• Mature • -‡- Blood and Aged Wood -‡- (graded)

The first visitor..

The cities and villages of Melrath are as varied and diverse as they come. The capital of Raelia is the the jewel of this western kingdom, playing host to a merchants, artisans, Aesir priests, as well as a cut throat political landscape dominated by the nobles of Raelia. To the south in the depths of the Myrkvior Forest lies Melrath's second largest, and oldest city, Fensalir. Here people have learned to live alongside spirits and the natural world by maintaining their loyalty to traditions laid down the first Melrathi. To the east lies the small fishing village of Noatun, and to the western mountains rests the Mer city of Verimeer, the brewing town of Alivilda and the alpine village Vormund.
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-‡- Blood and Aged Wood -‡- (graded)

-‡- 56th Trial of the Rebirth Cycle 720 -‡-

-‡- Sapphire enrichened with streaks of black took the grizzly beasts attentions as Coroth descended from the skies. The length of the dozens of feathers that weaved smoothly behind him and well out to his sides in their spanning length drew the glaze of the beasts eyes into a severing haze between venting his aggression out further upon the aged cabin, and fear of the unknown as the rare winged man came from above into his domain.

The winds that came from the beating of his wings spread the air below him in an emcompassing pass that sent dust and dried grass to roll along the earth to catch against rock crevices half-buried in the ground, and the wood slats of the cabin along the porch. The grizzled fur of the beast swayed and weaved with the current until he landed his own claws into the earthen ground a safe distance from the creature. Safe enough that he could fly back into the air if he sought to.

The beast hunkered down, eyeing him with a lowered head whilst its' lips snarled with the glint of crimson, bloodied teeth within. Coroth in turn hefted up his spear bearing it against his waist where a groove was edged into the leathers of his cuirass that it seemed to have begun to wear a pressured length along. His hands bristled along the wood of the shaft that lengthened out before him. Twisting the metal end that shimmered beneath the down-falling light from the skies above. Letting the white glint off of the reflective steel and catch the creatures eye as its' length proposed two sets of sharpened edges that would pierce its fur with ease.

A rumble was coaxed out of the bear to the threat, one that it revealed was not its' first. It turned about to head in another direction, and to leave the cabin alone as the threat was implied. As it turned about, a few scars were revealed along its' thick beastly torso. The pelt of fur that could be his if he killed it was missing fur along lengths of it here and there where it was stabbed and slashed by one blade or another in its lifetime. Yet it still lived.

The heavy footfalls of its broadcasting weight lumbered off of the echoing planks of the porch as it left the cabin and meandered off a short distance away where the land began to weave downhill into a handful of bushes and towering stalks of trees whose branches rose above ones head. It halted slightly down the slope, where hidden from the avriels perspective was a body, already mangled and bloodied to an extent that quickly allowed Coroth to surmise the victim was long dead.

The huge creature lumbered up to it, and wrestled the man by the neck into it's flesh penetrating maw. Blood drizzlingly began pouring forth from the penetrating tips now being used to haul the limp corpse with it as it headed north where the creek poured forth from the enclave of boulders and the precipice of the cave further beyond the cabin. The two were eyed attentively as it perhaps was heading for its home. Needless to say, in moments following, the cave was entered where the darkness from its depths concealed it further from sight.

Coroth lowered his spear as he waited, until it was out of sight and did not return. A thick brown brow unraised itself from unquestioning thoughts before he'd let the butt of the shaft thud onto the porch and be used as a crutch to lean upon as his lighter weight passed the distance to the scratched over door. A trail of several marks from the beasts claws had gauged several lengthening marks along the door and frame itself. The timbers used to make the cabin were thick enough to forbid it's strength, but it was now permanently marred.

From within, the sounds of a quivering lola could be heard, whimpering in abject fear sounded through the cracks of the door and perhaps a nearby window that had no glass pane, only shutters that were in partial disarray from age and lack of maintenance. His voice rose up, a sunderance of strength and unworldly confidence that had perhaps had a little to do with scaring off the beast spilled through the cabins walls to reach her ears with a trickle left from it's barrier.

