[Saoire Event] Seira and Elisabeth

25th of Zi'da 720

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[Saoire Event] Seira and Elisabeth

25th Trial of Zi'da in Arc 720

"It's time," Saoire said, looking at the small individual with her. They had been preparing for this for a long time - earlier, Saoire had been with them all, the group of her closest, and they had put together the final preparations. The night before, in her workshop, Saoire had told them how tonight they would travel all across Idalos bringing small gifts and good cheer. Children throughout the land had awoken this morning to find trinkets and tchotchkes, gifts given which brought smiles to young faces.

That had been last night. This trial, though, they were bringing together people who Saoire had selected. Individuals who were prepared to give to another - who had taken her prompting, in dreams and visions, and had moved forward - acted - to prepare a gift. And, for the first time, her children would be there when the gifts were exchanged. It was a privilege, and they all knew it. To be there, to witness the giving of a gift by a kind soul.

This was one such soul.

The magic which Saoire wove was more complex, more nuanced than many could understand. Indeed, it would seem that perhaps she had roped Ralaith in to this event - or maybe this was part of her own purview. It wasn't clear, but what was obvious was that these events took place in the literal blink of an eye. Seira was going about their daily business, as was Elisabeth when they heard the gentle tinkling of a bell. As their ears heard the sound, not yet sure whether it was indeed a bell or in fact the tinkling laughter of a sprite or fairy, they were suddenly somewhere else.

Seira and Elisabeth found themselves standing on a beach, the snow touching everything around aside from the golden sands. Standing with them was a woman, wearing a beautiful crown of pine cones, glitter, and many small and intricate baubles. She wore a blue and gold dress with baubles and sequins over the shoulders, and even her hair shimmered with glitter. She smiled at the two of them.

"I bid you welcome!" They knew who she was, somehow, even before she spoke the next words, "I am Saoire, and this is my very dear friend.". She gestured to a five-foot-tall dog, a similar breed to a Golden Retriever, standing up with a small grin who stepped out from behind Saoire.

"Well woof me sideways, it's a pleasure to meet you. Dared is my name!", said the small individual. Looking around with wide eyes, the small bipedal dog considered that he had a long journey ahead of them.

"We are here," Saoire said, her voice gentle and bubbling with mirth and joy, "Because Seira has a gift for you Elisabeth". She gestured around, as though the gift was nearby. Which, Seira would see, it was. "I will leave you, now, to give your gift, but Dared will stay with you, and when you are ready to go back to your lives, will facilitate that."

And, with the sound of a wave crashing against the shore, Saoire was gone. The small creature with them smiled.

Welcome to your Saoire Event 720 Thread!
This thread is for Seira to give a gift to Elisabeth.
The thread is Face to Face and so will be eligible for both skill points and knowledge, as long as the usual review requirements are met. At the end of the thread, both pc's will be returned to where they were. Literally and exactly where they were. Feel free to start your posts with where you were and what you were doing.
You may play Dared as an NPC throughout this thread. If you ask specific questions, feel free to PM Peg or Munch, but largely the NPC will not be giving anything away.

When you have completed the thread, please post here to claim your medals!
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Re: [Saoire Event] Seira and Elisabeth


Both the Elder flower, and the elderberry can be used in a variety of herbal remedies. They can be used both as a preventative to strengthen the body and shorten the duration of a cold. They can also be used to treat the symptoms of a cold or flu, though the berries tend to be more effective against the flu than the flowers are. Elder flowers and elderberries can be used to treat asthma, and some allergies as well. They are good for lowering fevers. And they can be used to cause the body to sweat our liquids and eliminate metabolic waste. They can also be used as a laxative to help with constipation.

When used topically, they can reduce pain and swelling in joints caused by some forms of arthritis as well as to stop bleeding. This herb can be made into a gargle or mouthwash that will help relieve the pain of a toothache. When made into a tea, it has a calming effect. This means that it can be used to help reduce stress. Elder flowers and elderberries are a gentle herb that is safe to give to children. And since both the flowers, and the berries have a sweet flavor, this herb is often a preferred remedy for the ailments it can treat.

