[Zuudaria] Curing the plague

13th of Ymiden 719

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Faith Augustin Champion
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[Zuudaria] Curing the plague

13th Ymiden 719

Carter Frask had, quickly, become someone that Faith knew she could rely on. So, after the meeting the trial before, and while she and Padraig were working on the issues with Uthaldria, it was to him she had turned. She had written a brief, but clear note and then waited. He had come here, to Zuudaria, and Faith lifted her head and smiled as he walked in to the War Room. The young woman was tired, there was no doubt, she was worried for her children and she was terrified at the level of responsibility she had. People were quick to criticise, more than quick, but when faced with the challenge in front of them, some of them chose to walk. That was up to them, and Faith was happy to let them.

And in fact, what had happened last night, at the meeting, had caused her to put together some realisations she'd had while working on the Rynmere plague, too. And so, finally, she'd come to a conclusion. As Carter walked in, she looked at him, using her Famula- granted ability to see who he was loyal to. It remained as it had been, his loyalty was to Famula and so, Faith smiled and gestured for him to sit down. She sat with him, and he noticed the strange bowl of liquid on the table, although he had no idea what it was for, just yet. For himself, he could tell that she was serious, that she was focused and more than that, she had a grim expression which was rare for her. More than rare, in fact. Carter came and sat and Faith breathed in. "I want to talk to you about Maxine and Patrick," she said. As she did, she slid a piece of paper in front of him.
I want to identify a date on which we will launch a strike. On that day, and for as many days as we need thereafter, we will attack and wipe them out. For that, I need to know every Coven base. Every member. Enough now, of reacting. I want you to take who you need and find them all for us. Take only people you trust - we have too many unknown, untrained, and downright unstable people. I need that information by the 33rd, if it is at all possible, to co-ordinate and plan the attack. You know this, I know this, Padraig knows this. We are the only ones. Whoever you need to use, use them, but don't let them know more than necessary.

I aim on the attack starting on the 36th.

In the meantime, I will be seeming to be doing what I can to undermine them. I will be doing just that - undermine them, strengthen us. But that we have an attack planned will remain quiet until it has to be told. Too many loose canons, too many wild cards. Too many unknowns.

If this date is unworkable. Tell me a different one - but write it down.
She looked at him and raised a single eyebrow. When he had read the note, Faith gestured to the bowl. He dropped the piece of parchment in there, and it dissolved. She smiled. "I don't trust either of them, for different reasons. Maxine is volatile, and she has shown herself to be prone to lashing out when hurt. She is emotional and fiercely loyal, but she has significant impulse control issues and, as far as I can see, destructive behaviour patterns. She's also forgotten, or does not understand fully, that I've put my Grand Mark on her. But. I want her followed, watched. I would like to keep her protected, but that's your judgement. Patrick is a previous Sessfiend and prostitute. He also has connections to Alist... oh, never mind. He has connections to Ellasin. She inducted him into Rupturing. At times, he has been incredibly heroic, but equally, he's a poor judge of character. I want him followed too."

Carter nodded. "If either of them betray us?" Faith considered it for a moment. It was possible. Heck, it was maybe even probable.

"Allow it to the point that it gives us information, then make it stop. My ideal would be that you don't kill them, but if you have to in order to protect everyone here, then don't hesitate." Carter raised an eyebrow. "You've changed," he said and Faith nodded. "It was inevitable, was it not? War does that, responsibility too. People behaving like selfish idiots speeds it up." He watched her carefully and nodded.

Faith gestured to the now-mulch which had been paper a few moments ago. "What do you think?"

He smiled at her. "I think I'd like to know what that liquid is. I'll keep in touch."
 ! Message from: Aegis

Before he left, he looked around, listened around, being doubly sure that he was indeed alone with Faith. "I think it is time I show you something else I can do. I've kept this to myself for now because, quite frankly, I don't trust easily. You will be the only person on Idalos that will know this. It needs to remain that way."