"…at least your still alive…I'm not sure who the other one..was..," Coroth spoke with some hesitation, for his common was still not so well, and some of the words had to be spoken in Lorien since he knew not what they were..or had a translation for them yet. Lola at times caught on to what he was trying to say to enough of an extent that she could get along with him, she was also vividly submissive to him, and went along with just about anything he put her up to anyways.

The sounds of her pattering bare feet racing across the cabin door to the sound of his voice reached his lucidly placed ears. A demure gaze weaved back to the cave further upwards along the rising land beyond. Till the demure scent of her breaths panting and exhilerated with fear and gladness that he was there to save her, again came forth in her breaths filled with renewed hope and happiness. Such sweet dulcet sounds came from her lips at times, pleasing things that sounded so sweet to his ears that only a passionate young woman could hope to produce.

In moments, the sound of the log that he taught her to use to bar the door with was drawn aside, and slid thuddingly to the floor along the wall to worry him that it was too heavy for her to use, and the planks of the floor perhaps too old to bear its hammering during daily use. When the door did come ajar, the feint softness of her fur-lining attire came to his eyes attention, and the spillage of precious cleavage within that were uplifted with her arms as they were flung about his broadening shoulders. Shoulders bearing pauldrons of reptilian leather and their spikes that she knew well enough to avoid as they snuck between them and his neck, pulling herself against him and sneaking her femininely soft curves back into the prowess of his still youthfully budding strengths.

His own lecturous arms folded easily beneath her lifted arms, her slender figurine pulled in gratuitously to his physique to draw in upon her emotions and welcome her back into the safety of his embrace. Shadows of fearful whimpers explained herself beneath his ear that sent electric sensations through him in other ways that they normally spoke to him whilst within the furs. Eyes widening in pique before dousing back into a demure of thudding hearts. Her smaller feet were in the air by that moment, her arms were strong enough to hang herself from his neck. All the more easier with the aid of his arms at her waist. Ripples of her skirts caught above his arms and weaved into a few layering ripples of cloth whilst his arms remained pinned against such material to feel the softer womanly curvitures within. He took her inside afterwards. A passing glance lastly given over his shoulder before the squeek of the door frame being drawn back into a state of closure would take them from view from anything else outside. Then other squeeks would begin.
Last edited by Coroth on Wed Mar 18, 2020 7:48 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 1273
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Re: -‡- Blood and Aged Wood -‡-

-‡- 57th Trial of the Rebirth Cycle 720 -‡-

-‡- Coroth decided it was best to wait out the day at his new home, to see if the grizzly looking creature would return and cause more trouble. With narrowed cautious eyelids he gazed up the grass-laiden hillside that rose upwards to the steepling of the cavernous rockface where the beast remained out of sight from within. There were no chairs, or places of comfort yet, and he knew if he wanted one, he would have to make one. There were other things to craft, things more important to handle the situation until it was resolved.

He was not good with animals. He was a hunter, he killed them, took their flesh from their meat, and lived off of them as well as sold what he and his girl couldn't consume before it would age. The situation was thus becoming one that would result in him having more material for his trade. More furs for his girl to bed upon in their comfort. More leather for him to turn into crafted items to sell, or even use himself.

Thus he stared upwards at the forebodingly dark entrance where he waited to see what kind of living habits it had. He knew not if it hibernated, or if it recently awakened from such a reverie. He knew though, that it was feasting on the dead body it had taken inside the cavern with him.

In his hands was one of his knives, one more suitable for carving wood. One that was being drawn in a repetitive course from the shaft outwards to the sharpening angle of a tip that would be suitable to pierce flesh with. It would not be topped off with a metal end as more professional staves could be for war, and fighting. This was a rudimentary piece, one that even boys learned to make when they were old enough to be given a knife from a father. A few more were set nearby, leaning against a fallen log that had been dragged in front of the cabin ages ago. The bottom of it had already sunken within the earth to become a part of the yard as its partially rotting lengths had caved in, yet it was still thick and strong enough to sit upon. He though, had no desire to sit.

The perch of his bow was also nearby, strung, and ready to be put to use. It would not take too much to truly kill the beast. Unless it was able to bear becoming a pincushion for arrow and spear alike. If it could bear the pain, he he he.

