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The Eight-Fold Reverie

The Eight-Fold Reverie

Developed by Woe
Background: The Sintra Cultists of Scalvoris have developed a tradition born from the special resonance that the number Eight has with Divinity in general. Eight Original beings, Eight Lineages of Immortals, and of course the fact that their Divine One has eight legs, and an Emean Domain that contains eight separate districts.

Most of the time this is celebrated in secret in the Shrine of Arachnid, or in similar hidden places around the island. However, sometimes they will infiltrate a public event, and make it their own by signing up six members of their cult to serve as the Guardians of the six houses of manipulation, in accordance with the cosmology of Sintra's Realm, the Eight-Fold Labyrinth.

Details: Normally, there are only six cultists that are chosen for the purpose of this ritual. The other two are generally considered to be outside the cult, either abducted for the purposes of conducting the ritual or in the case of the Festival of Dreams, sought out where they participate in it. The six chosen are chosen for both proficiency in Dreamwalking, and also because it corresponds to the six Halls of Manipulation in Sintra's realm, whereas the 'victims' or subjects of the ritual are relegated to the Outer Dark or to the Trap, where Sintra is said to dwell.

The objective of this ritual is often mysterious and open ended. Undertaken as much to see what happens as they ever try to infiltrate their subjects' lives. Often times, it's conducted against those who are high profile around the Island, in an effort to either recruit, corrupt, or just learn more about their thoughts through the dreamscape. But one thing that is usually the case is that if the Guardians of the Halls succeed, most often the subjects never remember being abducted, and awake safe in their beds.

The theoretical cosmology of individuals for this ritual is described below. Each of the planes of Sintra's realm are represented, as are the Original Beings they are associated with in Sintra's traditions.

Denizen of Outer Dark - The Reverie of Delana - Apex of Confusion - Subject
Denizen of The Trap - The Reverie of Brel’tek - Apex of Judgement - Subject
Guardian of Malice - The Reverie of Cierel - Apex of Malice - Webspinner
Guardian of Ambition - The Reverie of Ati’el - Apex of Ambition - Webspinner
Guardian of Ignorance - The Reverie of Fei - Apex of Ignorance - Webspinner
Guardian of Terror - The Reverie of Anox - Apex of Terror - Webspinner
Guardian of Grief - The Reverie of Luesco - Apex of Grief - Webspinner
Guardian of Passion - The Reverie of Pieren - Apex of Passion - Webspinner

Regional Specifics: N/A Most often conducted at the Shrine of the Arachnid in Scalvoris or in hidden areas around the island. The ritual is performed the same regardless of where.
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Re: The Eight-Fold Reverie

Approved - Sorry about the wait on this one! I had to do some research so I understood the background, but everything checks out and I'm very pleased with it! :D
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