Frask slashed his arm with a blade, and let the blood flow, blood that was brimming with ectoplasm. He let it pool at his feet, before it began to bulge and grow upward. It continued to grow and form and shape, until there was an absolutely perfect copy of Carter there next to him.

Carter looked at her, "I believe I'll need to handle Maxine, personally. Anyone else is just as likely to become a lost asset as they are to succeed. I'll put people on Patrick. I can continue my other duties unhindered through this. I'll ensure we're ready by the date you desire. If you have no objections, I'll get to work."

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Re: [Zuudaria] Curing the plague

13th Ymiden 719

Faith didn't like it.

Not one bit. She didn't like the thought that Carter might need to split his focus but, then, he did something which caused the young Champion of Famula to look at the older one with a quirk of an eyebrow. "Neat," she said with a slight grin. It certainly was - and she appreciated his words. Still, she considered it and lifted her fingers to pinch the bridge of her nose. "Alright. But protection first." Faith kept an eye on him as she said that, her gaze earnest and very genuine. She had no wish to hurt either Maxine or Patrick, she'd protect them as much as she could.

"What about Patrick?" She asked and he smiled slightly. "I suspect he won't go far out of Rharne. That being the case, I'll have some of the wisps keep an eye on him." Faith nodded and then realised something. "He is an anchor, for his brother. Which, of course, you know." Carter nodded. "Indeed. A mortal has two chance of being spotted - either by him or his brother. A wisp? Just the one pair of eyes." Faith nodded. It made sense. He was good at this, she knew that - and his custom ability was certainly something which suited his personality and skills.

"I don't want anyone to be hurt," Faith said and he looked at her as she did. There was understanding there in the red-flecked eyes which regarded her. "I know you don't." He also knew it was inevitable and she understood that, too - just on a purely academic level. Her own custom ability, of course, told a lot of her - she wanted to heal people. To put them right and fix their mistakes. Such was, such had always been, her way. She looked at Carter and she put a hand on his arm, just for a moment. "I have three children." Faith said. Her voice was soft and she looked at him with an expression of careful neutrality. "The twins you know about and..."

"Rose, yes. I know." Faith's expression showed her surprise as he said that, although she supposed it shouldn't. But did he know the next part, she wondered. "Vri told me that she is no longer with him. I don't know how, nor does he. If Ellasin is using her, somehow, to get to me... I ..." He hadn't known that bit of information and Carter nodded. That was a weakness, and a significant one. Damn. "Who else knows this information, Faith?"

"Padraig, Kura, Sephira." Her reply was quiet, almost a whisper. He nodded. "That's four too many, but we'll contain it. I can't let you jeopardise the mission, Faith, you know that, don't you?"

He was an excellent spy, an astonishing intelligence agent, Faith didn't doubt it. But she had skills of her own and she knew people. "I know that Famula put me in charge and you won't disobey her. And you don't trust easily. So, you know that I will do this the only way I know how. By being myself and having faith."

Carter Frask looked at her and sighed. "Damnit."

With that, he lifted two fingers to his forehead in a half-salute. "I'll be in touch. Don't do anything foolish. Or reckless. Try and avoid dangerous, too, if you can." Faith grinned and watched him as he left.

And she hoped that he knew what he was doing.
word count: 594
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Re: [Zuudaria] Curing the plague

Come and get your Loot!

(There's plenty more where that came from)


XP Rewards: 10

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  • Politics: When you're in charge, no one likes you.
  • Politics: You really can't rely on most people
  • Politics: Yet, some people still surprise you
  • Tactics: Be careful - then be more careful again that you're not overheard.
  • Tactics: Pass notes not to be heard.
  • Tactics: Remember to destroy evidence.


Nope,nothing to speak of.


Nothing but a few probable nights' sleep over the paths some friends may be on. :(

Renown: 0

Nah...this was deliberately private.


Ahhh...how like real life is "Politics".
Sad as it is, it is realistic to see Faith slowly losing her unsinkably upbeat attitude.
word count: 132
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