Lola returned to the cabin moments later. Her thinner arms were embracing a bundle of wooden sticks of varying lengths and sizes that she finally dropped onto the ground as she came close enough to relieve herself of the burden. A few scrapes were looked over as they were freed from her arms, assuring herself she didn't wound herself in the process. Eyes enlargened at him in mused anger, growling briefly at him as if she would get back at him for having to do such a menial task. She was a beauty, and she liked to exalt upon him how much she was better than any other woman he would lay eyes upon. And perhaps she was telling the truth at times.

A smug, humored curl lifted upon staunched tiers as he listened to her smaller growl reach his ears. The carvings of the spear were ceased, righting the butt into the ground to lean upon. The fold of his glorious cerulean feathers were shifted out of the way behind him as the background to view the rest of him in front of as he faced her.

"Good..more arrows..and fii..rrre..?" Coroth was still learning his common, and sought to speak more of it with her all the more now that they lived in a region where it was used instead of his kins Loriel. His voice thus was questioning her, as such knowings were necessary for him to remember and assure he pronounced them the right way.

"Yes..you said them right, Master..," A little frown slid onto her features, saddened that her sole companion knew so little common, yet they understood each other quite well through the years in other ways. She had learned Lorien instead of him learning common. Now it was his turn.

"Smoke…there…beast..comes here," Coroth spoke in a measured figurative length of words. Pausing between them to decipher which little word would fit between the others, and giving up as the language was more difficult than he wanted it to be to learn.

Lola paid attention to what he said, then thought about it for a few moments, to figure out what he was talking about, and if she was supposed to take the wood up there for him. She hesitantly stepped backwards, away from the pile of sticks, her eyes widening in silent fear of being the one to do such a task, then pointed to the cabin and herself.

"Lola..is staying in there. You..you go smoke the beast out." She might have heard of such being done by the other men at the campfires, but it was something rarely spoken of during hunting stories. Then, the sound of her scampering bare feet were quickly padding over the floorboards of the porch as she darted herself into the cabin. Her furs and leathers swishing out behind her legs as they exposed themselves in their hustle. A feint gleam from the distant light in the skies reflecting upon the natural shine of the light oils her skin exposed along its length from hip above.

The mirth of a ruminating chuckle eminated from the enclave of muscles along his chest. Not as burled as some of the stronger warriors he used to fight with in Athart, but he was growing, and growing well. A prideful curl remained upon his lips after the air of chuckles was released to reach her dulcet ears beyond.

word count: 1019
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Re: -‡- Blood and Aged Wood -‡-

-‡- Was it a stroke of luck that something moved near the entrance of the cave when lola returned. When perhaps with the aid of the subtle currents of wind, her femininely beautiful scent had drifted upwards along the creek to slip within the entrance of darkness where the beast had secreted itself?

Coroth wouldn't know. The winds had ways of making things difficult. Of such a conspiracy he would perhaps later fathom why his prey came outside. The brown fur along this aged animals' features taking on the showering rays from the skies above glinted off of those thin whiskers that stuck out from it's savorous maw in lengths of white and clear fiber-like lengths. Lengths that were rustled about as it grimaced and pursued the scent that it had discovered earlier, and had a craving to breathe in all the more. For it was a lonely beast, yet it knew well the scent of a woman.

"Lola..bar the door..now,' Such words were uttered towards the ground for only his eyes had lifted upwards as the stir of movement shifted the shadows of his vision that far away. Yet he could see it without moving his head. His words being sent to her ears that would with little doubt overhear them. Moments passed as the beast above began to saunter about. The dark rich crimson of anothers blood becoming apparent within the opening of his maw and flappy lips as it rose up onto it's hind legs and began stretching forth it's upper arms as if its sleep had been interrupted, and it was time to awaken to see the world again after such a long, slumbering, hibernation.

After a few moments, there was the sound of the doors "lock" being moved along the inner logs of the cabin till the slave girl moved it over the door itself, barring it from being opened from beyond as she was told. But what if the log didn't work, and slid out of place, and resulted in her death. It was a grave possibility. There was still the dire solution to resolve the problem.

