[Saoire Event 723] Woe to Vega

42nd of Zi'da 723

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[Saoire Event 723] Woe to Vega


Some time before The Gifting

It was the beginning of a new trial as Perdita awoke after a long night of dreams. As the world came into focus and the light around you dispelled the shadowy corners of 'the Dream', she spotted something beside her bed.

It was placed delicately atop whatever was usually beside where she slept and had a bow on top, with a little note that read...

"Me taught yuh might find dis 'elpful far de coming season. Jost make share yuh use dis far yuh gift an don't tell anyone dat dis did nat come fram yuhself. Jost fallow de instrucshuns included an de thread will glow and glimmer wid music."

Included in the box was enough of the mixture to soak a fair amount of thread and detailed instructions regarding how to soak it.
The specifics of the item above
A treatment for the silken threads that will make them respond to sound, shimmering and changing colour with the presence of music and/or singing.

This is delivered at some time that would be convenient for you and the acquisition of the gift you are giving.

I know you might have powers that might prevent people sneaking up on you etc., so please assume that this gift appears in such a way that either it a) does not trigger defences as there's no ill intent or b) only serves to wake them to see the gift (as it's not there one moment but is the next).

Gifting Trial Arrives!

In the run-up to the Gifting, one Winston Millar had all but become a recluse as he spent his trials ferreting away at the preparations for what would come. A great many trials went by as his forge was operated by Cho as the Cadouri was nowhere to be seen. "Yup, dere... Noh, jost to de right a lit... STAP!" He commanded
with an excitable energy he could barely contain.

As the gifter and giftie both passed through the doorway they chose to use to get to the Gifting, a world of enchantment was revealed as they stepped into what appeared to be the grand, stone-walled hall of a castle. A kaleidoscope of colors greeted them. The air was thick with the sweet scent of their favorite foods and the gentle melody of ethereal music played by invisible musicians.

For those able to see them, Fairies (Spirits) fluttered all around, placing decorations and plucking at musical instruments in a way that made the music feel like it was coming from the walls themselves.

The banquet hall stretched out before them, a dazzling display of festive joy. Glistening crystal chandeliers made of green and gold leaves hung from the ceiling, casting a warm, golden glow upon the room from their luminescent bulbs. The walls were adorned with tapestries depicting scenes of ancient legends and mythical creatures from Idalos and the Dreaming, making unleavable scenes of heroism and gift-giving.

A long, banquet table stood in the center, covered with a rich, emerald-green velvet cloth that cascaded to the floor. On the table, an array of dishes awaited them. Plates were made of delicate leaves, and glasses were of sparkling daffodil cups with an otherworldly iridescence. The air was filled with the tempting aroma of dishes both familiar and exotic – Plates adorned with translucent leaves held delicate confections of chocolate spun with threads of spun sugar, each bite a dance of sweetness and ethereal richness. The air wafted with the intoxicating aroma of enchanted truffles infused with the essence of star-kissed black licorice, their dark allure beckoning the most discerning palates.

The centerpiece of the feast, a velvety elixir of black tea infused with the ingredients Woe had shared with the tiny ferret during one of their first meetings.

Amidst the culinary treasures, there stood a chocolate fountain, its cascading liquid darkness illuminated by the glow of enchanted flowers that radiated warmth. The guests could dip crystallized fruit and ethereal pastries into the velvety abyss, savoring the marriage of bittersweet chocolate and the mysterious allure of licorice.

In this fantastical banquet, the flavors were a journey through realms of taste, where the mundane melted away, and every morsel was a portal to the extraordinary.

At the head of the table, a ferret known to some as Winston stood, placing some finishing touches to one of the many dishes.

"Welcome, nobal guests, tuh de Gifting!" he declared, his voice full of a thick accent of the tiny creature's upbringing. "Com-com! Com en! Feast, dance, sit or talk. Dis place es yars totrial, as we celebrate de magic that binds us all and builds relashunships new an' old trough 'giving'." He gestured to the room around them. "Once yuh are done, yuh cun return 'ome, noooh prablem. Ontil den, yuh jost let meh know ef dere es anyting me cun doh tuh 'elp."

