• Graded • [Hopetoun] Hickory Dickory Dock

A small island with an active volcano, Faldrass is the home to Saoire's school and to the Faldrass Induk.

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Re: [Hopetoun] Hickory Dickory Dock

While Vega worked on her prototype piling, Doran went and retrieved the reagents and the tools that he would need. He had already prepared a few things beforehand; since it had been decided that he would be layering two different effects on top of each other, he also removed a binder and a sealant from the alchemy kit that he had brought to Hopetoun with him though. Without a sealer, it was possible that the first effect would be ruined upon adding the second effect, and that was something that he did not want to happen.

He thought about how to best go about alchemificating the various parts for the dock in some more detail. When he had worked on the glass panes for the Beacon a couple of seven-trials earlier, he had simply let them soak in a tub that had been filled with an alchemical mixture; he doubted that there were any tubs that were big enough for what he would be working with now anywhere in Hopetoun though.

For that reason, he ultimately decided on creating an alchemical paint of sorts, a rather liquid paint that would be absorbed by the wood and hopefully reach even the innermost parts.

When Vega finished her prototype piling, Doran proceeded to treat it with a primer, a type of liquid mixed with resin in order to prepare it for receiving the alchemical enhancement. Once the primer had dried, he applied an even coat of oil mixed with a type of pepper that served as a metabolizer and would enhance the effect to every side of the piling. Normally, he might also have added a binder; oil itself was a binder though.

Some reagents could serve more than one purpose; there was no need to mix oil with even more oil.

Once the piling had absorbed the oil, he applied the sealer – finely powdered seashells, added another layer of primer so that the piling would be able to receive the next enhancement, and finally went about applying the second alchemical mixture - stone powder and the same metabolizer that he had used before, dispersed in water. This time, he also added a separate binder, the same linseed oil-based primer that he had already used for the Beacon.

Vega would notice that Doran worked utterly meticulously and measured each reagent before he used it and that he double-checked everything so that he wouldn’t miss a single spot when he applied the various mixtures (which he did with sponges and brushes). He wanted to make sure that there were no gaps in the effect. Finally, when he was content with his work, he showed it to her to make sure that it found her approval as well.

He repeated the same procedure on each of the proper pilings and on each of the parts for the decking. It was a rather time-consuming process, he had to admit, but he did not mind. On the contrary, he enjoyed working with Vega, Darius and the settlers. It was a genuine pleasure. The people in Hopetoun did not complain; they just got on with it and were utterly focused on their work and on making their home a better place. That was, he realized once more, one of the reasons why he felt so utterly comfortable here.

There was a strong sense of community.


The following trial, Doran stood on the shore, next to Vega. He was not worried about being on a boat, although he could barely swim; he just wanted to watch the Libertalia arrive because it promised to be such a magnificent sight. When the piling was put in place, he smiled before he began to applaud, sharing the excitement of the people around him.

When Vega explained her plan to him, he furrowed his brow for a moment, considering what she had said before he inclined his head, smiling lightly. “I think that will work”, he decided and added, “Let’s start.” He had to admit, he was looking forward to seeing the finished dock.

He did not have a single doubt that his alchemification would work, and that it would work well, so he was not nervous at all; he was simply glad that he could be a part of something and contribute to something. That was something that had been missing from his old life, although he had not really realized it back then, or considered it to be necessary.

A sense of belonging.
word count: 748





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Re: [Hopetoun] Hickory Dickory Dock


Aboard the Libertalia, Darius was blissfully unaware of the conversation Vega and Doran were having onshore, but it made no difference. The leader of Hopetoun trusted both of them implicitly, and if any decisions had to be made, he was confident that they would know what to do.

The Scalvorian was right where he could be most useful, on the deck of the ship, issuing orders. Once the frothy water cleared and the cheers died down, he was able to get a clearer view of the piling. It was sitting upright in the water, and didn't appear unstable in any way. It seemed - as far as the mariner could tell - that the sharp end of the piling had been driven into the seabed by a combination of its own weight and that of the anchor dragging it down.

He sent a look to Astra and nodded slightly, and she returned the gesture, before she stepped away from the rail and rushed over to the other side of the ship. She called down to the rowboats, and the sailors within them brought them around to where the piling was.

"Let's get that anchor back," Darius called out.

The captain watched on as the boats moved closer, and a sailor from each one reached out over the bow to release the knots that had tied the piling to the anchor. The others in the rowboats held onto each sailor's belt, ready to haul him back in if he started to lose balance.

Eventually, the ropes came loose and the sailors were pulled back, and the rowboats cleared out of the way.

"Weigh anchor!" Astra yelled.

At that, there was a stampede of feet as a dozen men on the Libertalia - a mixture of sailors and settlers - rushed over to the stern of the brig and began to haul the anchor back up and out of the water.

And then another piling was brought out and strapped to the anchor as the rowboats nudged the brig a few feet closer to shore so that they could repeat the process and provide the sharpened length of wood a new resting place in the warm waters of the Hollow Sea. This process would be repeated for as long as it was possible to keep the large ship from getting too far into the shallows, and the dock would be built one piling at a time.
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Re: [Hopetoun] Hickory Dickory Dock

Hopetoun Docks
51st Ashan
As they dropped the anchor and the first piling went in, Vega breathed out.