Then there was movement from one of the windows. Lengths of wooden planks had been nailed across its' opening barring it from being entered by boards of wood aging in dryness similar to the logs they were fastened against. The white of her eyes were seen through one of the slanted partitions of the window as she stared through them, and out into the yard where he sat beyond. The shadows darkening her eyes with a partial concealment, yet she would watch, and fascinate herself with the evenings bloody form of entertainment, right on her doorstep.

Now that his girl was safe, he lifted his head. Rising up as a blossoming lurk of dark feathers that bristled and released themselves from their resting fold behind him. Sharp flexings were made along his back. Linings of musculature cords rippled and tensed as he stretched his own muscles from their rest. A rest that was perhaps well deserved after such a long flight to get here. But a rest he shouldn't wallow in, for resting too long was direly bad for you.

It was thus, that something began to shake within him as he breathed deeper of the air around him. The chill in it was welcomed into the fervor of his warming muscles. Muscles that began to shiver in anticipation of the bloodletting. A bloodletting that a part of him wanted to pursue like a human barbarian and merely charge the huge beast and kill it. Yet, he wasn't so lethal, and had easier methods of taking down his prey without the shirk some of fear overtaking him and weighing upon his chances of survival.
Not many of the avriels lived through their trials when they were tested in their youth. Many of them followed such aggressive pursuits, and did not return to Athart. The sharp angles of his handsome features shifted towards the cabin, and the subtle scents of the young woman within it. The reason he remained alive perhaps, the inspiration to return from skirmishing's and bloodlettings, for the thrills within passion were in its own ways, superior to those of war.

It was when those loathe some wings of a bird, winged beings that he could never catch, revealed the avriels position, that the beast gave Coroth his attention. It merely stood there for a length of moments, slowly contemplating what might occur in following moments. Its' death, or perhaps another meal to eat of. For it had no doubt been living here for some time…and considered it his home. Something to fight for even, as many beasts became territorial where it could thrive and live a happy life.

It was then, that through the distance, Coroth could discern the way it's maw began to snarl, small muscles shivering and causing those whiskers to ripple and reflect the light from above through their individual lengths to blend into the darker brown of its fur that began to ripple with the movements of it's hunkering form as it returned onto all four magnificent paws. Paws that began to thud onto the ground as nails dug into the earth, aiding to push itself forward in a blood curdling charge. For with its charge, it began to bellow forth its magnitude of strengths and size that surpassed the avriels stature that was smaller than many humans.

Coroths eyes merely widened in shock, for it was a great beast, one respectfully to be feared. And one he was now of a mind to have to kill. The sharpened staves were taken beneath his left arm, knees bending to reach them, knees unbending as his wings shot downwards towards the earth to push him upwards into the air with the reluctance of the air clouding around him as wind scolded along the earthen floor in a sudden passing gust. In another breath, he was rising into the air. Those Cerulean feathers shimmering briefly beneath the skies lighting from above as they beat into the air behind him in continual arguments that lifted him into the air.

The beast knew he could fly, the beast though continued to charge, and stood below Coroth in the whirl of his winds, gnarling upwards at him of the odors the unbathing avriel left behind. Yet in another moment, the platonic argument changed from playful neighbors battling it out, to one that would begin to let blood. For Coroth took the first of the staves beneath his arm, and hurled it fiercely at the beast below. His arm though, was not stretched, warmed up or ready to aim properly he discovered. For it went off from his target, and shattered into the ground beyond with a snapping of the wooden shaft that sent splinters into the air to fall around it.

The bear nonchalantly made fun of him, swatting its huge weighing arm laiden with loose shimmering fur into the air from beside it inwards towards his chest. As if swatting at the flying man would get him out of the air, and make him go away. For his weapons didn't even strike him. It wearily eyed Coroth as it sauntered back onto all fours, and began to circle around, and head for the cabin. To perhaps try again to get at the baiting beauty within that it had a carnal hunger to breathe in further.

It thus, did not see the second spear as it was righted and balanced above his shoulder. His wings behind him needed to continue batting at the air, flapping conversations with the wind and the translucent waves that passed through the sheen of feathers. Wings that were in the way if he wanted to pull the spear behind his shoulder and hurl it with strength. Thus, he discovered that throwing spears were not as good to use as they were on the ground. Thus why he had missed his first shot, for the back of the first spear had been brushed against by one of his wings and sent it into disarray.