The words were undoubtedly practiced
, but delivered with the most genuine joy and intent. He was obviously uncontainable excited to be here, but with that, without leaving the room,
Winston adeptly made himself seem politely busy as his guests meet and greet each-other without his interference

Just then, the banquet hall erupted into a symphony of laughter and giggles. The fairies (should you be able to see them) gathered around the table, watching and listening as events unfolded. The air was alive with the fluttering of wings, the tinkling of laughter, and the soft susurrations of a great many playful beings.

As all of this sunk in, a figure made themselves apparent, a very finely dressed butler of impeccable manor bowed slightly to one side. They held a tray with daffodil glasses filled with delightful nectar and bowed.
gestured towards the tray to indicate that a drink could be taken, if so desired, after which he offered to unburden their guests of their coats or cloaks.

 ! Message from: Winston
Welcome to your Saiore Gifting Event thread for 2023! :-D

How does this work? - So, this is your thread (the two of you) and you can get here via the magic portal, from where-ever you are and will be returned there once you decide to leave (unless I say otherwise! SHOCK! Secrets! AAAAAAAH!).

This thread will be eligible for both skill points and knowledge, as long as the usual review requirements are met.

It can be whatever you want, of course, but it is a modded event and so I control the surrounding and NPCs, so please don't assume control of them (unless, of course, they are yours).

You can bring anything with you that you could reasonably be assumed to carry or BE carrying and of course your gift comes with you :-)

You may bring with you any flavour NPCs if you wish, but please either avoid making these a 'mass' of actual physical people (if you have a child or someone that you really feel like bringing, please do). Diri's, Spirits, small creatures/pets on your person, etc. that usually hang around you are also all fine. A 13 foot dragonling or horse, not so much :-)

What should you do? - Please post your first post in two sections:

1) "Some time before The Gifting": A section that describes the making or acquisition of your Gift. This can be anything from "Jeoff picks up the gift he made." To a fully fledged description of the shopping/making process. This can/should be a creative and enjoyable writing experience. Write something you enjoy, in any style you enjoy, IF it's something you will enjoy! :-D

The emphasis is on FREEDOM not requirement. Don't feel required to make a lenthy section here, but certainly feel free to (rewards will be issued for creative or well crafted gift sections).

2) "Gifting Trial Arrives!": Post your arrival! If you post first, you are there first. If you post second, you can assume you spot your companion on entering and respond to anything they provide for you in their first post.

3) When you have completed this thread, please place it up for review as normal. Once it’s been reviewed, post here to claim your event medal!

  • As already noted, this is a modded thread so please play/post with that in mind. Winston himself is not here to feature greatly in the thread (this is YOUR thread, not mine) but please feel free to interact freely with him, of course.
  • I will, as a mod, be running this thread beside operating Winston.
  • There is no PC posting order. Feel free to post in whatever order between yourselves and change that as you see fit.
  • Please don't double-post. Post once, then wait for me to reply, then you may post again.
  • ALWAYS feel free to DM me if you want something to happen outside these rules or the thread's current direction.
  • The buffet is tailored for you! Unless otherwise stated, please feel free to assume you find things your character likes and so describe them!
  • Have fun!
  • Posting cycle: This is not hard timeline for posting. I will monitor progress and reply to posts as and when replies are completed.
word count: 1536


When standing at his full height, Winston towers a full 1 foot and one blueberry tall. A fact he will happily demonstrate before flicking said blue orb into the air with his nose and then eating it with a snappy grin.

His eyes are dark and sharp, ringed by dark brown fur upon the bright white fur that sets off across the rest of his face.


Winston usually carries the following on his person:
  • Cassion's Locket hangs snugly around his neck.
  • Winston's Fairy Bell hangs from his tool-belt attached to his hip. It's 'ringer' is often bound by a small piece of cloth to prevent it giving away his position while in the wilderness.
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Re: [Saoire Event 723] Woe to Vega


Before the Gifting

The dreams came to Woe early in Vhalar, sometime before he left on his travels to the south of Scalvoris. Which was fortuitous, as he’d not yet sought out a capable weaver to make the gift he had in mind.

