[Saoire Event 720] Woe and Balthazar

25th of Zi'da 720

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[Saoire Event 720] Woe and Balthazar

25th Trial of Zi'da in Arc 720

"It's time," Saoire said, looking at the small individual with her. They had been preparing for this for a long time - earlier, Saoire had been with them all, the group of her closest, and they had put together the final preparations. The night before, in her workshop, Saoire had told them how tonight they would travel all across Idalos bringing small gifts and good cheer. Children throughout the land had awoken this morning to find trinkets and tchotchkes, gifts given which brought smiles to young faces.

That had been last night. This trial, though, they were bringing together people who Saoire had selected. Individuals who were prepared to give to another - who had taken her prompting, in dreams and visions, and had moved forward - acted - to prepare a gift. And, for the first time, her children would be there when the gifts were exchanged. It was a privilege, and they all knew it. To be there, to witness the giving of a gift by a kind soul.

This was one such soul.

The magic which Saoire wove was more complex, more nuanced than many could understand. Indeed, it would seem that perhaps she had roped Ralaith in to this event - or maybe this was part of her own purview. It wasn't clear, but what was obvious was that these events took place in the literal blink of an eye. Woe was going about their daily business, as was Balthazar when they heard the gentle tinkling of a bell. As their ears heard the sound, not yet sure whether it was indeed a bell or in fact the tinkling laughter of a sprite or fairy, they were suddenly somewhere else.

Woe and Balthazar found themselves sitting at a table in in a very cosy restaurant. Snow fell outside the tall windows through which they could see the ocean and, on the table at which they sat was a feast. Standing next to them was a woman, wearing a beautiful crown of pine cones, glitter, and many small and intricate baubles. She wore a long red dress and even her hair shimmered with glitter. She smiled at the two of them.

"I bid you welcome!" They knew who she was, somehow, even before she spoke the next words, "I am Saoire, and this is my very dear friend.". She gestured to a small humanoid creature, with black fur where his hair should be and dark eyes, who stepped out from behind Saoire.

"Hail fellows and well met to thee!!", said the small individual. Looking around with wide eyes, the small bipedal otter considered that soon, he’d be going on a journey to a place, just like this.

"We are here," Saoire said, her voice gentle and bubbling with mirth and joy, "Because Woe has a gift for you Balthazar". She gestured around, as though the gift was nearby. Which,Woe would see, it was. "I will leave you, now, to give your gift, but Barlay here will stay with you, and when you are ready to go back to your lives, will facilitate that."

And, with the sound of a wave crashing against the shore, Saoire was gone. The small creature with them smiled.

Welcome to your Saoire Event 720 Thread!
This thread is for Woe to give a gift to Balth.
The thread is Face to Face and so will be eligible for both skill points and knowledge, as long as the usual review requirements are met. At the end of the thread, both pc's will be returned to where they were. Literally and exactly where they were. Feel free to start your posts with where you were and what you were doing.
You may play Barlay as an NPC throughout this thread. If you ask specific questions, feel free to PM Peg or Munch, but largely the NPC will not be giving anything away.

When you have completed the thread, please post here to claim your medals!
word count: 669
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Re: [Saoire Event 720] Woe and Balthazar


Woe wasn't very busy when it came time for him to be swept away to Saoire's Dream. He was sitting in his private quarters in his townhouse in the Gleam, considering his next move. He knew well enough that he'd be going to the Wounded Stage with Augusta, but there were concerns parallel to that. Things he wished to accomplish in arriving there, and wheels in motion. He knew enough about the play to know it revolved around the acts of the players involved in the Assault against Quacia, where the Creep had laid waste to large swathes of the city. Woe had a representation on the stage, as did his wayward initiate, Vito, and of course Balthazar, the Yari Mercenary that Woe had enlisted for the fight against the unstoppable enemy.

Now, Woe was set to reunite with his former comrade. This was a strange bit of serendipity. For their paths to converge in such a way. One almost wondered if Fate would have it be so? Nevertheless, Woe was given some idea as to what Balthazar might want from the Dream. And so he had endeavored to acquire something along those lines.