Seira paused in her reading long enough to stand and stretch her muscles so that they wouldn't cramp up on her. Then she settled back down to take notes on what she had just read.

"Are you reading the book that Doctor Aldrebran asked us to study before our next session in the infirmary?" Seri asked curiously.

Seira nodded. Seri sat next to her so that she could read too. As they got back to work, Seira began to hum softly. Doing so helped her to focus better, and she really wanted to learn this.

Eucalyptus is an herb that can be used in a variety of remedies. It is effective for treating a number of respiratory problems including colds, coughs, runny noses, sore throats, asthma, nasal congestion, bronchitis, and sinus problems. Eucalyptus is especially good for asthma. When used as an essential oil, massaging a few drops of the oil onto the patient's chest, and the soothing effect of the aroma and vapors will calm the throat and dilate the blood vessels. This will allow more air into the lungs and make breathing easier.

Eucalyptus oil has a a cooling and refreshing effect. It is a stimulant, so breathing in the scent of eucalyptus can remove exhaustion and mental sluggishness as well as rejuvenating the spirits of those who are sick. It can also help to relieve stress. Massaging eucalyptus oil on the surface of the skin in a circular motion will help to relieve joint and muscle pain and stress. Eucalyptus essential oil is also very effective against cavities, dental plaque, gingivitis and other dental infections. Eucalyptus oil is also used for treating fevers, and reducing body temperature. Another common name for it is “fever oil” for this reason. It works especially well when combined with peppermint oil, and sprayed on the patient's body as a mixture of a deodorant and a temperature reducer.

Eucalyptus can also be used for healing wounds, ulcers, burns, cuts, abrasions and sores. When used as a salve, it is also good for treating insect bites and stings. In addition to soothing the affected area, it also protects the open wound or irritated area from developing infections from exposure to the air.

The herb has qualities that makes it a bug repellent. It can also be used as a treatment for getting rid of lice. When used topically, it is good for treating skin infections, and increasing blood circulation. It makes a good room freshener, especially in a medical clinic or hospital because it kills germs that can cause dangerous infections. Eucalyptus oil has a pleasant aroma, so it is often used in soaps.

Seira remembered that the infirmary often smelled like something fresh, and she wondered if the people who worked there were using eucalyptus as a room freshener in order to kill germs. The two girls quickly jotted down some notes before returning to their studying.

Sage is a seasoning that is often used in cooking, but it can also be used in herbal remedies. It can be used to treat sore throats, coughs, fevers, and sinus congestion. As a gargle, it is good for gingivitis and sore gums. When used topically, it can help to eliminate body odor, and ease muscle aches, as well as the itch of insect bites. Pregnant women and nursing mothers should not use this herb because it can dry up their milk. But when it comes time to wean a child, even this can be a benefit as it helps to deal with the ache of breasts when they are full of milk. Older women can use it to help with relieving hot flashes, and women with heavy menstrual cycles can use it to slow heavy menstrual bleeding.

Seira paused to take some more notes. When she finished doing so, she began to sing what she had just written. By putting the information she wanted to learn into a song, it was easier for her to remember. Seri stared at her for a long moment, but after a while, she got Seira's hang drum, and began to play while Seira sang. At first, she just sang the words she had written down, but after a while, she began to create silly "teaching" songs out of the knowledge she was trying to learn rather than simply singing her notes word for word. It was a lot of fun, and more importantly, it helped Seira to really get a grasp on the information she had just read. Before long, Seri was singing too, and it became a bonding experience for the twins as well as a study session.

One moment, Seira was studying and singing with her twin sister. In the next, she heard the gentle tinkling of a bell. Seira fell silent as she listened to the sound, and tried to figure out what had made it. Then all of a sudden, she was standing on a beautiful beach. Snow covered everything except for the golden sand that she stood on. Confused, she whirled around, searching for her twin. There was no sign of her anywhere, but there were two other people with her, one of which she recognized as Saoire. As soon as she saw Saoire, the rising fear she felt quickly died.

