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The Gardener's Friend

The Gardener's Friend

Forum This Location Appears In: Rharne Development Forum
IC / RPG Forums where these NPCs may be used in RP: The shop's owner, her husband, and her daughter Liratha can be used at this location or at the Garden of Hope. Since the shop offers landscaping services the other employees (including Liratha) can be seen creating or tending gardens in the Glass Quarter. And if the Shop's owner takes an interest in a particular job (perhaps in exchange for a rare plant/seed/seedling that they cannot get themselves, or if a client is willing to pay more than the usual fee and is willing to give her free rein on all decisions about the creation of the garden aside from a general idea (such as a seasonal garden that has something to offer all arc long that is able to be maintained by a novice gardener), etc.) she will go out to a client's house herself to create a garden for someone.

The Gardener's Friend is a beautiful shop that is surrounded by gardens of all kinds. These gardens serve as inspiration to those who shop here as well as providing the seeds, seedlings, and fully grown plants that are sold here. The shop has several acres of gardens (every type imaginable), and as such is located outside the city. But it is within an easy walking distance of Rharne to make it convenient for those who live in the city to shop there.

This shop sells everything a gardener could possibly want from seeds/seedlings/mature plants to gardening tools and kits to garden decorations to gardening supplies (fertilizer, etc.) to books about gardening and more. In addition to selling goods, the shop offers landscaping services. For the right price they will send one or more of their gardeners out to create and/or maintain a garden for someone who wants the beauty of a garden without the work one requires. They also offer gardening classes and classes on how to make things out of herbs.

Terasa Zerrin

Name: Terasa Zerrin
Race: Human
Age: 1st Ashan 660
Title: Owner
Skills: Cooking; 60, Engineering; 30, Gardening; 90, Sculpting; 60, Woodworking; 60
Other Information: Terasa is a friendly, outgoing woman who always has a smile and a story for everyone she meets. While she is the owner of the shop she prefers to leave the "boring" business side of things to her husband so she can focus on what she really loves; creating and maintaining the gardens that produce the seeds, seedlings, plants, and produce that the store sells. At times Terasa will create a garden for a client if she takes an interest in a particular job (perhaps in exchange for a rare plant/seed/seedling that they cannot get themselves, or if a client is willing to pay more than the usual fee and is willing to give her free rein on all decisions about the creation of the garden aside from a general idea (such as a seasonal garden that has something to offer all arc long that is able to be maintained by a novice gardener), etc.).

Davril Zerrin

Name: Davril Zerrin
Race: Human
Age: 30th Ymiden, 659
Title: Manager
Skills: Business Management; 90, Detection; 60, Gardening; 30, Leadership; 30, Logistics; 30, Woodworking; 30
Other Information: Davril has a natural charm about him that makes it difficult not to like him. He runs the business side of things while his wife does what she does best. Davril enjoys watching the people who come shop at the store. Based on what he observes, he will often make suggestions if he sees a customer who looks confused or is hesitating over what to buy.

Liratha Zerrin

Name: Liratha Zerrin
Race: Human
Age: 123rd Ashan, 698
Title: Gardener, Landscaper, Teacher
Skills: Cooking; 30, Fieldcraft; 30, Gardening; 30, Logistics; 30, Medicine; 30, Science; 30, Teaching; 30
Other Information: Liratha (Lira to her friends and family) is much like her parents; friendly and outgoing. She has two passions in life; gardening, and herbs. Specifically making things out of herbs (soaps, candles, shampoos, salad oils, etc.). She is one of the landscapers who go out to create and/or maintain gardens for those who use the shop's landscaping service. She also teaches beginning and intermediate gardening lessons as well as classes on how to make things out of herbs.

Charlus Xanther

Name: Charlus Xanther
Race: Human
Age: 32nd Saun 678
Title: Landscaper, gardener
Skills: Engineering; 30, Gardening; 30, Logistics; 30, Sculpting; 60, Woodworking; 60
Other Information: Charlus is a gruff, stoic man who far prefers plants over people any trial. He speaks little, but he is a very hard worker. When his services as a landscaper aren't being used, he will help out in the shop by making garden decorations and tending the many gardens around the shop.

