[Village Hall] Shielding the cause

29th of Saun 724

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Beacon is a small village just outside Scalvoris Town which has grown from a few houses to a small hamlet in its own right. Made up of small houses, Beacon is the home for those who are working as "Trainees" in the Cally's group of businesses, be that Cally's Restaurant, Luna's Dream Orphanage of the Scalvoris Town Soup Kitchen. Those who live here do so for a period of time where they are provided with medical care, food and clothing while they are learning a trade. In turn, they are expected to work hard, study and to share their skills both in their job and in the Beacon community

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[Village Hall] Shielding the cause

A shield for a field
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The forge blazed with an intensity that would have made even the most hardened metalworker flinch,
but Winston the ferret stood unfazed
, his tiny goggles reflecting the inferno before him. The heat shimmered in the air, distorting reality itself as if the laws of physics were merely polite suggestions in this sanctum of creation. Sweat dripping down his brow, he worked the metal with Smoky assisting with what would be a shield far to large for he himself to ever wield.

Winston's workshop was a peculiar affair, a hodgepodge of alchemical equipment, magical paraphernalia, and engineering marvels that would have given any self-respecting scientist a migraine. Bottles of mysterious liquids bubbled ominously, gears of impossible complexity whirred in ethereal synchronicity, and a stuffed iguana named Gerald presided over it all from his perch atop a bookshelf.

The ferret inventor approached his anvil with the gravitas of a conductor about to lead an orchestra in a groundbreaking symphony. In his paws, he clutched a lump of metal that glowed with an inner light, as if it had swallowed a star and was struggling to keep it down.

"Right den," Winston muttered, his strong accent incongruous with the arcane surroundings. "Time to make de most magical shield dis side of de island."

He raised his hammer, a tool that looked comically oversized in his diminutive paws, and brought it down upon the glowing metal with a resounding CLANG that sent sparks flying in all directions. The sparks, apparently insulted by the laws of gravity, decided to hover in mid-air instead of falling, creating a swirling galaxy of tiny, incandescent fireflies around the ferret as he sang and the Alchemical glyphs surrounding them worked their magic.

As Winston worked, the metal began to take shape, flattening and curving into the rudimentary form of a shield. But this was no ordinary forging process. With each strike of the hammer, wisps of color erupted from the metal,
blues and greens and purples that danced and swirled before being reabsorbed into the glowing alloy

"Dat's et," The ferret encouraged his creation, as if coaxing a shy child. "Show me wat yuh cun do."

He paused in his work, reaching for a vial of shimmering liquid that sat nearby. With utmost care, he uncorked the vial and poured its contents over the half-formed shield, adding the regents of his trade to the power of the shield.

The liquid hissed and steamed as it made contact with the hot metal, releasing a cloud of multi-hued smoke that smelled faintly of cinnamon. Winston waved a paw in front of his face, coughing slightly.

"Blimey, dat's potent stoff," He wheezed, before returning to his hammering with renewed vigor.

As he worked, he began to sing again, if one could call it that. It was less a melody and more a rhythmic chanting, words in a language that was broken and gnarly in his lilting accent. The very air around him began to vibrate in sympathy with his voice, causing the numerous gadgets and gizmos in his workshop to rattle and hum.

The shield, meanwhile, was undergoing a transformation that defied explanation. Its surface rippled like water, colors swirling and merging in patterns that hurt the eyes if gazed upon for too long.

Winston wiped sweat from his brow with a singed paw. He regarded his creation with a critical eye, tilting his head this way and that.

"Hmm," He mused. "Et's missin' sometin'."

He scurried over to a workbench cluttered with an assortment of oddities that would have given a junk shop proprietor nightmares. After rummaging for a moment, he returned with a handful of what appeared to be ordinary pebbles.

But as he scattered them across the surface of the shield, it became clear these were no ordinary stones... They were wells ground into rough dust ready for crafting. Each one sank into the metal as if it were quicksand, leaving behind a perfectly circular ripple that spread outwards before fading away as the welldust did it's work.

