[Hopetoun] The Golden Chain II: Making New Links

44th of Ashan 721

A small island with an active volcano, Faldrass is the home to Saoire's school and to the Faldrass Induk.

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[Hopetoun] The Golden Chain II: Making New Links

Kindness is the golden chain by which society is bound together.

~~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe~~
44th of Ashan, Arc 721
Vega firmly believed in action. She hated the idea of praying and expecting the Immortals to do something because you prayed - and she loathed the idea of asking for help. However, in this circumstance, and having been given a task by Xiur himself, she believed that this was one of those times where it was acceptable to ask. Because, she was working too - and working hard. So it wasn't a request for aid, it was a request for support.

To the mind of the daughter of Faldrun, to her way of thinking, that meant that working together was more than acceptable. It was necessary.

And so, Vega had asked for help. First, she had sent a note to Darius, and he'd responded very positively. Then, she'd written to Saoire - and she'd replied. That had led to the five experts arriving and - frankly - they'd made an enormous difference. Vega hadn't stopped there, though. She'd also put pen to paper again and written to the Council. She got a lovely reply back and - then - the world had gone a little doolally.

Massive storms followed by frozen seas and so on meant that the people and items which Councillor Bao had promised had been delayed. Nothing came in or out for a few trials. Then, though, they'd arrived. There were two Rangers who were taking charge but also the owner of the Spirit's Rest Oasis had come to help. They'd decided on building a large building which stood two stories tall and would be able to be re-purposed as an Inn, or community center, when the refugees were settled. Herman had made designs previously and he'd apparently spoken with Elise and Refed and they were working.

Now, Vega was focusing on them and making sure that they were getting on and had everything they needed. They'd brought all the supplies they needed, and Vega was more than impressed. They were actually doing this. She looked at Refed, who she was sitting with, and listened as he spoke. "It makes sense. A kitchen and storage will mean that you can move your chefs into there. That will bring the community in," he said. Vega listened, carefully, "and then, we can use the ground floor as barracks style accomodation, but upstairs will be the rooms for people who need that individual care and attention. There might well be those. So, rather than a community hall, per se, when it's done and they all have places to live, wherever that may be, you can use this as a community building, or an inn." Vega nodded. "It's amazin' to me what you're doin', an' I know Darius is delighted too." Refed shook his head. "It's our pleasure. Tight timeframes are ever so exciting." Vega chuckled. "I bet you say that to all the demandin' red heads," she teased and he looked at her in mock surprise. "If there's another type of redhead, I've yet to meet them," he said and Vega chortled. "Yeah, you're a funny guy." Somehow it didn't sound quite like she meant it.

"Come on, then," Refed said. "Lets show you how far we've got."

word count: 563

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: [Hopetoun] The Golden Chain II: Making New Links

Kindness is the golden chain by which society is bound together.

~~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe~~
44th of Ashan, Arc 721

It had come on apace since she'd last seen it. Vega was consistently amazed at how things were happening here. It had to be said, she was also a sight happier than she'd been on the trial that Refed and Elise had arrived. That had been still-freezing and Arlo had been gone, the eighth trial that he'd disappeared. Now, however, he was back and the weather was good. She had no idea where Arlo had been - he didn't remember either - but equally, she didn't mind that. It had happened before but, for Vega, it was more than that.

He was home. He was safe. He was him.

That was all that mattered, and the rest they'd work out. Stressing over it, fussing over it, picking at it? None of those things would help and Vega was nothing if she was not an entirely pragmatic person. After all, her fussing around it and making him worried wouldn't help him remember quicker. He'd remember or he wouldn't, and that was that. There were things Vega knew were worth worrying about, and there were things that were not. This, to her, fell firmly into the latter.

That meant that she was more settled, though - she was happier because, no matter what she said or how much she carried on working and so on, Vega had been worried when Arlo had been away. That was her, and it made a difference to her. And then, there was the fact that them coming back, being dropped literally back where they'd been standing in Arlo's case, just so happened to coincide with the weather clearing. More grist to the "Whatever Immortals-given shenanigans it was, you'll find out when they're ready to tell you" hypothesis. Still, the weather changing was good. It being early-half Ashan meant it was still cold. But it was Ashan-cold, not Wow-isn't-Ishallr-warm cold. "You've done so much. I'm right impressed," she said. Refed looked at her and nodded. He'd come to know Vega a little over the last eight trials, and he knew that she worked hard and seemed to be everywhere at once here. She was hands-on and straight-talking and the Eidisi Ranger appreciated that about her.

