[Saoire Event 722] Seira/Jasper

42nd of Zi'da 722

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[Saoire Event 722] Seira/Jasper


On a specific day in Zi'da of the 722nd arc, Saoire was preparing another get-together to facilitate the sharing of gifts through special doorways assigned to that purpose. It would begin a few days before the appointed hour of the gifting. They'd find a note some days earlier, tucked into the top of a doorway in their home, detailing who their gift recipient was, with clues to what they might like. Then a date for which the gifting would take place. So the appointed gifter would know by when they could have their intended's gift ready - however they wished to come by it.

On the 42nd, the very same doorway they'd found the note in would open into an idyllic realm of Saoire's Dream. The doorway became a portal into her Realm, the birthplace of the Cadouri and where many of Saoire's own personal gifts were made. For this purpose, the Realm would serve as a hosting ground for the gifter and intended, tailored to that goal and especially suited to either recipient so that the place would be appropriate to their identity and interests.

And as they were asked to have a gift prepared, they were assured they would receive a gift all their own. Through the same gateway they received their instructions, on the 42nd of Zi'Da, it would open up into the Realm of Saoire's Dream, where the two would meet. One gifter, one intended.

The gateways throughout Saoire's Dream opened and closed like stars in the night, helping facilitate the most special of trials. Business went on like normal throughout the school, but special consideration was given to the guest arriving, making sure they all felt welcome and at home.

For Jasper and Seira, their gateways brought them to a room full of color and life. Mannequins peeked at them from every corner of the room, wearing all manner of fabric and hues, everything from a beautiful wedding dress to a jester's costume. Such a display could feel disorganized or cluttered, but there was rhyme and reason to the chaos, grouping certain pieces together by style or color. After a few trills, one would realize that the entire room was set up to be a gallery of sorts, depicting scenes through the clever use of the mannequins and garments.

As they appeared, an impeccably dressed snow leopard cadouri greeted them. "Welcome to Saoire's Dream, my darlings. I am Gianella, and Saoire wished me to offer her greetings and hope that you feel at home here."

A critical eye met the pair as the cadouri continued, looking at Seira first. "Ah! Rharnian! I'd know that style of clothing anywhere. Good scallops there." Then, turning to Jasper, her clawed hand gestured lightly toward his high cheekbones. "Melrathi, if I'm not mistaken? It's always in the cheekbones."

Seemingly lost in her observations, the cadouri quickly returned to the matter at hand. "Ah, but where are my manners? I could talk about clothing and such all trial long."

Sweeping her arm around, almost hitting Jasper, Giannella told them about the room.

"This, my darlings, is the finest showcase of fashion you'll find anywhere! Everything from traditional styles to more modern pieces, utilizing fabrics from all around Idalos. Nothing but the best for our students here at Saoire's. Fashion, you see, is art. A person expresses themselves through what they wear. You can tell a lot about someone just by taking a few moments to notice their clothing, such as how I knew this lovely little creature here was from Rharne," indicating Seira with a slight wiggle of her claws.

"But," she continued. "This isn't why you've come today! I would love to show you Gianella's work, but you have matters of your own to attend to, so I will let you be!"

And with that, the cadouri stepped back and let the two introduce themselves.
 ! Message from: Avalon
Welcome to your Saoire Event 722 Thread!

This thread will be eligible for both skill points and knowledge, as long as the usual review requirements are met.

At the end of the thread, all pcs will be given gateways to return to where they were. Literally and exactly where they were. Feel free to start your posts with where you were and what you were doing when the first gateway appeared. Gifters, please assume that the gift you are giving has been transported and is in the vicinity as you step out of the gateway. Also, if you need to have a space to craft that gift, please assume that one was provided.

You may play the offered cadouri as NPCs throughout this thread. If you ask specific questions, feel free to PM me, but largely the NPC is provided for flavor.

When you have completed the thread, please place it up for review as normal. Once it’s been reviewed, post here to claim your event medal!

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Re: [Saoire Event 722] Seira/Jasper

Jaspers Stats
6 Feet 3 Inches
205 pounds
Brown Hair
Brown Eyes
Scares on Right Arm
Tattoo on Left Arm - Matches scares
Moon Tattoo on Left palm
Sun Tattoo Right palm
42nd of Zi'Da

Jasper’s door way was a bit different this time. As he was currently residing in a tent in Sweetsong he didn’t have a lot of doorways. So he found it on the doorway into his slepnier’s stall. He picked up the note and reviewed it. He was actually surprised at first by seeing it stuck there but once he read it he was clued into its purpose. He took the note and studied it for awhile thinking about what would make a good gift. It was while he was helping to make a bed one trial that it came to him.