Woe nodded to Saoire and Barlay, then to Balthazar himself, "Well met Bombeiro, it's been some time since we've met." The nickname he'd given him was actually the name of the character representing Balthazar in the upcoming play. Woe smiled thinly at Balthazar, "That's the name they gave you in the play they made, in our honor in Quacia. You're damned near a celebrity there now."

Woe remembered his gift for Balthazar, but was hesitating before giving his gift. He didn't want to tip his hand just yet. "It seems apropos that I should be giving you yet another gift. Consider this belated payment for helping us to secure the preservation of Quacia for another generation."

Woe gestured toward a small envelope, that laid on the table, wrapped expertly in shiny paper and ribbon. He waited for Balthazar to take it, and then would watch as he opened the letter.

Inside, he would find the following:
A build order/grant for a basement laboratory and receipt for 2 Masterwork+ Skill Kits (Alchemy/Research, respectively)


A voucher for a basement laboratory, small arcane practice room, and study, to be built beneath one property that Balthazar owns.

The Laboratory consists of a huge room, with proper and state of the art ventilation systems in place to keep the noxious fumes from accumulating within the house. Several alchemical tables replete with storage units, and also a forge and smelter for the dissolution of various metals and other materials. There's a cistern in the center of the lab, for the collection of clean water. An alchemical skill kit is included, (masterwork+).

In the second room, the study, an average-sized room that is nonetheless stacked to the walls with bookshelves. Several rare tomes are included (Masterwork+ research skill kit) as well as many common ones, stationery, and a desk are provided. There's also a comfortable bed for late-night study sessions.

In a hidden, stone door leading from the study, is a small arcane study, where Balthazar can practice his low-level magic in peace, and also a summoning circle for the purposes of Rupturing and Dreamwalking rituals.

There's an option to tear down the access at any point to this basement for those who lack some form of teleportation. So that muggles (Non-Rupturers and Non-dreamwalkers) cannot disturb Balthazar while he's at work.
word count: 598
Words Like Violence, Break the Silence


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Re: [Saoire Event 720] Woe and Balthazar

25 Zi'da 720
Twice in one trial, the mage had been taken from what he was doing and brought somewhere unfamiliar. Any other trial it would have been a shocking and befuddling experience but Balthazar was getting used to be whisked away by powerful beings. Would it hurt one of them to at least get him a meal first next time? While he had been fighting in the Decked Hall's the first time he was whisked away that trial, he had been at his home talking with Nimue and Fuego the second time. They were debating what course of action he should take now that he'd returned to Scalvoris. He was there, he could serve the Elements again, and part of him wanted to... but part of him thought it was time to move on. Maybe it was the Rupturing spark in him, pushing his urge to travel. Maybe it was his Defiance spark, pushing his urge to burn the wicked across the world. He doubted it was his Attunement spark. That one seemed content to let him do what he wanted so long as he attuned to things. His transmutation spark... well that one was too young for him to think it had any real say in his decision making.

Nimue supported the idea of leaving. Fuego did not. How could Fuego support it? The diri was of Faldrass. It had been bound to Balthazar so that he could protect Scalvoris and serving in the Elements seemed to be the most clear path to doing that... but seeing the factions in Rharne had begun to convince Balthazar otherwise. When it came down to it there were more people helping to stop the Flameborn in Rharne than there were Lightning Knights. When Balthazar went to relief efforts for the eruption, he saw the same types of people helping out- without badges.

Perhaps, just maybe, he could find a way to unite these people. The Order did good work for those in need of healing but what about those in need of protection? He was no healer. He could not lead healers. He was a warrior and would lead warriors. He was bound by an oath that convinced him he had the means to know right from wrong... but none of the conversation he was having with Nimue and Fuego mattered in light of what had just happened to him.

He was sitting at a table in a rather cozy restaurant with an old friend across the table from him. Woe? Balthazar's eyes lit up at the sight of the companion he hadn't seen since the war in Quacia. Balthazar had heard troubling things about Woe but a sense of relief washed over him as he saw his old friend sitting beside him. Friend. In some ways Balthazar thought of Woe more as a rival. It was hard to consider someone who gained joy by putting you in pain a friend but something about the pain Woe put him through the pain was incredibly educational.