It was one of those things, she considered. She knew it should work, she knew that they'd prepared and planned and they were damn well skilled. And yet, until it actually worked, she really wasn't sure that it was going to. So, she breathed out and she grinned at Doran. "It worked," she said, and nodded. "I knew it should but, well, I'm right glad it did. " She nodded to him and then, with a slight shake of herself, added. "Righteo. Time to stop lollygaggin' round here, then, Vega Creede." She made her way down to the shoreline and she made sure that people got the floating docks they'd constructed already secure and safe. She didn't lift it, but she supervised those who were and she was pleased with the level of teamwork.

This place, she had decided a while ago, had a particular magic to it and these people worked together very well. It made Vega happy. Her plan made sense and so that was what they did. Every now and then she gave an instruction to those who were working on the floating docks. "Careful there! Pull that rope back in, that's it," and she made sure to be clear when things were done correctly. So, she watched and helped and supervised as they put the floating docks out. That meant that they met the Libertalia about half way through the job and Vega waved a greeting. "Hail up there! Good job!" She looked up at those on the boat and explained her idea. "So, we're goin' to use these floatin' docks to put the permanent dockin' down on those pilin's. Let us know when you're good for us to be there."

That was what they did. They used a floating dock - the one that would attack to the permanent ones, to stand on as they put the actual deck of the docks on to the pilings which the Libertalia had lowered. Once that one was done, they stood on that and put down the next piece, and the next. "Actually," Vega said. "Let's not pull the floatin' docks up. Lets see what it'll be like in all it's glory, when it's fully out?"

It was slow work, and careful work. Although she did no lifting, she worked as hard as anyone else - Vega's woodcrafting skills were very good and she secured things and placed them. It would take them all trial, she reckoned, and so she also made sure that she stopped and had plenty to drink. One of the side-effects of her pregnancy, Vega would say, was that she was becoming a fusser, but the truth was that she cared about people. So, she didn't only make sure that she stopped and drank. She made sure everyone did, and that included the people on the boats as well. Food and water were important to them to keep going, after all.

When it was done, she looked at it and grinned to Doran and waved to Darius "Lookin' good, don't you think?"

word count: 540

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: [Hopetoun] Hickory Dickory Dock


A fun thread about an important development in the lives of the Hopetoun folks. Two trials is fast for putting up docks, but you three have mad skills and a lot of help.

I can’t remember what the weather was like during these trials on the calendar. Was there a storm? There were a lot of storms last Ashan. :p


Loot: A dock for Hopetoun!

Experience: +15 xp

Magic xp: None


Skill Knowledge:

Logistics x4
Leadership x 2
Woodworking x 4

Renown +15. This will be a big improvement change for Hopetoun.

Injuries/Overstepping: None.

Skillplay: Appropriate to level

Comments: Vega’s awesome!

I was very impressed by Vega’s outside-the-box thinking. Using a bacterial structural protein to make dock supports?! Brilliant!

But seriously, she is extremely resourceful and skilled. Hopetoun is lucky to have her services. And anyone who says otherwise can shurrup.

The dynamic between Vega and the rest of her family is fascinating. She does a good job keeping her cousins in line. And she does all this while “in the family way”.

The idea that the floating docks can also be used as a festive/night life location after the permanent docks are finished was clever. Hopetounsfolk will appreciate that.

Experience: +15 x.p.

Skillplay: Appropriate to level.


Caregiving: Building something that will benefit your community.
Detection: Waiting for water to clear to see what lies beneath.
Engineering: Using unorthodox tools to get the job done.
Leadership: Follow the chain of command.
Leadership: Being a decision maker.
Logistics: Ensure everyone is ready before giving them instructions.
Seafaring: Positioning a ship very precisely.
Seafaring: Using smaller boats to guide a larger ship.
Seafaring: Using a ship anchor in an unconventional way.
Seafaring: Wait until you're in position before dropping your payload.

Doran: Is a skilled alchemist.
Vega: Is an inspirational leader.

Renown +15. Great times in Hopetoun.

Injuries/Overstepping: None.

Comments: Darius is awesome!

He handles his role as leader well. I like how you portray the fact that he always feels like he’s out of his depth, and constantly being looked to to solve problems he considers to be outside his skill-set. And yet, he finds a way, which presumably is why the good folk of Hopetoun continue to look to him.

It was touching, too, that he is moved and surprised by how well the settlers come together to work. Darius appreciates what he has, and that makes one want to cheer for him the more.

Experience: +15 x.p.

Skillplay: Appropriate to level.


Alchemy: Using oil to make an object waterproof
Alchemy: Transferring the properties of stone to wood to make it hardier and more durable
Alchemy: Some reagents serve more than one purpose
Alchemy: A sealer ensures that the first effect won't be ruined upon adding a second effect
Alchemy: Using alchemy to enhance the natural properties of a material
Discipline: Focusing on a problem you can solve
Engineering: How to construct a dock
Science: The chemical and physical processes that take place in wood over time

Renown +15. Great times in Hopetoun.

Injuries/Overstepping: None.

Comments: Doran is awesome! Yes, I said the same thing about all three of you. Deal with it.

Better things through alchemification! And you worked in the memory issues that followed from the Forged event.

Doran’s profound knowledge of alchemy contrasts charmingly with his apparent naivete about engineering and construction. A greater knowledge of engineering could contribute greatly to his alchemy practice. Idalos’ leading materials scientist!
Let me know if any of you have any questions/feedback. Enjoy your rewards!
word count: 612
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