• Solo • Earning One's Keep

1st of Cylus 722

Seated on the shores of Lake Lovalus, Rharne serves as the home of the Lighting Knights, the Thunder Priestesses, and the Merchant's guild. This beautiful trade city is filled with a happy and contented people who rarely need an excuse to party.

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Seira Shiryu
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Earning One's Keep


1st Cylus, 722

Seira looked at her book longingly. It was a book about herbs, and she was really looking forward to reading it. She didn't know the uses of that many herbs yet, and she really wanted to learn more. Partly because the more herbs she knew the uses for, the more herbal remedies she would be able to use. But there was more to it than just that. She wanted to find a way to use herbs as weapons and give an extra advantage to the Lightning Knights. The idea of balls filled with herbs that would burst open on contact when thrown was never far from her thoughts. It might be possible to stop a fight before it started if a Knight could use an herbal weapon to cause an enemy to start sneezing or itching so badly that they were unable to fight. Stinging nettles was one herb that might be useful in creating such a weapon, and Seira was convinced that there must be more.

But the house was getting dirty again, and there was work to be done. Seira could hear her sister bustling about the kitchen, so she finished getting dressed, and took a few bits to go through the house and see what needed to be done. The dusting was always a given, and the windows really needed to be washed once a season ideally. The laundry was building up as well, the floors could use a good scrubbing,

"I know that look on your face." Seri commented as Seira walked into the kitchen.

"It's time to clean the house again, isn't it?"

Seira grimaced as she nodded. She found it very ironic that she hated doing housework so much when helping others was so important to her. By taking over all of the household chores for their mother, they were helping her out, after all. But house work was so...Seira sighed, and Seri laughed at her. Seri never seemed to mind doing the household chores as much as she did.

"Well, the house isn't going to clean itself, so we might as well get to it after we eat."

Seira nodded again. Putting the work off wouldn't make it any more of a pleasant prospect. And once they had finished, they wouldn't have to worry about it again for awhile. After they saw to the needs of the animals, they ate a quick meal themselves. Once they had cleaned up after themselves, it was time to get to work.

"How do you want to do this?" Seri asked.

It was a good question. Normally they would work together and make a game of things where possible in order to make the work less tedious. While Seira wouldn't exactly call the work fun when they did it that way, it was a lot more pleasant a task. But Seira really wasn't in the mood for that totrial. The book she had left back in her room was silently calling out to her, and the fact that she wasn't able to read it right now put her in less than a good mood. The fact that she had to set the book she wanted to study aside for something as tedious as housework didn't help matters any.

"Why don't we start by splitting up the work to make it go faster? We need to do the laundry totrial, and that isn't really a task that can be sped up by having us both do it since we only have the one wash board. Why don't I tackle that while you wash the windows? Once we've done those chores, we can do the dusting the way that we usually do? We'll need to scrub all of the floors too, but we can worry about how to tackle that chore when we get to it."

Seri nodded.

"That sounds good to me."

Seira watched Seri leave the kitchen before she did the same thing. The two tubs that she needed in order to do the laundry were big and heavy, so it took her some time to get them both outside. They had to be filled with water, so that was the next thing she needed to do. Like the tubs, the water was heavy to lug around, and it took her many trips to fill each one since they could hold a lot of water. Once they were full, Seira went to get the wash board, and the laundry soap. She added some soap to one of the tubs. Finally, she went to get the clothes that needed to be washed.

Once Seira had everything she needed, she separated the clothes into piles of whites, light colored clothes, and dark colored clothes. The next thing she did was to check to see just how dirty everything was. This led to more piles being created with the dirtiest clothes from each pile going into three separate piles based on color. The moderately dirty clothes went into three more piles, and finally the least dirty clothes went into three more piles.

After everything was separated, she put the dirtiest white clothes into the soapy water of the first tub. She allowed them to soak for fifteen bits while she tried to stop Taerin from making her task more difficult by playing with the clothes. Once Taerin was safely back inside, she started scrubbing the white clothes one by one.