"Thanks," he said with a tight smile. "We're doing pretty well. You were right about the people here, they're focused and helpful." Vega nodded, not at all surprised. The people of Hopetoun amazed her and she knew that they all worked harder and more than anyone she'd met before. She had no idea of the part she played in that, of course. "Nyji and Lissa have been putting together bundles," he said. Vega raised an eyebrow. "One per person, it contains everything they need." She blinked in surprise at the idea and then grinned. "I were buildin' piles of the same thing, so everyone comes gets one blanket, then goes an' gets one towel, that kind of thing. That's much better, innit?" Refed nodded. "The logistics of care, I suppose, or of running a resort." He spoke of what they were doing. "They're putting together these bundles for those who are indoors, then those on the boat, then those in the camp, if needed." Vega nodded. "That makes sense, I suppose. But shouldn't we have the bundles ready for the camp, first, so that we know they're a'right?"

Refed considered this. "It's basic survival, innit?" Vega said. "We take care of the most needy, most urgent, first." It made sense, absolutely, but then. "But we don't know how many are coming. The other two have finite numbers."

Vega shook her head. "No. We need to have a base bundle for everyone, an' then prioritise the camp first. I mean, the camp is comfortable an' they'll be warm, but we don't sort out the people in the nice warm Inn first. That isn't how survival works." He nodded. "I've been focused here. But that's more than fair enough. I'll sort it. "

Vega smiled. "Thanks. So, let's look at this place then." Vega said. They made their way inside and she looked around then, at Refed's urging, she explored the ground floor. "So, this is where the bar will go when it's an Inn?" Vega asked, and Refed nodded. "I'd like to show you where the kitchen is," he said, and Vega followed him as he led the way. "I like this space, it's good. Can we put shutters on the windows?" Refed had a small note pad with him and he frowned, just before he wrote. "We do," he said and Vega grinned slightly. "Yeah. On the outside. Can we put them inside, too?"

"Yes," Refed said, "no issue there." Vega kept looking and she made suggestions. A deeper window-sill, to allow for window-boxes where plants would grow, overhangs on door frames to minimise drafts and chills, that kind of thing. Vega was practical, but she was practical in the sort of way a person who has lived on a boat is. There were suggestions about minimising space-usage which just weren't needed and things like that but, thankfully, Rafed was able to tell the difference between useful and practical suggestions and those which, while possible, were simply not worth the time to do.

They had different types of practical, it seemed, and that meant that they worked well together. There were alteration which Vega suggested which would help, and he was glad he'd asked her to come see the place. "So," Vega asked, "what's next?" He gestured to the area they would go when they were there and said, quietly. "Stairs." That would be good, she thought, as she looked. It would help the builders who were currently using ladders and it would give a more finished sense. "It's amazin'," she said honestly. "You've done that much. It's amazin'. Thank you." He smiled. "I'll pop in again tomorrow. Have you got help from the folks from Saoire's Dream?" They were very useful, each one of them. Refed acknowledge that yes, he has. "I'll speak to Nyji about the bundles and see you tomorrow?" He asked and Vega grinned. "You betcha. Thanks, again. Really."

And with that, she left to get on with the next thing.
word count: 1108

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: [Hopetoun] The Golden Chain II: Making New Links


Player Name: Vega

Points awarded: 10 xp
Magic xp: none


Caregiving: x 2
Construction: x 2
Fieldcraft: x 2

Renown: 5
Loot: Midway through the construction of the Inn/Barracks.
Injuries/Overstepping: None
Wealth Points: None

Skill Review: All Skills used appropriately to PC's level
Notes: The stereotyping of Refed about redheads was horrible! That said maybe he's right, I don't know.

Anyway, Vega is putting her ginger energies to good use, directing the building of the barracks and camp as well as making sure that everyone has the bundle they'll need first, and shelter second. She seems to have a handle on her priorities as far as taking care of the new arrivals that are due.

Well-written and enjoy the rewards!

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding this review, feel free to PM. Enjoy your rewards!
word count: 146
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