Natalia's Plot Musings

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Natalia Gregorios
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Natalia's Plot Musings

MB Application Notes (WIP)

Tranquility’s Reign
Horses have a wild spirit that is difficult to contain. As the Mortalborn of Horses, Natalia can forge a special connection with any mount that boasts an equine heritage. This connection requires her to be able to touch the creature, but once she does, the creature will feel an overwhelming calm come over it.

This ability does not extend to her ability to ride an equine mount, although a difficult creature might more easily allow her to mount it, depending on her mount skills. She will need to continue training in the appropriate mount skills to facilitate that.


Crystal Clear
Once per trial, Natalia can hear streams of conscious thoughts around her. The greater the number of individuals around her, the harder it is to make sense of the jumble of thoughts. This will be overwhelming to start and one needs to train/experiment to understand the ability. To start, Natalia will be unable to make out who is saying what, but with time, she will be able to focus the ability on a single target, if desired. To start, she will only be able to use the ability for short periods of time (no more than 10 minutes)

Discipline and Meditation will help her progress more quickly in this ability.

Note: Mechanically, I will be keeping a chart of all the times Natalia uses this ability so her training with it can be easily tracked.


Virtue of Value
Minting is the act of creating currency. “Currency”, however, can mean different things to different people. Natalia can look at a person and know what type of ‘currency’ would most appeal to them. This could be traditional currency or more non-standard things of value like jewels.

Last edited by Natalia Gregorios on Sat May 29, 2021 5:55 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 296
"A girl should be two things: who and what she wants."

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Natalia Gregorios
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MB Application (Submitted)

Mortalborn Approval Request

List your current and past accounts: Elisabeth Angelus, Sabine Devereux, Avalon, Evangeline Quinn

Character Background information:
Born into a wealthy merchant family in Scalvoris, Natalie was raised with the expectation that she would marry rich and secure her future within society. Intelligent, polite, and a natural conversationalist, she knows how to get attention and keep it - when she desires it.

The problem was, she had no intention of marrying for the wrong reasons and entering high society, deeming it boring and life wasted. What Natalia wanted, was something different. Something extraordinary. Something that made her feel alive instead of the slow death she felt everyone else was marching towards.

After being backed into a betrothal at age 21, Natalia managed to forestall the wedding until she could find a way to remove herself from the picture. Upon telling her father that she had no intention of going through with the marriage, she left everything behind, not wishing to waste her life pretending to be something she wasn't.

Leaving her family and wealth behind, she now lives in Scalvoris Town, watching the world and biding her time, waiting to see what she finds.

Character concept: Natalia is the product of a wealthy, privileged environment, and rejected it due to the demands and expectations put on her by her family and society. She wants to forge her own path and decide what is worth her time, and who. Being Chamadarst's daughter adds an additional level of intensity to the story, I believe. In a lot of ways, she is very much like her Immortal father - calm, cool, always thinking about how situations can benefit her, pragmatic. When the time comes for her to know about the deal that was struck in exchange for her existence, it will be difficult for her to reconcile that she is a chess piece being used. She feels that her family tried to use her and now she's being used by Chamadarst for a similar purpose. I believe it will lead to tremendous opportunity for character growth and storytelling opportunities, especially where her relationship with Chamadarst is concerned.

I feel that her 'father' will never tell her of the deal so she will most likely find out from Chamadarst himself. This presents the character with the opportunity to either forge a relationship with the Immortal, outright reject him or something in-between, depending on what his expectations are of her.

Appearance: Long silken chocolate-hued locks and honey-colored eyes, Natalia appears to be every inch a lady. While she no longer has the income to afford the luxurious clothes of her youth, everything she wraps around her body is just so, color-coordinated and the very best look she can put forward. Lithe and medium-height for a human female, her body is not athletic but properly toned due to her desire to keep herself healthy with appropriate exercise.

Mortal Parent:
Name: Olivia Whitehall Gregorios
Race: Human
Date of Birth: 32nd Ashan, 671
Etiquette - 30/100
Socialization - 30/100
Dancing - 20/100
Singing - 20/100

Appearance: A slender blond woman, Olivia was raised knowing that social graces were all that would be required of her. She has a dancer's physique, honed from from years of training. Her stunning blue eyes are widely considered to be one of her best features.