The ferret nodded in satisfaction and resumed his hammering. The shield rang like a bell with each strike, a pure, clear tone that seemed to linger in the air long after it should have faded. The sound grew in intensity, building to a crescendo that threatened to shake the very foundations of the workshop.

Just when it seemed the noise couldn't possibly get any louder, Smoky struck one final, mighty blow. There was a flash of light so bright it turned the world negative for a moment, and a sound like the universe hiccupping.

He placed his hand over the glyph for Sovereign Magic and cut his hand with a wince. The blood fell onto the circle of regents and release the Animate he cast into the bleeding.

The magic from his blood began to permeate the shield, which rattled and shook with the effort. Using his hammer to time Smoky's strikes they worked the shield into submission. There was a shimmering of lights and colours as

When the spots cleared from Winston's eyes, he found himself staring at the completed shield. It was a masterpiece of craftsmanship and magic, its surface a swirling vortex of colors that seemed to move even when perfectly still. Patterns and images formed and dissolved in its depths, telling stories that had never been and might never be.

"Well, would yuh look at dat," Winston breathed, his voice filled with awe at his own creation.

"Dis," He declared to no one in particular, "is gonna make one 'eck of a frisbee."

And with that profound statement, the ferret inventor instructed the shield to follow him and it lifted off the floor as he trotted off to find the ship for which it was intended.
The Shield
This is an implementation of this shield with elements of this shield which have both approved PSF covering their capabilities.

Everything done here are things he's done before with the exception of the use of a size well, whihc literally just does exactly what the Well describes in the Well's write-up. The main deviations from the PSF are:
- The addition of Animate from Sovereign, which in accordance with the new Alchemy rules does not usually require PSF if magic is being imbued as writing, which this is.
- The use of a size well to make the shield shrink and grow in size.

The Shield's Stat block copied from the PSF for the Signing Shield and adjusted slightly is thus:
Winston's Works ~ The Rainbow Shield

The Rainbow Shield is a magical throwing shield, of buckler design.
Domed and designed for throwing, its balance is such that it can fly true through the air when thrown
with skill, allowing it to be a very effective range attacking weapon if so desired. Its edges are blunt and not in any way designed for decapitation, but it would be very well placed for utilitarian and non-lethal blows to an opponent or object.

Crafted of an Alloy of Grave Gold and Scalvoris Blue-glass
, the shield has the ability to enhance sound, songs and other air vibrations that pass over it. As a result, the shield often rings with a gentle hum as it travels through the air when thrown and leaves a rainbow coloured trail of fairy glitter. Despite its Grave Gold/Blue-glass Alloy construction,
it is unusually light and strong
, working to aid in its gliding capabilities.

Due to the use of Gold Grave, it typically has a light hue (combined with the Blue-Sand Glass), however as it become more heavily exposed to magical energies, this turns a deep and vibrant colours and even glows. This colour change fades over time as the shield 'mends' itself using said energy.

The buckler shield can channel some of the magical energy thrown at it into wells it holds, allowing it to withstand extended exposure to magical attacks from water, fire, lightning and earth, thanks to the Splinterstone used in its construction. In combination with its mending ability, this can result in the more energy you throw at it, the more resilient it becomes to the attack.

Able to change its colour, it can also glow and cast beams of light off in any direction and on special occasions can even give off it's rainbow colours in a bright display of colourful light.
Quick Facts