Coroth thus found a way to angle the spear, so the butt of it was above his wings, and the angle of its sharpened tip was downwards. His target though had to be brought to another angle from where he hovered in the air, rising higher, and closer to the cabin so it was nearly below him directly. These spears were light, for they were only long thin limbs from trees, and nothing more. Light enough to throw downwards and hear it chipping against the wood of the porch as it failed to skewer the beast as it huffed and slammed into the barred door in those moments.

Another stave was taken from beneath his arm, one of only a few that remained. One that he had to wait to aim with, as a breeze suddenly was cast in his direction. As the winds picked up suddenly from the plateaus beyond and swirled around him, causing his wings to have a need to fight against them to maintain in the air, to hover there where the beast could remain a target.

When the winds seemed to die down enough where they would not hinder his throw, he hurled the carved wooden stick downwards. It caught against the roof of the porch, and broke into pieces that rained wooden fractures downwards behind the bear, worthless this was becoming. A menacingly annoyed eruption of anger was released from his lungs as his head leaned backwards and coerced with the listening, baiting winds to leave him be.

The last stave became the last as his grip on another one slipped from his fingers whilst his anger still smoldered and bristled within his blood. The stave was recklessly hurled towards the porch, and the aged bear upon it. It though, perhaps with the aid of luck, grazed the beast along it's hindquarters. A target hard to miss from a position behind it. A target that caused the beastial menace to turn around and vent forth it's hatred towards the flying man in the air above. A long promising roar erupting from it's lungs that were so huge that the lungs within pronounced its fondling hatred for the letting of his blood. And it wanted no more of such pain.

word count: 1745
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Re: -‡- Blood and Aged Wood -‡- (mature)

-‡- The trees surrounding the cabin were always green, that lush green that was warming as it was of earth, and a natural essence of life and of living. A part of the earth that remained alive even in the colder of climates, a strong tree that flourished even when others would die. They provided a darkening canopy beyond the cabin, not too dark, but one filled with the ire of shadows and shade and in this season, promises of that remaining chill and cold of winter when the brilliant rays of warmth from the skies higher above could not warm the air.

Trees were also objects that he had to stay away from while he hovered in the air. The sound of his wings beating into the emptiness of the air around him was soothing to his own ears, particular flaps had become known to him. Particular sounds that were becoming noticeable as he flew that hinted that he wasn't the most agile and smooth of avriel to put his wings to use.

None the less, such abilities were further versed as he was out of spears, the beast below standing on the porch as if it had claimed it as his territory long ago, and was there to fight him for it. To keep its' claim over the avriels sought after new home. It settled again onto all fours and began to pace through the grass in front of the cabin. The long overgrown strands of green lengths being passed through by those fur-laiden limbs as it eyed the flying being above who posed a rising threat to him. Deciding perhaps how to get rid of the bug.

It was as the beast drew his attention away from the cabin that his heart lessened in its hastened beats. That his worry that the door would collapse from the assault went away. The beast made itself an easier target as its animalistic mind was frail in figuring out what to do next. Coroth thus unharnessed the bow at his back. There was a way he could even bear a pack behind him, between the length of his back where his wings rooted outwards below his shoulder blades and below. The rootings weren't connected, for the muscles that were needed to root them, and put them into use were individualized and still growing in strength.

Regardless, the bow was brought into the vising grip of his hands. Hands already adorned with leather bindings along his fingers and along the length of his forearm to protect his flesh from the bows strong twine. An arrow was reached for, the muscles along his right arm flexing and felt sliding flesh along his biceps in the benditure before the leathers of his armor. The metal at the end of the arrows shaft glinted briefly in front of his eyes as he drew the cord to his cheek.

The aim thus became easier to determine in its path as the string was felt in its strength, as his fingers held the shot till he suddenly loosed the arrow. The whirl of the feathers clinging upon the darkened wood of the shaft twirled in its blur of a path before it embedded itself within the beast below. He had acquired enough use with the weapon to be proficient enough to make the shot.

