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Last edited by Nam'id on Wed Mar 04, 2020 9:43 pm, edited 21 times in total. word count: 24
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Character Profile

27th Ymiden, Arc 690 - Age 30


Xanthean - fluent
Common Sign - broken

Nam'id is a quiet man of few words, often lost in his own thoughts and introspections. He has been a traveler for most of his life and often prefers his own solitude to the company of others. He is also man of deep convictions and of even deeper morals. These morals, however, often favor worldly balance rather than the needs of others. This is not to say that he doesn't understand and appreciate the obligation to help others in need, even at his own detriment.

Nam'id is an average-sized male Sevir, standing 5'6" and weighing about 115 lbs. He has dark, thick hair with dark brown eyes and olive-brown skin. His facial hair, which he rarely trims, is thin and patchy, though he keeps it relatively clean. He keeps his hair in a top knot on hotter trials and when he is exercising or otherwise exerting himself, and keeps it down when relaxed or when it is cold.

He rarely wears colored clothing, preferring to keep himself draped in monotone colors as well as earthy colors found in nature. He has a single pair of boots that he wears when in cities or unfamiliar locations, but otherwise can be found barefoot.

A closer inspection of Nam'id might betray the missing ring finger on his right hand, as well as a prominent scar that runs down the left side of his chin.


Sev'ryn tree - This small tattoo of a tree within an ornate circle was placed on Nam'id's left shoulder when he was a young child. Every arc that goes by he puts another ring around the tree, marking his age much like the rings on a tree. By age 30, Nam'id had rings that reached to his wrist.

The tree of balance - On his right side Nam'id has an enormous tattoo of a tree. He is constantly having new parts added to it, depending on the situation or memory he is trying to memorialize with the addition. It is always perfectly balanced, with branches and limbs that grow up to his shoulders, chest, back, and right arm, while the roots reach down to his right thigh and calf.

Spoon - No, not an actual spoon. It is the word 'spoon' in common. Left pectoral. Given to him as a joke, as he didn't know common at the time he received it. He requested the word 'wisdom'. Has since found out it was a joke. Has yet to agree it is funny.
Last edited by Nam'id on Sat Mar 14, 2020 3:58 am, edited 25 times in total. word count: 464
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Excerpts From the Journal of

Vhalar Arc 695, Age 5

The uther kids wont plae with me. Chiko'tae luks at me werd, so the uther kids luk at me weerd to. They luk at me liek I mayk them sad. The kids liek Chiko'tae and I do to. He is big and fast. He is the fastist kid in the tribe. I want sum frens, but if the kids wont plae weth me than I howp fathur will teech me to hunt. I askd hem beefor but he sed that I cant yoos wepons. Howpfolee he chaynjes hes mind.
Zi'da Arc 697, Age 8

I am tired of spending time with the elders. Mother has me help cook, and thats fun. But I want to train with the children. Chiko'tae and everyone else trains. They use swords and bows. I am only let to train in Da'Riya. Mother said it is the scared sacred dance. She said that Da'Riya is the weapon of the people. But I think its really so I wont use a weapon. Father says I can learn the bow when i'm older. But I want to now. I just want to be like the other kids. I want to be like Chiko'tae.

I don't understand. I am smarter than the other kids. I read and write better than them. Just because i'm diffre different doesn't mean I am not as strong. They will see. I will be the strongest in the village. I will be the greatest Da'Riya fighter, and then they will say "Nam'id! You are so strong! Can you be an elder, and can our kids play with your kids!" They won't look at me wierd then. They won't be sad at me anymore.
Saun Arc 700, Age 10

It is the trial of my awakening- as Father calls it. He has been talking about this for seasons now. He is taking me to see Nyn'mera. She sees things that others do not, and Father believes that she can help me to see those things too. I told him that I am happy as I am, but he is sure that I will be happier once we go to see her. He said I will be made more complete. I'm not completely sure what that means. I don't know how to tell him that I don't feel like I am missing anything anyway.

He is so excited that he has started taking me out hunting. It was a lot more boring than I thought it would be, but it was great to be able to spend time with him out in the forest. It is peaceful there. It feels just as much like home as it does in the village. I will go see Nyn'mera if it means that Father will keep spending time with me, and will keep treating me like a man. Anything is worth that.
Vhalar Arc 700, Age 10

It has been a cycle since I have written. Things have changed since I was Initiated, what Father called my "Awakening".

Nyn'mera seemed reluctant to initiate me. She said that it is rare and that it is a decision that mustn't be taken lightly. She even asked me! She said that Father couldn't make the decision for me, and It would have to be me that decided. I agreed to let her do the ceremony. I have enjoyed spending time with Father out in the forest, and I didn't want that to stop. Even then she seemed unsure. Father talked her into it though. I think it was because I can't hear. That and because I am Sevir, and we take care of each other, even if we aren't from the same tribe.

