[Saoire Event 724] Zealmas Adventure Zone!

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[Saoire Event 724] Zealmas Adventure Zone!

Saoire Zielmas 724 Event

Saoire's Gifting Adventure zone!

Welcome to the seventh annual holiday event! The Staff of Standing Trials are overjoyed to bring you this event to celebrate the various traditions around the world and we'd like to recognise the work of Nymph, Rumour, Munchkin, Pegasus, and Tio who have hosted previous events. This year, Winston, Pig Boy, and Pegasus are teaming up to organise this!

For anyone that has not already gotten the idea, this year's event will be an open adventure zone event. For a set period of time (until November 21th) signup's will be permitted for this adventure zone for threading out your personal or collective Zielmas adventures.

You do not need to have created any thread before then, only have signed up to the event.

We invite player characters (no more than 3 sign-up characters per player) to sign up for our Gifting Adventure event before November 21st. The Gifting Adventure event involves an In Character "random act of kindness" towards another PC or NPC (there are higher rewards for PC gifting).

The events of the adventure must happen over, immediately around or culminating on the Trial of Zielmas. Meaning you can write threads well in advance of the gifting trial, spanning adventures and preparations for the final gifting, but the goal is and must be to be giving for the season of Zi'da.

You may participate with up to three characters - but it is important that we know who you play, so please fill the form in carefully. You can't gift yourself things!

Using the details below, you can thread your gifting escapades and gestures of generosity and seek the rewards and acclaim that comes with them!
Off Topic
Note about Collabs vs Solos:

Collabs may follow the same rules, with two exceptions:
1) If you are gifting to another PC instead of an NPC, you will gain additional rewards!
2) If you are gifting WITH another PC Instead of facing the event solo, you will gain additional rewards!

When doing this, instead of only one encounter, navigational threat, or reward, collabs double (or triple depending on the number of players involved in the Giving).
The timeline for this is as follows:
1. You sign up here before November 21st.
2. You thread out your adventure(s).
3. Your threads must be complete before July 30th 2024, after which the event and it's Adventure Zone will be retired.

Questions? Ask them on our Saoire Holiday Event: Chat and Q&A thread!

An event medal will be issued for those who participate!

Rules & Stuff

  • For this season only (Zi'da), you may undertake one adventure in this adventure zone per PC, up to a maximum of 3 PCs. This can feature a single solo or multiple threads and/or collabs.
  • You cannot gift to your own PCs.
  • For each thread submitted to this adventure zone, you must undertake at least two threats from the lists below (you can undertake more, either in a single thread or multiple in order to enhance your rewards).
  • Taking the same threat more then once does not always earn you more rewards. Please see the rewards tab for details when considering doubling-up on your threats.
  • You may only claim your final seasonal reward once, on completion of all the threads involved. So if you decide to write a single thread, then you may submit just that one. Conversely, if you decide to write ten, all ten must be completed and submitted together in a single claim under this tracker.
  • Threads must be submitted for peer review to be put into this tracker for Seasonal Rewards, but do not need to have been rated yet.
This is a modded event and your rewards will be issued by the mod taking your thread on its conclusion, however the threads themselves can be entirely autonomous or include twists and turns from your Mod!

You may request either during sign-up or at an one point during your adventure, a singular mod-bomb. This can be for literally anything, from a 'curve ball' to a 'I think Saoire might rock up here?'... Anything will be considered, but not necessarily guaranteed.

When requesting your 'bomb' please denote the type of bomb you are after, e.g. "Flavour/Fun please", "A random challenge", "Marked by Saoire, please", etc...
Navigational Threat
How do you deliver your Gift? Or perhaps you need to travel to get it in the first place?

For added fun, challenge, and randomness, feel free to roll dice for results.

Solve your navigational challenges any way that best suit you!

Novice: Least dangerous area of adventure zone, mostly harmless challenges or problems solved by almost inconsequential application of skills or time.
Competent: Average danger areas of adventure zone, average traps, average alarms, more encounters for those who fail these navigational alarms and traps. Average barriers and obstacles that bar passage to deeper levels of the adventure zone. Average environmental hazards.
Expert: Dangerous areas of the adventure zone, loud alarms that attract many encounters when triggered, dangerous traps inflicting serious wounds, significant barriesr that bar passage to deeper levels of the adventure zone dangerous environmental hazards
Master: An oppressively deadly area of the adventure zone. Hair-trigger alarms and deadly traps.nigh insurmountable obstacles. Deadly environmental hazards.
Crafting Threat
Did you make something? How? Did things happen while you were doing it? What did you make?

