
1st of Vhalar 718

Seated on the shores of Lake Lovalus, Rharne serves as the home of the Lighting Knights, the Thunder Priestesses, and the Merchant's guild. This beautiful trade city is filled with a happy and contented people who rarely need an excuse to party.

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1st Vhalar 718
The trial before they had met Vri who had returned Faith's memories to her. They were still falling in, those memories, and every now and then he could see, and feel thanks to the marks they shared, a sudden flash of confusion on her face. Inevitably, though, it cleared quickly as each memory got put into place. He was there, as he always would be - calm and quiet and supportive. After they'd got the children to bed last night, they shared a long soak in a bath before getting themselves to bed. When the children had woken this morning, Faith had been more than happy to spend the early breaks of the morning, the four of them, sitting in and on their bed, playing together. Thankfully, the six trials of her amnesia didn't seem to have perturbed the children too much, although Noah was clingy to her and Madison was more inclined to cling to Padraig, it was small and Faith was confident that it would be over with quickly.

"It must have been so difficult for you," she said, lifting her hand to his cheek once the twins had been scooped up by Katie and Cyrus who had brought them breakfast in bed and taken the babies off them. In fairness, Faith found it a little hard to look at Cyrus and Katie in quite the same light and, if there was one bit of the whole experience that she'd rather forget, she'd told him earnestly in the early hours of the morning, it was the Katie and Cyrus bit. Quite how Padraig must feel about it, Faith didn't know but she told him very earnestly that she also didn't want to know. Mostly, she just wanted to focus on him and them.

She thanked Katie and Cyrus very genuinely, though and she stood and hugged the pair of them, thanking them for all they'd done. Then, the older couple left with the children and they got to sit and eat their breakfast together. Faith looked at him and smiled, "I remember how to cook. And mend people, too. And sew. Oh, I can be useful!" Leaning forward, she kissed him softly. "and even when I couldn't say I, I loved you. I've never thought.. well, I have always believed that I would not be able to love you when I was her. I think the only thing we agree on is that we feel like different people, her and me. And, of course, you. It turns out, we agree on you. " Her expression was a little melancholic when she told him how she felt about it. "I wish you'd never seen me like that."[

Picking up a piece of toast and handing it to him solemnly, a strange little ritual they'd developed over the nearly year they'd been married and near two they'd been together her face showed the sudden rush of relief she felt. Just remembering that, knowing that, doing that simple thing was wonderful to her. "Can we carry on with my magnifier totrial"? Faith grinned at him. "Now that I remember it and why I wanted it."
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Re: Illuminations

The trials leading up to this one had been difficult. Faith was right about that and Padraig wouldn't deny it. Even if he'd wanted or chosen to, the connection they shared, him and her, guaranteed that she'd know it. But he'd never been dishonest with her and wasn't about to start now. It had been hard, and now it was like a weight lifting off of them both. As if he'd been holding his breath and hadn't realized, and now it was slowly releasing as she reacted to each new, or old rather, memory that slipped in.

The children were bouncing back quickly as well, and Padraig was grateful for that. And he was also happy to put everything else aside so that they could simply spend their time focused on one another. Him and Faith, Madison and Noah. There was nothing else that could compete, and ultimately, it was the only thing that really mattered. As for Cyrus and Katie? He couldn't even look his grandfather in the eye. And if Cyrus wondered why his grandson was behaving so strangely, or perhaps even suspected that he knew already, the older man made no mention of it and never would. "It was," he admitted when Faith spoke of the experience having been difficult. "More in the beginning than nearer the end. I just realized that no matter what name you went by, I loved you, you loved me and it would be enough."

It wasn't to say that he wasn't incredibly grateful that she had been given back her memories and to be honest he was a bit put off by what Vri had done. Though he hadn't shared that with Faith and probably wouldn't. Still, she was back and there weren't words to express what it meant to him. "And I can't tell you how happy that makes me," he teased. That she remembered how to cook again. It wasn't that Katie was the worst cook on Idalos, probably...maybe. But Faith's cooking? There was a world of difference between the two. They kissed, he slipped an arm around her and pulled her close as she revealed the thing that she regretted. That he'd seen her that way. "Why regret?" he asked. "It's the nature of loving each other. Part and parcel. We see each other at our most vulnerable, and love each other all the more for it. And both yous have a very good sense of humor...You were funny then and funny now," Padraig teased her, though it was the absolute truth.

