[Approved by Darius Baer] Bao

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Bao Bao
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Bao  [Approved CS]


Name: Bao Bao

Race: Cadouri

Date of Birth: 25th Ashan, 701

Marks: Favored of Ziell

Factions Joined: None

Languages Spoken: Fluent Common, Broken Cursive


Standing at the height of 2’5”, Bao is a red panda with a long fluffy tail and cute beady eyes. With a deep ocean blue tint, his eyes show the happiness and excitement he has for the world ahead of him. Despite being small and hardly imposing, Bao is a confident and willing animal, ready to sacrifice and work to make the world a better place

Ziell's Snowflake - the fur on Bao's chest has an image of a snowflake on it. This gives the small cadouri an air of wisdom and peacefulness. It will not stop someone who is determined to fight him, or fight around him, but it will give people a moment of pause, a thought. It's a RP thing only and may be ignored by anyone with a Discipline or Meditation skill above Competent. Given here
Last edited by Bao Bao on Sun May 28, 2023 4:10 pm, edited 6 times in total. word count: 184
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Happy and friendly, Bao Bao (as his friends call him) is a wholesome personality that just wants to see people smile. Without a shadow of doubt in his mind, Bao believes the world can be beautiful and that everyone in it deserves a chance at their dreams. That being said, he is anything but naive, knowing that evil exists - yet would prefer to help it than just outright destroy it. If kindness is shown to evil, perhaps evil can be saved.

Things Bao likes


Things Bao dislikes

Bad people
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As a beautiful Red Panda, Bao was always proud of who he was, standing tall and strong. Yet being a Red Panda was hard. There was so much of the world Bao wanted to see, yet it was a dangerous place. So he prayed and waited, lying in his favorite tree and eating his favorite plants until one day - he awoke somewhere else. In the care of Saoire, and with newfound bipedal abilities and voice, Bao was granted a new gift. Celebrating with the others, Bao asked Saoire if he would get to see the world - which she promised he would in due time. Saoire was like a mother to him, treating him kindly and giving him lessons of many kinds, including how to grant joy to others.

Bao worked on many things to try and become good at them, but namely, he found a talent for signing. His voice was smooth and soft and his love for music made it easy to lose himself in the rhythm and sing along without any thought. He played, he laughed and he sang with all the other Cadouri, despite standing shorter than most of them. He always wanted to see the outside world, climbing around and resting in trees, dreaming of the world he would get to see and that Saoire would tell him so much about.

Then came the day.

Now, he roams Idalos, a singer and adventurer at heart with a love for all life and a determination to spread good. While doing so, Bao started training with a staff as a way to defend himself and others without doing any real damage to his opponent.
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Skills & Knowledges


OUT OF DATE. View my profile for up to date skills

Skill Total Points Proficiency
Athletics (18) (50/250) Competent
Caregiving (18) (50/250) Competent
Cooking (5/250) Novice
Discipline (26) (60/250) Expert
Endurance (18) (25/250) Novice
Fieldcraft (2) (5/250) Novice
Polearms: Bo Staff (2) (10/250) Novice
Singing (16) (40/100) Competent
Unarmed: Custom (4) (10/250) Novice



Athletics x1 (Approval)
Athletics x1 (Skill Scale Down)
Athletics x5 (Happy to Help - Part One) (Skill Scale Down)
Athletics x 5 (Happy to Help - Part Two) (Skill Scale Down)
Athletics x1 (Skill Scale Down)
Climbing x 2 (Skill Scale Down)
Athletics: x 3 (Songs)
Total: 18

Caregiving: Acknowledging emotions in others
Caregiving: Empathising
Caregiving: A gentle touch can make all the difference
Caregiving: A kind message can be passed on
Caregiving x 5 (Songs)
Caregiving x 3 (Earth Table)
Caregiving: Showing empathy and concern for the person trapped inside a possessed body
Caregiving: Reaching out to help someone who has hurt you.
Caregiving: Worrying about others, rather than yourself.
Total: 15

Combat: Unarmed x 4 (Songs)
Total: 4

Dancing x3 (Songs)
Total: 3

Detection: Detecting changes in temperature by touch.
Detection: Noticing the expressions of others
Detection x 5 (Songs)
Detection x 3 (Earth Table)
Detection: Noticing when half of your group seem "out of reality"
Detection: Spotting changes in the environment.
Total: 12