Tanyia Zeris

Name: Tanyia Zeris
Race: Human
Age: 123rd Ashan, 698
Title: Landscaper, gardener
Skills: Brewing; 30, Gardening; 60, Medicine; 30, Science; 30, Woodworking; 30
Other Information: Tanyia grew up living next door to Liratha. The two of them were born on the same trial, and have been best friends since they were three arcs old. They see each other as sisters, and are often called "twins" by their families. Tanyia is shyer and more quiet that Liratha is, but she becomes more friendly and outgoing when she warms up to someone. When Liratha goes out on a landscaping/gardening job, Tanyia often goes with her. Tanyia also enjoys both making things with herbs, and woodworking.

Price List / Goods Available

If appropriate
The following goods / services are available here.
Wealth Tier is the Tier at which these goods / services are available at part of your Wealth Tier
WP Cost is the cost for them if they are outside your Tier.
 ! Message from: Price List
Seeds, trees, and plants referenced here are referring to mundane plants that may exist in the real world. Specialty seeds/plants/trees like Orchids or otherwise exotic ones will be cost 1 tier or 1 wp over whatever is listed.

Specifically developed plants for Standing Trials will be priced according to their Wealth Tier availability. If no price range is listed for a plant, consult the local mod.
Item: Wealth Tier WP Cost
Seeds (Mundane) Tier 4 1 WP
Mature Plants (mundane) Tier 4 1 WP
Young Trees (Mundane) Tier 4 1 WP
Gardening Supplies (fertilizer, etc.) See Shoppe under the section on Skill Tool Kits.==
Gardening Books (Common/Uncommon/Rare) Tier 5/7/9 1 WP per level of wealth tier difference
Garden Decorations; wooden/stone/marble See section in Shoppe on household items ==
Gardening/Herbal Classes (Novice); per cycle Tier 3 1 WP
Gardening/Herbal Classes (Competent); per cycle Tier 4 2WP
Landscaping Services/Maintenance (Creating Gardens); tiny/small Tier 5 1 wp or 2 WP (small) if the owner is overseeing the work
Landscaping Services/Maintenance (Creating Gardens); medium Tier 6 2 wp or 3 wp if the owner is overseeing the work.
Landscaping Services/Maintenance (Creating Gardens); large/huge Tier 7 3 wp or 4 wp if the owner is oversseeing the work

Player Notes

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Credits to: Seira Shiryu
Submitted for Development: 3/27/24
Developed by: Seira Shiryu
Last edited by Seira Shiryu on Fri Mar 29, 2024 10:52 pm, edited 4 times in total. word count: 1224
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Re: The Gardener's Friend

Okay there are a few issues with this entry. I LOVE it in concept, but there are things that need changing in my mind.

1. The NPCs here are a little too skilled imo, for what is presented as a mom and pop family store/operation. Two master gardeners running a landscaping business is a bit overboard. Remember Master is a highly coveted skill set if an NPC has it. Think people who are sought after by Kings and Ministers, for positions as ministers of agriculture or just advice. I'd allow that one of them may be a master with little ambition, but having two of them in the same place? A bit much.
2. The skills overall need toning down I think, unless you want this operation to be a bigger deeal than it is. I'd take the masters down to expert (with the exception of perhaps the master gardener and business guy), and the experts down to competent. Otherwise, they're looking okay.
3. The price list is a doozy. Very long. Please can we try and find a way to make it less long? I understand you're providing a lot of variety for context, but people can work some things through the shoppe, or through individual entries for a given plant.
4. The expert and master classes for gardening... At that level people should be building their skill by practicing. I would send anyone who wants deeper understanding of gardening to the Institute of Innovation in Rharne, or some other higher educational place.

Otherwise, thank you for a well thought out and developed piece.
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Re: The Gardener's Friend

Thank you for the advice.

