• Event • The Orange Crush

Rharne Burns

15th of Saun 723

Seated on the shores of Lake Lovalus, Rharne serves as the home of the Lighting Knights, the Thunder Priestesses, and the Merchant's guild. This beautiful trade city is filled with a happy and contented people who rarely need an excuse to party.

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The Orange Crush

The Burning of Rharne
Off Topic
Event: Orange Crush
Date: 15th of Saun, 723.
Location: Rharne
Description: An unexplained fire breaks out in the Dust Quarter, near the Painted Swine. Very soon, the tavern is threatened, and when the flames spread to their stores of alcohol and drugs, a great explosion rocks the Quarter, destroying many homes all at once. This leads to the violence that has plagued the city throughout Saun coming to a head, with crushing crowds of people all over, pushing each other over and stampeding. Death and destruction wreathe their way through the Dust Quarter, unless the fires are contained. There will be much death regardless.

I will be running this event a little differently to ones in the past. It's not a tracker, it's not a full modded event. This is a city wide (potentially city wide) catastrophy that will react to the way those who get involved deal with it. It will progress, every day until the last of Saun. I will post every week another day's happenings. Don't expect me to run any npcs to interact with, or anything like that.

You may draw on whatever resources and connections you'd reasonably have. As a lightning knight (if you are) you can call on reinforcements to help with the fire relief or evacuations or however you choose to deal with it. Shadow Quarter folks can loot, and make opportunities for themselves. If there's something you're not clear about, please ask.

I will be posting every 5-7 days regardless of anyone else posting. I won't chase anyone to post. If you don't post this week or the next, or the one after that, you won't have an impact. This event will run until I run out of days in Saun, or the Cycle ends. Or until Rharne is in ashes.
It began with a spark, as any humble flame does. And the flame met its friend kindling, and became a blaze, which met more substantial fuels, and became a wall of flame, and then it met the contents of the Painted Swine's wine cellar, and became a raging inferno, punctuated by the resounding blast of fiery destruction, which tore through the sky and began spreading quickly to the nearby thatch, wooden, and mud-brick cottages surrounding.

By the time anyone outside of the Dust Quarter had time to react, nearly a tenth of the Quarter was on fire, and spreading toward the walls of Rharne with a sudden gust of wind.

word count: 428

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Re: The Orange Crush

Chaos. Screaming. Panic.




That was the scene Praetorum was met with as he rushed towards the Dust Quarter, ducking past the people trying to escape all around him.

Fire. Fire surging high into the sky, spreading across the Dust Quarter as far as Praetorum could see. Devouring homes and streets and lives, licking its way closer and closer and closer.

"Gods preserve us," Valbjorn gasped from besides him, shaking his head. Praetorum and his mercenaries had been on their way out of the city when the fire started. They stood with him now—Valbjorn, Nellie, and a dozen defenders, watching in shock as the inferno roared before them

For a moment, Praetorum regretted, more than ever, what he'd given up. If he had magic, if he had defiance, if he were still kin to flame, perhaps—

Screams of terror pierced the air, cutting through his thoughts, and Prae shook the thought from his head.

It didn't matter. He might not be a defier anymore. 

But he was still Praetorum.

"Change of plans," Prae announced. "This isn't what any of you signed up for, so anyone who wants to head back to the keep, now is the time."

A few of his mercenaries shifted nervously, but in the end, not one of them left. Praetorum nodded then, and narrowed his eyes in thought. Prae no longer had any control over fire, nor did any of his mercenaries. He could start up a line of water buckets, but that would do about as much good as pissing into the fire at this point. This was no small blaze, contained to a building or two. A grand warden might be able to set it out, but Praetorum didn't know if any were still in the city or could get there before the flames consumed the entire dust quarter. Even then, he wasn't sure they could...

No, Prae had no sure way to put out the fire.

But he thought he might know of a way to contain it.

Some years ago, Praetorum had been conscripted to help keep a forest fire from spreading. The justicars hadn't been able to put it out, so they'd sought to keep it from spreading any further, digging ditches and felling trees in a perimeter around the fire to let it burn itself out. A defier at the time, Prae had helped to burn away anything flammable within the perimeter in a controlled blaze before the big fire could get to it.

Perhaps something similar would work here.

Taking in a deep breath, Praetorum raised his hand, and called upon Qylios's blessing, wreathing himself in a Radiant Mantle. "Rharnians!" he roared, his voice echoing through the streets. "Panicking won't save your lives, your homes, your families! We need to cut this fire off before it spreads any further! Collect yourselves, and come with me if you want to save this city!"

As he spoke, Praetorum reached too for the power of Ethelynda's mark, Inspiring those around him to shake off their fears and misgivings. He could not convince everyone to help—not even Qylios herself could have done that, he suspected—but quite a fair few were willing to join him to save their homes.

So with a plan in his head, and the dust quarter at his back, Praetorum set to work.

The dust quarter was laid out along the outside of the walls of Rharne, much longer than it was wide. Rather than try to make a circle around the flame, a hard call with how disorganized this makeshift group was, Praetorum chose instead to set two perimeters cutting along the width of the dust quarter on either side of the fire, and a third one right along the walls of the city.

Dividing his followers into two groups based on skill, Praetorum set them to equally important tasks—evacuating everyone inside of the perimeter, and dismantling the buildings along its edge. By tearing down the buildings at the edge of the perimeter, and transporting all the material—all the wood, the straw, the alcohol—away from the perimeter and further into the city, the flames wouldn't be able to spread any further without fuel, and burn out on its own, saving the rest of the Dust Quarter.

The work was hard, but straightforwards, which was why most of the people Prae had managed to gather were set to this task. The harder job, by far, was in talking to the people whose homes and businesses had to be dismantled.