He had the lunar silk, of course, which he’d acquired from a trader visiting Egilrun. And the rest of the material was easy to acquire, as were the vouchers for resources to improve the overall function and quality of Sweetsong’s ships, Vega’s family ships specifically.

He’d scouted somewhat surreptitiously before to check on the boats, just to see that he had the information he needed for them. Even crept aboard them in the cloak of shadow so no one would take note of his presence, to see if there was anything he could overlook from a simple glance from the outside.

Having sized the ships up, he knew exactly how much it would cost to improve them. He sent the commission to Whitbloom, who would furnish him with documents accepting the alterations to be made, to the degree that Vega herself and her family would decide.

But for now, a weaver.

He found one at the Stitch and Mend. There he commissioned a set of sails for Vega’s own personal ship, whether she had one. If not, she could always use them on any larger ship, or smaller if that was her preference, with fewer of the sails utilized.

The minor sails were made of thick and sturdy white silk that seems to fade in shade with the darkness of night, but showing little stitched stars of lunar silk embroidery upon them, mimicking the night sky at night, but showing as natural white during the day. The Main Sail was emblazoned with embroidered tapestry in lunar silk, in full color, with a sigil that to Woe's mind represented what Sweetsong was all about. Whether Vega would agree with it was another matter.

Upon the main sail, a specially designed sigil was stitched upon a field of white above, as the other sails, and cloth of gold below, representing soil. A flaming heart was set beneath the golden soil as a seed, with gouts of fiery color stretching out above the line between gold and white, each as if they were a branch, though they shone like fire of gold and oranges and reds. Each branch contained a motif that represented each of the Induks of Scalvoris, Soul-Forged Scaltoth in the form of a verdant green gem, Ice-Forged Ishallr in the form of a frozen spider, Fire-Forged Faldrass in the form of a shining campfire, and finally Song-Forged Sweetsong in the form of a fiddle.

Having gathered those sails and the vouchers at least, he placed them inside his dimensional coffers, given to him by Sombran’s mark. Undoubtedly the coffer made it easy to transport commodities and merchandise. It also worked for gifts, as it happened.

Day of the Gifting:

The day for the gifting came, and Woe arrived punctually, his dimensional chest trailing behind him with all the contents that were mentioned. Carried begrudgingly by
and with enthusiasm by
Radburn Salvatore
, it contained the gifts for Vega.

His outfit was an old one, but saved for special occasions. A navy velvet surcoat covers Woe well below his knees, trimmed around the collar and neckline with ermine, with silver buttons fastening the surcoat's front seam. Gloves of velvet, starched around the longish cuffs, are threaded with silver cloth. Breeches of black leather, boots of black leather are worn beneath the surcoat. A belt and baldric with silver buckles cinched the surcoat at the waist.

Woe arrived somewhat shyly, a lititle overwhelmed by the bombastic nature of Winston. He wasn’t very comfortable being referred to as noble, but then he took the sentiment for its feeling and less the true meaning of the word, as it applied to Woe.

Still, he cold admire a practiced pitch, and Winston gave it with convincing enthusiasm.

Woe didn’t wear a cloak, in truth because he didn’t really fear the cold in normal circumstances. And hadn’t planned on needing it for cover here either.

There, he waited at the table, covering his brow against the scrutiny of the horde of fairies who were all laughing and giggling. He did wonder when Vega would arrive, as he was looking forward to seeing her reaction to the special sails he’d had crafted for her.
, the diri of shadow perched upon Woe's shoulder looked this way and that, as if trying to confirm if every detail was indeed real. And Woe wasn't sure what to think as the bird spirit confirmed that they were indeed all real decorations and fairies.
, meanwhile, sat with his haunches at the side of Woe, drinking in his distress to deafen it slightly.
, for his part hide behind the collar of Woe's jacket.

word count: 837
Words Like Violence, Break the Silence


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Re: [Saoire Event 723] Woe to Vega


Vega found this part of the gifting a little awkward, to say the least. After all, this was someone giving her a gift and she potentially didn't know them. She assumed that they'd been given information on her, if they didn't know each other, and she was sure that the gift would be lovely - whether it was or not, she'd be grateful for it. But, perhaps surprisingly to those who knew her a little or knew her by reputation, Vega found receiving a gift from a stranger to be something that was a little uncomfortable.