  • Is a Masterwork+ quality shield.
  • All powers of this shield can be activated independently of one another
    (requires Encorcelling or Meditation at Competent).
  • Is almost completely unaffected by fire.
  • Leaves a glittering trail of rainbow-colours fairy-glitter in its wake.
  • Will telekinetically follow commands (all day long) issued by its wielder after activation, i.e. once activated, it can be issued verbal commands to follow, as described in the Sovereign Animate Write-up (Expert).
  • Can change colour, including all of the following:
    • Rainbow coloured and shimmering.
    • Cloaking (blending with its surroundings).
    • Red, like Grave Gold's behaviour, but the more magic it absorbs the brighter it becomes.
    • Plain metal grey.
    • Gold.
  • Can shrink to the size of a Cadouri Coin (does not change shape only its size) when dormant and grows to the size appropriate for the person it protects/the wielder when activated (thanks to the Size Stone).
  • Will defend its wielder when commanded to do so with the Skill of an Expert Shield Wielder (Sovereign Animate at Expert).
  • Absorbs magical energies directed at it, having an affect that:
    • Negates magical water, fire, lightning and earth magics aimed at it up to and including Expert.
    • Reduces the effectivity of magics aimed at it higher than Expert by three levels.
    • Heals damage done to it as magic is absorbed from attacks aimed at it.
  • If 'fed' magical energies, it will mend itself from even very serious damage and broken parts.
  • Works as a perfectly balanced throwing discus/frisbee.
  • Despite being built for strength, it is very light and does not affect the wielders agility.
  • Enhances sound/music and 'hums' when thrown.
  • Can produce sunlight as a focused beam:
    • Requires: Meditation or Ensorcelling (Competent) - For a simple static cone or beam of light.
    • Requires: Meditation or Ensorcelling (Expert) - For more complex or dynamic control of the beam and where is appears from on the shield.
    • Duration: As long and often as desired.
    • The beam can be emit in any direction from any point on the shield.
    • The beam cannot do harm, it is an exceedingly bright sunlight, that could dazzle or temporarily blind someone (perhaps), but would not cause harm (burning, heat, etc).
    • The beam is to bright to look at directly at full power.
    • The beam can be emitted as a thin directed line, or a cone (like a torch), depending on how the user decides to focus it.
  • Can simply glow with light:
    • Requires:
      • No skill for a gentle glow, for as long and often as desired.
      • Meditation of Ensorcelling (Competent) for light enough to illuminate a large room, for as long and often as desired.
      • Meditation of Ensorcelling (Expert) for light enough to illuminate a football pitch, for up to 4 breaks in a trial.
Approved and Built TBC, development tracked here.

Losses while building this shield include:
- 1 x Class 3 Raw Splinterthyte Well
- 1 x Raw Class 2 Sizestone (Proteanite) Well
- 2 x Raw Class 1 Glowstone (Lumite) Well
peganots, Emperor Bats and Metals are all considered within Wealth Tier, access provided vis the
- Swttsong settlement Resources.
word count: 1954


When standing at his full height, Winston towers a full 1 foot and one blueberry tall. A fact he will happily demonstrate before flicking said blue orb into the air with his nose and then eating it with a snappy grin.

His eyes are dark and sharp, ringed by dark brown fur upon the bright white fur that sets off across the rest of his face.


Winston usually carries the following on his person:
  • Cassion's Locket hangs snugly around his neck.
  • Winston's Fairy Bell hangs from his tool-belt attached to his hip. It's 'ringer' is often bound by a small piece of cloth to prevent it giving away his position while in the wilderness.
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Re: [Village Hall] Shielding the cause


Nothing happened on the
captain's ship
without her knowledge and say so. Or rather, anything the DID happen without her knowledge or say so was quickly delivered a thorough dunk in the sea to prepare them for future improvements in respect of chain of command.

As such, when Winston wandered up to the captain's cabin aboard Boaty and knocked the door, her voice called from within. "Come in!"

Opening the door within the door, design for the movonituve visitors to the ship, he entered with a cheerful wave. "Ahoy dear Captain! Me 'ope de sea 'as been kind tuh yuh." He said as he scuttled across the room and hopped up onto. bench to address the sea-battered Cadouri directly.

"Better since Chrien stopped sending the sea itself to kill us." She remarked sharply.

"Yay! Dat's gud news. Did Alex arrange wid you de voyage tuh Etxos?"

The Captain nodded and pointed at the map. "Aye. In hand."

"Great, and were you able to bring Lime over from Beacon with the others looking to relocate?"

"Aye. In ship." Capsworth Capsworth was not a Cadouri of many words, but Winston liked this about her.