Discipline x1 (My Immortals)
Discipline: Preparing for responsibility
Discipline: Channel your fear into positivity
Discipline: Be afraid, do it anyway
Discipline: Take comfort from those around you
Discipline: Turn your worries into plans
Discipline: Focus on what you can change
Discipline: Put your energy into what you believe is best.
Discipline: Not asking all your questions
Discipline: Remaining hopeful
Discipline x 4 (At long last)
Discipline x 5 (Songs)
Discipline x 1 (Earth Table)
Discipline: Standing in the presence of Induks
Discipline: Standing in the presence of Immortals
Discipline: Not being overwhelmed by Cassion's story
Discipline: Feeling a deep sadness overwhelm you.
Discipline: Feeling fear and moving anyway.
Discipline: Sacrificing yourself, even though you're afraid.
Discipline x 2 (Council Meeting: Hot Cyc 722)
Total: 28

Endurance x3 (By the Fire)
Endurance x1 (Happy to Help - Part One)
Endurance x1 (Happy to Help - Part Two)
Endurance: Sudden icy cold
Endurance: Sudden changes in temperature
Endurance: Snow indoors!
Endurance x 5 (Songs)
Endurance: The Forging
Endurance: Standing in a maelstrom
Endurance: The wrath of Qylios
Endurance: The toll of a very long day!
Endurance: The sensation of becoming a Wisp
Total: 18

Engineering: Building an altar
Engineering: Rebuilding a structure at speed
Total: 2

Etiquette: Say thank you when people are kind
Etiquette: Titles aren't necessary between friends
Etiquette: Respectful prayers.
Etiquette: Say thank you
Etiquette x 3
Etiquette: No matter the situation - say thank you!
Etiquette x 2 (Council Meeting: Hot Cyc 722)
Total: 10

Fieldcraft x2 (Approval)
Total: 2

Flight x 3 (Songs)
Total: 2

Investigation: Linking past and present.
Investigation: Trying to make sense of a situation you've walked into the middle of
Investigation: Putting pieces together.
Investigation: Don't jump to conclusions
Investigation: Understand your enemy
Investigation: Sometimes your enemy isn't who you think!
Total: 6

Leadership x 4 (Songs)
Leadership: Making your voice heard in a large group.
Leadership: Working in a team.
Leadership: Ensure that everyone in your group knows what your strengths are.
Leadership x3 (Council Meeting: Hot Cyc 722)
Total: 10

Logistics: Dealing with large groups of people
Logistics: Organising expeditions
Logistics: Ensuring that everyone has appropriate equipment.
Total: 3

Meditation x5 (My Immortals)
Total: 5

Mount (Air): x 4 (Songs)
Total: 4

Polearms: Bo Staff x2
Total: 2

Politics: Political leaders are not the only type of leaders
Politics: Make sure that everyone knows what is expected of them.
Politics: Tell people what their roles are, and what to expect.
Politics x3 (Council Meeting: Hot Cyc 722)
Total: 6

Psychology x 4 (Songs)
Psychology: Induk psychology is different.
Psychology: Immortal psychology
Psychology: Seeing a child in an evil body
Total: 7

Singing x2
Singing x1 (Approval)
Singing x3 (By the Fire)
Singing x5 (Meet the Neighbours)
Singing x 2
Singing x3 (Songs)
Total: 16

Socialization x 5 (Earth Table)
Socialization: Making your case for mercy
Socialization: Rhetoric: Analogy
Socialization: Rhetoric: Metaphor
Total: 8

Storytelling: Telling something that happened, so it makes sense.
Storytelling: Stories have power
Storytelling: Telling a painful story of your own
Storytelling: Watching Cassion's story
Total: 4

Tactics: Be a flurry, not a flake
Tactics: A peaceful solution takes planning
Tactics: Peace often has a price.
Tactics: Bring joy to create joy
Tactics: Taking individual parts and making them into a whole.
Tactics: Aiming for peace.
Tactics: Call your allies to your aid
Tactics: Creation balances a Diri of Destruction
Total: 8


  • (SP) Immortal: Saoire
  • (SP) Location: Saoire's Dream
  • (SP) Location: Scalvoris
  • (SP) Layout: Scalvoris
  • (SP) Laws: Scalvoris
  • (SP) Immortal: Ziell
  • (SP) Customs & Festivals: Scalvoris
  • (SP) Race: Cadouri
  • (SP) Customs & Festivals: Cadouri
  • (SP) Foods: Cadouri