Here, Prae took charge, taking with him smooth talkers, community leaders, local businessmen, anyone who could help him convince the people on and inside the perimeter to give up on their houses and shops, to take their valuables and leave the danger zone before the fire reached them, perhaps even to help with the demolitions. 

Some were assured by Prae's reputation—others by his promise to help them rebuild afterwards. A few relented when Prae pointed out either they could lose the building on their own terms, or lose everything to the fire. And of course, there were a few holdouts, those who hoped the fire would burn out before it reached them, or who did not trust him and his people to take their homes apart, or who refused to give any reason for their refusal.

For these people, Prae knew there was nothing he could do, but move the perimeter backwards around them, along with a promise to return to help them evacuate when the fire drew closer.

As the perimeter began to take form, Prae began arranging for buckets of water to be kept at strategic locations on the outside of the perimeter, to put out any small fires that might start from sparks or falling debris. The inside of the perimeter might burn itself out, but if a fire started on the outside of the perimeter, starting the whole nightmare up again, it would all be for nothing.

So they all toiled, racing against time to try and save their city.

Off Topic
Relevant Powers:
Leadership Capstones
A Broad Back - A leader by example, the sight of Prae's back as he takes command is burned into all who have seen it. As long as Prae is seen in the thick of things, everyone who follows him will feel invigorated and inspired. While obeying his orders, everyone who has seen or hear Prae working with his followers within the last break can choose one skill to boost by one skill level, so long as that skill is used to follow his commands. This effect lasts for as long as they are following the same set of orders from Prae. Orders cannot be something as vague as "stay alive", but must instead be specific instructions: "attack these enemies," "construct this wall", "retreat", etc.

It is necessary for Prae to be seen acting, but not for him to be performing the same actions as anyone else. He could be on the front lines barking orders, and those who are fighting will be able to fight better—he could be protecting his people's rears as they retreat, and they would be able to run faster. What's important is that Prae is seen being active, and putting himself through the same amount of exertion and danger as his followers.

Beacon of Hope - Praetorum's light shines brightest in the darkest of nights. The direr the circumstances, the more Praetorum's presence will encourage people to believe in him and themselves. They will not rout or lose hope, and will be able to stay level headed and cohesive no matter how hopeless the situation. Those who might otherwise flee will stay, and those who might otherwise cower will fight.

Great Expectations - Prae has an aura that makes people want to impress him. People who receive direct instruction from Prae perform whatever task he assigns them to a higher standard or quality than they normally can, or up to twice as fast as they normally could.

Taithir Power - Inspire - When this skill is activated, those around the user find themselves able to resist the fears and doubts that plague their minds, allowing them to act in spite of them when they might otherwise be unable to do so. This does not only apply to martial fears and doubts, but to fears and doubts in all facets of life.

Celarion Power - Radiant Mantle (Minor): Once per trial, the Blessed can call upon their inner light and shroud themselves in an aura of light. The aura draws those around the Blessed to them and holds them in awe. Those bathed in its light are more willing to listen to what the Blessed says and are willing to follow the Blessed in actions that are only slightly against their nature.
Last edited by Praetorum on Sun Aug 06, 2023 2:13 am, edited 4 times in total. word count: 1485
Let's play 'What's Weird About Prae'


  • A fiery rune shines under his right eye
  • A firey glow in the back of his mouth


  • A ring of blue runes floats over each of Prae's wrists
  • A silver shield marks the back of his right hand
  • A ring of light around his left forearm


  • His tail is about eight feet long, usually knotted around his waist
  • His body temperature is uncomfortably high


  • Wind gusts with every step he takes
  • The area around him is slightly more static-y than normal
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Re: The Orange Crush



Winston had been rudely interrupted in his work on light refraction and the studying of Faith magnifier, as the
spring into life. It was
from the Isonomia HQ.

"WINSTON?! WINSTON!!! ARE YOU THERE?! Ummm... Hello?! HELLO!!! There's FIRE. In the Dust Quater!"
His voice was urgent and on the brink on panic as he desperately called out for help.

The ferret dropped his tools with the abrupt cry and
stumbled, nocking a flask of fluid over the floor with a yelp. He dove over to the Holo-com and pressed his hand against it.

"Clam down, Alex, et's gonna be OK. Tell me where and who we have in de area."

As soon as the man gave Winston what he needed in order to act, he set about moving.
"Good. Naw, Alex, use de Hala-cam and tell de Order af Adinih wat's goin' an. Co-ordinate wid me an' dem and get some aid down dere a s a p."

As soon as he got the details, he set off, leaving the Lab team with strict instructions.
"OK, here es me
, me need someting dat will put out a fire. Find et, maybe some Fraststones. Put as moch as yuh cun intuh de bag so me cun get et outta Chest. Me will keep en touch using de Hala-cam. Don't turn et aff... Gat et? Chest! Lets goh!"

The three lab techs nodded as the ferret darted out the door.

There was not yet a lot of panic in the Hospital, but there soon would be and probably already WAS in the street.

In the street of the Dust Quater

There was indeed panic and flames everywhere and Winston had gotten Chest to
shrink down to Winston's size
in order. to make getting around a little simpler.
"MUN! Me wish me cud fly, me really need tuh get that sarted!"

replied with urgency.
"Well, if we ask Ol'Tuck, we could borrow the Fire Forged wing of flame?"

"We cun?!"

"We can try..."

With that he focused on his connection with Ol'Tuck through Joe and shared what was going on within Rharne. He and Joe beseeched the Induks of Scalvaris for their aid.

Closing his eyes for a moment and feeling the connection swell within him, wings of fire burst from his back.

"OH. My. Immartals! Des es sooooh coooool, mun!"

