[Approved by Pegasus] [Flora] Faldrass Potato

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[Flora] Faldrass Potato

Faldrass Potato
Developed by Darius Baer
Short Description: A large root vegetable that is always warm.
Found: Faldrass
Toxicity/Hazard: Due to the volcanic origins of the vegetable, the skin can be toxic if ingested.
Appearance: On the outside, the Faldrass potato plant resembles a ball of lava, but once cut open, it resembles a large potato.
Properties: Beyond being a larger form of potato, the Faldrass potato also bears an innate warmth, meaning it can sit on a plate for a long time after being cooked without going cold, and can even be used as a source of warmth.
Rarity: Uncommon.
How To Use: The Faldrass potato can be used mostly in the same ways a regular potato can be used: mashed, baked, boiled, or steamed. However, due to the toxicity of the skin, they should always be peeled first, and due to their innate warmth, they are not suitable for a cold dish, such as a potato salad.
Side Effects:
Status: Available to be foraged on Faldrass.
Price: Currently not for sale.
Notes: The Faldrass potato was discovered by Faldrass refugees returning to their homeland following the eruption of Arc 720.
Fast Facts Skill Levels Required:
Knowing It
-- Scalvoris: Competent
-- Idalos: Expert
Wealth Tier
-- Scalvoris: 4
-- Idalos: 6
Sell/Buy It
-- Scalvoris: 5
-- Scalvoris: Common (Faldrass)
-- Idalos: Very Rare
Finding It
-- Scalvoris: Novice
-- Idalos: Expert
Collecting It
-- Scalvoris: Competent
-- Idalos: Expert
Using It
-- An ingredient to accompany any meat or vegetable dish or as a component in a stew.
Killing It
Capturing It
-- (if applicable)
Tending It
OOC Note
I would like to make use of this as one of two resources for the Scalvoris Materials expedition.
word count: 280
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Re: [Flora] Faldrass Potato

 ! Message from: Pegasus
Ohh, I love this! It's a real hot potato! :) Approved!
word count: 13
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