It was hard work scrubbing the clothes on the wash board to get them clean, but the vigorous work helped to keep her warm. While the icy chill of Cylus hadn't fully set in yet, it was far from warm; especially this early in the morning. Once the first pile of white clothes had been washed, rinsed, and hung out to dry, Seira moved on to the next one. This pile wasn't as dirty as the first pile had been, so she didn't need to soak them first. That saved her a little time as she went about her work. And after a break or so, all of the white clothes had been scrubbed clean, rinsed, and hung out to dry.

Seira moved on to the light colored clothes. As before, she started with the dirtiest pile of clothes, and put them in to soak for fifteen bits before she started washing them. Breaks passed as she worked, and by the time she was finished washing all of the clothes, her arms ached with the strain of it. Seira tried to stretch the aches out before she went back inside.

Seri was waiting for her with a mug of hot tea to help her warm up. Seira took it gratefully, and sipped on it slowly.

"The windows are done. So are the floors. I had finished washing the windows before you were done with the laundry so I didn't see any reason to stop working while I waited for you to finish." Seri told her.

"Thanks, Seri."

Seira finished her tea, and it was time to get started on the dusting. They did make a game out of this chore, each taking half of the rooms and seeing who could finish their work first. Seira was already tired from washing the laundry, so her speed suffered. By the time she had finished with her last room, she found Seri standing in the doorway grinning at her. Seira tossed her dust rag at her twin, making Seri laugh as she caught it.

"I think that I had the advantage this time around." she said after a trill.

Seira looked at her.

"You did more work than I did though, Seri."

"Yes, but washing the clothes takes more strength and energy than washing the windows does."

"It takes a lot of strength to scrub the floors if you're doing it properly." Seira protested.

"True, but there were fewer floors for me to scrub than there were clothes for you to wash."

Seira conceded the point.

"I'll owe you a favor, then?" she asked Seri.

That was one of the more common things that they played these games for. Seri nodded.

"Sounds good to me. I'm going to go practice my fiddle for a while. Did you want a lesson?"

Seira shook her head.

"I have a book that I want to study."

"I'll make sure not to play anything too loud then."


With that, Seira retreated into her room.

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Seira Shiryu
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Re: Earning One's Keep


It didn't take Seira long to get some paper and a pen so she could take notes on what she read. Once she had everything that she needed, she made herself comfortable, and began to read.

This chapter deals with herbs and plants that have medical uses in addition to being used for other things. These uses can be as herbs, spices, and other ingredients that are used in cooking, as scents for perfumes, soaps, and candles, as deterrents for insects and other pests, and many other things as well.

Seira smiled as she read this. She really liked learning about herbs that had multiple uses. When she finished reading the opening for the chapter, she stopped to skim through the herbs that were discussed in the chapter. Some of them she knew about already, like lavender, peppermint, sage, and ginger. But there were plenty of ones she had not studied yet such as turmeric, basil, rosemary, garlic, cardamom, allspice, ajwain, black pepper, cloves, dill, mustard seeds, saffron, oregano, fennel seeds, lemons, honey, and many others. Seira quickly jotted down the names of the herbs, spices, and other things that she hadn't studied yet before continuing her reading.

Basil is an annual herb that can be used in both cooking and medicine. It is a fragrant herb in the mint family that is both leafy and fast growing. The speed with which it grows makes it a common choice in herb gardens. The leaves of this herb are large and somewhat delicate. They have a smooth texture that is marked with veins. The leaves of this herb are the part of the herb that is usually used in cooking.

There are many different varieties of basil. Each variety has its own flavor. Sweet basil is the most common variety, and it is popular when it comes to cooking. Other varieties are often named for their scent or flavor. Some examples of this include lemon basil, cinnamon basil, and spicy bush basil.

This is a fragrant herb that has a sweet scent. Overall, basil is both sweet and savory at the same time. But some varieties can be bitter. Some varieties have hints of mint, anise, and pepper, and when added to a dish they add a hint of sweetness. Other varieties have hints of citrus and spice.

For cooking purposes, basil is a seasoning that is used in many different dishes.

Seira took careful notes of what she was reading. When she was finished, she read through her notes to make certain that she hadn't missed anything important. She was very impressed with the book she was reading because it gave more information than what the medical uses of the herb were. She had eaten basil in the past, of course, but she had had no idea that there were different varieties, or that different varieties tasted differently. It did make sense that they would though. And knowing that there were other varieties made her mildly interested in the idea of tasting each kind for herself.