So, when she walked through the door on that trial, her face lit in a very genuine smile as she saw Woe and Winston there. "Hello you two," Vega said with a grin. She knew Winston well, of course and there, sitting with him was Woe. "Nice to see you, Winston. Woe." She gave a slight, crooked grin. "I'm righ' pleased to see you both.... all." Glancing around she saw that Woe had come with quite a few folks, of varying sizes and shapes and she smiled.

Vega made sure to fuss the dog, very happy to do so. Her emotions were positive, Vega tended to wear her heart on her sleeve.

So, she sat down and she looked at what was on offer at the table. "How have you two been, then? Winston, I swear, I don't know how you're managin' to manage all this stuff. Saoire must be well chuffed with you. You doin' a'right?" It was a big job and Vega was sure to check in on Winston - he was just the type of ferret to over-do things and exhaust himself, she knew. "An' how's Chest? Please, send him my best - is he about?"

Then, she turned to Woe and her smile was as genuine as when she spoke to Winston. "An' how're you? It's righ' nice to see ya. An' nice that we've been paired up for this. I hope I'm not too awkward a recipient." She considered that at least he knew her - she'd had someone she'd never met who was newly returned from the dead as her recipient. That had been interesting. Still, she asked because it was polite and - more than any other reason - because she was interested to know the answers.

"So, how are the two of you? What news?" She saw the chest, of course, which presumably contained her gift and Vega grinned, unable to help her excitement. "You know, I love this holiday, an' I'm right pleased that it's us celebratin' this bit of it together." It was true and so, she said it.

Then, she waited to hear the answers from the men-folk who were here and tried not to let her excitement and anticipation show too much, though it shone through her expression and in the speedy swirling of the colours of her eyes.
word count: 500

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: [Saoire Event 723] Woe to Vega


Winston considered that Woe looked good in his navy suit as he settled into the room. "A little colour suits you Mr Woe Sir." He said with a smile as he offered each of his companions a little something to satisfy their desires/domains, should they wish to partake in anything.

He chuckled when Vega enquired as to his time and Saoire, smiling brightly. "Oh, me doin' very well, tanks! Sarry far nat being around Stweesang moch recently." He gestured at their surroundings, knowing that Woe knew all to well the many things he had been squirreling away on outside of these preparations. A part of him felt a lital guilty about NOT tellin' Vega about the ships for Saoire, but a much larger part knew that she would understand entirely. She knew, of course, that Saoire was providing ships for the pirate situation, but as few people as possible knew that Winston was the one arranging this for her. "Saoire gifted tuh me de great and most delightful onna af doin' dis... Hehe, bot between os, et 'as been quite de mishun, bot as lang as me es workin' towards dis, me neva tire." He was not being clearly metaphorical or practical in this statement, but certainly appeared happy and energised.

He giggled when she asked about Chest however. "Oh! 'e es very moch about." His smile was now a little sly as the room with only one closed door and no windows seemed to shift slightly, almost imperceivable, as if 'getting comfortable'. "Chest says hi. Dem es providing all dis space far os. Really, dem se soch a cleva one! Dem es very glad tuh see yuh."

As Woe and Vega caught up a little, Winston got some drinks for them all, something that would please them both, nothing that would test their nerves any more then they were already. "Oh yuh know, same old, same old. Cookin' new tings, makin' rainbow pellets, building flying armor, yuh know, de usual." He grinned, wondering which would peak her interest most. "'ow es Joy's wind-chime comin' alang?"
Winston's meagar woodwork skills were nothing compared to Vega's, but he'd very much enjoyed helping Joy work on her crafts around the campfire whenever he got the chance.