His quiver was full of arrows, and another was being drawn into the air. The sound of the light wood of the shaft skimming briefly along the leather of the quiver behind him came to his ears before the clink of it against the bow let his fingers delve into the muscle memory that was growing within them. The development that would send it spiraling into the air to impale the beast with another lodging length buried within fur and deep within meat.

Snarling erupted below, the beasts quarrel with the bug changed to a different tune. A melody of snarls of hatred and anger as it began to rage with inflicting pain coursing through its movements causing it to stumble. For one was buried within its front shoulder. Another beginning a pin cushion upon its furred hide as it protruded behind its head. It decided it would be safer if it hid, and began to stumble its way to its cave a distance beyond.

Would it make it? Coroth had learned to be quick in drawing his arrows, one after the other. Time was of the essence. There was no danger to him from below, and he had enough to begin to loose towards the bear. Leading the arrows into a continual notch and draw till his wits decided that the path would be straight. Finding after a few arrows to grip one end stronger than the other to keep the balance and aim.

Finding as well, that his wings could hoist him upwards into a hover for a few moments, before they were needed to furl through the air again to regain the altitude. He could obtain better aim without the disruption of his wings for a breath or three, aim, and release. Afterwards, those wings of cerulean lengths would douse the air with their spanning of feathers that were stretched outwards in their downstrokes, catching upon the air like the sails of a boat.

Before the beast would make it into the cave, it collapsed. For there were too many arrows within it's transition to becoming a carcass. There were too many of them buried into muscles that were needed to move his limbs. Even if it crawled..it had not the will to reach its shelter.

When the last of the arrows was needed to keep the beast from moving any further, Coroth drew closer to it, descending back onto his taloned feet with a sudden gust of wind sending the earthen dust and loose blades of grass into the air around him. The sudden collapse of his wings folding back into place were listened to in their sleek rippling movements as he walked towards that which was dying.

His bow was returned to his back and the harness upon it where his quiver would bear its weight. Sheathed on the other side was an adjoined blade that was released from its sheath by a strap. Letting its' weight of only a few stones settle into his awaiting fingers that deftly pulled it through the air in an arce of movement that sought to imitate the warriors he fought with.

The beast was heard mewling and dealing with its rancid amount of conflicting pains that was sending it closer and closer to the tides of finalizing death. With a dreary lull of his eyes, Coroth felt a morse of sorrow for the aged creature. His voice rose up to great its ears, consoling it, yet victoriously chiding it as the loser.

"You will be remembered by us after your passing..for your hide will keep us warm..and your meat will keep us from hunger. That is quite a head you have there aged one…perhaps I shall remove it..and place it where others will see the one who has lived here for so long."

The beast merely sighed in a passing of thoughts and through the consoling words spoken in the tongue of the avriel. Perhaps it was the tone that was used…or maybe it somehow understood what he was saying in another manner. Either way..it did not take but a few more steps before Coroth circled the bear, lifted up the blade with two wielding hands above his head, then lowered it in a quick decapitating drive behind its skull and through the spine behind it to finish it off.

It was dead, no longer moving, yet the aim was off with such a weapon. Needless to say, he had to work on that a bit more before it would become a glorious end to further kills. He though, had made a killing stroke, and went about the process of claiming it for hide, meat, and bounty.

word count: 1347
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Soren Kvistson
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Re: -‡- Blood and Aged Wood -‡-


Word Count: 5384
Total Post Count: 4
Word and Post Count for Player 1: 4 / 5384
Review Request Link: viewtopic.php?f=242&t=20657&p=145213#p145281

This was an incredibly detailed and descriptive story. I enjoyed the fact that it was was not simply a start and end hunt, but rather had build up and background to it. Well done

Played to Skill Level? Yes

Skill Points 10

Renown -

Skill Knowledges:
Field craft - Carving of sticks into spears a lesson to be remembered from childhood.
Linguistics:Common - Pronouncing words the right way becomes important
Hunting - learning the daily habits of the one you hunt.
Linguistics:Common - Still learning how to form sentences.
Flying- Don’t use wings for a moment and you can aim better.
Flying - Cant hurl a spear straightforward while in flight, wings in the way

Non-Skill Knowledges:

Items and Other Rewards:
Bear carcass

Code: Select all

word count: 168
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