Personality: Olivia was taught from a young age that etiquette and how to socialize with others was to be her main course of study. As such, she was never educated in anything other than subjects that might be useful in polite conversation (history, art, etc). Olivia defers to her husband's wishes regarding all things, believing it to not be her place. She is, however, a stunning conversationalist, although she will never inject personal opinion into a conversation, believing it to be rude.

Relationship to PC: Birth Mother

Mortalborn story: Natalia’s father, Stephan Gregorios, is not a kind man. Born of wealth and privilege, everything he had done in his life, has been to further his goal of amassing wealth. In 789, he married Olivia Whitehall. The Whitehalls were old money, and their estimated worth made his wealth seem insignificant – a fact he was aware of. Stephan studied, schemed, and planned his marriage, targeting only those young women who would add significant monetary value and connections to his portfolio. Oliva was perfect.

Soon after their marriage, they began trying to have a child. Stephan secretly hoped for a daughter, wishing to marry her into another wealthy family and further secure his own wealth through her. But after a few arcs of trying, it was apparent that they were unable to have children. For Olivia, this was a devastating personal blow but for Stephan, it was a problem that needed to be solved. He was not interested in deviating from his plan.

Going to the Glass Temple, he prayed to Chamadarst, offering up wild deals to secure a daughter. The Immortal, intrigued by the desperation, appeared. Curious as to what was driving the man before him, Chamadarst allowed him to speak and began thinking of how he could turn the situation to his advantage.

The negotiations were fierce, but a deal was struck. In exchange for a daughter, Chamadarst would be given a voice when choosing a suitor for her, thus protecting Chamadarst’s line. It, at the time, seemed to be a small thing to agree to, so Stephan happily did so, only seeing the smaller picture, but Chamadarst wasn’t interested in trivial matters.

What he wanted, was a chess piece.

Chamadarst kept his own counsel on his motivations, but he knew that eventually, he might need someone that he could easily move into a position someplace important to him, and a daughter gave him a bit of leverage over the situation. If she was of like mind to him, so much the better. If not, there were always further deals to be had.

Soon after, Olivia announced her pregnancy and was none the wiser that her daughter was the product of an Immortal, she just being the vessel to carry the child.

Natalia grew, knowing nothing of her heritage or the deal made, and is still unaware. Upon leaving her family and rejecting the suitor her father (without Chamadarst’s blessing) picked for her, Natalia has had no further contact with her family. The Immortal’s chess piece is out in the wild, completely unaware of her place in the grand scheme.

Chamadarst will not be pleased with Stephan Gregorios.

Mortalborn domains: Horses, Clarity, Minting

Mortalborn abilities:


Tranquility’s Reign
Horses have a wild spirit that is difficult to contain. As the Mortalborn of Horses, Natalia can forge a special connection with any mount that boasts an equine heritage. This connection requires her to be able to touch the creature, but once she does, the creature will feel an overwhelming calm come over it.

This ability does not extend to her ability to ride an equine mount, although a difficult creature might more easily allow her to mount it, depending on her mount skills. She will need to continue training in the appropriate mount skills to facilitate that.


Crystal Clear

Once per trial, Natalia can hear streams of conscious thoughts around her. The greater the number of individuals around her, the harder it is to make sense of the jumble of thoughts. This will be overwhelming to start and one needs to train/experiment to understand the ability. To start, Natalia will be unable to make out who is saying what, but with time, she will be able to focus the ability on a single target, if desired. To start, she will only be able to use the ability for short periods of time (no more than 10 minutes)

Discipline and Meditation will help her progress more quickly in this ability.

Note: Mechanically, I will be keeping a chart of all the times Natalia uses this ability so her training with it can be easily tracked.


Minting is the process of creating coinage. Stamping or using molds are the most common processes to achieve this but to do so, one needs knowledge of raw materials. Natalia is able to study an item and know what it is made from, even if she isn't familiar with the material. She can use this ability once per trial and it requires her to touch the item.