"Saoire, good to see you again." Balthazar said in a somewhat passive tone after the mysterious woman made a similar introduction to the one she had earlier that trial. The small figure that accompanied her was different that the one from before, prompting a strange look from the mage. He didn't know why he thought her having a new friend was strange in light of the fact that the entire setting of this meeting was different, but he did. "Hello, Barlay." Balthazar thought about attuning to the strange creature, thinking it different than the last, but he decided not to. Woe deserved more focus than he'd given the man who he gave his gift too.

But then he turned his attention to Woe, the man deserving of it the most. He listened to his friend's greeting and smirked slightly. The sword had been one of the greatest gifts he'd ever been given. The metal was invaluable to his new magic and the opportunity to learn to wield a sword had made him much more effective in battle against the monsters he faced. Yet it had been more of a payment than a gift. Woe called him Bombeiro and Balthazar's brow arched curiously for a trill before Woe explained what was going on in Quacia. A play about the assault? "A play? Have you seen it? Are you going to?" He seemed more interested in this than he should have because the last play he had seen had been surprisingly pleasant. However his questions had a little purpose behind them. If he knew when Woe was going to see the play, he would know when to project his senses to Woe's location to watch the play. Bombeiro. He liked it. He hadn't really used a bomb, but he still liked it. "If that is the case, maybe I'll have to visit again." Balthazar said in regards to the news about practically being a celebrity there. He felt like, at the end of the trial, he could have done more for Quacia as well if he had not been bound to Scalvoris. If he was free to travel at his whim, he would be able to help in so many more places.

Then came the introduction of the gift. Woe said what Balthazar had thought and the mage instinctively looked to his hip where his sword would normally have been resting but he did not have it on him when he was taken. He really liked that sword. Belated payment seemed unnecessary given his fondness for the blade but Balthazar took the envelope in hand all the same. As he began to open the letter, his Attunement spark reached out and soothed his Rupturing spark. The etheric cracks over his eyes and hands began to fade until there was nothing but a glow like that from a candlelight emanating from his eyes. No point in a letter if he could not read it. As his glowing eyes moved down the paper, they seemed to grow wider and wider in a sort of shock that Balthazar had not felt for a long time. It was more than surprise. This was... this was something he didn't expect Woe to know he'd wanted.

He did not speak much of Xanax. He did not speak much of his youth. He did not like to. However he could not deny that his past had influenced the man he became. Xanax had a laboratory like this in his home. Above ground, not nearly as nice, but similar. A lot of thoughts rushed thought his head. This was too much. He felt bad to think what it must have cost his friend. He felt bad that he had nothing to give Woe in return. If he had been wearing any weapon, aside from the sword, he would have given it to Woe. In Yaralon that meant more than what Balthazar was thinking but he felt he owed Woe something. A visit at least. Shock settled into surprise, surprise into a smile, and then the mage looked from the letter to the mortalborn.

"Thank you, really. This is..." And he'd run out of words to say. "I will put this to good use. When I have, I'll bring you something to repay you for this."
word count: 1236

Visible Mutations/ Marks

Defiance: Skin always glows faintly and he is warm to the touch. His is also the center of a field of static electricity so people get shocked touching him on occasion.
Rupturing: Orange etheric cracks spider-web up his arms to his elbows. His eyes and the glowing cracks going down his cheeks glow dark blue.
Transmutation: He has a series of emerald, glowing cracks on his right pectoral.
Bellinos: His fingernails are always black. The color fades into his fingers.
Celarion: A dim glowing ring surrounds his left forearm.
Palenon: A silver lightning shaped mark about the size of a hand stretching up towards his torso.


  • Oops, Oops, Ouch: Balthazar Black has twenty scars across his back from a lashing as well as scars on his hands and arms from jagged rocks on Faldrass. There are two scars on the sides of his abdomen from being stabbed and a slash across his back which blends in with the whip scars.
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Re: [Saoire Event 720] Woe and Balthazar


As far as the Saoire phenomenon was concerned, Woe had little knowledge or even hopeful inclination that he’d be the recipient of a gift. It had only been his to anticipate the giving of something, and he’d spared few expenses to that end. Especially given the knowledge of who would be receiving his gift. If anyone deserved a reward it was Balthazar, for all the heroic things he’d done. The fact that it was none other than Balthazar who would be receiving his own gift was a bit of serendipity, and perhaps that was what brought them together in Saoire’s realm.