Joe let out a little cheer and, picking up the mini-Chest, he set off into the air. In real terms, Chest weighed very little, but in relative terms, he was still quite cumbersome to lift. Winston took his time and used altitude to simplify the trip, traveling high above the buildings to avoid the need for more complex flight paths.

The fire was raging and smoke billowed into the air. The explosion would have undoubtably killed many, but he could not focus on that right now. Reporting what he saw back to the Lab, Isonomia and (he hoped) the Order of Adunih, he flew over to the fire and landed with chest, getting them to revet to their normal large size again.

"Take one of the Fraststones, aim and fire... well.. snow!"
Suggested Cedric from in the Lab.

"Great, yus, Alex?!"


"Try tuh get every able-bodied persan we 'ave cantact with up and movin'. We need some kinda orda down 'ere!"

"I can muster some man-power, but you'll need to lead them!"

Winston shook his head. Leading large groups of people was not really his speciality, but he would have to do.

Winston grabbed one of the
from Chest.

As he started spraying the fire with snow and water, people were panicking and running through he streets. He was not going to be able to do this alone. They needed someone to quell all this fear... Then, there was loud booming voice callgn for everyone not to panic... Odly enough, Winston felt the power of his presence bolstering his own fears and panic.

As he flew towards the voice he recognised Praetorum from the Black's wedding trial. As the Ithecal called for assistance, Winston would help him take the lead, glad to support someone clearly capable of running affairs in a way Winston could not.

He offered him all of the people-power he had from Isonomia, the Clinic and anything else, which given Faith was all about the Dust Quarter, was ample. He made it clear that he could pass messages around the city as needed.

He also called out to the great hero and handed him an arm-full of Froststones.
"'ere! Take dese! Dem's Fraststones! Just brace yuhself, point et at de fire and activate dem. Dey will trow snow all ova de place! Please try tuh return dem."
He added as a parting comment with a cheeky grin.

! Cun yuh keep a track af wat we es givin' out an tuh whome?"
The Wisp nodded
and set about making records and assisting the effort in general with any logistical matters.

Meanwhile, now with people at ground level fighting the fire. He set off into the air and rained snow down on the rooftops and into higher windows.

Covering his mouth and squinting his eyes, he watched out for the wind and the burning flames as Joe helped him spot and put out anything that Praetorum pointed them at.

As the groups from the Order of Adunih arrived, they were given a Froststone to pretect themselves with and a
Ruby of Love
. Each were given explicit instruction to return them to Shinwa once done.

The healers from the Order set about gathering people to the clinic and applying aid, with the use of the Ruby wells, to anyone that needed it.

Between them Winston and Praetorum mobilised an affective force of people, with the Ithecal leading and driving the forces and Winston providing the equipement and additional people.
A note on the wells
Winston is making an effort to ensure they are counted out, so they can be counted back in, but I will need to know how successful this is an how many wells he actually manages to retrieve. I'm hoping that Pat's affect on the people he chooses to give these to, would mean they are eager to impress him by returning things, etc.

Winston would not have given out too many, but also would not hold back if it meant the difference between saving people and not.
Things in affect & Action Taken
Arrives early and raises the alarm across Isonomia and the Order of Adunih via the Holo-coms.

Between them Winston and Praetorum mobilised an affective force of people, with the Ithecal leading and driving the forces and Winston providing the equipement and additional people.

Brings Froststones to throw snow onto the fire with.

Ruby of Love
to help with Burns, injuries and critical illness in general.

Co-ordinates with the two organisations and the efforts on the ground from Praetorum (follows Praetorum lead, totally allowing him to take charge and supporting him in any way he can).

Forge Ability: 60 Points: Limit Breaker: A tricky, but useful ability to have in a pinch. In agreeing to work together, the four Induk of the Forged have created a weak bond between themselves which is further shared between their servants. With this ability the forged is able to replicate an ability belonging to whichever subfactions of the forged that they themselves have not joined that they would have unlocked with their current level of forged points. However drawing the power of an induk they have not fully sworn themselves to carries its own consequences. After using the replicated ability, the forged will find their own bond with their diri temporarily severed for the same number of trials as the forged points needed to unlock the ability they replicated.

He uses this to 'borrow' this: 40 Points: Phoenix Wings: The Fireforged can conjure wings made of pure flames from their back, like those of the legendary phoenix. These wings will allow them to fly as any tangible wings would, though require the Fireforged to learn the flying skill in order to control. Regular attacks cannot damage these wings, however if they are extinguished this ability will end and the Fireforged will fall to the ground (so beware of rain.) The Fireforged can maintain this ability for ten trills per day for every point they possess in the Order of the Fireforged. If the Fireforged already possesses a natural set of wings they can instead coat these wings with flames that will not burn them, preventing them from being grabbed or restrained.

Original template credit, love and admiration goes to Kisaik
word count: 1462


When standing at his full height, Winston towers a full 1 foot and one blueberry tall. A fact he will happily demonstrate before flicking said blue orb into the air with his nose and then eating it with a snappy grin.

His eyes are dark and sharp, ringed by dark brown fur upon the bright white fur that sets off across the rest of his face.


Winston usually carries the following on his person:
  • Cassion's Locket hangs snugly around his neck.
  • Winston's Fairy Bell hangs from his tool-belt attached to his hip. It's 'ringer' is often bound by a small piece of cloth to prevent it giving away his position while in the wilderness.
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Re: The Orange Crush

Not long into the firefighting efforts, Prae found himself joined by a face he faintly recognized, and an accent he definitely remembered. "Good to see you again, Winston," he said, wiping soot from his snout. "Wish it could have been under better circumstances." Without hesitation, Prae offered his Celarion bond to him, Valbjorn and Nellie, linking the four of them mentally and allowing them to share thoughts and images.