For added fun, challenge, and randomness, feel free to roll dice for results. Which skills will help most depend on story and how you approach the challenges, and how well your approach matches up to the challenge.

Broadly speaking this is less about "I have Expert Woodworking so I used that... Done." and more about an interesting narrative or crafting design. Dev something unique, or create an interesting crafting narrative, this is what is being requested here.

Novice: Created a simple item of poor quality.
Competent: Created an item of average quality.
Expert: Created a complex item of good quality.
Master: Created a very complex item of masterwork quality.
GM: Created a truly unique item of masterwork quality.

In all cases, there are bonus rewards for a PSF Deved item given to another PC.
Encounter Threat
Saiore will not reward fighting! So combat encounters can happen, but do not count towards this event's rewards!

From whom or what do you get your gift from? Is there a hunt? Do you need to perform some shrewd negotiations or solve a puzzle?

For added fun, challenge, and randomness, feel free to roll dice for results. Otherwise, proceed through the encounters as you wish. Encounter threats do not have to be combat related, perhaps you find someone with a problem to solve or someone steals something from you that you want back. The key point is that it should be consequently 'risky' (risk of harm, or loss or undesirable character development/consequence).

Which skills will help most depend on story and how you approach the challenges, and how well your approach matches up to the challenge.

Novice: Mild enemies, novice combatants, trivial puzzles.
Competent: Moderate enemies/puzzles, competent combatants, enemies traveling in pairs, that are somewhat alert.
Expert: Dangerous enemies/puzzles, expert combatants, enemies traveling in small groups that are on the lookout.
Master: Deadly enemies/puzzles, master combatants, enemies traveling in large groups that are actively seeking intruders.
Writing Threats
What the heck is a 'Writing Threat'? Well... These are a list of OOC writing challenges for you to enjoy and recieve a little recognition for! Why is writing your entire post as a poem a 'threat'? Have you ever tried? That last time I did it threatened my sanity for sure! :-D

It's just a bit of fun and the idea is, you pick a writing style then write!

Write the entire thread in the style of a poem: Any style, as long as it's generally accepted to be poetry, it's all good!
The characters (all of them) exclusively speak in rhyme.
Write a thread that includes a sausage, a the phrase "never again", and a comb.
Have your PC teach a skill (minimum 5 knowledges) to another PC or NPC.
Avoid a fight (verbal or physical) with another PC or NPC at considerable personal cost.
Write a thread that includes a bucket, a badger, and a random sparkling effect.
End a post with one of the following lines:
  • "…and that's how I ended up with a pet llama in the middle of a council meeting."
  • "Little did they know, the squirrel was the real mastermind all along."
  • "And as the banana floated away, they realized they'd never get their keys back."
  • "And just like that, they realized the ‘ancient prophecy’ was actually a recipe for chocolate chip cookies."
The key point here is not to overthink it. If you fancy this, do it and it counts as one of your thread's two challenges... Otherwise, don't sweat it!

What do I do?

OK, here's a quick example of one hypothetical entry to this event:

1) Tina sign's up using the Sign-up Template in this post to this event.
2) Tina then start writing threads! They can write one thread and submit, or 5.... They settle on two.
3) Tina write thread one, deciding to choose a Competent Navigational challenge and a Narrative challenge, so they write about how they travel to a remote hut in the woods, entirely in the style of a haiku!
4) Tina submits this for review as normal...
5) Tina then write their second thread which continues on the narrative from the first and this time they choose a Master level Encounter and ask for a Mod-bomb!
6) The Mod drops in the arrival of some long lost spirit of Zielmas past gone mad and chaos ensues...
7) Tina finish their thread and submits is for review as normal.
8) Finally, Tina submits their entire series of threads to this tracker for event review, using the (Review Template from this post) and is issued lots of additional rewards for the entire collective effort. ;-)

What is a Gift?

For this season's special, we are looking for generosity and not just a gift. You should of course give a gift, if you wish, but setting up a charitable homes for the homeless for Zielmas night, or saving starving children are stories of giving that would also be not only perfectly acceptable, but lovely to see.

