[Approved by Jade] Ti'niva

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"Even the wisest of Elders sometimes lose their temper."
Last edited by Ti'niva on Mon Feb 06, 2017 10:44 am, edited 5 times in total. word count: 14
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            Approved Character
            Posts: 315
            Joined: Fri Sep 16, 2016 3:41 pm
            Race: Mortal Born
            Profession: Hunter
            Renown: 98
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            Wealth Tier: Tier 1



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            Servant of Nature and lover of life.[/googlefont]
            General Information

            22 Arcs

            Date of Birth:
            3rd Saun, Arc 698


            Languages Spoken:
            Fluent: Xanthea
            Broken: Common



            Father: Ali'tere
            Mother: Àine

            Face Claim:
            Rick Mora
            Last edited by Ti'niva on Thu Dec 10, 2020 12:30 pm, edited 5 times in total. word count: 45
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                      Approved Character
                      Posts: 315
                      Joined: Fri Sep 16, 2016 3:41 pm
                      Race: Mortal Born
                      Profession: Hunter
                      Renown: 98
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                      Wealth Tier: Tier 1



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                      About Ti

                      Ti'niva has skin the colour of dear hide, weathered and worn from years of travelling and hunting in the wilderness. His eyes are set evenly in his head the ring of pure hazel sitting around his pupil in a perfect circle. Ti'niva keeps his long ebony hair tied back and in a braid that rests along his spine. A tattoo of an arrow runs along the main vein on his left arm showing the connection between the animals he kills and his heart signifying his respect for them. A tree is tattooed on his jugular symbolising the connection between his life source and the nature around him. A scar of three claws down the right side of his rib cage. He wears a sleeveless tunic made from wild boar hides during the summer and in the winter a large bear skin coat over the top. He is 5'8" with an agile but strong body and a well trained pair of eyes. His body is muscular and well formed from his rigorous training with his bow and his constant adventuring and hunting through the wood.

                      Ti'niva has a strong connection to the earth and the natural world that surrounds him in his woodland home in the forest not far from Desnind. He lives close with nature feeling his connection to the earth through his feet with every step he takes. His connection with the wilderness has shaped his life tremendously. He is not the most social being however, what he lacks in social skills he makes up for with an unnatural level of kindness and understanding. He feels a connection to every animal he kills and thanks them for their sacrifice so he can live. Ti'niva likes to be alone and has always struggled with social encounters with new people and also large crowds make him feel uneasy. His time among the trees seems to have shaped him in social gatherings. He has been told he represents a tree standing straight rigid and sturdy in the same spot when around other people. Although he has some very animalistic traits when it comes to sudden searches for predators.

                      ImageTi'niva grew up with his father in the forest. His mother had died while he was 5 and his father, in his grief, had moved them out into the wilderness to live alone. During his preadolescence he had very limited contact with other members of his race which impacted heavily on his social skills. As he grew older and more independent he would spend some more time in the city with other members of his species exploring the possibilities for his future. In the end his love for his father and uncontrollable passion for hunting and exploring the wilderness are what kept him from remaining in the city and taking a different path. He continued his training with his father and before long could hunt better than anyone else he'd met. When he was 16 his father died they had been hunting for a a bear when his father fell from a cliff landing on a rock and breaking his leg. Night fell and with the night came the wolves a pack of 8 came out of the night invisible before it was too late. They killed his father in front of him and he only just managed to climb a tree out of the way being caught by one wolf on his way up the wolf scratching down his rib cage with its long and knife sharp claws. He'd sat uselessly watching from the tree tears streaming from his face and blood dripping from his open wound. The next morning he had returned to his home in the forest glade burying his father next to the tallest tree he could find so his body would become one with the roots and his soul be prepared for reincarnation.

