• Mature • [Starling Gallery] Fanatic Dance

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15th of Zi'da 723

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Seated on the shores of Lake Lovalus, Rharne serves as the home of the Lighting Knights, the Thunder Priestesses, and the Merchant's guild. This beautiful trade city is filled with a happy and contented people who rarely need an excuse to party.

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[Starling Gallery] Fanatic Dance


Unexpected Company, but not Unwelcome

He chalked it up to nerves, the rumbling in his stomach, the nausea. It certainly wasn't the assassin he ate for lunch last season. No no, that couldn't be it. Yet, as he looked in the mirror, at his shoddy make-up job, covered in ivory foundation, his hair a boring mop on his head, he lamented, "I wish I had less not-splendid hair than this dreary mop." After saying it, he pouted, "It's not fair, every star has their own personal stylist. Someone who understands fashion and personal expression as it relates to me, my personality, my performance.

He remembered Omesintihlih, his childhood friend and later lover, whom he dearly missed. Last he heard she'd been bound for Viden. And now neither hide nor hair had been heard of the poor princess of vice. Leaving Zuny all to his poor lonesome. Woe was he.

"I wish... She was he..." Something caught on his throat then, and he feared he'd be retching up some crystalline illusory puke. His eyes went wide, but then he let out a breath and nothing but light came out, light which coalesced, and formed a cloudy nimbus before him. As he pumped more of the wretched light into the air in front of him, he felt something welling up. The light condensced, and began taking shape.

He knew this shape, at a visceral level. It was Omesintihlih's shape! He would know it anywhere, even in Uleuda. Had he eaten her whole and forgotten it? No surely not. What then was happening? Was he producing an illusionary buddy, prompted by his great longing and some unheard of Yludih ability? This felt like a lie, like it wasn't really Omesintihlih, although thoughts of her ran through his mind as she continued to take form.

He saw her form naked, in her first illusionary form, albeit all grown up of course. He swiftly took a overrobe from his dressing chair, and draped it over her, making sure to cinch it at the waist lest some stagehand make lecherous overtures at a very naked and beautiful jewel of an Illusionary person.

"Hello Carmen." Zuny said, crystal tears forming in his eyes. "Since you're here... Mind giving me a hand with my hair, makeup, and clothes?"

Carmen looked up at him, and swept aside her chocolate hair. She sized Zuny up, wrapping her arms around the robe he'd given her. "Red."

"Yes, red. The color of Quacia's blood lights, the stain of a sacrificial Theocratic lamb. The color of home."

"The very prettiest of colors." Carmen nodded. "You have a red wig?"

"No, Agatha is in Quacia still, but her hair, her wig, I'm afraid I misplaced it." Zuny shook his head at Carmen, wondering if she was all there. But then this was how he remembered her, wasn't it? Always the eternal child, at least in her mind. Not the brightest bulb, but sublimely talented in the things she enjoyed. Which, coming back to the point. "Hair, makeup?"

She looked at him again, and shrugged. "Clothes are fine, red and black are good colors on you. But your hair looks like a peasant mop, and your makeup looks like mortar."

Zuny giggled at her, pleased that she had some wit and talent for analogy. Omesintihlih hadn't been that clever with words, but he supposed that was his own influence coming into her 'rebirth'.

Last edited by Zunylanih on Sun Aug 25, 2024 7:27 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 583
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Re: [Starling Gallery] Fanatic Dance


It was amusing how they hardly missed a beat between separation and reunion, even if this false Omesintihlih was just some construct, taking shape from Zuny's desire to see her. He half wondered if he was going mad, but the hands in his hair, fashioning his long black locks into horn-like protrusions, with little balls of hair at the end, in the like of a jester's hat, ensured him that she was very much real. It didn't hurt that her warm bosom grazed his cheek as she leant over to fix his hair and collar. Omesintihlih seemed entirely indifferent to the closeness, innocently oblivious to the effect she had on men, as ever.

He puckered his lips as she leant in again, and suckled at the skin lightly, but stopped himself from going any further. Carmen giggled, and slapped him lightly, keeping his face still while she applied his makeup. She darkened the skin around his eyes, setting jagged lines above and below the eyes, in a menacing mime-like look. When she was done, she turned him around to face the dressing room mirror. There he beheld her handiwork, which was nothing short of miraculous.

"You've outdone yourself, Dear." Zuny gave a heady sigh, as he touched the drying makeup on his face. "Would you do me the honor of joining me on stage?"

His eyes drank the sight of his old friend in, as he relished in her company again. It would be like old times, really. She tapped her chin, and furrowed her brow deep in thought. "Sure?"


"Alright." She said, in her vahanic. She'd likely need to learn common sometime soon, but Zuny almost wished to keep her dependent on him for translation, at least while abroad. He wouldn't let her out of his sight ever again if he could help it.

So, he dragged her out by the hand, bringing her through the mezzanine to the backstage areas, and onto the stage, where a set was awaiting them. Zunylanih was to perform a dancing act for the people. And though he wasn't any great hand at dancing, he would certainly try his best. Carmen had always been a better dancer, singer, and overall spectacle than he was. And now he had her back.

