• Solo • Oram and the Night Visitors

Oram gets a night visit from One Foolish Man

The shallow bay Egilrun is situated upon is used, these trials, for crafts and crafting. From boatmakers to weaponsmiths, glassblowers to metalworkers, the sound of hammers and saws can be heard almost every break of the trial, with crews working in shifts to produce the beautiful craftsmanship which they might, one trial, become famous for.

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Oram Mednix
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Oram and the Night Visitors

25 Zi’da 721


The sound had entered Oram’s dreams somehow, and now he lay awake, staring blearily at the vague, dark outline of the rafters over his bed. He was in the former guardhouse that he still used as his quarters whenever he visited Egilrun. Bear and the other Rangers there had tried to get their Chief Ranger to take up more suitable quarters inside the walls of the main compound, but Oram preferred the familiarity and privacy the small outbuilding offered.

Wharkle-WHEEEEE! came the call again. Strange, he thought. Although quite drowsy, Oram was sure that he was awake now and not dreaming. And there ought not be red-winged blackbird singing outside his window at night, especially not in this season-Wharkle-WHEEEEE! came the call once more, sounding to the hunter insistent, even urgent.

Recollection and realization came just then, of both the source and import of those birdcalls; Oram snapped fully awake and alert, though he managed to suppress the urge to bolt abruptly upright before he searched the dark, map-cluttered room for clues of what the source of trouble might be that had provoked the magic bird figurine to sound its alarm. Near the floor, a faint outline flecked in dim yellowish lights, like fireflies, stirred into motion, and from somewhere within that outline issued a faint, low growl. Whatever had set the bird off, Choir sensed it, too. The song wolf stalked towards the door, growled at it for a trill, then, after pausing to listen, shifted his attention to the window.

Oram rose slowly, carefully out of bed. He was wearing only his nightshirt. The Zi’da air was cold, and his breath steamed in the faint light that filtered in through the glazed window. The shutters were open, he realized. He was sure that he had closed them before going to bed.

Oram’s spear stood in a stand in the next room, along with his crossbow. The weapon nearest to hand was his walking-stick, the knob of which he found with his left hand while he kept his eyes on the window. There came a scrabbling noise from there; something was trying the casement. Oram could see something moving along the bottom edge of the window, but nothing else. The bottom of the exterior window frame was a good six feet above the ground; a normal-sized man standing under it would scarcely be visible.

Having gotten hold of the stick, Oram next crept over to the table on which sat his acorn helmet. With that on, he could conjure up an armor that would protect him from all but the most powerful attacks. He did not do so just yet, however; the armor made noise, and he preferred stealth for the moment. Warning Choir to stand back so as to give himself room, Oram crept over next to the window and pressed his back flat against the wall, holding the stick across his body, about navel high.

Nor did Oram need to wait much longer for that to happen. The scraping sound became a click, and then an icy breeze wafted through the room as the window swung slowly outward. The Chief Ranger caught just a glimpse of the thin metal bar before it vanished from the base of the window frame. In its place, a gloved hand appeared, fumbling briefly for a grip, then a second. Oram briefly pondered smashing the intruder’s hands, but decided instead to wait, baiting whomever it was to crawl bodily through the window.

A head and shoulders rose quickly into view, silhouetted against the moonlit snow outside; the intruder obviously had something to step up onto to help him through the window. That head and shoulders then leaned through the window to peer into the gloomy interior.

Choir chose that moment to strike unbidden; the wolf lunged at the intruder’s near arm and grabbed it, trying to pull at it. Before the man (Oram had surmised by now that it was a man) could break free, Oram brought the staff up and then struck down onto the back of his head. The man let out a grunt and went briefly limp, whereupon Oram grabbed him by the back of his cloak and pulled his body the rest of the way through the window.

The intruder was stunned, though not unconscious, and he groaned as he made a weak, groggy effort to rise. Oram cut this short by shoving the end of the stick forcefully between man’s shoulder blades, flattening him face-down on the floor. When the intruder turned his face to the side so that he could breathe better, Oram could see his profile, and recognized him.

”Hello, Pattis,” Oram greeted quietly.
Last edited by Oram Mednix on Mon Dec 13, 2021 12:57 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 799
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Re: Oram and the Night Visitors

Vere. Is. Ze bat?

Pattis’ upward eye flashed towards Oram briefly when he spoke; the new Chief Ranger must have seemed to the hapless intruder little more than a silhouette, rendered strange by the acorn helmet. If he were in any way intimidated by this, however, he gave no sign of it; instead, his frightened gaze turned quickly back to the main source of his current dismay: the lupine form that snarled over him with bared, iridescent teeth and balefully glowing yellow eyes.