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Skill Point Ledger

Thread or Skill Name Points Adjustment Running Total
RB - Climbing 25 0
Starter XP +50 50
Acrobatics -10 40
Endurance -5 35
Polearms: Bo Staff -5 25
Singing -15 10
Unarmed: Custom -10 5
Cooking -5 0
Acrobatics (Approval) 5 0
Fieldcraft (Approval) 5 0
Singing (Approval) 5 0
By the Fire 10 10
My Immortal 10 20
Happy to Help (Part One) 10 30
Happy to Help (Part Two) 10 40
Climbing 25 15
Meet the Neighbours 10 25
Singing 25 0
Hear my voice 20 20
One Nel, Two Sides 20 40
At long last 15 55
Discipline 40 15
Life forged, Death forged 15 30
The Earth Table 20 50
The War of Slag's Deep: Exposition 4 20 70
The Forging: Songs 20 90
Endurance 20 70
Discipline 20 50
Caregiving 50 0
Light in the Dark 15 15
Council Meeting: Hot Cycle 722 15 30
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Ziell Abilities

Snow Falls Silently
In the winter, one can almost hear the sound of quiet snow drifting and building around them. This ability takes that silence and applies it to a different sound. The user of this ability can silence all sound they make, evoking nothing louder than the gentle sifting of snow. (They can maintain this ability for half a break before needing to rest.)

Calm Before the Storm
The user of this ability can target one person who is able to hear them. The ability lives within the words that are said and this ability is especially powerful in the moments before a verbal argument comes to blows. The target will feel all anger, annoyance, fear, and violence seep away from them. It may not change their minds about their disagreement with the other party, but they will no longer feel compelled to escalate the argument. This ability is triggered with a few words or sentences to the targeted individual. Those especially learned in Meditation can resist, but cannot hold their anger for long. This ability is useless against those that are already in pitched combat.

Winter's Warmth
The blessed individual doesn't feel the cold as strongly and is able tolerate much colder temperatures than the average person, walking in snow without footwear, venturing outside during Cylus, or swimming in an icy lake without issue. The marked cannot be affected by an ice or cold-based effect.

The Smell of Conflict
This ability can be used to smell aggression and the intent to harm. Violence or the potential of violence has a strong smell. Some marked use this ability to patrol the streets of their city, following the scent to scenes of violent crimes and putting a stop to them. Others catch a whiff of violence growing in the bar and decide to call it an early evening. If someone intends to do the marked one harm, one with this ability can smell it on them.

Chill Finger
The user of this ability can impart the effects of hypothermia on anyone they meet with skin on skin contact. The effect is immediate and spreads from the point of contact throughout the entire body. During the warmer months this ability, at best, imparts sharp tremors and shortness of breath, but during the colder months it can debilitate an opponent with weakness, chills, and tremors. Not meant to be a deadly ability, this power paradoxically guards the victim against the fatal effects of the chill they are affected with. Although they will experience the full devastation of hypothermia, they will be freed within a break (or when the marked removes contact) with their body temperature restored to a natural, healthy state.

Touch of Greatness (Minor)
With this ability, one can sense the capability of another. While not truly a 'prophecy' of what is to come, this ability grants a sensation of what one target is capable of. Those with Competency in a weapon will smell of blood or steel, someone accomplished in magic might smell acrid or lance the tongue with a shocking sensation. Players are encouraged to be creative with this ability. While it does not deliberately spell out a character's skills or abilities, a learned user of this talent will be able to identify certain people by what they are capable of.

The Peacefather's Skills
The character is granted an extra three skill points which may be spent only on the following skills: Socialization, Meditation, or Investigation. Any skill points granted by this Mark can break the 250 (or 100 if fast track) point cap on skills. Within these skills, the points may be spent how the pc chooses.

Xiur Abilities

The character is granted an extra three skill points which may be spent only on the following skills: Etiquette, Navigation, Psychology or Teaching. Any skill points granted by this Mark can break the 250 (or 100 if fast track) point cap on skills. Within these skills, the points may be spent how the pc chooses.

Flow of Morale
The Blessed is able to bring a brief surge of hopeful resolve to those around him. Within 10 feet, this lasts for eight bits; to 20 feet, it lasts for five bits; to 30 feet it lasts for two bits. At "Adored", double either the range or duration. At "Exalted", double both.

Calming Overcast
A tense situation suddenly undergoes a dusky graying light, and the attitudes of everyone within 50 feet are affected as if the current hostility instead happened the day before, and everyone has had the time to cool off.

Night Torch
The Blessed can touch any item and cause it to glow with a bright, starry light. This light can be directed away from the holder, so as not to dazzle night vision. If no other Nalos abilities are used, this can be maintained as long as the item is held by the Blessed.