Fortunately for everyone, it seemed the cadouri had come well equipped, and Prae's mind raced, taking stock of the possibilities these new resources allowed for. "With these froststones, we can safely send in teams to rescue people from the fire," Prae realized. "Do you have anything we can use as signals? Miragestones or glowstones, perhaps?"

And, like a miracle arrived right when it was needed most, Winston did. Class three glowstones, and class three froststones. Those would make all the difference, if they could find the people to use them.

Setting up a base camp just outside of the dust quarter, Praetorum first established a fourth perimeter along the outside of the quarter to keep the fire from spreading to the base camp, then sent messengers running to all the working volunteers, gathering up anyone who had experience with medicine, with magic, with wells, or who simply believed they could keep a calm mind under pressure.

The healers, he tasked to set up a medical station in the base camp, while the others, he tested, looking for people who could use the frost and glowstones safely. In the end, he found twenty able to use the stones to their full class 3 potential, and sixty able to use them at a lower class 1 capacity.

Now with a more concrete understanding of the manpower he had, Praetorum divided them into a number of groups

First were the search teams. Each consisted of one class 3 user, one class 1 user, and one of his defenders. None of his defenders were able to use the wells, but they were all strong and tough, and he knew he could trust them to help the others out of a pinch if needed. It was also his hope that having one of Praetorum's loyal mercenaries with them would prevent any of these people from running off with the very valuable wells. The two who could use wells would each be given a froststone, and the class 3 user would be given a glowstone. For this team, Praetorum chose people who were fast, nimble, and had keen eyes and ears—he needed them to be able to cover as much ground as possible quickly and thoroughly.

These teams, eight in total (two for each side of the perimeter), he tasked with searching inside the fire, using the snow and wind the froststones created to protect themselves from fire and smoke respectively as they hunted for survivors, the trapped and the injured and unconcious. Once they found anyone they could not help alone, or if they themselves got into trouble, they were to use the glowstones to send up a signal, flashing a bright beam of sunlight into the air like a beacon.

This was where the four rescue teams would come in. Consisting of one class 3 user, three class 1 users, and two defenders, equipped with four froststones (and one glowstone, just in case), the rescue teams would make their way to the signal, and help pull out anyone trapped under rubble or too injured to move alone or otherwise incapacitated, and bring them back to the medical station at the base camp. This group, Prae selected for strength, endurance, and healing ability. They needed to be able to get people out from under collapsed buildings, or to carry multiple people at once, maybe even perform first aid in the middle of the fire if need be.

To both the search and rescue teams, Prae gave very explicit instructions to protect themselves, first and foremost. No mad heroics, no delving too deeply into the flames, and most importantly of all, no separating from their team. The most important thing was that they survive to rescue more people. He also added, on the advice of some of the Order healers, that they were to use the froststones often, even when there was no fire in the immediate area, just to clear out the smoke from around them. Fire was dangerous—smoke was deadly.

The remaining eight class 3 users, and forty class 1 users, Praetorum evenly distributed along the perimeter, giving them froststones and instructions to push the fire back from the perimeter as evenly as possible. They were told to be careful not to let the fire get behind them—their task was to make sure that the fire did not reach the perimeter before everything flammable had been cleared out from it. If they could smother the fire all the way, that would be ideal, but if not, they had to at least buy enough time for the perimeter to be finished. With them, Prae sent a handful of volunteers with hooks and hammers and poles, to tear down anything structurally unstable so the froststone users could do their work without a building falling down on them. They were also there to help the well users out just in case an accident did happen, or to relay messages if something drastically changed. Valbjorn was put in charge here, though he was sure to be spread thin, managing the entire perimeter.

Of course, Prae did not send all forty eight well users out at once. Not only was it a bad idea to exhaust everyone in the first breaks of what was sure to be a long, long trial, Prae was wary of handing out wells to anyone whose qualifications were simply that they could use them. Instead, Prae arranged for Winston, or someone he trusted, to keep hold of the wells, while assigning the users to work in two shifts, returning the wells to storage when they rested, and taking them up when they were ready to help again. Whoever it was keeping track of the wells, Nellie would guard and assist them, just in case.

Two lieutenants and a dozen trusted men were hardly enough for Prae to keep everything in order, though. Prae had seen enough disaster to know—the real chaos would threaten to break out when the fire died down. And he wanted more of his own men around him when that happened. So from his domain bag, Prae pulled out his echo scrolls, calling Ricky, Clarissa to come up the river, and to bring with them a platoon of mercenaries, as many as could be spared without skimping elsewhere.

Finally, Prae himself took up a froststone, and began to loop around the perimeter, helping push back the fire wherever he was needed. If he'd only had his mount with him... But both Sivan and Erasmus were back in Skydas Keep, so Prae had to make do with walking on foot, circling the inferno to help beat it back where it was strongest, and more importantly, to keep updated on what was happening all around the perimeter. If anyone needed to pass a message on to him urgently and could not find him, he left instructions for them to pass it to Winston instead, who could relay the messages to him through the Celarion bond.

Off Topic
Total Wells Used
8 search teams - 2 frost, 1 glow each
4 rescue teams - 4 frost, 1 glow each
Firefighting team - 24 frost out at any given time, given back to Winston between shifts.
Prae - 1 frost

Final total - 57 froststones and 12 glowstones
Last edited by Praetorum on Sun Aug 06, 2023 2:14 am, edited 4 times in total. word count: 1283
Let's play 'What's Weird About Prae'


  • A fiery rune shines under his right eye
  • A firey glow in the back of his mouth


  • A ring of blue runes floats over each of Prae's wrists
  • A silver shield marks the back of his right hand
  • A ring of light around his left forearm


  • His tail is about eight feet long, usually knotted around his waist
  • His body temperature is uncomfortably high


  • Wind gusts with every step he takes
  • The area around him is slightly more static-y than normal
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Re: The Orange Crush


15th Saun, 723

"Did you hear about the fire in the Dust Quarter?" Seira heard a woman ask as she made her way through the crowd in the Earth Quarter.

