Sorrowcall Topic is solved

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Developed by Elowen
Price: ~ cannot be purchased as it cannot be caught and tamed
Habitat: ~ only Mistral Woods
Forum Location Rharne
Lifespan and Development: Sorrowcalls come in mang shapes and sizes depending on the kind of wood they have been revived from. They have the Eldwyn to thank for this who almost 'breathe new life' into select naturally fallen trees. The mechanics behind this are unknown as they are unknown behind their power that can shift the paths of Mistral. However, one thing is clear, Sorrowcalls aren't fully sentient and act more as puppets for the Eldwyn. Where Eldwyns are the calm and intelligent guardian of the Woods, Sorrowcall is its boots on the ground. They are the first line of defence and the last call to attack. Due to the nature of their 'birth' their lifespan is also very flexible and not uniform across the species.

Given Sorrowcalls purpose, it is more common to encounter one in the Mistral Woods than an Eldwyn although one needs to be at least competent to be able to spot them due to the camouflage awarded them by their wooden bodies that often still carry mosses or other plants that grew out of the fallen wood before it was revived.

But unlike Eldwyn, those who sight a Sorrowcall remember them. And if Sorrowcall spots its observer, it spends a moment watching them in return with those unsettling grey, pearl like eyes that seem hollow. If satisfied that the individual is harmless, it moves off on its own.

However, if there is any unwarranted harm done to the Woods or within the Woods (excluding activities that had their offerings paid at an altar), this immediately calls Sorrowcall as though they are connected to all the corners of the forest. They began to immediately rush to the site emitting what some may confuse as an Eldwyn's sorrowful call. This is where they get their name for. But where Eldwyn's call may bring on nostalgia, Sorrowcall's brings on dread and immediate sense of something afoot, something amiss heading towards the offender. However, Sorrowcall's call has another function and that is to call Eldwyn to the site also.

Sorrowcall will always defend those or that which is being harmed. Their eyes will glow a silvery grey and they will behave almost like a wolf in their stance and fighting style. If a Sorrowcall is beaten which is done by splitting it in half along the thickest part of its body, and the offender hasn't been defeated, then Eldwyn would mount a counter-offensive whatever that may look like for them.

If Eldwyn cannot beat the threat (which has been unheard of but then Eldwyn's ability would mean those involved won't remember or survive the encounter), the Eldwyn would trigger a feral strain in the surviving Sorrowcalls. This turns the creatures in brutal, merciless killing beasts focused only on eliminating the threat.

Thanks to this symbiosis, Eldwyn's and Sorrowcalls have been able to keep Mistral Woods as peaceful as people of Rharne know it.

A few attempts have been made in the past to trap a Sorrowcall. After initial struggle, it always ended up the same - Sorrowcall released its animation and returned to being dead wood, losing all its life. It is not clear if this is a defense mechanism triggered by the creature itself or by Eldwyn's to prevent Sorrowcalls from being studied outside the woods where they are out of Eldwyns' control.

Diet: They feed mostly on moss, bog and other wet and damp substrates that otherwise give nutrition to the forest floor.

Temperament: Generally harmless if met in the wild. However, if the detect harm being done to the Woods or within the Woods they become progressively more aggressive until the threat is eliminated or they have their 'soul' released.

RPG Abilities:
Ability 1 ~ constant patrolling of the Mistral Woods and guarding its nature and inhabitants
Ability 2 ~ the defender of life in Mistral Woods
Ability 3 ~ feral fighter focused only on killing a threat to the woods
Weakness 1 ~ easy to kill if one knows how and has a weapon that can achieve it in one swing
Weakness 2 ~ no sentience per say, act more like puppets than creatures able to think for themselves
Weakness 3 ~ single minded and unable to do anything else but patrol and protect the Mistral Woods
Fast Facts Skill Levels Required~ please fill this in using this page for reference.
Fast Facts
Knowing It
-- Rharne: Competent
-- Idalos: Expert
Wealth Tier
-- Rharne: N/A
-- Idalos: N/A
Sell/Buy It
-- Rharne: N/A
-- Rharne: Unusual
-- Idalos: N/A
Finding It
-- Rharne: Competent
-- Idalos: Expert
Collecting It
-- Rharne: N/A
-- Idalos: N/A
Using It
-- N/A
Killing It
-- Competent
Capturing It
-- N/A
-- None if no harm done to or within the Woods, progressively more dangerous if offender does not stop to yield
Tending It
-- N/A
word count: 831
Language legend: Gernevoir (Fluent), Common (Conversational)
Elowen's appearance
Petit, 153cm (5') tall 15 arc old.
Always wears a head scarf that fully covers her hair.
Comfortable, loose clothing that does not accentuate her body shape in any way.
Clothing is clearly worn and mended but does not appear scruffy.
No jewellery or other marks on her body.
Face has gentle features.
Eyes are round with blue-grey irises.
Wears a small pouch with a Sunstone and a
at her belt.
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