1. & 2. This makes a lot of sense to me. I do think of this as more a mom and pop kind of store rather than something huge. It's (in my mind) the kind of store that caters to everyone from the person living in the Dust Quarter who wants to supplement their food supplies by growing a few veggies in pots inside (or something similar) to the mother who wants a small herb garden to grow simple herbs to fend off colds and/or deal with the minor cuts and bruises their child picks up in ply to the extremely rich person living in the Glass Quarter who wants a stunningly beautiful garden to enjoy/brag about without doing any of the work. But it's not a huge thing that everyone would know about.

I have changed most of the skills to reflect what you said, aside from leaving the owner and manager mostly intact skill wise. I did leave 2 expert skills that one of the NPCs had originally on the idea that the wealthier clients would want expert quality decorations in their gardens, and he is the one to make them. But I did lower the manager's woodworking skill to competent to compensate so there wouldn't be two expert woodworkers in the shop.

3. I did manage to condense the price list, but it still is very long. What things can/should be worked out through the shoppe?

4. I took out the expert & master classes.
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Re: The Gardener's Friend

Here's my idea of how the price list should look. Because individual plants, whether seedlings or mature would have specific entries in their lore, or else be detailed on the Shoppe.

Them not being detailed on the shoppe is no reason to go overboard with the price list imo, but I can think of a way to shorten the list if you'll indulge me:
 ! Message from: Price List
Seeds, trees, and plants referenced here are referring to mundane plants that may exist in the real world. Specialty seeds/plants/trees like Orchids or otherwise exotic ones will be cost 1 tier or 1 wp over whatever is listed.

Specifically developed plants for Standing Trials will be priced according to their Wealth Tier availability. If no price range is listed for a plant, consult the local mod.
Item: Wealth Tier WP Cost
Seeds (Mundane) Tier 4 1 WP
Mature Plants (mundane) Tier 4 1 WP
Young Trees (Mundane) Tier 4 1 WP
Gardening Supplies (fertilizer, etc.) See Shoppe under the section on Skill Tool Kits.==
Gardening Books (Common/Uncommon/Rare) Tier 5/7/9 1 WP per level of wealth tier difference
Garden Decorations; wooden/stone/marble See section in Shoppe on household items ==
Gardening/Herbal Classes (Novice); per cycle Tier 3 1 WP
Gardening/Herbal Classes (Competent); per cycle Tier 4 2WP
Landscaping Services/Maintenance (Creating Gardens); tiny/small Tier 5 1 wp or 2 WP (small) if the owner is overseeing the work
Landscaping Services/Maintenance (Creating Gardens); medium Tier 6 2 wp or 3 wp if the owner is overseeing the work.
Landscaping Services/Maintenance (Creating Gardens); large/huge Tier 7 3 wp or 4 wp if the owner is oversseeing the work
Basically as you see I eliminated a large portion of the trees/plants/seeds section. Any mundane (real world) plant you might find near a temperate climate such as Rharne should be found commonly at the tiers and prices listed. I didn't want to get too far into minutiae with the seeds and plants and such when it comes to the size of a prospective garden. Seeds should (i think) be relatively cheap compared to the labor to bring them to growth.

I've also put creating gardens services, and maintenance into the same categories, with way lower prices, as they were far too high. You can buy an acre outright with 1 or 2 wp. It seems weird that getting some garden work done would exceed 8x the land value

I've also sorted the gardening and herbal classes to be less expensive. Gardening books have also been put into the same line, as they didn't need a line each unto themselves.

Does that work? if so I'll go ahead and approve, plugging in my price list.
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Re: The Gardener's Friend

This works wonderfully for me. :) Thank you for offering this option. I knew that it was still way too long - even I (detail focused as I tend to be) hated it the way it was. I just couldn't see a way to make it shorter - because I was too focused on the details. This is perfect! :)
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Re: The Gardener's Friend

Thank you for your patience and the development. I almost forgot about this one. Anyway, I added the updated price list and will be moving it to the forum as soon as I'm able to.

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