PCs involved: Nir'wei.
Brief summary of what you plan to do in this thread – what (if any objectives are you meeting?)
Making progress on all the things he's seen in the previous thread
Rise and Shine.
1. Greyhide, Cold and Vabina enter the fog in the Volcano and search for Faldrass using their scent and hearing.
2. Sovar, Myrth and Nox are exploring Saoire's Dream to ensure that nothing else is amiss. If they find nothing and the burning is a distraction for the pirate invasion, they return to Nir'wei through his (still open) School Gateway. If they find the burning is a distraction for something else in Saoire's Dream, they launch into immediate attack.
3. Squeak moves from the Barony to Saoire's Dream to follow the same orders under Sovar.
4. Castile and Arle at Haven attack the mysterious strangers and aim for an instant takedown using brute force and tactical precision.
5. Nir'wei attracts a large amount of small birds to himself, including morning birds like robins and tits, and a few Etchwings - and accidentally reinforces the frenzy he's already started in the process, but then continues to do it intentionally.
6. Nir'wei also sends a message to Vega through Echo Scroll alerting her of the frenzy that he's spreading and telling everyone to get indoors.
7. Nir'wei feeds a frog his blood, intending to turn the frenzy into a blood frenzy - aiming it specifically at people, to avoid them all eating each-other.
8. Finally, Nir'wei waits, allowing the six boats to split into groups of 3 while Archailist uses his Forest Orb to watch their movements through the eyes of squirrels on the island and map their movements, so that Nir'wei can plot to attack the flagship (when it's split from the other ships, and as long as none of the others start attacks that take his attention first.)
The thread itself is
The Other Side.
What skills etc are relevant to your plans here?
Animal Training, Tactics, Logistics, Detection.
! | Message from: Peg |
- 1.Greyhide, Cold and Vabina are not Forged Diris and, therefore, they find nothing. No explanation, no Induk. Just ... nothing.
- Sovar, Myrth and Nox see that the tree in Saoire's School is burning brightly. But they also see that the tree is entirely untouched / unharmed. Flames from the tree continue to grow, however, and they notice that those flames are growing ever-higher. The tree remains untouched. They also see a shimmering dome over Saoire's Dream - very hard to spot, but they do.
- All of Nir'wei's mortal / physical animals start (slowly) to feel a little disoriented / dizzy. Nothing major, but almost like they're in a smoke-filled room and / or a little short of oxygen at an altitude.
- Castile and Arle find themselves in a battle with people of very high skill level (Expert blades, expert athletics, etc). They are very good. They will be able to win but it's hard and loud. Haven NPCs may be involved - so you and Elisabeth may want to liaise.
- There are a lot of animals - specifically a lot of birds - around Nir. The skies are full of very hungry creatures, in fact. At the time, this may seem like a good idea. Whether it is or not in light of what happens next is maybe up for debate.
- The yellow fog corruption spreads out over the island of Faldrass and beyond.....
! | Message from: Forest Orb |
Oke. So then, there's the activation of the Forest Orb.
The Forest Orb activates and suddenly, Nir feels his consciousness expand.
He sees through the eyes of all squirrels for a mile. There are lots of them - and it's more than seeing through their eyes. He realises that he's "being" them - linked to them - and they're all feeling that strange, strange overwhelming / dizzy sensation. It's all the squirrels.
But then he realises that it's not just them.
He realises that, in fact, now it's all the squirrels in two miles. Then four. Then eight. And so it goes in an exponential explosion of squirrel-eyes. It's overwhelming, even for him. For a moment, just a moment, he sees all the squirrels in Idalos. He's seeing through the eyes of - he is being every one of them. He sees snapshots of their lives / moments - snapshots of all sorts of squirrel-life, including some bizarre things like, for example, a squirrel and a snake yelling at each other
Finally, his vision retracts a little. But still, it's more than a mile. More than a mile. In fact, he sees squirrels in forests. Lots of them - lots of forests. He knows what it is, just for a moment. He - they are - in the Unabor forests and in that moment, as noxious yellow gas seeped out, moving across the island much more quickly than it should - Nir'wei suddenly realises that, just as all the trees in Unabor are connected, suddenly they are all connected. Each squirrel, one to the other and he hears and sees and is them all.
It's overwhelming - and Nir'wei passes out. |
When you come around
When Nir wakes up a few moments later, the fact that the six ships are separating into pairs has become apparent. Two are headed west, two east and two south. map for your convenience |