Deciding that Woe needed a little encouragement to continue to broaden his wardrobe, he passed a complimentary comment towards the man with a charismatic smile. "Don't yuh tink Mr Woe Sir luks gud en blue, by de way?"

The fairies fluttered around as they sat, stood, spoke and partook of the feast. The festive nature of the gifting was something they appeared to enjoy very much.

 ! Message from: Winston
Yay! Nice posts guys! Please feel free to continue to post and mark up knowledges in your next post.

Please feel free to interact, or not, with the fairies as you see fit, they are as likely to watch in quiet anticipation as they are to play little pranks.

Also, the buffet has been described based on your favourite foods, but please feel free to find anything your PC would find most delightful on this trial.

  • As already noted, this is a modded thread so please play/post with that in mind. Winston himself is not here to feature greatly in the thread (this is YOUR thread, not mine) but please feel free to interact freely with him, of course.
  • I will, as a mod, be running this thread beside operating Winston.
  • There is no PC posting order. Feel free to post in whatever order between yourselves and change that as you see fit.
  • Please don't double-post. Post once, then wait for me to reply, then you may post again.
  • ALWAYS feel free to DM me if you want something to happen outside these rules or the thread's current direction.
  • The buffet is tailored for you! Unless otherwise stated, please feel free to assume you find things your character likes and so describe them!
  • Have fun!
  • Posting cycle: This is not hard timeline for posting. I will monitor progress and reply to posts as and when replies are completed.
word count: 692


When standing at his full height, Winston towers a full 1 foot and one blueberry tall. A fact he will happily demonstrate before flicking said blue orb into the air with his nose and then eating it with a snappy grin.

His eyes are dark and sharp, ringed by dark brown fur upon the bright white fur that sets off across the rest of his face.


Winston usually carries the following on his person:
  • Cassion's Locket hangs snugly around his neck.
  • Winston's Fairy Bell hangs from his tool-belt attached to his hip. It's 'ringer' is often bound by a small piece of cloth to prevent it giving away his position while in the wilderness.
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Re: [Saoire Event 723] Woe to Vega


Breen, as well as a few others of Woe's diris, Egil, Sot, Apples, and so on, were offered treats to suit their domains by Winston and his helpers. Breen sniffed at a little biscuit, coated with sadly drooping frosting that appeared to have been haphazardly slathered over it. Of course, Winston was a master cook as Woe knew, so this was arguably intentional, but it had the effect of bringing Breen's mood up, along with the fussing by Vega over the spirit dog.

Breen whined in bitter happiness at Vega's fussing, and rubbed his wet nose against her hands as he munched the 'sad biscuit'.

Egil was provided with plenty of crackers. Perhaps it was his strange preference for appearing mundane all the time, but his choice of cuisine was relatively mundane for a spirit. Apples for his part was given a little live roach, suspended in candy cage. Apples jumped on the thing, and began draining it immediately.

As for Calixia, Calixia refused any such offers of snacks, "No thanks, I'm watching my figure."

Radburn, however, was happily munching on small bits of golden-flecked bird seeds, which appeared on the ground.

Sot appeared for a moment, and began munching on the small fruits and grapes and berries that were on offer. "Hmmm, don't mind if I..."

He had a handful of grapes, methodically placing them one after the other into his mouth, "I do."

Once the spirits were fed, or not as the case may be, Woe settled down a bit.

"I'm doing well, thank you, Vega. How are you? And Joy has a project? I'd like to see it when it's done." The chest was set down on the table by Calixia and Radburn, and Woe said to Vega, "As for what I've been up to, I brought you a little gift. I hope you like it, but it comes in several parts."

"Feel free to open it." If she did, or if she waited, was up to her. If she opened it, she'd see the finely woven silk sails with the special embroidery. Wrapped up in it all, also was a voucher to have her own family ships, the two owned by her brothers and herself, shored up to masterwork quality by Whitbloom in Egilrun.

