On a specific day in Zi'da of the 722nd arc, Saoire was preparing another get-together to facilitate the sharing of gifts through special doorways assigned to that purpose. It would begin a few days before the appointed hour of the gifting. They'd find a note some days earlier, tucked into the top of a doorway in their home, detailing who their gift recipient was, with clues to what they might like. Then a date for which the gifting would take place. So the appointed gifter would know by when they could have their intended's gift ready - however they wished to come by it.
On the 42nd, the very same doorway they'd found the note in would open into an idyllic realm of Saoire's Dream. The doorway became a portal into her Realm, the birthplace of the Cadouri and where many of Saoire's own personal gifts were made. For this purpose, the Realm would serve as a hosting ground for the gifter and intended, tailored to that goal and especially suited to either recipient so that the place would be appropriate to their identity and interests.
And as they were asked to have a gift prepared, they were assured they would receive a gift all their own. Through the same gateway they received their instructions, on the 42nd of Zi'Da, it would open up into the Realm of Saoire's Dream, where the two would meet. One gifter, one intended.
The gateways throughout Saoire's Dream opened and closed like stars in the night, helping facilitate the most special of trials. Business went on like normal throughout the school, but special consideration was given to the guest arriving, making sure they all felt welcome and at home.For Jasper and Seira, their gateways brought them to a room full of color and life. Mannequins peeked at them from every corner of the room, wearing all manner of fabric and hues, everything from a beautiful wedding dress to a jester's costume. Such a display could feel disorganized or cluttered, but there was rhyme and reason to the chaos, grouping certain pieces together by style or color. After a few trills, one would realize that the entire room was set up to be a gallery of sorts, depicting scenes through the clever use of the mannequins and garments.
As they appeared, an impeccably dressed snow leopard cadouri greeted them. "Welcome to Saoire's Dream, my darlings. I am Gianella, and Saoire wished me to offer her greetings and hope that you feel at home here."
A critical eye met the pair as the cadouri continued, looking at Seira first. "Ah! Rharnian! I'd know that style of clothing anywhere. Good scallops there." Then, turning to Jasper, her clawed hand gestured lightly toward his high cheekbones. "Melrathi, if I'm not mistaken? It's always in the cheekbones."
Seemingly lost in her observations, the cadouri quickly returned to the matter at hand. "Ah, but where are my manners? I could talk about clothing and such all trial long."
Sweeping her arm around, almost hitting Jasper, Giannella told them about the room.
"This, my darlings, is the finest showcase of fashion you'll find anywhere! Everything from traditional styles to more modern pieces, utilizing fabrics from all around Idalos. Nothing but the best for our students here at Saoire's. Fashion, you see, is art. A person expresses themselves through what they wear. You can tell a lot about someone just by taking a few moments to notice their clothing, such as how I knew this lovely little creature here was from Rharne," indicating Seira with a slight wiggle of her claws.
"But," she continued. "This isn't why you've come today! I would love to show you Gianella's work, but you have matters of your own to attend to, so I will let you be!"
And with that, the cadouri stepped back and let the two introduce themselves.