"Great! That just leaves this for you to see..." He said, picking up a necklace with a pendant, the Rainbow Shield, hanging from around his neck. The captain frowned, propping one eyebrow up with a sceptical glare. "It's the new shields I promised you for the ship!" He proclaimed.

"Bit small." Observed the woman gruffly.

"Oh!" Said the ferret as he couched it, releasing it from the clasp and activating it.

As it rose from his palm, the captain rose from her chair.

As it grew to the size of an actual shield, the captain moved backwards.

As it started to glow rainbow colours and glitter in the dancing light, the captain draw the line.

"What on Sotgon's salty nut-sac is THAT?!" She exclaimed.

Winston smiled. "Et's a shield. Me gonna make mar tuh defend de sheps wid."

The captain shook her head. "I asked for cannon balls Winston. And cannons."

"Yeah, bot me don't make dem. Me make dese." He offered apologetically.

"Well... Find someone that does, before we get attacks by pirates and have to defend ourselves with party decorations and water squirters!"

The captain had been attempting to requisition armaments for the fleet for seasons now and as brilliant and persuasive as the ferret was, he's achieve nothing if they got sunk for the sake of idealism. "Winston. You want us to go places and do things, we need to be protected, yes. But good armourments are a far better deturrent to avoiding a fight then glowing borbals..."

"Dis cun take a direct hit fram a dragan..." He protested, a little hurt at the lack of inspiration his creation had casued.

"A drag... By Chrien's rage..." The captain rubbed her brow. She really LIKED the ferret, despite herself, but she was not going to continue to float in a deweaponized floating coffin for anyone. "Winston. Make the shields, if you want. But get us some weapon before we get into a fight or so help me I'll haunt you from the depths myself."

The ferret commands the shield return to it's clasp before rather sheepishly nodded. "Aye captain. Will doh. Right away." He gave her a reproachful smile.

"The shield looks right ship-shape." Admitted the captain, reluctantly. She was certain without weaons they would be stolen before the ten-trial was out, but they were nonetheless impressive.

All template credit, love and admiration goes to Kisaik
word count: 605


When standing at his full height, Winston towers a full 1 foot and one blueberry tall. A fact he will happily demonstrate before flicking said blue orb into the air with his nose and then eating it with a snappy grin.

His eyes are dark and sharp, ringed by dark brown fur upon the bright white fur that sets off across the rest of his face.


Winston usually carries the following on his person:
  • Cassion's Locket hangs snugly around his neck.
  • Winston's Fairy Bell hangs from his tool-belt attached to his hip. It's 'ringer' is often bound by a small piece of cloth to prevent it giving away his position while in the wilderness.
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Re: [Village Hall] Shielding the cause


Having wandered above deck and spoken to the crew as settlers of Bacon, whom always enjoyed a visit from the charismatic ferret, he turned to find the new face he would come to know as Lime Flanders standing before him.

It had been a fruitful morning, reaching out and picking up those that wanted to relocate to Etzos. It was not out of a need or want to abandon Sweetsong, but rather everyone had the right to choose and some wanted things the Etzos could offer. Wether that was a clean slate, the chance to learn how to run a farm or just an adventure... He spent the morning
offering and collecting the desires of those present to ensure the right one were being sent
. Winston had spent many trials talking to people, he didn't run a 'Etzos immigration drive', no, he simply got to know people and what they wanted and, on occasion, offered to them the chance to move to a new land when it fit their wants or needs.

Off the back of his recent endeavours in Scalvaris, Isonomia had experienced a little 'boom' in memberships and from these,
had wisely selected
, a wiry looking Baji man to offer liaison and manager of the Etzos branch of Isonomia.

Winston was, of course, the man's final test. As he wandered up to the ferret with a smile and offer his hand to shake. "Hello there! You are definitely Mr Miller, yes?" After all, how many talking ferrets were there on the ship... he hoped only one.

The ferret nodded and held out a tiny hand for the shaking. "De one, an' soh I'm told, only! Bot yuh should call me Winstaan." He replied with a bright grin.