She is, however, unable to tell if an item is magical in nature. This ability only focuses on the raw materials used to mint/create/forge it.

Last edited by Natalia Gregorios on Sat May 29, 2021 10:21 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 1440
"A girl should be two things: who and what she wants."

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[Location] The Greystone Tea House (Submitted)

The Greystone Tea House
The Greystone Tea House is a small, but well-known shoppe, specializing in bringing the finest tea leaves and varieties to Scalvoris. Six generations of Greystones have operated the Tea House, proudly scouring Idalos for the best crops and varietals that could be found. While they do specialize in more exclusive types, the Greystone also prides itself in offering more budget-friendly options, feeling as though tea is not something simply for the wealthy and should be enjoyed by everyone that wishes to partake.

As one walks in, they are greeted with the heavenly smell of earthy black tea, mingled with the sweetness of the more herbal blends. The shop itself is cozy, wishing for all that enter to feel as though they are walking into the home of a trusted friend. Patrons are greeted promptly with a smile and welcome. The long counter of glass jars maintains masses of tea leaves, patiently waiting for the right client to discover a new favorite blend.

There’s something for everyone at the Greystone.

NPC Name

Name: Charles Greystone
Race: Human
Age: Saun 23rd 690
Title: Title - Tea Procurement Specialist
Etiquette - 30/100
Appraisal - 30/100
Brewing - 30/100
Business Management - 10/100
Other Information: Charles is a well-mannered, kind young gentleman who will teach anyone anything he knows of the tea trade and of tea itself. Learning the business from his father, he has been trained in mostly how to procure the best tea leaves in Idalos. Slowly, he's learning the business side too, the trial to trial runnings of the Tea House and what's involved what that end of the business.

Price List / Goods Available

Item: Wealth Tier:
Black Tea Varieties Starting at Tier 5
Green Tea Varieties Starting at Tier 5
Wulong Tea Varieties Starting at Tier 5
White Tea Varieties Starting at Tier 5
Pu-erh Tea Varieties Starting at Tier 5
Herbal Teas Varieties Starting at Tier 5
*There are many different varieties of tea per category. Some will cost higher tiers, depending on how widely available the tea leaves are.

Player Notes

 ! Message from: Pegasus
Please leave this for me to fill in


Credits to: Natalia Gregoruis
Submitted for Development: 05/30/2021
Developed by: Natalia Gregorios
Last edited by Natalia Gregorios on Mon May 31, 2021 11:08 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 379
"A girl should be two things: who and what she wants."

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Natalia Gregorios
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Twilight Stables (WIP)

Twilight Stables

NPC Name

Name: Allistair Sutton
Race: Human
Age: Saun 17th 691
Title: Stable Manager
Animal Husbandry - 35/100
Animal Training - 35/100
Mount - 30/100
Other Information: Allistair comes from a long line of horse breeders/trainers. Hailing from the Scalvoris Suttons, his father is a Master horse trainer while his mother had dabbled in riding and breeding since she was a child, having been born into the Scalvoris Wellingtons (the oldest horse breeding family in Scalvoris). Allistair had been groomed his entire life to take over their businesses, only to strike out on his own, preferring something where he could have more control over operations. Friendly, Allistair is all about education and the welfare of the creatures in his care.

Price List / Goods Available

Item: Wealth Tier:
Oakleigh Destrier Starting at Tier 5
Sombresma Starting at Tier 7
Lowland Livesta Starting at Tier 5
Valcyon Starting at Tier 5
Brontide Starting at Tier 5
Kairos Starting at Tier 5
*There are many different color patterns/training levels with each breed. Some will cost higher tiers, depending on how well trained the animal is.

Player Notes

 ! Message from: Pegasus
Please leave this for me to fill in


Credits to: Natalia Gregoruis
Submitted for Development: 05/30/2021
Developed by: Natalia Gregorios
Last edited by Natalia Gregorios on Fri Jun 04, 2021 5:23 am, edited 3 times in total. word count: 215
"A girl should be two things: who and what she wants."