Whether she did or not, also, Woe would continue, "It's been a busy cycle, but I thought, "Ziel would be pleased, I think, to know that his season is full of such events."

"But while we're here, I had another thing to offer you Vega. A glimpse into the future if you would. You don't have to accept it obviously, but perhaps you'd like a heads up, instead of being continually surprised by things that happen? Ziel gives me the ability to see into an individual's future." Woe reached out a hand if she accepted, otherwise it'd grasp his drinking glass, containing the hot lemon liquor he enjoyed.

"Winston, you've done well with this drink? How is it possible you've improved upon it?" The mortalborn shot the comment at the ferret.
He'll be commissioning an upgrade of her two ships in Sweetsong. From Average Quality tier 6 ships, to Masterwork Quality. I believe the difference between average and masterwork is 4 wp each. So that'll be 8 wp spent (which I'll deduct when it gets underway). Also Woe will be having special silk sails made for the ships, which are decorative and emblazoned with a designed flag representing the founding of Sweetsong, at least in how Woe views it.

Description: The minor sails were made of thick and sturdy white silk that seems to fade in shade with the darkness of night, but showing little stitched stars of lunar silk embroidery upon them, mimicking the night sky at night, but showing as natural white during the day. The Main Sail was emblazoned with embroidered tapestry in lunar silk, in full color, with a sigil that to Woe's mind represented what Sweetsong was all about. Whether Vega would agree with it was another matter.

Upon the main sail, a specially designed sigil was stitched upon a field of white above, as the other sails, and cloth of gold below, representing soil. A flaming heart was set beneath the golden soil as a seed, with gouts of fiery color stretching out above the line between gold and white, each as if they were a branch, though they shone like fire of gold and oranges and reds. Each branch contained a motif that represented each of the Induks of Scalvoris, Soul-Forged Scaltoth in the form of a verdant green gem, Ice-Forged Ishallr in the form of a frozen spider, Fire-Forged Faldrass in the form of a shining campfire, and finally Song-Forged Sweetsong in the form of a fiddle.
word count: 820
Words Like Violence, Break the Silence


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Re: [Saoire Event 723] Woe to Vega


"Oh, we're in Chest?!," Vega said, very obviously delighted at that prospect. "I'm real glad you're well, Chest. Make sure that this one don't do so much he over does it, won't you?" as she spoke, Vega couldn't help but consider that she was, quite genuinely, happy.

"Joy's wind-chime is comin' on great," Vega said. Her daughter enjoyed it, very much. To Woe, though - and specifically, Winston's appraisal of his dress code, Vega nodded. "Colour looks good on you, an' that one suits you, " she said, honestly. "Lookin' swish an' feelin' fancy. An' Joy would be well delighted to show you, she's well proud of it." she grinned.

When Woe offered her gift, Vega grinned and spoke her genuine thanks before opening it. However, once she had opened it, she looked up again. "These are beautiful, Woe. Really beautiful. They're jus' like perfect for Sweetsong. " Her fingers traced the designs and she whispered the things she saw - and in doing so it would be clear that his vision and hers were entirely aligned.

Her eyes swirled colours as she spoke her thanks again and then he offered to tell her future? Vega considered it for a moment. It was her instinct to say no - because Vega was a soul who very much lived in the now. The past was a lesson learnt and the future a promise as yet unkept as far as she was concern. However, she considered, knowing about it would change nothing for her, so she nodded.

"That sounds fun" she said. Thank you, Woe"and she put her hand in his. "As long as it don't tire you out or anythin'." Her delight at the sails was very obvious and she kept them close by, looking at them and examining the diagram on them - obvious pleasure on her face as she did. However, when he started the future-telling, she turned her full attention to him.

word count: 332

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: [Saoire Event 723] Woe to Vega


OOC Note
I rolled for the future result, feel free to play with it as you wish. I rolled according to this system i made myself based on real bone rolling.
"Don't mention it." Woe said to her thanks. "While I know Sweetsong has no shortage of ships, doubtless it can make use of a couple more, perhaps for trade purposees."