I haven't went back to see Nyn'mera again, even though she said that it was important that she teach me how to use my new power. I just can't bring myself to go. What she did to me was painful. It was a pain worse than I have ever felt, even when I broke my arm, or when I cut my off my finger. This was much worse. I am afraid of feeling that again, even though the pain... It was beautiful. No, I don't think I'll go to see old Nyn'mera ever again.
Ymiden Arc 704, Age 14

A good trial of hunting. We got a buck, and a large one at that. It was a clean kill, painless. A quick return to the balance. Unfortunately I have a lot to learn about hunting still, and Father seems less and less willing to teach me. He still looks at me with a pity I have come to hate. I don't think I will ever escape that look.

I have been travelling with him on his trips to trade pelts and crops with the other villages. I have grown to enjoy the company of Eursted, and old trader from several villages away. He has taught me gestures that replace common words. We treat it like a game, and see how many messages we can send without writing anything down. Father has learned a few as well, though he is not nearly as quick of a learner as I. I have to admit, it is nice talking without writing all of my words down.

I hope we go to see Eursted again soon.

It is late, and I should get to bed. I haven't been sleeping well of late. I have been having a dream about flying through the trees. Always moving west. I'm sure that the dreams mean something. I should probably talk to the elders about this in the morning.
Ashan Arc 706, Age 16

Two arcs now with the dreams, coming more frequently as time goes on, calling me to leave the village. Two arcs spent out with Father as he taught me as much as he could about hunting and foraging. He can no longer refuse. With or without his help I have to follow the dreams. I will be leaving.

Mother has been crying. She is afraid that I won't come back, thinks that I am too young. This fills me with sorrow, but it cannot be stopped. The dreams! I sometimes don't want to wake up. I can close my eyes and it as if I am back in the dream, flying through the trees. I can still smell the air and the leaves. I can feel the creaking of the branches as I fly through them. The dreams are as real to me now as the ground of the village upon which I stand.

I leave in the morning, and I travel on foot.
Ymiden Arc 708, Age 18

It has been two arcs since I left the village. Two. Long. Damn. Arcs. The first arc was a difficult one. Always traveling west. Always hungry. Foraging is easier than hunting. I didn't learn as well as I thought I had. At least I am not starving.

Scenes and plants are different as I get farther away from home. Similar animals but with different colors, just like different types of people. I am a long way away from home.

The second arc has been easier, but frustrating. Dreams come every sleep, sometimes many times. Each dream reminds me that I am alone. And not just for the village and the tribe... I am missing a piece of myself. I can't stop until I find it.

I hope Mother and Father are healthy.

I am getting close now. I am uncertain how I know, but I do. There is a... fluttering in my belly. It comes and goes, but it seems to be leading me. Or rather, it seems to be pulling. I wasn't sure at first, but the trees... they are different from the trees in the village, but they are familiar. They look and smell like the trees in my dreams.
Arc 708

I am now bonded with my Ose-bori. He has been a strange fellow, though there is a familiarity I feel with his companionship. His name is Moaxatl'otatsu, though I call him Mox. He seems to come and go as he pleases, though he has yet to stay away if I am in need of him. He seems wise yet playful, observant yet aloof... No, I don't think I understand him at all. Maybe with time.

We seem to share a mind, which is a strange thought. Mostly because he seems so foreign, and different. But I have never felt so whole before. It is strange to think about, having another being's thoughts in my head. When learning about the Ose-bori in my youth, I was taught that this is natural for our people. This bonding. It does seem, well, right in a way. But natural, I'm not so sure. Maybe it is the newness of it all. Maybe we shall see in a few trials.
Arc 709

I am whole.

The trip home was quicker than the leaving. In truth, I moved faster with Mox. I feel healthier. I feel older. It's probably just my imagination, but it brought me home more quickly. Ignorance may be bliss, but imagination can move mountains.

The tribe welcomed me back with open arms and wide smiles. For the first time they looked at me with respect. I think I can get used to this. Not that I will. I don't feel as though this is my place any longer. A quick check with Mother and Father, and a few sleeps. Maybe a season. After that Mox and I will be moving on. I have seen a lot, but I know there is even more out there. I will come back, as this will always be me home. But for now? My place is somewhere out there. Perhaps Father will let me borrow his wagon.

It was great seeing Chiko'tae. He has grown even stronger, and has become a leader to the youth of the village. He has also found his Dabi Uaya. I will have to stay at least long enough to be at the ceremony. It is our way.

I hope that he gets the calling from his Ose-bori soon. He seemed interested in Mox, but for some reason he kept his distance. Maybe he is already getting the dreams? I hope so. Even with his future Dabi Uaya he seems lonely. I know the loneliness that he is feeling, I have felt it before too. Before I achieved my bonding. I can see it in his face.