Of course, Woe wasn’t entirely learned of the conflict in Rharne, or whether Balthazar had any hand in it, although it wouldn’t have surprised him to learn of such. He knew well enough that Vega was involved, as her fame followed wherever she went. One only needed ears and willingness to listen to hear of certain rumors. Knowing how Balthazar tended to jump from city to city… It stood to reason that he probably was investigating that situation. Afterall, where there was power to be investigated and hoarded and unraveled, he could certainly see the opportunistic master mage inserting himself.

Woe thought for a moment to invite Balthazar to the Assembly of the Abyss. However with the untimely absence and distance of its leader, Llyr, he thought better of it. It’d be better to wait until such a time as Llyr was able to introduce Balthazar to it, and resume his leadership role of that organization. As it was, Woe wasn’t sure the point of the Assembly anymore. He only knew that if the organization began ramping up again, Balthazar would surely come as a valuable asset and accessory. Just as he was musing on these thoughts, Breen materialized at Woe’s side, and began whining.

”Master, is that Bombeiro?” He asked telepathically to the torturer.

”Yes, you remember him from our trip to the mountain, yes?” Woe laid a hand down on Breen’s head, and he absorbed some of the sadness that pervaded his master’s being. Then, Woe gestured for Breen to go and meet with Balthazar again. The dog strolled up to him, his trademark limp marking his sadness as he went over to see the Mage. Breen laid his hand down on the mage’s lap, and then whined loudly as if he wanted pets.

As for what Woe thought of Balthazar, and how they related to each other… Friends, they were in short supply, and Woe didn’t know how many he could count on his side. He knew only family, Labrae, and the family he was trying to build for himself with Toutouye, Iago, and Augusta, that had yet to come to fruition. Sintra he counted out of it. His mother, as much as he longed for his existence to matter to her beyond that of a chess piece to be played, she would never be quite family. She was an Immortal, and as such stuck in her ways, seeing things with greater vision that came with a longer life and even longer life expectancy.

Woe quirked an eyebrow when Balthazar greeted Saoire, as if he’d met her before. Woe would’ve asked if they had, in fact, met, but that would’ve been daft. Of course they’d met, as his greeting attested. Woe followed Balthazar’s eyes to the Cadouri, and nodded at Barlay as the mage greeted him. For a few moments, he considered the anthropomorphic otter, before turning back to the mage.

When Baltahzar asked about the play, Woe smirked, but shook his head, ”Not yet. I’m going to see it with a young lady in a few tentrials, I have a date with her for opening night. You could probably catch the show yourself, if you had time in your schedule.” Woe sighed, ”Her mother is starring as Duchess Callisto, and she’s told me a bit about the production ahead of its release, you see. The character representing me is called Tristem, or Sad in Vahanic. You are Bombeiro, or Fireman. And Vito is Vivo, or Alive in Vahanic. It sounds very interesting, from what I heard… But I suppose I’ll see soon if it lives up to the hype.”

Then it came time for Balthazar to unravel the envelope that held his ‘gift’. He didn’t know what to expect of Balthazar, when he discovered what Woe wanted to give him. Many possibilities ran through his mind, but he always knew Balthazar to be a passionate man, and one who felt strongly about things. Unlike himself, whose waters tended to run deeply as the other man’s, yet without the same heat.

”I hope you can make good use of it. Do you have a location in mind to establish it?” Woe asked curiously, but then dismissed his own question as irrelevant. It was none of his business what happened to the gift once it was out of his hands.

Woe tapped his hands against the surface of the table for a few moments, and then, once Balthazar had exhausted his efforts to express his gratitude, nodded to the other man. ”I’m afraid I must leave you now, but if you want to stay in touch, I have something else for you.”

So saying, Woe slid an echo scroll over toward Balthazar. It was in a good wooden case, to keep it from getting damaged by the elements and inclement weather. Ready for travelling. ”Part of a set of two, I have the other one, so you can write me when the mood strikes you, and it will be received immediately upon its writing.”

“But now… I must get back to work in Quacia. Much is afoot, and I need to prepare lest my plans slip through my fingers.”