Woe smiled thinly, and then took her hand as she'd accepted his offer to give her a glimpse of the future, or at least to tell her of what might be in store. He held her hand with one touch, and visions filtered in that were somewhat murkey and unclear. They tended to be this way ordinarily. Sometimes it took time for the fog to clear the way for visions, and sometimes he only got bare hints. In either event, he managed to glean some of what was happening.

Vega was shouting at someone, unsurprisingly, but there was something different about this vision. Woe found it difficult to make out who she was shouting at, and couldn't for the life of him identify them as anyone he'd heard of or known. It was odd, Woe thought he had a good bead on most of the important people and their connections, yet this one eluded him.

He rolled the bones, hoping they would yield clearer information. "Mandible bone suggests a social event, or some sort of social interaction? I think it might be both, as often is the case of social events leading to more of the interactions." Woe rolled his eyes at himself, and continued with another roll, for fortune. This didn't bode well, and the number came low. "This suggests that it is a loss, or not a pleasant event, or revelation as a result of this social interaction. You are shouting at someone, but there's a release of all affection for this person. You're finding out who they really are."

Woe frowned, and rolled for the situational bones again. This time the toe bone came up, suggesting a meditative state. "This is a toe bone, suggesting a thoughtful reflection related to the former event. However, the middling roll of fortune's bones suggest it's neither a gain nor a loss. You have nothing to glean from this loss of imagined friendship. They never really were a friend, or perhaps not a very good one."

Woe closed his eyes, frowning, trying to see the person he was hearing Vega shout at. But the fog claimed the vision just as it'd rolled back to reveal it, and his mind was emptied of all foretelling. "I'm sorry it was so vague. But now you might know to expect such a falling out, let me know later if it really happens." Woe smiled at her. "I'd like to know who this mysterious non-friend is. It might be important. You'll likely experience this event within the next cycle."

He turned to Winston, and smiled at his other friend. "Say Winston, how would you like me to roll the bones for you? I can tell your future perhaps?"
word count: 527
Words Like Violence, Break the Silence


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Re: [Saoire Event 723] Woe to Vega


"Oh, me cannot take de credit far de liqure. Me cun cook, bot tuh date, brewing 'as alluded meh, but dat wus sourced fram Rharne. Dem specialise in soch tings, bot yuh probably already know dis." He explained merrilly when Woe complimented him on the lemon drink.

When Vega spoke to Chest, the chandelier seems to jingle a little. It was a pleasant sound, though exactly what it meant might have been open to interpretation. As she agreed with Winston's apprasal of Woe's attire he nodded sagely at the man, convinced that it should become a new signature colour for the chap.

Then came future telling and the ferret watched with baited breath, not even sure whether he himself would reap the benefit of the experience or if it would be a personal matter between them both. It didn't bother him which, but if it were something more public, he was not going to miss it for not having been looking!

Whether they took notice of not, a circle for little fairies appeared around them as they performed the ritual. They were semi-corporeal and placing bets... "Two drops of nectar her future of klampy. She's got hot hair. Klampy and hot hair go hand-in-wing."

"Oh! I'll take that!" ... "And me! and me!"

"THREE drops and a plumping noodle he deflapinates during the attempt."


They all turned to watch eagerly for whatever happened next.

"OH! The Mandible? Ohhh, not good news. No, not good at all. You remember that other one that got a Mandible?"

"You mean that edible man?"

"The one that got eaten?"


"Uh-oh! All bets are final!"

"A toe bone?! TOE! That's no bad, right. Toe is a very sturdy result. You can stand on a toe... apparently."

"Nah, no-legged pete didn't have toes and he always said his wings ached."


"So that means she's going to get achy wings?" Queried the curious fairy as they crained the neck to try and see Vega's wings.

"It's a fact. She terminal. Good as humpanickled."

The whole circle slowly and a little pityingly shook their heads in unison.

