Solo Take these broken wings and learn to fly

36th of Saun 718

Seated on the shores of Lake Lovalus, Rharne serves as the home of the Lighting Knights, the Thunder Priestesses, and the Merchant's guild. This beautiful trade city is filled with a happy and contented people who rarely need an excuse to party.

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Take these broken wings and learn to fly

36th Saun, 718
following this & this
Apparently, he called her his hummingbird. The girl knew this because she had just read it, in Faith's diaries. In her mind, Faith was like a different person - a person that she truly did not recognize as herself. How anyone could think of her being that person, of being Faith, the girl simply did not know. The more that she read, the more that she knew - she could not be Faith. A freed slave who had found love - that she could almost believe. But this woman she read about, she could not be her.

Not her.

She was sitting out in the garden. Her garden, apparently, she tended it and cared for the plants and vegetables there. So they told her. Cosmo was at her feet and every few bits someone "just popped out" to check that she was alright. Padraig was with the children, Katie was in the kitchen doing a lousy job of pretending not to watch her. Tina, who had popped over, for no reason as far as the girl could tell and Cyrus were both in the kitchen too and the girl heard snippets of conversation, hushed whispers she wasn't supposed to hear, as far as she thought, about what the healer had said, whether there was any sign. How Padraig was holding up and, of course, the one that had Cyrus clearing his throat to shut them both up - what about the children?

The girl sighed, deeply.

It is not that my memory is missing, it is that Faith is not me. The person Faith was when she was me may have been the same person, but there were so many things which happened to her and they shaped her. She has changed so much and, were it just that, all that would face me is a journey. A simple journey.

But it is not that.

Those experiences Faith had, they shaped her into someone else. Someone impossible for me to emulate, let alone become. When faced with that, when they hear me say it, Katie, Tina and Luna have all told me that of course it will all come together and of course Faith is me.

But what if she is not? What if that set of circumstances were what made her and thus, she can not be made again?

Of course, they didn't know her when she was me. They have been sheltered from it, from the reality of it. By her and by Padraig, although even he did not know her then, and does not know me now. My mere presence here hurts him, yet he needs me. No. He needs her and this is her form. Her life, stolen by an imposter who he taught to eat two trials ago.

And yet, just the sight of him, his presence. There aren't words to easily describe my feelings, yet my presence hurts him.
Leaning down, she scratched the dog behind the ear. He gave a gentle wuff and rested his head on her, looking up at her with his strange eyes and the girl smiled at him. "It will be alright, Cosmo. You shouldn't worry so much," At the sound of her voice, the talking in the kitchen stopped and the girl sighed. They wanted her to be better, to feel better. Yet she felt fine, better than she had felt in all her life that she could remember. She wanted to give them something, wanted to do what they wanted from her but the overwhelmed young woman was so busy dealing all of the new things right now, all the new people, new situations, new places and routines, the whole new reality that she simply couldn't deal with. She felt a swell of frustration, irritation at herself for not being able to be what they wanted her to be. Not being who they wanted her to be. But she could not be the person they all adored so well.
word count: 670
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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Re: I climbed across the mountaintops, swam across the ocean blue

The diaries, Faith's diaries, they told a story.

It seemed like it should be something she recognized, the story of her life but it was not. It was a wonderful tale, though, that she had read and it added to the feeling of being disconnected from the writer. The words in those diaries spun an epic tale of love, more than anything love. Love for her husband, the man who the girl knew, love for the babies the girl was terrified of and love for the family she had been so afraid to have. Yet it was more than that. Faith, it seemed to the girl who once had been her, served everyone, thought of everyone other than herself and she did so out of love.

And that all grew, all stemmed from her love of Padraig. The girl frowned as she read something, considering it carefully and wondering what it meant for her.
I feel like I was made for him, and him for me. Without him, there would be no me and I know as truly that, were I not with him he would not be who he is. We are two parts of a whole.
Faith wrote, The girl read it and she chewed her lower lip. It was all about Vri, she was sure and the girl was starting to think that it was Vri she dreamed of each night. But Padraig needed Faith and she could not be Faith. That meant, simply, that she could not be what he needed. Why did that hurt? Why did she care? The girl accepted and understood that she did not really care about what anyone else in this house thought, but she cared ~ very much ~ what he did.

Why that was, or might be, she chose not to consider. Instead, she pushed the emotion into her hands and she kept it there. Because she loved him. She knew that, at a fundamental level which she was not ready to admit and yet, the next words which Faith (who knew him so well) wrote, echoed in the girl's brain.

Thanks be to Vri that he did not know me when I was truly a slave. The hurt he feels when he hears of Tristan's treatment of me, it would be magnified by a thousand were he to know who I was. And as much as I believe I would have loved him, the moment I saw him, I would not have been able to give him what he needs. I could not be the person I am and he needs me. I know this and I believe, most strongly, that by teaching me to be free, even in slavery to him, Tristan allowed me to become the person Padraig needs me to be.
And so, the stories unfolded in the diaries she read. The more that she read, the further away she knew she was from whoever Faith was. It wasn't her, that she was sure of. She read of a kidnapping, where she had been snatched in the street and taken up into the apparently freezing mountains in Scalvoris. He had climbed them to find her, they had fought a necromancer named Alexander together the two of them. With people whose names she did not recognize, whose tales she did not know.