I feel sorry for him.
Last edited by Nam'id on Fri Mar 13, 2020 10:01 pm, edited 27 times in total. word count: 1831
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Skills & Knowledges

SkillTotal PointsProficiency
Attunement (15/250) Novice
Hunting (10/250) Novice
RB - Combat: Unarmed (Da'Riya) (25/250) Novice
Chemistry (5/250) Novice
Engineering (5/250) Novice
Navigation (6/250) Novice
FT - Stealth (10/100) Novice
Endurance (2/250) Novice
Fieldcraft (3/250) Novice


  • Chemistry: Pleasant odors don't mean pleasant side-effects (SP)
  • Engineering: If you build it, it might still break (SP)


  • Unarmed: The bigger they are, the harder they fall (SP)
  • Combat: Da'riya - Using one's center of gravity
  • Combat: Da'riya - An unfamiliar weapon only gets in the way
  • Combat: Da'riya - Using an opponent's momentum against them
  • Combat: Da'riya - If an opponent can't see, they can't fight (well)
  • Combat: Da'riya - Even weak punches can hurt
  • Longsword: Don't grab the pointy end (SP)


  • Stealth: Slow breathing is quiet breathing (SP)
  • Navigation x2
  • Endurance: The pain of losing a finger (MN)
  • Endurance - Taking a punch


  • Fieldcraft: Camping on the move (MN)
  • Navigation x 4
  • Navigation: Finding your way through the woods (MN)


  • (SP) Immortal: Moseke
  • (SP) History: Sev'ryn
  • (SP) Location: Desnind
  • (SP) Laws: Desnind
  • (SP) Layout: Desnind
  • (SP) Customs & Festivals: Desnind
  • (SP) Location: Quacia
  • (SP) Location: Niomyr
  • (SP) Location: Augiery
  • (SP) Oxen

Last edited by Nam'id on Tue Mar 31, 2020 11:32 pm, edited 22 times in total. word count: 229
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Skill Point Ledger

Thread or Skill NamePoints Adjustment Running Total
Racial Bonus 25 - Combat:Unarmed n/a
CS Rewards Navigation +1
Endurance +2
Fieldcraft +3
Starter XP +50 50
Chemistry -5 45
Hunting -10 35
Engineering -5 30
Stealth -10 20
Navigation -5 15
Attunement -15 0
Dreams +15 15
The Wheel +10 25
Last edited by Nam'id on Tue Mar 31, 2020 11:24 pm, edited 18 times in total. word count: 74
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Last edited by Nam'id on Wed Mar 04, 2020 4:50 am, edited 9 times in total. word count: 16
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  • Drawn dual axle covered wagon that measures eight feet long, four feet wide, and 3 feet deep. Two oxen, two Storage Crates. (And all required equipment)
  • Campsite Equipment (Pots, pans, cooking essentials, etc.)
  • Bedroll and bedding
  • Camp Knife
  • Fishing Gear (with a set of hooks)
  • Storage Chest or Securable Saddle bag
  • Basic+ Shortbow w/ arrows
  • 1 set of Good quality leather armor and a good quality leather shield
Heirloom - Set of poorly made leather journals. Written in Xanthean, these books contain Sev'ryn myth stories, children's bedtime stories, and memoirs from generations of Nam'id's bloodlines.
The Conestoga
Nam'id lives in his conestoga, and he has added a cot, lanterns, and cookware over the eras. It is pulled by his trusty bulls, One and Two. The wagon is made of a rough planks of lumber procured from the forests near Desnind, and offers splinters to any lucky person carefree enough to not pay attention.
The wagon is 8' x 8', and is all the luxury that a traveling Sevir needs, including a place to sit, and to perhaps even stand.The canvas roof offers coverage during the nights as well as during rainy weather, and Nam'id can remove the covering when he wants to reveal his carefree, party-boy side. No parties allowed.

Last edited by Nam'id on Sat Mar 14, 2020 3:22 am, edited 17 times in total. word count: 237
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Wealth Ledger

Current Wealth Tier:
Item Adjustment Total WP
Starting Package Tier 4 (46 WP) 46

Item/ Thread Renown Total
Starting Renown NM 10
Dreams +10 20
The Wheel +5 25
Last edited by Nam'id on Tue Mar 31, 2020 11:27 pm, edited 11 times in total. word count: 67
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Renown Ledger

Item/ Thread Renown Total
Starting Renown NM 10
Dreams +10 20
Last edited by Nam'id on Tue Mar 24, 2020 12:26 am, edited 10 times in total. word count: 30
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Last edited by Nam'id on Tue Mar 24, 2020 12:22 am, edited 3 times in total. word count: 21
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