The magnifier? "You know I'd almost forgotten," he considered, then grinned and snorted, shrugged. "I guess we both did, didn't we. It's a very good idea you know," Padraig said as he got up out of bed and began to dress. "Not just for medicine either...but for biologists, chemists...physicists. We could be on the edge here of creating something that will change science, expand, push the boundaries out decades into the future." It could happen, he figured, so long as the device they'd dreamed up between them actually worked. "The materials and lenses are up in my turret," he said. "I'm not sure how much we can do on our own without turning to an engineer or other expert but I say we give it a shot. Yes?" he said, offering Faith his hand, ready to lead the way up to the top of the turret.

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Re: Illuminations

1st Vhalar 718
She wanted to apologise, for all that she knew it wasn't her fault; but she didn't. He wouldn't hear of it, if she tried and she was too much in the moment, happy to be home and herself once more. Enough herself that she found Padraig's reaction to Cyrus funny, but Cyrus' reaction in return funnier still. In truth, though, she had simply relished every moment of the night before and the morning they'd spent together. That they would have managed had she never remembered, she didn't doubt, they would have simply made new memories, but this was so much better. Still, he was not happy with the situation to begin with and Faith looked at him and spoke, clear that she had to. "I had a dream." she said, softly, "while I was unconscious, I suppose. I remembered it when I woke up, but that's the first memory of it I have." So, she thought it had been while she was unconscious. It had been Vri, though she hadn't known who it was at the time. "He said that there was a lesson I needed to learn, that it would stand me in good stead in what is to come," what that was, she had no idea and really hadn't had the opportunity to ask.

"He told me that it would be uncomfortable, but I would not be harmed. I asked about you and the children and he promised me, no harm. He said that it was something I needed to overcome. But he would not do it without my permission." She looked at him and said, very clearly. "I'm sorry. Next time an Immortal asks me to, I will ask if I can check with you first or.. something?" But they kissed, he pulled her to him and Faith held on to him as though she might never let him go. It was how she felt at the moment, like never letting go. She would, though - to cook if nothing else. Nestled there in his arms he said she shouldn't regret him seeing her like that, but she did. "Even when one of me wasn't trying to be?" She nudged him as he said she was funny, but there was a serious point to be made. "I hate that I used to just accept it. Like it was my place. It wasn't. It isn't anyone's place and I took it. More than that, I tried to be the best slave I could." Faith shook her head. "I'm ashamed of who I was. I want you, them," she motioned with her head to where Cyrus and Katie had taken the children, "to see the best version of me. Not that."

She chuckled and shook her head, though, when he said that he'd forgotten about the magnifier. "We're both funny, look at that," Clambering out of bed, she pulled on a red dress which she belted with a black tie and the took a moment to run a brush through her hair and pull it back in a loose braid. As she did that, she frowned slightly. "I just remembered Sintih's street party. How odd." Shaking her head to dismiss the thoughts, she took his hand. "Yes. Working on the design, we can mock up the best we can. Then, we have something to show them yes? Besides," she said, happy to make their way up the stairs. "You are a far better engineer than you give yourself credit for. We need to work out the lights, how to illuminate it, if I recall correctly?" That this might change science on Idalos was not in doubt to Faith but she stopped and looked at him before they entered the lab at the top of the turret. "I am so blessed, Padraig. And so glad to be home."
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Re: Illuminations

A lesson that Faith needed to learn, Padraig thought, turning and frowning curiously when Faith told him about the dream or vision that she'd had when she'd fallen, but only remembered later. "You never need to ask me first, or for permission if there's something that you need to do," he argued with a smile that was all understanding and fondness where she was concerned. "And I'd hesitate to question the ways or reasons of the Immortals." Well, except that he did, and simply couldn't help himself.

