While Vega worked on her prototype piling, Doran went and retrieved the reagents and the tools that he would need. He had already prepared a few things beforehand; since it had been decided that he would be layering two different effects on top of each other, he also removed a binder and a sealant from the alchemy kit that he had brought to Hopetoun with him though. Without a sealer, it was possible that the first effect would be ruined upon adding the second effect, and that was something that he did not want to happen.
He thought about how to best go about alchemificating the various parts for the dock in some more detail. When he had worked on the glass panes for the Beacon a couple of seven-trials earlier, he had simply let them soak in a tub that had been filled with an alchemical mixture; he doubted that there were any tubs that were big enough for what he would be working with now anywhere in Hopetoun though.
For that reason, he ultimately decided on creating an alchemical paint of sorts, a rather liquid paint that would be absorbed by the wood and hopefully reach even the innermost parts.
When Vega finished her prototype piling, Doran proceeded to treat it with a primer, a type of liquid mixed with resin in order to prepare it for receiving the alchemical enhancement. Once the primer had dried, he applied an even coat of oil mixed with a type of pepper that served as a metabolizer and would enhance the effect to every side of the piling. Normally, he might also have added a binder; oil itself was a binder though.
Some reagents could serve more than one purpose; there was no need to mix oil with even more oil.
Once the piling had absorbed the oil, he applied the sealer – finely powdered seashells, added another layer of primer so that the piling would be able to receive the next enhancement, and finally went about applying the second alchemical mixture - stone powder and the same metabolizer that he had used before, dispersed in water. This time, he also added a separate binder, the same linseed oil-based primer that he had already used for the Beacon.
Vega would notice that Doran worked utterly meticulously and measured each reagent before he used it and that he double-checked everything so that he wouldn’t miss a single spot when he applied the various mixtures (which he did with sponges and brushes). He wanted to make sure that there were no gaps in the effect. Finally, when he was content with his work, he showed it to her to make sure that it found her approval as well.
He repeated the same procedure on each of the proper pilings and on each of the parts for the decking. It was a rather time-consuming process, he had to admit, but he did not mind. On the contrary, he enjoyed working with Vega, Darius and the settlers. It was a genuine pleasure. The people in Hopetoun did not complain; they just got on with it and were utterly focused on their work and on making their home a better place. That was, he realized once more, one of the reasons why he felt so utterly comfortable here.
There was a strong sense of community.
The following trial, Doran stood on the shore, next to Vega. He was not worried about being on a boat, although he could barely swim; he just wanted to watch the Libertalia arrive because it promised to be such a magnificent sight. When the piling was put in place, he smiled before he began to applaud, sharing the excitement of the people around him.
When Vega explained her plan to him, he furrowed his brow for a moment, considering what she had said before he inclined his head, smiling lightly. “I think that will work”, he decided and added, “Let’s start.” He had to admit, he was looking forward to seeing the finished dock.
He did not have a single doubt that his alchemification would work, and that it would work well, so he was not nervous at all; he was simply glad that he could be a part of something and contribute to something. That was something that had been missing from his old life, although he had not really realized it back then, or considered it to be necessary.
A sense of belonging.
He thought about how to best go about alchemificating the various parts for the dock in some more detail. When he had worked on the glass panes for the Beacon a couple of seven-trials earlier, he had simply let them soak in a tub that had been filled with an alchemical mixture; he doubted that there were any tubs that were big enough for what he would be working with now anywhere in Hopetoun though.
For that reason, he ultimately decided on creating an alchemical paint of sorts, a rather liquid paint that would be absorbed by the wood and hopefully reach even the innermost parts.
When Vega finished her prototype piling, Doran proceeded to treat it with a primer, a type of liquid mixed with resin in order to prepare it for receiving the alchemical enhancement. Once the primer had dried, he applied an even coat of oil mixed with a type of pepper that served as a metabolizer and would enhance the effect to every side of the piling. Normally, he might also have added a binder; oil itself was a binder though.
Some reagents could serve more than one purpose; there was no need to mix oil with even more oil.
Once the piling had absorbed the oil, he applied the sealer – finely powdered seashells, added another layer of primer so that the piling would be able to receive the next enhancement, and finally went about applying the second alchemical mixture - stone powder and the same metabolizer that he had used before, dispersed in water. This time, he also added a separate binder, the same linseed oil-based primer that he had already used for the Beacon.
Vega would notice that Doran worked utterly meticulously and measured each reagent before he used it and that he double-checked everything so that he wouldn’t miss a single spot when he applied the various mixtures (which he did with sponges and brushes). He wanted to make sure that there were no gaps in the effect. Finally, when he was content with his work, he showed it to her to make sure that it found her approval as well.
He repeated the same procedure on each of the proper pilings and on each of the parts for the decking. It was a rather time-consuming process, he had to admit, but he did not mind. On the contrary, he enjoyed working with Vega, Darius and the settlers. It was a genuine pleasure. The people in Hopetoun did not complain; they just got on with it and were utterly focused on their work and on making their home a better place. That was, he realized once more, one of the reasons why he felt so utterly comfortable here.
There was a strong sense of community.
The following trial, Doran stood on the shore, next to Vega. He was not worried about being on a boat, although he could barely swim; he just wanted to watch the Libertalia arrive because it promised to be such a magnificent sight. When the piling was put in place, he smiled before he began to applaud, sharing the excitement of the people around him.
When Vega explained her plan to him, he furrowed his brow for a moment, considering what she had said before he inclined his head, smiling lightly. “I think that will work”, he decided and added, “Let’s start.” He had to admit, he was looking forward to seeing the finished dock.
He did not have a single doubt that his alchemification would work, and that it would work well, so he was not nervous at all; he was simply glad that he could be a part of something and contribute to something. That was something that had been missing from his old life, although he had not really realized it back then, or considered it to be necessary.
A sense of belonging.