be open to new teaching methods that were about more than sitting in a laboratory.
You can make the fire-ward item in your next post!
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Re: [Hopetoun] I'm Your Huckleberry

3rd Ymiden, 721

Sir Chip's shadow-weapon was fascinating and Vega peered over at it with wide eyes. "It's made out of your shadow? That's amazin'" She grinned at him. "You might be the most interestin' person I know, you know." It was true. And when he spoke about having magic and him and Rabu being the only ones who did, she thought about it and looked at Sir Chip with interest. "So, is your sap different than other tunawa sap then?" She figured that must be the case. "I mean, you've got magic an' they haven't, so somethin' about you must be different." Looking at him, she nodded. "They should make more of you. The world would be a better place" It was true, as far as she was concerned.

The moment that Sir Chip offered to help, Vega grinned and, with a "thanks, that's great." was very happy to move over and work together. She listened to Doran's answers and nodded her head in understanding. His response to Sir Chip was to work together and Vega smiled at that; it was good to explore and learn together and she was learning a lot about alchemy and what it could do. She focused as she worked on her blouse and she made sure that she was careful and attended to detail. She didn't add her blouse in there until she was sure and Doran had nodded his head and then she did. Letting it soak in, she listened to Doran and Sir Chip talking and then, while it dried, she watched what Sir Chip was doing.

"I won't, if that's a'right," she said when Doran offered for her to make a ward at the same time. "I don't want to get the two things mixed up an' mushed about in my noggin', so havin' done one, I'll watch Sir Chip. Then, I'll remember whether I were doin' it or watchin' it, an' that'll keep them separated." She knew her own mind and she understood how she learned ~ and what made learning more difficult for her ~ and so she knew this would work better. So, Vega sat back and watched Sir Chip, helping him if he wanted or needed it and just doing her best to learn.

"You know, Doran, it's right nice of you," she said, at an appropriate moment. "Thanks. An' thanks for lettin' me gatecrash, too, both of you."

Boxcode: Thank you, Rose!
word count: 422

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: [Hopetoun] I'm Your Huckleberry


Kisaik was pleased with Vega’s compliment, and he would’ve blushed if Tunawa could. As it was, he merely enthused as he did, and gave her a sappy grin. ”Thanks! You and Arlo and Professor Doran are about the kindest and helpful people I’ve met!” He said, and he meant it. He particularly enjoyed Arlo’s bug crisps that he’d made for the Feast and the Storytelling session of last season.

When Vega surmised that Kisaik’s sap must somehow be different from other tunawas, he rubbed his chin briefly. ”Hmm, do you think it might because we’re the children of Immortals? Maybe that’s it! Otherwise, I’m stumped as to how our sap is so different! All I know is that I woke up one day from that dream where we met, and somehow we were magic!”

And so, as Vega gave Kisaik permission to help her, he did his best, going slowly as was reasonable. However, Chip’s process when doing alchemy was very particular with regards to the timing of ingredients being added. Everything had a specific interval and timing to be added. He helped her with her blouse as much as she’d let him, but it seemed that Vega was a good study and followed Doran’s directions without much further guidance.

Therefore, Kisaik moved onto his own project, a fire-warded wooden shield crafted from Phoenix wood. The shield was large for him, about eight inches tall and about a quarter as wide. A tower shield, more or less. It was proportionally big to Kisaik, but he was able to wield it without much effort for that. This he laid down on his work station, and began pulling alchemical equipment, such as he used for his hedge alchemy. Mortar and Pestle was used to grind up charwood bark, and then charwood sap was added, ten drops as directed by Doran.

He did it with a methodical timing, allowing that Vega would follow along with what he was doing so that she’d learn as much as possible without slowing himself down.

Once the bark and sap were ground into a fine, sticky paste, he began adding it to a lacquer-like mixture that he’d brought along. He took the small jar of it out of his domain bag, and uncorked it, pouring the fire-ward ingredients in there along with a binder ingredient, which he took (if allowed) from some of Doran’s supplies. If not, he’d apply the lacquer that was fire-warded now, to the surface of the phoenix wood shield. He’d go over every inch of the shield, until it was fully covered. Then, he laid it up with as few points of contacts as possible, against the work station.

He looked up at Doran and Vega, and smiled at the latter, ”Thank you for stopping by! It’s good to have a fresh and creative perspective on such issues. I think we work well together.” As for studying my sap, Professor I would love to explore that avenue with you later, if you'd allow it.
OOC Purchase
Masterwork Phoenix Wood Shield Tier 4, purchased as part of Kisaik's Wealth tier.
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Re: [Hopetoun] I'm Your Huckleberry


Experience: +15 xp

Collaboration: Yes

Renown: +5.
Injuries/Overstepping: None.

This was my first in-depth alchemy thread ever, I think, and it was really well done. I felt like *I* learned something about alchemy just reading it, and alchemy’s not even real! :P

Enjoy your rewards!

Skillplay: Appropriate to level.


Alchemy: Certain steps are always the same
Alchemy: Too much of a reagent can have negative effects
Alchemy: Items created with natural reagents are permanent
Alchemy: The effects of potions are temporary
Alchemy: Using Charwood sap to make a fire-ward
Alchemy: Certain items may be impossible to alchemificate
Storytelling: The story of the Magic Acorn
Teaching: Asking your student what they want to learn
Teaching: Teaching two students with different levels of knowledge
Teaching: Giving a more experienced student an additional challenge
Teaching: You can impart more knowledge as a skilled teacher.


I want Doran to be my teacher! He is so good at this! Dealing with two very different students with varying concerns and backgrounds.

That’s all I got. Did you need more?
Sir Chip

Skillplay: Appropriate to level.


[*]Alchemy: x 8
[*]Teaching: x 3
[*]Storytelling: Stories are good as new when the audience changes.

Loot/Losses: 1 x Masterwork Phoenix Wood shield (tier 4) with good-quality Fire-ward.

Comments: Sir Chip is such a delightfully different character concept! I enjoyed the story about him cutting his way out of a a potato. And his “I’m a warden, too!” outburst made me laugh.

I hope he continues his alchemy work and studies whenever he’s not saving the world.

Skillplay: Appropriate to level.


[*] Alchemy: x 10
[*] Teaching: x 1

Loot/Losses: 1 x alchemically cooled blouse. The Chill Chemise! (*make* it alliterate, darnit!)

Those poor boffins an’ big-heads; they never knew what hit ‘em. Vega may not be big-headed nor boffiny, but she is intelligent and inquisitive, so the depth she finds here when she invites herself into the lesson feels perfectly appropriate (as opposed to: I’ll shove my PC in because I want to grind alchemy). I don’t envy her being super-big and pregnant in Saun, especially not when she tends already to run hot. I wonder if the kid will grow up to love heat or hate it when it grows up.
word count: 396
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