He was a scientist after all. It was his job and his very nature to question. Cause and effect fell into his particular realm of study quite heavily. Like domino's precisely arranged and then toppled over, for every action there was a reaction. "And I don't question your logic or wisdom," he reassured her and she'd know the truth of that in the way he kissed her. Except that in this case, he did question Vri's wisdom, in particular where the children are concerned. After all, they were the twin's parents and not Vri. It seemed that they were in a better position to know what would benefit their children, and what might not.

Still, he smiled and put it aside. Immortals would do what they'd do and the children seemed fine after all. "You should never regret, or be ashamed of who you were, Faith," Padraig scolded her lovingly. "You knew what you knew. Of yourself. Of others, of the world. How could you have known any different. And besides, if not for who you were then, and who I was then, we might never have met and that would be the greatest tragedy of all."

Sintih's party? Padraig remembered that too and he shook his head. "How I hated that guy. I wonder what ever became of him." All things considered, the man had probably crossed, threatened or challenged quite the wrong person by now and they'd knocked him down quite a few pegs. If not all of them. But only if there was real justice in the world.

"We, are blessed," he argued when they reached the tower, she talked about the light source in the device they were planning, even as he lit the lamps in the work space high atop their home. "It needs to be a contained light source inside the device, shielded from the eye when you look through one end." So one didn't risk being blinded, naturally. "But directed out the other end, through the magnifying lens."

Having said that, Padraig looked into his files and located the drawings they'd worked on before Faith's memories had given her the slip, and laid them out on the workbench. "I'd say that this is mostly to scale," he said as he looked over it, and then identified the place where a light source ought to be fixed into place. They would also need, he told her, for the light source to be one that while bright enough, was not so warm that it caused the instrument itself to grow hot. "That would have a negative impact on the viewing, among other things."
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Re: Illuminations

1st Vhalar 718
"I know I don't need to ask your permission," she said softly, a smile lifting up to him. "But I want to talk about things which impact our life with you. Always." Our life, she thought and her expression showed even more pleasure than it had before. The life they had built together from that night in Vhalar, two arcs ago now, when she'd knocked his door having been freed by Tristan. All of the memories which were falling in on her, still, they filled her with a mix of emotions, but mostly, they were wonders to her. When he said though, that he hesitated to question the Immortals, Faith looked at Padraig with a single raised eyebrow. "Is that true, Professor?" Her voice was soft and teasing. "If it was a lesson I had to learn, it was one of the most gentle lessons of my life and.. it has taught me a lot. I'd rather it didn't impact you, and especially the children, but if it has to then now, not later."

His kiss was returned and Faith knew, not because of any Immortal granted ability but because she knew her husband, she knew what was going through his mind. "All of my life, death has been the focus. But it's not, Padraig, and I didn't know that." Logic and wisdom? She didn't feel like she had much of either at the moment, because what had just happened had taught her something which should, Faith realised, have been obvious. "It's love and life and relationships. That's what it is. Every ghost is here because they have something still to do, and that's about love, in it's broadest sense. Every person who fights to live, against poverty or disease or injustice. It's not about death, Padraig," she looked at him with earnest silver eyes. "It's about life. Even the souls, the ghosts, them more than anyone. It's about love."

She considered arguing with him when he said she should never regret or be ashamed of who she had been, but in truth? "Your logic is sound. I'll allow that one," she teased. It was better than admitting that he was right, after all. Her expression was carefully neutral at mention of Sintih, but she considered. "He taught me a lesson. I was much more of a slave than I realised. It helped." She frowned slightly and shrugged. "And he was hurt, that I loved you. I hold no ill will to him." Faith meant it completely, the man had behaved badly and it was his own responsibility, but that was his to own - or not, as the case may be. She wouldn't waste her energy on it. Besides, she figured, he had probably suffered enough.