”He won’t hurt you,” Oram reassured him, ”unless I let him. Just don’t try anything stupid. No threatening moves and such. Speaking of which…”

The hunter lowered himself, landing on one knee between Pattis’ shoulders as the prone man grunted under the sudden weight. Oram laid his right forearm, with his stick along its length, against the back of Pattis neck as he used his left arm to search the man’s sleeves, pockets, and belt. Within a few trills he had relieved him of two knives and a hatchet. Oram paused to examine the longer of the two knives, a long, thin dagger. Clearly a weapon and not a tool. The other implements were far more normal for a Ranger, or indeed any sort of outdoorsman, to have on his person. The hunter tossed each weapon into the dark depths of the room, out of sight for now, and out of reach for good.

Oram leaned back, his arm and staff still resting on the back of Pattis’ neck, but without any weight on them; the man couldn’t answer questions if he couldn’t breathe. ”Now,” Oram said after having done this, ”I know why you’re here, so I wont bother asking. But tell me whose idea this was. Did you decide to kill me on your own, or did Dustin put you up to this?”

A wild eye swiveled up at him, but Pattis remained silent. Oram snorted impatiently. ”I can have Jim here in five bits, if you’d rather talk to him,” he said. ”I’ll just tie you up and leave you here with the wolf while-”

”Dustin hinted,” Pattis gasped out, his voice somewhat muffled due to his face being pressed against the floor. ”He hinted, but he didn’t say, you know? The way bosses like him do?”

Oram nodded. ”Are you alone?” he asked, realizing belatedly that that should probably have been his first question. ”Is there somebody with you that I need Choir to maul?” Pattis’ head wobbled in what Oram guessed was an attempt to shake it negatively. Oram persisted: ”You’re alone then? Answer me out loud; your headshakes are a bit hard to interpret right now.”

”Just my horse,” Pattis gasped out. He squirmed under Oram’s knee; the hunter suspected he was just trying to get more comfortable rather than break loose, but he pushed down anyway. ”Don’t move,” he warned sternly, before leaning the weight off once more.

Oram paused to think a couple trills. What did Pattis actually know of Dustin’s outfit? Or his designs? Probably only a little. Probably little that he did not already at least suspect. Was that worth turning him over to Jim’s tender mercies? The thought of that led him to a decision, one that he knew would be second-guessed. Welcome to being a boss he thought glumly, as he gazed down at the man he had weighed under him.

”I have good news and bad news,” he announced. ”The bad news is, I’m going to get Jim now to come talk to you.” Pattis upturned eye filled with such terror and dread that Oram couldn’t help but feel a pang of pity. He had no idea if Jim’s reputation as an interrogator were truly merited; somehow, he didn’t want to find out just yet. ”The good news,” he continued, as he removed his arm from the back of Pattis’ neck, ”is that it will take me about five bits to do so. Maybe that will give you enough of a head start to clear out your effects from that room you keep in the North End Lodge. Maybe not. I guess we’ll find out.” Oram rose to his feet, whereupon Pattis turned onto his back and gulped down air with obvious relief. Oram pointed towards the open window. ”You can go out the way you came in.”

It took Pattis a few moments to decide that maybe this was true, that he was truly free to leave. Uncertainly, his eyes riveted on Choir the whole time, he staggered to his feet, then over to the window to climb out, a process Choir accelerated with a snarling lunge at the retreating man’s ankles. After a quick glance reassured Oram that Pattis (his head now covered in snow) was making for his horse, Oram turned to throw on some clothes before going out into the frigid Zi’da night to rouse Jim. Oram himself could have walked around buck naked in the cold without ill effect, but he suspected that doing so would not have been very Chief Ranger-y. He did not put on much more than his trousers and a cloak, though, and carried only his staff for a weapon.

Later, he would use telemetry on Pattis’ weapons to see what they might tell him. Probably at least as much, he suspected, as the man himself.
word count: 914
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Re: Oram and the Night Visitors


[Athletics] Searching somebody with one hand while keeping hold of them with another.
[Combat: Axes & Cudgels]: Bonking someone on the back of the head with a stick can stun them or more.
[Intimidation] Dropping a scary name.
[Stealth] Taking advantage of light level differences to see without being seen.
[Tactics] People climbing through a window can be vulnerable to ambush.
[Tactics] Search and disarm a detainee immediately.

Loot: Two knives, one good quality dagger and one basic+ quality utility knife, plus one basic+ quality hatchet (from disarming Pattis).
Lost: -
Wealth: -
Injuries: -
Renown: -
Magic XP: -
Skill Review: Appropriate to level.
Points: 10
- - -
Comments: Pattis is back!

You described Oram waking up and how he felt quite drowsy at first – and the ensuing tension – very well in my opinion.

I’m also quite impressed by the items, companions and abilities that Oram has acquired over the course of his adventures. That alarm is useful, for example!

I was surprised when Oram didn’t turn Pattis over to “Jim’s tender mercies”!

And no, walking around buck naked in the cold would probably not have been very Chief Ranger-y. Still, I smirked a little when I tried to imagine how that would have gone!

With that being said, I wonder what kind of results using telemetry on Pattis’ weapons will have. I hope that there will be a sequel soon!

Enjoy your rewards!

P.S.: This thread is still a placeholder!
word count: 241





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