As Seira began to relax, she took in the beauty of the place that she found herself in. She had never been anywhere even remotely like it. Saoire welcomed her and the other woman before introducing them to a friend of hers. That friend was a five foot tall golden retriever who introduced himself as Dared. Seira stared at him for a few bits in surprise before she was quickly distracted from the shock of meeting a talking bipedal dog when Saoire explained that they were there because she had a gift to give the other woman, who was apparently called Elisabeth.

Saoire gestured as she spoke, and as she did so, Seira could see that yes, the gifts she had gotten the strange urge to buy were in fact laying in the sand nearby. There was one giant box that would be quite heavy if Elisabeth were to try and pick it up. The other was a smaller box The lid had holes in it that were too small to see through. Holes that looked suspiciously like air holes. And anyone thinking that that was what they were might have their suspicions confirmed when the box began to rock back and forth in the sand.

"So you're the person that I was buying these gifts for?" Seira asked curiously.

"Well...I only bought what is in the larger box. I found the other one. I hope that you like them." Seira said sincerely.

Seira watched the rocking box for a few trills before turning back to Elisabeth.

"You might want to open that one first." Seira said with a smile as she gestured at the box that was rocking back and forth.

The larger box is a large wooden crate containing two somewhat smaller boxes, one of which is long and narrow. All three are wrapped with blue wrapping paper and have purple bows. The long narrow box contains a masterwork + quality longsword made out of Adamantite. The second box within the crate contains a masterwork + quality set of tier 8 armor armor. One of the two ingots that went into its making is Malorite and the other is Tienite. In the smaller box, Elisabeth will find a Nekosani kitten

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Re: [Saoire Event] Seira and Elisabeth


Having just finished up some training at Storm’s Edge, Elisabeth was on her way back to her room. It had been a long, long trial and she was exhausted. It had been a hard trial for her and all she wanted to do was go back to the quiet of her room and get some sleep. Even having her friends around just wasn’t cutting through the melancholy this time. Everyone was busy preparing and tensions were rising. The holiday season usually brought joy to people but considering the serious predicament Rharne was in, that joy seemed to be tempered.

Shutting her door, Elisabeth dropped her weapon and bag into a chair and collapsed on the bed. Why was the glum hitting her so hard on that particular trial? Elisabeth had her suspicions but was trying not to think about it. Being separated from those she cared about was difficult but necessary. Thinking back to the time before Rharne, she had been so used to doing everything for herself, by herself. It had made her strong and self-reliant. She hadn’t even been a bit lonely. People had been a distraction and something she was better off without.

And then Rharne. And then relationships. People she cared about. Would do anything for. Connections. Were they the weaknesses she had always thought them to be? Elisabeth would contend that they weren’t weaknesses, but strengths…. but they did leave one open and vulnerable. Relationships, of any sort, allowed an opening an enemy could use. She couldn’t bear that happening nor would she stand for it, so she had to be stronger and faster to best protect those important to her.

Difficult times were coming to Rharne.

Striping off her armor, Elisabeth slipped into some comfortable clothing and laid down on her bed again. The sun was setting and while most were off in the dining hall, all she wanted to do was sleep. The nightmares were still there…but sometimes, he was too.

Before she could slip into slumber, she heard a faint bell ringing. What was that? It wasn’t a sound she had ever heard before at the fortress and piqued her interest. Sliding out of bed, she was on the way to the door when the world around her changed. No longer in her room, but now a beach, Elisabeth glanced around to find that she wasn’t alone.

What the….

The surprise of meeting Saoire was on par with the equal shock of a talking dog. Maybe she was in a dream after all? If so, this was the oddest one she had ever been in. As well as the Immortal and Dared, there was another girl there. She was smaller, almost child-like but something told Elisabeth that perhaps she wasn’t as young as she appeared to be. There was something familiar about her that took a moment to place. “Apparently I am…. but I know you from someplace. I just can’t…wait. You were at the Mummer’s Ball! I saw you with Vivian, Vega, and Varlum - wow, that’s a lot of V-names – at the Ball, right?” The Mummer’s Ball had been…. something else, but it wasn’t the right time to talk about that.