When they talked about the Magnifier, though, he talked about a light source and Faith frowned slightly. "Can you whip up a quick alchemical miracle for that?" Thoughtfully, her forehead furrowed as she looked at the design. "So, I can see in the dark - if we could make something to coat the lens in that allowed that, would it need less illumination?" Probably not, she thought, since it was stopping it being dark, but she thought it was worth to ask. Then, she glanced at him. "What about glowstones? They don't get hot at all. They just glow and the smaller you crush them, the more they glow?" Glancing up at him, she raised an eyebrow, to see what he thought. It would solve the heat issue. It might mean that they had to make it into a paint, she wondered aloud? She nodded at him. "Or there's always your blood. You and your whole sunlight thing." Which would be better? She honestly wasn't sure since he very much was the physicist of the family.
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Re: Illuminations

When Faith asked if he really believed it, that he wasn't one to question the ways of the Immortals, Padraig looked at her curiously, then grinned a little and shrugged. "Not completely, no," he admitted. "I'm a scientist. My life is all about searching, exploring, solving mysteries, discovering. Usually my questions are directed towards the universe at large. But in a sense, the Immortals are very much a part of that. Let's just say I tend to reserve my questions for quiet study, and might hesitate to confront them directly," he said, grinning again. Perhaps some trial that might change and he might actually ask one, why, face to face. Under the right circumstances at least.

In any case, what was done was done. No real harm done, and it was in the past. Padraig was happy to leave it there. He had everyone and everything he loved. They were all safe and sound. So in his mind there was very little to complain about, and a great deal to be thankful for. But then? Because it was who he was, and he couldn't be anything else, she said something that did make him wonder. "I can accept that spirits who linger, do it because in one way or another, they have unfinished business. But unless you're saying that hate and love are very like emotions, just at opposing ends of the spectrum...Well I can accept that."

But consider, he suggested, a man murdered by thugs in an alley. He didn't know them, had to reason for care for or love them. But anger, even a sense of vengeance were also very strong emotions that he would not consider to fall into the category of love. And yet, a spirit might be compelled to remain behind out of vengeance, and make his murderer's lives miserable for so long as they lived. "That victim's spirit might even drive them to suicide," Padraig pointed out. But he grinned a little. After all, she probably had a rebuttal, right at her fingertips. And he did like a good debate.

But they had other things to do at at the moment. Important things. Much more important than talking about Sintih. That man was better forgotten and left in the past. He didn't rate sparing a thought on, in Padraig's opinion. "Certainly," he said when Faith wondered about an alchemical solution to the problem of sufficient lighting. From dim to solar bright, in honesty, he'd created all sorts of light sources by now. Never this focused before, but he liked a challenge. And no, probably not, so far as a lens coating was concerned.

Glow stones though....or Immortal's blood? One was simple, straightforward, very little chance for error or a later malfunction. When it came to working devices, simpler was usually better. A source made from Immortal's blood on the other hand appealed to a different side of him. It was a challenge. Then again, it was ego and this device was far more important than that. "Both are viable options," Padraig told her. "But I think in this case, the simplest solution is probably the wiser one. Glow stones. Look in that cabinet there with all the small drawers. Bottom row I think. I might have some on hand. If not we'll have to get them. But if so, best we get grinding," he said, and got out the equipment that they'd use to prepare the things.
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Re: Illuminations

1st Vhalar 718
"You," she said with a grin. "Are a very argumentative man. But lets have a look at that man, murdered by thugs and now is bent on vengeance?" Vengeance, Faith argued very solemnly, was retribution, pay back. For losing something - but not just anything. After all, she said, silver eyes alight with laughter as she looked at him. He wasn't the only one who liked a good debate, after all. "Consider," she said, earnestly. "If someone sees a pair of shoes in a shop, and they steal them. Will you care? But what if it was Cyrus' shop? Or what if they were Cyrus' shoes?" Her point was, she said, that the more one cared about something or someone, the more likely one was to seek retribution for losing it. Vengeance, at its heart, was driven by love. "Even those thugs, being driven to suicide? Well, if they didn't care, nothing could drive them there. I don't mean only romantic love, although that is the very best kind," her hand in his held on more tightly, just for a moment. "I mean passion, pumping through your veins. Deep, emotional and raw. Everything that would cause you to seek vengeance for losing is something you love. Or someone." Even hate, she maintained, hate could only happen when someone cared, truly cared about something. Indifference could not lead to vengeance or hatred. Only passion. Love. With the slightest raise of an eyebrow, she added. "Unless you have a counter argument, Professor?"