So he departed for a couple trials to one of the near by cities to find what it was that he wanted to provide. Eventually he found a shop that could get him what the gift and get it to him in time. The young Aesir admired the items. He understood that Seira had set up her own home recently with her twin sister. Jasper felt a kinship with those who stuck by there families, and he could relate to someone setting up there own house. He had done it twice now, once as a single young man, and again as a married man.

The woman showed him her work. It was two quilts each with half of a tree pattern on them. The tree was divided in half so half of it was on one blanket and the other on the other quilt. He thought they were beautiful in their simplicity but there symbolism. He felt the quilt themselves and nodded. Nice amount of padding to keep the warmth in and provide the comfort that was the hallmark of these types of blankets. They were good blankets, and cared for they would provided service for a long time. Jasper brought them back and waited for the trial in question.

On the appointed time Jasper carrying a box with both quilts entered through the door into the room beyond. He paused in surprise. This wasn’t what he was expecting. They appeared to be in someone’s closet, someone’s very big closet. (He had once been showing one of the Jarl’s wardrobe by a maid.) This place could hold the Alivilda family hold easily in this room. His brown eyes gazed around the room until it settled on two other people, a young woman with dark hair and much shorter then him. The other was a snow leopard. That one surprised him. He had seen various Cacouri, but they had been more rodentish. He just rolled with it and smiled at the two he was sharing the room with. Then he listened as the leopard monologed. He nodded as she welcomed them in the name of Saoire. Apparently the young woman was from Rharne. He knew next to nothing about that city, he was still learning about Scalvoris. She identified his nationality quickly enough, apparently by his cheek bones. He blinked in surprise at the observation and said. “Yes I am. I am Jasper” was what he could slip in before she continued. He now wished he could compare peoples check bones. His thoughts were rather drastically drawn back to the here and now as he had to step back from accidently getting a clawed paw in his face.

He listened and looked around as Giannella explained where they were and gushed for a while about the clothing. “It is a very interesting place. I didn’t realize there was such diversity in clothing.” He said and not really sure what to do next he smiled at Seira. “It is nice to meet you. I am Jasper, and I have a gift for you.” He paused. “Um, I understand that you and your twin are setting up your own place. I feel that every knew home could use this, and there are actually two, one for each of you.” He said and set the box on the group so she could more easily open it.

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Re: [Saoire Event 722] Seira/Jasper


42nd Zi'da, 722

When Seira saw the doorway to her room begin to glow for the second time this trial, she knew what it meant. She quickly wrote a note for Seri and left it on her desk where her twin would be sure to see it. While she knew that her sister knew what trial it was, and would likely be traveling through doorways of her own, she didn't want Seri to worry about her if she came looking for her and couldn't find her.

That done, Seira walked through the glowing doorway, and found herself in what looked to be a gallery of sorts. Mannequins stood in every corner in the room, each wearing something different. Different fabrics, many of which Seira did not have a name for had been used to create masterpieces that looked to be works of art as much as things to be worn. Each and every one of them was beautiful; even to someone like Seira who never really put much thought into what she was wearing aside from making sure that it fit, was clean, and was comfortable.

A well dressed snow leopard introduced herself as Gianella, and told both her and a man that she hadn't noticed before a bit about the room that they were in. Seira introduced herself politely. She was surprised that Gianella was able to tell that she was from Rharne based on what she was wearing, but she was quickly distracted by the mention of scallops. It reminded her of the ball she had attended, and the fight against Syroa that had resulted. Strangely enough, someone had offered her some scallops when she and Seri found him hiding in the closet that they had chosen for their own hiding place. Before that, she seemed to remember that they had run out of scallops at the meal that had been offered.

"I've heard that the scallops are good in Rharne as well, though I have never tried them myself." she said bemusedly.

Seira listened politely to Gianella as she continued to speak. As she listened, she learned that fashion was a form of art, and that people express themselves through what they wear. Seira had never thought of it that way before. But it did make sense though. Clothes could be beautiful just as paintings and other works of art could be, so it wasn't that much of a stretch to say that fashion was art too. As for expressing yourself through what you wore...Seira realized that she did that too. Despite not putting too much thought into what she wore, she did have definite opinions on some things. Like revealing too much of herself. She didn't like the idea of wearing things that had low, revealing necklines. Nor did she like wearing things that exposed her belly. It made her uncomfortable to think of people seeing her wearing such things. There were also some colors that she definitely didn't like, and wouldn't wear for a number of reasons.

Gianella also explained how she had known that Seira had come from Rharne, and Seira learned that you could tell a lot about someone by seeing what they are wearing. Soon afterwards, Gianella stood back to let her and the man from Melrathi talk.

Seira wondered for a trill how one could tell where someone was from by their cheek bones, but she was quickly distracted when the man introduced himself as Jasper.

