On a certain day in Zi'da of the 722nd arc, Saoire was preparing another get together to facilitate the sharing of gifts through special doorways assigned to that purpose. It would begin a few days before the appointed hour of the gifting. They'd find a note some days earlier, tucked into the top of a doorway in their own home, detailing who their intended recipient of their gift was, with clues to what they might like.
Then a date for which the gifting would take place. So the appointed gifter would know by when they could have their intended's gift ready, however they wished to come by it. On the 42nd, the very same doorway they'd found the note in would open up into an idyllic realm of Saoire's Dream. The doorway became a portal into her realm, the birthplace of the Cadouri and the place where many of Saoire's own personal gifts were made. For this purpose, the Realm would serve as a hosting ground for the gifter and their intended, and was tailored to such a purpose as that. Especially suited to either recipient, so that the place would be appropriate to their identity and interests.
And as they were asked to have a gift prepared, they were assured they too would in turn receive a gift all their own. Through the very same doorway as they received their instructions, on the 42nd of Zi'Da, it would open up into the realm of Saoire's Dream where two would meet. One gifter, one intended.
Perdita would need only knock twice on the doorway from which she’d received her instructions, and Elisabeth the same when ready to give and receive the gift, respectively. Once this was done, the doorway would open up into what looked like a large gallery, full of special artwork gathered from around the world of Idalos. Works from places far and wide had been gathered, and were there for them to peruse.
Into the spaces between these works, if they ventured further, a small monkey cadouri greeted them, dressed in a finely tailored suit. He bowed before them, and seemed quite proud of the collection he’d gathered for Saoire around Idalos.
“Welcome! Saoire’s Greetings to you both. I’m Dexter Sinisthorpe. Perdita has a gift for you Elisabeth! Please while you acquaint yourselves and share in the gift that Perdita has on offer, there are refreshments to enjoy.” Waving a hand in the direction of a bunch of foods, mostly dried jerky and pastries, as well as some coffee, Dexter smiled at them both.
“I will be here to answer any questions you have, but for now, please enjoy the surroundings and if you wish to speak on the provenance of any of these artworks, I will be on hand to answer! Enjoy! And when you’re ready to return, I will pop you off on a portal to go your way!”
That said, the cadouri, Dexter Sinisthorpe, would be available to them to chat with and discuss most anything they wished, and to be on hand to facilitate the festivities as well as their return.
Off Topic
Welcome to your Saoire Event 722 Thread! This thread will be eligible for both skill points and knowledge, as long as the usual review requirements are met.
At the end of the thread, all pcs will be given gateways to return to where they were. Literally and exactly where they were. Feel free to start your posts with where you were and what you were doing when the first gateway appeared.
Gifters, please assume that the gift you are given has been transported and is in the vicinity as you step out of the gateway. You may play the offered cadouri as NPCs throughout this thread. If you ask specific questions, feel free to PM Peg, Avalon or Pig Boy (whomever posted this thread,) but largely the NPC(s) is/are provided for flavor.
When you have completed the thread, please place it up for review as normal. Once it’s been reviewed, post here to claim your event medal!