Apparently, the girl’s name was Seira and she had a gift for her. As she pointed the boxes out, Elisabeth walked over to where they sat, sinking down to the sand. It was such a curious thing to be given gifts by a stranger, but Elisabeth felt her mood lifting a bit.

The smaller, wiggling box was first, as instructed. Upon opening it, Elisabeth gasped as a beautiful male kitten bounded into her lap! “Ohhhhhhhh…. what are you, little one? You are perfect!” The kitten, tired of being bound up in the box, decided that climbing up onto her shoulder was the perfect plan. Sharp little kitten claws, all the way up her body, but she didn’t care. He perched expectantly on her shoulder as if waiting for her open the rest of her gifts. “Okay, okay…I get the hint.”

The other boxes were heavier but once she opened them, a brilliant smile slipped free. The sword was nothing short of gorgeous and armor, exquisite. How had Seira known and given her the most perfect presents?

Turning to look at her, all she could do was smile. “Thank you, Seira. Truly. This trial, wasn’t easy for me. I wanted to forget about it. But you have given me three beautiful gifts and they could not have been any more perfect. A companion for the lonely trials and two things I desperately needed.” To be truthful, she had been worried about her lack of proper armor and weapon but the solution had come to her as a holiday miracle and more importantly, allowed her a bit of peace.

Taking the sword out to admire it, a thought came to the dark-haired warrior.

“Seira, I would be honored if you would name the sword. It’s a tradition for fighters to name certain weapons. I honestly am not sure why, but I think it would be very fitting since you gifted this beauty to me, that you name it. “

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Re: [Saoire Event] Seira and Elisabeth


Seira smiled as she watched Elisabeth open the smaller box, and discover the kitten.

"I found him and his sisters with their mother out in the Stormlands when my sister and I were on our way back to Storm's Edge after returning to Rharne at the request of some of the healers there." she explained.

"I don't know if someone just abandoned them out there, or if they were born out there...but I think it must have been the former because they weren't afraid of my sister and I at all." she added a few trills later.

"Just promise me that you will give him a good home, okay? No cat ever deserves to be abandoned out in the wilderness like he and his family were, and I want him to be safe and loved from now on. If you're ever at Storm's Edge, maybe we could meet again, and let the kittens play together? My sister and I are keeping his mother and sisters."

Seira watched while Elisabeth opened the rest of her presents, and smiled when the older woman thanked her.

"I'm glad you like them." she said sincerely.

At the time, she had wondered about the strange urge that had made her buy the expensive sword and armor...especially when she very much hoped that she would never need such things herself. But seeing how much Elisabeth enjoyed her presents, Seira was glad that she had given in to the urge to buy them. It felt good to make someone happy the way her gifts had made Elizabeth happy. And when had mentioned having had a bad trial, and desperately needing the sword and armor, it made her feel something warm and fuzzy deep inside. It was a very nice feeling, and it reinforced Seira's desire to help the Knights in some way. And to help others in general, for that matter.

When Elisabeth told Seira about the tradition of naming weapons, and suggest that Seira be the one to name Elisabeth's new sword, it threw Seira a bit. More than a bit, really. She had no idea what a good name for a sword would be...or even what kind of names were suitable for a sword. As Seira thought about it, Blood Drinker came to mind, since that was what a sword did...sort of. But the name was dismissed as quickly as it was thought up. Seira was not a violent person by nature. She hated the thought of hurting anyone, and while she would defend herself and her loved ones if necessary...she very much hoped that it would never be necessary.

So what would be a good name for a sword, then? Seira thought about her mother, and what she did. She also thought about her aunt, and uncle, Vega, and Varlum. They were Knights too. Knights. Warriors. Protectors. The people she cared about fought to protect others...and that was a good use for a sword in Seira's opinion.