"My name's Seira." she told him in response.

"It's nice to meet you." she added politely.

Jasper told her that he had heard that she and Seri were setting up a house of their own as he set a box down so she could open it. That made her very curious as to what the gift could be, as well as very pleased that he had thought to get something for her twin as well. It was very considerate of him, and it endeared him to her in a way that little else could.

And when she opened the box to find two stunningly beautiful quilts, her eyes widened in delight. They were simple in design, but that simplicity only enhanced their beauty. Seira loved the tree pattern on each quilt. And she loved that each quilt had half of the pattern on them even more. They were a matching set. They belonged together...just like she and Seri belonged together. The tree itself also had special meaning to her.

"Thank you, Jasper." Seira said sincerely.

"These quilts are beautiful, and they look very warm as well. They will be perfect for the cold weather. My sister Seriel and I will cherish them." she added with a bright smile, and eyes filled with wonder.

"Gianella mentioned that you were from Melrathi. What is it like there? I've never been." Seira asked curiously.

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Re: [Saoire Event 722] Seira/Jasper

Jaspers Stats
6 Feet 3 Inches
205 pounds
Brown Hair
Brown Eyes
Scares on Right Arm
Tattoo on Left Arm - Matches scares
Moon Tattoo on Left palm
Sun Tattoo Right palm
42nd of Zi'Da

The Melrathie young man watched the young woman as she shy made her way through the conversation with the leopard. Jasper felt sympathy for the young woman who it appeared was used to being the center of attention. Jasper didn’t like being the center of attention but one didn’t become an Aesir unless one was willing to find your self the center of attention. He did notice her look at his cheekbones at that comment as well. He really would have to look into that when he could get a mirror.

They were able to move on to the main point of the visit which was the sharing of gift with someone else. He brown eyes curious Jasper watched as the box was opened and the quilts were taken out and admired. The young woman wasn’t exactly and open book, but she clearly wasn’t trying to hide her thoughts on the quilts. Jasper felt a flutter of warmth in his breast as Seira expressed appreciation at the gift. He gave her his broadest smile, and was genuinely happy for them. “I am glad you are happy with them.” His expression showed that he really was. Jasper felt most people would appreciate a gift like that, but he knew at least one person who was such a good person. “I wish both you and your sister a Happy Saoire Day.”

He paused as she asked him about Melrath. There were a number of answers he could give, but he wanted to keep this conversation light. “It is a big place, but the village I am form is hard working, loyal, and beautiful. With the wheat fields beyond the village, and beyond that the great forest protecting us. Everyone knows your name, and” He gave a grimace, “everything about you. Despite that they genuinely care. Other parts of the country are also lovely and there are many wonderful people. Some people like the cities, I prefer the county myself.” He paused again. “I don’t really know anything about Rharne, other then I have hear they have a powerful Induk, and the city is run by one of the Immortals.” He said his expression curious.

Spirit Meld-When near a spirit, can mental sense its emotions.
Spirit Sight-Perceive all spiritual forms within a ten foot proximity.
Rupturing-Detect all motions within 20ft.

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Re: [Saoire Event 722] Seira/Jasper


42nd Zi'da, 722

Seira smiled back when Jasper smiled at her as she thanked him for the quilts. She could tell that he really was happy that she liked his gift rather than just being polite about it and his smile was contagious, especially given that this was the season of giving.

"I wish you a Happy Saoire Day too." Seira said sincerely

She was a little curious about the gift that he had been given, or would receive if he hadn't gotten it yet, but she refrained from asking. While she was mildly curious, it was none of her business, and she didn't want to be rude. She was quickly distracted from her thoughts when Jasper began talking about Melrath.

Seira listened closely as he spoke. To her mind, Melrath as Jasper described it sounded kind of like Rharne. Rharne was a big city that had a number of villages nearby just as Melrath was "a big place," but the village that Jasper came from was not. The village that Jasper came from sounded like a nice place. Her time on the streets in Andaris had taught her what life could be like when the people around you didn't care if you lived or died. Having everyone know your name and everything about you seemed like a vast improvement over being invisible and forgotten. In her experience, life in Rharne was somewhere between the two. Jasper mentioned that he didn't know much about Rharne, and indicated that he was curious, so Seira took a few trills to decide what to say.

"Rharne is ruled by Ilaren." she confirmed.

"And the Induk you mention is Lovalus. I really don't know much about the Induk myself, but my mother is a Warden of Lovalus." she added a trill later.

After responding to the two things Jasper had mentioned about Rharne, Seira began telling him something of the city itself.

