[Zuudaria] Unholy War XIII: From A Mile Away

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[Zuudaria] Unholy War XIII: From A Mile Away

Once she had left Jack to his rest, Faith closed the door quietly - as a plague-sufferer, she knew that he was exhausted. Moving away, she heard voices down the hall and nodded her head. That meant that those who were immune had been brought here. That was good, Faith had a lot of questions for them. So, grabbing a new notebook, she made her way in and smiled at the people gathered. "Thank you, so much, for coming here. I truly appreciate it." There were four of them here, two males, two females of varying ages. Faith had asked for them to be taken to a small break-room where they were able to sit in comfort and she'd had some food and drinks brought for them. It wasn't luxury, but it was better than nothing and she smiled. Having read Carter's notes, Faith was clear that on the basic details. "So, my name is Faith Augustin, and I believe you are Marcus, Roheet, Sasha and Bill?" They nodded and Faith smiled. Right, that was good, she thought, it was a beginning.

Roheet - a woman in her thirties - flipped open a notebook of her own; it was a strange thing to do, Faith thought, but there was no harm in it. "What I'd like to do, with each of you, if to take a detailed history - as detailed as can be, and take a sample of your blood. Just a small one." Sasha raised an eyebrow and Faith looked at her with a smile - non-verbally giving her permission to speak. Faith knew that she was in a position of power here, although she did not like it. She still had to accept it and so, she gave the slight indication and Sasha spoke.

"When you say a sample of our blood, what do you mean?"

Faith nodded her head and gave a slight smile. "A good question. I use a small sharp needle to cause you to bleed - I have equipment which will collect up a small - very small - sample of your blood. I'll show you it on me before you decide whether you agree or not." Sasha nodded, although it had to be said she looked more than a little unsure. Faith gave a reassuring smile - not intended to make her more likely to give her blood, but rather to make something very clear. "And if, having seen it, you decide to say no, you don't want to give a sample of your blood - that's more than fine. I'm just very grateful for any and all help you can give."

As she finished saying that, Roheet spoke up. "And, if you don't mind, could you clarify exactly what it is that we're helping with?"

The expression on Faith's face was a careful neutrality. She knew that there was more going on here, there was something about Roheet, and Faith simply didn't know what yet. But, the young Zuuda was suspicious of Roheet - she had an agenda and Faith could see that much clearly.
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Re: [Zuudaria] Unholy War XIII: From A Mile Away


"What you're helping with is my attempt to cure the plague in Rynmere," Faith said softly. "I believe that you've been informed of that. You've been identified as people who appear to be immune to the plague and, as such, finding out as much as I can will help me. What is it that makes you different, what is it that's stopping you from getting it?" Roheet nodded her head, and then started writing. Faith frowned slightly but it was Bill, the eldest of the four, who spoke first.

"Why are you writing notes?" His question was obviously directed at Roheet, who in turn looked up at him and gave a beaming smile. "I'm hoping to write an article. I work for the Rynmere Gazette."

Sometimes, Faith considered, people just horrified her. This was one of those times. That this woman felt that gathering information for a story was important enough for her to be taking time, right now of all times, was something which Faith simply did not comprehend. It was too much for the young woman to grasp, but Bill was quicker on the uptake, certainly. "You're writing a newspaper article? Does that seem appropriate to you? Because it doesn't to me."

Sasha nodded in agreement with Bill and Marcus seemed of a similar mindset. Of the three of them, Marcus was least inclined towards conflict, Faith thought, and she was quick to step in and speak. "If you're here for a story, then I'm happy to talk with you. If that's what it takes for you to help, however I will not jeopardise the people here, none of them. And, for the record, if you'd just asked, I'd have given you the interview." Roheet looked at Faith and shook her head.