"What about...Justice? Or maybe Peace Keeper?" she asked hesitantly.

Neither name seemed outwardly fitting for a sword given that a sword was a weapon that was used to take lives, not to protect them per say. But they still felt like good names to Seira, and she wanted to explain her choices if she could.

"A sword is a weapon, and is meant for killing people. There's no getting around that. But...in my opinion, at least...a sword should be used to defend others. I thought of Justice because a sword can be used to stop those who would harm the innocent...and failing that, it can seek justice for the innocents who were harmed if it is wielded by the right person." she said slowly.

"Likewise, a sword can be used to help keep the peace by stopping those who would threaten it. At least...that the way that I see it. Are either of those names any good?" she asked hopefully.

While she was waiting for an answer, she glanced at the kitten that was sitting on Elisabeth's shoulder.

"What will you name your kitten?" she asked curiously.

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Re: [Saoire Event] Seira and Elisabeth


Elisabeth listened as her new friend told her the story of how she came upon the animals. Rescued from the Stormlands. “Storm’s Edge? Of course. I stay out there often while training. Perhaps he can come stay with you during the times I’m busy so he can see his family. I enjoy the thought of that. I promise I will take very good care of him.”

Their conversation took a bit of a turn to the gifts and the name of Elisabeth’s new sword. Seira had some lovely ideas for her to consider. Looking at the sword, she thought about what such a sword might do. She certainly wanted to protect people. She didn’t want to start wars and peace was always the preferred outcome. But the more she thought about it, the more she leaned towards one name.

Justice. However, she was going to give it a twist.

“Iustitia. Justice in the Ancient Language. Thank you Seria. That was a lovely suggestion. I wouldn’t have thought of that on my own. I like how you explained it. I have no desire to start battles but I’m all for protecting those that can’t protect themselves."

So many beautiful gifts. She didn’t know how to properly thank the young woman. It truly meant the world to her in light of the season. It reminded her that no matter how dark things were, there was always hope – as long as one wanted to see it.

Seira asked about what she would name the cat. Turning her head to consider the kitten on her shoulder, she smiled softly and thought about the story again. They found him…in the Stormlands. The name was simple. “Storm, I think. I’ll have to research into his breed so I know exactly how to take care of him best.” Elisabeth had never had an animal before although she knew the basics.

She had to confess; she was curious about her new friend. Unable to coral her curiosity, she continued the conversation. “So, what do your sister and you do with your trials? I would love to spend some time with you two sometrial. We could take a walk, or I could take you to the Institute where I work for a look around.“ The young woman was never opposed to making more friends.
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Re: [Saoire Event] Seira and Elisabeth


When Elisabeth mentioned that she came to Storm's Edge for training sometimes and that the kittens might be able to see each other during those times, Seira grinned.

"I'd like that, and I think that they would too. You mentioned training...are you a Knight?" she asked curiously.

She hesitated before continuing.

"My sister and I were initiates once...but that didn't work out well for us." she said after a while.

The topic turned to the name of the sword, and Seira was happy that Elisabeth liked her suggestion.

"Iustitia...that's a pretty word. You said it means justice in the Ancient language? What's that? I've never heard of the Ancient language before."

Weren't all languages ancient to some degree? She didn't know that much about languages but she vaguely remembered that languages...all languages...had been around for a really long time. Whether it was long enough for them to be considered "ancient," she wasn't sure. Languages were of some interest to her, mostly because knowing more than one might be useful in helping the Knights in some way.

Seira smiled when Elisabeth told her that she was going to name the kitten Storm.

"That's a good name for him."

When she mentioned research to learn how to take care of him properly, Seira nodded.

"One thing you will find is that cats know what they want. And they have no problem letting you know what that is. My sister and I have had a cat ever since we were kids. One adopted us when she was a kitten, and she's been with us ever since. Ryu is pretty old now, though."

The topic changed again, and Seira took a few trills to figure out how to answer the question.