"Rharne is a big city, but it is divided into four quarters, and that makes it feel smaller in some ways. It's different than living in Andaris, which is the only other place I've ever lived. The Dust Quarter is the poorest of the four quarters. Then you have the Earth Quarter, the Glass Quarter, and the Sky Quarter. The Sky Quarter is where Ilaren lives. The Lightning Knights that protect the city and the surrounding areas are based there as well, and so are the Thunder Priests. My sister and I live in the Glass Quarter. It's beautiful there."

Seira paused for a few trills, wondering if she should say anything else. Jasper did seem to be curious about Rharne, but she didn't want to bore him by rambling on too much.

"Drinking and brawling are important parts of Rharne culture because Ilaren is the Immortal of alcohol and brawling. That doesn't mean that Rharne isn't a safe place to live though, or that people go around drunk all the time." she told him carefully.

Rharne was a wonderful place to live, and she didn't want to give him the wrong impression about her home.

"Do you miss your village? It sounds like a really nice place to live. I've never lived outside a city before. What is it like living out in the country?" she asked curiously.

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Re: [Saoire Event 722] Seira/Jasper

Jaspers Stats
6 Feet 3 Inches
205 pounds
Brown Hair
Brown Eyes
Scares on Right Arm
Tattoo on Left Arm - Matches scares
Moon Tattoo on Left palm
Sun Tattoo Right palm
42nd of Zi'Da

Jasper’s brown eyes focused on the young woman Seira as she admire the gift he had given her and also as she began to explain about Rharne. She seemed like a shy young woman and Jasper wasn’t sure how to make her feel more comfortable, but he gave her his honest friendly smile as she explained about the city of Ilaren. Jasper did wonder about the Immortal ruling the city. He asked, “So does everyone worship Ilaren then?” He asked curios to know how that was handled. “It just seems a bit odd to me having an Immortal govern. Most melrathi worship the spirit and the government is advised by the Aesir, or priest to the spirits, but it is still ruled by a body of people with out interests.”

He nodded as she supplied the name of the Induk. He nodded his head when she said that her mother was a Warden. “I am guessing a Warden of Lovalus is like the Forged to the Scalvoris Induks?” He suspected they were similar but didn’t know. “Or are they more like the Aesir in my country and actual priest to the Induk?”

He nodded as she explained about the districts of the city. Different names, but similar set up to Raelia then she asked about his village and if he missed it. “I do miss it, but I am also enjoying exploring and finding new things. The new place where I live has given my wife and I a chance to help our new community.” He smiled. “I understand about drinking and brawling. Our biggest export was the wines and ales we produced and shipped out. We also live on the southern boarder so our village would some times get raided so everyone of us knows how to fight. Despite the raids though I always felt safer there then in the big city.” He shrugged. “Though I enjoyed the challenges of the big city as well.” He said with his smile and a shrug. “One trial we might go back, but I like the chance to grow and learn.”

Spirit Meld-When near a spirit, can mental sense its emotions.
Spirit Sight-Perceive all spiritual forms within a ten foot proximity.
Rupturing-Detect all motions within 20ft.

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Re: [Saoire Event 722] Seira/Jasper


When Jasper asked if everyone in Rharne worshiped Ilaren, Seira gave the matter some serious thought. In some ways it was a simple question. In others, not so much.

"I would say that a lot of people do, yes. But not everyone. I hold a very deep respect for Ilaren for what she does for the people of Rharne. But I don't pray to her or anything like that. Neither does my sister." she said at last.

Was it worship if you didn't offer prayers to an Immortal? Seira wasn't sure. She didn't think it was though. When Jasper explained that people in Melrath worship spirits instead of Immortals and that the Aseir were priests for the spirits who advised the government, Seira was fascinated.

"The Aesir sound like the Thunder Priestesses that we have in Rharne." Seira responded.

"What are the spirits like?" Seira asked a few trills later.

Seira was curious about whether Jasper worshiped spirits since he was from Melrath, but she refrained from asking. She didn't know Jasper well enough to know if he would take offense to personal questions like that or not. She knew that spirits existed, but that was about it. Hearing that people worshiped them made her wonder if they were anything like Immortals. And if they weren't, Seira wondered what the differences between Immortals ans spirits were.

The next question that Jasper asked was if the Wardens of Lovalus were like the Forged to the Scalvoris Induks. Seira felt uncertain as how to answer. And she admitted as such.

"I don't really know anything about the Forged to the Scalvoris Induks, or about Induks for that matter. But the Wardens of Lovalus protect Rharne. They're different than the Lightning Knights, but both groups are protectors."

The Lightning Knights did more than just protect, and Seira thought that the Wardens might as well, but she knew little of the Wardens other that her mother was one, so she couldn't explain what those differences were.

I am very sorry about the insanely long delay. For some reason I had thought we'd finished this thread.

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