"Yes, it's awful, isn't it? I heard that the Painted Swine tavern was on fire. My cousin likes to drink there."

Seira glanced at her twin.

"You want to go help, don't you?" Seri asked in a knowing tone.

Seira simply nodded. Already she was thinking that she could join a bucket line, or start one if one hadn't been formed already. Or she could help guide people away from the fire where they wouldn't be in the way. She could also help the injured to wherever the Order of Adunih was set up to treat those who were hurt in the fire. There was plenty of things that she could do to help.

"Let's get going, then. We can always get our errand done later." Seri said in agreement.

Seira gave her a grateful look. Then she ran towards the nearest entrance to the Dust Quarter.


The sight that greeted her brought Seira and Seri to a full stop. Seira's eyes widened in horror and her heart pounded painfully in her chest as terror sent chills through her entire body. This wasn't a fire. This was...a monster. For as far as she could see, the world was on fire. The fire reached up to touch the sky; it was easily as tall as the buildings around it. Buildings that would burn all too soon if they weren't already burning.

There was a loud roaring sound that was clearly coming from the fire. And as she stared at the fire in terrified shock, it almost seemed to be breathing as it consumed everything in its past. The heat was searing even at the distance she stood from the fire. Seira shuddered. What could she possible hope to do against something like this? She took an instinctive step back as she swallowed hard, her mouth going dry with terror; but she didn't flee. Not yet, at least. But neither could she take so much as a single step forward.

Then she heard someone call out to everyone. When she looked up, she saw an Ithecal that was surrounded by an aura of light. She couldn't help but feel in awe of him as he listened to what he had to say. He cautioned people that panic wouldn't help anything and called for them to help cut the fire off before it could spread any farther. As she listened to the man, she could feel herself calming down somewhat. It wasn't that she wasn't afraid anymore, but she was no longer on the verge of panic or too paralyzed with fear to do anything. She also felt that there were things that she could do to help. With those feelings in mind, Seira turned to her twin.

"Go get help." She told Seri firmly.

"Tell every Lightning Knight and Thunder Priest that you can find about the fire. They might know about it by now, but they might not, and every person that is willing to help is needed."

Seri didn't have to be told twice. As Seira watched her race off, she realized that giving someone a task that they want to do would make them more likely to do it even if they were terrified In this case, Seri was clearly terrified...so much so that Seira could tell that she wanted to flee. Asking her to get help would allow her to do just that while still helping in a small way. It would also get Seri out of the danger zone and give Seira one less thing to worry about.

With that done, Seira was about to go help the people who were starting to work on creating perimeters around the fire when she heard a cry of fear and pain. She looked in the direction of the cry and saw that a young girl woman had been knocked to the ground by a group of panicked people. Seira tried to help the woman to her feet and guide her out of the way before she could be trampled by the crowd, but the woman was panicked, and fought her attempts to help. Knowing that she wouldn't be able to do anything unless the woman calmed down and allowed her to get her to her feet, Seira locked eyes with the woman and used her trusted gaze ability so that her eyes would like the eyes of someone the woman trusted. Her attempt to calm the woman down worked, and Seira was able to get the woman to her feet and guide her out of harm's way before she was trampled.

The woman thanked her sincerely before racing away towards the Earth Quarter. Once she was gone, Seira made her way to the perimeter once more. She didn't have the knowledge needed to help with tearing the buildings down, so she joined those who were carrying the wood and other materials away. Seira danced as she worked, calling upon the the ability to improve her abilities while she was dancing. It didn't make her any stronger than she already was, but she found better ways of holding the debris that she was carrying so that she didn't lose her grip while carrying her loads or let something fall when her load became unbalanced.

Seira moved as quickly as she could while dancing her way to and from the perimeter for more debris to carry away. She was determined to help as much as she could, and helping to create the perimeter seemed to be a good way of doing just that.

Seira was affected by Praetorum's Inspire and Radiant Mantle (Minor) abilities. That along with her competent discipline helped her not to flee when she might have done so otherwise.

Actions: 1)She sent Seri to get help (and sent her out of danger).

2) She used her Trusted Gaze (Daianya; favored) to gain the panicked woman's trust while saving her from being trampled.

3) She used her The Beat of Your Own Drum (Daianya; favored) ability while carrying the debris away. Since her dancing skill and strength skill are both competent, it helped in small ways to make the task easier and more efficient rather than raising her target skill (strength) a level.

Trusted Gaze: The Favored must lock eyes with a person and activate this ability. The Favored's own eyes will change to look like the eyes of someone that person trusts or believes in. This change includes eye color, shape, and other such details of the eyes. This is only visible to that person, and it can be done with multiple people in order to overlap the effect. This effect lasts for up to one hour. It cannot be used on the same people twice in one day.

The Beat of Your Own Drum: The Favored will find themselves able to improve in all aspects of their life simply by dancing. No matter what it is the Favored is doing, if they do it while dancing, they will find themselves better at it. This reflects itself in the Skills they use. If the Favored's dancing skill is of higher tier than the target skill they are improving, that target skill may be utilized at one tier higher than it currently is. If the dancing skill is of equal or lower tier than the target skill, the Favored will find smaller improvements to the skill that makes what they are doing easier and more efficient.
 ! Message from: Pig Boy
In no part of Praetorum's post nor mine were trampling crowds of panicked civilians mentioned. Praeotorum's leadership and Celarion and Taithir abilities would've mitigated the panick enough that there isn't an immediate rush. I'm leaving this mod note as a clarification, that there aren't trampling crowds of people (yet). Please don't introduce bigger problems (Stampedes of panicked civilians) in order to highlight the solving of a small one (helping a lady up off the ground, which is fine in itself without introducing the stampede). It's my role to introduce the major issues/problems. Going forward, please focus on aiding in the relief efforts and your own character's actions.

