Wealth Tier Working Group Sign Ups

This is a temporary subforum for managing the massive Wealth Tier System that is being implemented.

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Wealth Tier Working Group Sign Ups

In order to claim an article, you must sign up and join the Wealth Tier Working Group. This will be a group of staff and players alike working closely together to ensure a healthy roll out of the new Wealth Tier System. There are signups for article authors, though feedback can be given by anyone. Copy and paste the below form and fill it out. This is more for us to know who is helping and such, as it is unlikely we will be turning away much help unless there are extreme circumstances or we have far too many volunteers (not a bad thing!).

Prior Experience in World Development (not required):
Why do you wish to join this Working Group?:

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Re: Wealth Tier Working Group Sign Ups

Yeah, I’ll help here.

I’m Djinn. That’s my experience.

I like the idea of less ledgers, and we use a tier system on our site so I may be able to offer some insights.
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Re: Wealth Tier Working Group Sign Ups

Name: Yrmellyn Cole
Prior Experience in World Development: Yes.

Why do you wish to join this Working Group?: I want the systems to work and I'm not an "accountant" 8-) . I'm going to stick with this website. I like that the staff here in ST are competent, reliable and trustworthy people who can be counted on to really do what they say they will do. I really appreciate that style. It's perhaps an offline work-injury of mine, or perhaps a cultural thing, but I do love when people keep their promises. I like when people are result oriented and honest and deliver at deadline. This website is enormously trustworthy today and it really delivers. It's a main reason for why I decided to resurrect Yrmellyn recently. I trust the staff here. At some point I may also apply to the staff, as today it's looking like a team I can want to be a member of. I felt that participating in this development job can be a tester. You'll get a sample so you can find out how it is to work with me, and I'll get a sample so I can see how it is to work with you.
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Re: Wealth Tier Working Group Sign Ups

Thank you both for volunteering! PM sent!
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Re: Wealth Tier Working Group Sign Ups

Name:Isen Fydar

Prior Experience in World Development (not required): Yes, well sorta. I have some world buidling expereince outside of ST. In ST I am currently working on the Zerfin Monster. Next I plan to try a skill write up.

Why do you wish to join this Working Group?: I would like to assist for a couple different reaosns. First and foremost is I enjoy my time with this site. I have been here almost a month and I believe I have found a new home. The players are all fantastic, while the staff is all wonderful. The community here is allowed to have a say in how the game progessions and changes, id like to help with that.

Secondly, as I learn and grow with this community and site. I would eventually like to apply for one of the staff positions. This task would allowed me to work with the staff and see what is required of the ST staff members. As well as allow me to keep improve myself. As well this will be a more unique system than those used by other sites in the genre. I would like to help set up that system and provide a new players input, as well as bring my experience to the table. Like said above, I am by no means an accountant but I feel I could help where it is needed.

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Re: Wealth Tier Working Group Sign Ups

Thanks so much - added to Discord :)
word count: 6
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