So saying, Woe nodded to Barlay, and with that, he would be sent back to Quacia.
word count: 1002
Words Like Violence, Break the Silence


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Re: [Saoire Event 720] Woe and Balthazar

25 Zi'da 720
Ah Breen! It was good to see the spirit still accompanied Woe but Breen's arrival didn't seem to prompt any response from Fuego who was sitting beneath Balthazar's chair watching Woe's feet. There was sadness to be sapped from the mage but it was not at the forefront of his mind, especially not now that he was receiving a gift. All the same when the hound came to him and pawed at his lap, Balthazar gave it a pat on the side and a short rub on the head. He didn't say anything to the spirit though, he just pet it and kept his attention on Woe who deserved it most. Woe spoke of the play about them and Balthazar listened closely. He never thought himself the prideful type but he certainly was. He took pride in his successes and so his failures hurt all the more.

He thought about what Woe said- trying to catch the show himself, but he did not think he would have the time with everything else going on. He was due to begin a long journey back to Scalvoris through a dangerous land. He would have to train Elisabeth in Defiance. He would have to settle his affairs with the Elements, one way or another. He would have to get Yeva back to Faldrass, clean a house that Isabella likely did not take good care of, and now find a place to build a lab. He wanted to see the play but he did not know if he would have the time to do it. He would have to find a way to get one of the scripts. That would be enough.

"You're going on a date?" There was some surprise in Balthazar's voice but he quickly dismissed the question much like Woe had dismissed his question about where the lair would be constructed. Balthazar had some ideas. He liked Rharne. He like Scalvoris. He liked Yaralaon. Yet all three of those places had the same problem. Bad thing seemed to happen frequently. So he needed somewhere secluded, somewhere secure. Based on the letter, he would have a space to prepare dreamwalking rituals so he would have the ability to make an access point into and out of the Untold. He needed to start leaving brands on more objects and less people. He needed to think more with his brain and less with his heart. Items. Items could be moved if he changed his mind, a brand on a place could not.

The mortalborn began to make his departure by presenting Balthazar with another gift, a scroll and a way to stay in touch. He was familiar with the echo scrolls by now because of the one Victor had given him to keep in contact. Balthazar took the wooden case into his hands and opened it to look at the scroll before closing it and setting it on the table with the letter. "Thank you again. I'll make sure to keep in contact. If you ever need anything from me, write to me and I will come." It was the least he could do. However with Woe's departure, Balthazar had no reason to remain other than to speak with the creature who had joined them for a little while longer. So Balthazar eventually asked to be returned as well.
word count: 568

Visible Mutations/ Marks

Defiance: Skin always glows faintly and he is warm to the touch. His is also the center of a field of static electricity so people get shocked touching him on occasion.
Rupturing: Orange etheric cracks spider-web up his arms to his elbows. His eyes and the glowing cracks going down his cheeks glow dark blue.
Transmutation: He has a series of emerald, glowing cracks on his right pectoral.
Bellinos: His fingernails are always black. The color fades into his fingers.
Celarion: A dim glowing ring surrounds his left forearm.
Palenon: A silver lightning shaped mark about the size of a hand stretching up towards his torso.


  • Oops, Oops, Ouch: Balthazar Black has twenty scars across his back from a lashing as well as scars on his hands and arms from jagged rocks on Faldrass. There are two scars on the sides of his abdomen from being stabbed and a slash across his back which blends in with the whip scars.
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Re: [Saoire Event 720] Woe and Balthazar

Review Rewards


Points awarded: 15

Ettiquette x 3
Discipline x 2
Intelligence - There is a play in Quacia about the Creep

Loot: Building order/grant for the described laboratory is granted

Renown: 5 points, for consorting with a Morty and whatnot...

Skill Review: All Skills used appropriate to level


Points awarded: 15

Etiquette x 3
Socialization x 3

Loot: Enjoy your fancy E-Scroll!

Renown: 5 points, for consorting with a Morty and whatnot...

Skill Review: All Skills used appropriate to level

I've yet to read a bad or boring thread from you two, and this is no exception. I didn't feel like enough was done to warrant magical points - especially considering how advanced you both are - but the rest of it was quite reasonable and well-weaved into the story. I especially liked little touches like Woe absorbing sadness from his master; I never knew you could do that!

If you have any questions, comments or concerns in regards to this review, feel free to PM.
word count: 176
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