"I've tried to get in touch with you before now," she said and Faith raised an eyebrow in question. "Well, that is, I tried to get your information from some people at the Order of the Adunih in Rynmere." Faith glanced at the woman and though only one eyebrow raised and that only by a minuscule amount, the fact that Faith thought that yes, that was very different was obvious. Still, she felt that they had spent more than enough time on this nonsense, and so she looked at the four of them and began to speak again. "My aim, as I say, is to cure the plague which has been devastating Rynmere and the Eastern Territories. That is first, middle and last in my agenda and I am not deviating." They all nodded and Faith figured that had to be good enough right now. So, she started with the youngest, Marcus, and she turned to him and smiled. "I'd rather go through your history and so on in private. Are you happy to continue?" He nodded.

"I want to help. Lost my family to the plague. All of it. I don't know what it is about me that's different, but I half wish it wasn't."

Faith nodded her head and gestured for him to go with her. As she opened the door, she asked, "What is it you do for a living, Marcus?" If all his family had died, then he didn't get his exposure to ghosts via them, she thought - if that was indeed what it was. But when he answered, she just gave a slight smile and walked with him.

"I'm an undertaker."
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Re: [Zuudaria] Unholy War XIII: From A Mile Away

There was no doubting it - those who were immune all shared one thing in common - they had been exposed to the dead - specifically to ectoplasm. That was more and more obviously the solution here and Faith was beyond grateful to these four for having agreed to help. She'd got blood from the first three - they were all happy to help once she'd shown them the process. The only one who was left now was Roheet and there was a part of Faith which wanted to tell her thanks, but no thanks. However, Faith was not that person, nor had she ever been. So, she led the woman in and she sat, hands folded in her lap. Looking at the journalist, Faith breathed in. "Alright. Here is the baseline. There are a lot of things going on at the moment, which I simply can not tell you," she looked at the journalist, and in that moment, Faith started to think about things.


Because this was war. This was a war against the unholy and she had to use every weapon at her disposal.

"But what I can do is twofold," she said. Her hands folded together in her lap. "I can give you an interview now, and I can tell you all about my fight against the plague. I can also tell you about how I got to this point, this place. About the woman who attacked my home and how she has been funded by the Rynmere nobility." She looked at Roheet, calmly, and she spoke with a confidence which, in her heart, she did not feel. "She has been extorting money, protection money, from all the noble families. She has specific and clear links with House Venora, and I can - and will - tell you all of it. But you publish it. You publish it and you make sure that everyone knows." Faith's eyes were earnest in the extreme. "Because I am done with her hiding in the shadows - extorting money from Krome and making them think they're the only ones. I have information, you share it. Show it. And then, when this is done, I'll give you an interview."

Faith looked at Roheet and the journalist nodded, without hesitation. "Deal," she said.

"Her name," Faith said, softly, "is Ellasin. And she leads a group called the Coven. She is a necromancer and she worked with, and initiated, a member of house Venora. She has a base there. The Coven, the group of necromancers, it is across Idalos and I want you to tell them what they already know." Faith leaned forward and her eyes locked with Roheet's.

"You let them know that they will not be spreading this plague any more. That they are done terrorising the rich and the poor. That they might well see me coming, from a mile away, but that won't mean they can stop me." Faith was completely serious as she spoke, her fingers pressing one against the other.

"Extorting money, spreading the plague, using the bodies of our dead families and friends. No more. No more. I won't allow it. And I ask that any and everyone who knows anything of her comes forward." Faith looked, calmly and Roheet. "This puts you in danger. Understand that."

The journalist nodded. "I do. But I'm in."

And Faith knew - or believed she knew - in that moment, that the young woman had no idea what she was getting into. But one article would be enough. More, would be a bonus.

May Famula forgive her.
word count: 598
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Re: [Zuudaria] Unholy War XIII: From A Mile Away

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Faith is gambling a lot here, the undercurrent of one misstep and it all falls apart was strong. It was interesting to see her thought process and methodology for this cure, and she flipped the script real quick on that journalist. Good job and enjoy your rewards!



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