"Seriel and I have been helping the healers at Storm's Edge. Or...well...trying to help them at least. We don't know very much yet, but we're learning as quickly as we can. We may not be Knight Initiates anymore, but that doesn't mean that we don't want to help the Knights anymore. That's all we've ever wanted to do, really. Ever since we came here to Rharne. That's why we joined the Knights with the aim to become Support Branch Knights once we passed out initiation. Our mother is a Knight, so helping them means helping her. And that...that is really important to us. But we want to do more than just healing people. Don't get me wrong. Healers are very important people. But we want to be able to help in all kinds of ways. Like finding a way to use herbs as a weapon, for example. Imagine being able to carry a packet or a ball filled with herbs that you could throw at an enemy and have it explode all over them. One that when they breathed in the powdered herbs, they would be sneezing so hard that they couldn't fight at all. Or what if we could find a way to make fireproof armor? That would be a huge help against these pumpernickel flame creatures. That's the kind of stuff that we want to learn how to do. Learning how to heal people is only a small part of it...but it is a very important part."

Seira smiled at the offer of a tour of the Institute.

"A walk would be nice. So would a tour of the Institute." she said with a smile.

"Maybe we could train together sometime too? Seiriel and I...we aren't fighters, and we never will be. But that doesn't mean that we shouldn't learn how to defend ourselves anyway. We'd rather not fight if we can afford it, but that doesn't mean that there won't be times when there's no other choice."

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Re: [Saoire Event] Seira and Elisabeth


Elisabeth smiled as Seira asked her about her presence at Storm’s Edge, shaking her head. “Not a Knight, no. I’m just working and training with them at the moment, trying to help out where I can.” Seira explained, hesitatingly, about being initiates. The young woman has spent enough time at the fortress to know what initiates were and could hazard an educated guess as to the pause. “I think, truly, everyone can contribute something valuable…and sometimes that path isn't immediately clear. Some people have to try things on to see what fits, like clothing a bit.” The comment was offered, hopefully, to ease Seira’s mind. Elisabeth knew something about changing paths…

The topic switched to the sword and questions about the Ancient Language. Smiling, she answered. “Ancient Language is one that is used by Immortals. I have some skill in it but I’m not fluent at all. I just think it’s a pretty language. I like languages and learning about the places they come from.”

They talked about the kitten and cats in general but somehow the topic circled back around to Storm’s Edge. Elisabeth listened carefully as she explained what her and her sister were doing there. She was surprised at the girl’s thinking process. As someone that never stopped thinking herself, she appreciated the complexities of Seira’s mind. Nodding her approval, she smiled. “And I think you two should keep it up. Sounds like you have some amazing goals and keen minds to achieve them. Don’t ever let anyone dissuade you of that. If you are passionate about it, keep at it.”

Mentioning training, Elisabeth nodded again. “I would be happy to show you a few things to defend yourself. I have no experience as a teacher, but I think you’ve proven you have a sharp mind and pick-up things quickly. We will find some time, now that I know where to find you.”

Sighing, Elisabeth decided that it was probably time to go. She enjoyed talking to the other young woman, but the truth was, there would be more conversations. They were often in the same place, so the encounter wasn’t goodbye. “Thank you for the exquisite presents, Seira. They all mean the world to me. One trial, I’ll make sure return the generosity in kind, I promise.”

Rising, she offered a hug to the young woman and nodded to Dared, indicating that she was ready to return to her life.

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Re: [Saoire Event] Seira and Elisabeth


Seira considered Elisabeth's words carefully when she spoke of paths not being clear. Trying things on to see what fits like one would try on a new outfit seemed strange to her, but she nodded anyway. It was worth thinking about, and she would talk to Seri about it when she saw her twin again. The older woman spoke with hope in her voice, and Seira couldn't help but to feel some of that hope as well.

When the topic changed to the language Elisabeth had gotten the name for her sword from, Seira's eyes widened. The Immortals had a language all of their own? It made sense really. Many of the different races did, after all. Seira had learned that much in school. So why wouldn't the Immortals have their own language too?