If you do give a gift, it should be an item, property or group of items which you either pay for with WP, already own (in your CS) or craft yourself or gain by means you are able to thread out.

But Remember!

A penny from a porper is a far greater gift than a crown from the King!

Sign-up Template

Code: Select all

[style=max-width: 490px; background-color: #228b22; padding: 30px 30px 30px 30px; margin: auto;margin-top: -20px; font-size: 13px; color: #ffffff;][googlefont=Roboto][align=justify]

[b]PC Name:[/b]

[b]Mod-bomb Requested:[/b] [Y/N]
[b]Mod-bomb Type:[/b] [e.g. "Flavour/Fun please", "High and genuine danger/risk, please", "A random challenge", "Marked by Saoire, please", etc...]

[b]Excluded PCs: [/b] Please list here all your PCs who are / might sign up, so we know. Thanks!



Yay! Rewards!

You can/will get rewards from the following list based on your entries and the threats you faced (whether to you PC IC or sanity OOC :-p)!

All submissions will receive the following in addition to the usual thread review rewards:
  • 10 XP
  • 10 Renown
  • The 2024 Gifting Event Medal
  • 20 PB for participation in a Global Seasonal Event
The following additional rewards are available based on your submission:
  • Da-Mod-Bomb Rewards:
    • Marked by Saoire: Getting this will require an extra special effort in the gifting domain, but if you wish, you can apply for these threads to form your Marking Thread for Saoire's Mark, Telka.
    • Mod-discretion: If you take and resolve a mod-bomb, then you can opt to receive a surprise reward.
    • Fun!!! There is reward in the very ability to do things that as a PC you might otherwise not inside an unmodded solo! Meet someone or something powerful, affect some consequential change. Who knows? :-D
  • Crafting Rewards:
    • Gifted to a PC: +5 renown
    • PSF Deved Gift (to a PC): Gift planner: This small notepad grants the user a bonus to the planning process involved when making a gift for someone else. Its rather quirky nature means that when abused or used for personal gain, little more then gibberish is returned, but when the spirit of giving is being embraced, the pages will take and organise the plans for any project in such a way that the time it takes for said project to complete is cut in half (this does not stack with other powers that affect project durations).

      Notes on gifts: You cannot be paid for/gain from a gift (cos then it's not a gift). You cannot give to yourself.
  • Writing Reward:
    • For one Threat: The writing challenge badge!
    • For two Threats: A surprise reward themed on the nature of the second threat taken.
  • Navigation Rewards:
    • For Competent and above Threats, you are gifted a small borble, that when hung on the doorknob of a closed door, will create a portal. The nature of the portal depends on the threat faced:
      • Novice Threat: This comes with no reward.
      • Competent Threat: The Portal goes to Saoire's Dream (as per the Favour-level Mark power School Gateway from Telka) and can be used only once a season.
      • Expert Threat: The Portal goes to any one nominated City Gate (as per the Adored-level Mark power City Gateway from Telka) and can be used only once a season.
      • Master Threat: The Portal goes to anyone you wish to give a gift to (as per the Adored-level Mark power Gifting Gateway from Telka) and can be used as often as you have selfless gifting to be done.
    • Encounter Rewards: If you include the act of deliberately avoiding violence/conflict in your thread, you recieve +5 renown in addition to the following:
      • For Competent and above Threats, you receive the following:
        • Novice Threat: One free entry for a Letter-level qualification of your choice at Saiore's Dream.
        • Competent Threat: One free entry for a Certificate-level qualification of your choice at Saiore's Dream.
        • Expert Threat: One free entry for a Diploma-level qualification of your choice at Saiore's Dream.
        • Master Threat: One free entry for a Charter-level qualification of your choice at Saiore's Dream.

Claim Template

You may only claim your final seasonal reward once, on completion of all the threads involved. So if you decide to write a single thread, then you may submit just that one. Conversely, if you decide to write ten, all ten must be completed and submitted together in a single claim under this tracker.

Threads must be submitted for peer review to be put into this tracker for Seasonal Rewards, but do not need to have been rated yet.

Please be clear about what/which rewards you feel each thread contributes to when listing them for the claim.