Thank you.

Last edited by Seira Shiryu on Sat Jun 24, 2023 12:59 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 1417
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Re: The Orange Crush


Won't do that again!

Winston was still kicking himself for using the Fire Forged flight ability. It lasted but a few bits and had left him totally cut off from his Induk...

"Man, sorry Winston, I didn't realise et would nat last that long."

"Don't worry Joe, et's nat yuh fault, yuh were jost trying tuh 'elp... naw we know an' next time we will tink maw."

It didn't seem like they were succeeding against the fire as it raged over the city and were it not for Praetorum's leadership, the Ferret would be feeling very small, vulnerable and helpless right now... As it was, he considered what had happened at The First Tree in Yaralon and a sinking sensation began to creep into his gut. He looked down at his Holo-com... He was not makign the most of this... But perhaps Praetorum could... Just one last order.

"Lyra, are yuh dere?"

"Yes, what do you need?"
Came the reply from the Feline Cadaori as her visage appeared over the

"De last time I saw a fire even a fraction dis size, a Fire Anch turned up."

Lyra's eyes widened as the possibility took form in her mind.
"This would be a very appealing event for them, yes."
She replied objectively.

"Ef dat 'appens, we need tuh try an make et as uncomfortable as passible. Me need yuh tuh start sifting trough de Wells we 'ave for any dat are already producing some smoge that will supress fire magic... Jost en case."

"OK, on it!"


The image swapped as Lyra ran off and Cedric took over at the device.

"De smoke 'ere es causing issues. We need sometin' tuh fix det prablem."

"Hmmm... I don't have anything that can deal with THAT much smoke..."

"Cun yuh make some poshans dat will purge de smoke fram de badies?"

"In the time we have right now? No. Probably in a couple of hours or so?"

"Do et! Elara, take down de recipe and Galadrius, get en touch wid de Alchemists guild and see if they can reproduce the potion and get as MOCH medical supplied untuh me pack from de 'aspital as yuh cun."

Winston's leadership was non-existent, but he could communicate good ideas and Geladrius' expertise in the leading of people helped ensure the things that needed to happen in the Lab did so.

With that, he used his connection with Praetorum to update him on the developments and then handed him all the things.

"Praaaaae!!! Chest cun 'old some peepal dat need most urgent help! Jost get dem intuh Chest wid a team af 'ealas an' 'im cun be a mobile clinic. Gat tuh be triaged, but anyone dat needs away from de smoke... Babies... Children... De elderly. Shinwa an' Angela cun 'elp me manage dat and Chest cun take dem. Trust meh! OH! Here! Take dis!"
He passed the Holo-com up to the great lizard.
"Touch de button an' talk, you have de HQ af Isonomia, de Arda af Adinih an' me lab at yuh service. Dem are gud peepal with talented leedas."
He concluded with a node.

This would be the second time in far to recent history that Chest had become a haven, but at least they had healers this time. People started to file into Chest, and makeshift beds were once again set out and people offered help and aid. Winston handed out the medical supplies from the Hospital to the teams Prae had put together and did his best to continue to monitor the Wells and generally speaking follow orders.

"Alsoh, take dees Rubies af Love! Dem 'eal peepal around dem."
He presented them and then helped distribute as Prae felt appropriate with only one caveat.
"Dees are Class two wells an' cun go out wid de groups, bot dese ones es class fours. Dem should saty put, at a base area, cos yuh know..."
There was an element of worry about them being stolen, but it was not really about the cost... Wells were dangerous things and if they got into the wrong hands... He shook his head, clearing the thoughts from his mind. That was something to worry about if there were any people to BE wrong.
Winston gave some Rubies of Love out to heal people and help with the smoke inhalation.

He gave his Holo-com to Prae to improve the effectiveness of that arrangement due to Prea Leadership.

Got the lab to start producing some kind of alchemical potion to help with smoke inhalation.

Got the lab to start finding Wells that will dampen Fire magic in case of unwanted magical visitors.

Uses Chest as a recover location for anyone that most desperately needed to get out of the smoke etc.

Handed out medical supplies from the Hospital using Chest and his
that was IN the Hospital.

Original template credit, love and admiration goes to Kisaik
word count: 833


When standing at his full height, Winston towers a full 1 foot and one blueberry tall. A fact he will happily demonstrate before flicking said blue orb into the air with his nose and then eating it with a snappy grin.

His eyes are dark and sharp, ringed by dark brown fur upon the bright white fur that sets off across the rest of his face.


Winston usually carries the following on his person:
  • Cassion's Locket hangs snugly around his neck.
  • Winston's Fairy Bell hangs from his tool-belt attached to his hip. It's 'ringer' is often bound by a small piece of cloth to prevent it giving away his position while in the wilderness.
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Re: The Orange Crush

15 Saun 723

It was Dan's turn to run the supply caravan for Rosebay, and he had wanted to talk to various shopkeepers anyway, since it had been an arc and both Rosebay's needs and what it could trade for them had changed in that time. He had three of the other settlers with him, two to drive the cart and the wagon, and one other to keep watch and protect.

But just as they reached the outskirts of Rharne, there was an explosion of fire and screaming and the sound of many running feet. Dan's mouth twisted grimly. He had helped to fight a forest fire once. This looked almost as bad and, like forests, there was so much in a city that could burn.