The whole basil plant can be used in herbal remedies. This herb can be used both topically and internally. Basil can be used in teas and essential oils.

Seira paused to jot down the types of herbal remedies that basil could be used in before reading any further. It was as important to know what kind of remedies could be made with an herb as it was to know that the herb could be used to treat.

Basil has anti inflammatory effects that make it useful for treating inflammation and arthritis. It is a cooling herb that can be used to open a patient's pores and allow their body to cool itself. This makes it useful in reducing fevers. It can also be used to both stimulate and relax the nervous system. In addition to this, basil can be used to treat asthma, bronchitis, rheumatism, epilepsy, hiccups, wounds, oral pain, and parasitic infections.

Basil tea can help with digestive problems such as stomach cramps, loss of appetite, constipation, indigestion, and intestinal gas. It can also be used to improve digestion. The tea is also good for helping with headaches; especially tension headaches. Both drinking the tea, and breathing in the steam from the tea will help to ease headaches. Basil tea can also help soothe a cough. When using basil in a tea, it is best to sip the tea slowly for maximum benefits. Basil tea can be sweetened with honey without negating the effects of the tea. If made without honey and allowed to cool, basil tea can be used as a gargle to ease a sore throat.

Seira paused to take some more notes. As she did so, she underlined the words asthma, bronchitis, rheumatism, and epilepsy because she didn't know what those conditions were. She made a mental note to research those illnesses later if she could.

As an essential oil, basil can treat problems that basil tea will not help with. One thing it can do is to decrease stress and reduce anxiety. Basil essential oils can also improve circulation, heal respiratory discomfort, and relieving cold or flu symptoms. People often blend basil oil with two or three drops of other oils such as lemon or eucalyptus for added benefits. Diluting a few drops of basil essential oil with one tablespoon of a carrier oil may help relieve congestion as well if the oil is applied to the chest.

Seira hadn't learned about essential oils or carrier oils and how to make them yet, but she carefully took notes on this information as well. Since she wanted to learn everything she could about herbal remedies, it was only a matter of time before she studied up on essential oils. She did take a few trills to wonder if they were very different than the infused oils that she already knew how to make before she continued with her reading though.

"What are you reading?"

Seira looked up at her sister. After a moment, she showed her the book she was reading.

"I'm reading the section about basil at the moment."

Seri gave her a look.

"Basil...the seasoning?"

Seira nodded

"This book takes the time to explain what other uses an herb might have in addition to its medical uses. I'm sure that someone who knows how to cook and is familiar with the ingredient knows a lot more than I do about the culinary uses of basil, but it's nice to get some information about it."

"I'll let you get back to it, then. I'm going to take Taerin for a walk, so I'll be gone for a break or two."

Seira simply nodded as she got back to her reading.

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Re: Earning One's Keep


When used topically, basil can be used to remove warts. It can also be used to treat snakebites, and insect bites. This herb can also be used for kidney conditions and fluid retention. Chewing on a basil leaf at the onset of a migraine can sometimes offer relief. Finally, basil can be used basil before and after childbirth to promote blood circulation, as well as to start the flow of breast milk.

As Seira took notes on what she had just read, she wondered if eating basil in food could offer any of the benefits that using it in herbal remedies could. It was something to think about at least, and Seira made a mental note to look into it later.

It is best to use fresh basil in herbal remedies because the oils that produce most of the medical benefits are delicate and weaken when the plant is dried.

Seira made a special note of this because some herbs could be used both fresh and dried, but it sounded as though dried basil shouldn't be used in herbal remedies. She would need to remember in the future.

As always, it is as important to know who should not be using an herbal remedy made with any given herb as it is to know what an herb can be used to treat. In this case, basil slows the clotting process of blood, so people who have blood that is slow to clot should not take it. It can also lower blood pressure, so people who have dangerously low blood pressure shouldn't take it either.

Seira copied this down as well. The author of the book had a good point after all; it was always a good idea to know who shouldn't be treated with a particular herb. The last thing she would ever want was to make someone even sicker by treating them with the wrong herbal remedy.

After a while, she set the book aside and thought about what she had just read. She glanced through her notes, and organized them before putting them away. As she did so, she heard Seri come back. Seri. Seri was a far better cook than she was. Would she be able to help her make something for dinner if she asked? It would be nice for them to have something ready to eat when their mother came home from work so that she wouldn't have to cook.