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Natalia Gregorios
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[Fauna] Sombresma (Submitted)

Sombresma (Horse)
Developed by Natalia Gregorios
Origins A rare breed, the Sombresma's origins are a bit clouded in mystery. Said to be created as an offering to Chamadarst, these gorgeous creatures feature coats that shine like glass.
Price: Tier 7
Habitat: Native to the Outlands of Egilrun, wild Sombresma often migrate towards the coast during warm cycles and inland during cold cycles.
Lifespan and Development:
Diet: Native grasses, grains, and a bit of sand are the preferred diet of the Sombresma breed. The sand helps with their particular type of digestion and is essential to the health of the horse to keep things moving within its digestive tract. Without the addition of sand in their diet, their tract will seize, which is life-threatening to the animal.
Temperament: Noted for its exceptional calm, the Sombresma breed naturally seems to be un-spookable, holding its ground in most distracting situations. Unlike other breeds, the Sombresma are not highly sociable. In the wild, they prefer roaming with very small herds. When trained, the Sombresma will continue to be stand-offish to all those it is not familiar with.
Abilities: The Sombresma's greatest strength is its agility and balancing skills. This breed is as sure-footed on the loose ground (ie: sand, loose rock, etc) as solid ground. Their unique glass-like coats shine in the sun, obscuring their movements from preditors wishing to attack or capture them. Additionally, the ability can cause distraction during battle.
Weaknesses: Lack of sand in the Sombresma diet will prove to be life-threatening to the animal. Training takes a firm touch as the animals are highly intelligent, and they know it.
Fast Facts Skill Levels Required
Knowing It
-- Scalvoris: Expert
-- Idalos: N/A
Wealth Tier
-- Scalvoris: Tier 7
-- Idalos: N/A
Sell/Buy It
-- Scalvoris: Tier 7
-- Scalvoris: Rare
-- Idalos: N/A
Finding It
-- Scalvoris: Expert
-- Idalos: N/A
Collecting It
-- Scalvoris: Master
-- Idalos: N/A
Using It
-- Master: Training is possible although they are highly intelligent and stubborn.
Killing It
-- Why would you want to?
Capturing It
-- Expert (highly intelligent)
-- N/A
Tending It
-- Competent/Expert - Unique diet requires monitoring

Last edited by Natalia Gregorios on Fri Jun 04, 2021 5:24 am, edited 9 times in total. word count: 359
"A girl should be two things: who and what she wants."

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[Fauna] Lowland Livesta (Submitted)

Lowland Livesta (Horse)
Developed by Natalia Gregorios
Origins: Developed as a superior draft horse for heavy pulling required in the lumber industry, these horses have become popular throughout Scalvoris for their easy upkeep and calm temperament.
Price: Starting at Tier 5
Habitat: The forests outside Darbyton are the Lowland Livestas preferred habitat.
Lifespan and Development: Livestas are relatively small horses, standing between 12.2 and 16 hands high. While they may be shorter than your typical draft breed, they are broadly built and are easily capable of pulling carriages and caravans, while also serving as riding horses that can support heavier riders. They sport characteristic heavy feathering starting at their knees and hocks. A long, full mane and tail are also common traits.
Diet: Livestas tend to have a slower metabolism than your typical lightweight riding horse, so they need to eat a specific diet. Their slower metabolism can cause them to easily and quickly gain weight, and it also leaves them susceptible to metabolic issues. To combat these potential problems, many owners put their Livestas on a high-fat, low-sugar diet. Many of these horses do well with quality hay, oat, low-sugar vegetable diet.
Temperament: Docile, easy to train, and with a great temperament, the Livesta is a wonderful horse for just about anyone, experienced or inexperienced.
Abilities: No supernatural abilities other than to pull large amounts of weight, making them perfect for hauling wagons, vardos, and caravans.
Weaknesses: The heavy feathering requires constant upkeep.
Fast Facts Skill Levels Required
Knowing It
-- Scalvoris: Competent
-- Idalos: Expert
Wealth Tier
-- Scalvoris: Tier 5
-- Idalos: Tier 6
Sell/Buy It
-- Scalvoris: Tier 5
-- Scalvoris: Uncommon
-- Idalos: N/A
Finding It
-- Scalvoris: Competent
-- Idalos: N/A
Collecting It
-- Scalvoris: Competent
-- Idalos: N/A
Using It
-- Docile, easy to train, and with a great temperament
Killing It
-- Why would you want to?
Capturing It
-- Competent
-- N/A
Tending It
-- Competent
Last edited by Natalia Gregorios on Fri Jun 04, 2021 5:24 am, edited 7 times in total. word count: 320
"A girl should be two things: who and what she wants."