They took the stage together, with her trailing behind in the dressing gown he'd given her. Her bare feet padding across the smooth tiles of the Starling Theater's stage. Then Zuny made a dancerly pose, stationary for the moment.
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Re: [Starling Gallery] Fanatic Dance


The curtains wouldn't budge. Zuny was worrying with the edges, trying to find the divide, and so he could take the stage and expel the upstart that was running a little long in their performance. Zuny furrowed his brow, watching as the creature did a juggling act. Then he had a wicked idea. Remembering the power that had been imparted to him by Apollonia in Quacia, his frown turned to a smile. As he found the divide in the curtain, he parted it only a small ways, so that he could see beyond. He began aiming at one of the fast moving balls, and then let loose from himself with an expulsion of force, and with a sudden thrust of malicious intent. He aimed for one of the balls, but instead missed and merely nudged the clothing of the juggler on his shoulder, causing him to lose some concentration. When this happened, the juggler lost his control and the ball flew to hit someone in the audience in the face.

Zuny couldn't disguise his giggle, which echoed through the amphitheater. Although frustrated that his aim was poor, it'd had a similar effect. Many, who weren't the one who'd been smacked in the face by the ball, were bemused, looking around for the source of the disturbance, and wondering if the juggler was suddenly becoming hostile toward their audience. "Uhhh, sorry about that!" Said the juggling fool. "These balls are slippery, it seems."

]The mummer waiting to take the stage couldn't help but giggle even louder, ,covering his mouth with his hand to stifle the sound. Carmen yawned beside him. "Worry not my sweet, we shall take the stage soon enough!"

And so the juggling act continued apace, as the juggler began to sing a stupid tune in his guttural Gernevoir. Zuny couldn't make it out, but in a fit of mischief, reached out to the other balls that were in circulation, and one after the other adding to their weight, so that they slipped out of the juggler's hands, as he lost coordination. Now the boos were coming in, and the juggler was soon swept from the stage, thereby leaving the audience's enthusiasm desperate for redemption.

Zuny and Carmen took the stage soon after, and the mummer found the mechanism to raise the curtain for himself. It was a sandbag, which weighted properly would release the mechanism. This he reached out to with his sovereign magics, and imparted extra weight to counter balance, to lift the curtains temporarily. Once they parted ways, Zuny took Carmen's hand and brought her onto the stage, to some tepid applause.

The dancing and frivolous singing that commenced while not terribly entertaining, was at least better than being pelted by juggling balls, and watching a fool fumble at his act!

Thus they concluded their act, with a flourish, and Zuny parted leaving the crowd lukewarm to his performancec.
Last edited by Zunylanih on Thu Oct 17, 2024 11:05 am, edited 2 times in total. word count: 493
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Re: [Starling Gallery] Fanatic Dance

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Notes/Warnings: Some light magic use. Some lewd behavior by Zuny

Thread: [Starling Gallery] Fanatic Dance
City/Area: Rharne
Other skills used:

Acting: Expert
Seduction: Expert
Endurance: Master

Renown: yes for a performance.
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Faction Points: nope
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 ! Message from: Winston
Last edited by Zunylanih on Mon Aug 26, 2024 8:07 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 196
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Re: [Starling Gallery] Fanatic Dance

Thread: [Starling Gallery] Fanatic Dance
City/Area: Rharne
Wealth Skill: Acting
Total Capstone Bonus: 0

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If your Wealth Skill level has not been identified above - confirm it here, please - Expert

Additional Information - I have a signature item that gives me 'Pocket Change' ability. This grants me an extra 10 wp per wealth thread. Point Bank Signature Item Awarded there.

Additional Bonuses - If you been awarded any additional bonuses to your Wealth since your last Wealth Thread
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 ! Message from: Winston
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Re: [Starling Gallery] Fanatic Dance


Review & Rewards



First off, thanks for the slight adjustment to the application of the Expel power :-) It's now perfect.

This was an easy read and enjoyable to see some show-biz shenanigans and sabotage! :-o I expect to see Zunylanih rising in the performance scene!

Thanks for using the knowledge tagging system, this really helps during review.

Please enjoy your rewards.


  • Renown: 5
  • XP: 10
  • WP: 23


  • Cosmetology: x1
  • Dancing: x2
  • Sovereign: Expel: Using a concentrated expulsion of kinetic energy to propel a single object forward.
  • Sovereign: Impart: Adding weight to objects, so that they fall out of the user's hands.
  • Sovereign: Impart: Weighting a sandbag, to raise a curtain

Winston's Catch of the Day is YOU!

word count: 123


When standing at his full height, Winston towers a full 1 foot and one blueberry tall. A fact he will happily demonstrate before flicking said blue orb into the air with his nose and then eating it with a snappy grin.

His eyes are dark and sharp, ringed by dark brown fur upon the bright white fur that sets off across the rest of his face.


Winston usually carries the following on his person:
  • Cassion's Locket hangs snugly around his neck.
  • Winston's Fairy Bell hangs from his tool-belt attached to his hip. It's 'ringer' is often bound by a small piece of cloth to prevent it giving away his position while in the wilderness.

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