• Solo • What is Confidential?

The shallow bay Egilrun is situated upon is used, these trials, for crafts and crafting. From boatmakers to weaponsmiths, glassblowers to metalworkers, the sound of hammers and saws can be heard almost every break of the trial, with crews working in shifts to produce the beautiful craftsmanship which they might, one trial, become famous for.

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What is Confidential?

Ymiden 80th 721

The missive had been sent out a few trials before Woe's departure from Egilrun, brief though his itinerary had been. He'd sent for a Merchant Guild representative, to discuss the terms of his joining their organization, as well as the matter of a fee to be paid in dues for Guild membership. It was important to Woe that he dot all his i's and cross all his t's in his new environs, and he did so to the utmost while living in Scalvoris. Although there were breeches of etiquette here or there, by and large he felt he'd lived in accordance with the island's customs. He was sure the Merchant's Guild would accept him, given his involvement in the forging as one of Scalvoris' "Heroes", if he could be called such. He didn't think of himself as anything special as a result of what he'd done. In his opinion, he'd been in the right place at the right time, and made what he considered to be the best decisions he could reasonably under the circumstances.

He'd done what was necessary, as ever, cruel and cold as it might seem at times.

Woe, Gloom, and a few others were busy helping him to set up the facilities needed for his business. It was a smallish building that would house Egilrun Confidential. Deceptively small for the scope that Woe hoped to achieve in the long-run. He was becoming quite the minimalist, as he took the ethos of Egilrun into his way of doing things. In Quacia it had been one way. In Ne'haer another, and Etzos was another matter entirely. Woe had never thought of himself as that much of a social chameleon, but there was little he could point to that would refute such a claim. So he accepted it.

Iago was also there, as Woe wanted him close at hand to learn what he could teach him. The tutors on offer in Scalvoris each had something to tell Iago, or to teach him. However Woe was more beginning to see the lad, in his charming way, as a more suitable protege to himself. Add to that he was his son, and Woe felt ever more invested in the way he turned out, through this last year of childhood.

Iago was chatting with Gloom while helping him carry the pots, pans, and kitchen utensils he'd need to set up a food service within the business. Hospitality would be an important aspect of the service, and Woe wanted to put his guests, clients, and employees at ease. Woe thought it would be good for the guests and clients and employees to share bread, as a way of breaking the ice perhaps. Maybe he was wrong, but he'd try it out anyway and see how well it worked out.

As Iago helped set up the middle facilities and the front of the shop, Woe resigned himself to the office in which he'd conduct much of his own work. It was a well-appointed place, with space to attend clients, and richly furnished. Decor would have to wait for someone more talented to happen by, but Woe took to hanging the drawings of Breen that Perdita had done from his office wall. He hoped to add more, should she ever contact him.

Breaks passed by through the day, and eventually all the facilities needed for the setting were brought up. There were resting cots for those who needed to sleep in the eastern wing of the small shop. A kitchen in the western wing, and in the back was Woe's office. The front had space for hospitality and clients waiting to get an appointment with Woe or a suitable representative.

Finally, a knock sounded at the screen door leading into Woe's main office. It was Gloom, "Woe, someone here to see you. Says he's a Guild man."

"Alright, I'll let him in." So saying, Woe rose from his desk, and approached the screen door. There, he opened it, and revealed a rather nondescript man holding a ledger, and bearing what looked like some papers besides the ledger.

Woe waved him in, with a professional smile. "Have a seat, Mister..."

"Wright." He answered, as he stepped through the threshold, and over toward the lounger that was situated next to Woe's desk. There, Woe followed him, and then wound his way around and into the seat of his desk. He held his hands clasped over the writing surface, waiting a moment before charging into the issue at hand. "Well Mister Wright, as you can see I'm ready to do business. So I'm assuming you have some forms for me to sign? I'm not exactly sure what to expect of this process. So if you'll be patient, I'll try and cooperate as well as I can."

"First, you should sign this form, and that and that." Wright said as he laid out a few parchment pieces for Woe. Woe, snatched a quill from his desk, and ink pot. There, he dipped the feather in and began signing his name for all the forms, after giving them a quick read. Much as expected, a lot of it was legalese. However, he was easily capable of navigating their meaning well enough to ascertain there were no terms that were disagreeable, or unfair. It was mainly a way of avoiding mutual loss of profit, and protecting the rights of the Guild as well as that of the business owner. Simple things.