Shopping and talking to shopkeepers would have to wait. He swung down from his pony, Cloud, and turned to the youngest settler of the three, who was also the only farm-raised one and the most clearly afraid. His own hands were quick but steady, as he signed, "Take the carts and the animals back to," he eyed the area and settled on an easy landmark, "back to that tree, picket the animals, set up camp same as the last two nights and stay there."

The indicated settler gulped but nodded, gathering up reins and preparing to lead mounts and draft animals to the indicated place. The other two looked back at Dan. They were slightly older than the first settler, and had grown up in the Dust Quarter. To them, that wasn't just the city at risk. That was their old home and their old haunts, their friends and their family. Dan had grown up there too, but he'd been gone into the wilds for longer than he had ever lived here.

He asked, "Any idea what blew?"

"It looks like it might be a tavern - the Painted Swine at a guess." The settler that answered was the taller of the two, with fair hair. The other had dark hair. "But there's more than that burning."

Dan nodded in agreement. "And we're too far out to easily get to it through the city from here. So we'll maybe start with evacuation for this section. Try not to get caught in any crush. But if you do, cross your arms over your chest," he demonstrating grasping his left shoulder with his right hand and vice versa, "and try to stay on your feet."

They both nodded back, faces grim. Then they all three walked determinedly into the nearest part of the Dust Quarter to see what they could do. There was someone yelling commands closer to the inferno. Dan couldn't understand them, but he recognised command voice when he heard it. Here, people were hurrying, stumbling, coughing, shouting. Not a stampede - yet - but still chaotic.

Get people out, get them clear. That was what was needed. The wind might be blowing toward the main city right now, but Dan knew it could shift any time and send the flames racing this way.

And Dan couldn't talk to most of the people here. All he really knew was Sign. Spoken words always blurred together in his head, no more distinguishable than birdsong. Like birdsong, though, he had learned to mimic a few and he riffled through his scant options, even as he caught a lost person's shoulder and pointed them down the clearest route to the outside and safety.

Someone had taken charge, someone who knew what they were doing, better than he did. Better to link up than risk efforts conflicting and causing more trouble down the line. "Change of plan," he told the settlers. "Get who you can out, but then we're going round the outside to the main effort."

Sent Rosebay's goods and animals back to a safe distance and left someone to watch over them.

Started evacuation efforts in the not-yet threatened area

"Signed words" Spoken words
word count: 670
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Re: The Orange Crush

The Burning of Rharne
The relief efforts were seized upon very quickly by the likes of Praetorum and Winston, and their quick use of froststones helped. Getting them into the hands of those who could use them was an important point as the fires were intense and threatened the integrity of the wells at several points. But those handling them were capable of remaining calm and able to battle the flames back from the north and west, away from the bulk of the movement of refugees and residents.

Dandelion's efforts to move people, spread them out, and prevent a crush helped where he was situated, to the west of the main perimeter roughly, and people were able to move in that direction, most of them arriving at the base camp to report for helping in the relief. Others were drawn farther out to the outskirts of the Dust Quarter.

However, there were people moving in all directions from ground zero, and a smaller group pushing toward the walls of Rharne and the Earth Quarter, who were in threat of getting crushed by themselves. There was a second group, pushing due east, toward the Pit, where many animals, chickens, cats, dogs, and other captured wildlife waiting for their turn to fight for the entertainment of degenerates, were all making loud noises, perhaps begging to be let out of their cages, and sensing the smoke from their confinement. The noise of the animals was quite deafening from the Pit, adding to the general confusion of people pushing that direction, and inability to heed warnings of Praetorum and company.

Meanwhile, the fire was getting put out but had spread to the south eastern perimeter, in weaker forms. Choked by thick plumes of smoke and ash, the clouds of smoke rose even to the walls of the Earth Quarter, obscuring the view of the south east of ground zero.

As the day went on, night came and went, and more people turned up to help in the confinement of the fire. They may have to concentrate their efforts toward the south and east however, if they wanted to truly stop the blaze from spreading. This was made difficult by the unbreatheable air that was arising in that quarter.

The morning came, and with it more of the city woke and became aware of the large fire spreading through the Dust Quarter. As well as the efforts of a few who were utilizing magic wells to fight the fires, to great effect in the northwest.

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Re: The Orange Crush

Breath easy!
After many breaks of sweat, smoke and heat, they were dealing with not just fire-damage, but exhaustion and smoke inhalation. The crews and even winston and his companions were in danger of falling to the smoke if not carful. Praetorum has arrange a rotation of the fire and med crews, which was managing the exhaustion well and and the city awoke, fresh relief arrived from the city and the various organisations, Adunih, Isonomia Lightening Knights and even the Guilds of Rharne has begun to pitch it to help protect their interests or demonstrate their relevance to the city. Winston didn't care why they helped, only that they did and he did what he could to speak to anyone in doubt to convince them it was in their best interest to be seen as a hero of Rharne in this situation.

To help Praetorum spread his influence, he handed him a singular, refined Class 3 Mirage stone and a
"'ere, blow intuh dis an' point dat et at de sky an' 'opefully et will make mar peepal able tuh see yuh. De 'orn will make all yuh teams work more effectively!"
A class 3 was as good as he could do right now, but if nothing else, it would elevate his visage up above the crowd as and when he needed to be seen by them more easily.

Turning his hand to helping inside Chest and following the lead of the skilled medics there, it was with great delight that he finally heard from the Alchemist's Guild. Cedric reported back to Prae, via Winston's Holo-com, after several breaks, that they had produced some potions that could help with the smoke inhalation. It was a simple potion that allowed you to breath more easily, despite the smoke, infusing Oxygen directly into the body while the patient recovered. What they needed were masks, but there was no time to create such complex inventions right now, so instead they were simply using wet rags and the Windstars to clear the air around them and protect their faces.