Code: Select all

[style=max-width: 490px; background-color: #228b22; padding: 30px 30px 30px 30px; margin: auto;margin-top: -20px; font-size: 13px; color: #ffffff;][googlefont=Roboto][align=justify]

[b]PC Name:[/b]

[b]Thread 1 Link:[/b] [link here]
[b]Thread 1 Threat:[/b] [e.g. Master Grafting & Writing ("Write a thread that includes a sausage, a the phrase "never again", and a comb.")]

[b]Thread X Link:[/b] [link here]
[b]Thread X Threats:[/b] [e.g. Master Grafting & Writing ("Write a thread that includes a sausage, a the phrase "never again", and a comb.")]

[b]Rewards being claimed:[/b] [list]
[*]Reward One

Developed by: Winston
word count: 2675


When standing at his full height, Winston towers a full 1 foot and one blueberry tall. A fact he will happily demonstrate before flicking said blue orb into the air with his nose and then eating it with a snappy grin.

His eyes are dark and sharp, ringed by dark brown fur upon the bright white fur that sets off across the rest of his face.


Winston usually carries the following on his person:
  • Cassion's Locket hangs snugly around his neck.
  • Winston's Fairy Bell hangs from his tool-belt attached to his hip. It's 'ringer' is often bound by a small piece of cloth to prevent it giving away his position while in the wilderness.
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Re: [Saoire Event 724] Zealmas Adventure Zone!

PC Name: Winston

Winston is going to bring Saoire's Zealmas to Etzos! :-D

Mod-bomb Requested: Y
Mod-bomb Type: Challenge mod-bomb along the way to declare the intervention/consequences from the NPCs of Etzos.

Excluded PCs: N/A
word count: 40


When standing at his full height, Winston towers a full 1 foot and one blueberry tall. A fact he will happily demonstrate before flicking said blue orb into the air with his nose and then eating it with a snappy grin.

His eyes are dark and sharp, ringed by dark brown fur upon the bright white fur that sets off across the rest of his face.


Winston usually carries the following on his person:
  • Cassion's Locket hangs snugly around his neck.
  • Winston's Fairy Bell hangs from his tool-belt attached to his hip. It's 'ringer' is often bound by a small piece of cloth to prevent it giving away his position while in the wilderness.
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Re: [Saoire Event 724] Zealmas Adventure Zone!

PC Name: Mädärä Kisaik Ciuruọrun sọ Kufuata Karo Kashe Däuä, Tìfmi Härumtä sọ anou Faewun Samuwar, ọbavi sọ tẹlẹ, igbaradi sọ anou tabi ọludïbọ, Saoire's chieja kẹmïkälï kukïrï, Kuzïngätïä Kore, Akoko Nọọsi, qy’akot o'Creede, ar Yeztlik'o' Nïtọsï Ẹrẹkẹ.

Mod-bomb Requested: Yes
Mod-bomb Type: High Risk/Danger please. I want Kisaik to bring Saoire the rest of her turtles she requested, once and for all in this.

Excluded PCs: Zunylanih, Cazuth (My other pcs that I think might participate)
word count: 102
Deacon Brachland
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Re: [Saoire Event 724] Zealmas Adventure Zone!

PC Name: Deacon Brachland

Premise: Deacon meets and befriends a boy in Beacon who turns out to be a Faldrass orphan like himself, though younger. The boy wishes to "spend Zielmas with Mom and Dad" somehow, even though they are both dead. Deacon looks for a way to help him.

Mod-bomb Requested: Not initially, but I might request one as the plot develops.
Mod-bomb Type: Cross that bridge when I come to it.

Excluded PCs: Oram Mednix.
word count: 79
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Re: [Saoire Event 724] Zealmas Adventure Zone!

PC Name: Elowen

Mod-bomb Requested: Yes
Mod-bomb Type: Something that combines navigational and encounter threat since Elowen will be taking those at competent level. So flavour/fun/challenging. Go crazy, through her off her balance, sweep her off her feet but have some cushions on hand in case she's going to fall on her bum.
word count: 58
Language legend: Gernevoir (Fluent), Common (Conversational)
Elowen's appearance
Petit, 153cm (5') tall 15 arc old.
Always wears a head scarf that fully covers her hair.
Comfortable, loose clothing that does not accentuate her body shape in any way.
Clothing is clearly worn and mended but does not appear scruffy.
No jewellery or other marks on her body.
Face has gentle features.
Eyes are round with blue-grey irises.
Wears a small pouch with a Sunstone and a
at her belt.
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