He considered both the options and agreed that glowstones would be better. Faith nodded her head. She'd thought so, but not for the reason that he did. But because this device, if it worked, should be accessible and able to be made. The less alchemical skill needed the better, as far as the young medic was concerned and the same was true with obscure, and expensive ingredients. So, they got to grinding. "We should sell this as an exercise regime. When did I get so weak?" Raising an eyebrow, she glanced at him. "But I can be a weak girl. My husband is strong and muscled.." Grinning at him she lowered her head to what she was doing. "I'm concentrating. I am."

Frowning slightly, she considered. "So, presumably, we'll want to be able to control the amount of illumination? That being the case, we could put two sleeves inside, both slatted so that they can be lined up to allow as much - or as little - illumination as wanted?" Grinding them down was easy enough, if a little more manual than Faith had grown used to. "I have become lazy and weak," she teased, but looked at the crushed up tiny sand with interest. "So, we do this bit and then, we have a prototype? Or, they can build us one?" Her grin was undeniable. This, if it worked, could change science.

"So, how do we make this into coating?"
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Re: Illuminations

Did he have a counter-argument, Faith asked? Grinning a little and looking sideways at her, Padraig snorted. "You forget who you're talking to. I always have a rebuttal at the ready." Still, he didn't disagree necessarily with the scenario she'd offered up. Except on one small point. "As to your shoe thief and a random shop, I can't say I wouldn't care at all if I was to witness it. I mean," Padraig added, "I might not know the cobbler personally. But he is a man with a family to support, and the shoes he creates are his livelihood. I believe that I'd experience some moral outrage at some level."

He had to agree though, once they were up in his turret and she'd gathered the glow stones, and began grinding them by hand. "It's certainly a good way to build up the arms," he agreed, smiling as he joined her in order to make shorter work of it. "Maybe we ought to put our heads together and come up with an easier way...Sort of like a coffee grinder," Padraig suggested. Why it hadn't occurred to him before? He didn't have the foggiest. But as an alchemist, breaking down ingredients like the glow stones were drudgery at best, and a real pain in the neck and shoulders at worst.

When Faith suggested a way that they might control the amount of light inside the device, Padraig paused and thought on it a few trills before nodding his head. "A very good idea. Sort of like the adjustable shutters that slide into place, narrowing and widening the amount of light allowed through, as you turn the eyepiece of a field glass." That would work, he believed. "You remember helping me with the mirror that I gave to Tristan as a holiday gift?" he asked her. The mirror that an owner would gaze into, and see a different reality of themselves. "The mirror glass coating....We do the same now, but with the crushed glow stones instead."

As for the instrument itself, well, they had the lenses, they'd have the light source soon. But the rest? "I think it might be best to take all our completed components, and a detailed drawing to the engineers at the university. It will require a high degree of precision, down to the smallest fraction of an inch. And it's not my specialty," he admitted.
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Re: Illuminations

Here's your stuff!


Engineering: Break the problem down to its most simple.
Engineering: Consider safety first, but then consider functionality
Engineering: How to direct light
Engineering: Identifying appropriate places to work from a plan diagram
Engineering: The simplest solution is probably the best one.
Strength: Grinding glowstones is hard work.

Loot: None
Injuries/Overstepping: none
Renown: Probably not here, no.
Collaboration: Yes!
Magic Experience?: no


Engineering: Break the problem down to its most simple.
Engineering: Consider safety first, but then consider functionality
Engineering: How to direct light
Engineering: Identifying appropriate places to work from a plan diagram
Engineering: The simplest solution is probably the best one.
Strength: Grinding glowstones is hard work.

Loot: No
Injuries: No
Renown: No maxed
Magic XP: No

Points: 15
- - -
Comments: All this talk of love is almost enough to fill my hollow heart before it drips out the cracks.

Joking aside, it's a nice social thread, with a bit of tinkering thrown in there, and as always nice to see Padraig and Faith's story continuing.

Knowledge checks out, don't see any repeat knowledges in either. Good job.

If you feel I've missed anything or if you have questions about your review, please don't hesitate to send me a quick PM. Thanks!

word count: 216

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