When Woe made the offer to the ferret he smiled and shook his head. "Noh tanks chief. Me already know me gonna be Saiore's first ferret and live happily eva afta." He shrugged. "Everyting else are surprise ingredients tuh be savad." The prediction he'd just witnessed was so vague as to be almost entirely applicable to anyone, but just on the off-chance his was sharper and more clear, he didn't really fancy the spoilers.

"Oh! OOOOoooh! Let me do one for you! Let-me-pleeeeease!" Cried one of the fairies to Woe. "The last one I did can totally 100% true and it only took three arcs to get the stains out of the ceiling!"

The fairy bobbed about infront of them, pleading at Woe for consent.
 ! Message from: Winston
Yay! Nice posts guys! Please feel free to continue to post and mark up knowledges in your next post, but please note the posting sequence is now Vega, Woe and then myself again. Please don't double-post :-)

Please feel free to interact, or not, with the fairies as you see fit. You have been propositioned by one such fairy. Please feel free to take control of this Fairy, name them if you please and create a suitably fairy-themed prediction for either just Woe or them both! :-D

Also, the buffet has been described based on your favourite foods, but please feel free to find anything your PC would find most delightful on this trial.

  • As already noted, this is a modded thread so please play/post with that in mind. Winston himself is not here to feature greatly in the thread (this is YOUR thread, not mine) but please feel free to interact freely with him, of course.
  • I will, as a mod, be running this thread beside operating Winston.
  • Please don't double-post. Post once, then wait for me to reply, then you may post again.
  • ALWAYS feel free to DM me if you want something to happen outside these rules or the thread's current direction.
  • The buffet is tailored for you! Unless otherwise stated, please feel free to assume you find things your character likes and so describe them!
  • Have fun!
  • Posting cycle: This is not hard timeline for posting. I will monitor progress and reply to posts as and when replies are completed.
word count: 766


When standing at his full height, Winston towers a full 1 foot and one blueberry tall. A fact he will happily demonstrate before flicking said blue orb into the air with his nose and then eating it with a snappy grin.

His eyes are dark and sharp, ringed by dark brown fur upon the bright white fur that sets off across the rest of his face.


Winston usually carries the following on his person:
  • Cassion's Locket hangs snugly around his neck.
  • Winston's Fairy Bell hangs from his tool-belt attached to his hip. It's 'ringer' is often bound by a small piece of cloth to prevent it giving away his position while in the wilderness.
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Re: [Saoire Event 723] Woe to Vega


Vega listened to Woe's fortune as he rolled the bones for her and she paid close attention to his words. Lose a friend who wasn't a friend and shouting? One eyebrow raised. "Well, that's a righ' bundle of misery that is,," Vega said with a grin. "An' it's not really seein' the future to say that I'm goin' to shout. It's more like predictin' the sun rises. But, if an' when it happens, I'll thump them extra hard an' say 'that one's for Woe', a'right?" Vega smiled as she said it. It wasn't that she didn't believe it, after all. No, it was just that she really didn't care what the prediction was - the future wasn't hers to see until it was there and then, at that point, she'd be dealing with it as it was.

"Do a lot of people go in for this?" Vega asked, curiously. "I wonder what it is about their righ' now what makes them wonder about their future," she ruminated. Vega had a peculiar kind of philosophical mind and she thought about things a lot. This was the kind of thing that interested her. As the Champion of the Immortal of hope she supposed that she was focused on the future - but no in terms of what happened to her , more in terms of how she dealt with it.

Or something.

"Ah' knickers, I'm goin' to be stuck with serious thoughts all trial now," she said. Her grin suggested otherwise.

As Winston laid out his plans for the future, Vega gave a slight nod. It sounded good to her. She was quite sure that he would see the future he was suggesting and she appreciated his hopefulness.

"I don't rightly know what Klampy is," she said to the fairies. "But I promise ya, no humpernickelin' here." She also didn't know what being humpernickled was, but that one she was at least sure was a bad thing. She grinned. "So tell us, then, both o' you," Vega's gaze went to both Winston and Woe. "Never mind what the bones say or don't - what's your hope for the comin' arc?"

Because, after all, hope was what she was really interested in.

word count: 385

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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