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Natalia Gregorios
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[Fauna] Valcyon (Submitted)

Valcyon (Horse)
Developed by Natalia Gregorios
Origins A created breed in Almund, the Valcyon breed was made for speed, fulfilling a need for messenger horses
Price: Tier 5
Habitat: Almund
Lifespan and Development: The typical Valcyon ranges from 15.2 to 17.0 hands high, averaging 16 hands. Valcyons have a well-chiseled head on a long neck, high withers, a deep chest, a short back, good depth of hindquarters, a lean body, and long legs. The Valcyon can live between 20 - 25 years, depending on the stresses put on its body over its lifespan.
Diet: Unlike other horses who need more roughage (quality hay) than grain, the Valcyon needs more whole grain and seed meals due to it's increased protein needs.
Temperament: Bold and spirited.
Abilities: The Valcyon is bred for speed and athleticism.
Weaknesses: The lifespan of the Valcyon is unusual for a horse. It is directly tied to the activities it endures during its lifespan. A Valycon that is ridden for pleasure will generally live about 25 years while one that is pushed to it's limits in the military or as a messenger horse will likely live 18-20 years. It is unknown why.
Fast Facts Skill Levels Required
Knowing It
-- Scalvoris: Competent
-- Idalos: Expert
Wealth Tier
-- Scalvoris: Tier 5
-- Idalos: Tier 6
Sell/Buy It
-- Scalvoris: Tier 5
-- Scalvoris: Uncommon
-- Idalos: N/A
Finding It
-- Scalvoris: Competent
-- Idalos: N/A
Collecting It
-- Scalvoris: Competent
-- Idalos: N/A
Using It
-- Expert - Spirited, the Valcyon are tough trainers but their abilities are worth the extra effort.
Killing It
-- Why would you want to?
Capturing It
-- Competent
-- N/A
Tending It
-- Competent
Last edited by Natalia Gregorios on Fri Jun 04, 2021 5:25 am, edited 8 times in total. word count: 277
"A girl should be two things: who and what she wants."

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Natalia Gregorios
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[Fauna] Brontide (Submitted)

Brontide (Horse)
Developed by Natalia Gregorios
Origins: Brontides are a naturally occurring breed that has its beginnings in the Scalvoris Mountains. Muscular yet agile, this breed is perfect for traversing unpredictable mountain terrain.
Price: Tier 5
Habitat: Scalvoris Mountains
Lifespan and Development: Typical Weight of a Brontide is 1,800 to 2,600 pounds, and height can be between 15 hands (60 inches) to 19 hands (76 inches). Their body composition is muscular with a broad, flat forehead. The typical lifespan for a Brontide is 25-30 arcs.
Diet: A Brontide typically eats more than an average-size horse. It can easily go through 30 pounds of quality hay and 5 pounds of grain in a day.
Temperament: Sweet, tolerant, and easygoing, these majestic horses are ideal for those who lack the experience in horse ownership that many other breeds require. They're known as easy keepers that are able to adapt to many different climates and conditions.
Abilities: Brontides are most often seen pulling carriages, sleighs, wagons, and vardos. Their strength and stamina also make them ideal for use in logging and on farms. Riders who prefer large horses often choose Brontides for their willingness and adaptability.
Weaknesses: They eat a lot. Owners need to be able to keep up with their diet requirements.
Fast Facts Skill Levels Required
Knowing It
-- Scalvoris: Competent
-- Idalos: Expert
Wealth Tier
-- Scalvoris: Tier 5
-- Idalos: Tier 6
Sell/Buy It
-- Scalvoris: Tier 5
-- Scalvoris: Uncommon
-- Idalos: N/A
Finding It
-- Scalvoris: Competent
-- Idalos: N/A
Collecting It
-- Scalvoris: Competent
-- Idalos: N/A
Using It
-- Docile, easy to train, and with a great temperament
Killing It
-- Why would you want to?
Capturing It
-- Competent
-- N/A
Tending It
-- Competent
Last edited by Natalia Gregorios on Sat Nov 06, 2021 1:54 am, edited 8 times in total. word count: 287
"A girl should be two things: who and what she wants."