Fog Bank
The Blessed can generate a concealing fog to aid an innocent or threatened person to escape harm. If the target is instead genuinely guilty of some wrong, for which he was being pursued, the fog will instead leave trail behind him; as well as a revealing nimbus around him for a number of breaks equal to the Blessed's Etiquette skill. The target will have to run through the fog bank to activate this trail. During this time, placing this fog a second time will immediately dispel the current one.

Shooting Star
A Bow can be blessed to emit a ray of star light in a path that displays the trajectory of the arrow nocked upon it. This does not affect the shooter's ability to maintain this aim, and if the light moves from the target upon release of the arrow, the shot will still miss the mark. This effect can be called upon three times a trial.

Cooling/Warming Trend
The Blessed can impart an actual rise or drop in local temperature, to bring relief and encourage good moods. This can be up to a 15-degree effect in a single building; a 10-degree effect over a city block, or a 5-degree effect over a small village. At "Adored", raise the effect by an additional 5 degrees, and make the new 5-degree area be the size of a large town. At "Exalted", add another 5-degrees, and have the new 5-degree area be the size of an entire city. This effect will remain for an entire trial, but can not be generated again for another three.

Forged Powers

Reforged: Forged are not named as they are for no reason. By accepting an Induk's deal their body is filled with their power and tempered by it, making it tougher than it was before. A Forged will find that their skin is like a leather armour and their bones like iron rods, making them more resistant to blunt physical damage.

Light Hearted: Music is special to the Songforged. It is an expression not just of the wonders of the air, but also of the inner thoughts and feeling of the one who plays it. With this ability the Songforged is able to replicate the sounds of any instument without needing the instument itself. They still require skill in the insturment in order to make this sound effective, but simply by moving their fingers through the air in the right way they can replicate the sounds of a flute, harp, drum, or any other instrument they have heard before.

Other Powers

Daia's Dance: with thanks for all he has done, Daia gifts Bao one of her abilities. She thanks him for the singing and dancing with the fairies and she touches his hand. As she does, she tells him always to dance to the Beat of Your Own Drum This may be utilised 3 times a season.

Qylios' Personal Thanks: Qylios will speak with Bao and give him a small bracelet which seems to be originally for a child. She tells him that it was a gift she gave, originally, to her grand-daughter. It will bring light in darkness, she tells him, and it will also allow him to call on her, should he need her. Looking him in the eye, Qylios speaks clearly and calmly. The actions of everyone here saved the island but Bao and Nir'wei saved her grand-daughter, and she is humbled and grateful beyond words for his courage and his strength.

Fairy Friend: Bao has shown himself the friend of the fairy folk. Should he be on Scalvoris, he can call on them and they will help him.