It was one story among hundreds, it seemed. From the time that she had brought him food in an obvious rebellion to the man who owned her, to the birth of their children and their wedding with four Immortals there. She read about the woman who had literally murdered Faith and her hand went to her chest, where the small scar from the stabbing remained. Famula had named her as Her Champion and the girl lowered her head and sighed. It was not just her children, her husband and her family she was failing here. It was Famula who she had been raised in worship of, Moseke and Ymiden who had marked her also and Vri.

Love. Death. Sorrow and Remembrance.

If Faith was right, the girl thought, and she had been made for Padraig and him for her, then it was Vri who had made them. Somehow, she did not doubt it. With a sudden inbreath, she closed the diaries and looked down at Cosmo with a smile as he wuffed in surprise. "Sorry, Cosmo. Need to move. To do."

With that, she got up and moved into the kitchen.
word count: 749
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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My silence is my self defense

Katie, who was sitting in the kitchen and drinking tea looked up and smiled brightly at her as she walked in. Everyone did things brightly, the girl thought. With wide and hopeful smiled and the need to repeat her name a half dozen times. "Faith!" Katie said and gestured to the cup of tea which was sitting there. "I just made a cup of tea, Faith, would you like one, little doll?" Faith smiled and nodded. "That would be lovely, thank you. But you don't need to do it, my hands are more than capable."

Having half risen, Katie didn't stop and she shook her head. "Nonsense, little doll. I'm happy to make you a cup of tea, Faith. Sit down. Please, just rest, it's best that you rest." People kept telling her that, too, as though she was going to spontaneously grow memories in her sleep. That caused a slight frown to cross her face as she had a thought. "Is there some evidence that sleep helps memory recovery?" Katie shook her head and laughed a slight, but to the girl's ears fake, laugh. "No, little doll. No, Faith. You look tired, do you feel tired?" Faith shook her head.

Katie just wanted to encourage the girl to say the word I, to refer to herself in the first person. "So how do you feel, Faith?"

That was an interesting question and the girl considered. "That is interesting. Right now, my main feeling is confusion." Katie looked at her and sighed as Faith sat with her cup of tea. "Alright, little doll, well, have a sit down and we'll see if we can't clear that confusion up, shall we?" Faith smiled and shook her head. "There is no need." Katie sighed slightly. "Faith you spend so much time alone and not talking. You need to talk. You're so quiet and it is what you used to be, I'm sure, but it isn't who you are."

The girl looked at Katie and she didn't know what to say, how to explain it. She was quiet a lot, she knew, she spoke when spoken to and that was that. Katie said it wasn't who she was, but it was. It was who she was right now and the girl didn't have any other way to explain it than that. "I'd say she's just herself, wouldn't you?"

The girl looked up at him and smiled. Cyrus was kind and gentle, in the way that everyone was, but like Padraig he didn't push his expectations on her. She was always pleased to see him. Her silver eyes watched him and he smiled at her, kindly. "Did you have something on your mind, or did you just want a cup of tea?" He didn't use her name, it was like he realized that she was tired of hearing it.

Looking down at her cup, she considered how to answer.

"It seems to me, there are many differences in me since the memory loss. Maybe, it would be beneficial to focus on them? See what has changed?" Cyrus shook his head, but said nothing. Katie looked at her and sighed, slightly. "You're like you, but not at the same time. You're quiet where you used to be chatty, meek where you used to laugh. But it's all in there, little doll. It's all in there and you'll get it all back." Frustration, worry and fear built in her. But what if she did not? What if she never got back the memories? What if this was who she was now? She wanted to ask them, but she was afraid of the answer.

Because she knew something, suddenly and clearly and without doubt. She loved Padraig. She was in love with him. He, however, was in love with Faith and the girl needed to work that out. He wanted her to be Faith and of course he did. Of course he did - Faith was his wife and soul mate. Faith was Cyrus and Katie's daughter in law and she was mother to the children. She was all of those things, all of those people and the girl didn't think she could be any of them.

Except maybe, the ones that were most important. Because, she may not be able to do all the things that Faith could do, she might not achieve even a few of them, but Vri had marked her because she loved, she knew that. Now, she just had to work out what that meant.

And so, the young woman determined that she would do what she really needed to do and she would talk to who she had to.

The next trial, she decided, she would go to the Temple and pray.

Last edited by Faith Augustin Champion on Sun Sep 23, 2018 2:08 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 815
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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Re: Take these broken wings and learn to fly

Name: Faith



Loot: A resolution to sort things out.
Injuries: Loving a man who loves another, who happens to be you.
Renown: N/A
Magic XP: N/A

Points: 10
- - -

Wow, I'm always amazed at how the so-called dull threads are often enough the most interesting to me. Maybe I'm dull! Anyway, there's a lot to unpack here, a lot of interesting character development. I think it's an interesting mindspace for Faith to have lost her identity and try to find something that ties who she's become to what people tell her she used to be. Then coming to the realization that she loves Padraig, but still hasn't recovered her grip on her old identity. So it's like she's having adulterous thoughts toward her past self's partner! For shame!

In all seriousness, it's a good read and interesting look into the inner workings of a character's emotions/thoughts as well as a look back to what they have done in the past.

If you feel I've missed anything or if you have questions about your review, please don't hesitate to send me a quick PM. Thanks!
word count: 203
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