With that idea in mind, Seira got up and gathered a few cookbooks that Seri had so that she could look for a recipe that looked good. Once she had chosen one, she would ask Seri if she was willing to help her make it. But before she did that, she wanted to know more about basil, so she asked Seri if she had any books about seasonings. Her sister had said that basil was a seasoning after all, so a book about seasonings would be a good place to start looking for information about it. She was in luck.

"This is about basil, isn't it? You were reading about its medical uses earlier, and now you want to know about its uses in cooking?" Seri asked as she handed her a book.

Seira nodded.

"I was wondering if any of the medical uses of basil could be given through eating basil in food. That led me to want to know more about how to use it in cooking." she explained.

"Well, I don't know about the medical benefits of basil, or if eating dishes that are seasoned with basil will provide medical benefits, but this should tell you something about basil as a seasoning."

Seri left her to her own devices, and Seira flipped through the table of contents until she found what she was interested in. Some of the information in the book was the same as what she had learned in the book about herbs she had been reading, so she skimmed through that until she found something she hadn't learned yet.

Basil can be used both fresh and dried but fresh basil is typically preferred for cooking. Dried is more concentrated than fresh basil, but it doesn't have the same taste. The dehydrating process draws out more of the mint flavor and less of the anise flavor. When using basil, the general rule is to use one third the amount of dried basil when substituting it for fresh. As an example, you would use one tablespoon of fresh chopped basil or one teaspoon dried basil.

When using freah basil, it should be rinsed under running water and patted dry. The leaves are most often removed from the stem and can be torn, cut into chiffonade, or finely chopped. They can also be used whole and added as a garnish. The thicker stems and stalks should be discarded because they tend to be bitter, but it is okay to include the small stems in dishes. Basil flowers can be used to make both basil flower oil and basil flower tea.

Fresh basil should be added at the end of the cooking process in order to achieve the most intense flavor. This is because prolonged heat will cause basil's volatile oils to dissipate. If you use dried basil it needs to be included at the start of a recipe so that it has time to soften and infuse with the other ingredients.

Basil is a popular choice as a flavoring for infused oil.

Seira took notes on what she had just read. The part about using basil to make an infused oil caught her attention. She knew how to make infused oils. Had in fact done so before when making some herbal remedies. Did knowing how to make infused oils for use in herbal remedies mean that she knew how to make basil infused oil? If it did, then it meant that knowledge she had gained while learning about herbal remedies could also be used in cooking. Where there other skills where one aspect of them could be used in another skill? The idea was an interesting one.

Seira set the book about seasonings aside, and began looking for recipes for basil infused oils. She found one in a chapter about infused oils, and she began to read the chapter.

Infused oils are used in a variety of ways. They can be used as garnishes to plated foods, marinades, and in sauces and dressings. They can also be added to pasta, or even for dipping delicious artisan bread as an appetizer. When making infused oils, it is important to use good quality, mild flavored oils such as pure olive, grape seed, peanut and canola oil. This is because stronger oils such as sesame or extra virgin olive oil will overpower the finished product. The general rule is that the lighter the oil flavor, the more pronounced the herb flavor will be. Many different herbs work well in making herbal infused oils. Some examples include basil, bay leaves, chives, cilantro, dill, mint, marjoram, oregano, rosemary, savory, tarragon, and thyme. You can also add things like citrus peel for even more flavor.

After taking notes on what she had just read, Seira began looking for recipes for infused oils. She found several, and their appeared to be different methods for making them. But one method, the cold infusion method seemed a lot like making the infused oils she had made for making herbal remedies.

"Hey, Seri, can you come here for a trill?"

It didn't take long for Seri to poke her head into Seira's room.

"What is it?"

"I've been reading about herb infused oils, and I thought that we could make some. It might be helpful if we made some herb infused oils. It would be cheaper than buying them, and from what I can see, there's one method of making them that is a lot like the one we learned for making herbal infused oils for herbal remedies. I already know how to make those, so I should be able to help with making these more than I would with cooking dinner for mom, or something."

Seira watched her twin think about what she had just asked.

"I'm game for it. What do we need to make them, and do we have what we need already, or do we need to go shopping first?"