Bubbles!: Remnants of this remain. When Bao is feeling particularly happy and gleeful, he breathes out bubbles.
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  • Outfits
    • Casual Clothes - Robes
    • Formal Clothes - Mini-Tuxedo (I am not kidding)
    • Nightwear - Pyjamas
    • Winter Clothes - Oversized coat
    • Backpack
  • Weapons and Tools
    • Average Bo Staff
  • Hobby Stuff
    • Broken flute
    • Cooking tools
  • Heirloom Item/Special Items
    • Beautiful blanket, a gift from Saoire to keep warm - Heirloom
    • Chamadarst's Coin - The Coin which Bao will find in his pocket when Ziell brings him back from the Vault is icy cold and made from glass. It has a single use of a favoured ability on it from the mark of any Immortal NOT listed as sibling, ally, or enemy of the Coinking. Alternatively, it may remove 1 curse from 1 individual. Please choose one use and PSF it.
    • Saoire's Personal Gift - Although she does not mark Bao, Saoire gives the red panda a gift. Touching his blanket, the Immortal tells him that he can now give his blanket away and whoever he gives it to will feel warm and protected and comforted and safe under it. They will be protected from violence for 1 night and will sleep as comfortably as if they were in a luxurious bed. He can give it away up to three times a season but, she says with a smile, it will also always be with him - to activate the gift, he first pulls a new blanket from the old one.
    • Qylios' Personal Thanks - Qylios will speak with Bao and give him a small bracelet which seems to be originally for a child. She tells him that it was a gift she gave, originally, to her grand-daughter. It will bring light in darkness, she tells him, and it will also allow him to call on her, should he need her. Looking him in the eye, Qylios speaks clearly and calmly. The actions of everyone here saved the island but Bao and Nir'wei saved her grand-daughter, and she is humbled and grateful beyond words for his courage and his strength.
    • Culinary Master! – For describing two or more courses of dinner! – Health Pack! Two times a season, this small box will produce enough emergency rations for up to four people for one trial. This will appear in the form of nutrition bars and clean water. The rations can be split further but this will lower the effectiveness of the rations.
    • Bao's Mug: This mug can create any non-magical drink. From hot chocolate to apple juice, just ask the mug nicely and it will provide. It will create up to 6 drinks a day
    • Forged of Scalvoris! – For your bravery, ingenuity, and determination you are awarded a crystal turtle: ~ Each crystal turtle allows you to have a home. Twice a cycle it will transform into a turtle-shell shelter (shellter). Up to four adults can comfortable shelter in the Shellter. No matter what the weather is, the Shellter is warm and comfortable and dry.
    • 1 Crystal Sculpture from your little boxes. While not magical, there is something very lovely about these and they just have a bit of a 'feel good' about them.
    • Snowsong! An ornamental doorstop-like figure. Made from what seems to be ice, it is the snow-squirrel which Bao saw. It can be placed at a perimeter or point where it acts as an alarm. When there is movement within a 40ft radius of it, Bao will hear an alarm. The alarm can only be heard by Bao and up to four other people he designates. He can remove access to hearing the alarm at any time, but can only give access twice a cycle.
    • Surprises! ~ A small chest of jewels and coins. Please add 5 WP to your total.
    • Malapropism! ~ The Very Pineapple of Usefulness. A small cut-glass pineapple which would fit in the palm of your hand. When placed on the ground it functions as a campfire in terms of warmth and providing a place to cook.
    • Vowels! + No Repetition ~ A piece of parchment. Four times a season, you may activate this and it folds itself into a small origami bird. You speak to the bird and give it a message - it "records" that message and then flies off to find the person the message is for. The message may be no longer than 50 words (contractions count for the correct number of words) and the bird will take the required amount of time to fly to the recipient. Upon arriving, the bird speaks your message (in your voice) and then flies back. If the recipient is dead or hidden by magical / immortal means - the bird will circle overhead when you summon it and not fly in any direction.
    • Fears! ~ A small bunch of 10 grapes. Each one is wonderfully sweet - eating 1 grape will heal you of minor injuries. This is cuts and bruises, scrapes and grazes etc. If you have moderate injuries (deeper cuts etc) then it will take 3 grapes. Major injuries take 6 grapes and someone can be brought back from a critical condition with 9 grapes. Please note, though - if you gave (for example) 1 grape to someone with moderate injuries, it would do nothing. You have an all-or-nothing grape situation.
    • Star Trekking!! ~ A single crystal star, glowing with hope. It is a single use item from Xiur which has 1 ability from his mark - it can be Adored level or below. It's single use - but you don't have to decide which ability till the moment it's used. Once the ability is used, the crystal star always glows and makes a beautiful nightlight.
    • Famula's Favour: Having stood in her realm Famula grants you a small glowing ruby in the shape of a perfect tear - or drop of blood - it is a single-use item which will allow you to access one ability from her Blessing. Any ability from Favoured or Adored may be accessed. Once that is done, the necklace remains as a glowing ruby and imparts to you (and you only - even if someone else wears it) the ability to see and interact with all ghosts.
    • Bao's Gift: Some time later, Bao dreams again of this trial and what happened. When he awakes, he sees that, sitting on the table next to the bed where he sleeps is a small lantern, beautiful and intricate. Underneath it is a note. Written in exquisitely intricate gothic script, it reads. "To Bao Bao, true servant of the people, I grant you this lantern. It allows you to visit Zuudaria should you wish to speak with any one of us, or ask anything of us" There are four signatures on that note. One from each of the Immortals he saw this trial, but the writing matches Famula's.

Buying his own, standard sized house - Bao has more than enough space to live for a man of his size.
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Current Wealth Tier:
Item Adjustment Total WP
City Dweller Pack Tier 5 (66 WP) 66
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Renown Ledger

Item/ Thread Renown Total
Starting Renown 10 10
By the Fire 5 15
My Immortals 5 20
Happy to Help (Part One) 10 30
Hear my voice 10 40
One Nel, Two Sides 15 55
At long last 10 65
The Earth Table 30 95
Council Meeting: Hot Cycle 722 10 105
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Zi'da 720
1st Zi'da - At long last
6th Zi'da - Strange Strangers
25th Zi'da - Meet the Neighbours

Cylus 721
1st Cylus - By the fire
20th Cylus - Stay a while
word count: 34
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