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Natalia Gregorios
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[Fauna] Kairos (Submitted)

Kairos (Horse)
Developed by Natalia Gregorios
Origins: Originating in the woods of Sweetwine, the Kairos breed is known as an agility breed, able to move through many different types of terrain easily being surefooted.
Price: Tier 5
Habitat: The preferred habitat of the Kairos is the woods of Sweetwine.
Lifespan and Development: The trademark of the Karios is their short backs and dappled coloring. While on the smaller side (14.1-15.1 hh), they are known to be sturdy (with good bone density). Kairos typically live 25-30 arcs. There are documented instances of them living well into their 40’s and the breed is known for longer lifespans than average.
Diet: Quality hay and grain. They love apples and due to their thinner composition, can tolerate the sugar content of fruits and vegetables much more easily than larger breeds.
Temperament: Free-spirited but friendly, these horses bond quickly to their owners. They are eager to please and easy trainers, making them a popular choice for transportation.
Abilities: Good balance, coordination, and the ability to switch between tasks are the hallmarks of the Kairos. Having originated in the woods of Sweetwine, the Kairos are a common breed of agility horse.
Weaknesses: Strength - for what the Kairos have in balance, coordination, and quick-thinking, they lose in their ability to carry larger riders or pull wagons.
Fast Facts Skill Levels Required
Knowing It
-- Scalvoris: Competent
-- Idalos: Expert
Wealth Tier
-- Scalvoris: Tier 5
-- Idalos: Tier 6
Sell/Buy It
-- Scalvoris: Tier 5
-- Scalvoris: Uncommon
-- Idalos: N/A
Finding It
-- Scalvoris: Competent
-- Idalos: N/A
Collecting It
-- Scalvoris: Competent
-- Idalos: N/A
Using It
-- Docile, easy to train, and with a great temperament
Killing It
-- Why would you want to?
Capturing It
-- Competent
-- N/A
Tending It
-- Competent
Last edited by Natalia Gregorios on Fri Jun 04, 2021 5:25 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 298
"A girl should be two things: who and what she wants."

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Twilight Stables - Business Proposal - (WIP)

Business Proposal
Twilight Stables

    • Character Name: Natalia Gregorios
    • Current Wealth Tier: 5
    • Business Management Skill: Hahahahaha - Not yet
    • Profession's Main Skill: Animal Husbandry - Hahahahahaah - Not yet (will be Competent when submitting)
  • ABOUT THE BUSINESS STARTUP Refer to the Business Guide
    What is your target tier? 5
    • Step 1: What is your startup wealth differential? 0
    • Step 2: What is the base cost of set up for your business?
    • Step 3: What is the startup cost? (Step 2 - Step 1)?
    • Step 4: Is this business a small or large business? If so, please show working out.
    • How will this be funded? Will you lose the WPs or are you taking a loan? Please link to ledger or bank.
  • Business Name:
  • Business Location:
  • Business Description:
  • Number of Employees:
  • Which Categories from the Shoppe does your business sell? link
  • Which non-Shoppe items / goods / services do you provide?
  • Are there any exceptions (eg: Weapons, but not bows)
  • Which Wealth Tier does your business target at? See The Guide for how to work out the maximum of this.
  • What is your Business Management Skill?
Goods & Services Available
  1. Since this is a PC run business, you may buy certain items here at a lower cost than the Shoppe.
  2. Only the goods & services identified in this post may be purchased.
  3. This location is open for you to post in: any and all purchases must be posted with time stamps below.
  4. You can make multiple purchases per season, but log only ONE purchase post
  5. If you make a thread out of your transaction, the link should be posted here.



(image of NPC 1 here;
image should be 150 x 150px)

Lowland Livesta
word count: 289
"A girl should be two things: who and what she wants."

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