These took mere moments to read over and sign, and once he was done, Woe replaced his quill in the ink pot, and looked up at Wright. "There's the matter of payment, yes?" So saying, he drew out the needed coin to establish membership, while Wright cleared his throat.

"Yes, you will be expected to be a member for at least a cycle before you're able to progress to adept of the first grade membership. Then, three seasons from then, onto purple, and so on. I'll be leaving you with a small manual on how the Guild Membership works..." Having said that, and collected the papers for his ledger, he produced a small booklet, which contained information on just the membership privileges and responsibilities. Of the latter, there were few, other than to pay one's dues and obey Scalvoris' laws. Simple enough terms for Woe.

He read through the first few pages with some interest, glancing at Wright at different times to make sure he wasn't falling asleep from boredom, or anything of the sort. But then, as a secretary for the Guild, he was probably used to just this kind of business.

"I suppose that's that then." Woe said, "Can I offer you any tea, coffee before you go?"

Wright seemed to consider his offer for a moment, before shaking his head with a small smile. "No Mister Morandi, thank you. I've several others to visit before I make my way to the Lemon Messy, once I get through all of these new members, I can have some rest and relax for the evening, and not a moment before. But thank you.."

Woe nodded at him, and stuck out his hand to shake. Which Wright took. "Well then, that'll do for membership?"

Wright nodded, and they both rose from their seats, as Woe guided him to the exit, holding the way open for him to leave Egilrun Confidential. Woe let out a sigh as he left, and Iago quirked a brow at him, having been seated nearby, twiddling his thumbs in idleness. "Well Father?"

Woe turned to him and allowed himself to show his son a small grin, "Fairly painless. Now, we'll just have to make sure things are set up to begin business next season, once they tell us we're clear to open."

"Why do we have to wait? You gave him the money, it should be good to go."

Woe shrugged, "It'll have to get back to the Guild that he was successful in acquiring our membership. Once that's done, say in perhaps a season or so, and all the proper paperwork is filed, we should be ready to open."

Iago yawned into his hand, and blinked his eyes hard. "Such trifles. How boring!"

Woe let him get away with that, as he was still a young boy and probably craved more interesting experiences still. Woe couldn't fault him for that, having been young himself once. Even so, he was wary of his son's growing independence. Everyday, the lad showed himself growing into the role of the one he'd become. He wanted to learn to use a sword, to adventure, and do impressive deeds of his own one day. Woe dreaded the idea as much as he did, but still couldn't fault him for the romantic calls to adventure. He'd have to show him the error of his ways sometime, but for now he allowed the boy's illusions of an adventurous life. He could stomp on his dreams another day, when the need was more pressing. For now, he had a business to set up.
word count: 1556
Words Like Violence, Break the Silence


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Re: What is Confidential?


Business Management: x 2
Logistics: x 2
Politics: x 2

Loot: Woe set up a business!
Lost: 4 WP for joining up with the Merchant's Guild and paying dues in advance.
Wealth: -
Injuries: -
Renown: 15, for for joining a faction, and setting up a business in Egilrun.
Magic XP: -
Skill Review: Appropriate to level.
Points: 10
- - -
Comments: In the review request you mentioned that the thread might be boring to some, but I definitely didn’t find it boring. What I like about this thread – and your other threads – is that you always provided a sufficient amount of background information. I’m never confused as to what is going on, and what more, I find those introductions interesting to read!

I never saw Woe as a social chameleon, but now that you’ve mentioned it, he does seem to be someone that adapts to the environment he’s in. I still remember poor Werthorn, so I’m glad to see that Iago and he seem to have grown closer. I didn’t realize that Woe’s son was already that old. I wonder if you’ll do that coming-of-age ceremony with him!

I appreciate that you described Woe’s joining the guild in so much detail – and that Woe actually checked the terms on the forms that Mister Wright gave him before he signed them.

That’s very important!

There’s just one thing that caught my attention: You described the building, but you didn’t tell us what Woe’s business is actually about. It would have helped if you had added a link to your business writeup, for example (I found it after I searched for “Egilrun Confidential”.).

With that being said, enjoy your rewards!
word count: 292





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