                      ImageSince then Ti'niva has lived alone only meeting others to sell hides, he spent most of his time working on increasing his hunting skills and meditating connecting himself with the roots of life that live below him in the ground. Here alone is where he discovered his deep connection to nature and believing his fathers death was a punishment he began to thank and bless every kill. The past two years living alone Ti'niva has improved his skills with a bow and exploring the forest in order to better understand his surroundings and to learn the paths and feeding spots of the woodland animals. He has visited the city twice in the past two years once to take part in celebrations and once to cell furs and hides. He has a good knowledge of the city however, he has limited knowledge of the social order and knows very few people personally within the city. His few visits to the city had always been interesting even when he was too young to understand them and the few acquaintances he had made he doubted he would recognise them anymore. Ti'niva had found his love for the wilderness and had never even thought of returning to a city to live he felt at home amongst the trees and nature was his friend however, he still remembered the times he had had at celebrations with his family and how he could occasionally enjoy the city.

                      Relationships and Music
                      Alan Gogoll - Kindling: This song is a truly beautiful and calming song. To me it represents something young and growing, something that is learning and changing and something that is pure of heart and good in its intentions. This to me shows Ti'niva and his softer and more invisible self so to speak. Ti is kind and compassionate and young at heart. He is still new to this world and has grown in a sheltered and safe environment, but just now he is beginning to branch out and experience a new side of things. He is growing and entering this time of great adventure and change in his life and I feel like this song expresses his growth and exploration. The good parts at least.

                      Alan Gogoll - Owl's Friend: This song makes me think of Ti'niva and one of his true friends, Finn. Ti'niva met Finn at a young age, he was still basically a child, and going through a harder time in his life. Ti was in that middle age between child and adult, but he was alone with it only with his father for company. That was when he met Finn, they were united in their common interest to learn, they both discovered things from each other and grew to be close friends. Until he left Desnind leaving Ti with the promise that they would one day meet again. This promise came true recently in the thread [Treth] Is that you?, where they are reunited after 7 arcs apart. Their friendship is both intellectual and based a lot around learning and emotional with Ti viewing Finn as almost family.
                      Áine (Sev'ryn Familiar)
                      Áine is Ti'niva's Familiar, she is a black panther and her eyes glow bright electric blue. She is adventurous, daring and fun loving but she is also smart and careful. In many ways she is the parts of Ti he was missing to make his personality more stable. She made finding her hard for Ti'niva as she wanted to test his strength of will but also to play with him, her playful side wanted to cause him trouble and make him chase her. Áine is a beautiful creature that has not been tainted by Lisirra's plague, she is an old Familiar and she represents the oldness of his soul. Ti would not dare to do anything without her approval and agreement that it was the right course of action, however, he is often the one dismissing her ideas, some being very crazy. She is new to Ti and he is just getting used to her, he is learning all the things that they can do together, and is getting the hang of the mental communication.

                      Bonding Story Threads:
                      [Familliar plot] The Panther
                      [Familliar plot] What is this feeling?
                      [Familliar plot] [Willow Woods] The search begins
                      [Familliar plot] Internal Understandings [Treth]
                      [Familiar plot] [Willow Woods] Find Your Calling
                      [Familiar plot] [Willow Woods] I know your face
                      Last edited by Ti'niva on Wed Dec 27, 2017 3:40 pm, edited 4 times in total. word count: 1402
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                                Approved Character
                                Posts: 315
                                Joined: Fri Sep 16, 2016 3:41 pm
                                Race: Mortal Born
                                Profession: Hunter
                                Renown: 98
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                                Wealth Tier: Tier 1



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                                Home Sweet Home
                                The Forest Glade

                                Ti'niva lives in a clearing deep inside the forests surrounding the city of Desnind. The clearing has been his home most of his life he was raised there by his father and his father is buried near by. The glade has a small stream that runs through it providing Ti'niva with water. A small shack made from fallen branches is built against one of the trees just big enough for for him to sleep and store his gear. The camp is surrounded by a ring of rope hanging bones, shells and stones that rattle if something tries to pass during the dark.