Such a simple single-elemnt potion to infuse oxygen was easy, but they needed so many of them. He promised the Alchemists Guild access to some of his Alchemical Food recipes in return for any additional aid and even offered to cover costs from Isonomia's purse as the issue of cost was raised.

Another problem began to become apparent... Food... The teams and victims alike needed feeding if they were going to keep up their strength. THIS was something Winston could do better than anyone here. With the help of a few volunteers, he set about getting food prepared.

He summoned a Portal to Saiore's Dream in Chest and stepped through. The relief efforts from the Pirate Attacks were long past now, but the food kitchens were not and in co-ordination with Horatio Thunderbustle, Saiore's right-hand Raccoon, they set about getting the relief kitchens into full swing, using the
and Winston's skill to stretch the
supplies to their maximum
and using Faith's recipes to pack maximum nutrition into the food
to give the people energy and hope
. With each hand-out of food came the words.
"May Saiore protect yuh!"

As potions arrived from the guild they were handed to the the Healers under the management of Prae and use to preserve the lives of those falling to the smoke's blight. Again, as per their arrangement, the guild's name was summoned as they were distributed.
Actions & Affects
Gave Prae a Mirage stone to project his visage to help enhance his presence/leadership.

Helped liaise with and convince the Guilds to get involved.

Started producing a potion. To help with the smoke inhalation and also secured the help of the Alchemist's Guild with this.

Got Saiore's Dream's kitchens involved and brought food and supplied back with Faith's Magic Cooking Pot.

Spread a little faith in Saiore.

Uses his Telka Abilities to improve the effectiveness of everyone involved in Cooking in the kitchens.

Faith's horn
to make the fire-fighters and healers more effective.
All template credit, love and admiration goes to Pyrre Ej'qy
word count: 709


When standing at his full height, Winston towers a full 1 foot and one blueberry tall. A fact he will happily demonstrate before flicking said blue orb into the air with his nose and then eating it with a snappy grin.

His eyes are dark and sharp, ringed by dark brown fur upon the bright white fur that sets off across the rest of his face.


Winston usually carries the following on his person:
  • Cassion's Locket hangs snugly around his neck.
  • Winston's Fairy Bell hangs from his tool-belt attached to his hip. It's 'ringer' is often bound by a small piece of cloth to prevent it giving away his position while in the wilderness.
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Re: The Orange Crush

16 Saun 723

Dusk and night and dawn again, and the fire was still going. This, Dan thought, a grim twist to his mouth, was clearly going to be a long haul. Which meant attention to food and sleep, because a lack of those led directly to exhaustion, and exhaustion led directly to foolish mistakes. And foolish mistakes when dealing with fires like this and other natural disasters, unless you were very lucky, all too easily led to injury or death.

Once he got the Rosebay camp moved close to the base camp, he went on a wide gathering sweep. This close to the city, the selection was limited, and most of the leafy greens would have wilted under the Saun suns, but he still came back with a load of wild garlic, onions, carrots and thyme, as well as tea makings - a bundle of mint for soothing sore throats, and a bunch of chamomile for soothing nerves. He took his findings to where food had clearly been centralised, and delivered the sack of roots and herbs over to whoever looked in charge, for the cooks to use. Whatever was being made smelled good too, and he tipped his nose up into the scent in genuine appreciation, even as he signed, "Smells delicious."

Once he was done there, he looked around to see what else they could help with. Teams and groups of people were going and coming from the fire, but they looked co-ordinated, communicating with each other in ways that he would most likely mess up. Shelter perhaps. If he used turf for it, he could kill two birds with one stone by clearing a second barrier around the camp - if a spark got into the grass out here, it could potentially set off a nasty grass fire on top of the city fire - and stacking the resulting blocks of turf into walls to make the shelter.

Shelter and food and survival were the things that he was genuinely good at, though he was enough of a jack of all trades to handle most things that came up in his life. He fetched spades and the other Rosebay folk and began to dig. Two deep thrusts of the spade blade along the sides of the block, one across each end, and then cut underneath, making a block of dirt and grass that was held together by the grass's roots. He levered it out and set it next to the hole it had left, then went on to the next - and the next and the next. Beside him, the other Rosebay settlers followed his lead. He used the growing hollow left behind as the floor of the shelter, which, being dug into the ground, would also help to reduce the heat inside. He set the doorway where the prevailing wind would pull the smoke away rather than let it in, and once he had an area cleared big enough for even the ithecal commander and his team to stretch out and rest in relative comfort, he set about making the walls taller and roofing it with rough canvas.
Capstones and Actions
Dan is using the following Capstones (both fieldcraft)
Hunger No More
Dandelion's ability to locate and gather food has been honed by all the times he has gone hungry over the arcs. He has learned to eke out food from even the barest conditions. In practical terms, this means that in the wild, he is able to provide for up to 12 people, including himself. (Twice as many as a master hunter)

Gone to Ground
Having lived most of his life out in the wild in all weathers, Dandelion has learned to create shelters even when all that he has to work with is the ground beneath his feet. (For example: sod huts, mud walls, or rammed earth structures). These shelters remain comfortable and functioning in even the most extreme of weather - the inhabitants will suffer no ill effects from the weather in all its forms. They may not be warm when it snows - but they won't be cold, won't be wet, will not stay awake hearing the wind howl, etc. One shelter protects against all potential elements / weather conditions.

Moved Rosebay's camp closeto the base camp for better co-ordination

Gathered and delivered extra food supplies for the cooks

Created a shelter for people to rest in using his Gone to Ground capstone to reduce the heat/smoke inside it as much as he can.

"Signed words" Spoken words
word count: 758
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