Rebirth Cycle 725 Registration

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Rebirth Cycle 725 Registration

Melrath Roster

Rebirth Cycle 724

Welcome to the Nation Valley of Melrath. Home of the Ancient Induks, proof that Mortals can make it with out the Immortals. In this land of struggle we would like to know which pc are here so that all may reach out to each other and see craft our stories together. Please sign in here first.

Thank you

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[style2=margins: auto; padding: 20px 20px 20px 20px;  color: black; opacity: .8;]  
[align=center][size=300][googlefont=Tangerine]Roster Sign-Up[/googlefont][/size][/align]
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[b]Character Name:[/b]
[b]Resident or Visiting:[/b]
[b]If visiting about when:[/b]
[b]Blessings or Magic, Spirit Bonds, Effigy, or Curses:[/b]
[b]Likes to Thread About:[/b]
[b]Dislikes to Thread About (Any personal boundaries?):[/b]
[b]Character Goals:[/b]  What does your character want most this season and long term?
[b]Mod Bombs?:[/b] Are you open to having a mod drop into your thread without warning?  Should I ask first?
[b]Anything you'd like to see in Melrath this Cycle?: [/b] 
[b]Anything the Mod can help you with?:[/b]

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            Vethril Utojesk
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            Re: Rebirth Cycle 725 Registration

            Roster Sign-Up

            Character Name: Vethril Utojesk
            Race: Aukari Ghost (Phantom)
            Resident or Visiting: Drifting through.
            If visiting about when: I'm not sure what part of the season.
            Blessings or Magic, Spirit Bonds, Effigy, or Curses: He's got a living person to carry his anchors, and another ghost to accompany him.
            Profession: Warrior/Mercenary
            Likes to Thread About: Fighting, ghost stuff, mystical stuff. Dark fantasy themed.
            Dislikes to Thread About (Any personal boundaries?): Nah
            Character Goals: He wants to make an impact on the world, and find out what happened to his daughter.
            Mod Bombs?: Are you open to having a mod drop into your thread without warning? Should I ask first? Bomb me. Don't need to ask.
            Anything you'd like to see in Melrath this Cycle?: Flayer's End Crater
            Anything the Mod can help you with?: I'll let you know, but you're already doing a lot for my other pcs.

            word count: 161
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                      Thea Ditt
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                      Re: Rebirth Cycle 725 Registration

                      Roster Sign-Up

                      Character Name: Thea
                      Race: Cadouri
                      Resident or Visiting: Visiting
                      If visiting about when: All cycle
                      Blessings or Magic, Spirit Bonds, Effigy, or Curses: Nope
                      Profession: Professionally curious
                      Likes to Thread About: Most anything.
                      Dislikes to Thread About (Any personal boundaries?): No adult forum stuff.
                      Character Goals: What does your character want most this season and long term? To find out things about the world!
                      Mod Bombs?: Are you open to having a mod drop into your thread without warning? Should I ask first? Go for it.
                      Anything you'd like to see in Melrath this Cycle?: Nope.
                      Anything the Mod can help you with?: Nope

                      word count: 111
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                                City Moderator
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                                Re: Rebirth Cycle 725 Registration

                                Welcome Vethril.

                                Let me know if there is anything I can do to help with finding his daughter or any other ideas.

                                Welcome Thea

                                Glade to see a cute little Cadouri. Let me know how I can help with her searching into spirit stuff.

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                                          Lykla Gofrith
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                                          Re: Rebirth Cycle 725 Registration

                                          Roster Sign-Up

                                          Character Name: Lykla Gofrith
                                          Race: Biqaj
                                          Resident or Visiting: Noble Resident
                                          If visiting about when: N/A
                                          Blessings or Magic, Spirit Bonds, Effigy, or Curses: None.
                                          Profession: Explorer and Noble son of Gofrith.
                                          Likes to Thread About: Yes. Oh adventure, treasure, action stuff.
                                          Dislikes to Thread About (Any personal boundaries?): I'd like to keep him and his precious Merquestrian alive please, if I may.
                                          Character Goals: To find the Starblade.
                                          Mod Bombs?: Hmmm, I'm good to be bombed but would appreciate a warning.
                                          Anything you'd like to see in Melrath this Cycle?: Lykla
                                          Anything the Mod can help you with?: I'm going to go on a treasure hunt expedition for the Starblade. I'll be largely soloing his effort though.
                                          word count: 127
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