"Very well, Winston, it's a pleasure to meet you, my name is Lime and I very much look forward to helping you with anything you need." He said with an enthusiastic nod.

"Well, dat's grand, cus me es in need af some 'elp." He said with a wink. "Alex 'as infarmed yuh af wat we need?" He said as he gestured towards the 'pointy end' of Floaty.

"Oh yes, an administrator, liaison an all around ambassador to Etzos for the Faction of Isonomia."

It certainly seemed like the man was well informed, which was no surprise given Alex had prepped him. "Yup, dat pretty moch soms et op." He began as they progressed to look out over the sea.

The ferret spent the next twenty bits finding out all about the man, his family, favorite foods and hobbies. It was of course a two way experience, but Winston was after something deeper... "Tank's soh moch far comin' Lime, me really appreciate it." he said in a way that suggested the questions had almost come to an end. "Me jost gat one mar ting me want tuh know..."

"Oh?" The man looked down towards the friendly Cadouri, having become quite at ease in his presence.

Wat es et dat yuh truly desire?
The words pierced the veil of innocent conversation like a surgical strike on a marshmallow wall... The man blinked before answering plainly. "I... Want to make a difference. To matter. To be recognised for the good I can do..." He coughed, suddenly a little self conscious of the words.

The ferret waved a hand and smiled. "Oh-key. Stick wid os an' we cun make dat 'appen." He said, as if it were nothing more than a point of negotiation for their agreement.

The budding politician nodded and smiled, adjusting his jacket as the idea of what had just been agreed settled in his mind. "I believe you are right. Yes."

All template credit, love and admiration goes to Kisaik
word count: 628


When standing at his full height, Winston towers a full 1 foot and one blueberry tall. A fact he will happily demonstrate before flicking said blue orb into the air with his nose and then eating it with a snappy grin.

His eyes are dark and sharp, ringed by dark brown fur upon the bright white fur that sets off across the rest of his face.


Winston usually carries the following on his person:
  • Cassion's Locket hangs snugly around his neck.
  • Winston's Fairy Bell hangs from his tool-belt attached to his hip. It's 'ringer' is often bound by a small piece of cloth to prevent it giving away his position while in the wilderness.
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Re: [Village Hall] Shielding the cause

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Thread: [Village Hall] Shielding the cause
City/Area: Beacon

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word count: 184


When standing at his full height, Winston towers a full 1 foot and one blueberry tall. A fact he will happily demonstrate before flicking said blue orb into the air with his nose and then eating it with a snappy grin.

His eyes are dark and sharp, ringed by dark brown fur upon the bright white fur that sets off across the rest of his face.


Winston usually carries the following on his person:
  • Cassion's Locket hangs snugly around his neck.
  • Winston's Fairy Bell hangs from his tool-belt attached to his hip. It's 'ringer' is often bound by a small piece of cloth to prevent it giving away his position while in the wilderness.
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Re: [Village Hall] Shielding the cause




Wow, this shield sounds awesome. Although I'm a bit skeptical of Winstons' claim that it can withstand a direct hit from a dragon...

That captain seemed positively ingrateful for the shield, however. Poor Winston and all his work on his magnum opus of a shield...

I really wanna get one of them! They're super cool.

Hopefully they serve the mission to Etzos well :D


  • Renown: 15
  • XP: 10


  • Endurance: Enduring the heat of the forge
  • Strength: Hammering with a smith's hammer while working on oversized projects
  • Resistance: Resisting non-toxic fumes from smithing
  • Ensorcelling: Creating items with independently activated offensive powers
  • Smithing: Smithing a masterwork shield with a friend and working high en
  • Sovereign: Animating a shield for defence


  • +1 Rainbow Shield
  • A group of candidates for immigration to Etzos
  • Made an arrangement for someone to man the Etzos outpost for Isonomia


  • 1 x Class 3 Raw Splinterthyte Well
  • 1 x Raw Class 2 Sizestone (Proteanite) Well
  • 2 x Raw Class 1 Glowstone (Lumite)Well
word count: 173

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