                                Last edited by Ti'niva on Mon Jan 30, 2017 9:59 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 110
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                                          Approved Character
                                          Posts: 315
                                          Joined: Fri Sep 16, 2016 3:41 pm
                                          Race: Mortal Born
                                          Profession: Hunter
                                          Renown: 98
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                                          Plot Notes
                                          Wealth Tier: Tier 1



                                          RP Medals




                                          Skills and Knowledge
                                          SkillPoints AcquiredTotal Points SpentProficiency
                                          Meditation54/100 (87/251)Expert
                                          Hunting (Fast Track)99/100 (99/100)Master
                                          Ranged Combat (Longbow)75/100 (150/251)Expert
                                          Field Craft25/100 (25/251)Novice
                                          Tanning5/100 (5/251)Novice
                                          Navigation10/100 (10/251)Novice
                                          Negotiation2/100 (2/251)Novice
                                          Cooking10/100 (2/251)Novice
                                          Teaching5/100 (5/251)Novice
                                          Medicine5/100 (5/251)Novice
                                          Investigation5/100 (5/251)Novice
                                          Endurance15/100 (15/251)Novice
                                          Detection26/100 (27/251)Competent
                                          Philosophy 15/100 (15/251)Novice
                                          A - C
                                          ► Show Spoiler
                                          Animal Husbandry
                                          ► Show Spoiler
                                          Animal Training
                                          ► Show Spoiler
                                          ► Show Spoiler
                                          ► Show Spoiler
                                          ► Show Spoiler
                                          Bladed Combat:
                                          ► Show Spoiler
                                          Combat: Ranged
                                          ► Show Spoiler
                                          Combat: Unarmed
                                          ► Show Spoiler
                                          ► Show Spoiler
                                          ► Show Spoiler
                                          ► Show Spoiler
                                          ► Show Spoiler
                                          ► Show Spoiler
                                          Field Craft
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                                          G - I
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                                          ► Show Spoiler
                                          ► Show Spoiler
                                          ► Show Spoiler
                                          J - L
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                                          ► Show Spoiler
                                          -Location: Makubwa Lori
                                          -Ranged Weaponry (Longbow): Quick Nocking
                                          -Ranged Weaponry (Longbow): Steady aim
                                          -Hunting: Tracking Animals
                                          -Hunting: Patience
                                          -Meditation: Hearing natures voice
                                          -Location: Desnind (JD)
                                          -Hunting: Setting Up Rabbit Traps (JD)
                                          -Field Craft: Building An Adequate Fire (JD)
                                          -Negotiation: What A Good Price Is For Fur (JD)
                                          -Navigation: Using The Stars To Traverse The Woods (JD)
                                          Last edited by Ti'niva on Fri Apr 21, 2017 8:17 pm, edited 20 times in total. word count: 2965
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                                                    Approved Character
                                                    Posts: 315
                                                    Joined: Fri Sep 16, 2016 3:41 pm
                                                    Race: Mortal Born
                                                    Profession: Hunter
                                                    Renown: 98
                                                    Character Sheet
                                                    Plot Notes
                                                    Wealth Tier: Tier 1



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                                                    Skills Point Ledger
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                                                    Last edited by Ti'niva on Thu Apr 20, 2017 1:25 pm, edited 19 times in total. word count: 474
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                                                              Approved Character
                                                              Posts: 315
                                                              Joined: Fri Sep 16, 2016 3:41 pm
                                                              Race: Mortal Born
                                                              Profession: Hunter
                                                              Renown: 98
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                                                              Wealth Tier: Tier 1



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                                                              Marks Section
                                                              Celarion: The mark of Qylios
                                                              Sevrath: The Blessing of Moseke
                                                              Devotion to Moseke

                                                              ThreadDevotion GainedDevotion LostTotal
                                                              [Global Event] The Great Meeting +10 ... +10
                                                              [Treth] Is that you? +2 ... +12
                                                              Nature's Bounty +1 ... +13
                                                              [Willow Woods] I know your face +4 ... +17
                                                              [Willow Woods] Find Your Calling +6 ... +23
                                                              Internal Understandings [Treth] +2 ... +25
                                                              My Hero (Ti'niva) +1 ... +26
                                                              Friends and Immortals +5 ... +31
                                                              Searching +1 ... +32
                                                              Under the Lights +6 ... +38
                                                              [Global Event] Battle To The Tomb of Treid +12 ... +50
                                                              Devotion to Ashan