"If it has words like Iustitia in it, then it must be a very pretty language." Seira said with a smile.

If Elisabeth had learned it, then it must be possible for other mortals to learn it as well. Seira promised herself that she would try and find a way to learn it when she had the chance.

The topic changed again, and Elisabeth agreed to show her a few things she could learn to be better able to defend herself. Seira smiled again as she thanked the woman. Elisabeth seemed like she was very nice, and Seira hoped that they could meet again soon.

"I would like that a lot." she said softly.

When Elisabeth promised to repay her generosity, Seira shook her head.

"You don't have to do that. I'm just glad that you like them. And that Storm will have a good home."

Seira looked startled at the offer of a hug, but she accepted it gladly, and if Elisabeth would allow it, she would return it with equal measure. Then she too asked Dared if he would send her back home. She had a lot that she wanted to talk to Seri about.

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Re: [Saoire Event] Seira and Elisabeth

Thread Comments:

This is my first contact in any capacity with a Saoire Event, so it has been a learning experience. Thankfully, you two made it a rewarding and pleasant one.

I enjoyed the interactions between these two. I liked that both of you established where you were (mentally and emotionally as well as physically) before you got summoned to the beach. It gave your subsequent reactions context. Seira and Elisabeth both adjusted well to the unexpected change to their circumstances, and they seemed to take to each other. I hope they remain friends!

The two of you trying to come up with a name for the sword was a nice bit of character revelation for both of you.

Experience: +15 xp


Medicine: uses for elder flowers and elderberries
Medicine: elder flowers and elderberries are safe to use on children
Medicine: elder flowers and elderberries have a sweet taste, making them a popular remedy that most people will take willingly
Medicine: uses for eucalyptus
Medicine: uses for sage
Medicine: pregnant women and nursing mothers should not use this herb because it can dry up their milk
Singing: putting something to music can help you remember it better
Singing: singing while you work can help you to focus on your task better
ETA: Singing x 1

Skillplay: Approriate to level.


I hope you remembered to put airholes in Storm’s box! :p

Having Seira and her sister reading, and then Seira making songs as an aid to memory was a creative way to bring skills into what was on surface a purely social thread. Seira composing songs about gingivitis and heavy menstrual bleeding was not something I had expected to read, and that’s a good thing!

I was a little surprised that someone who apparently does a lot of reading hasn’t heard of the Ancient Language; however, Seira’s reaction to hearing about it was a good read.

My one quibble about the writing: there was a spot or two where you wrote “Seira” when I think you meant either “Seiri” or “Saoire”, which made the dialog a bit confusing in spots, making it sound like Seira was talking to herself. That’s an easy pit to fall into when one has multiple characters with similar names, so keep an eye out on that in the future.

But that’s just a quibble. Thank you for writing this thread!

One more thing: You wrote 4 posts to the collab, so you could request on additional knowledge if you wished. PM me if you do and I’ll amend the rewards.

ETA: added Singing x 1 to your knowledges as per your request.

Experience: +15 xp

Knowledge: No knowledges requested (!)

Masterwork + quality longsword made out of Adamantite
Masterwork + quality set of tier 8 armor. One of the two ingots that went into its making is Malorite and the other is Tienite.
Nekosani kitten

Skillplay: Approriate to level.



It seems Elisabeth got some great gifts, and really appreciated them. Offering to let Seira name the sword was a good gesture, and it launched some interesting dialog. You were both vague on what the sword and armor were like, possibly by design, and that’s fine; I’m sure that you’ll flesh them out more in your CS.

I enjoyed reading how Elisabeth is adjusting to developing meaningful connections and commitments in life, and the tension this creates with her independence and thirst for adventure. And the juxtaposed talk of cats and swords brought out both Elisabeth’s nurturing and her protective side. I feel like I know a lot more about Elisabeth after having read this thread. I hope that her new connections with her kitten and with Seira develop into something meaningful!
Let me know if either of you have any questions/feedback. Enjoy your rewards!
word count: 644
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