Seira showed Seri the part of the chapter that mentioned what oils and herbs were good choices to use. Once Seri had read that, the two of them headed into the kitchen to see what they had to work with. Unfortunately, they didn't have any of the oils that they would need, and they didn't have much in the way of seasonings either. They would need to go to the market to get the supplies they would need to make the infused oils.

Knowing that they needed to go to the market anyway, Seira checked to see if they needed anything for the house. It was something that she hadn't thought of when they had been cleaning the house since she had been so eager to read her book, and she felt guilty for that now. They were running low on several things, so she made a shopping list before they headed out. Once the twins arrived at the Earth Market, Seira asked Seri to choose what they would buy. She was the one who was the better cook, so it only made sense that she would know more about the quality of the oils and the seasonings that they were looking for. Seira didn't even know the difference between the different types of oil that had been mentioned in the book much less how to tell the quality of them. For that matter, she hadn't even heard of some of them. But she did watch closely as Seri made her choices. Seira wanted to learn as much as she could about cooking now that she had made the connection that a knowledge of how to make infused oils for herbal remedies would be of use in making different infused oils for cooking purposes. It made sense to her that if that were true, then it was possible that some aspects of cooking...or other skills...could also be of use to her in the study of medicine, alchemy...or who knew what else.

After they bought the herbs and oils they needed for the infused oils Seira wanted to make, they split up and did the rest of their shopping. When they got home, Seira felt a lot more sure of herself. She already knew how to make infused oils for herbal remedies, but she looked for a recipe of the type of infused oils that she wanted to make totrial all the same. If there were any differences between the methods, she wanted to make certain to get them right.

As she looked for a recipe, she took note of the four different methods of making infused oils that were used for cooking; the cold infusion method, the blanching method, the steeping method, and the spice paste method. Of the four methods none of them looked especially difficult, but the blanching method required that the oil be kept cold, so Seira eliminated that one right from the start. While it would be easy enough to keep the oil cold in Cylus, Seira was more interested in learning techniques that could be used all arc long. The cold infusion method was the one that she knew about already from making infused oils for herbal remedies so she definitely wanted to make some of those. But she wondered if oils made using different methods tasted different. Was one method better than the others?

"Seri, do you know anything about the different methods of making infused oils that are used in cooking?"

"Not really. I've never tried to make infused oils before other than the ones we made for herbal remedies. Why?"

"I was wondering if oils made using the different methods would taste different, and if one method was better than the others."

"I have no idea. Why don't we try a couple of different methods and find out?"

"Sounds good to me." Seira said with a smile.

She decided to start with the cold infusion method since that was the one she was familiar with.

"Do you know which oils we should use with which herbs, Seri?"

"Not really. I'm not sure it matters."

Seira wasn't especially happy with not knowing for certain if it mattered or not, but that wasn't enough to make her give up. After a little while, she decided to make the choices at random. Hopefully at least something would turn out to be good. They hadn't found any fresh basil at the market, but they had found some fresh chervil, chives, cilantro, dill, lemon balm, oregano, parsley, sage, sweet bay, and thyme since those herbs could apparently be grown indoors all arc long. There were four different types of oil to work with; olive oil, peanut oil, canola oil, and grape seed oil. With ten types of herbs, and four types of oil, Seira decided that they three infused oils using two different types of oil, and two of the other two. That would give them ten different kinds of infused oil made with the cold infusion method, and ten using the steeping method, which was the other method that she wanted to try.

Seira eyed the amount of oil that they had to work with. How much oil were they supposed to use? According to what she had read, they only needed a few sprigs of herbs to infuse with the oil, but there was no mention of how much oil was needed. It seemed unlikely that they had enough to make twenty different kinds of oil, so she decided to make eight. They would divide each of the four types of oil in half to manage that. Hopefully that would be enough oil to use. She also decided that most of the oils should be made using the cold infusion method since that was the one they were familiar with. So they would make one type of oil using the steeping method, and seven using the cold infusion method. They would just need to make certain that they used the same herb to make both the steeping method oil and one of the cold infusion ones so that they could compare the taste.

With that decision made, Seira eyed the herbs.

"Are you sure that you don't know which herbs we should use with which type of oil, Seri?"