                                                              ThreadDevotion GainedDevotion LostTotal
                                                              [Willow woods] A prized horse (Odd Job) +1 ... +1
                                                              ... ... ... ...
                                                              Devotion to Qylios

                                                              ThreadDevotion GainedDevotion LostTotal
                                                              ... ... ... ...
                                                              ... ... ... ...
                                                              Last edited by Ti'niva on Wed Jan 10, 2018 9:13 pm, edited 7 times in total. word count: 592
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                                                                        Approved Character
                                                                        Posts: 315
                                                                        Joined: Fri Sep 16, 2016 3:41 pm
                                                                        Race: Mortal Born
                                                                        Profession: Hunter
                                                                        Renown: 98
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                                                                        Wealth Tier: Tier 1



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                                                                        Items, Injuries and Ledger

                                                                        Wilderness Survival pack:
                                                                        Six torches
                                                                        Two lanterns
                                                                        Two tinderboxes
                                                                        200 feet of rope
                                                                        Two barrels (for food storage)
                                                                        A pull wagon (two feet wide, three feet long, two feet deep)
                                                                        Two knives
                                                                        One bedroll
                                                                        One compass
                                                                        Fisherman's net, fishing pole, and thirty hooks
                                                                        Trapper's Kit
                                                                        One blanket
                                                                        One longbow
                                                                        30 arrows
                                                                        One set of toiletries
                                                                        One set of unkempt fur clothing Poor quality
                                                                        Three water skins
                                                                        Three rucksacks

                                                                        Purchased items:
                                                                        40 arrows

                                                                        Thread Gained:
                                                                        Deer Meat (2gn) x 9 lb (NH)
                                                                        Unprocessed White Deer Hide - Standard Quality (3gn) x 1 yard (NH)
                                                                        Unprocessed Long Bones (5sn) x 4 (NH)

                                                                        Quest Items:
                                                                        A map to a hidden location left to you by your mother. Istin'idur had been keeping it safe until you were ready.

                                                                        InjuryDate aquiredTime to fully heal Date Fully healed
                                                                        1 x bump to the head 19th Vhalar, Arc 7167 trials to heal completelyFully healed 26th Vhalar, Arc 716.
                                                                        [Willow woods] A prized horse (Odd Job) 23rd Zi'da, Arc 716 8 trials to heal completely Fully healed 31st Zi'da, Arc 716.
                                                                        ... ... ... ...

                                                                        Wilderness starter pack ... 10GN
                                                                        40 arrows 1GN ...
                                                                        Saun Wages ... N/A
                                                                        Vhalar Wages ... N/A
                                                                        1 Hemp Rope (50ft) 1GN ...
                                                                        [Willow woods] A prized horse (Odd Job) ... 250GN
                                                                        Travel from Ne'haer to Desnind 21GN ...
                                                                        Zi'da Wages ... N/A
                                                                        ... ... ...
                                                                        Total Currency: 0 ON, 237GN, 0 SN, 0 CN
                                                                        Point bank Ledger

                                                                        Month or ItemAwardedSpent
                                                                        December +65 ...
                                                                        January +102 ...
                                                                        ... ... ...
                                                                        Total Points: 167
                                                                        Last edited by Ti'niva on Mon Mar 06, 2017 11:21 am, edited 2 times in total. word count: 247
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                                                                                  Approved Character
                                                                                  Posts: 315
                                                                                  Joined: Fri Sep 16, 2016 3:41 pm
                                                                                  Race: Mortal Born
                                                                                  Profession: Hunter
                                                                                  Renown: 98
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                                                                                  Wealth Tier: Tier 1



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                                                                                  Fame Ledger
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                                                                                  Last edited by Ti'niva on Mon Apr 10, 2017 5:35 am, edited 7 times in total. word count: 165
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                                                                                            Joined: Fri Sep 16, 2016 3:41 pm
                                                                                            Race: Mortal Born
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                                                                                            Renown: 98
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                                                                                            Wealth Tier: Tier 1



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