Seri shook her head, and Seira frowned.

"Well...you're the cook here. Can you choose which ones to use? I don't even know if I've eaten anything with all of those herbs. I have no idea what they taste like. And the same goes with the oils."

"I guess I can." Seri replied.

Seira watched as Seri hesitated over which oils to combine with which herbs. Once she made her decisions, she wrote them down on a sheet of paper. Seira read it carefully out loud.

"Chervil and chives with the olive oil, cilantro and lemon balm with the canola oil, sweet bay with the peanut oil, and finally thyme and dill with the grape seed oil.

Seri nodded.

"Parsley and oregano are used in a lot of the things I make for dinner, so I figured I would be able to use those readily enough in other ways. Fresh herbs won't keep for long, so we need to use them quickly." she explained.

It was Seira's turn to nod.

"That sounds reasonable."

They split the work, with each of them making four types of infused oil. Seira made the oils using chervil, lemon balm, sweet bay, and thyme using the cold infusion method while Seri made the rest. It was easy enough for Seira to manage. Bruise the herbs with a roller first to release the oils and enhance the flavor of the finished product. Pour some oil over a few sprigs of herbs into a jar, cover it tightly, label it, and set it in a cool place for at least fourteen trials. Finding a cool place to put the oils in was easy given that it was Zi'da.

When Seri began making the cilantro and canola oil using the steeping method, Seira watched her closely. It also looked fairly simple to do. Seri bruised the herbs first then combined the oil and cilantro. When she was done with that, Seira watched her as she warmed the oil on the stove. The rest of it was the same; pour it into jars, cover them tightly and label them before letting them steep in a cool place out of direct sunlight for seven trials. The amount of time the oil needed to steep was the only other difference.

After they were finished making the oils, Seira cleaned up the mess they had made. Then she headed back into her room to read some more.

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Re: Earning One's Keep


Player Name: Seira

Points awarded: 10
Magic xp: none

Knowledge: None (see below for details)

Renown: 0
Loot: Basic-quality herb-infused oils that were made at the end.
Injuries/Overstepping: n/a
Wealth Points: n/a
Consequences: n/a

Skill Review: All Skills used appropriately to PC's level
Notes: This was a solo about doing more chores for her mother, splitting the workload between Seira herself and her twin. Seira was reluctant at first to be separated from her herb book but eventually relented because of her sense of duty to her mother.

Eventually, the twins get into an exchange about how much strength it takes to do this or that chore.

Then, finally, Seira has time alone to read about her herbs, specifically basil. A lot of facts are divulged from the book about the herb basil, but nothing was actually done beyond what happens at the very end of the thread, where the twins make a bit of a mess trying to formulate their own herb-infused oils.

Okay, now about the knowledge. The ones you requested aren't appropriate to what was done in the thread. Ingredient lists are not knowledge. The names of ingredients and herbs are not proper knowledge. Specifically, this knowledge:

Logistics: sometimes a skill in one area can be of use in another

Has nothing to do with logistics as far as I can tell. Logistics concerns planning, organization, and management of resources.

Now we come to the medical knowledge... Seira has 44 knowledge in medicine - almost every last one is about herbs. It's inappropriate to concentrate so much knowledge around herbal minutiae. You can't keep grinding medicine knowledge by listing ingredients, or five knowledge from 1 tiny detail. If you are insistent on grinding every detail, that's fine. But you can't get more medical knowledge like this. It's not fair to players who work hard to come up with different situations to ensure that they have varied knowledge. So any herbal knowledge from here on out should be non-skill if anything.

This has happened previously in this thread where you have requested inappropriate knowledge. Also, I would refer you to the PSF ticket where the situation with your medical knowledge was raised again.

This is the second time that you have had this picked up in the last few weeks. According to the Peer Review guide there is a process for this - this is Step 2 and further issues will lead to Step 3. We would advise that you review any threads in the review queue as a matter of priority.

I would advise, once again, that you read this information on knowledge if you are unsure of knowledge wording in future requests. Also, please make sure that you are clear on the process Peer Reviewers go through in order to not give full knowledge. Again, this is the final repeat of Stage 2.

If you have any questions regarding this, please post a PSF ticket, but I would recommend that you re-read the PM sent to you by the Advocate team before you do that.
word count: 523
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